Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 18, 1908, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays
by the Gazette Publishing
Co., for $2.00 per annum, or
25 per cent discount if cash is
,paid in ndyance. '
Registrilloxi reopens Sept. 20.
Closes for election Oct. 20.
Presidential election Nov. 3,
Republican National Ticket.
of Ohio. ' ,
of New York.
For Presidential Electors
J. D. LEE, of Multnomah County
F. J. MILLER, of Linn County
A. C. MARSTERS, of Douglass County
,R. R BUTLER, of Gilliam County
The Democratic platform de
mands such an enlargement of
the rowers of the inter-state
commerce commission as will en
able it to compel railroads to per
form all their duties as common
carriers, and to ascertain the
physical valuation of railroads
This would create scores of offices
and would cost the government
an enormous sum of money. .
The platform pledges the party
to enact a law creating a depart
ment of labor, represented sepa
rately in the president's cabinet.
This would mean a new expense
of several millions annually.
The platform declares for an
"adequate navy," which means
the maintenance of the navy at
,' its present, size, at least; and
this calls for an expenditure three
. times as large as the naval bud
get of ten years ago.
The platform advocates "the
organization of all existing na
tional public agencies into a
national bureau of public health"
,with power "over sanitary con
ditions connected with factories,
mines, tenements, child labor,
and other such subjects," which
would require an expenditure of
The platform favors "the es
tablishment of district agricultu
ral experiment stations and sec
ondary agricultural and mechan
, ical colleges in the several
states." If the government
should erect and maintain col
leges in every state it would re
quire an expenditure of many
millions annually.
The platform favors a "liberal
and comprehensive plan for im
proving every watercourse in the
Union which is justified by, the
-needs of commerce," including
the connection of the great lakes
with the .gulf, "and the navi
gable rivers with each other, and
the rivers, bays and sounds of
our coasts with each other , by
artificial canals," and ' we favor
the creation of a fund ample for
continuous work." The possibil
ities of expenditure under such
a plan are limitless.
The platform favors "feleral
aid to state and local authorities
in the construction and mainten
ance of postroads." If the gov
ernment should enter upon road
building it would have to expend
many millions in order to satisfy
the state and local authorities.
The platform pledges the party
to the enactment of a bank de
posit guaranty law, applying to
all national banks and "available
to all state banking institutions
wishing to use it." The inspec
tion and control of national and
state banks which would be re
quired to prevent abuse of the
guaranty law would call for a
large additional corps of govern
ment officers at great expense.
Here are propositions for the
federal control of public health,
schools, roads and banks, with
an expenditure of unknown mil
lions annually.
Yet Mr. Bryan is making
speeches against 'centralization'
and 'extravagance.' Ex.
Ex Senator George L. Welling
ton, of Maryland."' i3 "open and
enthusiastic in support of "Taft.
Eight years ago he appeared on
the rostrum with Bryan at the
greatest political meeting ever
held in Baltimore, and stumped
the Northwest for theNebraskan.
Although now opposing his elec
tion, Wellington says he consid
ers Bryan themost magnetic
man of the day. Explaining why
he is now for Taft, Wellington
says: ' " ' ' , ;-. --
"Eight years ago I felt that
Bryan was beyond question above
indirection of any kind or char
acter. He was to me the person
ification of political honesty,' and
stood for what be believed to be
right, and not for expediency
sake. Since that time there has
been a great change."
He, states that Bryan's silence
now about the measures he for-
meny aavoeatea, sucn as gov
eminent ownership, shows that
Bryan is more intent on gaining
office, than standing up for his
"I consider Taft the ideal can
didate as the representative of
Republican policies," he says,
"and if he is elected there will ' crats of each State were free to act
be less Rooseveltism than many ' wlth regard ch,efly to locaI lnterests-
i - The principle which he then ' formu-
people may imagine. " ; lated seems to have been adopted ty
Wellington thinks Taft;, will Democrats in the West in respect to
Carry Maryland by as large a the relation of the, Democratic party
majority as McKinley did in,'0 the negro- Last week the West VIr'
iqoo u n, ,r j. . , ; ginla Democratic convention embodied
loau w" eiuuKum uirecieu
i ne campaign in tnac scaie.
