LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Itosendorf has had her housepainted the past week. ChajlesRycraft of Alsea Valley was a Corvallis visitor Saturday. Senator A. J. Johnson left Sunday for Seattle on a business trip. D. C. Rose goes to McMinn ville today on a few days' business ViSIt. Earl IIawley went to Alsea the last of the week on a busi ness trip. F. II. Dann of Philomath was a bnsiness visitor in Corvallis, Friday. Mrs M. Ilenkle is having a new house built on south Main Street near the Coffey studio. Mrs. II. McDonald and little grand-daughters of Philomath are guests of Corvallis relatives this week. Miss Vera Stevens is ill with measles. V Miss Edna Bridwell is very ill with mumps. Laurence Graham was an over Sunday visitor in Portland. Walter Kav, who resides on Third street, is suleriner with an attack of pnei mo iia. Mrs. Will Tomlinson of Wells has been the cuest of Corvallis 'friends the past few days. Gabriel Long of Kings Valley has been visiting: in Corvallis since -Thursday. - Mrs. Perry Eddv of Eddvville. Lincoln county is visiting- her sons, Ed and Frank, west of Cor vallis. j Miss Jessie Adams returned Friday from a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Lulu Ellis, near Phil omath. - i i Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hosner of Monmouth have ben guests at the W. E. Bridwell home the past few days. Vireril Watters has ourchased another automobile. It is a one- seated runabout for use in . his W. A. Jensen went to Portland Friday on a brief visit. ' , . J. R, Parker of Philomath was j a L-orvallis business visitor, H n day. - ." ,,' ;v - ; Miss Kate Gerhard - has been , the guest of Albany friends the P ist week. Mrs. Clara Price of Portland J he J uly term of the Benton county circuit court is now in session, having convened yester day, Judge. Harris presiding. There are 21 Or. 22 paspo nn tho docket, all civil in character. The lecture of Dr. Dye at the Christian churchThursday eve ning, drew a very large audience and no one was disanDointed in J 1 x XL- T TT TT 1-.- i .. U gu u lu . xiuwxey the entertainment. Dr. Dye, as home in the western part of town. I previously stated, has spent 11 Freeman Bjvens and family ( years in Africa as a missioharv, came put Ironi Kings V alley J? ri- ! aQ m tne audience, Thursday day for a few days'visit in Cor- night, there was a man who saw valhs. vr. Dye, board the train inn Michioan town wh eri the vaiihii missionary started on his first Pure Food Department Fresh Country Butter and Eggs Every Day , Miss Ella Foster, , saleslady at Nolan's big store, went to New port, Sunday, for a two weeks recreation visit. Miss Ilattie Hammer and Miss Car.ie Belknap were in Corva?- real estate business. lis, Saturday, the latter being en route to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hawley iind son have returned from Al sea, where they were guests at cades. tne ltycrait borne. . , ,. v- w - , T . , . Chief of Police J. D.Wells and aua uu xvci Hi i ui Aiseawere guests family e3Cpect Mr. and Mrs. Sampson Hen derson and Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Thatcher departed the last of the week for an outine in the Cas- Saturday at the L. H. Hawley home in west Corvallis. W. R. Hall of Polk county was in Corvallis yesterday, en route to Crook countv where he will remain indefinately. . Members of Dr. Kerr's family were guests at the Mrs. Clara B. Waldo home at Nye Creek the latter part of the week. William Broders and family went to Newport Saturday. The lamiiy will remain for several to leave Fridav weeks' outing at for ff"several Cascadia. '", ': F. S. True has bearun the eree- tion of a new residence on col lege hill, which will be occupied by himself and fami'v. when completed. Miss Ruby Dilley 'of Oroville. ' and his bride. California, a former Corvallis ! immediately. girl, is the guest of friends here. She is en route to her home from a visit in Seattle. Martin Boatman of Eastern p M- Barden and daughter, Miss Carrie, have gone to Newport wheie they will spend several weeks in recreation. ' '. i Henderson Murphy, until re cently a resident of Corvallis but now of Lebanon, was in this city on business Friday. I Lost Sunday forenoon, on Harrison or Fifth street, a white lace fan, with black ribbon. Finder please leave at this office. I Norton Adams has ' been awarded the contract for Jim Harlan's new house, to be erect ed on lots just west of the. Feist- j er home. ' . j Mrs. Mabel Hubler-Jones de parted for her home atChehalis, Wash., Friday, after a several weeks' visit wiht her parents in this city. 