"ft C5 Leading Corvallis Newspaper AdvertisiUj Medium. Vol. XLV. o i am is. Benton County, Ori-ocms ' Tubs No. :r Fancy Chinaware, Light and Dark Art Rozine Ware,' Souvenir Ware. A complete stock of Lamps and Jardinieres of all kinds. A complete stock of .Staple and Fancy Groceries at reasonable prices. Call Independent Phone 7. Thatcher-Johnson Co. We Will Smooth Your Wrinkles ot perplexity caused by the trying time of selecting Hol iday Presents. We cffer a lew suggestions : Ladies, Silverware, Lockets, Sterling Silver Pieces, Opera Glasses. Gents, Paiker Fountain Pens, Watch Chains, Emblem Pins and Buttons, Field Glasses. A large variety of appropriate presents. E. W. S. PRATT, The Jeweler & Optician. Store Ooen Evenings. 0. J. Blackledge THE INDEPENDENT Furniture Store, Corvallis, Oregon You Take PJo Chances When You Buy Grocencs At This Store All our goods are guaranteed to comply with the Pure Food Law We have the best Wo Warn Your Business Hodes Grocery, That's It! Cough yourself into fit of spas me and Hm wonoerwhy you don't per. well. If tro will caly try a bottle of Fallard'e Horehonni' Byrup your covgh will be a tbiig ol the raft- It is positive cure lor Con (the,- 1: flneria,. Brent hilie and all Polmcnary diseacea. Ore bottle w ill oo vipce yet rt vrttr r'rrroitt. 25c, 50c, f .CO Sold by Graham & YYertham. V. hat's Worth doing is worth doing well. If Ten wish to he cured of Rbeoniatinr, iiee Fallard'a fto Licin-ent and you will oe "well cured." A positive cure tor Sprains, Neura'gia, BrristB, Contracted Muscles ard-ell the ills tbst fit-th is heir 1o. A. G. M. YVilliarre, Kavasota, Tex-as, wiitts: "I lf'e csed Srow 1 ininent lor sprained ankle and it psve the bet of satisfaction. I always keep it in tbe house. " Sold 1 y Ciraham. YYortbaua. Children's Favorite tonic ie While's Criam 'er tniluge, the core for woirre, and all chil dren's diseases. It not only kills the woiune, but Ten ovee the irucus and slime iu which they build their peat. Its ac tion on the child ia roi'd and leaves him in a healthy condition. Joe Daniel, Sur Dir, Tenn., eava that be pave oe of bia rhlldrea Wbite'e Cream Vermifuge when ,tbe doctor theagbt it bad colic, ad irotn the flrat dot the child paaaed 73 er. Sola r Qrahaaa AWefttatn. 7 - fl' H and nothing but fiotlce of Final Settlement. In the irattcT ol the estate of Varc J. Single, deceased. " - he ice is hereby gTven that the Bnd'raigrned, c"irii!islTMnr ot tf-e ette ot Fy J FlfiJe, rie etafKd, 1 sf f led riKflal acfntai- Mich adn itt i stutter- itb tt-e t-Urt o; 11 e cunty court c f tbe state of Crept r frr Fci tfr f cvrtv. r.o" th said ccurt has Used Mot .rr. theSfthdsv ofjamtary. IPOS, at tbe 1 cor of 2 o'clock in the" afternoou, as the tin e . irr tl c 1:1 t ei lit item in the court house ir Ccnallis, Ferton County. Oregon, as the place for heani? r pro all ct jw ti us to the B)d ecrcvtif srdfor ettlu rt therecf. I'atcd this Pecemter 6th, I9O7, E. F. WlieCK, fi n iuifittator cf the tslste of aucj J. SlPK'e. deceased. MMtf Early to Bed rd early tr riee, n tier cne IfaMby, hrppv erd wift f sr it lly if f u tkf HtrHre tefcie rf 'irirt-. A rceitive roie for Ccrtij.stion. rysterfia- rd all livei ccrrp'a ntp. Mrs. h ' Colon bis, lerr.. writes: "I alf is leep a supply c Jc nr Heibine cn bard. Am to pleated with the relief )i gives in tcnttij aticn m d all liver ccn ilrir.ts. that wcrds cpe'i u presp d y rrr'fcistitn." c;d bj fcia ham & Worthsm. Jersey Bull For Sale. Deeeended frcn. Grand Coin and Gold en Glow ; irrrorted tow testis a 18 lba i;aurr lat m i ubti uifjjfai tvii. ou-. dresa, M, S. Wpixcccr, Ccivallia, Ore-J SOB. V 72 Goods. J KEEPING CHRISTMAS. Spirit of the Day Should Linger Throughout the Year. It is a good thing to observe Christmas day. Tbe me.e mark ine of times and seasons, when men agree to stop work and make merry together is a wise and wholesome custom, writes Rev. Henry Van Dyke, D. D. It helps one to feel the supremacy of tbe common life over tbe in dividual lite. It reminds the roan to set bis own little 'watch now and then, by tbe great watcb of humanity which inns on sun time. But there is a better thing tbaa tbe observance of Christmas day, and that is keeping Christmas. Are