Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 18, 1908, Image 2

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..m:.v-.jt. -J j
x uuiuueu i urouoj o auu A- i iuoj
by the Gazett Publishing
Co., for $2.00 per annumor
25 per cent discount if cash is
paid in advance.
Registration reopens Sept. 20.
Closes for election Oct. 20.
Presidential election Nov. 3.
Republican National Ticket
of Ohio.
of New York.
For Presidential Electors
J. D. LEE, of Multnomah County
F. J. MILLER, of Linn County
A. C. MARSTERS, of Douglass County
R. R BUTLER, of Gilliam County
.BK. -..
1 rt a mim4wr nmnrinna nior natri 1
... u,au,( a
Wf-n frj-tn -r-r - It . WaimI'
1 -i j
.u . ii .i .
iieiu, nauurauy cause ine average
, i v c 1
Altai w vv v-i-avt., uuto
of unrest.
In California, Washington.5 Or
egon, Missouri, Idaho, New york
and many other States relentless
-warfare has been waged by fac
tional strife in both the. Republi
can and Democratic parties, and
many partisans express grave
fear that eternal ruin is at hand.
Perhaps this view may be just
ifiable, when taken from a parti
san standpoint, but when we
realize that in all of these States
railroad manipulation, boodle,
land frauds, licentiousness and
vice have taken precedence over
patriotism and good government
we begin to feel that it is but an
awakening of that just retribu-
tion that is i,ure to come an 1 pur-
ify the atmosphere in public life.
in perhaps eighteen States or
more, for the first time in history,
the people have been called upon
to express their preference by the rights of the people, would
ballot for United States Senator, do more to promote their mater
Had the Dresent manner of
m i
mg by the legislature been satis-
factory the people would never
aoxvcu nuo ywvucBc
The master minds who
pared that remarkable document next four years the material in
known as the Constitution of the terests of the people of this
United States little dreamed that
predatory wealth, with all the
corrupting influences at its com-
rcand, would walk into our legis
lative halls and name a man for
Senator. But history in many
cases has taught us this is true,
It would hardly seem necessary
to recall this fact to an Oregon-
lan; the bouthern Pacific R R. I
could testify to it in California;
the baking powder trust could
give you positive evidence of it
in Missouri, and we might follow
on down through the galaxy of
States and find similar condi-
Mnnv incrnna nro on t.J
ord where one or two terms in
the legislature at a salarv of
from $3 to $5 ner day. have en- a
abled members to return to their
. hrtmps nnrl make lavish imnmva.
;ments on the farm or in the
borne. In what other calling or
.profession could money be made
30 fast on such a salary, or the
bill of fare at the capital be so
pleasing to the hungry soul? Is
it any wonder that the neighbor,
seeing these things, becomes en
vious and seeks to change the
law that makes them possible?
The Senator then elected must
repay the debt cf gratitude he
owes to his benefactor and friend!
and hence he shakes the political;
plum tree that his friends may
gather up the luscious fruit.
Sometimes the crop is short and
then the devil's to pay. When a
man is looking for plums he will
never be satisfied with sour
grapes. '
This condition has existed so
long that its baneful influences
have permeated nearly every
branch of the government and
(may have played-Tmimportant
I part in the recent decision of the
IsuDreme court in the standard oil
o Jcase. - . , . - -. -: .
i This restlessness' means that the
masses of the people are awaking
to the true condition of affairs
and have determined to get rid of
the Shylocks who are demanding
the Dound of flesh."
It means that whether republi
can or democratic, prohibitionist
or socialist purer and cleaner men
must be found.
I shall take the stump for
Taft in September, and from that
time onward I will be at the com
mand of the Republican National
These are the Vv ords of Senator
Dick, of Ohio, who had been
counted on b Democrats to re
main out cf the canvass this
year, it is announced that Sen
ator Foraker wil not only talk
for the ticket, but he rwill begin
his stumping just as soon as the
Ohio canvass opens in August.
