AUGHT ON THF FI V. am Ail auauuc. fG or if cash is ELECTIONS FOR 1908. Registration reopens Sept. 20. Closes for election Oct. 20. Presidential election Nov. 3. Reports received by the secre tary of commerce and labor on the alien inward passenger move ment for May, 1908, show that the total immigration into the United States front all countries during that month was 36,317, a decrease of 76 per cent, compared with May, 1907. The immigra tion from all countries during the six months ended May 31, 1908, was 227,283, a decrease of 63 per cent, compared with the six months ended May 31, 1906, and 66 per cent, compared with the six months ended May 31, 1907. The total number of aliens who arrived in this country during the eight months ended February 29, 1909, was 736,599, while the number of aliens who departed during the same period was 4S3, 868, leaving the net increase of population by immigration 252,- 731. Secretary Straus said today that these figures substantiate his view that the movement of aliens to and from the United States was regulated almost whol ly by the law of supply and depend. Los Angeles, San Piego, and the greater part of Southern California, experienced a very noticeable earthquake shock last Friday, about five o'clock a. m. Clocks were stopped, and dishes, bric-a-brac, and presumably not a few of the visiting Easterners, were considerably rattled. It is not a very pleasant sensation to be hurled out of bed and slammed around the room by an invisible, imponderable force, in the early morning hours, anti-while the old residents are used to these ter restrial disturbances and take them as a matter of course, one cannot blame visitors for feeling a trifle nervous on such occasions, with 'Frisco's experience fresh in the memory. Additional Locals. The increase in the Dostoffice Harry Fowells left Saturday receiPts ,of Corvallis for the fiscal for Seattle, after a visit of sever- Jrei"ng. June oO was about parents in per cem over tnat of last year. ur. Howard will do dental al months this city. with his A man may know his place. and yet be unable to keep it. It is a wise postage stamp that knows when it is well licked. A IT i l , men may De Dorn equal, j Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Hirshberg- worK at about half price until but they don't seem to stay thatjer were called to Woodburn, Sat- the lst of August. I make this way. urday, by the serious illness of lluerai 0IIer m order to ret in the former's mother. j touch with the people at once Dr. and Mrs. L. V. Flint go to '"A'f 'jdUC,9 lhe ",7 clas? .o! NewEra,?aturdaJ,toattenI.he.:,ninI4f JSl'tM. Or I -pc- .... , lv sneciahst i m mMwr nlo. km and crown; also do porcelain in lay fillinffS. Those wnnt.incr first- Mrs. M. J.JIcCall aiid dauffh-' class work for a small cum It looks as though the recent agitation over the alleged choice of Chamberlain as United States Senator through the operation of Statement No. 1, was premature. It appears that the new statute instructing members of the legis lature to vote for the Senatorial candidate receiving the highest number of votes at the general election was not a law in fact until made so by the last June election. Consequently it cannot be considered as binding upon the legislators chosen at that election. The worst part of a holiday is in going back to work the morn ing after. Some persons evidently never realize what a hit can be made by silence. The man who loves his neigh bor as himself doesn't go into the chicken business. Dare to do right and you will soon have the reputation of being poor but honest, Japan is manufacturing arti ficial shamrocks, to the astonish ment of green Erin. Deaf and dumb persons have their words at the ends of their fingers all the time. The lure of the unknown is all right if you have sense enough to just let it go at that. If a man has brains back of his forehead he will never have time to consult a beauty doctor. The man who sits down to wat for the golden opportunity never has a very comfortable seat. An exchange remarks that often a man's wife is his only visible means of support. It has been remarked that the early worm knows well that its habit is not conducive to longev ity. It has been noticed that in the favor business a whole lot of men wane co De on tne iree list per petually. Ti. T t . t . t . it nas Deen noticed tnat no humorist has yet dared to re mark that Mr. Taft is not big enough for the place. It is only too evident that you don't have to be musical in order to blow your own horn; just nervy. A popular platform would be one-providing for no work be tween holidays and no restriction on booze. It is thought that Tom Watson of Georgia must be running for the presidency in gum shoes, for he is making no noise. It has been remarked that in playing the violin a great deal of patience :.s required of the peo ple in the next house. The Chicago News says that economy . may Spiritualist campmeeting. Mr? Flint will conduct a summer na ture study school. . Talk Health! 