CLASSI FIED ADVERTISEMENTS An CXASHIFIKU DVRBTJBEMENT8 : Fifteen worda or less, 25 ctH for the ncceMlve insertions, or 50 rts per month; for all up to and inclndinir ter additional words. cent a word for eao .11 .Hwriwmenta ovm X word, 1 ct Mr word for the first insertion, aiw" j wnd for each additional inser tfor Nothiag inserted for less than 2F cent. t anrintv and chore noMces othe han stri'v newa mattar, will b ehsd for. PHYSICIANS DR F.H. THOMPSON. VKTERINABY snreeon. Offio at Demmicic-s n--t, . ...hi. Ti3 PhnnA 328. 16'f j roij I Bi'"" " - - T A nATHFY. M. T.. PTTTSTPTA' " . " o.1A HaTia-Km!" ; t rr . in tn T9 . m.. V rr T unii-"- , . iijj.ti mr. nth flnn an Hts. Telpr.hore t . rd Wnre. Corvn'li". O-mror ELEPHANT TRAVEL. W.T. ROWLF.Y. M. T. PHYSICIAN ar-rl Snrfreor.. Ppecial attention c-vpp to he Fve. Ne an Tr.rot.. OflRr in .Tohrmnn BH. 'phone at of fice and TrtiMerten. House Decorating. UNDERTAKERS WTT.TCTNS& BOVFF, FUNEKATj DI. rertors and T.prteed Fmbilmer". SnroppporB to P. N. Wilkin. Oorvalh, Orenn. Plinnp 4g. . 9H HFNKLF A BTjACKIjFPGF, unpfr Inkers and lii-prip pmhalmers. South XT nin Kt . fWvnnifi. Or. ATTORNEYS J. F. YATF.P, ATTOPNEY-AT-T,A"W. "Oftir-e up Ptn'rs in Ziprolf Bni'dinp. Only set of abstracts in Ppptoi. ConnH p k. BRYPON ATTOPNFY AT LAW. Offipe in Popt Office Enildine. Oorvsl I'e. Oregon. WANTED Uncomfortable and Perilous Trip In a Howe ah. TWa were two elenhants at our disposal, and myself and the in- terpreter roae tne urbt, wtu cupping half of the howdah. The howdah nas a peculiar a tionable habit -of nearly succeeding in cutting your legs in two. If you Ani. lAira rmTKinft vou mil V you the edge asNnuch as you like, but if you are new to tne gaiiiB.ju t. half an hour from waits mv. - . , , an uneasy doze with tne painiui conviction that the lower halves of your legs have dropped off. jn squiruuiig ujj juv" r from which you can view the out- side worm vou win Bee iucj "v. .v dangling there, but with an irre sponsibility which suggests that they have been frayed through to the last shred. Abnormal efforts al low you to drag them saieiy msiue, and you think it will be better m future to keep them there. The elephant is almost as fine a aVuaIa 1-m COO trip finrroundino: coun- V ClllVXC ivf vj try from as a London bus, and there lb o uvuomittwjv ment in his progression, ine eie- . -r- i i i -j-1 lioVif Tirhpn -,i-.n-K-t- i rn o rind M liiLcii nt.wi " l.l rxt Kit nf it came to a river ucma 1 nf looking arovma and picking out what seemed the worst bit he could see. Down one side ot a river it seem--j -n-nii rniornnil in to 4-,l head? and I could look OLauvj ' T ...t v,r.Hnh n . tnousrn i was UUt Ui Liiv , lvinsr therein, and observe the fashes darting over uie BLouea m lord's noble fore LCI Jtiou J head. More than once on these jour nevs the beast would patiently slouch through the trees and bush es off the track in search of some thing edible quite regardless oi me fact that the branches threatened to sweep howdah and everytlnng eise over the stern. But one of the most peculiar sensations was when they took it into their heads to have a scratch against the telegraph poles. It would, be a wonderful line which M'wihaTati'd the solid' work "the ut ovnprts its Tosts to carry out, and when the No. 2 beast leanH a in ViotH tmrt tne nost suaucu x .i -in j could almost see tne muu. ana oumo i,nt inriicmflTit surnrise reflected vr Lxtv o i pllicront face to tne other. Singapore Free Press. A special correspoDflence from Eneene gives some interesung facts in xegaia to u. ui v. - The anntial report oi mc x in dent of the University of Oregon for 1907, with the reports 01 Steward and Registrar, have juft m T-k ! Jnt'e ra been issued, i ne ries-iucui a .i,nnB at the University LV 1 t liw " J ' z u