you willing to forget what you have done for other people and to remember - what other peop'e have done for you; to ignore what the world owes you, and to think wbat you owe Jo tbe world; to put your rights in the background, and your duties in the middle distance, and youT chances to do a little more than your! duty in the foreground; to see that your fellowmen are just as real as you are, and try to look behind their taces to their hearts, bunprey -for joy; to own that probably the only good rea son for j cur existence is not what you are going to get out of life, but what you are going to give to life; to close your book of com plaints against the management ot the universe, and to look around you for a place where you can sow a few seeds of happiness are you willing to do tb.'se things even for a day? Then vou can keep Christmas. .. . . .-. Are "you "willing to stoop down and consider the needs and desires of little children; to remember the weakness and loneliness of people who are growing old; to stop asking how much your friends love you, and ask yourself whether you love them enough; to bear in mind the things that other people have to bear on their hearts; "to try to understand wbat those, who live in tbe same bouse with you really want, without waiting for them to tell you; to trim your lamp so that it will give more light and less smoke, and to carry it in front so that your shadow will fall behind you; to make a grave for all your ugly thoughts, and a garden for your kindly feelings, with the gate open are you willing to do these things even for a day? Then you can keep Christmas. Are you willing to believe that love is tbe strongest thing in tbe world stronger than bate or evil, stronger than death and that the blessed life which begaa in Beth lehem 1,900 years ago is the im age and brightness of the eternal love? Then yon can keep Christ mas. And .if yon keep it for a day, why not keep it always? Bnt yon can never keep it alone. Played Basket Ball in Albany. In a most exciting game of basket ball at tbe local rink on Thursday night, the Corvallis skating team defeated- the local five by a score ot 31 to 6. In spite of the large score which the visitors piled up against tbe Al bany beys, the game proved most interesting to the spectators because of this beirg tbe first basket ball game plaed on skates. Familiarity with tht finer points ot the game combiner with the ability to throw baskttf whenever tue opportunity offered, gave tte Corvallis bos their laigesccie. In tbe first ve min utes of play the visitors by swif work piled up tbe majority ol their points, but tbereaiter cui ing tbe icmaincer of tbe first hsli and throughout tbe second half, the local ,boys held the visiter. down, and tbe game was men even. At the end of the fiist half tbe scere was 25 to 3. Th points . for tbe ucme teem were made on thiows from the foul line with one exception, when Beeson threw a. goal from tbe field, Foster, tbe OAC cen ter proved tbe star for the visitors; and his remarkable accuracy in throwing baskets irom tbe field, was responsible in a large degree for tbe big score of tbe Corvallis boys. "' While tbe game was rough at times, it never failed to be interesting and the spectators were kept in a fever, ot excite ment throughout the game. . It is probable another game will be played between tbe two teams. Herald. The All Oreroa Fruit Show. Portland, January 14-15, 1908, will be the scene of the greatest horticultural meeting yet held in the state. Not only will an in teresting and instructive program be presented, including talks by tbe most successful growers and shippers in the states of Oregon, California, 'Idaho and Washing ton, bnt there will be the finest display of winter fruits ever wit nessed in . the Northwest. A splendid set of cups and awards will be given for the best fruit shown, and the "iudsing will be done; by a government officer of national ; repute. The complete premium list will be announced shortly. ' :'v . . The regular reduced rates will be accorded by the transporta tion compapies provided fifty are present, and the occasion will be one of wide interest to the fruit growers of this entire Northwest, and