25, IVO. 10 Vol. XLV. Corvallis; Benton County, Oregon, Friday. February tUKSIHED. ADVERTISEMENTS! Fffeen words or lea, 25 ot for fhw entr-asive insertions, or BO rt pe BO'-'h; for all rr " and inclodrngten adc inal word" V. rent a word for ear in 81 Son. I- H adverfwmeritf over 25 wordr, 1 Ct r word fo first fnrrin, art w word W eacb additional inner Nothing inserted for less than 2P THESE ARE SUBSCRIBERS To the ttot L bV' eha- eocietv and crorrh notice tViM BtrinHr news matter, will V "d for. R. F. Baker A Co. It von have F rm or City property for list It wlthR. F. Bker A Co. Office next door to Po-t Office. Corvallis, Ore PHYSICIANS DB F. H.THOMPSON. VETERINARY Offim at Deamck'a Ba1 T?. .t.hl. Ind. Phone 328. lotf K A. CATHEY. W. P.. PHY8ICTAK . DmhiiiII. BanVBnlW- W nffioe HonrRtlOtoIJa. rfl..2' n m. Beeidence: cor. Rth and Ad Ok.. TAlpnhnne at off1 re and i IrVnce. Oorva'lia. Orer V. T. ROWLEY. M. P.. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Special attention given to M Eye. Ne and Throat Office in Johnson Bide. Ind. 'phone at of fice and teaidence. FOR ALL CHRONIC DISEASES SEE Dr. M. Markel, Magnetic Healer and Herb Doctor. Third and Van Buren Sta. Ind. phone 489. Corvallis Cannery The Site Selected.. Additional Local. House Decorating. FOR PAINTING AND PAPERING SEF W. E. Paul. Ind. 488 l UNDERTAKERS There was a large and e-uthusi-i- , i :u astic meeting ox me sddschww of the Corvallis cannery Friday afternoon at the court house, at which time a committee was ap- ted to select and purchase a sltt far the new building. This site will be on the river bank, where tne oia eiwuw . was formerly located, and stems a very desirable location tor tne new enterprise. The lots are owned by Whiteside brothers, who were notified late Friday ai ternoon that the deal was closed and the lots would be taken. All but two or three ot, tne subscribers were present at this meeting, and great interest ana enthusiasm was manifested. Yiv- eil Watters was temporary chair- ... . ' 1 T XXT man or tne meeting uu j. Ingle secretary. The executive commm.ee ap- nointed is composed ot P. Avery, W. Inele and W. f. namuu, and a committee on incorporation. constitution and by-laws was ap- nointed as follows: E K. ry son. r. u inline, v. jvrcu, ard Kieer and Clyde Beach. The subscribers to the cannery and their shares are: P. Avery 500 J W. Inele 500 W.K. Taylor &00 W. F. Hamlin . 500 Martin Butler .... 500 DickKiger 500 C. Bead 500 M. Nolan dou Clyde Beach .... 209 E. E. Caldwell " B. Barker 200 200 i BOVEE & BAUER. FUNERAL Di rectors and Licensed Embalmera. Successors to S. N. Wilkine, Corvallia, Oregon. Phone 45. . 89 nvMV-TR RT.ACKL.EDGE. UNDER takers and licensed embalmers, Soutli Main St., Corvallis, ur. ATTORNEYS X. F. YATES, ATTORNE Y-AT-L AW. nffina itn stairs in Zierolf Building Only aet of abstracts in Benton Counts j. R. BR Y SON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Post Office Building, Ooival iis, Oregon. WANTED WANTED 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THI GAairrE and Weekly Oregonian ai 2.60 per year. HOMES FOR SALE 200 100 100 100 100 Fred Fischer Geo. Linderman V. P. Moses F. It. Miller A. P. Johnson W.C. Metcalf '.' E. B. Horning 100 R. L. Glass 100 Frank Wyatt........ " O. L. Davia 100 W nnnner ' 100 Jno. Wyatt J. R Smith & Co V. E. Watters.. 100 C. A. Bohannan 100 W. H. Averill 100 100 100 E. E. Dinges. 