o oain nf 41 in eoroJl- ,t tT,ic tear over that 01 las'. Th funds have fallen short $15,- m.BtinT ihr current ex UUU Ul llivvnug penses of the year, and to avoid a deficiency the iacnuy three months witbont pay. The work of the bntnmer ocnooimuu tt, rntrpsnonoence School is vuw v. x discussed, ana a recommcuuai. is made for a bureau of research in Economics, Politics, and &oci- olosv. An outline ot tne pians of the bcbooi 01 naocauu" .w training high school teachers and principals given, ano iutm. is called to the gift to the Uni versity of a building and laua Dy P t pns ot Norm cenu, uk- for the establishment of a - - Marine Biological L,aDoiatoiy, which Coos Bay offers exceptional The total registration as shown by the registrars report is 97 mu dents, distributed as follows : Lib eral Arts 298, engineering ii, school of law 87, school medi Rn srhool o." music 126, cor-. respondence scnooi 251, summ.x school 25. The Steward's Re port gives a complete statement of the University's finances for the vear. Call 011 the. Cor vallis Electric Supply Co. Z Occideutcl Hotel Building For everything in the line of electric fixtures and supplies. Housewmng a specialty Expeneoced Electrician in charge Independent Phone 599 HONORED THEIR MEMORY. Lincoln and McKinley Memorial Service The Programmer Buried Tuesday. The funeral of the late George Bayne was held at n a. m. Tues day, from the United Presbyterian church in Lion county, K.ev. 1 . -1 A ' T The W. K. U ana ' I sT'Handsaker conducting the ser members gave a very successful : The remains were interrec and enjoyable patriotic entertain VALUE OF RSGHT BREATHING. WAtfTFn 500 PFPPCPTBFRSTOTHF GArKTTK and "Weekly Oreironiaii $2 50 per veert ment at the Methodist church Wednesday evening, a ilarge and appreciative audience being pres ent. The church was beautifully decorated with flags, and a mixed ehorus occupied the choir corner. On the platform were the minis ters of -the city and Mrs. T. J. Thorp of the W. R. C. who pre sided during the meeting. .. number on the program was a song "Old Glory" by the chorus, followeaDy mvo wirin-. bv Rev. P- A. Moses Miao .Tnnpt Rlackledsce then sang I the verses of the "Red White and 1 . j vices. The remains were lmeircu in the Circle City cemetery. Deceased was born in Perth V.irp. "Rncland. in Aueust, 11?. He came to Wisconsin wun ui r.9rent: in i8";7. and in iS6 was r . . united in matnage to miss iviaiy t in the same vear ivir. WT"-" .., ' , . Bayne came to California ana in ijfn Mine to Benton county, re siding at Wrenn until two years ago when he went to L,inn coun ty, where he died at the home of his son, Sunday alternoon, 01 Lesrt trouble. Ot five children, only two are Hvice, George Bayne, Jr., of Linn county, and Tohn. Bayne, of Idaho. Knnwinsr How, Bine." the audience joining m ton,' havnt; comt west to let- t the lumber business. He was 1 Eugene recently, and made a v r favorable impression uponaii w met him. He is a targe man a a splendid all-around athlete. I s is about as years 01a. TTe will be the first Yale ma to coach a Northwest team. IN SHERIFF'S HANDS. Tax Roll of Benton County, Ore gon, Turned Over by Clerk Vincent on the 10th. - rvtrTntn PIm-It T T Vincent . u". ; 1 turned over to the sheriflF on Feb. mtri the tax roll of said couuty .fats fnr ttio' vpnr ion?. COn- SlSUUg u """nva " 1 and 2 with taxes charged taere in aggregating the sura ot $110, 347.17 segregated as follows, to- wit: I .'.$ 107 3r 8 149 49- 9 6836 42 10 135 fio 11 365 72 13 345 63: 17...; 439 IT 23 84 4 " 25 53 02 " 26 165 21 " 32 52 71 84 447 35- " 36 343 7S " 48 13 ' 74 189 24 83 87 6ft 1 218 20 2" 160 TO 3 . 