CONDENSED' STORIES. CsnSral Frederick Grant's Story About Hi Faihoua Father. General Frederick Dent , Grant, besides being commander of the de partment of the east, holds an es pecially high rank as a dinner guest Is. exclusive New York society cir cles. On an average he dines eat Terr other night. He is wanted not for the sort of after dinner tpeech that Chauncey M. Depew iraa wont to give, for the general himself is frank to admit that be does not possess that peculiar kind Of gastronomic eloquence. 1 he gen eral, however, has a special forte of I All GOING TO BEAT A KETREAT. itting quietly in his chair at the end of an evening repast and chat ting about army life in a free and easy style which holds his listeners much more intently than the more polished phrases of many well known orators. As a usual thing the general avoids talking of the renowned ex ploits of his father, and when asked to tell some story about the great Ulysses S. he, a? a rule, replies: "It is a wise son that knows his own father, and I have never be come wise enough to fully under stand mine." The other evening, however, the : general's fellow guests became so in- j sistent on hearing a father story, as the son calls them, that he sur rendered. "Because it comes from me," he began, "the statement may be re garded as prejudiced when I say that my father never told a lie to a woman. And here is an illustra tion : U i 1 1 ' 1. i - M as ine lime lie was secretary 01 j while sitting in his office at Wash ington, a woman entered the ante room and asked to see him. He learned that she had come to ask for the pardon of her son, who was to be punished for a most serious offense. The general did not want to see her, because he felt that the son should be punished and did not want to wound the mother s feel ings. Accordingly he called to his secretary-and said: 1 am going to beat a retreat down the back stairs. When I am gone tell her I am not In.' " New York American. Mansfield's Rebuke. A group of theatrical men were talking in New York about the late Bichard Mansfield. "Mr. Mansfield," said one, "was a delightful humorist, a splendid ra conteur in society, but at the same time he bad a certain proper and be coming sense of his own dignity and it never paid to be unduly fa miliar with him. "He was, as we all know, rather bald. He resented, from barbers or friends, any allusion to his bald ness. "Well, one night at a party a man came up behind this great artist, staggered him with a violent slap on the back and exclaimed in a loud, jovial, familiar voice : "Hello, Dick! How are you? Every time I see you you get balder and balder.' "Mansfield drew himself up. He sneered at the other. "'Hello!' he said. 1 don't know who you are, but every time I see you you get ruder and ruder.' " Golf In His Gospel. Robert J. Burdette, the humor ist, says: "Golf caused a Los An geles minister to make a terrible slip in the pulpit the other Sunday. The previous afternoon the minis ter had been nearly heartbroken by the loss of a match game that had Beemed entirely his. But after play ing superbly he fell off at the end, and his opponent beat him out! This weighed on the minister's mind, and when he rose in the pul pit the next morning to announce his text he began solemnly, 'What shall it profit a man if he gain the hole world and lose the last hole?"' r FOR THE LITTLE ONES. Tha Game of Huntsman Is a maker and Full of Action. Fup ; One person represents the hunts man. The other players call them selves after some part of a hunts-J . mans Deiongings. for instance, I one is the cap, another the horn, ; others the powder flask, gun, coat, etc. A number of chairs are arranged in the middle of the room, and there must be one chair less than the number of players, not counting tha huntsman. . The players then seat themselves around the room, while the hunts man stands in the center and calls for them, one at a time, in this way "Powder flask!" At once "powder flask" . rises and, going behind the nuntsman, takes hold of bis coat. "Cap!" "Gun!" "Shot !'f "Belt!" the huntsman cries. Each person who represents . these articles must rise and take hold of the player sum moned before him until at length the huntsman has a long line be hind him. He then begins to run around the chairs until he suddenly cries, "Bang '" when the players all sit down. Of course as there are not enough chairs one player is left standing, and he must pay a forfeit or change places with the hunts man. Taking a Picture. Here is a rainy day game t Assem ble your company in a darkened room, arranged for a magic lantern exhibition. You should have a cam era on hand to aid in the fun. "Who will sit for a photograph V' you must ask. The first who vol unteers is invited to sit in front of the camera and to look pleasant. A second takes his place after a min ute, a third and a fourth, and so on. When the photographer has col lected about a dozen he is ready to show the proofs. For this purpose, says the Washington Star, he must have on hand the same number of comic slides and throw them in turn upon the sheet. The result will be very funny if the pictures are espe cially grotesque. Any number of youngsters can be amused indoors for a long wet afternoon. The Gila Monster. The gila monster is one of the most repulsive looking creatures in existence. It is a large lizard with orange and black spots and is found in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, mostly in the sandy desert lands. Its terrible appearance has helped perhaps to give it the reputation it has of being one of the most poi sonous things that crawl, but it real ly is not so, as a rule, to a man that is in good physical condition. To small animals and birds, however, its bite is rapidly fatal. Most zoo logical gardens contain one or more specimens, Who Is He? A little chap who sneaks about Pinching- children's toes-es. Who treats them in a manner cool And paints quite red their noses, Who strikes the flowers in fall quite dead And makes the autumn chill. Who comes when least expected At night when all is still. Be comes around just once a year. And ne'er does he set lost! He's sometimes early, sometimes late. But we're sure to have Jack Frost. Washing-ton Post. Approaching an Iceberg. Modern steamships are fitted with instruments that tell when the ship is approaching an iceberg, but the men in the engine room can tell without an instrument. It is said that when a ship enters water a good deal colder than that through which it has been passing its pro peller at once begins to revolve more rapidly. When the men notice, therefore, that the propeller, with out an increase of steam, begins to move faster they at once send word to the officers, and the "lookout gets on the alert .for the berg. The Deserted Village. The original of "Sweet Auburn," Goldsmith's "Deserted Village," was Lishoy, seven miles from Athlone. Though born- in Pallas, County Longford, Goldsmith spent his boy hood days in Lishoy, and it was the now deserted Irish village that he had in mind while writing his im mortal poem. His Road. I know a railroad president. And. what is rather queer. He says he Is conductor, too, Brakeman and engineer. His railway is a great through line. He owns It. every share. One terminus la "gran'ma'a room; The other, "father's chair." 1 - . Tooth's Companion ' Notice is hereby given, that the Viewers appointed by ordinance. No., -243 of the Citr of ConmlH , to view h sewer rr (lend to reconstructed from a point in the center of the alley through block I original town of Marvsvilie, row the City of Corvalli in Benton ennntv. Orwon and i 67 feet from thesonth property line of said block, thence northerly throneh the cen ter of the a11e of Mocks i. a. and .'ngr- rnal town of Marvsville now Crvmllis. and across the interrenine streets to a point in Tefferson street ao 6 feet from the sonth hotmdrv line of said street and to connect with the Jefferson street newer, and the pmrerty alon the line of said sewer which wll he directly benefited thereby, to aeertain an" determine whpt property will be directly bene6ed by such sewer and to estimate the troorMonate share of the cost thereof to be assessed to the sev eral owners of snch pronertv, have filed their report with the Police'Tndsre of said City of Coryallis, and the property ascer tained and determined by said viewers to be directly benefited by said sewer and the extent and proportion of such benefit is as fo'lo-s: .