Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 25, 1908, Image 4

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    Farm and
Buff Orpingtons Received With En
thusiasm on Farms.
Long eiperiencebas shown that no
arletles of fowls are better suited
to the requirements of farmers and
ethers than Barred and White Plym
outh Rocks, White Wyandottes and
Buff Orpingtons. Both Barred Plym-
onth Socks and White Wvandottes are
from them may be had at reasonable
Cost No variety seems to have a
(reater hold on the farming commu
nity than the Barred Plymouth Rock.
The Orpingtons are comparatively new
Comers, but have rapidly made their
way to a first place In the utility class.
Particularly may this be said of the
buff variety.
The English group of fowls, among
Which are the Orpingtons, may be said
to embrace many different kinds, and
for the most part they have been val
ued for their egg laying 'and table
qualities. As with the American breeds,
the aim seems to have been a combi
nation of egg laying and market types
With small frame and superior quality
of flesh. In this respect the English
and French breeds may be said to be
unexcelled. Both nations are also
skilled In crossing varieties, with the
aim of producing flesh with small
frames and a fine quality of meat of
white color.
Buff Orpingtons are one of many va
rieties and probably the most popular
of the Orpington family. They are rap
Idly replacing many wornout strains
and mongrels on our farms and have
taken a front place In the utility poul
try ranks as winter layers and market
fowls. There is great demand for eggs
and fowls of this breed. They have
light colored legs and white flesh.
Chickens are hardy and grow rapidly.'
Eggs are of medium or larger size, ac
cording to strain.
White Orpingtons are a most promis
ing variety and are likely to become
popular on account of their merits as
layers and table fowls. They are not
yet well known, but will soon make
many friends. Their characteristics are
about the same as those of the buff
variety, with the exception of the col
or of the plumage, which Is pure white.
Jubilee, Spangled and ' Rose Comb
Buff and White Orpingtons are varie
ties of the same family, which are yet
In few hands. All claim more or less
merit The buff and white varieties
are likely to be first In favor of fan
ciers and breeders for some time to
come, as they are best known and have
certainly made a favorable Impression.
Species of Alfiiaria.
There are about eight species of al
fllarla growing in the United States,
three being native to the Pacific coast
region. The' most valuable and the
one that has made such progress -on
the ranges Is the red stemmed alfilaria
(Erodium clcutarlum). This species Is
a hairy, slightly viscid, erect or as
cending herbaceous winter annual from
six to eight Ruches high. Its flowers
are lilac or purple, and the plant pos
sesses generally a pronounced musky
odor. During the winter it forms a
compact many leaved rosette from ten
to twelve inches in diameter, from
Which the stems are thrown up during
the spring months.
For San Jose Scale.
Lime sulphur washes for San Jose
scale are suitable only for the treat
ment of trees which are In a dormant
state, being much too strong for appli
cation to trees In foliage. Experiments
indicate that the best results follow
applications In spring just befotfc the
growth of the tree begins.
How to Organize Them and Start
Neighbors Dragging.
Importance of Using Drags at the
Right -Time Proved by Statement of
a Township Supervisor Features of
Neighborhood Organization. '
fCopyright. 1908, by D. Ward King:!
After the. public spirited, leaders In
the movement for better roads have
convinced the community the King sys
tem Is all it is claimed to be there will
arise the question of how to get every
mile of road dragged, for the less progressive-
men will allow stretches of
rough road between the smooth pieces.
Now, In times past I used to shy at
organization. I was more afraid of
the word than the average farmer's
family horse Is of an automobile. The
worst fool over an auto on my farm
today Is the twenty-year-old standby
who has helped to raise the children;
not that I was foolish about it but be
cause I knew the ease with which good
people will elect a president and a sec
retary, adopt a constitution and quit
I am 8 till opposed to organizing first
Before such an attempt is even sug
gested a lively demand for it should be
created. When the people are convinc
ed by object lessons, then the time Is
ripe for organization.
A paper record and the formal elec
tion of officers is not an absolute ne
cessity, for when the community has
reached the proper frame of mind the
desired end may be reached by a sort
of common consent just as villages
gradually get rid of the front fences
and take better care of the lawns with
out the passage of a special ordinance.
In thousands of instances long stretch
estwenty miles in some cases are
kept In order by an unspoken under
standing. But formal organization will
do no harm and often will succeed
where the spontaneous kind has failed
to develop.
