Vol. XLV. Corvaixis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday. March 6, 1908. NO. 22 a HIGH CLASS EXQUISITELY BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERIES YOU HAVE A STANDING INVITATION To our Store every day of the week; the whole year around, whether you buy or not. We wish you to make yourself at home in all departments, get acquainted with the goods and their prices so that when you need them you will know how much your investment will cost you. Shelves, Fixtures, Tables, Counters and Eacks are bursting full "of bright, new merchandise, and we are assured of the biggest year's business in our history. J. M. NOLAN & SON. Values to $1.25 Saturday 36 Cents. Saturday morning, the sale beginning at 8 o'clock sharp, we offer the most sensational Embroidery event of the year -an opportunity to purchase your needs for the entire season. There is an unsurpassed assortment of Embroideries, 8 to 22 inches wide, made of excellent quality: Swiss, Nainsook, Batiste and Cambric. Included in this list are Corset Covers, Flouncings, Edgings, Insertion and Shirt Waist Embroideries, dainty Shad ow Embroidery, - Floral, Scroll and Open effect without doubt the greatest values and greatest quantities ever offered by any store. VALUES TO $1.25 SAJWY 36 cts None Reserved No Phone or Mail Orders CLASSIFIED ADVERTIStMENTS CLASBJFIEli ADVERTISEMENTS : Fifteen words or lees, 25 cts for thret successive insertions, or 60 cts pe month; for all np to and including tec additional words, cent a word for eacr insertion. For all advertisements over 25 words. 1 ct per word for the 6rst insertion, am' ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for lees than 2f cents. Lodfte, society and church notices, other than strictly news matter, will b ?anred for. WANTED WANTED 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE GazettB and Weekly Oregoman at 2.50 per year. HOMES FOR SALE WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLJS, Oregon, on instalment plan and as sist purchasers to build homes on there if desired. Address First Natioca' Bank. Corvallis, Or. WILL SELL MY LOTS IN NEWPORT, h. balance instal ments, and help parties to build homes 1 thereou, it desired, aaaress m. o. Woodcock, Cc-vadip, Ot. The ''Passion Play" in moving pictures was the attraction at the Corvallis opera house Wednesday night and last nigbt. The play is said o have been very good and was well attended. SOMETHING ABOUT LIFE Of Great Lawyer of Willamette Valley Passing of Tilmon Ford. The tuneral of the late Attor ney Ford was held in Salem, PHYSICIANS DR F. H. THOMPSON, VETERINARY surgeon. Office at Pennirk's Red Front FtEble. Ird. Phone 328. 16tf B. A.CATHEY. M. I.. PHYSICIAN no nrntwn. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Offic Hour : 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad irs Kta Telephone at offee and re" Idence. Oorvallia. Oregon BANKING. THE FIR -1 NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative banking business. La?s money on approved security, vrette nought and Fold and money transferred to the principal cities of the United States, Europe and foreign countries. W.T. ROWLEY, M. P.. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Special attention given to thu Eve. Nose and Throat. Office ii Johnson Bldg. Ind. 'phone at of fice and lesidence. FOR ALL CHRONIC DISEASES SEE Dr. M. Markel, Magnetic Healer and Herb Doctor. Third and Van Buren St. Ind. phone 4S9. Smith & Dawson Headquarters for Fruit Tree Spray Diamond Chicken Feed Chicken Grit Ground Bore - Shell and Poultry Food Lice Killer, c. We pay cash for dressed Veal and Pork, i"ouur anu x.gue. Next door to J. R. Smith Co. Ind Phone 209 House Decorating. FOR PAINTING AND PAPERING SEF W. E. Paul, Ind. 488 UNDERTAKERS ri Notice to Creditors. Notice is hueby givfn that the under pinned 1 as bet-n.'bv order ot the County Crurt of tre State of Oregon for the 1 l Ty nnnnilltufl JmlPIS- ..V ...... i TV;li;nm Ttir.mic I LT&LOr OI llltj tfBlliir Ul M imam ....... i deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby rtqrefted to present the same to me, duly verified nnxrvv R- mTTFR FUNER4L DI- ' 8 by law required, for payment within BOVr E S. WAL fcK. UK" J six months from the date of this notice, rectors and Licensed Embalmers. ' 0ggee 0f tj,e undersigned W. A Successors to S. N. Wilkins, Corvallis, Buchanan, in Corvallis.Oregon, or the Oregon. Phone 45. Sotf; law office of J. F xatee, in CorvaJis, I Oreeron. " r , Dateo at Corvallis, uregon, mis oiu HENKLE & BLACKLEPGE. UNDER takers and rV-ensed embalmers, South Main St., Corvallis, Or. ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORN E Y-AT-LAW. Office np stairs in Zierolf Building Only Bet of abstracts mi Benton County &. R. BEYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Post Office Building, Corval iia, Oregon. Aslv nf March. 19t'8. W.A.BUCHANAN. Administrator of the estate of William Thomas, deee&bed. 2i last insertion March 24 Jersey Bull For Sale. Descended from Grand Coin and Gold en Glow ; imported cow testing 18 lbs butter fat in 7 days, with St calf. Ad dress, M, S. Woodcock, Cwrailis, Ore gon, 72 1 Tuesday afternoon, and the re mains were interred in the I. O. O. F. cemetery in the capital city. Tiimon Ford was born in 145 and lived with his parents on a farm in Marion county until 1865, when he went to Idaho to try his luck in the mines. Beng suc cessful with his pick and shovel, he accumulated sufficient means to enable him to enter Willam ette University, where he gradu ated in 170. He immediately took up the study ot law ana was admitted to ihe bar by. the Su preme Court in the Fall of 1872. He opened a law office in this city soon after and has engaged in active practice ever since. In i?8o he was nominated and elected a Representative in the Legislature from this county on the Republican ticket, and was author of the bill enacted during that session which located and provided for the building of the State Insane Asylum. He was re-elected to the Legislature in 1882 and served through both