THE GOBVALLIS GAZETTE Published Tuesdays and Fridays by the VjrAZETTE , PUBLISHING Co., for $2.00 per annum, or 25 per cent discount if cash is paid in advance. ELECTIONS FOR 1908. Kegistralluu reopens Sept. 20. Closes for election Oct. 20. Presidential election Nov. 3. Republican National Ticket. FOR PRESIDENT WILLIAM H. TAFT of Ohio. FOR VICE PRESIDENT JAMES S. SHERMAN of New York. For Presidential Electors J. D. LEE, of Multnomah County F. J. MILLER, of Linn County A. C. MARSTERS, of Douglass County R. R BUTLER, of Gilliam County WHY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY Should be Successful. The following article, written by Mr. Frank Hendrick. of New York, was awarded $150 by the Republican Congressional Com mittee as the best article submit ted on the subject : I. THE PARTY OF EXPANSION. The Republican party was founded upon the principle that this gove cnment was established to protect for all times the rights and opportunities of every indi vidual from abridgement. That principle is successfully main tained. Through the. Civil War it consecrated a reunited cour. try to. free and equal American citizenship. It has kept the channels of Interstate Commerce open for all and, through the Na tional Banking System, the re funding of the National Debt, Resumption of specie payments, the Gold Standard and the Emer gency Currency Law, has sus , tained the life current of national integrity. As trustees of the National wealth, it has investigated min eral regions, surveyed soils, de veloped waterways, including the Panama Canal, irrigated deserts, conserved watersheds, and hus banded the public lands Pro tecting American labor by regu lating immigration and by taking at the Custom House, to pay American taxes, foreign capital's advantage from low wages, it has'preserved to American indus tries the home market of eighty millions of the world's greatest consumers and so laid the surest basis for American competition in foreign markets. Uniting capi tal and labor, thus, in a common posed conflict of State and Na tional law, the double prohibition of existence serving but to foster tneir development, it has never, in an attempt to destroy trusts, withdrawn, in Stata or Nation, the protection of law from prop erty, but has through Executive investigation and resort to the courts, resolved the conflict which had silenced law and given trusts existence. : - It has never proposed to ad vance American workingmen and American institutions by banish ing American industries and building up those of other lands, and scorned to insult labor with an illusory promise of immunity from law. Yet it passed the Pure Food Law and the Employ ers' Liability Law, secured equal accommodations o n railroads, 1 aidfd agriculture, created the Civil Service, established Free Rural Mail Delivery, reduced for- j eign postage, and increased pen- j s i o n s. Continuing naturally marked-out progress, it will keep its pledges of Tariff readjustment Currency Reform and develop ment of the Merchant Marine, and make the United States the financial centre as it has made it ' the industrial centre of the worlds in. THE CONSTRUCTIVE PARTY IT ORGANIZES THE NATIONAL WILL. In the evolution by which party government has become the extra-constitutional method of se curing responsibility to the peo pie, the Republican Party has be come their traditional represent ative and the Democratic Party the organized aspiration of indi viduals for power without - re sponsibility. Fairly tried KLINE'S Special Door Mat and Rug Sale Second Floor Saturday, Sept. 5th DOOR RUGS WATS . 48C $6.19 -BEST ROOM SECOND FLOOR KLINES Established 1864 Food Guaran teed Pure-Our Pare Food Dept. Notice of Reduced Rates. . The Coryallis fe Eastern Rail road will sell daily,-' between June 1 and September So, 1908, round .trip season tickets to De troit, Ore., for $3.60. Between June 1st and Oct. 15th, to New port, Ore., for $3.75; to Yaquina for $3.25. Return limit cl these tickets October 31, 190S On Saturdays and Sundays only, from June October 11th, round trip tickets to Newport at $2.50, return limit the Monday following date of sale. Sundays only between June 7th and Sept. 27th, round trip tickets to New port for $1.50, return limit date of sale. No stopovers allowed on these tickets. 45tf R. C. Linville. Asrent as in the platform are written the story of the nation's progress and the reliance of the future. Democratic President or a Democratic House would turn back those pages; thereafter Bry anism would record "Destruc tion." This the Republican Sen ate could not prevent. Under f rom : Taf t and Sherman and a Repub- 189d to 1895. the two Democratic Houses and the Democratic Pres ident were a "wild team" and a helpless driver. Democracy agi tates local differences, Republi canism organizes the National ... j . .i - , ,es, including cumimLieu 10 me cause oi numan lican Congress the great progress of the past will be held and the grea er progress of the future will be assured. Graham & Wells are agents for the J. Ellwjod Lee Co.'s truss- the Penfield, Jeli- r I hum TM rn I Tns c tsrwi r liberty; the idea of Liberty and French, Set Screw, Chase, Fos Union expanded for the first ter or Racket, Turn Pad, French time into the reality of the Amer-! Adjustable, Hoods, Eureka and ican nation. 