--- Block No t, Original Town of Marrs ville, now City of Corvallis: Lot 'No Lot-No Lot No Lot No Lot No Lot " No Lot No Lot No Lot No T-tPth of total of total of total of total of ota1 of total cost sewer cost sewer cost sewer cost sewer cost sewer cost sewer f-?6th 3 i-.6th 4 i-6th 5 i-.Vth 6 T-;tfth 7 i-Vth 8 i-3th of total : cost sewer of total cost sewer '-36th of total cost sewer cost sewer cost sewer cost sewer Lot No jo i-VPth of total of total of total Lot No it i-36th Lot No i a ir35th i Block No 3, Oripinal Town of Marys rille, now City of Corvallis: ... Lot No 1 i-.t6th of total . cost sewer Lot No i-S6th of total cost sewer Lot No 3i-3f"th of total cost' sewer Lot No 4 i-?6th of total cost sewer Lot No 5i-36th of total cost swer Lot No 6 1.36th of total, cost sewer Lot No 7 i-oth of total cost sewer Lot No 8 1.36th of total cost sewer Lot No q i-soth of total cost sewer Lot No 10 i-36th of total cost fewer Lot No 11 1.36th of total . cost sewer Lot Ho 12 i-36h of total' cost sewer Block No 3, Original Town of Marys ville, now City of Corvallis: Lot No 1 1.36th of total cost sewer cost sewer cost sewer cost sewer cost sewer cost sewer cost sewer cost sewer -7-450ths of Lot No No No No No No No No 2 1.36th of total Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot 3 i-s6th of total of total of total of total of total 4 i-?6th 5 1-36U1 6 1.36th 7 i-36th 8 T-t6th of total q fNorth 28 feet' total cost sewer. Lot No o fNorth 22 feet n-oooths of total eot sewer. Lot No 10 fNorth 3 feet i-6ooth of total cost sewer. Lot No 10 (North 25 feet of S. 47 feet r -7211a ot total cost sewer. Lot Nd 10, South 22 feet 11-oooths of total cost sewer Lot No 1 1 i-36ths of total cost of sewer Lot No 12 i-36th of total cost of sewer The datnnf t.hp final pnhlieatioH of this notire is Jannarv 3ist, i908. ' Any and all objections to th findings and dptPrmiiSation? of said Viewers on the part of the owner or owners of any property appertained snd , determined to be directly benefited by tnch sewer will be considered t the reenlar meeting of trie Conncil to be held Monday evpnine Febrnarv iO. 1908. and objections Wiav be nled at any time prior to said meeting. J. FRED YATES, Police Judge Oity of Corvallis. Notice is hereby eivea. that the Viewers appointed . bv Ordinance No. 242 of the City of Corvallis to view tb e sewer ordered to be constructed from a point in the center of the alley throneh Block II. Dixon's Second Addition to the City of Uorvaihs 21.3 feet distant from the north property line of said block and running thence sontherly throneh the center of the alleys of Blocks No. 11. 12 and 13 in Dixon'd Second Addition to said city and across the intervening streets to connect with the la'eral eewer through Block 1, Connty Addition to said city at a point 57.5 feet distant southerly from the sonth boundary line of said Block 13 and in the center of the slley if extended, and the property alcne "trie line of said Fewer wh'ch will be directly benefited thereby, to ascertain and determine what property will he directly benefited by shcb) sewer, and to estimate the propor tionate share of the cost thereof to be assessed to the several owners of such property, have filed their report with the Police Judge of said city of Corvallis and that the property ascertained and determined by said viewers to be direct ly benefited by said sewer and the ex tent snd proportion of such benefit is as follows: Block No Tl ini Dixon's Second Addi tion to the Cily of Corvallis. Lot No I l-86th of total cost of sewer. Lot Vo Lot No Lot No Lot No Lot No Lot No Lot No 2 1.36th 3 l-3fith , 4 1 36th 5 1 -36th 6 I-36th 7 l-3fith 8 1 -36th 9 