Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 03, 1908, Image 1

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Vol. XLV.
Corvaixik Benton County, Oregon, " Friday. January 3,
TVO. 4.
..... .
commences SAWIKTD)A3r
Prices Cut on
PJsiHdslld ffrnn 11IIdb ReaO TsajaP WhuBy sorts tflftxs IBzurgjjsiunD gaggnDGt
8 O'clock Saturday Morning".
List of Warrants Ordered Drawn
at the Special Term of County
Court, December 27.
T A Jones, compass for county.
T H DaviB, salary and tax roll.
Rational Supply Co, stationery.
Corvallis Transfer Co, dray age.
.$250 00
. 283 00
. 5 95
. 3 50
J -B Fra nkUn, road work and sup v 0 50
W H Malone, road work and sup
for poor 25 50
Robt Richardson, road work 3 00
Corvallis Times, printing 14 00
Q W Cove & Son, bridge lumber. 257 78
W C Corbett, brick and supplies
furnace 1 9 05
Dr Bennett, medical attendance
Co poor 10 00
Johu Moore, bridge work 11 90
James Bailey ,troad work and sup 9 15
Wm Hull, rebate tax 280
Benton Co Republican, printing
and sup 8 65
Geo H Harris, bridge lumber.... 9 65
O W Beckwith, road work 2 50
J D Wells, road work 8 30
Victor P Moses, supplies Co jail . 70
Allen & Woodward, sup C H 7 20
T O Brown, work oa gravel ferry 20 25
Mellin A Pinkerton, road supplies 1 00
J T Gray, road gravel 2 94
J C Pritcbett, gravel road across
land 13 81
Mrs H C Lutz, board bridge car
penters 30 75
Mrs Julia Scbaffer. gravel roads 2 00
B E Pngh, road supplies 28 95
J E Hankie, supplies poor 12 00
lfe Stewart, bridge work 20 00
Carl Hoit, bridge work 18 00
Geo Sebrell, bridge work 18 00
M W Bower, bridge work 20 00
Henry Luts. bridge work 24 00
H B Harland, bridge work 18 00
J W Jones, bridge work 18 00
8 L Kline, sup Co poor 13 00
W H Malone, road wcrk and sup 88 88
E R Bryson. atty fees Kline case 5O 00
WUlamette Valley Co, light 26 85
Oak Creek Lumber Co, br J umber 29 54
WP Taylor, bridge lumber 6 70
W P Talor, bridge lumber 23 77
Dave Tern, bridge work 55 CO
Marian Bailey, damages 225 03
J C Feicbter, baoling br lumber 6 90
H E Hodes. road supplies 1 15
Vidito Bros livery hire 15 00
John Moore, bridge worB 35 00
F L Holtnes, road work 4 95
Security Vault and Metal Works,
culvert tiling 60 95
C A Gerhard, stationery OH 6 00
Glass & Prudbomme. Juvenile
Record and sup 26 50
JS Webster Lumber Co, br lum 77 72
F C Brown, work gravel ferry 7 00
T H Davis, ou salary 50 00
T H Davis, on salary . , 79 00
Willis Vidito, cruising timber... 32 00
Mrs David Huirgins, care Co poor 104 42
J W Hyde, cruising timber 547 S7
John Sapp, bid bridge and flip.. 108 90
M Mitchell, work on gravel ferry 3 00
Wm Hokema, road work 55 00
Franklin Iron Works.'sup furnace 3 41
R M Wade & Co, road sup 7 10
Benton Co Lum Co, br lumber. 2 20
Hollenberg & Son, waste basket. 85
Cor Ind Telephone Cj, rent and
phoning OH 113
Corvallis'Gazette, printing and
supplies 8 75
Willamette.ViIley Co, lights
City Water Workf?, water C H
Benton Co Review, printing, etc
Geo AValden, gravel hauling....
Truman Wooley, gravel hauling
Abe Wallace, gravel hauling
J R Crow, travel hauling......
Wm Einfeldt, hauling gravel....
Ben ton County Republican, print
, ingatc v,y. . . . . .
PXnr& . Telegraph Go. phoning
Benton Co Lumber Co, br lumber
Ross E Moores & Co, blanks....
3 00
11 20
22 12
6 87
12 12
2 75
6 12
.7 50
7 65
70 71
6 86
P W Spink, bridge lumber 24 57
Floyd Bogue, cruising timber 8 75
Fred Blumhardt,work gravel ferry 7 50
Geo H Harris, bridge lumber 17 40
Emery Allen, road gravel 5 00'
A J Smith, road gravel 3 20
Corvallis L & 8 Co, br lumber... 4 18
FN Holmes, road gravel 29 00
Bushong & Co, supplies C H 9 20
D C Montgomery, road work. ... 3 75
Dunk Pittman, road work. 1 25
Jesse Wiley, livery hire 3 00
Herman Leibner, damage haul
ing grave. 5 00
B F Ellsworth, bridge work 33 75
H F Ellsworth, bridge work 12 00
A O Davis, bridge work 17 50
L M Derby, bridge work 1 25
N Scott, bridge work 6 75
J R Fehler, bridge work 26 25
J E Henkle, supplies for poor 6 00
S H Moses, road supplies 4 00
H McCormack, road work (Ar
thur Buckley 1 4 50
Oak Creek Lumber Co, br lumber 17 18
A J Smith, road gravel 2 76
H H Glauford. salary janitor 80 00
T. T. Vincent, Clerk.
Additional Locals.