100 L&teat in photos and Btarsps, at Mr?. Wiegand's etadio. J , The fallow who's.standing about $e streets out of a "job" may feel "blue" bat it may brighten his spirita. a little, to tell him that there are thousands of idle men in Los Angeles whO areoeing kept from etaavaiion by tne 'iVolonteers of America" who sell a bowl of soup and a half loaf of bread for the sum of two centa. Again, when yon hear a fellow tilVino ahnnt it heincr BO Vbloomm" COld itmiglit make bis feet a little warmer and take some of the chill out 01 nj spine if he knew that only a few days aj;o the thermometer registered 23 degree below zero, an far west as western COK- rado. Moral: Don't kick, about Oregon the land where the roses bloom the year round and the meadow lark sings in tRa winter. Ex. Buy your groceries" of Coopfr Rr Whiteside. ixtl An unusually temperate man, ... , 3 I - ...JU i a was a model nnsaana bdo k wouu . wimmnnitT. haDnened to go wilb a friend one night and inadvertently got drank When he betoak himself home he won dered how he could deceive his wife. A. brilliant idea occurred to bum, that be never saw an intoxicated man reading a book. He would enter the house, pick book carelessly, and thus disarm h is wife's Buspicion. betting inio ine with some difficulty, he seated himsel in a chair and opened s ponder- ous volume. oon aia who from her boudoir. - '. 1 John, what on earth are you doing?' j she asked. -V Why my dear,", he said Jauntily., I'm rheading. Can't you shee ' ;j. s Jc bn, you idiot, shut up that valise immediately, and goto bed." . ' Rav! D. H Laeoh was the victim of a birthday eurprise party Thurs day night. After prayer meeting the members who bad attended the aer vices went to the home of Bev. j tend Mrs. Leech next door and. took possession cfr the bouse. The bouT were spent in a delightful manner, social conversation bung lntei- epersed with staging by the audi enoe, three vocal soIob by the host and two reoitationi by 8. B. Bane. RefeshmentB were brought by. the guests and were served at a late hour, after which, with hearty good wiahea for Rev. Leech and family th visitors departed lor home oarrying the memory of a very pleasant evening. Those prasent were Rev. Leeeh and family, Mr. Mn W. f5. Swann. Mr.x and HITF GQ5DS 11 - m t. .i ix iicaa ivx.! Jsri .5,.vs- .A- Chas. Zeieler luu J. J. CaleA Son 00 W. H Dixon io" MrB- w. E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. WILL SELL LOTS IN COR VALLJ6, Oregon, on instalment plan and aa elat puMttaflera to build homes on then if deeirsd. Ad draw First National Bank. Corvallis, Or. WILL SELL MY LOTS IN NEWPORT. Or., for spot cash, balanoe instaV inente, and belp parties to build home thereon, U daeirea. Auureu m. a. Woodoook. Cc-vaille. Or. BANKING. "THIS VTR-1 NATIONAL BANK Of Cnrvallia. .. transacts a general conaarvative banktog business. Lcnf mnnmmr Ml snTwnvivl ReCUTltV. Draft bought and sold and money transferred la the oainaiDal cities of the United States. Europe and foreign countries, Smith & Dawson Headquarters for Pruit Tree Spray Diamond Chickau Feed Chicken Grit Ground Bote Shell and Poultry Food Lice KlUer, ae We pay aeh for dressed Veal and Pok, l ounry ana cgge Next door to J . B. Smith A Co. Ind. Phone 20C Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereto given to all persons concern 1 and trsbmcnl of R. C. Kier, that the undeieigricd has been appointed execu Steteoi Oregon. All peoiuillavmrclaHus irunn deceased, bj tae Coucty Couit of Ban ton Count; tha estate of ald R. C. KUer, deceased, are hereby ,iTA ts nmnit the same, whh proper vouch- o. uly rerifier' as bv law requiaed, witliin sill moatais from the date harect, to the undersized -. 1 d.in in i ' v.M 6reuon. or at ttte oaSce ot McFadden tBrjsou, Attorneys, in Cor vallis. Orafroa. Datalt CorralaU, Oregon, this aSth day Jauaar,. Uikerva J. Eim, vmri of the ktct iH and testament ot K-C J. F. Wilbanks ". iu G. A. Boyne . .100 J. Lindquist 1 Jno. I. Poet 100 Gua Lambott 100 Central Planing Mill lou McFadden & Bryson lou W. Wat kins 10o W. Fischer.. 1 Lee Uenkle , lw . F Groves 100 A. Rroirir 100 Mrs. Perces Linderman 100 Paul Johnson 1 J. Phillips 100 Andrew Jensen 1 FredCorrodi ." 100 Gibson Myers 1 IraBoDiue 1 100 100 NESS, And a general scramble for WHITEGOODS of every descrip tion marks the opening of the White Carnival. "Special Attractions Everjr Day" BROADEEAD DRESS GOODS FOR THAT EASTER COSTUME. in PTrnn air "huvinfiT them. Come every Poe's Raven will appear at the opera house, Saturday evening. Feb. 29th, at 8 o'cioce. 