I am acquainted with four styles of
neighborhood organization, three of
them developed by unselfish Individu
als having in view the good of the
community solely. . The differences In
the plans are due partially to local en
vironments and partially to the busi
ness occupations of the persons who
formulated them.
The organization of the residents
along suburban roads was first ac
complished by. Mr. Clarence D. Skin
ner of Topeka, Kan. Mr. Skinner in
terested the people along his own
street and used the drag to make a
boulevard which became .the talk of
the city. His success was so great
that he was made assistant secretary
of the Kansas Good Roads association.
In which capacity he aided Secretary
I. D. Graham to spread the club idea
throughout the state, the newspapers
of Topeka. joining heartily in the
Postmaster Filson of- Glameron, Mo.,
was the author of a scheme for divid
ing each rural route in two parts with
a captain for each part He called a
mass meeting of all the patrons of all
the rural routes and after explaining
to them he divided the audience into
groups by. routes and had captains
chosen. It was the business of one
captain to manage the outgoing half
of the route which passed his house,
and It was the business of the other
captain to attend to the Incoming end.
About two years ago Thomas W.
Larkin, secretary of the Dennison
(Tex.) Commercial club, made and
tested a King drag. He was converted.
The roads were very, very bad about
Dennison. One of them, known as
Carpenters Bluffs road seemed much
the worst' The Commercial club do
nated a sum of money to put this road
in order, but stipulated that the farm
ers must pledge a like amount . in
money or labor, and also must promise
to drag the road carefully after it was
repaired. Mr. Larkin called meetings
at a schoolhouse or two out near the
end of the road, presented the proposi
tion and organized the farmers. To
day the Bluffs road Is known by repu
tation' throughout Texas, and Its ex
cellence is the standard by which
other good roads are measured.
The fourth form of organization can
be used only in localities where the
road officers join the movement and
take the management in charge. I can
outline the workings of this plan most
quickly and clearly by repeating a
statement made by a township super
visor from Clayton county at the Iowa
state road convention, Des Moines, In
January, 1905. The value of the King
drag and the Importance of concerted
action in its use were under discussion,
and the supervisor said that on a cer
tain afternoon, naming a day several
weeks past the roads had thawed and
were a little sloppy. The wind got
into the north and it was evident a
freeze was coming. "So," said he, "I
stepped to the phone and ordered out
every drag In the township. The
weather turned very cold that night;
the ground froze hard and remains
frozen till now. The undragged roads
were so sharp and rough the next
morning they were well nigh impassa
ble, but the dragged roads were as
smooth as a floor and as hard as cast
Iron and have been so every since."
It seems to me this statement con
tains in a nutshell proof of the value
of the drag even in winter, evidence
of the importance of using the drag at
the right moment and also points to
the necessity for some form of organ
ization. Pennsylvania State Highways.
The state highway department of
Pennsylvania expects to construct this
year 268 miles of good roads.
One of tb last eeaeon'a beat of
ferine, "A Boyal Slaw," hy Clar
ence Bennett, a.itW of Th Holy
City, will be a awet welcome at
traction at tbe opera boon next
Wedoesdsy, Feb. 26 h It ia an
entrancing story nf tbe Southland
and of tbe days "Wberf Knigb'bood
was in Flower " of dashing Senora
and bright eyed Seitnritea, of eof
toned guitars and tinkling tact bo
nnes', ot warm, aweet reenter corttb
ern breezes and waving palms : ; It
19 taken from that greet ; story of
old Mexico. "Thi Fair GkJ," by
Gen. Lew Wallace, It is ore of tbe
strongest and heat dramatic produc
tions on tbe road and is worthy of
liberal patronage.. The advance
sale dpeos Monday morning.
Po rtland and Return, Only $3.50.
The Southern Pacific Company and
Corvallia & Eastern Railway are selling
round trip tickets to Portland front Cor
vallis for $3.50, good going on any train
Satarday or Sunday either via Albany or
west side and good returning either via
Albany or west side, Saturday, Sunday
or Monday.
IStf R. C. LnrvKjJt, Agent
Jersey Bull For Sale. T
Descended from Grand Coin and GoM
a Glow ; impasted eow ftottinir 18 lbs
tetter fat ha 7 eays with rJ. Ad
dress, 8. WooBeeeK. (Ms Ore
gon, 72 t
Druggists Will Battle Stomach
Troubles in Corvallis.