I-36th of total cost of sewer, of total cost of eewer. of total cost of sewer, of total cost ef sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total cost Of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of totsl cost of sewer. Lot No Lot No 10 1 -36th Lot No 11 1 -36th Lot No) 2 l-36th of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer. Block No 12 in Dixon's Second addi tion to the City of Corvallis. Lot No 1 l-36th of total cost ef sewer. Lot No 2 l-36th 3 l-36th 4 l;36th 5 1 -36th 6 l-36th 7 l-36th 8 136th 9 l-36th of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total cost of eewer. of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total cost of Eewer. Lot No Lot No Lot No Lot No Lot No Lot No Lot No Lot No 10--l-36th Lot No 11 1 36th Lot No 12 l-86th Block No 13 in Dixon's Second Addi- tion to the City of Corvallis. Lot No 1 l-36th of total cost of sewer. Lot No 21 36th of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total oost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total cost of sewer, of total coat of sewer. Lot No Lot No Lot No Lot No Lot, No Lot No 3 l-36th 4 1 36th 5 l-36th 6 l-36th 7 l-36th 8 l-36th 9 l-36th Lot No Lot No 10 l-36th Lot No 11 l-36th Lot No 12 1.36th of total cost of eewer. The date of final pnblieatioa of this notice is January 31. 1908. Any and all objections to the findings aad determi nations of said Viewers on the part of the owner or owners of any property ascertained and determined to "be direct ly benefited by Bach sewer ?will be con- leered at the' relr retire;' of the T'onr. il to be hi- Id Monday evening. FehrrKy 10. jPg and obj. tion t ri l report may ne niel at nv ime prior to sain roee'inir. J. FRED YA1ES. Police Jnre. Citv of Coryalla. Notice w herehv iyen that the View era appointed by oroinanre No. 245 of tbet ityof Corvalli to view , the sewer ordered to be ronstmeted Hm a point m Monroe street nppoei'e the renter of the alley throngh bloc 6. original town of Marysvilte. now City H rvajlis. and 20 feet aonth of the ennth boundary or said block, tsenre northerly thronirh the center of the alleys of block 6, orielnal town of Marvsville now Citv of Corvalls. and Bioca 1. Dixon's Firat Addition to the Citv of CorvlIis and across the in tervening etreata to a point near tha north side of Van Bnrea street and to connect with the Van Boren street sewer, and the property along the Mne of said sewer which will be directly benefited thereby, to ascertain and determine what property will he d rectly benefited bv anch aewer and to estimate tie propo tirnate share of the coat thereof to be aroeesed to the several owner f Mich property, have filed their leporta with the Police Jndae of the said City of Cor rajlis, and the prorerty ascertained and determined by said Viewer to be direct ly benefited by said aewer and the extent and proportion ct such benefit is as fol lows: - r Block No 6, Original Town ofMarys ville, now City of Corvallis Let No 1 l-24th of total cost of aewer Lot No 2--1 -24th of total cast of sewer Lot No 8 l-24th of total cost of sewer Lot No 4 l-24th of total cost of aewer Lot No 5r-l-24th of total coat of sewer Lot No 6 1-24th of total cost' of sswer Lot No 7 f-24th of total cost of aewer Lot No 8 l-24th of total cost of sewer Lot No 9 (North 20 feet) l-0Oth of total cost of sewer . Lot No 9 (Sonth 30 feet) l-40th of total cost of sewer Let No 10 l-24th of total cont of sewer Lot No 11 (North half) l-48th of total cost of sewer Lot No 11 (South half) l-48th of total cost of sewer Lot No 12 l-24th of total cost of sewer Block No 1 in Dixon's First Addition to the City of Corvallis. Lot No 1 l-24th of total cost of sewer Lot No 2 l-24th of total cost of sewer of total cost of sewer of total cost of sewer of total coat ef sewer of total cost of sewer of total cost of sew er of total cost of sewer of total cost of sewer ot total cost of sewer of total cost of sewer of total cost of sewer Lot. No 3 l-24th 4 i-'4th 5 1 -24th 6 l-24th 7 l-24th 8 1 -24th 9 1 -24th Lot No Lot No Lot No Lot. No Lot No Lot No Lot No TO 1 -24th Lot No 11 i-24th Lot No i2 i-24th The date of the final publication of this notice is January 31. 