Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 18, 1908, Image 1

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    VOL XLV.
NO. 69.
Fifteen word or lees, 25 eta for tbret
successive insertions, or 50 eta pe
month; for all np to and including tet
additional words. i cent a word for eaci
For all advertiaementa over 25 words,
1 ct per word for the first insertion, anc
yi ct per word for each additional inser
tion. Nothing inserted for lees than 'Jt
Lodge, society and church notice
other than strictly news matter, , will bt
charged for.
House Decorating.
W. . Paul, Ind. 488. 4lU
Office np stairs in Zierolf Building
Only set of abstracts in iientou Count?
Office in Post Omce Building, Corval
lis, Oregon.
GaxkttS ana - Weekly Oregonian ai
(2.60 per year.
Auuurgeon. Roams 14, Bank, Bniid
lag. uolce Hours : 10 to 12 a. in., as to
4 p.m. Residence: cor. 6th ana Aa
. miis ecs. 'lelepnune i omce and ren
taence. Oorvalus, oregou.
and Surgeon. Special attention given
to the Eye, Nose and Throat. Ottice
in Jonnoon Biag. Ind. 'pnone at ot
bee and lesidence.
rectors and Licensed Embalmeru.
Successors to S. N. WUkine, Corvallis,
Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. Bell Phone
241. 8otf
takers and iiuenaeu embaimeis, bourn
Alain bt.. Corvallis, Or.
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business. Loaut
money on approved security. JJralUt
bought and sold and money traneierrea
to tue principal cities ot the Unitea
btates, Europe and foreign countries.
are looking for hoinestad locations
or relinquishments, also some good
timber claims. ' If you know oi any
good homesteads or timber claims it
will pav you to write us. Address
Failing Building, Portland, Oregon.
Oregon, on instalment plan and as
sist purchasers to build homes on theni
if uesired. Address First National
Bank, Corvallis. Or.
Or., for spot cash, balance instal
ments, and help parties to build hornet
thereon, it desired. AMdress M. S.
Wood .'ock, Co-vailie, O..
Administrator's Notice.
Notice i. herebr given that the undersigned has
been duly appointed by (lie Couuty Court ot the
Mate ot vjrwgou lor the County oi Bentun as ad
ministrator oi the estate 01 Martha Nichols, de
ceased, and that he lias duly qualified as such ad
ministrator. All persons having claims aguiust
Haid decedent are Hereby notified to present, the
same, duly verified, to me at my residence in
Corvallis. in tienum County , Oregon, within six
months of the date of this notice.
Dated at Corvallis, uregou, this 9th day of Ap
ril, itfoS.
Administrator oithe estate of lurtha Nichols,
deceased. 33U
Agricultural College
Corvallis, Oregon.
Offers collegiate courses in Agriculture,
including Agronomy, Horticulture, Ani
mal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, etc;
Forestry, Domestic Science and Art; Civil,
Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engi
neering; Commerce; Pharmacy. '
Offers elementary courses in Agricul
ture, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art
Commerce, and Mechanic Arts, including
forge work, cabinet making, steam fitting,
plumbing, machine work, etc.
Strong faculty, modern equipment, free
tuition; opens Sept. 25.
Illustrated catalogue with full informa
tiao on application to the Registrar, free.
A Thing of Beauty and a Credit
to the City. .
Very few of our citizens real
ize the importance attached-to
the imposing structure now in
course oi construction on the
hill adjqiningthe college grounds,
known as the new Y. M. C. A.
building. They are aware, per
haps, that the dirt has been re
moved and that a pile of build
ing material has been used, but
they have not stopped to notice
the magnificent building or the
architectural beauty which char
acterizes every part of the struc
ture. Nor do they realize the
important part it will play with
the student body at the college,
in the formation of character or
moral influence it will have in
spreading Christian sentiment
among the students now attend
ing this great' institution of
learning. With the mind of the
student thoroughly impressed
along these, lines, they will go
from the' college to their homes
and there the ameliorating in
fluences here impressed will find
lodgment in other hearts and
other minds.
Necessity, the mother of in
vention, impressed the idea' of
constructing such a building on
the minds of the student body,
and it assumed a tangible shape
under the able leadership of the
lamented Clay Shepard, whose
soul was enkindled with the fires
of enthusiasm for the cause of
Christianity. Private donations
were made by the students and
an appeal to the citizens of Cor
vallis was not made in vain.
Two prominent citizens of Port
land gave $1000 each, and fur
ther donations came from vari
ous f sources until the manage
ment felt justified in the erection
of the building.
The contract was let to Chas.
Heckert and Rev. C. T. Hurd
was placed in charge as superin
tendent of construction. Under
their able management the build
ing has progressed rapidly and
we are assured it -will be ready
for occupancy by October 1st.
They are using great care in the
manner of construction, earnest
ly endeavoring to make it con
form to the spirit as well as to
the letter of the contract and we
feel safe in saying that no fault
can be found along this line by
the most skeptical.
The building is 50x72, two
and one half stories, with base
ment under the entire building.