.j . , Brvan as an allv of
the Democratic party this year,
,s booked to make a tour through
nuureui uic luiuuic Kcaiiiui
. . . . ,
i laii. u uctit juou ao ouuu ao.
National Committee gives the
word. ! From : Kentucky, report
comes that Senator-elect Bradley,
one, of the most ardent of the
supporters of Vice President
Fairbanks 'for the presidential
nomination, is to speak for the
ticket in Kentucky, Indiana and
Ohio. Several speeches are to
be made by Mr. Fairbanks in his
own and neighboring states.
The Baltimore Sun, the lead-
ing Democratic paper and one of
the oldest in" Baltimore, has an
nounced its intention to support
Taft and Sherman. In its stir-
ring remarks it says
"The Sun is convinced that
the 'arm of the law' personified
by a President of balanced iudsr
ment, with a thorough knowledge
0f the law a man of steady
Durnose. iust. and resolute
would prove a better defender of
ci nciiaic itLiakx viisj Ji& oxtxsa. uaa
done in the hands of Roosevelt
or than the bia- club could do in
the hands of Hrvan. It is our
pre-deliberate judgment that for the
country would be safer with Mr.
Taft at the head of the National
Government than with Bryan,
The report of the State Treas
urer showing the annual appor-
tionment of the state irredu-
cible school fund, which was
made on the 1st day of Au-
gust, gives a total apportionment
of $256,067.20.vthe largest in the
history of the State. Benton
county, with 2.754 persons of
school age, is entitled to $4,406.40
as its share in the apportion
The "Oregon Peach" is the
latest thing out in Oregon's pol
nursery. It is produced on
non-partisan stalk with a dem-
ocratic top graft, and grows
most' luxuriantly in Statement
No - 1 soil- A coat of whitewash,
hand rubbed, periodically about
election season, aids materially
in the development of this varie
ty of "peach." Ex.
Last Wednesday morning Mrs.
S. Bemis, said to be from Port
land, was killed in her cabin on
the Siletz by the large limb of a
tree falling on the structure.
The body was carried three' miles
through the timber to a road and
taken to the Siletz Agency for
Last week a Los Angeles man,
while in a fit of religious frenzy,
seized an axe and with it killed
his grown son and daughter, and
seriously wounded his wife, then
cut his own throat with a razor.
He will probably die. . He was a
member of the Peniel Hall band
of freak religionists.
Ira D. Sankey, the famous smg-
ing evangelist, anther of "The
Ninety and Nine" and other pop
ular hymns, passed away at bis
hoine in Brooklyn," N." Y., Thurs
day night. He ' was . 68 years of
age. . .' -..
Additional Locals.
Mrs. Miller of Deer Island and
Mrs. Waigamott and ; two little
daughters of Brownsville were
in Corvallis the last "of the week
to attend the - wedding of Miss
Olive Mallow and Wallace Col
bert, the bride being a sister of
the two ladies. . ..,
' The Forest Service has just
announced the following ap
pointments on National Forests :
California, Charles W. Fulton,
Forest- Guard on the-Monterey
National Forest.
Oregon, Sherman A. Brown,
Forest Guard on the Cascade
National Forest.
Oscar W. Pearce, ForestGuard
on the Columbia Natn'l Forest.
Corvallis has another claim to
unusual honors. She has a lady
carpenter who does not have to
lay down the hammer and saw
for anyone. This lady, is Mrs.
Carl Hodes, Jr., " who uses car
penter tools with the ease arid
skill of an expert, and who has
recently 1 made a; cupboard that
is said to be as fine a piece of
work as - any carpenter Ijn town
could turn -out. Not only this;
but. . Mrs. j Hodes has made a
handsome couch, bookcase and
other articles both, useful and
ornamental' for her home,' and
has no trouble in constructing
any article she undertakes. 'Her
father was a cabinet maker, and
when a young, girl Mrsj Hodes
assisted him in making a large
whistle that is in use at the pres
ent tim0 on a sawmill in a neigh
boring town.