'Celluloid Umbilical. - . In 1879 money was committed I - We have a full line of each of to a specie basis ; specie was at ' these trussessingle and double, once, until 1893. no longer sought , and can adjust them to fit any rrf - rupture. Ask to see hand book U1IU V - .1 llillVllu LU1I VAi3 VY Cllll Lil J a The railroads have 'granted a rate of one fair from all points except Independence which will be one and one-third. "Be sure and get railroad receipt when pnrchasing your ticket so as to secure . your rebate. ALBANY BOOSTS FOR LINE. Favors Extension of Corvallis & ' Eastern Railroad. on rupture. 73-76. MORE BIG CHERRY TREES. Now Trot Out Your Giants but Be Like George W. in the Hatchet Story. premium at the reduced rate of interest. In 1896 business men were again committed to confi dence; before a single statute was enacted prosperity set in and in ten years bank deposits almost trebled a permanent gain which tne recent panic, a state ot As large cherry trees seem to mind" now completely dispelled, take a prominent place, these' scarcely touched. In 1896 busi- j days, throughout the state, the ness was committed to fair meth-i Times comes to the front with ods : without compulsion that is still larger than any tions largely ceased. yet reported. John Brown, not The Reoublican Partv. at each,tlie Jonn Bro wnose souigoes period, sounded the public con- prosperity and common source of science, felt the National pulse, increased reward, it has created i framed its policies in response, and realized in law the dominant ! American idea. Its'construclive opportunities, improved condi tions of employment, ' brought about a higher standard of liviner, and more widespread distribution of wealth and well-being, and made expansion moral as well as materia!. Intrusted with insular posses- j The party of statesmanship, it ions, it has brought them peace , has been the training school of and progress, and provided for statesmen. Its nolicies have the extension and protection of j been forged in the heat of public j goodly marching on, but of the Irish Bend country, brought us in the measurement of a cherry tree on the James Martin farm. . It is over fifty years old and meas ures, two feet from the ground, past assures its constructive fu-j9 feet llf inches, and four feet ture. It is to-day as it always! from the ground, 10 feet 7. in has been. "The Party fit toshes. During the life of Mr. Martin this tree was the pride of his. heart. Junction City Times. And now, in the fourth year of the second reign of Theodore, cometh the tidings from the town of Beufountam, in the or a Govern.' IV. THE PARTY OF STATESMEN. county of Benton, A special from Albany says that city has begun a S3-stematic effort to secure the extension of the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad into Eastern Oregon. At a meet ing of the Albany Commercial Club Wednesday evening the matter was discussed and a com mittee appointed to confer with Manager J. P. O'Brien, of the Southern Pacific lines, in" an effort to have him use his influ ence with Mr. Harriman for the extension of the Corvallis & Eastern. A statement will be prepared showing the advan tages of this extension and other parts of the state interested in the extension of this line will be asked to co-operate in the move ment. The Corvallis & Eastern now extends 54-miles east of Albany, well up into the Cas cade mountains. At the same meeting of the Commercial Club a committee was named to confer with Major J. F. Mclndoe, of the United States Engineer Corps regarding the improvement of the upper Willamette. I am Back In Business Come and See Me At old stand ef Whiteside &. Cooper SPECIAL Cut Prices on Fancy Dishes. Come in and look the stock over. All fancy dishes at greatly reduced prices. D. D. BE R MAN NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, June 29th, 1908. Notice is herebjr given that Oscar Hay ter, oi Dallas, Oregon, who. on June 29th, 1908, made Timber and Stone applica tion No. 01, tor S 1-2 of NE 1-4 and the NW 1-4 of SE 1-4, Section 20, . Township 10 south, range 5 west, Willamette Mer idian, has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver of U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon,, on the 24th day of September, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: W. V. Fuller; of Dallas, Oregon; Eugene Hayter of Dallas, Oregon; F. A. Elliott of New berg, Oregon; R. R. Liggett of Airlie, Oregon. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, last pub Sept 18 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. . U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, July 3 1908. Notice is hereby given that Julia A. Olts of Dallas, Oregon, who, on July 3, 1908, made timber land application. No. 019, for SE of SE of Section 20, Township 10 South, Range 5 West, of Willamette meridian, has filed .notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described before the Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on the 24th day of September, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: W. V. Fuller, of Dallas, Oregon; Oscar Hayter, of Dallas, Oregon; Eugene Havter, of Dallas, Oregon; F. A. Elliott, of New- Lberg, Oregon. Algernon S Dresser, Register. Last pub, Sep1-. 14. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stotes Land Office. Rosebunr. (Wmm. Mav 8 lonR ' Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act o kliut ihc -saic ui umurr isnus in ui . i i r a,, , . ii ii ii ii i u i i rr 11 1 1 1 v.v.iih mn all the Public Land States by act of Aug ust 4, 1892, Iona M. Courtney, of Wood lawn, ouniv 01 at uitnoman. oiaie o Oregon, filed in this office May 8th, 1908, put chase of the W 1-2 of SW 1-4 of Sec tion xno. 14, in lownsuip jo. 14 o, xiange No. 8 W., and will offer proof to show mat tne land sougnt is more valuaDie tor its tiniber.or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk of Benton Countv, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Wednesdav. the 16th day of September, 1908. ' He names as witnesses: S. N. Warfield of Alsea, Oregon; Sam Bowen, of Alsea, Oregon, W. P. Shough, of Alsea, Oregon; Chas. H. Osburn, of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or be fore said 16th dav of September, 1968. . BENJAMIN L. EDDY, last pub Sept 14 Register. LOW RATES EAST .WILL BE MADE YHIS SEASON BY THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES IN OREGON From Corvallis,. Ore. As follows : - Both wnvs One way To throPKh via Portland California CHICAGO $75.10 $90.10 ST. LOUIS - 70.10 85.10 ST. PAUL G2.60 84 35 OMAHA 62.60 77.60 KANSAS CITY 62.60 77.60 Another Bubble Bursted. American iraae, ior ere iNauonai discussion, tempered in the delib- cherry tree wnicn doth to, a defense, and for the honorable ! eration and shaped in the conflict 'verity knock the spots off from discharge of ' the responsibilities Df manv tr'ined minds an(j the trees heretofore mentioned. of world greatness. Maintaining rirflwn nnrl finnllv wnno-ht for 14 hath the name of Rojal Ann, peace at home, with foreign na-jfne country's welfare. Domina tions and among them, it has tng its members through princi given American rights and Amer- pieSf jt asSures unity in Govern ican opportunities new meaning ' ment . jts staun chest partisans throughout the nation and have made the greatest contribu- tnrougnouc tne worm.- tions to National progress. The , 0 II. THE PARTY OF PROGRESS AND roster of its leaders is the na- PROSPERITY. ! tional Promising progress and pros perity, it has been politically sin cere, it has never naa a candi date of a section, prejudice, or roll of honor of public service. V. TAFT AND SHERMAN CON STRUCTIVE CANDIDATES. Republicanism stands - to-day class, ncr a platform ot negation for progressive policies in safe scheme of repudiation, program ' hands. By solving constructive of scuttle, or doctrine of despair, j problems of world power in the It has never lent itself to a de- jast two administrations, William mand for revolution, to be fol- h. Taf t taught the world our ca lowed by Veaction and retrogres- pacity and us his own. . In all has stood firm for evolu- constructive legislation for twen tion by constant, steady and en-1 ty years James S. Sherman - has during progress. Finding trusts, ' been a leader. In the records of giant-born, flourishing under sup- the Republican candidates as well hath grown since 1848 upon the land of one J, H. Edwards, thus having lived full three score years, nearly the allotted age of man. its ioliage ham a spread oi three score and three feet, and a girth, at three feet from the ground, of eleven, feet and one inch. It hath always produced of fruit an abundance, and at divers times hath yielded full five and twenty measured bush els. Now the chief elders and tillers of the soil in the kingdom of Benton have caused proclam ation to be made that through- j out the length and breadth of the land there exists not a tree of the cherry variety that is greater than this, the chief liars among the scribes and pharisees to the contrary notwithstanding. Call at Gazette job work.- Prof. E. E. Elliott, head of the Department of Agriculture in Washington State College, at Pullman, has investigated the so-called "Alaska" wheat, grown by Abraham Adams, at Julia etta, Idaho, which was heralded through the press of the entire country as a discovery which would' revolutionize wheat grow ing in the United States. The publication of these articles caused great excitement among farmers, many of whom had ar ranged to buy seed wheat at fab ulous prices. One farmer wrote to Prof. Elliott and offered him $5 for a single head of the wheat. Prof. Elliott is regarded as one of the best authorities in the United states on wheat. He visited the farm .- where the wheat is grown, took photo graphs and made a thorough ex amination. His report is that the wheat is a well known vari ety and of poor quality ; that the whole bombastic story pub lished is a fairy tale with hardly an atom of truth in it. . Portland and Return, Only $3.50. The Southern Paeifif Company nnd Co'vaUi & Eastern Railway splline round trip 'i'-kets to Portland from Cor vallis for $3 50. pond goine on any train. Saturdav or Sunday either via Aibunv or wpet aide and eond returning either via Albnvor west side, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. 16tf R. C. Linviu,e, Agent Tickets will be on sa'e May 4, 18 June 5, 6, 19, 20 July 6, 7, 22, 23 ' August 6, 7, 21, 22 Good for Return in 9O days with stop over privileges at pleasure within limit". Remember the Dates For anv further information call on R. C. LINVILLE, Local Ageat. Or write to WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Benton County Lumber Co. Manufacturers of all kinds of fir Lumber,, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Cedar Shakes Dealers in . Doors, Windows, Lime, Brick, Cement, Shingles, etc. OO ATS Any person wanting to buy or tiike Cir of flouie fine goats wnile tney eat up' their brush may 'phone or call uoou Wui. U. Savage, Uorvaliic, Oregou. 26ii Again we would remind ' you office for nice . that wood would be acceptable ion subscription. You Take H7o Chances When You Buy Groceries At This Store All our goods are guaranteed to comply with the Pure Food Law We have the best and nothing but the best. We 'Want Your Sasintssss