'Denatured alcohol contains 95 per cent grain alcohol - Just the thing for your alcohol store No bad odor. Sold by Graham & Wells. , 59-67 A handsome bungalow is to ' be erected on lots just north of the Tyler home. The contrae tor is Norton Adams and the res luence is lor rroi. Jtlarrv Beard Work is to begin Every Egg ss tested by our Electric Tester before we will accept them, thus insuring perfectly fresh eggs at all times for our trade.' weeKS out Mr. liroders returned Oregon is visiting Mr. and Mrs. yesterday. IClum Reed. About 27 years ago Miss Nora Miller, the popular tne visitor made his home with clerk at the "P. O." store went to tne Reeds and after so many Newport today where she will vea.rs has come to pay them a run a news nnH onnfunnm.,, Visit. House for rent Will furnish 5-room , modern bungalow, piario incraaed, lor responsible parties No children. Phone 377. 58-62 -Work is being hurried on the old building formerly occupied stand during the summer. - Mrs J V. TT'rtx.Tollo i i v. -. . . ii n Clin w t 1 1 i . i.i t j Portland, Friday, for a visit, with Dv tne Gazette, and Messrs. her son. Frank, and wif. arA Kiger and Elgin expect to have -also to make the acquaintance of her new grandson, who arriv ed last week. their electric theatre onen for business by the first of August. The members of the Endeavor A new concrete walk is hmno-'society of the Christian church laid on Jackson street. bfliwMn I neld a launching picnic on the Second and Third. It is a full! Willamette river, Friday night oiock in lenetn. nassinc- alnno-: "aD a lalS cruwu, the south side of the two stables. operated by S. S. Henkle and Sears & Southwick. Miss Grace Hawlev has re turned from a visit with rela tives and friends at Bellefoun- tain. She was aecomnnniorl home by Miss Hattie Hamer, who is still her guest. J. G. Morris, the hlark-smith has traded his residence timn. erty on First street for the Stroud 5-acre ranch, about one and one half miles north of this city, and will move his family to that place about the first of August. Misses Cleo and Zeta Jnh are to give a micellaneous shower tins evening at their pretty home in Jobs addition, in honor of Miss Mavbelle K"fn.l ,v,rtt, m - J y Tviivjoc amage to Terorah Sn Eugene is to take place shortly. Measles ape the latest tin n fro ! "out" in Corvallis and Sflv0i ases are already reoorted. TUi! . . . i K ora leekwith is one of the vie mis and Mr. and Mrs Svlvota uenKie ot north Second strt ire quarantined with the iilment. Several other ire known to exist. Frank Miller, who has mployed in a Medford lore iur some lime, arrived in orvallis the last of the week for brief visit at home. He start- d yesterday for Casper, AVyom- ug, where a better position in pharmacy is offered him . TT. h au old OAC boy who will cer- unly succeed, in life. Mrs. P. F. Cramblett of Dawes juntv. Neb., and her dAiicrhW !frs. Thos. Bolden. Jr.. of IW. - j j n, Oregon, arrived in the city, riday, for a visit with Mrs. rank Aldrich and other rela ves and friends. Mrs. Bolden as formerly a resident of this ty. same cases been drug and a merry time is reported The initial number of the Mal heur Booster, published at Vale, Oregon, by Hurley & Hurlev. has reached us. It is a fine look ing, lively paper, published by editors who are able writers and understand their business. Mal heur is the extreme southeastern county of our state. Mrs. Willard Ireland of Port land arrived up from Indenen- dence, Friday, where she had been for several days. She re turns to Independence in time to attend the marriage of her sister, Miss Orba Taylor, to Lorin Wann, tomorrow. Miss Taylor is quite well known in Corvallis where she has frequently visited. Robert Herron, one of Benton county's best known and most highly respected pioneers, has been seriously ill at the family home at Irish Bend for several aays, and