TK,o P5r,.V,k,W C!at-,W
that the best way to keep Bryan i
harmless is to roll Up a bigger j
majority against him in 1908 than '
. . .... . ., nnn Ti
we cast against him in 1900. It:
is good advice, and the National,
Committee is alive to the neces-
sity of doing that very thing. It
. - .- , 7 . ,
is no easier now than it was eight
years ago, and to think that it is,
is to invite defeat. There is not
so much excitement in September
this year as there was when
Bryan was making his second at
tempt to break into the White
House, but before the end of Oc
tober the air will be full of the
noise of battle. Bryan would not J
ue narmiess, ana.tnose wno real
ize how harmful his election
would be must prepare to put
forth their strongest effort to
prevent such a consummation.
Our Democratic brethren are
having a lively time in Missouri
with election frauds at the recent
primary. In the 4th precinct,
16th ward of Sk Lonis, sixteen
men evidently came up out of
their graves and voted. A special
grand Jury is investigating "the
matter, and has found that in one
precinct 53 per cent of the en
tire vote was fraudulent.
In the opening of the Republi
can campaign at Youngstown,
Ohio, Septemher.6th, more than
12,000 mechanics were in line,
being more than three-fourths of
all the mechanics in that great
industrial center. Youngstown
is one of the greatest manufac
turing cities in the state, and
this is an index of the feeling of
laboring men toward Taft.
A High Class Attraction.
"The Little Prospector"
which "Chic" Perkins will
seen at the Opera House
Sept. 22, is a new western play
of humor and pathos and keeps
the audience alternating in
laughter and tears. The charm
ing comedian "Chic" Perkins
is simple and effective and dis
plays strong emotional charac
ter easily and without studied
effort. She knows how to be
humorous and at the same time
pathetic. The play is pure as
the mountain air and enjoyable
thrughoutits every moment. It
is a delightful idyl of mining
life in the gold fields of Colora
do intelligently interpreted and
greatly enhanced by a lavish
display of costly scenery and
paraphernalia. Here will be a
performance to which your fam
ily may be taken for fun without
vulgarity. By all means attend
the performance of "The Little
Prospector." 1 ' 77-79
Democrats Pursuing Their Usual
DouLIe Faced Policy:'
'. .VI: I-- .7 i. ; i ; , ,n: -i
Upholding Disfranchisement In th
South While Forming Colored
Bryan Clubs In West '
.v. !'. ,.: ;' . ;
' v - - . t ''.
; (From the Baltimore Sun, Dem.)
, General Wlnfleld S. Hancock, who
was the Democratic nominee for Presi
dent In 1S80, declared the tariff .'was
principally a "local question" that Is"
to say, a Pennsylvania Democrat might
be a protectionist for protection's sake,
while a Democrat in Georgia or in
Iowa might hold fast to the doctrine
of a tariff for revenue only. The Massa
chusetts Democrat might be a free
hUe the We8t
trader without reservation of any kind.
might, be a free trader only with re
spect to commodities which were not
1 ?Troduced, by his own state. General
ered an ingenious evasion of the tariff
issue, but it did not produce' harmony
ia the Democratic party, and the gen
eral was defeated. , .. 1
.Twenty-eight years have passed since
General Hancock defined the tariff as
a local question upon which the Demo-
. hl lt8 piatform planks demanding cer
tain qualifications for voters, designed
to disfranchise many negroes. r Their
piauorm aiso comaua a uu i
fuvor of separate coaches for white
and negro passengers on railroads. Tha
'est Virginia Democrats not only re-
fnse to hold ou "f "ve ,bra "
the negro and invite him into their
rol(, hllt thOT flre determined to limit
his political activity by a disfranchls-
-ln hiw and to bring him under the
"Jlm Ja
travels on the railroads of that State.
j .
wuai are ixie rruiiusosi.
Out in .Nebraska and. in Kansas the
Democratic, campaign managers are
organizing negro voters into Bryan
clubs. In Ohio no effort will be spared
to secure the support of the negro
voters for the Democratic national
ticket. What pledges have been given
and what Inducements have been oT-fer-d
does not appear. But it i" a fair
inference that ; the managers haye
gro, perhaps to recognize nim in tne
distribution of offices, if Mr. Bryan
should be elected, and also to take
such action as the negroes may de
mand in respect to the reinstatement
of the negro battalion dismissed from
the army by President Roosevelt for
the attack on Brownsville. Last week
when the West Virginia Democrats
were declaring for a disfranchisement
law and for a. "Jim Crow" law, the
Democratic, convention In the Twelfth
Congressional district of Ohio adopted
a. platform favoring "the enactment
of laws which shall accord 'to- all men.
accused of wrongdoing, whether sol
diers or civilians, a fair and impartial
trial and an opportunity to be heard
before conviction or : punishment."
