CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGQtf, TUESDAY, AUGUST .4, ,1908. VOL. XLV. NO. 65. CUSSIHED ADVERTISEMENTS CLAS8IFIBU ADVBBTI8IMBNT8 t Fifteen words or less, 25 eta - for three ncceeeive ' insertions, or 50 eta per month; for all op to and including tei additional wor Is. cent a word for eacl Insertion. For all advertisements over 25 words, 1 ct per word for the first insertion, ant yi ct per word for each additional inser tion. Mothinu inserted for less than 2f cents. Lodge, society and church notices other than Htrictly news matter, will b Clmrxed tor. House Decorating. FUR PAIM1NO AND PAPERING SEE W. E. Paul, Ind. 488. 41U ATTORNEYS J. F. YATKS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. uince np stairs in Zieroli .building Only set of abstracts in Hentou (Jouni, E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT JLAW YMhue in Post Uttice Xiuilding, Coival as, Oregon. WANTED WANTED 600 SUBSCRIBERS TOTHi GaikttS and Weekly Oregonian al fZ.DU per rear. PHYSICIANS B. A. CATfxEX, M. D., PHYSICIAN Muunrgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Bulla tag. omoe Hours : xo to 12 a. in., z tt 4 p. m. Residence: cor. 6th and Ad una t. Telephone at othce and tea- " luence. - UorvaJlia. Oregon, W.T. ROWLEY, M. JD., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eye, Nose and Throat. Oihce in Johnson Blag. - Ind, 'phone at ol Hce and lesidence. . UNDERTAKERS B'jVliE & BAUER, FUNERAL Di rectors and Licensed Embalmers. Successors to S. N. YVitkins, CorvailiB, Oregon. Iud. Phone 45. Bell Phone 241. 9ti HENKLE & BLACKLEDGE, UNDER takers and licensed embaiuieis, bomb Main St., Corvallis, Or. BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oi Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative banking bumuesa. i,oau; money on approved security. Dial it bought and told an1 money iranelerrec to uie principal cities ot the Unites States, Europe and foreign countries. HOMES FOR SALE WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIS, Oregon, on instalment plan and as eist purchasers to build homes on them if uesired. Address First National Bank, Corvallis, Or. WILL SELL MY LOTS IN NE A PORT, Or., for spot cash, balance instal lments, and help parties to build homes "thereon, ii desired. Address M. S. Woodiock, Co-vailie. Ot. Administrator's Notice. notice is hereby given that the undersigned hat been duly appointed by vhe County Court ol the uwww vivguu wj me luuiuv ui Kenton as ad ministrator uf the estate ol Martha Nichols, de- u 11c na uuiv quaunea as such ad- UIIU.UUW. aii perrons Having claims against - ... ..... ,.uV uunucu io present tne same, duly verified, to me at my residence in Corvallis. in Benton County, Oregon, within six mouths ot the date of this notice. Dated at Corvallis, uregou, this 9th day of Aih Ml lUnlL .... ... R-J. NlCUOLS, Administrator ctphe estate of Martha Nichols. deceased. ,. GOATS Any person wanting to buy or take euro of some fine goats while they eat up their brush mav 'phone or call udod Wm. H. Savage, Corvallis, Oregon. 26ti Notice Tor Publication. United States Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon, April 8. ISQ Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ol the act of Congres-s of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act tor the sale of timber lands iuthe tisatesof California, Oregron. Nevada and Washinicton Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land States by act of August j, 189?, Karl V. Uawley of Corvallis, county of Kenton, state of Oregon, did on February 19. 108 tie in this office his sworn statement. No. 9494, lor the pur chase of the Southwest quarter of Section No. 10 in Township No. 14 Siuth, Range No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his cUim to aaid land bal ore the Couuty Clerk of Benton Cbofatyat Corral lia, Oregon, on Wednesday, the rtth day of August. 1908. He names as witnesses:' Sam Booen of Alsea, Oregon; 8. M. WarfleM of Alaee, Oregon; L. H. Hawley of Corral lis, Oregon; William Warfleld oi Alaea, Oregon. ; Any and all persons "rial mlng adversely fhe shore described lands are requested to file their eiaimi ia hie ofBee ea er before said 13th day ei August, 8. Bbwamim L. Emt, gieter. , Be a Booster Rooster. Do you know there are lots of people' ' Settin' round in every town, ;, Growlin' like a broody chicken, Knockin' everygoodthingdown? Don t you be that kind of cattle, 'Cause they ain't no use on earth, You just be a booster rooster crow An' boost for all your worth. ' If your town needs boostin' boost'er; Don't hold back and wait to see If some other feller's willing Sail right in, this country's free, No one's. got a mortgage- on it; its . - Just yours as much as his, -w ts i it your town is sny on Doosters, you ' Get in the boostin' biz. ; If things just don't, come to suit you V An' the world seems kinder wrong, . What's the matter with boostin' Just to help the thing along? 