103 7$ 4 95 9S 5...., 129 42: SCHOOL DIST. NO. ROAD DIST NO and What to Breathe. T..oi aerms of Coneomp- tion si otter disease js injiaje. booj use the streets, but disease is not develop .1 anlees the germs &pd conmnoni suit able for tbeir lodgment and growth. With people bavins catarrh there is an ideal culture medium for tht se germs, as irritated membrane and weaueneu the chorus. Rev. C. L. Mcbaus ir.i crivo -a snirited address on the lifof Abraham Lincoln and with a eulogy on the lite ana character of William McKiniey. C. T. Hurd. who lived for sev- An1 T7QQ FC in ronton. Ohio, as a Ciai jrsmo ' - boy and there acquired a personal HOMES FOR SALE WILL SELL LOTS IN CORALLIS Oregon, on instalment. lin and as ei8t purchasers to bnild homes on then if desired. Address First Nations1 Bank. Corvallis. Or. A Parliamentary Stratagem. It was at an informal session, after one of the regular meetings nt o Toliciinna convention, mat me New Harnpshire minister told some "There is one man in our church," he said, who; is as good as gold, but so long warn ed that he tires everybody cat. i "At one time it was suggested by v,o oapona t.hat in order to Vi l " V. v -, i j .n lrtTKh rt T.nia WTLLSELL M Y LOTS IN NE WPORT. avom t ie -et. might make a'five minute thereou, if desired. ftaoress m. uniit. VI 1 1IIIU" tissues is a hot-bed where germs mu jj " Kilev when th tnrive and multiply until they are num- knowledge of McKinley wnen tn erous and active. latter was govex uui ,8a ing word-picture oi cne noniB- of this great man, ot tne aevo tion displayed by him at all times towards his invalid wife and aged stros i.K all germs thai have been inhaled, mother, and of the generous. repairing any carnage iuey cordial nature vl mtaini-j v worked and so healing ana vubhzibb tissues as to render i starrh and serm in fection no lenger possible. The nnnsnal wav in which Hyomei is sold should dispel all doubt a to its enra pt.arrh. vou should use the easiest, simplest and quickest cure, the Qn,rl nfHvomei. whose wonder- lul medicated air is taken in with the air k...iKi Hirpctlv following ana fle Voodcock. Cr-vailiP. Or. BANKING. "Tliis I inaugurated at the next meeting, and it was cheering to us all to see that when the long winded man rose to speak he held his open 1 4-k m his intr nann. WSIA.11 1JU Uio - rv,n V.P limit was an oui k.iit i7.tt1 V A TIHV A T. RANK ur inii tiim " iii.." - r.iiio .Wnn. trnnsacts a genera - . - T I IV liCU 11' - - - conservative hasiking Dusiness. , , . -j 'Findinff, my dear inonryon approved security. Trsftf reached he ?JS f . bought aria wild anT mony '.rKU'" irieii, inciu - j to the principal cities of tbe United onds lcft in which to speak ana States. Enrnne snd foreign countries. , . ,,i, Rav T will throw - - . MHVIMi: lUUVil ' J 1 t i, ,0 nf mv remarks into the 7 form 01 a pravei made him popular with all classes of men. Miss Lulu Spangler pleased the .,A-,nn mirri br rendition 01 sold should cispei an uuuuw auuicuv.c " fJ tive properties tor Graham & Wells offer -The gtar gpangled Banner, to refund the money to anyone whom it which Rev. Armstrong fails to benefit. You do not mk a cent m, patriotism and fir, tli healinu virtues ot this breath spoe uncxijf testing the healing . m! fu0 nf hrinffinsr men up to of Ufe, for with every st.uuoui.ui - mj u,T & Wells give a guarantee to relieve ca- the high Standard followed Dy Urrh or niQDey refunded. Colonist Rates. Smith & Dawson Headtiuarters for Fruit Iree Spray Diamond Cliickon Feed Ohicken Grit Ground Bore Shrll and Poultry Food Lice Killer, etc We Pay ash for dret sed-Veal and Pork, roniirj auu Noxt door to J . R. Smith A Co. Ind. Phone 209 these two great and McKinley. tk0 mglp nnartette. Messrs j. Coiomkt nte's. wi'i be in effect March l. Fulton, Johnson, Bradley ana I 08, to April 30, 1908, trom easiern Allen Oeilgntea tne auui points to the Pacific Northwest aB foi-' seiecti0n and were recalled for tt. ra.: in Pnrtntil- Astoria . 