particularly of Oregon. At this time we want to call tbe attention of every producer of choice winter truit to the sub ject &t exhibiting and tbe impor tance of filing bis request for space at an early date. The exhibit already exceeds in promises, that made last year, so that it is impoitant that ex hibitors file their request for space at an early date with J. H. Reid, Milwaukie. It is sot every year that we have an opportunity of having our products passed upon by a a national expert. The occasion ought to be one of great value to our growers. Bring or send your unknown or new varieties as well., so that they may be named. E. R. Lake, Secretary. R. C. Kiger Will Filed. Tbe will ot the late R. C. Kiger has been filed at the clerk's office for probate. The instru ment was executed in Corvallis, October 22, 1900, and George W. Irvine and H. S. Peinot are the witnesses. - Tbe estate is valued at $37,000 and after directing the payment of all just debts, tbe expenses of his last illness, and burial, Mr Kiger authorizes tbe payment to bis widow, Mrs. Minerva Kiger. for tbe maintenance of herself and daughter, Miss Minerva Ki ger, pending the settlement of estate, f 1000, to be taken from the first money received from the estate applicable to such purpose. He then bequeaths to tbe widow during her lifetime all tbe proper ty of which be was possessed, the same aiter ber demise to be given to tbe three children, John, Will and Minerva Kiger, share and share alike. All tbe remaining pioperty, personal . ard mixed, after tbe allowance of $ 1000 is paid,, is oideied to "be divided equally between tbe widow and the three cbildien. Tbe widow is aj pointed guar cin. of the peisor, proreity and tstate tf tht miter child, Mi nerva Kif,i, to serve vitboct prcbatt precetdiegs of an kind; atd l&stiv, ii.t widew it appoint ed txe cntiii. tf tl e last w;ll aLC testament deceased, to serve without bo 1 '.. .The folkwirg tppraisers of the estate beve been appointed: J. R. Rowland, T. W. B. Smith and Fundetson Avery. A CORVALLIS LAD'S CPIKICN Of. Sight's Seen in California- - Coach Swarm's Letter. . "I am now in sunny California and the weather is prettv nice, I must adroit,'?, writes Claude Swann .to ..bis parents 'in Cor vallis, - from San Francisco on December 23. Lilies and all kinds of bouse plants are in bloom out of doors. We went .out to Golden Gate Park, saw tbe ocean. San Francisco bay,' tbe r place where the Clin House stood and many other places of : interest," writes the little basket ball coach, and continues: ; '.'-v.-''':,'v.:v ' "San Francisco looks like a village tor it has never been cleaned up good yet and manv of the old buildings are lying just as they fell . Tbe streets- have (never been cleaned . up enough . t r , - . so an auiumoDiie can get aiong. You cannot imagine how terrible the shock was unless you could see things, and of course tbey are much better now than they were. I can sit right where I am in Hotel Stewart, and look ; out tbe window and see for miles and cannot see a building of auy con sequence that is whole, and all the . buildings l ean see that are over three stories high are noth ing but ruins. There are great piles of brick and twisted frame woik to be seen-Mr every direc tion. The city hall is certainly a tough looking customer, and and so is the St. Francis Hotel, which was the finest on the coast. We are staying just across the street lrom it at a fine hotel. There are. eleven of us here, we get a rate and still pay $35 per day, "California is all right and tbe.e is certainly lots to see. We saw some beautiful scenery as we were coming over the Sis- kiyous, but the best of all was at Shasta Springs. Tha't is cer tainly a great place, everything one could wish. we landed there at 7 p. m. and all the lights were on. A little stream flows down the mountain there and it has about 40 small falls and the bed of the stream is lined different colored electric lights with the water flowing over them and maybe yon think it isn't pretty. "The whole Sacramento Val ley is not so slow, either. We play tonight at Berkeley, on Wednesday and Thursday nights at Santa Cruz aud New Year day at Salt Lake City, so we will be going some in