'Cause if things should stop a goin' We'd be in a sorry plight You just keep that horn a blow . in' Boost'er then with all yourmight. If you see some feller tryin' for lo make some project go, An' you can boost it up a trifle, ; that's Your cue to let him know That you're not a goin' to knock it Just because it ain't your shout, But you re gom to boost a little, 'Cause he's got the best thing out. If you know some feller's failin's, Just forget 'em, for you know The same feller's got some points: Them's the ones you want to - show. Cfe$tvyour Ida " ters, - X - j They'll come back," a sayin' true Mebbe they 11 come back -'but tered" When some feller boosts for you Ex. The Oregonian says: A child was born in Indiana, while Taft was delivering his speech of ac ceptance, which weighed 25i lbs. I he parents named him William Howard Taft and the father says he smiles every time thev ask him if Taft is going to be elected President. Many citizens are taking ad vantage of the privilege of street sprinkling this season, and . by paying a nominal sum they have the dust kept down in front of their homes. The sprinkler be gan operations this week as far west as ninth street and north as far as Van Buren. Miss Frances Belknap went to Newport, Friday, for an outing. FOR CHICKEN LICE The Best Louse-killer 011 the Market The following ingredients, properly combined, form the best known remedy for lice on chickens. It is applied by dusting en the feathers, and also placing in a box where the fowls may dust themselves with it: . Naphtha ' , Sulphur Tobacco Dust Lime . . ' ' Bran or Shorts The above will be put up Drug Store. 1 Ths School that Places HARD ON HOMESTEADERS Uncle Sam's Requirements G 'ow ing More Strict. ; Recent decisions in contest cases show that the Government is becoming more strict in regard to making final proof on claims. In two decisions just rendered the Register and Receiver of the Lakeview Land Office held that non-cultivajtion of lands was abandonment, regardless of the fact that the party holding the J homestead Tesided upon it as re quired by law. These two cases involved lands near fhe state line. - - The Lakeview officials have rendered decisions in two other cases, in which the contests were instituted two years after the parties had made commutation proof, but patents have not yet been issued. It was the opinion of the officials that the entries had been made solely for the timber, and that the residence and cultivation of the land was a mere pretense. It was there fore held that the proofs should be rejected and the land held for entry. ' V All of the decisions being ren dered are on the same line, and in every instance tney are ad verse to the homesteaders. It is now quite generally recognized; that no applicant will be able toj make proof on a homestead in the timber, and most of the per sons holding are - relinquishing and placing timber- and stone filings on the claims. It is quite: evident that while Uncle Sam was dilatory in enforcing the public land law's, now he ha&j once started matters are being carried to a point that makes it acquire land under the home- stead act. Ex. Welcome the Victors. Portland proposes to give the Olympic victors, Smithson, Gil bert and Kelley, a grand recep tion on their arrival in America. A liberal fund is being raised for the purpose, and no effort will be spared to make the occa sion a memorable one. Aside from the example given in honoring the American win ners in the inter-national con test, it will be an immense ad vertisement for Portland and Oregon. A part of the plan pro posed is to bring the athletes across the continent from New York in a special car, which will further amplify the advertising feature, as the car .will no doubt be decorated in such a manner that no one of the millons who will witness its passage can re main in ignorance of its desti nation and purpose. S3 to order at Graham & Wells 55 tf BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON AND TENTH STREETS - PORTLAND. OREGON . WRITER FOR CATALOG; You in a Good PoritionO I FIERCE FOREST FIRES Raging In the Timber East of De- I . troit. I. - . - . . A report Irom Letroit says that forest fires are continuing unchecked and some of the most valuable timber in the state has already been destroyed. A large force of rangers is'" fighting a further advance of the flames, which will cause a great loss if list soon checked. The timber m reported to be very dry and the hre, fanned by a strong breeze, is spreading rapidly. 