rT h:0 THE COBVALLIS GAZETTE Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Company. The Subscription price of the Gaz for several years has been, and remaios $2 per annum, or 25 per cent, discount if paid in advance. This, paper will be .continued nntilcdl arrearages are paid. HONESTY IN PUBLIC LIFE. The past year has clearlyand most forcibly demonstraced that it pays to be honest, both in public and private life. In the wave of unprecedented prosperity which we have enjoyed as a nation dui" ing; the past year men and'women have lost sight of honesty, the fundamental principle of success ful business, and gone wild in their eagerness for. wealth. To su ch people the present unex pected ripple in finance came like a clap of thunder from a clear sky, hence the individual, as well as the-bankers of the coun try who were indulging in "ways that were dark and tricks that were vain" were forced to uncover their guilty heads and receive that just condemnation which is sure to the transgressor either in this world or in the world to come. ' ' ' ' : Howv humiliating it must ce to such people is evidenced by James Hazen Hyde who robbed the Eq uitable, Life Jnsurance Company that he might live in luxury and ease, who now as a fugitive from justice and heart-broken, offers to return $1,000,000 if the suits against him could be dismissed Our own Horace Greeley McKin ley, now hunted, by relentless "Uncle Sam" like a wild beast at bayi would, no doubt, give all his earthly possessions could he once more look honest people in the face, and with a clear con science, lay his head upon the pil low at night and rest in peace. In pilded palaces in Portland there perhaps are those who have hada touch of "high life" .u.J are repenting in disgrace. The men wno thus betray pub lic trust and confidence and rob the widows and oroha.:3 of their dependence 'ahvuld no be pitied, nor should the man who gambles or places his money on stock ex change, for he certainly realizes he expects to get something for nothing. The men who run such places should be ostracised by society and punioued Ly law- A public sentiment is rapidly grow: ing to abolish the "Wall Street Pit" and kindred places of cus sedness. ' If the guilty alone reared for their misdeeds it would not be so tad, but the wife, mother, chil dren, relatives and friends must all suffer when the jail door opens to receive tbem, and on down through the paes of history we 1 are confronted with the testimony of some father or brother gone wrong. ' i. ' How different the man who recognizes the claim - humanity, society and his family has upon him and in spite of opposition, nay often persecution, he contin ues in the . straight and narrow way, striving honestly to do his duty' to his" family, to his country and to his God. How happy he feels when the car s and anxiety of the day are over and he goes home to the bosom of his family, tired but conscious that the righteous shall be rewarded when life's fitful dream is over. Our people are to be congratu lated that in this mad rush the bankers and business men of the country in general have acted wisely and well by keeping with i:i the pale of the law,, of decency and sound business principles, and on account cf these happy conditions this country'of which we are so justly proud has avert ed a panic and stood as a monu ment of strength and business integrity. Perhaps these things may be necessary, as object lessons to vnun? men. admonishing them to steer clear from the allure ments of vice which are ever near us. MANUFACTURING. Much has been said, from time to time, deploring the almost total lack; of manufacturing en terprises in Oregon. : Time and again this' thator the other thing has been set forth as enterprises in inunufacturing which might be easily established and suc cessfully conducted to the enrichment-of those immediately interested and the development of Jhe natural resources of the state. - - ' These things are usually pre sented by men who know noth ing of the conditions which must attend the establishment of such enterprises, " and' who have- not been long enough time in the state to learn what conditions do exisc, and .what manufacturing resources we really possess and might safely and profitably de velop. , -; ' . ' Assuming that capital stands ready to lay ' hold of such pro jects the moment the conditions are such as give rational promise of success; we may direct our in-i quiries to the: conditions neces sary to' successful manufacture in?. . f . " "-; ' "' - ; Cheap Taw materials must be hear at. hand or be easily obtain able: markets for products must ha near or easily' reached: - de mand for manufactured products must be great enough and perma nent enough; or easily made so, to consume the output;' both skilled and unskilled labor must be present or readily obtainable, These are fundamental condi tions and must exist with all they suggest as adequate transporta tion