The first story is built of brick
and then comes the belt line
that encircles the entire build
ing. The remainder is frame
board lined, then covered with
building paper and steel lathed,
after which will follow concrete
cement plaster. Cement sills are
built over the windows which
are very neat and durable. ;
The building faces the south
and the general t appearance,'
viewed from the outside, is very
attractive and reflects great cred
it on the architect. The porch
to the south entrance is 12x30.
The floor of the porch is sup
ported by steel girders and floor
laid in', cement, making it very
durable. Cement steps will lead
up to the porch. The columns
on the porch are built of brick
and extend to the secpnd story.
It will be heated by indepen
dent steam plant in J,he base
ment, and the plumbers, Senger
& Freeman, are now at work in
stalling it.
The southwest corner of the
basement will have a swimming
pool, 19x36 and 8 feet deep, and
will be drained bya 6-inch drain
tile. Three . shower baths are
also to be seen separated from
view of the main room by marble
slabs. A banquet room extends
across the east end of the base
ment from north to south, 20x44,
with a fireplace on. the side. The
entire floor of the basement will
be laid in cement, . --
The entrance to the first floor
will be from the south porch 4o
Buy' Twenty Acres to Clear Col
lege Way. Will Pay '
Nearly $60,000. :
An important meeting of the
Regents of the Oregon Agricul
tural College was held today at
the office of W. W. Cotton. The
board met for the purpose of ar
ranging to purchase 20 acres of
land which has been for a long
time a hindrance to the progress
and development of that institu
tion. The state of Oregon has
elected that the agricultural col
lege shall be located at Corvallis
but when the site was selected
for the erection of the buildings
title could not be secured to all
of the lands contained within
the tract settled upon. Numer-
ous imposing and costly build
ings have been constructed and
between the buildings were lands
owned by private citizens." The
meeting today decided to pur
chase these, says Thursday's
Evening Telegram. The' state
will pay from $1200 to $3000 an
acre. -
President J.,K. Weatherford,
of the board of regents, arrived
in the city at noon. He said:
"The agricultural college is in
splendid condition. We will
have from 1500 to 3000 students
next year and to accommodate
them we. will be compelled to
ask for an addition to the ad
ministration building, but that
matter will be taken up at a later
meeting. We will complete the
new agricultural building by
October 1st and have enough
money to complete an addition
to this building. I note that the
good roads conference recom
mended that the college estab
lish javcha
connection with our engineering
department. We have had such
a chair for some time, but we
will intensify its usefulness by
employing more skilled assist
Those in attendance at the
meeting were Governor Cham
berlain, State Superintendent of
Public instruction J. H. Acker
man, President Buxton, of the
State Grange, and Regents J. T.
Apperson, Oregon City; W. P.
Keady, Poitland; J. D. Olwell,
Central Point; W. W. Pierce, Hot
Lake; B. F. Irvin, Corvallis; E.
E. Wilson, Corvallis ; W. J. Kerr,
president of the college faculty.
and Regent Mrs. Clara B. Waldo
of b&lem. Regent W. W. Cotton
was absent.
the lobby. This lobby will seat
400 and will be used by the stu
dent bodies. It will have pan
nelled wainscoting, 5 feet high.
On the east side will be the sec
retary's office and at the side a
neat cloak room. The northwest
side will be a trophy room where
medals awarded and scalps of
football men stored as a warning
to all comers. This room will
also be used by the Y. W. C. A.
The second story will be used
by the various literary societies
and is divided into six elegant
rooms, which will be equipped
with all modern improvements.
The third or one half story will
be left for future consideration
at the hands of the management.
The incidental expenses will be
furnished by the various literary
societies who will give it their
attention- which- means that it
will be well taken care of in a
financial sense.
- We congratulate "all Who have
donated toward its construction,
and iif you will go and look it
Over you will notohly be pleased
with the. investment but wish
you had given more, and if you
made no donatio :i you will feel
so' humiliated to think that such
noble work has been done with
out your assistance that you will
at once draw a check to establish !
a sinking fund to make needed
additions . which are sure to fol
low. - - - -- - .
Home Journal Patterns for
August Blanket
A big Blanket business- was done
today, which justifies the confidence we
to sell Blankets even in mid-summer.
With our great stock of New Blankets we were certain that quick sales
and quick profits would follow low prices therefore onr Low Prices.
An unusual
season of the year Visit the store tomorrow see the
the quantities of New Blankets note the values -and
you will understand why we hit the bull's-eye of public
confidence. -
Evening. Colbert-Mallow.
Probably the most beautiful
wedding of the year in Corvallis
was celebrated Thursday evening
at the new home of the young
couple on Sixteenth street, when
Miss Olive Mallow became the
bride of Wallace Colbert of this
city. Every appointment was
perfect and all went . merry as a
marriage bell.