The increase of stomach troubles ia
Corvallis has led Graham & Wells to take
effective measures to combat the disease.
. They bave the local agency for Mi-o-na
sternach tablets, and in order to induce
people Buffering with weak stomach or
indigestion to nsetbe remedy, offer to
supply it with the distinct understanding
that money will be refunded in every case
where It doss not cnre.
Mi-o-na is not a mere digestive, bnt an
absolute strengtaener and build er-up of
tbe wiiole digestive tract. If you suffer
with headaches, giddiness, palpitation,
bad taste in the mouth, nervousness,
coated tongue, d iatresB aftar eating, use
Mi-o-na and see how quickly these symp
toons of a weak stomach will disappear. '
1 The remedy strengthens the muscular
walls of tbe stomach and increases tbe
flow of gastric juices so that nourishment
is extracted from the food and the refuse
is expelled without the aid of purgative
or laxative medicines, .
Remember that Graham fc Wells give
a gurrantee to refund the money unless
it cures. They take all the risk, sad
there is no danger ot yonr losing any
thing except indigestion when you buy a
50-cent box of Mi-o-na.
the Common Council of the City of Cor
vallis has assessed upon each lot or part
thereof ascertained and determined by
the report of the viewers to be specially
benefited by the sewer constructed
through Block 6, original town of Marys
ville, now City of Corvallis, and- Block
No. i in Dixon's First Addition to the
City of Corvallis, Oregon, its proportion
ate share of the cost of such sewer a?
found by such viewers, and that the fol
lowing is a description of the several lots
or parts thereof so assessed, a statement
of the names of tbe owner or owners of
each such lot or part thereof, if known,
and of the sum assessed upon each lot or
part thereof.
Block No. 6, original town of Marysville,
now City of Corvallis.
Lot No. I Owner, J. W. Ingle. . . .$41.78
Lot No. a Owner, Henry Gerhard,
Elizabeth Gerhard, Mary Ger
hard, Katarine Gerhard 43.78
Lot No. 3 Owner, Henry Gerhard,
Elizabeth Gerhard, Mary Ger
hard, Katarine Gerhard ...... 43.78
Lot No. 4 Owner, Henry Gerhard,
Elizabeth Gerhard, Mary Ger
hard, Katarine Gerhard 42.78
Lof No. 5 Owner Henry Gerhard,
" Elizabeth Gerhard, Mary Ger
hard, Katarine Gerhard 42.78
Lot No. 6 Owner C. A. Gerhard--42 78
Lot No. 7 Owner, John Beach. . . . 42.78
Lot No. 8 Owner, Ernest Weigand
and Maggie Wiegand 42.78
Lot No. 9 (south half) Owner. Er
nest Wiegand and Maggie
eand ai.30
Lot No. 9 (north half) Owner, Er
nest Wiegand 21.39
Lot No. 10 Owner, John Bier 42.78
Lot No. 11 Owner. John Bier ,
Herbert Hades 42.78
Lot No. 12 Owner, Virgil Waiters 42.78
J Block No. 1, Dixon's First Addition to
the City of Corvallis.
Lot No. I Owner, Carrie Barden. . '42.78
Lot No. 2 Owner, Carrie Barden. . 42.78
Lot No. 3 Owner, Elizabeth Mc-
Bee, George McBee, Ida McBee 42.78
Lot No. 4 Owner, Maggie E. Aus
tin 4-5ths, Gertrude Stettler 1-5 42.78
Lot No. 5 Owner, O. W. Beckwith 42.78
Lot No. 6 Owner, O. W. Beckwith 42.78
Lot No. 7 Owner, Mary Stewart. 42.78,
Lot No. 8 Owner, Mary Stewart. . 42.78
Lot No. 9 Owner, Mary Stewart. . 42 78
Lot No. 10 Owaer, Harley L. Hall
and Grace E. Hall c 42.78
Lot No. 11 Owner, F. G. Clrrk. . r 42.78
Lot No 12 Owner, F.G.Clark.. 42.78
The foregoing assessments were en
tered in the docket of City Liens of the
City ot Corvallis on the 18th day of Feb
ruary, 1908, and if the sum of money
assessed as aforesaid upon any such lot
or part thereof is not paid to the City
Treasurer ot the City of Corvallis within
five days after the date of the final publi
cation hereof as hereinafter noted, such
sum will draw interest at the rate of
eight per cent per annum after the ex
piration of such time and a warrant will
issue directing the Chief of Police of
said City to levy upon and sell such lot
or part thereof to satisfy such sssi mini 1 1
umot ot final publication, March 6,
19c J.F.YATES,
Police Judge City of Corvallia.