17" BUILDING OPERATIONS B. Goodman, Mr. ' and Mra. G. F Rice and family, Mr. and Mra. I D. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome TCvere-.t. S. B. Bane. Minor Swick Samuel Whiteside, Mrp. George Lilly, Mi8 Ada Farmer, Mrs. Col bert, Mrs. Ruth Buchanan, Mrs. Groves, Mrs. Uavis, Miasea Edna and Lillie Groves, Georgia White and Waldo Colbert. A Royal Slave" Coming. Royal And Timber Supply Interesting Facts Relative to Our Forests. D. Kline. , F. Rice. . In God We Trust" Wins. A New York item or Feb. 19 savs: ueimonico s was iuc .-- of much merrvmaKinff icnigm, the event being a meeting ot tiv Pilcr ms of the United b att. wkiiplaw Keirl. ambassador to Great Britain, v.as the priccipa sneaker. 1 . . r r Ai Much ot toe inn 01 me eveu inu was afforded by Mark Twain at r fmens saia inai ue waa Ul 1 . . gratified that Congress was about to restore to tne coinage iuc words "In God We Trust." He continued: "I knew that we would get into difficulty it wt left these words eff, and straight way the trouble came. .The pros perity of the whole nation went down in a pile when we ceased to trust Gcd in that conspicuous and well advertised way. U! Pierpont Morgan had not stepped in just then ! Now that we have resumed oer trust in God we will discharge Mr. Morgan .from bis The Droduction of "A Slave" which comes to the Opera Hnnse next Wednesday evening, ia to be one of the real events ot the theatrical season in this city. Of all the romantic dramas seen last vear. few were as well re ceived as this beautiful story of j the Southland. It is not only unusual in dramatic construction but is magnificent in its scenic investure. 1 he play treats 01 a time when magnificence was vis ible on every band and of a peo pie who denied their women folks nothing. Passionate, emotional to an extreme, hieh-tempered, the Caslilians of Mexico lived picturesquely as well as wore brilliant costumes. It is a s'torv of the days "When Knighthood was in Flower' in old Mexico, taken from lew Wallace's "The Fan God." "A Royal Slave" is remembered by Corvallis theater patrons ah one of the very best attractions here lat season, the company if better than ever.-and is sure ti draw a ciowded- house. It is a; attraction, that the managemen of the Opera House takes pleas ure in recommending, and yon afford to miss if. beats now selling, Prices 35c, 50c 75C , Cement and steel and brick and stone are not vet used in sufficient quantities to encourage lumber users to predict the time when the toiests will notbecaiiea upon to furnish the principal materials used in building operations. JNotw no- standing the remarkable increase in the use ot cement and other nreproot maierir als, the last reports of the building oper ations in forty nine of the leading citiea of the United States for the year, collect. oA hv th fiplneical Survey, show that 59 per cent were of wooden construction Even if the remainiug forty one per cent of the buildings were built of buck .in.. ani mncrate. vast Quantities of nod are consumed both in the con s traction and in the finish, though in the latter form, metal is taking the place of wood to a very laige extent. The amount of lumber given above does not take into consideration this item at alL While this percentage ia representative of the building industry in ihe Uniied States, dtalers point out that it noes not ;.inHi 1V10 InrffB unantities of lumber used for U.e construction of dwellings, stores and other buildings ia the thous ends of small cities ar.d towns scattered over the country and net included in the fortv nine citiea on which a reckoning mao Tn towns and small cities wood is usually the prdtoruinaling build iua mateiial and it is safe to tay that ii t he statieli'cs bad included figures lor all places ef whatever size, ttie percetiage 01 woodei consttut-non would be macb greater. These fierce, as a rule, are .