Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 04, 1908, Image 3

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Rev. C. A. Bums of Sodaville
is a ' visitor at the McVicker
home. ,; .'-... ;..'.,;
S. N. Wilkins returned to his
home at Vancouver yesterday
evening. :
The Misses Elva and Eva
Johnson, of Portland, are visit
Miss Edna Groves.
Married On Aug. 27, Mr.
Fred Bonge of Portland and
Hiss Edith Baldwin.
Miss Edith Peck started Wed
nesday on a visit to Chicago and
other points in Illinois. She
will go by way of Sacramento.
Mr. P. J. Cherry, he of foot
ball notoriety with the O. A. C.
two year's ago, is taking a birds
eye view of Corvallis once more.
A telegram from Mr. Bauer is !
to the effect that Mrs. Bauer
stood the operation very nicely,
and was . resting very comfort
ably. .
Lula Gunther, who has been
visiting friends in Corvallis dur
ing the past ten. days, returned
to her home in San Francisco on
Tuesday. -
Henry Cummings and family
came in from the Yahaatz ' pn
luesday.- lie has been, gone
about three weeks and reports a
fine time.' t
Miss Ruby Weller, of! Jtrowns
ville, arrived in Corvallis Tues
day and ' will be the guest ' of.
Miss Mabel Huff during "the
School Fair.
There r will be an interesting
meeting of the Eastern ' Star at
Masonic Hall on Tuesday, even
ing.' All members are earnestly
requested to be present. '
Prof. FulkersOn and wife who
spent their vacation at Detroit
are' at home once more and are
making active' preparations' for
the opening of the public school.
Mr. and Mrs Edwin Jones of
Portland, who have been visit
ing here for the past three weeks
with the tatter's "mother Mrs.
Purdy, returned home, Wednes
day. 0.: T. Beal and daughter,
Maida, of North First St., have
been quite ill for a couple . of
weeks, and are still very low;-
but with hopes of early improve
ment. - Mr. Harry Buggbee has bought
six' lots in Jobs' addition of L.
. H. Hawley for which he paid
11060. . This money was sent
to him by a brother in the east
for investment.
The following parties from a
distance attended the Hollenberg
Belknap wedding : Miss Nellie
McPherson,' of Wasco, Oregon,
Miss Edith Kuney, of Salem,
and Miss Ivey Burton, of Inde
pendence. W. E. Dunham, who lately
came in from California after
an absence of two years, express
es great surprise at the marvel
ous growth of Corvallis. He
says the. old town looks pretty
good to him.
Mr. George Nolan, a democrat
of Klamath falls, has been ap
pointed to succeed Judge Benson
of the first Judicial District. It
shows what we may expect of
our nonpartisan governor when
he gets into Senate.
Word has been received by
friends in Corvallis that Mr.
George, von Derhollen has been
promoted from 2d lieutenant to
purchasing agent in the Phil
ippines. His many friends will
be glad to hear of his prefer
ment. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Mitchell,
of Coquelle, Oregon, have moved
to Corvallis and will open an
upholstering and 2d hand store
in the Bell building, south of
Wade's hardware store. Mr.
Mitchell is now in Portland buy
ing goods.
While waiting the decision of
the courts in the contest case,
Mr. T. T. Vincent and family
have been taking an outing
down on the Luckamute. They
have been in camp for 16 days
and seem greatly refreshed from
she trip.
On display at Mrs. H. E.
Wetherla's Millinery Store is a
hat of huge proportions, familiar
ly known as a Merry Widow. It
is in white, trimmed in the lat
est style, with beautiful rhiue
stone pins and pom poms. Get
a glimpse of it.
at the Taylor yard on Monday
Our merchants always look for
Hoppicking will commence in
the D. B. Tavlor vard on Mon
ward to this harvest with' con-! day Sept. 7th. Room for a few
siderable anxiety as it puts lots
of money in circulation.
Six acre tract, 2 ; acres young j
bearing orchard, a fine tract at.
reasonable figures. Robinson-j
T li.. S- T . - - TO A !
iaiit xveuity a, xuv. vu. -
"Home: Its Essence, Charac
teristics and Continuity" will be
the theme of the sermon, at the
morning worship, in the First
Congregational church, .next
Sunday, Sept. 6th, by the pastor,
Evan P. Hughes. Promptly, at
10 a. m. the . Bible ( School ' con
venes, under the superintenden
cy of john C. Bridwell.' . All are
assured of a cordial welcome at
this church
more pickers.