Feb. 15 -7 -S -V.-'"
the Common Council of the City of Cor- j
vallis has assessed upon each lot or part
thereof ascertained and determined by
the report of the viewers to be specially
benefited by the sewer constructed
through Blocks 11, ia and 13 in Dixon's
econa Addition to the City or Corvallis,
Oregon., its proportionate shore of the
cost of such sewer as found by such
viewers, and that the following is a de
scription of the several lots or parts
thereof so assessed, a statement of the
names of the owner or owners of each
lot or part thereof, if known, and of the
sum assessed upon each lot or part there
of. Block No. 11 in Dixon's Second Addition
to the City of Corvallis.
Lot No. I Owner, Catherine M.
Tharp :..$29 78
Lot No. 2 Owner, Catherine M.
Tharp 29.78
Lot No. 3 Owner, Catharine M.
- Tharp 39 78
Lot No. 4 Owner, , Prudence Chip
man... 29 78
Lot No. 5 Owner, Prudence Chip
man 20,78
Lot No. 6 Owner, Prudence Chip-
man 30.78
Lot No. 7 Owner, Anna Hodes. . . 29,78
Lot No. 8-Owner, Anna Hodes. ..' 29.78
Lot No. 9 Owner, Anna Hodes. .. 39.78
Lot No. 10 Owner. Prudence Chip
man .t.... 29.78
Lot No. 11 Owner, Prudence Chip-.-
man. . .'. 4 20 78
Lot No. 12 Owner, Prudence Chip-
man ; 9 7o
Block No. 12 in Dixoi's Second Addition
to the City of Corvallis,
Lot No. 1 Owner, Geo. B. Wills,
Miles Hendricks . 2978
Lot No. 2 Owner, Geo. B. Wills,
Miles Hendricks 29.78
Lot No. 3 Owner, Evan McLennan 29 78
Lot No. 4 Owner, Martha A. Fran
cisco 29.78
Lot No. s Owner, M. C. Miller. . 29.78
Lot No. 6 Owner. M. C. Miller. . . 29.78
Lot No. 7 Owner, Geo. B. Wills, "
Miles Hendricks 39 78
Lot No. 8 Owner, Geo. B. Wills,
Miles Hendricks 29.78
Lot No. 9 Owner, C H. Keeney. 29.78
Lot No. 10 Owner, Albert J. Chess- 29.78
ley 29.78
Lot No. 11 Owner.Mary O. Wyatt 29.78
Lot No. 12 Owner.Mary O. Wyatt 29.78
Block No. 13, in Dixon's Second Addition
to the Citv of Corvallis.
Lot No. 1 Owner, Sarah F. Elgin 20.78
Lot No. 2 Owner.Sarah J. Fletcher 29.78
Lot No. 3 Owner, R. L. Buchanan 29.78
Lot No. 4 Owner, R. L. Buchanan 29.78
Lot No. 5 Owner, R. A. Hurlburt 29.78
Lot No. 6 Owner, R. A. Hurlburt 29.78
Lot No. 7 Owner, W. F. Gay 29.78
Lot No 8 Owner, W. F. Gay.... 29.78
Lot No. 9 owner w-F Gay 29.78
Lot No. 10 Owner, R. A. Hurlburt 29.78
Lot No.-11 Owner, R. A. Hurlburt 29.78
Lot No. 12 Owner, R. A. Hurlburt 29.78
The foregoing assessments were entered
in the docket of City Liens of the City
of Corvallis on tha I8tn day of February,
1908, and if the sum of money assessed
as aforesaid upon any such lot or part
thereof, is not Paid to the City Treasurer
of the City of Uorvallis within five days
after the date of the final publication
hereof, as hereinafter noted, such sum
will draw interest at the rate of eight
per cent per annum alter the expiration
of such time and a warrant will issue
directing the Chief of Police of said City
to levy noon and sell such lot or part
thereof to satisty such assessment.
Date of final publication March 6,
1908. J. F. YATKS,
Police Judge City of Corvallis.