facilitiesr-before manufac t urine projects may be under taken with any reasonable hope of success. Oregon has had many instances of failure, and loss because one or more of these conditions have been overlooked or ignored by those attempting to establish manufacturing enterprises. At tempts to establish the manufac; ture of woolen goods lwa been prolific of loss and disheartening failure. This has been ascribe9 to "bad business management" when in truth tha management was blameless. The cause of failure was because uome of the conditions necessary to success had been disregarded.. Oregon is'yetayoung state. Considering that in truth she has had to fly with her own wings she has made remarkable pro gress in establishing and devel oping manufacturing enterprises. Naturally attention was first given to the development of the lumber interests. What has been done on this line makes a show ing which is most creditable to the energy and wisdom of those engaged in that trade. Other lines of manufactures will follow, presently. Indeed some important manufacturing projects are already firmly estab lished and well on the way to larger things and wider success. But, for all- this, . Oregon has other aid better resources than her manufacturing possibilitieii. Tnese invite and should receive the attention of our people, for it is to the development of these possibilities our people must look for the acquisition of competency and contentment and happiness. DREAM LAND. Of all branches of Mental Philosophy that which treats of the phenomena of dreams has re ceived least general attention. From away back in the dim past dreams have been regarded as manifestations of the supernat ural. Ignorance and her child Superstition taught men to re gard dreams as communications from the gods or from the spirits of departed friends or mayhaps enemies. These dreams were sweet and pleasant when the gods were in good humor or lov ing friends communicated with the dreamer, or horrible night mares when the gods were angry with or the spirits of malicious enemies seized upon the sleeper. TCvpti in this enlightened aire ! many persons regard dreams as solemn admonitions, faithful pre? monitions or diabolic temptations to evil. ' ', " '; But there is no sort of dream which-: may net be; easiljfiex plained by laws which govern mental processes, or; the opera tion of the mind under given con ditions. -When J.he cause of a dream is once determined the re maining phenomenoffiseasy :of explanation. . . ' ... ;,.'! -, One of the peculiarities of the mind in a dream state . is that it forms no correct, nor nearly cor rect estimate of time. ; An Eng lish gentleman gave us this inci dent from his own experience: He had long contemplated a tour of a portion of this, country and had "carefully planned ms itin erary - He had read much to pre pare himself -for 'understanding things he expected to see during his travels. He finally dreamed he crossed the Atlantic, made, the contemplated 'tour, and after an absence of six months rejoined his friends in England when he awoke.. , He had not been asleep to exceed ten minutes. No one ever dreams of sound or a noise, wnen one dreams ne hears a noise there has been .' a noise and - the cause of it should be promptly sought, especially if it be of crackling sound such as made -by burning woodwork. We have heard soldiers relate of dreaming they were in battle. They saw charging troops, the slain and wounded, bursting shell, hurtling shot and all usual incidents of. fierce fight except ing sound. They bad not heard so much as a a shout or pistol shot, ' 1 It is not a profitless pursuit to chase dreams back to their cause for then we may avoid the cause and, maugre the gods, lie down, to "balmy sleep," which is by far better than pleasant dreams. Children often waken from dreams all in a nervous fright. Do not desist until you find the cause. It may be improper food, too much or too difficult of diges tion. It may be caused by im proper clothing or unnatural po sition while sleeping or by fright received during waking hours. Indigestion, pickles, clam chowder and late dinners or sup pers are the demons and malevo lent enemies that give us bad dreams and horrid nightmares. "To rest with eaee all night Let your supper be light." A good appetite, a perfect di gestion, simple diet, a body and mind not wearied but healthfully tired by work or exercise, "a conscience devoid of offence to ward God - and man," a. fitting couch and benificent' nature will give ".us sleep unbroken by wierd dreams. ' Additional Local. Fred L. Kent, professor of dairv hus bandry at the Oregon Agricultural collage at Corvallis. was in Albany yesterday for a lew hour on bis war t .Salem Where be went to attend , to some business in connection with the statistical -depart, ment-of the United States .department of agriculture. .Mr. Kent has been devoting a eoddly portion of his odd moments diir ing the past three