1 T :-.ln's ta- lSotice to Creditors. Not the Man. t ninrinor nerfect stranger) I remember you, major, when we was in the regiment. Stranger What! in we b ninth ? Loafer Yus, major. Stranger Company a r T P x --i Q ill r 1 nqTPrn 1 1 1 111a jjuuxv 7 . -j i j , ltrt vJO auu vrv- - t Stranger Always getting ui iu.. , tiually tlie tame as prevailed: previ twt won't ffo so far as toi deny as I took a drop extry aw16l k. C. Linviu-e, Agent. Notice for Publicatioti. Ifiocc . Krom UniCBEO IO iwu "i nd Puget Sound destinations, also to . . . ct . 1 Toifio mEin line points on tne nouuicm and branches north of and includirg Ashland, Oregon, $38. From Missouri River common points, Council isiuntj. to Kansas Citv, Mo inclusive also ol St. T-1 A XlinnMtHllis. 130: St Louis, ko ond from Denver, Colorado a....onJ Pntblo. J30. Stopover privi ' leges and other conditions of sale will be auu LUC", , . Stranger uiscnargeu -6 nominv for cowardice ? Loafer 'Ardly that, major, iur j. Kotice is herb. siven to all persons concerned that th undersiRned has been, appointed cecu Mix of the last will and testament of R. C. K.Ker, deceased by the Cou::tv loun oi tnuw i uuaici 1L. inL Allietsoiishavineelaimsssraintl n Jnk E&1S you're not the ers, dulv Terifie as by law required, w.unn. , p,1Tlf,h Sontks from the dale hereof, to the undersigned man ! 1 linen. at her residence in Corvaiiie, urepon. or.ii office of McFadden Brjson, Attorneys, in tor- Sted!f CCorvallis. Oregon, this 2Sth day of nuary, 190S. Klmi. - r .1 i..t .ill an t'.K.mi''nt Ot R.C -i'iSr."., --" ii-ai Mi.,. Choice. 1. w . a QCf ca resident tells of tne f n AAnror'i4i'r.n hfiard fit 1 T II I I f 1 V Illy K UUHlU""" k,.Ha5t table between a mother j ,n hi n - Trie mouier m auu a ciaittiA , tt-o Tnrimntidin0: her UUtSUUU -L , - ji daughter for speaking unianaiv hor fatber. Vaii never hear me speak in Tfci Kind Yoa Have Alwais Boaght fei laimer of your . - .xBUHer, of- , 7 - I mr.n n.mnii hnt VOU CUOOSea him; I didat.M Portland Orego- CASTOR I A . ..a for mianti ana cnunren. United States Land Office. Portland, Oregon, October 22. IS07. xol'ce is hereby given that in compliance with the ot -ne art o. .ngr tnmea ''-'' , v-.Hi. and in the stousoi i airnmu. Lm Territory" as extended to all the lahlic Land States cy acxui le.tha Jo?genEon ofWland, u'" mh State of Oregon, has this day tied :in th.. will cer rrooi ""-"C .Kin to. more ,uf" f "T ' "a to establish her clain land, Oregon, on caiu, j - "Tir witnesses: Minnie oi ulTnih Oreiron- Mr. ill Mack of Monmomn St ?&on cfCcrvaiiia, Oregcu; ln, I. C. OlesoD of eonraiu.. ,,,a aDO. described laads 5" irf ,,lh Amvo. jM1uarv, tbts omce OB or w Q appnnrl nnmber. Lincoln s fa mous speech at Gettysburg was well delivered by T. T. Vincent followed by "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground" Dy tne chorus. Another excellent address on A brnham Lincoln, by Rev. D. t T.ppcIi was heard, and Dr. J. R- is! T?p11. who said he had had no subject assigned him and must therefore be considered miscei hnv " snoke briefly on genera - . -. , ., , lines, declaring that wnue inese o-reat men were deserving ot ai o praise, their military greatness mas. rliiP in larsre part to the ac purnfv w ith which the old sol- rliprs in the ranks tored aunng the heat of battle. Another number by the male quartette, "A u rica by the au- aience and r-? beneaictiou uy Rev. Moses t ought to a close this splsndii - id inspiring meet- ino- fnr r.h success Ot wnicn me . . -. W. R. C. ladies certainly irerit great praise. THEIR NEW COACH. First Yale Man to Coach North west Team Coming to U. of O All loveisof football and espe :iKr ennnorters ot the O. A. C. will be interested in a dispatch from Eugene