1 A number of small forest fires are reported as being started in the mountains west of. here, but nave caused no serious damage as yet. Smoke overhangs this portion of the valley. A later dispatch says: Because of lack of men, the Government forest rangers are almost power less to fight the big forest fires how , burning in the National forest reserve in southeastern Marion county, 15 miles north east of Detroit. A ranger came out to Detroit last night to se cure more men to' help fight the names, but nis ettorts were un successful. . He finally threaten ed to invoke Government au thority to force men to go to the rescue of the reserve, but n steps have yet been taken in that direction.. The reports which have reach ed Detroit say that very little damage has thus far. resulted to good timber. . The fires have been confined principally to areas which have been swept by previous fires, which have killed the trees, but left them standing. Forest fires in green timber gen erally run through rapidly and leayejbig trees i standing, but the present fires in dead" timber are consuming the old trunks and sweeping the ground almost clean. Though the fires have not thus far invaded green timber, there are some large bodies of fine tim ber which are in imminent dan ger. Unless the rangers secure more help big damage may re sult before the fires are extin guished. FORMER CORVALLIS GIRL Has Nervous Prostration. Miss Minnie Woldt. The following item, concern ing Miss Minnie Woldt, a form er Corvallis girl, will be read with interest by many people in this city. It is taken from the Portland Telegram, in which city Miss Woldt now resides: "Becoming excited as a result of yesterday afternoon's fire, Miss Minnie Woldt, an operator in the long-distance department of the Pacific . Telephone & Tele graph Company, was stricken with an attack of nervous pros tration, and for a time it was feared that she would not sur vive. She was taken to the home of her parents at 370 Second St., and although she has not spoken since yesterday, she is resting easy and it is thought will soon recover. "Miss Woldt is a frail, nervous girl, and although she was-seldom ill, it is feared that the ex citement caused by the south ward sweep of the flames, which she could see from the window of the telephone exchange and the rush of work that always comes during fires led to the sudden breakdown. Since ar riving at home she has been in a semi-conscious state. , The physician is of the opinion that the girl had a severe 'attack of hysterics." " .Miss Woldt has many friends in Corvallis who will be sorry to hear of her illness and all hope Jor a complete and speedy ) e iovery. ,: : . Prof." J.--B, Horner and family arrived yesterday morning from a six weeks' sojourn in Berkeley, Calif. They had a delightful WEDDED AND GONE. A Eugene Groom and Corvallis Bride. Scott-Keady. - Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ready on Ninth street was celebrated the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mabelle, to T. Winfield Scott of Eugene, about 40 rela. tives and friends being present. w At the stroke- of eight, Miss Cleo -Johnson played the wed ding march and the bridal party entered and moved forward through the back and front par lors and took a position under a large noral arch, from which was suspended a beautiful wedding bell of white sweet peas.- The dainty little ring bearer, Emilv Keady, led the way, followed by b. K. Hartsock, best man, and Miss Edythe Keady, bridesmaid, and lastly the bride and groom. At the arch the party was met by Rev. J. W. Armstrong of the Episcopal church who performed the impressive ring ceremony. 1 he bride, who is a beautiful and winsome girl was indeed a lovely picture in a Princess gown of cream silk voille, carrying a shower bouquet of white carna tions and orchids. Miss Edythe Keady was daintily gowned in white swiss. The rooms were prettily decorated with sweet peas and clematis. f ollowing the congratulations light refreshments were served. During the luncheon the bride tossed her bouquet and in the rush Miss Ilettie Lilly bore it off in triumph, which indicates that she' will be the next blush ing bride. An unusually large number of very handsome and costly presents were received" by the young couple, much silver ware, cut glass and band painted china being included. Later the happy couple, by clever maneuvers, eluded the party of guests and reached a waiting automobile a few blocks distant, thus missing a shower of rice and old shoes. They pro ceeded to Albany and took the overland train for Eugene where a pretty home awaited them. The bride is one of Corvallis' most lovable and popular girls, who by her womanly attributes has won a large