1908 Any and all objections to the findings and determinations of said Viewers on the part of the owner or owners of any property ascertained and determined to be directly benefited bv such sewer will be considered at the regular meetine of the Council to be held Monday even- me, tebrnary 10, 1908, and objections may ne Hied at any time prior to said meeting. J. FEED Y ATES. Police Judge, City of Corvallis. Notice is hereby given, that the View ers appointed v ordinance No, 244 of trie uity 01 uorvaiiis to view the sewer ordered to be constructed from a point in Monroe street opposite the center of the alley through block 11, original town of Marysville, ndw City of Coryallis, and 20 feet from the property line of said block 11, thence throngh the "center of the alleys throneh blocks 11 and 10, original town of Marysville. now Cor vallis, and across the intervening streets to a point neat the south side of Jeffer son street and to connect with the Jeffer son street sewer, and the property alone the line of said sewer which will be directly benefited thereby, to ascertain end determine what property will be directly benefited by each eewer and to estimate the proportionate share of tb" cost thereof to be assessed to the several owners of snch property have filed their report with the Police Judge of said Oity of Corvallis, and the property ascertained snd determined by said Viewers to be directly benefited by said Sewer and the extent, and proportion of such benefit is as follows : Block No 10, Original" Town of Marys ville,' now City of Corvallis. Lot No 1 1-24 of total cost of sewer Lot No 2 (South 20 feet) i-6oth of total cost of sewer -Lot No 2 (S 19 feet of N 30 feet) 19- I20oths of total cost of sewer Lot No 2 (North 11 feet) n-i2ooths of total cost of sewer Lot No 3 (South half) 1-48U1 of total cost of sewer Lot No 3 (North half) i-48th of total cost of sewer Lot No 4 (S 12 ft 4 in) 37-3600U1S of total cost of sewer ' Lot No r4 N 12 ft 8 in S half 38-3600- tns 01 total cost ot sewer Lot No 4 S 34 ft 3 in N half 97-4800- ths of total cost of sewer Lot No 4 North 9 inches 3-48ooths of total cost of sewer Lot No 5 S 32 feet 32-i20oths of total cost of sewer I Lot No 5 N 18 feet i8-i200ths of total cost of sewer . Lot No 6 i-24th Lot No 7 1-24U1 Lot No 8 i-24th Lot No 9 l-24th Lot No 10 i-24th Lot No 11 i-24th Lot No i2 1-24U1 of total cost of sewer of total cost of sewer of total cost of sewer of total cost of sewer of total cost of sewer ot totol cost of sewer of total cost of sewer Block No 11, Original Town of Marys ville, now City of Corvallis. Lot No 1 South half 1-48U1 of total cost of sewer Lot No 1 North half 1-48U1 of total cost of sewer Lot No 2 South 7 feet 7-i2ooths of total cost of sewer Lot No 2 f S 23 ft of N 43 ft 23-i20oths of total cost of sewer Lot No 2 (N 20 feet) i-6oth of total cost of sewer Lot No 3 South half 1-48U1 of total cost of sewer Lot No 3 North half 1-48U1 of total cost of sewer Lot No 4 South 12 j feet i-o6th of total cost of sewer Lot No 4 North 37 feet i-32nd of total cost of sewer Lot No 5, South half,-48tb. of total cost of sewer - Lot No 5, North half i-48th of total COSt of 0C76r ' ' Lot No 6, Sonth half 1.48th of total " cost of sewer Lot No 6, North half 1-48 th of total j ? , coat of sewer v . 'Lot No' 7 i-a4th of total cost of sewer j Lot No 8 1.24th of total cost -of sewer ; Lot No 9 1.24th of total cost of sewer T -A -K- . . . . . . .wi i-u 1-24111 01 total cost ot sewer Lot No 11, E U 1-96 tb. of total cost of sewer Lot No 11, W i-32nd of total cost of - sewer ' Lot No 12, B 1-96U1 ot total cost of sewer Lot No i,; W 1-3 2nd of total cost of sewer T The date of final publication of this notice is fanuarv ist. 1008. Any and all objections to the findings and determinations of said viewers on the part of the owner or ownersof any property ascertained and determined to be direct ly benefited by such sewer