up to Saturday eve ning was not improved. . This will be depressing news to a host of warm friends in Corvallis and Benton county. Stanley Hammel. notice of whose promotion to the captain cy of Co. G., O. N. G.. aDneared in the last Gazette, has received a military appointment that means still, greater honors and which will take him to Ameri can Lake, Washington. .Stan ley's old friends in Corvallis nnrl at OAC extend fresh congratulations. Peaches will be a light crop this year, according to the stat. ment of one who has an orchard near Corvallis, The small fruits have all been lighter this spasnn than last, and it is said apples and prunes will also be a short crop. No "home grown" peaches are in the market as jet, the Early Hales usually being ready about the last of July. jonn a . Allen, wile and son and Mrs. Allen's brother, Wil Francis, of Manila, went to New ' port Saturday to enjoy a vaca Lion. YIPS K rniia m iric.it I " - 'I 111 !11H XU ! Portland for the present, joining me in ewport party a little later. Fresh vegetables an1 iruits always oa hand in their season Whitesides & Cooper. utf Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wellsher left the last of the week for New port where thev will snend a few weeks in the hope of benefitting me lauer s neaitn, which has been very poor for the nast sev- r erai montns. One registered Holstein bull three years old Sept. 8, "1908. Price $75. L. A. Houck, Mon roe, Ore., R. F. D. 1. Phone Belief ountain. 48tf Mrs. Clara Waldo, regent of OAC, and until recently the State vji-auge lecturer, nas rented a nine room cottage at Nye Creek and is entertaining a number of her friends. . This is her first experience at Newport. She- is delighted with the resort and will lose no time in letting he,r friends know it, being a very nospiiaDie nostess. For . Fine Job Printing go t, the Corvallis Gazette. . Now is the time to muzzle your good dogs and kill the worthless ones. The hot weath i i , . er seems 10 mate them vicious, and may develop rabies. No chances should be taken in this matter. Cases have already oc cured in this cty where chil dren have been attacked and bit ten by dogs usually considered gentle, and in Portland, Thurs day, a man and two children were badly bitten. Do it now. A new launch called the "Rose", Captain P. M. Johns, has tmnft into business for the season at is ewport. It will be in service for deep sea fishing and excur sions and will no doubt be in great demand. The "Rose" was 1 !li i i uuiii at Asioria recently and is said to be the neatest, speediest craft of the sort that has ever visited the bay. She is sixty feet in length, 15 feet beam and equipped with a 35 horse-power marine gasoline engine, and is lighted with electricity. She is just within the 15 ton limit and is licensed to carry 90 passengers. Buy your groceries of White side & Cooper. utf trip to the dark land of canniba lism. 1 his man is one of the brick masons engaged at present on me college building. New line dishes in plain and fancy designs, at W itpsiric ft- y- coopers" utj There appears to be a general terror throughout the countrv this summer of vicious dogs, and wnue mere has been no scare outside of cities, solfar as known. children should be, cautioned to mase no iriendly advances to wards any canine they may meet. lest harm result. Three cases were reported in Portland last Lnursday where neonle had hppn attacked and bitten vicious dogs, two of the cases being children and the other an adult. In Chicago there has been a "reign of terror" from brutes with hydrophobia, as many as 52 dogs being slaught vica. oy me ponce in as many minutes. trraham & Wells carry a full line of paints, oils. tA flSS fro rn. ishes, including the great china- mei varnish. 59-67 vyawaia west, railroad p.nm. mission er, left Corvallis, Friday, ior laquma, on loot. The nnr- pose of the trio is to insnflnl. t.h ties, bolts, timbers and bridges on the C. & E. to determins t.h condition of the road, and Mr. West expected to reach Yaonina yesterday noon. This gentleman oeiieves in obtaining his infor mation first-handed, and on this trip he wras equipped in logger amre and prepared to makfi a thorough inspection of the road. mi. i ne worK may save a serious mishap, as the heavy traffic has already begun and last season there was more or less tmnhle w i to trains on this line. For sale Houae and two lots. 342 Tenth street, corner Adams. Address G. H. Carl, Fossil. Ore. 57tfj Say, you property . owner with the dilapidated sidewalk! Why. don't you get a few hails and a nammer and repair vour board L.. a u . i , . , x riotfcwcvx aiiu spill TTT n I It fkn.nl.