Feb. 25
tbe Common Council of the City of Cor
vallis has assessed upon each lot or part
thereof ascertained and determined by
the report of the viewers to be specially
bene6ted by the sewer constructed
through Blocks No. 1, 2 and 3, original
town of Marysville, now City of Corval
lis, Oregon, its proportionate share ol the
coet of such sewer as found by such view
ers and that tbe following is a descrip
tion of the several lots or parts thereof
so assessed, a statement of the names or
the owner six owners of each such lot or
part thereof, if known, and of the sum
aseessed npon each lot or part thereof :
Block No. 1, original town of Marysville,
now City of Corvallis.
Lot No. 1, owner, Alfred H. Will $37 II
Lot No. 2, owner, Alfred H. Will 37 11
Lot No. 3. owner, Alfred H. Will 37 11
Lot No. 4. owaer, Alfred H. Will 37 11
Lot No. 5, owner, John Will 37 11
Lot No. 6, owner, John Will 37 11
Lot No. 7, owaer, Rebt Franklin 37 11
Lot No 8 , owner, Robt Franklin 37 11
Lot No. 9, owner, Robt Franklin 37 11
Lot No, 10, owner, J. T. Phillips 37 II
Lot No. 11. owaer, J. T. Phillips 37 11
Lot No. 12, owner, J. T. Phillips 37 11
Block No. 2, original town of Marysville,
now City ef Corvallis:
Lot No 1. owner, C & E R R Co $37 11
Eot No 2. ownar, C & E R R Co 37 11
Lot No 3, owser, J. H. Wortham 37 11
Lot No 4, owner, John Rickard. . 37 11
Lot No 5, owner, John Rickard. . - 37 11
Lot No 6, owoer, John Rickard 37 II
Let Ne 7, owaer, J. T. Phillips 37 11
Lot No 8, owner, Manuel Knight 87 11
Lot No 9. owner. R. H Colbert 37 11
Lot No 10, owner, R. H. Colbert S7 11
Lot No 11. owner, R. H. Colbert 37 11
Lot No 12. owner, R. H. Colbert 37 11
Bleck No. 3, original town of Marysville,
now City of Corvallis :
Lot No 1, owner, Corvallis Water
- .Compaay .$37 11
Lot No 2, owner, Corvallis Water
Company 37 li
Lot No 3, owner, Wm Broders... . 37 11
Lot No 4, owner. Bertha Woldt 37 11
Lot No 5, owner, Bertha Woldt 37 11
Lot No 6, owner, Bertha Woldt 37 11
Lot No 7, owner, R. H. Huston 37 11
Lot No 8, owner, Manuel Knight 37 11
Lot No 9, (North 28 feet) owner,
Manuel Knight.... 20 78
Lot No 9. South 22 feet owner, E. .
W.Thompson 16 33
Lot No 10, North 3 feet owner, E.
W. Thorn Dson 2 22
lot No iO, N. 25 feet of S 47 feet
owner, E. W. Fischer 18 56
Lot No iO, South 22 feet owner,
Willamette Valley Company 16 33
Lot No 11, owner, Amasa Hatha
way, Mary J. Hatbaway 37 11
Lot No i2, owner, A L Hathaway, -
O. C. Hatbaway 37 1
The torecoing assessments were enter
ed in tbe Docket of City Liens of the
City of Corvallia on the iSth day of Feb
ruary. i908. end if the mm of money aa
etssed aa aforesaid npon any seen lot or
part thereof is not paid to the Citv Treas
ererofthe Citv of Corvallis wit ia five
days after the date of the final publication
hereof, as hereinafter noted, such sum
will draw interest at the rate of eight per
cent per annum after the expiration of
such time and a warrant will issue di
recting the Chief of Police of said City to
levy upon and sell anch lot oart thara-
of to satisfy such assessment.
fate of final publication March 6, i908.
Police Judge City of Corvallis.
the Common Council ' of the
Citv o Corvallis has assessed npon
esch lot or psrt thereof ascertained and
determined by the report of the Viewers
to be specially benefited by the sewer con
structed through blocks 10 aad 11, orig
inal town of Marysville, now City of Cor
vsl'is, Oregon, its proportionate share of
th coat of such sewer as tnnnd by such
viewers and that the following is a de
scription of the several lots or parts there
of so assessed, a statement ot the nam's
of the owner or owners of each lot or part
thereof, if known, and of the sam assess
ed npon each lot or part thereof.