The much advertised circus
aggregation that is "doing" Or
egon in more ways than one un
der a name which once stood
for excellence and fair dealing,
is just now getting quite a roast
from the press of the state for
its gratuitous insult to said press
in the shape of a proposition to
extend the "usual courtesies"1
(which means two 4-bit tickets)
ine xchange for about $10 worth
of advertising. Some years ago,
when this show was owned and
managed by the parties whose
names are now used as a trade
mark, the press was liberally
recognized and paid a fair price
for its services in giving the
show publicity. But now it is
very different. And, strange to
say, there are. many editors even
in Oregon who value their own
advertising space so cheaply that
they jump at the bait and donate
advertising to a concern that
is of no possible benefit to the
community, and carries away
many thousand of its dollars.
When newspaper men cheapen
the value of their own space by
such fool breaks -they should not
complain if their home patrons
place a like valuation upon it,
D. D. Berman has looked all
oer the valley to find a place he
liked better than Corvallis, but
he has decided it could not be
found and hence came back sat
isfied to take his place once more
m the ranks of our business
men. He could not stand it to
see Whiteside & Cooper behind
the counter in the old stand
where he did a nice little busi
ness so long, and hence walked
in with his check and told them
to step out. . He is now ready to
meet his old friends once more
and give them a cordial wel
come. Success to you, Mr. Ber
man. Where Shall it be Held?
There seems to be some differ
ence of opinion as to whether
the AU-Benton fair shall be held
down on the flat near Mary's
river or on Second street. Some
question has arisen as to wheth
er the immense crowd of people
that is sure 'to be in attendance
can be accommodated on the
With the Arnold shows ar
ranged in the streets and 800
feet of canvass, 24 feet wide,
stretched along Che street, to
gether with all the bunting add
ed by merchants and the addi
tional display of dry grain and
grasses, it might be well to care
'fully consider the danger of fire, i 63
Also should a fire occur whether
the insurance companies would
be liable with this state of affairs
existing without having notified
themt'-- . " - - j
Let our business men. and ibe
committee having this matter in
charge, have a'.; thorough under
standing so that no friction may
occur to. mar the -pleasant rela
tions that have . always existed
auiong our business men. It is
not the intention or desire of the
committee to be arbitrary in the
matter nor do they ' care N to as
sume all the responsibility. Let
it be placed where it will do the
most good to the greatest num
ber and then let us see to it that
this AU-Benton Fair is the big
gest and pest ever held.
The following lettsrs remain uncalled
for in the Corvallia joatoffice, lor the
week ending Aug. i5, 19j8 :
; Mrs K C Crystal. H 6 Eldridge, D G
Gay, Mrs Minta Norton, Miss Melissa
Skaiggs. ,
B. W. Johnson, P M
GOATS Any person wanting to
buy or take cure of some fine gosts
while they cat up their hruh may
'phone or call nnoa.Wm. H. Savage,
Corvallis, Oregon. i 26 i
Always get my prices on poul
try, dressed pork and veal before
you sell, , J. A. Dawson, 'phone
209.- .-v 68-71
Fruit and
Fi owers
Keeping Quality of Fruit Grown In
Sod or Under Tillage.
Here is a question, often asked at
fruit growers' meetings, as answered
In part by H. W. C. in Rural New
Torker: "Is it true that apples grown
In sod have better keeping quality than
those grown under tillage?"
No one seems to say yes or jjo with
out qualification. My own experienc
indicates that the cultivated apples are
larger. lighter in color and less firao
than those grown in sod. My sod fruli
will certainly average smaller and con
Biderably higher in color. Our onlj
keeping test is that of putting all to
gtether in an ordinary cellar, as we sell
most of our fruit early. From this
test I feel sure that the sod apples are
better keepers. In commercial apple
culture this does not make so much
difference, as most apples are put at
once into cold storage and kept there
until sold. -Scientific
A large number of scientific experi
ments have been conducted with vary.