- .. " J. 1 I " 1 """ "icuy eanimg me graw-1 posts 6 ft. 8 ins tuue 01 mose wno are compelled to pass over it. Some of the board sidewalks in this city are m a wretched, not to say dan gerous, condition. Many boards are loose, some broken and liable to trip people, perhaps causing serious injury. It will require but a few minutes time, a few nails and perhaps a new niece of . board or two to remedy the trouble. A very serious and possibly a fatal accident was narrowlv averted .by the presence of mind of those concerned? Saturday af ternoon at the .Norton Adams home in J obs addition. Mr. Adams is building an' addition to and remodling his house, and assisting him were Jim Harlan and Bert Newtonf The latter two were on a scaffolding 15 feet from the ground, when one of the", timbers pulled loose. As the 2x4 swung out into SDace. Bert Newton held onto it and was hurled to the ground but escaped with a badly sprained wrist. Mr. Harlan, as he felt himself falling, grapped at the unfinisned window casing and received only a wound from ' .a nail. Had either man fallen the full 15 feet, alightins? on ! broken boards and protruding nails, very serious consequences would most certainly have fol lowed. Arm and Hammer Soda, - 4 for 22c - x Blue Ribbon Tomatoes - 3 for 25c Diamond C Soap - . 8 for 25c Fresh Alsea Honey - - 15c comb Sole Agents for Bamngton Hall Coffee and Monople Canned Goods A full fresh line of Heinz's Bottled Goods t for your table and lunch basket. Call up Ind. Iviain 21 or Bell 151 and your order will be promptly filled. " Closing Out Sale Continues to Attract Crowds to Our Grocery Department, which we are Closing Out atwholesale prices This week we have Also added many lines From other sections of The store to make an extra Event for this week F. L, MILLEE, 142 Second St. For SALE-First class oak wood, Also split oak D. S. Adams. ' 'phone 333. 55-60 Concentrated Lemonade Is just what you want when go ing camping. 1 oz. to one pint of water makes a delicious lem- ona'de. For sale by Graham & Wells. ' 58-66 Bargain Sale "OF Dress Goods "The Most ComfortablePUco in the House." Qudor -" PORCH SHADES . we have-REFRIGERATORS OF ALL KINDS Bull for Sale. Portland and Return, Only $3.50. The Southern Pacific Company and Corvallis & Eastern Railway are Bel line round trip tickets to Portland from Co vallis for $3 50, pood going on any train Saturday or Kuoday either via Albany or west aide and irood returning either via Albany or west aide Saturday, Sundav or Monday . 16tf B. C.Lnrfiti, Agent' O. J BLACKLEDG Administrator's Notice. Jfetice is Jterehjr given that the underxiinied h been duiy appointed by the County Court of the ' "reeon ior ine-county of Benton u uamin tstraurfif thiMtxt.nr u " m;.,v,.,i.. j . - -- -- ' -- .'iwima, uwrucu, xflg that he hat duly qualified aa such administrator. All ' vuuiua against aia decedent tktre j . ; ' . ii-,.... li i j Tanucu, mi meat ray residence in Corvalln. in bcnton County, Oretron. within six months ot the dete ot this notice. fted Mt (Virr<is I tr.n.i. nrl. .( t . :i I9O8 .. .... K. J. NicnoLS. Administrator ot the estate of B. B. Nicboli.de- AND AT Shoes HENKLE & DAVIS1 Own YourHomo THE First - National - Bank of Corvallis has some ' ' TO WN LOTS Near the State Agricultural College which you can buy on the INSTALIV MENT PLAN or for cash. Save Ten at Tvutintv rtnliaw per month and pay the same on a town lot. Thereafter BUILD.YOUR HOME on the lot and continue - to make these small monthlv tavments on the home tnd yon will soon have it paid for and have no more rent to pay. for information address Wm Hm SAVAGE Corvallis, Opm Jersey .Bull For Sale. Descended from Grand Coin and ?nM en Ulow : imported cow testing IS lbs cutter fat in 7 days, with Sttt calf. Ad dress, SI, S. Woodcock, Coryallis, Ore gon. I 72t