5 What avails the largest gifts of Heaven when drooping health and spirits go amiss? How tasteless, rvi roll T ter.Miss Lottie Greiner,of Kirks ville, Mo., arrived Saturday for an extended visit with their rela tives, Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Cathey. Corvallis was a ouiet place. Saturday. Nearly everyone went j to Albany to th celebration or to the woods in picnic parties ana oniy tne nrmg oi an occa sional firecracker by some lad who was compelled to spend the dav at home broke the stillness money come right along at once. I will not work at these prices longer than the' first of August. Examination free. All work guaranteed. Office next to Mil ler's store, over meat market. 58 Saturday's Portland Telegram contained a halftone of Dr. G. H. Feese, former pastor of the ' Corvallis M. E. church, and the tollowmg complimentary notice of an address delivered by him that hung over the town. But at a big League rally in Portland the day was not without its ex aiew evenings ago: "The ad citing feature, nevertheless, for dress by Dr. Feese was very ab late in the evening a rocket was propriate, it being on the growth fired by some oiie and landed on of the nation since the landing the roof of the Congregational of the Pilgrim Fathers, and dealt church, starting a fire that burn-1 with the various phases of in ed quite a hole in. the roof and : dustrial, social and religious ex called out the department. For- periences of the country. It was tunately the damage was but' most optimistic throughout, and slight, but the incident is an other proof of the need of "safer and saner" methods of celebrat- j ed President Roosevelt, praised ing the Fourth. 1 the Administration for its liberal tt i i i policies and declared that the Congressman Hawley has been if, et fow v J i n i last lew years have witnessed notinecl bv the Commandant oJ ' , A, ituj a ivr - 7, ; greater progress in reform than the United States Marine Corps ..,, j . .ij... . . .at any previous period of Araer- that there are o vacancies in the icas history " grade of Second Lieutenant and j , ' that candidates for these posi- , Charles Cams, who was con tions are desired. Mr. Hawley fined in the Benton county jail will be pleased to communicate or several months for beating with any vounsr meh of this 1Q Tom, the Chinaman, was re- iiie speaKer was frequently in terrupted by applause. He laud- then, whatever can be HEALTH Is the Vita! Principie of BUSS I have that within me, and I can apply the same to you. I treat all chronic diseases, especially Rheumatism, Heartburn, Kidney Trouble, Backache, Stomach and Bowel Diseases, 4 Lumbago, Constipation, Stiff Joints, Sore Knees, Nervousness, Insomnia, AND ALL FEMALE COMPLAINTS. References: Rev. P. A. Moses, G. A. Robinson, Mrs. M. E. Abbott. I treat at home if required. Call or 'phone DR. M. MARKEL, Ind. Thone 439. ' 244 Third St. gazette 3ob Print No J ib too large, and uono to email to receive our prompt and careful attention. Either Phone-. Congressional district who de sire to apply. The position pays a salary of $1700 a year. Can didates must be not less than 5 feet 6 inches tall and weigh not less than 132 pounds. They must also pass a required mental leased last week bv the Cover nor's pardon which was recom mended by several prominent citizens and sanctioned by Judge Harris. The reason for the par don was that Cam's family needs his assistance in earning a live- and physical examination. The 'lill00(1 over 011 their claim in Al mental examination includes English, algebra, logarithms, geometry plane . trigonometry una surveying. lhe candidate must be from 21 to 27 vears of During the Chicago convention the correspondent of a Paris pa per telegraphed that the city was "a perfect hell, scourged with terrible heat, full of uproar and with street corners occupied by professional sword svvallowers, eaters of fire, Indian war dances and howling dervishes." This correspondent must bo one of the jingo staff who, failing to find the convention, got stranded among the peanut stands. Murat Halsted, for half a cen tury one of the brightest lights in American journalism, passed out of this life Thursday, at his home in Cincinnati. Mr. Hal sted was 79 years of age. He had been failing in health and strength for several months and finally succumbed to an attack ef cerebral hemorrhage. Since Harry Orchard has been consigned to the pen for the bal ance of his earthly existence, presumably one cannot be sure, however it may be that the pub lic will have a rest from hearing so much about him. But there remains that other Harry, and likewise Evelyn!. "How long, oh Lord, how