weeks to closing op his affairs cs secretary b: the Oregon Dairy men's ass jciatiou aad turning the office over to the new incumbent, W L. Crissey of Portland, who was elected to that place by tbe dairj men at their -last meet ing.' Mr. Kent was elected !o the presi dency of the association and has already begun to plan for . the l1 mee.iog of that body, which promises to he fuily as large and important as the odb recently held in Portland. He served as secretary of the association for a dozen yenrs and daring that time was most faithful in his work for the bet terment of the dairy in dustry in Oregon. Saturday's Albany He'ald. J. A. Shepard, the corresponding sec retary of the Willamette Valley Develop ment League, is engaged in the collection of a thousand facta about the products of the eight C3unUes of the valley. These 1000 statements are to be made in each case by the producer himself, so much pe.- sere, on suoh a product sold for such a price. This region can be made to show the greatest variety ef products and the richest yield of any part of the world. Each county is entitled to have 125 state ments in the collection, and at least 100,- OJ0 copies of these statements are to bi circulated in the east in the next 6ixty days before tbe next colonist rates are nut into effect in March. These state- nent8 coming from the producers them- selves and coming from each of the eight counties will result in the location of at least 50,000 homeseekers in our valley in the next year. Send y our it atem en t of a ti; crop, or yield of fruit or wool clip or profit from horses,' stock or dairying to J. R. Shepard at Salem. . This section of the state cannot be surpassed in this line of information and we want a OOd repre sentation in the collection of facta for ad vertising! the most 'productive region in toe world. . Nearly 4,000 letters addressed to Santa Olaua were confided to the Chicago post office facilities this ' year by trustful or hopeful children whose sentiments were expressed by one thus: .'. i.. My papa says 'twon't be no nse JTer ins to go ahead J ' ' : v And hang my stocking up this year. For Santa Clans is dead. . -. - . , I'm just as sorry as nan be and Papa's sorry some; ; Twon't be like Cnristmas time at all , If Santa does not come. In accordance with the postofSce de partments ruling, officially recognizing Santa Claus, says a Chicago dispatch, the letters were turned over to charity oigan izations, churches and individuals. The addresses nsed to reach;' the merry old chap - were varioua,including "Care of Jack frost, Toyland,!', ; "JJorth Pole, Ice land, care Cbimoiey . department" An. other addressed.him , J.'IownTown, Chi cago!" which was excusable, for Chicago spent almost 98,000,009 merely in the big stores' and as much more elsewhere to buy Christmas cheer. " The Dallas .Goat Show. The following circuit letter received by f.he GAZETTE for pub lication is self-explanatory: ' The Ninth Angora Goat Show for Oregon will be held in Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, on "Wednes day, Thursday and Frday, Jan uary 15, 16 and 17, 1908, under the auspices of the Polk County Mohair Association. The show will also be open in the evening of the first and second davs. Badges will be given to all prize winners. Each exhibitor allowed three in each pen. No entrance fee will be charged and feed will be furnished to ex hibitors free. There will be two grades of goats eligible for entry: Regis tered in one class and Unregis tered in another class. The fol lowing 38 cash prizes will be awarded in the Registered class 1st prize, $3. 50: 2nd prize, $2.50; 3rd prize, $1.50 and no cash Drizes will be awarded in the Unregistered class. All animals. except kids, competing for prizes must have been shorn in 1907 First, second and third prem iums will be allowed on the lol lowing: Buck kid born before March is, 1907. Same on buck kid born after March .15, 1907. Same on buck one year old and under two. Same on buck two years old and under three. Same on buck three years old and under four. Same on buck four years old or over. Doe kid born before March 15, 1907. Same on doe kid born after March 15. 1007. . Same on doe one vear old and under two. Same on doe two years old and under three. : Same on doe three years old and under four. . ; ; Same on noe four, years old pr over.-.:- . . .