Block No 10,in tbe originl town of Ma
rysville now City of Corvallis.
Lot No. 1 M. 8. Woodcock I53 89
Lot No. 2 (South 20 feet) J. G.
- Wuestefeld, 21 56
Lot No 2. S i9of N 30 ft., P.
P. Gifffos 2o.48
Lot No. 2. N. 11 ft,, Moses Kline 11. 85
Lot No. 3, South half. Motes Kline 26.95
Lot No. S, North half, Amelia Zier-
olf .v 26.94
Lot No, 4, South it ft. 4 in.. A. me
HaZierolf i3.29
Lot No. 4. N. 12 ft. 8 in. of N. half
Jacob Webber i3 64
Let No. 4, 8. 24 ft. 3 in. of N. half
A. Hodes 26.14
Lot No. 4, North 9 inches, L F.
Wilson 1 2 Thos. Whitehorn
X' E. R. Bryoon J .81
Lot No. 5. Sonth 32 ft , L. F. Wil
son , Thos. Whitehorn W.
E. R. Brvson . 34.49
Lot No. 5. North 18 ft , Thos.
Whitehorn, E. R. Bryson 19.40
Lot JNo. 0, The first National Bank
of Corvallis 53.
Lot No. 7. C. E. Hout 63.89
Lot No. 8, C. K Hout 53.89
Lot No. 9, A. Hodes. 53 89
Lot No. iO, Amelia Zierolf 53 89
Lot No. 11, Amelia Zierolf 53.89
Lot No. 12, M. S. Woodcock 53 89
Block No. 11, original town of Marys-
. vine, now (Jity 01 uorvallis.
Lot No. 1, south half. Pauline
Kline...1. 26.95
Lot No. 1, North half, Ferguson
Chapter No. 5 Royal Arch Ma
sons of Corvallis, Oregon; Cor
- vallis Lodge of Ancient Free A
Accepted Masons 26.94
Lot No. 2, South 7 feet. Ferguson
Chapter No. 5, Royal Arch Ma
. sons of Corvailis, Oregon; Cor
vallis Lodge of Ancient Free &
Accepted Masons 7.54
Lot No. 2. Booth 23 ft. of N. 43 ft..
Lillian Taylor 24.79
Lot No. 2. North 20 ft.. Thos.
Whitehorn 21.66
Lot No. 3. South half. Thos. White
horn 26.95
Lot No. 3, North half. W. T. Small.
O. E Small 26.94
Lot No. 4, South 12 1-2 ft, W. T.
Small, C. E. Small 13.47
Lot Ne. 4 North 37i-2 ft., Mary E.
Henderson. S. L. Henderson 40.42
Lot 5. South hair, Clara Rands 26.95
Lot No. 5, North half. Leland W.
Fisher, Elsie May Fisher 26.94
Lot No. 6, South half. Ansa Haese 2H.95
Lot No, 6, Notth half, E. W. Fisher 26.94
Lot No. 7. A M. Tucker 53.89
Lot No. 8, A. M. Tucker 53 89
Lot No. 9, A. M Tncker. 53.89
Lot No. iO. J R. Smith, T. W. B.
Smith 63 1:9
Lot No. 11, ast 1-4, Lillian J. Tay
lor, Byron Tavlor, Cecil Rn-
nie 13.47
Lot No. 11, West 3-4. City of Cor
vallis 40 42
Lot No. i2, East. i-4, Lillian J. Tay
lor, Byron Taylor, Cecil Rennie i3.47
Lot No i2, West i City of Cor
vallis 40 42
The foregoing assessments were enter
ed in the docket of Citv Liens of tbe City
of Corvallis on the 18th day of February,
i908, and if the sum of meney assessed
as aforesaid upon any such lot er part
thereof is not paid to tbe City Treasurer
of the City of Corvallis within five days
atcer tbe date of the hnal publication
hereof, as hereinafter noted, such sum
will draw interest at the rate of eight per
cent per annum after tbe expiration of
such time and a warrant will issue di
recting tbe Chief of Police of said City to
levy upon and sell such lot or part there
of to satisfy such assessment.
Date of final publication March 6, i908.
J. F. YATE8.
Police Judge City of Corvallis.
Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines for
pumping, spraying, sawing, grinding.