Wednesday whicti T?t,rt W. Porbes. the great v.i. nrl who coached West Idlw taju " Point last season, has Deen en eaeed to coach the Oregon foot Ball men next tall. This an nouncement was made to-day by IlaHagerRa'ph R. McEwen, and was hailed wito oeugui uy dents and friends of the Univers Wr.rr.pR is one of the great- ity. v ' - , est tootball men mat mc e-uuur ua! nrndnced. His gridiron ca reer bean at Wesleyan Univers ity, where he played guard asd tackle during tne seasons ,mi and was eiecieu uajj- tain for the season ot 1904. nt rid not return to college nowever dut entered Yale, where the year's besidence rule prevented him from winning a place on the varsuy. He made the team as left tackle in too?, and his wotk was of such a hiffh order tnai uuy v,irr a nlace on their All wow- r , , . An,;rm teams. In iQoo fortjes was moved out to end wheie he played a most sensational game. He was generally recognized as .1. a. 1.1.,. t-ry the greatest end mat produced, and was given an All- America position uy - .1 Hl 1 1. M Am-l ney and many ctner wcn-s.uuu writers. Forbes was graduated irom Yale last June. He coached the Army Urn last season ana uau remarkable success He also as- sisted with the coaching at new un tor the weefc orior to liavvu -" - . k;,t nomp with frinceton. nc "'8 s" . . ... j - j v., comes highiy recommenutu u? Colonel W. S. Scott, buperm tendent of the United States Mil itary Academy, as well as by nu merous Army officers ana caueis. Dan Puller, the f x-Washington h.. West Point last season, says tnat roiues is the best-informed football man in the United States to day. Wal- tr rhBmr). Tack Owsley ana a number ot other Yale men, ao recommend him nig oly. . , i Tha newlv-eiected coaco 190 3S 208 S 87 3ft J53 -r5 165 349 48. 242 Oi, 487 St 183 13: ' " " 6 . 7 8. 11 " f) 10 " " "11 : i. 11 X2 " "13 ' " 14 , . ,j 193 .. . 16 H 041 tiW17:J.X...itV860 35-, ., is 227 62r ., . c. 19 137 7 " " "20 . .! 204 94 1. 21 158 14 .. 22. . 280 5&' 11 " 23 66 25- ,i .. 04 160 99 Total $4577 3& COUNTY BO AD FUND SPF-CTAL KOAO LKVIhS DIST. NO. 12 $ 7 .X 13 488 IV .. 15 " 772 66 i6" 221 h 18 " 2276 20 ., 22 1402 75 " 24 482 T TAflfi 1 City of Philomath City of Cvallis 5744 08 County, State, School, etc . . .. 101 Total Amount Taxes, 1907. . . .$110347.17 Teachers' Examination. Notice is hereby given that the County--School Superintended of Benton Co,,. Oregon, ill hold the-reKular examina tion of aptlicants for State and County papers at Corvallis. Oregon, as follows: FOB STATK PAPEES Crmmencirje Wedceeday, Febroary" 12, 1M " at 9 o'clock a. ... and I co-Una-int until Saturday, February lo, 1908, at. 4 WednefdVy - Penmanship. History, Spelling! PhjBical Geography. Beading,. Thursday-Written Arithmetic, Theory of Teaching Grammar, coow!l"a. sics. Civil tiovernmem. FriHay-Phveiolopy, Geography, Com poshio.?. Algebra, English LUer. v RatnrdRT Botany, Plane Geometry, General History. ' FOE COUNTY PAPEBS Commeniir.g "WedDeeday, February If,' 19C8 at 9 o'clock s. m., and continninfr .;i TT.,,1.. TTiVrnarv 14. 1908. at UULll A i i"J - -" J o'cloik p. m. tt : . Wednesday Penmanship, History,. Orthcgrapby.-ReadiDg, Physical Gkog- "-JTbureday Written Arithmetic, Tie ery ot Teaching, Grammar, Physioloay.. Friday Geography, Hcnooi uiw, Government, English Liteatcbe. Notiie is further given all applicant who are strangers that they must furnish proper testimonials as iocusiww entering the examination. Dated at Uorvams uiego". day of February, 1908. I ours iruiy, Geo. W. Denmait, -Countv School Superintendent, Benton Oounty, Oregon. Jersey Bull For Sale. Deeceaded from Grand Coin and Gold en Glow ; imported cow swrw 18 t i .. r ;n i Wa with S'flSl call. AsV . I j u a WnnwnrW CMValBSL Of)- now living at Ballard, Wasning-' gom, ' ' 7ft i