will be con sidered at the regular meeting of the Conncil to be held Mnnd nwnincr "PK j - ' &, - ruary 10, 1908,' and objections may be iiicu at any ume prior to saia meeting. J. Fred Yatss, Police Judge, City of Corvallis. Registration of Lena Title. In the Circuit Court ot the 8UU ot Oregon ter Pnton Coanty. Delila Head, Plaintiff, v. Hsnuh Rowland. Polly ' M itchell, hir-t-Nw ot Lucretia Hailock decaaaed, Sara H. Strahan, Clauds Strahao, Fayne Lewis, heira-at law R S. Strahaa deceased, and Henry Lewis and "All whom it may concern," Defendant!, In the matter ot the application of Delila Read to register the title to the following-; The origi nal PLC of Beman 3. Hallock, and Lucretia Hal lock, hie wife, it beinir Claim No. 50. being part of Sees 4 and 9. in Township 11, South, Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian, Benton county, Ore gon, described as follows, towit: Beg. at the S. B: corner ot said section 4, sad running tb. north minutes east 46 chains, thence west 27 chain and 60 links, thence south 44 chains and 60 links, thence north 89 deg and 24 minutes west 23 chains and 67 links, thence south 26 chains and 26 links, thence east 60 chains and 23 links and thence north 26 chains to the place of beginning in the district f lands subject to sale at Oregon Citv, Oregon, and containing 320 acres and 26-100 of an acre. To Hannah Rowland, roily Mitchell. Sara H. Straban, Clande Strahan, Fayne Lewis, Heary Lewis, and '"All whom it may concern,1 Defendants. TAKE NOTICE That on the 4th day of January, 1808, an applica tion was filed by the said Delila Read in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benton county, Oregon, tor initial registration of the title to the land above described. Now, unless you appear on or before the 2ist day of February A . D, 1008, and show cause why snch applieation should not be granted, the game will be taken as confessed and a decree will be en tered according to the prayer of the application and and complaint you will be forever barred from disputing the same. Dated at Corvallis, Oregen, this 6th day of Jan uary, 1908. sr.AL T. T. VINCENT, ' Clerk Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. Portland, Oregon, October, 22, 19O7, ' Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, I878, entitled "An act for the saleof timber lauds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 189-2. Mrs. Bertha Jortrenson of Portland, county of Multno mah, State ofOregon, haB this day filed in this office her sworn statement, No. 7603, for the pur chase of the Northwest quarter ol Section No. 2. inTOwnship No. 10 South, Range No. 5 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone thpn for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Port land, Oregon, on Saturday, the z8th day of Janu ary, 19O8 She names as witnesses: Mrs. Minnie Mack ol Monmouth, Oregon; Mr. Will Mack of Monmouth, Oregon; Mr. J. C. Olson of Corvallis, Oregon; Mrs. J. C. Olson of Corvallis, Oregon. - Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands' are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 18th day of January, i908. 95ft Algernon S. Dressm, Register. Notice of Final Settlement. In the matter of the estate of Nancy J. Elagle, deceased. Notice is hereby given that tha undersigned, administrator of the estate of Nancy J. Slagle, de ceased, has filed his final aeeountas such admin istrator with the clerk ot the county court of the state of Oregon for Benton County, and the said eoart has fixed Monday, the 20th day ot January, 1908, at the hour ef 2 o'clock in tbe arternoou, as the time, and the coantv court room in the court faousa in Corvallis, Benton County. Oregon, as tha place for hearing any ana all objections to the said account and for settlement thereof. Dated this December loth, lg07, I. E. Wosok, Administrator of tbs estate of Nancy J. Slagle, deceased. ;04tf Nelson's Signalman. It was in the winter of 1846 that Nelson's signalman-the man who hoisted the famous "England ex pects," etc. was discovered by one