' A few moments before the ap
pointed time, Mrs. Gertrude
Strange, Miss Lena Tartar and
Miss Winona Woodward sang a
very pretty trio, following which
Miss Woodward, at 8:30, went to
the piano and began the wed
ding march. As the music filled
the, rooms, five little girls came
slowly down the. stairs. They
were little Marie and Gladys
Walgamott, nieces of the bride,
carrying yards of white ribbon
with which they formed an aisle
as they entered the parlor and
marched to a floral bower in one
corner. Next came two more
dainty little Misses, ' Ruth Wat
ters and Maureen 'McCausland,
flower girls, followed by Esther
Davis, ring bearer. Alone, be
hind the ring bearer, came the
bride, beautifully gowned in an
exquisite costume of cream crepe
chiffon over silk, with veil, car
rying a shower bouquet of white
carnations and ferns. In the
floral bower of white and green
the bride was met by the groom,
and Rev. D. H. , Leech of the M.
E. church performed the im
pressive ring ceremony.
About 55 guests extended con
gratulations and partook of the
sumptuous two-course' dinner
that followed. The bride tossed
her bouquet and it was caught
by Miss Frances Belknap. The
ring in the bride's cake fell to
the lot of Miss Callie. Howe. In
spiring music was furnished
throughout the evening by the
Misses Inez Johnson and Wino
na Woodward. .'-; . .
, The decoiations were elaborate
and beautiful, the parlor being
in green and white1 and the din
ing room in pink and white
sweet peas and festoons of satin
ribbon." , Many ' handsome and
costly presents were received by
the happy couple. '
Mr. and Mjs. Colbert are both .
thing -
this Blanket
OAC Day at State Fair.
Friday, 'the fifth day of the,
great state fair at Salem, has been
set apart as Oregon Agricultural - the action of the operator for
College day and we would urge th Telephone Company in con
our citizens to lay aside every J. nection with giving the fire
worldly care and show the offi- J alarm for , Wednesday night's
cials of the fair association that t fire, and particularly by those
we appreciate the recognition
given our college, which is so ,
dear to the heart of every citizen
of Corvallis.
Besides the large exhibit that
the Oregon Agricultural College
will make at the Oregon State
Fair, at Salem, September 14-19,
next, the officers of that institu
tion have arranged to give the
fair visitors some special enter
tainment each day. Each after
noon the commodious auditori
um adjoining the main pavilion
will be darkened and from its
platform . different members of
the faculty will give lectures, il
lustrated by stereopticon views,
pertaining to their respective de
partments at the college, all of
which have a bearing on the ag
ricultural industries of the state.
Friday, the fifth day of the
fair, has been set aside as "Agri
cultural College" day and spec
ial efforts will be made to have
this the most important occasion
of the. entire week. The Oregon
Agricultural Collegev has the
reputation of being one of the
leading educational institutions
on the Pacific Coast and its par
ticipation in the program of the
fair shows that its president and
his co-workers fully appreciate
that the fair is a" worthy cause
which has been a great factor
in the state's development.
Miss Carrie Danneman has
been' visiting ih- Portland the
past week.
toowell and favorably known to
need introduction to the public
at this time. " Both are Corvallis
young people who. number their
friends by the score, and the
hearty good wishes of all are ex
tended at this time.
They left Thursday evening
by automobile for Albany, en
route to Portland, and from
therej.-they are to--go to either
California or Washington on a
wedding trip. - .They will reside
in their recently completed home
on Sixteenth street, in Corvallis.
Saturday and
had in our
-at this
That hire Alarm.
been some
Editor: There has
adverse criticism of
, wno were unable to obtain cen-
'Iro H cKaiiM K . 1 1
vie. i ouuuiu uc iciiieiu uertJU.
by the public that from 9 o'clock
at nignt until t in
1 . . . 1 sx
the morninsr
mere is dut, one operator on
duty, and that when an alarm of
fire is turned in it is necessary
for the operator to give her en
tire attention to the ringing of
the bell, which is accomplished
by a mechanism situated in the
central office. It is impossible
for her to operate this mechan
ism and answer calls at the same
time. , Subscribers are therefore
asked to be patient when calling
central in the night time When
an alarm of fire, is being given,
and to wait until the operator
has had an opportunity to finish
ringing the bell.
The operator's instructions
are that she shall ring the bell
regardless of calls and not give
attention to her switchboard un
til the alarm has been sufficient
ly given. She will then answer
calls as speedily as possible. In
this connectiion I would suggest
that it would facilitate matters
if those who first arrive at the
City Hall while the bell is being
rung by the operator, would take
up fie matter and ring the bell
from the hall. This would re
lieve the operator and give her
an opportunity to answer calls,
thus informing patrons general
ly of the location of the fire.
W. G. Cumming,
Asst. Mgr.
The fellow that took W. F.
McMahon's money, Thursday
night, did a pretty slick job. He
sic ply pulled down the window
from the top, hiked over it and
went upstairs to the foot of the
bed where W. F. had left his
pants, took them down on the
front porch and quietly proceed
ed to examine the contents of
the pockets. In the purse he
found about $15 in good, cold
cash and appropriated it to his
own use, leaving the pocket book
on the porch