- i 7 ; - Sweepstake best- buck of any age and the same on doe: same in each class. - Free space will be given, to all those who desire jo make an ex hibit of sheep- and swine. The latter exhibits will be entirely in dependent of ihe goat show, and this arrangement is made simply to give , the sheep growers and swine raisers aa opportunity to show their blooded stock. Notice. Our store will be closed all day Friday, Tsnnarv 3rd. to arrange stocK loronr Great Rd Tag Sale. 34 J. M. noijAS a cos, Wood Wanted. Bids for furnishing the Oregon Agri cultural college wood lor the eBsutng school year beginning in September, ions, will be received at the office of the Purchasing Agent of the Collage up to Saturday, January 4, I9O8. jQ3tj T. H. Crawford, Purchasing Agsnt, far cr- irzz sat. f" -w"s THE HORSEMAN. The Horse Sells Largely , on Look. Feed to a Finish., - . . By JOHN REEVES. "Butter fat and satin smooth" would be an excellent Ideal for the man who Is raising a horse for sale. .The gist of all the teaching of those who are 'try ing to advise others how to fit their horses for market Is "have them fat." Of course it la presumed the horses are essentially .good ones that is, prop erly formed, sound and kind according to at least the average standard In horseflesh. Some young farmers who have been led to raising horses by the exceedingly tempting prices of which so much has been heard for awhile past now complain that, having raised the animals, they cannot get the prices. but are compelled to sell for much less than they expected to receive. The man on the farm sometimes falls to realize that In the raising of horses for sale he has now to compete with the ' "horse feeder,"" who Is just as genuine If not so extensive a proposi tion as -the "beef feeder" and the "swine feeder." If a farmer wants to get the notable prices that are obtained by the men who make a business of putting horses into attractive condi tion for marcet he must give his ani mals the same exact, painstaking care and scientific and liberal feeding that the latter da He should try to get on to the little wrinkles of management that aid In Improving the appearance of a horse and putting a finish on him. In short, remember there Is no ani mal that sells more upon "looks" than a horse and act accordingly. And, although "fat" la caned for. It must be the fat that goes with strong muscle, firm flesh and . flexible skin, and perhaps "well fleshed" would be a better term. If yon are producing any sort of horses for market and long prices, feed and fit to perfection with these in view. If for quick and easy local sale or to provide the professional finisher with material in the rough, that Is an other story, and there may be money In It too. On the whole, pretty nearly-L everything in the horse line brings gen erous value nowadays, and extraordi nary quality . means corresponding price. A Fine Arab Filly. The photograph reproduced In the cut is, as Country Gentleman explains, one sent to that journal by Randolph Huntington and is a portrait of the yearling Arab filly Queen Esther, in- TBAEIiINa ARAB PHiIiT. tensely inbred to Leopr-.rrt r.rA Nnn-r.i as well as to Henry Clay, bhe is by Naaman (AnazehNazIi), out Of Clay Miriam, a mare also sired by Naaman and whose dam was Clay Mocha, by Abdul Hamid II., by Leopard. Queen Esther was foaled April 1, 1906, and the photograph was taken the day she was a year old. She was bred and Is owned by Frederick H. Cleaveland of Poughkeepsie and, Mr. Hunticjton says, "would pass for a pure Arab In any country, a beautiful and intelligent fliiy." ;' Big Carriage Horses. As foreign conditions have their ef fect on the horse industry in this coun try, the views of a writer in a London paper are of some interest here. This correspondent claims that the wealthy Jobmasters of London are unable to let or hire anything but big carriage horses, and in the absence of home breds they buy them in America or on the continent of Europe. The number they now require could be expressed in thousands, and the checks they send would amount to something more like millions. He thinks breeders need have no doubt about future markets for any stylish, full sized carriage horses they my be enabled to. pot upon the Lon don market. In advocating the produc tion of such full sized carriage horses as now appear in the parks and fash ionable streets of London he does not disparage the, fashionable hackney which adorns the elegant victoria, but wants the larger type to be bred In equal numbers. Waste of Energy. The Merinos and their grades on ac count of their dense fleeces stand expo sure to rains and storms better than the open fleeced coarse wool sheep, and yet it pays better to house any kind of sheep during storms than' to take the chances of catching cold and being bothered, with snuffles all winter. It re quires a waste of energy to withstand the disagreeable conditions that are sure to follow exposure to storms.