who had served as surgeon on board the Tonnant at Trafalgar. The sig nalman, John Rooine, was selling water cress and red herrings in Blackfriars. He had deserted from the navy after the battle, and this had -disqualified hini for a pension, but representations were made to Captain Pasco, signal lieutenant on the Victory at Trafalgar, who used his influence on th? old man's be half. Captain Pasoo was at first unsuccessful. He was informed by the authorities that there were many more deserving candidates for Greenwich. Shortly afterward, how ever, room was found at Greenwich hospital for old John. Had he lived in our time he would probably have received a princely salary for re peating the signal nightly at music halls. London Chronicle. Winter Vetch. Vetches are a useful crop, good feed and great soil Improvers. There are both winter and spring varieties. The winter vetch Is the only one that will do anything in the south, and even that has not always been successful where tried. It would seem, however, that all of east Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana ought to be adapted to the winter vetch. Possibly It needs only Inoculation to get It properly started. Texas Farm and Ranch.. The Peanut Crop. It Is certain that the demand for pea nuts the last two years has been suffi cient to cause a steady advance In the price. Virginia Is the largest producer of peanuts In the country, and If grow ers will only Increase the yield per acre by better methods of preparation Of the land and by growing the crop In a rotation which will keep the land well filled with humus they can make the crop a profitable one. Southern Planter. I7e Invite Your inspection Stock of of Ladies' and Misses' Coats Wool Dress Goods, Cotton Wash Dress Fabrics Our Stock Is Com plete In Every Detail at Right Prices. x 1 Henkie S Davis CIMflED ADVERTISEMENTS CLAMIFIBU ADVIKTIglMIKTB Fifteen words or leas. 26 eti for tbxw raccewive " Insertion", or 60 ot pr month; for all up to and inclndinjt Urn additional words. cent a word for each Insertion. For all advertisements over 26 , wortVs, 1 ct per word for the first insertion, and 4 ct per word for each additional inden tion. Nothiae inserted for less than 28 nent. Lodoe, society and church notfcoa, other than strictly news matter, will ba chanted for. PHYSICIANS B. A. CATFKY. M. T.. PTTVSTPTAK owf Frtro-pon. Room 14. "RqnV Bni'fl. r. OflR" TTnnrfi : 10 to T? . ro.. to 4. I", 'PeoidnrBr cor. Kth and ttH m Pt.a. TtOpphorie "t ofl" ond r. Mptmw... Porvllin. Orporin. W. T. ROWLEY, M. T, PHYSICIAN and Pnrepon. Ppwial attention eivpri to th Fvp. None and Throt. OflW in JohnHon "Rliir. Ind. 'phnne at oft fi and esidenc. House Decorafinq. FOR PATNTTNO ANDPAPKKTNGPFW W. E. Paul. Ind. 488, 41 tt UNDERTAKERS WILKINS& BOVFE. FUNERAL Dl rpotors and Licensed Fmh1trpr. Successor !o 8. N. Wtlkina, Corvallis, Oregon. Phone 4s. 89tf" HENKLE BLACKLEPGF. UNDER akPTB and lirpnned pmhalmers. South Main St., Corvallis, Or. ATTORNEYS J. T YATEfl. ATTOPNFV-AT-LAW. OflW np t'r in Ziprolf Pnildin Only set of abstracts in Pentoi. County E. ft. BRYPON ATTORNEY AT LAW. ifPo in Post Office Bnildintr. Corval lis, Oregon. WANTED WA (ITED 600 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Oazittb and Weekly Oregonian at $2.60 per year. HOMES FOR SALE1 WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIS, Oregon, on instalment plan and a a" p-st pnjenasera u doiio nomee on mem if desired. Address First National' Bank. Corvallis. Or. WILL SELL MY L0T8 IN NEWPORT. Or., for spot cash, balance instal ments, and help parties to build homes. . thereon, if desired. Address M. 8. Woodcock, Co-valliP, Or. BANKING. THE FIFC1 NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, trsrjrarts a penera' conservative banking business. Leans money on approved security. Draft bought and fold and money transferred" to the principal cities of the United States, Europe and foreign' countries. The Gazette for Job Work.. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought- Bears the . Signature of