What is said to be the worst epi-lemic
of sickness since 1889 is being experi
enced in Pittsburg sod physicians esti
mate that thousands ot parsons ara pros
trated by pneumonia, typhoid fever and
especially the grippe. Throughout the
city probably every horns is affected in
some manner sad scarcity of employ in
the large office buildings is seriously
felt. The Pittsburg Railway Company
is having difficulty in manning; its cars
on account of the conducto-s and motor,
men being laid up with grippe. City
Physician Booth says the present epi
demic of grippe exceeds in scope and
severity all but that of 1889 and may yet
break that record, He believes the germs
may have originated far from here, In
1889 tbe malady's start as taced back
through" Europe to Asia and finally lo
cated in Hoagkong, China. .Telegram.
The following table, taken from the
recoidsof the Registrar's office, shows
tbat the students of tbe University of
Oregon come from practically every coun
ty in the State. There are now in at
tendance in the departments at Eugene,
exclusive of music, 400 students. That
they are not from the homes of the rich,
is shown by tbe fact tbat nearly 70 of
them are either wholly or partially earn
ing their own way. Most of them are
registered from the smaller cities of tbe
state that support good high achcole.
The following counties are represented:
Baker, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia,
Cojb, Curry, Douglas, Gilliam, Grant.
Everything. BigftBarguins Rule.
Josephine, Jack sen, Klamath, Lane,
Linn, Marion, Morrow, Multnomah, Polk,
Sherman, Tillamook, Umatilla, Union,
Wasco, Washington, sWheeler, Yamhill.
In addition to the lectures and practi
cal demonstrations to be given by the
various members of the faculty at OAC
during the coming short course, arrange
ments have been made ior several lectures
by prominent men and women who are
known throughout the state for their
ahility-oc lhe lecture platform;-' A ateiSi
these areihe following: Mrs. Clara H
Waldo, who will deliver several address
es ; M. O. LownEdale. La Fayette, on
January 7th; Mrs. Austin T. Buxton,
Forest Grove, January 13th; W. J. Bail,
ey, 15th ; Hon. W.K. Newell, 9th ; E. H.
Shepard, Hood River; Ferd Groner, Hills
bom, 8th; J. R. Shepard, Salem, 13th;
E. T. Judd, 16tb; A. H. Carson.' Grants
P aes, 11th ; H. M. Williamson, 10th ; A.
H. Lea, Portland, date not settled.
The evil of the treating babit is little
understood by those who sre total ab
stainers. To those who frequent clubs
and bar-rooms tbe treating sceae is fami
liar. A half dozen friends meet and one
s uggests s drink in which all join. They
stand at the bar a few moments to talk
a nd a second member of the group pro
poses another di ink. Then each of the
others feels the desirs to show his spirit
of hospitality and no one of the crowd
will take the chance of giving offense by
declining to drink. Thus six glasses of
liquor sre costumed each where one, at
the most, would have sufficed if each bad
paid for bis own drink. Mors than that,
but for the treating babit it is likely that
the first drink wonld not have been pro
posed, There would be little drunken
ness in t be world if men drank only be
caussthey want the liquor and not be
cause they ara asksd to loin in a ''social"
glass. OregoBtaa.
Jack London.
On his way around the wsrld for the
Woman's Home Companion Jack Lon
don visited the lepers of Molokai on
the island ol Hawaii.
"Leprosy is not so contagious as is
imagined," writes Mr. Loaden in the
January Woman's Home Companion.
"I went ior s week's visit to the Settle
ment, and I took my wife along all
of which would have not happened bad
we had any apprehension of contracting
the disease. Nor did we wear long,
gauntleted gloves and keep apart from the
lepers. On the contrary, we mingled
i ree'.y with them, and before we left ko .w
scores of tbem by sight and name. Tbe
precautions of simple cleanliness seem
to be all tbat is necessary. On returning
i to their own houses, after bavin been
among and handling lepers, the non
lepers, such as the physicians and the
superintendent., meiely wash their faces
and hands with mildly antiseptic soap
and cfaangd their coats".
Sheep For Sale.
Eighty h,.d of good eses bred .0
thoroughbred bucks. L. A. Houck,
Monroe, Oregon, R. F. D. 1. Phone
Bellefountain. ltf
Another Couple United on New
Years Day Whiteside-Hall.
One of the prettiest affahs of
the season was the marriage of
Miss Stella A. Hall to William D.
Whiteside at he hqtne; of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
D. Hall, on college hill, Wednes
day afternoon.