D. B. Taylor.'
Dental Work.
For Dental'Work of all kinds
at' reasonable prices, go to Dr.
Howard. Office Masonic Tern
pie entrance, Corvallis, Oregon
Lady attendant. Both phones
Hon. Stephen A. Lowell,
Fob sai. s--House and two lots,
342 Tenth street, corner Adams.
Address G.'H. Carl.; Fossil, Ore,
The 'Benton county ' citizens
are acting very wisely in so ar
ranging their exhibits as " to be
able to transfer" them to the
f State Fair at Salem and ' thus
a . - - . j . . . .. .
enable the county to mafce a
splendid showing -at the . great
fair. This is a wise thing to do
as every citizen should be inter
ested in the State Fair.,- Look
after this-matter with -caie arid
thus advertise" the - county-as
nothing else can do.
For Sale; One - hundred
acres of choice 'Fruit " Land, in
walking distance" of the College,
particularly well located 'to cut
into Small " Tracts, for ' which
there are daily calls. ' Onlv $75
per acre -easy terins. ;
Robinson-Cate Realty t In
vestment Co. 73-4 r
Townspeople desiring to reg
ister their homes for student
boarders, please do to at once, by
writing or phoning the college
Y. M. C .A. Hours 8-9; 4-5. lnd.
phone 590. W. K. .Palmer, .
'The committee have been very
fortunate in securing Hon. Ste
phen A. Lowell as the speaker
at' the All-Benton Fair on Sat
urday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr,
Lowell is considered one of,, the
smoothest talkers in the Pacific
Nprthwest and you may rest as
sured that' . you" will be highly
entertained if you will step into
the- big .tent at that hour. The
subject will be ''Oregon Prod
ucts." A big subject handled by
a big man. Don't, ran to near
him. ' . ......
Lee Trusses,
Graham & Wells are agents
for the J. Ell wood Lee Co. s truss-
co, unampion, gross xsody,
French) Set "Screw; ChaseVi Fos
ter or Racket) Tarn'Pad;-French
Adjustable, Hoods,' Eureka and
Celluloid -Umbilical;' - .
,We have a fu'll line of each of
thee trusses, single arid double,
and canr adjust them to fit any
rupture. Ask to see - hand book
on rupture. ' 73-76.
J For Fine Job Pithling go to f For REBT.-Com pletely f ur- ;
the Corvallis Gazette::- r . v 1 jnisheT house'' ot'6 rooms, near.
"TV.chUdren. Address P.O. Box 343
Monday moving on toward Inde- fintirm ' Hppfa-ifr-
pendence. wont will commence
kiuAs, . ,
Session Friday-Contest
Case to be Decided.
- ' There will be a special session
of the' Circuit Court commenc
ing Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock
at which the contest involving
the clerkship will likely be con
sidered by the court. ' The at
torneys for Mr. Vincent filed a
motion to reopen the case to ad
mit of a new testimony. This
motion will likely be taken up
by the court and some disposi
tion made of it.
rloIlenbcrp-Belknap. A
ing wedding.
; Our Ifiugene neighbors seein
to have an epidemic of burglary,
house breaking, and safe-blow
ing,- all of which occulted ' Fri
day night. " They took clothing,'
jewelry, silverware, " and nearly
everything of value they could
find. They also blew open the
safe of Mr. L. N. Roney. It
might be well to' organize avigi
lance committee to look after
these gentlemen of the road. If
one or two men were strung up
it would have a wholesome ef
fect on the balance and perhaps
rid the countrv of such people.
The United Chambers of Com
merce of Japan have extended
an invitation to the representa
tive business men of the cities
along the Pacific Coast to partic
ipate in an excursion which" will
leave San Francisco on Septem
ber 25th. Those preferring to go
by another route, however, will
joiff the party in Japanthe en1
tire tripwillconsumeabout three
months, and the visitors will see
the famous chrysanthemums at
their best.