long?". be the road to wealth, but nine-tenths of those who are compelled travel it never reach the goal. An Atlanta, Ga., paper wants to know what is better to own than a fine mortgageless farm in Georgia? Well, for one thing, a drug store in Georgia. An exchange remarks that school teachers are generally long lived. They have to be, in order to get the increased salary prom ised them. The State of Wyoming gives women the suffrage, and one of its courts has granted a man a divorce from his wife, with ali mony, to be paid by her. Pittsburg has been thrilled by a fight in the street between a man and a rattlesnake. Since the event, 100,000 citizens have hurriedly taken the pledge. About the first thing that would impress a dead hero, could he return to earth, would be the great number who try to answer to his name at roll call. Debs is up again for nomina tion for the presidency on the Socialist-Labor Ticket. Seems like old times, don't it? same old crowd Billy Bryan, 'Gene Debs and Tom Watson. Next! When England and her tyrant king Got too almighty skittish, The angry patriots turned out And blew up all the British; And when the Fourth comes round again With no one to forbid it, We all blow one another up To show them how we did it. Ex. The board of regenfs of Ore gon normal schools has voted to recommend to the Legislature that Drain Normal School be abandoned and that appropria tions be made for "Monmouth, Ashland and Weston onlv. This action was taken by a vote of five to four, the four favoring the re duction of the number to two. Secretary of State Benson and Colonel Hofer advocated the maintainance of four normals. W. B. Ayer, Governor Chamber lain, E. C. Spencer, and H. J. Maier stood for reduction of the number to two. Superintendent Ackerman led the fight for the reduction to three, and was aid ed by E. E. Bragg and Stephen Jewell and also by Benson and Hofer after the motion to main tain all four had been lost. Mr. Ayer indicated his intention to make a minority report still ad vocating reduction to two, says a Salem dispatch. The town went wet with a splash, says a Newport item in the Herald. Those having the cash are invited to come in after 5 a. m.; however, please get out before midnight. Sunday invi tations are so exclusive that none are invited. The saloon men have put up heavy bonds and paid a thousand dollar li cense, and nave agreed to tne stringent laws of the city coun cil, so with only two saloons and they to be in the down town dis trict, the people v should not be affected involuntarily. Sene Wil liams sold out his share to a man named Bilyeu of Dallas. Chas. Winant and Bilyeu will conduct one place and J. T. Porter, a heavy real estate owner, the oth er. The jail is put in order and Chief of Police Burdett has three assistant marshals. Mr. Turn bull will be Nye Creek police man. Sam Dolan, the great Al bany football man, who has fol lowed in the footsteps of John Flannigan, the champion ham mer thrower is to be day police man in the down town district, and Mr. Beech is to be night po liceman in the down town dis- sea. ine action meets with gen eral approval. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Baker and daughter, Miss Beatrice, left .yes terday for Newport, where they will spend the summer. LOW RATES EAST WILL BE MADE VHIS SEASON BY THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES IN OREGON From Corvallis,, Ore. trict. To CHICAGO ST. LOUIS ST. PAUL OMAHA As follows : Both ways t throngh Portland $75.10 70.10 62.60 62.60 KANSAS CITY 62.60 ODe way via California $90.10 85.10 84.35 77.60 77.60 Tickets will be on sale May 4, 18 June 5, 6, 19, 20 July 6, 7, 22, 23 August 6, 7, 21, 22 Good for Return in 9O days with stop over privileges at pleasure within limit!. Remember the Dates! For anv farther information eaH on R. C. LINVILLE, Local Agent.2 Selecting Wall Paper is easy from our large and beautifull assort ment of patterns and styles, suitable for all kinds of rooms. Don't Keep Putting It Off until your walls look positively shabby, but come in today and make your selections. You'll be surprised at the pleasing effects to be had at a trifling cost. Linoleum We have it in large quantities The well known Cook's line. Special prices on Dining Chairs, MAY 25 to JUNE 13. YOURS FOR LOW PRICES AND FAIR TREATMENT Hollenberg & Son The Complete House Furnishers Benton County Lumber Co. Manufacturers of all kinds of fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Cedar Shakes Dealers in Doors, Windows, Lime, Brick, Cement, Shingles, etc. Or write to WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, . Portland, Oiegen. You Take No Ohanoes When You Buy Groceries At This Store Allour goods are guaranteed to comply with the Pure Food Law We have the best and nothing but We Want Your Business Hodos Grocery 5 S