Promptly at five o clock the
bridal party took their places un
der a wedding bell suspended
from an arch of evergreen and
the impressive ring ceremony was
performed by Rev. D. H. L,eech
of the M. E. church.
The bride wore a beautiful and
becoming costume of cream lans
down, carried orange blossoms
and roses and was attended by
her sister, Mrs. Whaley. The
groom in conventional black was
attended by George Whaley. The
wedding march was played by
Mrs. M. M. Long.
The house was artistically
decorated with evergreens and
blooming potted plants. Imme
diately following the ceremony a
sumptuous dinner was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside are
popular and highly respected
young people and will make their
home on their farm near Corval
lis. They were the recipients of
many beautiful and useful gifts.
and have the congratulations and
best wishes of a host of friends.
Tbe guests were:. Rev. and
Mrs. D. H. Leech, Mr. and Mrs.
M. D. Hall, Mr. S. Whiteside,
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hall, Mr. and
Mrs. George Whaley, Mr. and
Mrs. George Cooper. Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Whiteside, George,
Sam and Charlie Whiteside, Mr.
and Mrs. O. J. Blackledge, Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Swann, Mr. and
Mrs. B. M. Long and daughter,
Golda, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Long,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Herbert, Mr
and Mrs. Ed Blake, Mr. and Mrs
Ed West and son, Don, Mr. and
Mts. Jno. Piper, Misses Violet,
Georgia and Bessie Herbert and
Winnifred Gates, and Mr. Fred
Has Been in Jail Since Corvallis
lias Peculiar Excitement.
George H . n has been 'do
. ng time" i; b- Bentoq county
jail since Tutsy iorenoon when
'A . JT
1 1UI c J uuKr auu "MUl u
lor le next ttim ui mc wnwu.i
court undei ,$200 baitj tailing to
SALE" ever
supply which he was lodged in
His offense is assault upon the
person of his three, daughters,
wb are all young women.
According to the story it seems
that Harmon called his daugh
ters to get upTuesday morning,
saying that unless they were
downstairs in ten minutes he
"would - be ' ud there." The
girls arose hurriedly and began
to dress but before they were
ready to go down their father en
tered their room and began slash
ing at them right arid left with a
buggy whip. Not satisfied with
raising welts on their shoulders
that stood out like whip cords for
hours afterwards, be attacked his
eldest daughter -with his fists,
beating her about the head until
her face was disfigured and her
hearing impaired.
Tbe girls appealed to Police
Wells for piotection and Har
mon was at once arrested, as
above stated.
The family came here from tbe
East some months aeo and are
located in the Abbott bouse on
Fourth street. The daughters
state that the mother died in the
East about a vear ago. One
girl received a horsewhipping
from her father last summer and
the marks are still to be seen on
her shoulders and back. The
case his caused considerable com
ment and indignation in Corvalli
and the outcome of the affair will
be awaited with more than ordi
nary interest.
Uncle Tom's Cabin" Coming.
Stetson's Great Double Spec
tacular prod action of "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" is booked for next
Monday night at the Opera
House. This grand old drama
has been mercilessly butchered
by the "fly-by-night" companies
iu the past. It is a marvel that
it has not long before this lost its
power ot attracting theatregoers
which is quite often the case with
most plays and even so vvilh pre
ductions other than Stetson's,
but the public has learned to
know tbat Stetson's is always
reliable, that it alone has lifted
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" from me
diocracy to 'mastery. In short,
it is the only company present
ing this time-honored drama with
capital enough to provide suffi
cient scenery, people and rail
road . equipment to place it
among the best entertainments
before tbe public. Stetson is the
only one presenting the drama as
a first-class show should be
environed and equipped. And
known at
no more enjoyable entertainment
will be seen in the local house
than this one. Over fifty peo
ple are used in the produc
tion and with its artistic mingling
of mirth, melody and pathos, all
classes of amusement seekers are
entertained. Specialties galore,
wonderful mechanical effects,
new costumes, a splendid orches
tra, a large pack of Siberian
bloodhounds, pretty little Shet
land ponies, meek-eyed donkeys,
mild and tricky, are in evidence
at every performance. The
street performance is said to
eclipse anything ever given by
a theatrical company and con
tains a scene ot processional nov
elties that will delight every boy
and girl and make even nature
pause to contemplate.
Our store will be closed all day Friday,
January 3rd, to arrange stock for our
Great Red Tag Sale.
5-4 J. M. Nolan & Son.
More Grand Novelties than ever
Two Brats Band and Orehsstra
Two Funny Marks
Two Mischievous Toptlos
Gorgeous Scenery with Beautiful'
Electrical Effects
Grand Vision and Transformation
Genuine Southern Cake Walkers
Male and Female Quartette
Chariots drawn by Handsome.
Shetland Ponies
Col. Sawyer's Pack Siberian
Blood Hounds
Buck and Wing Dancers
Watch for the Big Street Parade
Prices 25 to 75
Tickets on Sale at