circle of friends in this and other towns where she is known. The groom is a young man of worth and is in terested in the Red Cross phar macy of Eugene. Both he and his bride are OAC graduates and are followed by the best wishes of a multitude of friends. Saturday afternoon, in Kings Valley, occurred the funeral of Minnie Pearl, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W Townsend, old and esteemed residents of that place. The services were conducted at the cemetery by Rev. C. T. Hurd of Corvallis. Deceased was born in Kings Val leys January 1, 1894. Her-death occurred at Newport last Thurs day morning at 9:20, although she had been ill for a year or more. She went to Newport on the Saturday previous to her death, accompanied by her moth er and others from the neighbor hood in which she lived. In asking permission to go on the trip she told her papa that it would be the last place she would ever go, seemingly aware that death was . near, although other members of the family did not realize it. The parents and one brother, Cecil, are the immediate survivoi s. - The remains were brought out from Newport to Wrehn, Friday morning, and were conveyed thence by private conveyance to the last resting place in the valley where the young girl was born. The moth er has been in a serious nervous condition ever since the daugh ter's death. Much sympathy is felt for those bereft. V: Deceased was a niece of Mrs. Addie Price, Mrs. Clyde Beach and ? Ernest Rodpers of Corvallis and a grand daughter of Mrs. Agnes Kodgers disastrous fire m Albany Iron Foundry Destroyed. Com " pany Will Rebuild. The main building of the Al bany Iron Works, the largest foundry in Oregon outside of Portland, was destroyed by fire Friday night, says an Albany dispatch. The loss is placed at $20,000, with $9500 insurance, on the whole plant. ' As part of this insurance is on the building saved, the net loss is" consider ably over $10,000. The flames com nletelv destrov- ed the large foundry building, ' the pattern-making shop and the blacksmith shop. Oulv.the shell of the biff machine shon stand a and the olfice was almost gutted. The only brick building of the plant, which was used as a ware house, was saved. This con tained practically all of the pat terns, which are valued at .l!lO- 000, and the saving of it prevents a lar greater loss. - Before the flames were extin guished officers of the company announced that the nlant wlnVh is one of Albany's leading indus- a "111 1 1 . tries, win do rebuilt at once. . - Georere C. Tracev. a lnnol painter, received an injury while wording witn tne volunteer fire men. 1 he safe in the office tipped over against him, crushing him acainst a table Tho ov-tont nf q ..w VAVVA.V A his injuries has not yet been de termined. The fire started close to tha furnace and as moulding had been in progress that dav it is supposed some fire had leaked and lodged in the woodwork. The fire started at 9:45 o'clock and spread quickly. Fireman devoted their nrinr.i- pal efforts to the machine shop. ana tnougn tne building burned around it the machinery was not overheated and it may not be seriously damaged. lne Magnolia Laundrv. ad joining the foundry, was saved after a very hard fight, the only damage to that plant being from water thrown in the interior. A residence at First and Montgom ery streets " also caught fire, but was saved with very little dam age. The principal owners of the Albany Iron Works are John Holman, vice president; State Senator Frank J. Miller, secretary-treasurer,-both of whom re side in Albany, and J. A. Wil son, of Salem. . The president of the company is Thomas Holman of Salem. There are several other stockholders. - Additional Locals. Lee Davis and Charlie Small went to Portlind Sunday on a business trip. J. C. Wood of the Farmer's Feed Stable has gone to Big Elk for a few days' hunting. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Johnson and daughter, Miss LaVerne,, left Saturday for a few weeks -outing at Newport. Austin Taylor and family of Bellefountain were in Corvallis Saturday, en route to Yachaats for an outing. Andy Anaconda and children moved Friday from Linn county to Dick Kiger's place north of town, where Mr. Anaconda wilL be employed on the ranch. There was an ice cream social Saturday night at Oak Grove, Twelve gallons of ice cream was taken out from a Corvallis con fectionery, which indicates that a "large" time was expected. . During August, Matthews, the optician and jeweler, will give 10 per cent from regular prices, on watches, jewelry, etc. Make best bargains ever seen in Cor vallis. . 65 Mr. Benson arrived the last of the week Jrom. California for a visit at the home of his . daugh ter, Mrs. E. D. Jackson.-