The Academy of Our Lady oj
Perpetual Help, Albany, Oregon,
under the direction of the Bene
dictine Sisters, will re-open to
commence its regular school
work September 14, 1908. The
new addition in course of erec
tion, which will contain all the
modern improvements, will be
completed at on early date. For
further information apply to
Benedictine Sisters, Albany, Ore.
"Advertising Oregon" is the
title of a page in "Printers' Ink"
of July 8th, one of the most wide
ly known of advertising journals.
And it is no wonder that the
state's work along these lines has
attracted this attention, for no
portion of America is circulat
ing the attractive literature that
burdens the mails of Oregon ev
ery day in the year. Now that
the colonist rates will be in effect
every citizen of the state should
feel it his duty to advertise the
fact in his personal correspond
ence, to send information about
his community to eastern ac
quaintances and to aid in every
possible way the commercial or-
' to increase the state's popula
tion. "
W. B. Chance, Deputy Com
missioner arid Factory Inspector
of Albany, was in Corvallis Tues
day inspecting the machinery
of the various manufacturing
plants of the town. . Perhaps
few of our- people ' realize that
there is a state law compelling
all parties owning - and,. opera
ting machinery to use every pre
caution possible to protect the
operator ' against danger. Our
courts have ruled "that the mas
ter must provide a reasonably
Bafe place for the servant," and
failing to do so, he becomes lia
ble for any damage that may oc
cur." If you put a hired' man to
work with a wild or vicious team,
knowing them to be such, without-Warning
him of "the possU
bility ot "danger you are clearly
liable, but if forewarned and by
contributory negligence you get
hurt you have no recourse. Ihe
legislature undertakes to guard
this question more closely and
hence the appointment of s state
inspector for all kinds of machinery.
Advance styles in Gage Hats,
ready to wear; Children's Hats
and Caps, Merry Widow Veils
and Pins; the latest in Fall and
Winter Flowers and Foliage ;
Plumes, Wings and all kinds of
Fancy Feathers. Miss F. Twom
bly, a competent and artistic
milliner, is in charge of the
work room. I can assure my
customers of courteous treat
ment, whether their order is
small or large. Hats remodeled
at nominal and uniform price.
Agent for the Wade Corsets.
Call and see them.
Mrs. H. E. Wetherla,
Next to P. O. Corvallis,
73-74 Oregon.
Business Maxims.
A beautiful September wed
ding was that of Frances - Edna
Belknap and Roy V. H?Uenberg
which occurred at noon on Wed
nesday, .. at ;5the home. jpf.Uhe
bride's mother on College Hill.
the Rev. D. H. Leech officiating.
Palms were used in profusion
and .quarii ties 'of. white., dahlias.
Just preceding the ceremony.
Miss Inea Johnson sang,' "I love
you truly." To the ' strains' of
Mendelssohn's wedding mircji
played by Miss Cathey, the brid
al party descended the stairs and :
took their places in front - of .a
bank 'of palms. After the vx
pressive ceremony of the Meth
odist Episcopal, church. Miss
Johnso'n sang ". Promise Mel"
'Miss Carrie Buchanan.' .the
bride's-maid, wore 'ia 'frock of
pink organdy and carried, pink
carnations. The ring'7 bearer
was little Miss Marie Fisher, iri
'. -. . . . .......
amty costume of pink.
The bride was very attractive :
in:a- wJJte chiffon . gown and veil; '
She carried a.shWe' boquet f f
white carnations. . . , :. : ' , . ;
Immediately : after the: cere- j
moriy '" the wedding breakfast;
was served under an improvised
canopy on-the lawn. .
' The bride is a former popular
teacher and an' OAC graduate.
The groom is the jr; member of j
the firm of Hollenberg & Son.
'! Mr. and Mrs. Hollenberg have
gone to Portland and on their
return will occupy their " new
home on South Fifth St.
Are you doing what yon can to populate yonr State ?
OREGON NEEDS PBOPLE-Saufcw. honeat Farmed Mechi..
icK Meriaota, CWii, Potl Hh braioa, strong bands nd m
Uliinit heart rpi.l or no capital.