Outfits complete.
Fairbanks Scales, for weighing.
Fairbanks-Morse Dynamos and Motors
for power and light.
Fairbauks-Moree Windmills and Tow
ers. .
Fairbanks-Morse Grinders, Feed Chop
pers, Well Pumps.
All first quality goods at lowest prices.
AI ways in stock. Liberal terms. Prompt
reply to inquiries and quick shipments.
Write for catalogue and prices. .
J. R. SMITH & CO., Agents
Corvallis, Oregon.
Fairbanks, Morse & Co.
Portland., Oregon.
Read the "Weekly Oregonian" of Poafc
land and (be "Corvailis Gasette" for ttm
geheeal news of the world, also for in
formation about how to obtain the bast
results in ctfitivating tbe soil, stock rais
ing, ieof t raising, etc.
xou ean seouse both of these excellent
arM tw one year by psyint? to the
Coeft&is Givauatu" the mm of two dt
as ana fafiy eexita, in advimc. Racftt
ffte vsoo&t & pnstoffice order or baob
draft and stese most valuable papers wlfl
be pronrpfly malfed to yea. SlU
Regiatratioa of Lead Title.
Id the Circalt Court at tfca State at Orama f
Bantoa Oountr.
Delila Road, PUntta, ,
- is, ' -i- x'-
n.MMfc 1 1 T11 .... 1 n ... . -
deceaarf. sad Henry Lewis and "AH hom S
mnya oocern,- Detendcnto, '
Sec 4 d On ToViwhlpli, ZZ,T
mt tha WillmtL. W
Sorter ,-'7"T ??
i ..k ir j .7 nin and 6S rink,
and 57 links, thence tooth 9 am) n HrkT
andn conuinW eje TJtnSSm -V;;-.Sr-
Lewis, and TAll whom it n concern,- Pe-end-nte.
That on tbe 4th deyof J.rv.rv. IfnjJ. t
tion was flled tv the TVHl. Rrt i ,
Cirruit Court of tbe State ot Oreenn for Fenton
county, t reon, tor ipiti.i retfstratlon of tbe title
to tbe land above desrrthert.
Now, unless too anr-ar On or before tbe 9t
day of February A . P. 1P0S. and abow ranaa why
anch apntieaiion should not be printed, tbe earn
wilt be taken aa confessed and a decree will he en
tered according? to the rrayer of tbe anoMcatinn ant
and complaint you will be forever barred from
disnntinir the same. '
Dated at Corvallis. Oreaan. this tk dav of Jan..
nary, 1908.
(srALi t. t. Vincent.
Clerk Circuit Court of the State of Oreaon tar-
Benton County.
Land Office at Rosehurjr. fx-, la". 8, 1908.
Notice is herebv irlven that Ehha. 1 willian
Monroe. Benton Co. Or.haa filed notice of hia Intern.
tion to irate flnl five year proof In support of
his claim, via:
Homestead Entry No. 11010. made October 1.
1901. for the N t of SE i. Section 8, TownsMa 14
South, Range West W M, and that said nroaf
will be made before County Clerk and Clerk ot
County Coort at Corvallis, Oregon, on Friday,
He names the following wltreeaes to prove hie
continuous rasidenoe upon, and cultivation of, the
lana, vis:
Walter J. 8lason. Welberrv WUIson. Albert Oakaa
and Jamas Oaks. all of Monroe, Oreren.
Re-advertisement. Ttt
The Best Quality of
At the Store of GRAHAM & WELLS
Corvallis, Oregon
Are requested to call and see them be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
instead of charging you extra to make
up for high city rents, railroad feres and.
hotel bills for traveling salesmen.
Music Loving People
Can purchase these reliable goods io
their home town. If there is anything
you do not understand you will Had that
sellers near yonr home.
Own YourHoma
First .- National - Bank
of Corvallis
has some
Near the State Agricultural CollegeJ
whiah you ean buy on the INSTALL--
MBNT PLAN or for cash.
Savm Ten op Twenty Dollar e
per month and pay the same on a town
lot. Thereafter BUILD YOUR HOME
on the lot aad continue to make these-
small asonthly payments on the home
and you will soen have it paid for and
have no more rent to pay.
Fer suforsnaaien address
OorvaHfa, Or,
Bargain Sale
I Dress Goods
The Gazette
for Job Work.