This apparently, refers to the Browns
ville incident It may also have a
broader meaning and a more extended
application and may be susceptible of
an interpretation which will ' make
Southern Democrats open their eyes
with amazement and possibly with ap
prehension. Race Question "Local Issue P"
There seems to be no ground for rea
sonable doubt that the Democratic
campaign managers in the West, in the
effort to necure negro support for their
national ticket, are acting .upon the I
priuciple that the race question is only
a "local issue." It is evident that the
South does not approve this plan of
campaign, but is powerless to check it.
The Democracy of the South is in full
accord with the position taken by the
West Virginia Democrats last week.
And yet it is assumed by those who
are trying- to get negroes to support
Mir. Bryan that the South will act in
hearty co-operation with the Ohio, Ne
braska, Kansas and Illinois Democrats,
who are welcoming the negro into free
fellowship in the Democratic party
and probably promising to annul the
decision of President Roosevelt in the
Brownsville matter. The theory of
Western Democrats that the race prob
lem Is merely a local issue is calcu
lated to give the South much concern.
Many Democrats In that section may
question whether it Js worth while to
elect a Democratic president who may
open .wide the door of political oppor
tunity to the negro. .
Mr. Bryan criticises Mr. Taft for
adding to the Republican platform. In.
the meantime the number of "para
mount 183088" which Mr. Bryan sub
tracted from the Democratic platform
would fill several large volumes.
Omaha Bee. - ,
Honors are easy again. Every tliue
Mr. Taft buys new horse Mr. Bry&a
mounts a new hobby.-Omaha Bee. 1
WRh the Churches.
"now can a'Yoke' be 'Easy' ?"
will be theme of the morning
sermon- the coming Sunday,
Sept. 20, by the minister Evan
P. Hughes. "Peace" will be the
subject of the evening worship
at 7: 30 p. m: Prom ptly at 1 0 a.
m. the Bible School convenes
under the snperintendence of
Prof. A! B. Cordley. The"" pub
lic is cordially invited to ; attend
these exercises.. f
"CATHOLIC. , ' - "
- As' Father A. Dimier is ab
sent in Siletz, there will be no
services in the Catholic church
next Sunday. . i ; ;
' Rev. J. H. Ellison, a 'former
pastor, will preach Sunday morn
ing at 11 o'clock.
Sunday School at 10 a. in.
Preaching 11 a. m. Subject:
"The abundant life." K. L. C.
E. 6:30 p. m.. Sermon. 7:30 p.
m., theme: "A better country."
Bible study and prayer service
Wednesday at 8 p. in. At Beu
lah Sunday School at 2 p. in.,
preaching at 3 p. m., K. L. C. E.
at 8 p. m.
Preaching Sunday morning
and evening by the pastor, Rev.
J. R; N.' Bell. Morning topic:
"Self Control." Evening topic :
"We talk too much." All made
welcome, and strangers sojourn
ing, in the ciy especially invited.
"First Things First," is to-be
the subject for the sermon, Sun
day morning . .
frOTS ny prpon wanting to
buv or take c e of some fine goate
while they eat up thir brush mav
'phone or call udoo. Wm. H. Savsppj
(jofVBllifl, : O'ffinn. . 26 '
Department oi the Interior.
V. S. Land" Office at Portland, Oregon,
t - June 29th, 1908.
. Notice is hereby given that Oscar Hay
ter, of Dallas, Oregon, who, on June 29th,
1908, made Timber and Stone applica
tion No. oi, lor S 1-2 of NE 1-4 and the
NW 1-4 of ,SE 1-4, SecUon -20. Township
10 south, range 5 west, Willamette Mer
idian, has filed notice of intention to
make final proof, to . establish claim to
the land above described, before Register
and Receiver of IT. S. Land Office at
Portland, Oregon, on the 24th day of
September, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses: W. V.
Fuller; of Dallas, Oregon; Eugene Hayter
of Dallas,, Oregon; F. A. Elliott of New
berg, Oregon; R. R. Liggett of Airlie,
last pub Sept 18 ; Register.
Department of the Interior.
. U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon,
- " - - - July 3, 1908.
- Notice is hereby given that Julia A.