The Southern Pacific Co,
(Lines in Oregon)
la aandirg ton of Oi on literatara to tba East lop distribution
throuxh erery available agenov. Will yoa not help th icood work
of bailding Oregon hr sending ot th names and addrsssss ot
yonr rrioods who sr likely tn be iatarested ia this Htafe? We
ill b iilsd tn bnrhe ezpanss of sending them complete inform
aiion about OREGON and ita opportanities.
COLONIST TICKETS ill be on sale during SEPTEMBER and
' OCTOBER fr the East 10 all points in Oregon. The lares
from a fa principal cites. ' ';:::.'
From Denver
: Omaha .
Kansas City 30.00
St. Louis 1 35.50 ;
Tickets Can
If yon want tn brio a friend or .
proper smonot wiihany.of our
famished bv telegraph. "
Frorii Louisville . $41.70
,; ,Cincihnativ 43.20
V " Cleveland . - 44.75..
u New York . 55.00
bo Prepaid
rnlatis trt Oregon dnaooU the
agenU. The ticket will then be
R. C. LIN VLLE Local Agent, Corvallis, Oregon.
WM. McMTJRRAT. Geo. Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
Plant, New Building,
New Switch Board.
Stick to the thing you know.
Don't forget the toil, the
thought, the planning you have
invested in the business you
have mastered. '
Don't lose ; sight of the safety
the certainty that the work
in hand affords you.
Don t let rosv" visions of op
portunities afar blind your eyes
to surer' opportunities closer at
Dont forsake the duties of
today : for difficulties that may
swamp you. ..
Stick to the thing you enow
Call at Gazette
job work.
office for nice
Two years ago some of our citi
zens decided that an Independ
ent Telephone System was abso
lutely necessary to keep pace
with the growing1 spirit of the
times and organized what has
now proved to be . one of the
largest and most important sys
tems on the Pacific Coast.1
, ! Wheri the plant was organized
Mr DeVarney - installed a 200
line switch board, saying at the
time that it would be. sufficient
for 10 or 15 years. Little did
he dream of the rapid growth
and bright prospects of the fur
ture of the town, for from the
time; the plant was started
it has never been able ' to
keep up with the demands made
upon " it notwithstanding ' the
fact that they have kept adding
from time to time until the pres
ent plant is now. loaded to its
full capacity. Not another line
can be added to the present
plant. It has been a paying in
vestment from the start.
While it is connected with '.
the general system with Mr. A. j
L. Titus as the general manager,
yet the Corvallis Independent
Company retains its individuals
ty and is controlled by our own
citizens "being the only one in
the state thus honored which
was done to give Corvallis the
honor of establishing the sys
tem. ! In order to meet the growing
demands the company is now
looking for a site on which to
erect a new and commodious
building where they can" install
a new plant with all the' latest
and most improved methods oi
transmission. The switch board
will be materially increased and
when the new plant is installed
the sound will play upon the list
ening' ear with sweet melody
like the delicate touch of an ot-
: We are assured that the plans
for the new improvements will
be pressed on rapidly as pos
sible and when completed you
will be amply repaid for any in
convenience you have had in
the past
Ljadies' Tailor Made
S u i t s and Cloaks
Skirts arid Waists,
are a Specialty v
With Us.
F. L. Miller
Jersey Bull For Sale.
r. Descended from Grand Coin and Gold
en Glow , . imported row. testing 18 ita
nutter fat in 7 days with 3 .-at calf. Ad
dress, 11, S. Woodcock. Corrulis Ore-on.
"Tha Most ComfortaUe Plac
ia tfM Honsaw"
Bargain Sale
Dress Goods
Wlieii W Doubt'
About where to golor .
Job;; printing 'that , is
Artistic, - up-to-datet . . ; .
- and all right in pricej
: . . ... besides being always
V delivered on time .... .
Try the Gazette
First - National - - Bank
j ofXSorvalll
has some . .
t6 Wio Ysi r
Near - the , 'State iAirrtcnltaral College
tne install
wmcn you can. .buy . on -
MENT PLAN or for cash.
Smvfon b' twenty
per month.and.Dar the same on a town
on the lot and . continue to make, .the
smaUi monthly payments on .(he home
and yon will soon have it paid for and
have ai more ren u pay., a.
1 For informatioiiaaddrea xahah'
OorvaMiBw Or