Ing results. There is a certain definite
time beyond which apples should not
be in storage. After this period the
sod fruit keeps best. The sod fruit
matures earlier than the cultivated
and if picked at the same time is a
little higher colored. This high colored
matured fruit of course keeps better
than immature fruit, especially with
the earlier varieties, like Wealthy,
Alexander and Fameuse. These vari
eties undoubtedly keep better when
grown on sod land than fruit from
tilled land picked at the same time,
Where the latter was allowed to grow
longer there Is not much difference.
In commercial orcharding I think more
depends on other things, such as pick
Ing and handling. No matter how the
pple is grown, bruising and rou.
handling will hurt the fruit.
Fruit Wrapping Machine.
A fruit vrrapping machine has been
pat In operation in California. It re
quires practically no attention and en
tirely automatically wraps the fruit.
says Country Gentleman. . The fruit
rolls down a slight Incline to the op
erator, turning slowly over as it ap
proaches him and giving him an oppor
tunity to remove defective specimens.
The fruit is lifted and placed stem np
In rubber cups, which carry it to a
mechanism operating much as the hu
man hands. It Is carried to the paper
neing cat ana printed rrom the roll.
The twist of the paper Is made over
the . stem end. thus cushioning the
stem and preventing puncture injury
If the machine becomes clogged, It la
topped by a clutch operated by elec
tricity. A counting attachment regis
ters the number wrapped. The capac
ity of the machine Is said to equal six
ood wraDDers.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Roeburg, Oregon,
May i2. 1908.
Notice. is hereby Riven that Adolph
Fromherx. cf Monroe, Oregon, who on
July 8. 1903, made Hom8tead Entry,
No. 12890, for Lots S, II, 13 and 14. Nee-
tion i2. Township i4 8., Range 7 W
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final five year proof,
to establish claim to the land above de-
seribtd. before the Count Clerk of Ben
ton Conntv. at Corrsilis, Oregon, cn the
16' h day of September, 1908.
Claimant names as Witnesses : Vjeorsre
Tompkins of Monroe, Oregon, K. F. D.
1 : W. C. Graves of Monroe, Oregon. R.
F. D. i; J. E.Williams of Monroe. Ore
gon, R. F D. i; Charles Gilmao of Mon
ro. Oregon, it. r. v. i
76 BumamikL. Eddy, Bsgister.
Notice of Reduced Rates.. ?
The Corvallis Eastern' Rail
road -.wUL seU,-vdailyt between
June 1 and' September 30, 1908,
round trip season tickets to De
troit, Ore., for. $3.60. v Between
June 1st and Oct -15th", to-Newport,
Ore., for $3.75; to Yaquina
for $ 3.25. Return limit of these
tickets October 31, 1908, On
Saturdays and Sundays only,
from June 6th to October 11th,
round trip tickets to Newport at
$2.50, return limit the Rlonday
following date of sale. Sundays
only between June 7th and Sept.
27th, round trip tickets to New
port for $1.50, return limit date
of sale. ' No stopovers allowed
on these tickets.
45tf R. C. Ltnville, Agent
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oreeon,
' June 39th, 1908.
Notice is hereby erven that Oscar Hay-
ter, of Dallas, Oregon, who, on June 39th,
1908, made Timber and Stone applica
tion No. or, tor S i-a of NE 1-4 and the
NW 1-4 of SE 1-4, SecUon 20, Township
10 south, range 5 west, Willamette Mer
idian, has filed notice of intention to
make final proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before Register
and Receiver of U. S.' Land Office at
Portland, Oreeon, on the 24th day of
September, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses: W. V.
Fuller; of Dallas.Oregon; Eugene Hayter
of Dallas, Oregon; F. A. Elliott of New
berg, Oregon; R. R. Liggett of Airlie,
last pub Sept 18 Register.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of theestate of Nellie J.