sessions as an active member of the House judiciary committee. Although a powerful working member of the Legislature, Mr. Ford was not much given to ai displav of fiprensic ability, but when he did take the floor to ad diess the assembly upon any sub ject he had the reputation of car rying bis point in nearly every instance. Up to the time or an accident, which befell him in February, 1905, by which he suf fered a fractured hip, Mr. Ford had been prominently identified with Republican politic?. , Hf presided over several county and state conventions, and twice was chosen a Presidential Blector, in 1900 and 1904. Many a rising young man in the state has him to thank for the means and encouragement by which he gained an education and start in the world. Mr. Ford leaves a sister, Mrs. Dr. Angie Warren, of Portland, and two brothers, , Cnarles D., of Seattle, and Frank, of Rosslyn, Mont., besides other relatives, including an aunt, Mrs. E. J Cornell, and two cousins, W. H. Kaiser, his law partner, and Mrs. F. E. Hubbard, all of this city. He bad amassed a comfortable fortune, says a Salem dispatch to the Telegram. Mrs. Florence Bargeltof Marsh fiield, W. G. M. of Oregon, and Prof. Frederick Stanley Dunn of Eugene, W. G. P.,' are to pay ah official visit to St. Mary's Chapter No. 9 O. E. S., tomorrow night, in this ?ity. Preparations are being made for a grand time. The big laughing show, "Sis in New York," will be the attraction at the opera house next Wednes day, March lltn. BRYSON WELL NOT ACCEPT. The Christian Scientists will hold services at the Woodman Hall, Sun day, 11 . m. The public is cordial ly invited - 10tf Fresh vegetables anl fruits always oa hand in their season. Cooper & Whitesides. ntf Corvallis Man Mentioned for High Office but Will Refuse. Your Share Of $15,000, March 12. Dr. Thomas E. Green has for several years now received $tr 000 annually" from a lyceum bu reau to deliver one hundred lec tures. The management of the Corvallis Lyceum Course has se cured him to lecture here next Thursday. Can Corvallis afford a first class lyceum course? The management has assumed the financial obligations of a first class course. Will you support it? The advance reservation of seats begiris at 8 a. m., Monday, March 9th, at Giaham & Wortn am's drug store. General sale begins Tuesday. Tickets 75c, 50c and 35c. Corvallis Opera House, Thursday nigbt. A Card of Thanks. The Reverand Pastor of St. Mary's church wishes to thank the citizens of Corvallis and Monroe for their liberal patronage of the recent sale for the bene fit of the church. In particular is he grateful to the ladies of the congregation both members and non-members, who cheerfully itave their contributions, time and labor to insure the suueees of the sale. Special thanks are alsi due to u. A. Gerhard who generojsly placed his store at the disposal of the committee iu charge. It is the earnest prayer of the pastor that Gr id uiav bless and prosper all concerned in the affair for their good will aud substantial aid, 22 "Sis in New York" Coming. There will be a ' hard time" skat ing pr:y at the rink, next Monday night, given by a club. Spectators allowed. Admission 10c. Come and see th fnn 22 R. F. Baker & Co. It yon hare Farm or City property for sale, list it with R. F. Baker 400. Offiee next door to Font Office. Corvallis, Ore. E. R. Bryscn of this city has been mentioned this week for the position of United States District Attorney, by the delegation at Washington. When interviewed Tuesday, Mr. Bryson stated that he had been informed that his name was being mentioned but that he had sent a telegram that forenoon informing the delega tion that he could not consider the proposition. One reason, and perhaps the ereatet is that the young man has already filed his application fer the position ot district attor ney, and be said there were other reisons why he would not be corrXfe a candidate for United States district attorney. Mr. Bryson is a brainy young lawyer, 32 years of age, who has made tor himself an enviable reputation since being admitted to the bar a number of years ago. His effective work in doing away with the illicit liquor traffic in Corvallis, carried on under the 'Commercial Club" plan in vio lation of the local option law, has made manv warm friends for Mr. Bryson throughout the state, among law-abiding citizens, and his record throughout bis legal career has been clean and honor able. He is splendidly fitted for the high office for which he has been mentioned and his friends have been urging bim to accept it. He insists, however, that he will not be a candidate. "Sis in New York" is coming next Wednesday night to the opera house. Sis and her Indiana neighbors have been so long be fore the public entertaining those who have an ear for that quaint brand of comedy found nowhere else save in Posey County, Hoop pole Township, Indiana, that she need? no introduction. This sea son's edition of the fun frolic takes Sis and her rural friends in to New York, and she is kept busy dodging the autos and cars, lor she insists on walking in the middle of the streets fearing that some of the big buildings might fall. The CoTvallis & Enstein railway will sell round trip tickets to Ya quina on Wednesdays and Satur days only of each week at $3.25, good for return within 60 days. Tickets to be validated at Yaquina for return. No stopovers allowed on these tiokets. R. C. Linville, Agt. 16tf Colonist Rates. Colonist rates will be in effect Murch 1, 1908, to April 3), 1908, from eastern points to the Pacific Northwest as fol ows : From Chicago to Portlard, Astoria and Puget Sound destinations, also to points on the Southern Pacific main line and branches north of and including Ashland, Oregon, $38. From Missouri River common points, Council Bluffs, to Kansas City, Mo,, inclusive also of St, Paul and Minneapolis. $30 ; Bt. Lonis, $35.50, and from Denver, Colorad Springs and Pueblo, $30. Stopover privi leges and other conditions of sale will be practically the came as prevailed previ ously. 16tf R. C Linville, Agent. .