Olts of Dallas, Oregon,' who, on July 3,
1908, made timber land application. No.
019, lor SB U of SB of Section 20,
Township. 10 South, Range 5 West, of
Willamette meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make final proof to establish
claim to the land above described before
the Register and Receiver at Portland,
Oregon, on the 24th day of September,
1908. -
Claimant names as witnesses: W. V.
Fuller, of Dallas, Oregon; Oscar Hayter,
of Dallas, Oregon; Eugene Havter, of
Dallas, Oregon; F. A. Elliott, of New
berg, Oregon.
Algrrnost S Dresser, Register.
Last pub, Sep1-. 14.
Portland and Return, Only $3.50.
The SouthPrn Pacific Company and
Corvallis & Eastern Railway are selling
round trip tickets to Portland from Cor
vallis for $3 50, good going on any train
Saturday or Sunday either via Albany or
wpt aide and good returning either via
Albmvor west side, Saturday, ' Sunday
or Monday. . , "'
16tf R. C. Linvili-e. Apenv
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, May 8, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
State of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Public Land States by act of Aug
list 4, 1892, Iona M. Courtney, of Wood
lawn, County of Multnomah, State of
Oregon, filed in this office May 8th, 1908,
his sworn statement No. 10048 for the
purchase of the W 1-2 of SW 1-4 of.Sec1
tion No. 14, in Township No. 14 S, Range
No. 8 W., and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the County Clerk of
Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 1 6th day of September,
He names as witnesses: S. N. Warfield
of Alsea, Oregon; Sam Bo wen, of Alsea,
Oregon, W. P. Shough, of Alsea, Oregon;
Chas. H. Osburn, of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above described lands are requested
to fie their claims in this office on or be
fore saidi6th day of September. 1908.
last pub Sept 14 " Register.
' V . ; i Are Here Again
Are Needed Again
Extra Pans,Overcoatsv Shoesv '
-s, i4 , Underwear -
Your boy or girl surely needs one or more of the
. : . many articles to make their "SCHOOL OUTi " '
"FIT" complete. ' "" ' .' '
Kline's Store
is displaying a fine new assortment of these goods for
you to choose from.
The New 1908 LaVogue suits
and Coats for women and girls are the height of ap
proval in style and quality with our customers.
Let us number you as one of the lucky buyers, r
Established KLINE'S 1864 -
' At Bidwell & Craveu's old stand
Feed, Seeds and Grain
1 Of All Kinds
Staple and Fancy Groceries
I have come to stay and would be glad
to have you call and see ine.
1 The School
When You Buy Groceries
At This Store
All our goods are guaranteed tj
comply with the
Pure Food Law
We have the best
We Want
Dissolution Notice.
.The copartnerthip heretofore
existing between M. S. Bovee
and M. H. Bauer under the firm
name of Bovee & Bauer has
been dissolved by mutual con
sent, Mr.. Bauer retiring from
the business. All outstanding
debts will be paid and bills col
lected by Mr. Bovee, who will
continue in the business.
M. S. Bovee.
M. II. Bauer.
Hunting Licenses.
The record in trie County
Clerk's office shows that 300
licenses have been issued for
hunting deer in this county.
The law requires that in the
killing of deer the -hunter shall
aDDlv at the Clerk's office for a
tag in case he disposes of the
hide. Ihe Ulerk s record snows
that but one tag has been ap
plied for this season. The infer
ence is that either our hunters
are not upholding their past rec-
You in a Good Potition
i$o Chances
and nothing but
Your Business
ords as marksmen, or else they
don't care to save the hides.
And deer-hides are supposed to
be valuable, too.
Th Facial Expression.
You know the sort of people who are
always dashing about In a hurry, who
never have time for anything, though
they never seem to accomplish very
much, the women who are always ex
cited and hustling, but have you ever
noticed the result of the expressions
they try to put in their faces and man
ners? If they would watch themselves
for just one day they would be sur
prised beyond all measure to see what
wonderful and fearful things they did
with their faces. . .
The -Golf Barometer.
Golf has become far too serious an
affair for trifling. It Is a business or
profession and not a recreation. If pa
terfamilias is on his game and winning
his matches, - his , brig'at ' and sunn
cheerfulness pcrv:id;d the family cir
cle. But should he be "oft it," what i
contrast, -t ;
There are enough serious things In
life wlthont considering yourself one
of them. Cynic's Calendar, v . -