Barden, deceased. f
Notice is hereby given to all persons
concerned that the undersigned has been
duly appointed administrator with the
will annexed of the estate or said Nellie
J. Barden, deceased, bv the county court
or the state of Oregon for Benton County.
All persons having claims against said es
tate of Nellie T. Barden, deceased, are
hereby required to present tho same, with
proper vouchers therefor, duly verified as
by law required, within six months from
the date hereof to the undersigned at the
law. office of E. E. Wilson in Corvallis,
'Dated this 17th day of Julv. 1908.
August Bardejt,
Administrator with, the will annexed
of the estate of Nellie J. Barden, deceased.
Last publication Aug. 14th'
Department of the Interior..
U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon,
July 3, iqoS.
Notice is hereby given that Julia A.
Olts of Dallas, Oregon, who. on Julv 3,
1908, made timber land application. No.
019, tor SJS ot feiS '4 ot bection 20,
Township 10 bontn, Kanpe 5 West, ot
Willamette meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make final proof to establish
claim to the land above described before
the Register and Receiver at Portland,
Oregon, on the '24th day of September,
Claimant names as witnesses: W. V.
Fuller, of Dallas, Oregon: Oscar Hayter,
of Dallas, Oregon; Eugene Havter, of
Dallas, Oregon; F. A. Elliott, of New-
berg, Oregon.
Algbrnon S. Dresser, Register.
Last pub, Sepf. 14.
Tor Fine Job Printing go to
the Corvallis Gazette.
Portland and Return, Only $3.50.
The Ronthern Pacific Company and
Corvallis & Eastern Railway selling
ronnd trip tickets to Portland from Co
vallis for $3 50, good going on any train
Saturday or Sunday either via Albany or
wpct side and good retnrning either via
Albany or west side, Saturday, Sunday
or Monday.
16tf R. C. LnrvirxE, Aeent
Benton County Lumber Co.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts,
Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes
Dealers in
Doors, Windows, Lime, Brick, Cement,
Shingles, etc.
You Take fJo Chances
When You Buy Grocenca
At Thia Store
All our goods are guaranteed ti
comply with the
Pure Food Law
We have the best
uic ucaii, , mm
Wo Want Your Business
Hodes Grocery
United States Land Office,
Roseburg. Oregon, May 8, 1908.
. Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress! of June 3, 1878, entiUed "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
State of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Public Land States by act of Aug
ust 4, 189a, Iona M. Courtney, of Wood
lawn, County of Multnomah, State of
Oregon, filed in this office May 8th, 1908,
his sworn statement No. 10048 for the
purchase of the W 1-2 of SW 1-4 of Sec
tion No. 14, in Township No. 14 S, Range
No. 8 W., and will offer proof to show
tbst the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the County Clerk of
Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 16th day of September,
He names as witnesses: S. N. Warfield
of Alsea, Oregon; Sam Bo wen, of Alsea,
Oregon, W. P. Shough, of Alsea, Oregon;
Chas, H. Osburn, of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above described lands are requested
to file their claims in this office on or be
fore saidx6th day of September, 1908.
last pub Sept 14 , , Register.
- THE -'x
V,- ... - ' '..' -' ' i
From Corvallis, Ore
As follows :
Both ways One way
To throngh via '
Portland California
CHICAGO $75.10 $90.10
ST. LOUIS 70.10 S5.10
ST. PAUL . 02.60 84 35
OMAHA 62.60 77.60
KANSAS CITY 62.60 77.60
Ticketsjwill be on sale
May 4, 18
June 5, 6, 19, 20
July 6, 7, 22, 23 1
August 6, 7, 21, 22
IGood'for Return in 90 days with stop
over privileges at pleasure within
Remember the Dates
For any further information caU on
iB. C. LINVILLE. Local Agent.
Or write to
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
and nothing but