-r-Natlonal Stockman. How to Feed Out Silage. Owing to the constant contact of the air with the top layer of silage It Is necessary to remove a horizontal layer of silage to a depth of not less than one and one-half inches daily to pre vent any from spoiling. If this fact Is kept in mind when building a silo Its' diameter can be made such as to make possible the feeding of a layer of this depth daily with the amount of live stoek on hanja. John Michels. The Best Quality of PIANOS and ORGANS At the Store of GRAHAM & WELIS ' ' Corvallis, Oregon CUSTOMERS Are requested to call and 'see them fee tore purchasing elsewhere. THIS OLD RELIABLE HOUSE wHl sell their FINE-TONED INSTRU MENTS FOR REASONABLE PRICES instead of charging yon extra to make np for.high city rents, railroad fares and hotel bills for traveling salesmen. Music Loving People! Can purchase these reliable goods is their home town. If there is anything yon do not understand yon will find t&e sellers near your home. :'; :;; , Own Your Homo THt First - National Bank of Corvallis has some , TO.WM lo;ts Near the " .State Agricultural College which yon can buy on the INSTALL MENT PLAN or for cash. Savo Ton op Twenty Dollmrm nth and pay the same on a town lot. Thereafter BUILD YOUR HOME on the lot and continue to make these small month 1 v tuvmenrs on the home ami you will soon have it .paid for and hajre no more rent to pay. For information address W. H. SAVAG Corvallis, 0 Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. 'Portland, Oregon, October, J2, 19O7, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ot tbe act ol Coitgress of June tt, IS78, entitled "An act ibr the saleof timber lauds in t.he states of California, Oreiron, Nevada and v'ohington Territory," as extended to all the I'uuiiu .UukI states by act of August 4, 1892. Mrs. a JotiMnson ot lVonlaud, county of atultuo mah. State eiurvgon. has this day' tiled in this .ffice her sworn statement. No. 7003, for the pur chase of the Northwest quarter of Section No. 5Z, iiKrownship 40. 10 south, kange No. 5 West, and will offer proof to show that the land souarht ia more valuable for its timber or stone then for agricultural purposes, ana to establish her claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Port. , land, Oregon, on Saturday, tne J&th day of Janu ary, ioug tehe names as witnesses: Mrs. Minnie Mack 01 Monmouth, Oregon; Mr. Will Mack of Mcumouth, ' Oregon; Mr. J. O. Olson of Corvallis, Ortgou; Mrs. J. C. Olson of Corvallis, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 18th day of unua.-y, lUus. I-... Algbkjsoh S. Deesskr, Register. Farmers. Head tbe "Weekly Oregonian" of Fort land and the "CorvaiUe (Jaxette" tat the general news of the wosld. also far in formation about bow to obtain the beet results in cuiiivaiiog the soil, stock rais icg, fruit raising, etc. ' You can secure both of these excellent papers for one year by paying to the Corvallis 'Gaeene" the sum ot two dot 'are and fifty sen 1st in advance Hanit the tmney by pqBtofflae order or benic draft aad these meet vatnable papers will be promptly mailed to you. . . . , 83ti Are You Tired, Nervous and Sleepless ? Nervousness and sleeplessness are ns nally due to the fact that the nerves are not fed on properly nourishing blood; thoy are starved norvos. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes pure, ' rich blood, and thereby the nerves are . froperly nourished and all the organs ot. he bod v are run as smoothly as machin ery which runs in oil. In this way you feel clean, strong and strenuous you are toned up and invigorated, and you are good for a whole lot of physical or mental work. Best of all, the strength and In crease in vitality and health are lastlnn. The troiiWo with most tonics and med- : ielnes which have a large, booming sale for a short time, is that tbey are large y composed cf almhol holding the drugs In rolution. This p.lcohol shrinks up the red blood corpuscles, ar.d in the long run greatly injures the svatcin. One may foci . exhilarated and better for the time being, yet in the end weakened and with vitality decreased. Dr. Pierco's Golden Jledical Discovery ' contains no alcohol. Every bottle of it bears upon its wrapper Tjie Badge of Honesty, in a full list of all Its several ingredients. For the druggist, to offer you something he claims is "just as good is to insult your intelli-Tence. Every ingredient entering into the world-famed "Golden Medical Discovery" has the unanimous apnroval and endorse ment of the leadim? medical authorities of all the several schools of practice. No . other medicine sold through druggists for like purposes has any such endorsement. The "Golden Medical Discovery" not only produces all the good effects to bo obtained from the use of Golden Seal root, in all stomach, liver and bowel troubles, as in dyspepsia, biliousness, con stipation, ulceration of stomach ana bowels and kindred ailments, but the Golden Seal, root used In its compound ing is greatly enhanced in its curative ac tion by other infjred'ents such as Stona root Black Cherrybark, Bloodroot, Man drake root and chemically pure triple refined glycerine. ,,..,,. "The Common Sense Medical Adviser." Is sent free in paper covers on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mail ing only. For 31 stamps the cloth-bound volume will be sent. Address Dr. E. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N, Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets enre con stipation, biliousness and headache. it ...