-.r.iu rr the tt.rirtjrate iiouis, auu me bubnrbi ol ihes - ri led nave eacn verj iargB aoiouoi t ) . c added. Tne osi, also is rel lively .. .ii-er iu mcoo w ihauia iojs lfce bated the supply. ." I., wuodeo bul .. gs, Uw xc.ik at .nebouooi oftn' -I. lU-Dnh it leads ith $;S.Ij75 ti. vciat,e coeiof buiid :nfa. ILXiept ai -,. w,. abiormai coodii have prevaled since th fire. Bos on eh a the greatest in- creaaa ol auj cost of huilding operations. Ihe average cost of buildings is constantly increasing, having risen over three hundred dollars during the last three y ars. The average value of a building is given in the report as $2,935. Lumber is by far the greatest dram on forests, and the wonaertui aeveiupeuacui of the country during the past decade has called lor the use of nearly forty million hoard feet a vesr. The largest quantity nver reDorted for a single year was for ... . 1 it 1906, when thirty seven ana one " bi'.lion feet with a mill value ol ifwi.ioi, 388 was used. Iepluding the value of the lath and shingles used with triis amount tte total Value of the wood used for buildings is brought up to $6j6,79o.- 513. The increasing price of lumber and the rapidly increasing use of periectea nre- proof systems of construction snonia have much to do in holding nown in. amount which the forests are called npoa to yield each year, but so far these more substantial materials have not decreased the lumber cut of the nation. Pr'ii vegetables anT truits always oa hand in their season- Cooper & Whitesides. n (o. 4301) Report of the Condition of The First National Bank OF CORVALLIS ry iu tn fho State of Oregon, at at vauH. the close of business, February 14, 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts-- -r 16?'H5 I? Other n al estate owned ." 11 I Due from National Banks-not reserve m DnefBnOTdBank;- .0 f T J A. il.ltAfa A 4Sd1s ICeseTVcu SCai. Htfc.ciB vu Surplus luna - - - , at Graham & Wortham's Drug "Wj $S??. -,2gS . . . . J 1 Rank notes outstanding w Sul ta appToved reserve agents- lM.g m Checks and other cash items. 7.7 Notes of other National Banks 1 --. .5 Fractional paper currency, niokels. ana cents Lawful Momey Rbbbbvk in Bank, viz: Specie 8O9 ii , Legal-tender notes- per cent, of Circulation Total. r 2.095 00 120,890 t Redlmptton fund withU. 8. Treasurer -si 2,000 00 $625,196 0T LIABILITIES. 150,000 r IO.UUU w Capital stock paid In. cr. for Pop's Raven entertain-- "sr?wr.;ajr1k; ,12124 Individual deposits w, ""io'TS6 T Demand certificates of depos.t 89.Mb 7 Time certificates of Certified I'necits ment at the Opera House Satur day evening, Feb. 29. In Memory of Mrs. Almeda Murry. Tbou art gone but we will meet thee God has planned that such might be The days eeem sad and lonely bow B it we will follow, God will show us bow. . " , Our heads are bowed with grief and sorrow But we may follow e're tomorrow "Not now but in tfce coming years We'll reap the meaning of our tears.' To know thee was in heart, to love thee And from our midst we sadly miss thee - A sunbeam has left and gone above To dwell where God is love. A Friend. New line dishes in plain and fancy designs, at Cooper & W: ite sides. "ti derxsit.. 68,392 20 Cashier's checks outstanding i i m 00 Reserved lor taxes-- -r-- Liabilities other tnan tnose uv. stated contingent Ti.hiiiti.-s other than those above 8,921 00 lies uiuc, - rrvl m stated Suspense '1 w Total 626'196 07; State of Oregon, County of Benton s I.Geo. E. Lilly, Cashier oi tjic above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement, is wuc best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22 j day of February, 1908. E. D. Hokgan, Notary Public. Correct attest: J. W. Foster, Walter T. Wiles, M. S. Woodcock, Directors. Wood wanted at once, on of the ciiiea in the total BC lptlOO, at CrtZStte omce. sub-12tf The Corvallis & Eastern rail war rtill sell round trip tickets to Ya quina on Wednesdays and Satur days only of each week at $3.25, good for return within 60 drye. Tickets to be validated at Yequioa for return. No stopovers allowed nn theee tiokets. R. C. Linville, Agt. 16tf high office of honor. i.r daaeaaco. u " "