the next week." Why Girls Leave Home" At Opera House Tonight. Tbe problem "Whv Girls Leave Home" is one that has taxed tbe minds of many parents to solve, but it is said that a care ful study of - the play by that name which will be presented at the Opera House tonight, will as. sist materially, in the solution, and also point out a moral that cannot go unnoticed. The story is one that is told in a new man ner, aud by tbe use of dramatic license forms many stage pictures of interest. It deals principally with four persons, mother, broth er and two sisters, one of whom being susceptible to flattery it induced to leave her borne against the wishes of her mother, and if. Jured to a dubious re?f?nrant, and is there induced todtiijk and associate with debonair sccun- dieis and women without princi ple or aim in life. Tbe story is unfolded in a coherent and con nected manner and is absolutely devoid ot all bcrse-play and blood and tburder, so usual in present day productions. The play is produced by an excellent cast and comes highly recommended. Sheep For Sale. Eifbly bead of good ewes bred to thorcuptbred bucks. L. A. Eouck, Manroe, Oregon, E. F. D. 1. Phone BaUefouatain. ltf n Woods Family Reunion. 1 be home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Woods, of this city, was the scene of an enjoyable family re union on Christmas day. Aa unusual, feature was 'that four generations were represented t -the gathering. - The first ws represented by J. W. Woods, C. A., ,-C. N. v and Master Aestou Woods, all of - Corvallis. Tbe second, vMts. J. N. Woods, Mrs. Linnie Grimshaw, Mrs.- Etta Woodworth and little daughter, Lois. " . The . host and ' hostess have ' passed their 52nd wedding anni versary but are both' unusually hale and hearty, and on this occa sion proved themselves royal en tertainers. . -Tbe dinner served by Mrs; Woods will Jong be re membered. . Mr. and Mrs. Woods have two children, nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Two grandsons were prevented by business from being present at the reunion. They are ' L M. Grimshaw of Portland, and Prof. J. M. Woods of Toledo:" , . Those present were: ' Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Woods and two child- ren, Walter and Edna; Mr. and Mis. Ar N. Woods and ; three children, Aeston, Raymond and Isabell, all of Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Giimshaw and three sons, Leonard, John and Ray, of Portland; Mr.and Mrs, Woodworth and daughter, Lois, of Portland; S. S. Woods, of, Oskalocsa, Iowa, a brother ot J. W. Woods; also a nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs." W. G. Wooas and son,.of Forest Grove. , N ot withstanding - the . ; stormy-'' weather ""peace and "goodwill"" reigned and the reunion was in deed a happy affair. Contributed. Death of Anna French. Friends and acquaintances of the family were surprised and shocked Sunday to learn that Miss Anna French had died sud denly at the family home west of town. According to meagre de tails learned, the young lady had been ill for a couple of weeks with jaundice but nothing serious was thought ot it. On Christ mas day Miss French was down town and took cold, but still ber trouble was not regarded with alarm by ber relatives, Sunday morning, however, : sbe was so much worse that a Corvallis pby- . sician was summoned, but before his arrival tbe young woman was dead. Tbe funeral occurred yester day afternoon at two o'clock from the family residence,, the services . conducted by Rev. J. R. N. Bell, of the Presbyterian church, and interment was in I. O. O. F. cemetery. Deceased was aged about 19 years and was the second daugh ter of Mr. and Mis. Henry French, well known and respect ed residents of Corvallis. The parents, brothers and sisters have tbe deep sympathy of all in their... bereavement Real Estate Transfers. Geo. A. Houck to J. J. Houck. land r.ear Belllountaiu; $10. Cynthia E. Henkle and hus band to M. E. Abbott, 160 acres near Philomath; $10. M. E. Abbott and husband to C. E. Henkle, lots 7, 8, and 9, block 2, Co. Add Corvallis; $10. P. E. Williamson to Malinda C. Williamson, 40 acres near Al bany; $2500. c P. E. Williamson to W. A. Williamson, fio acres near Al banj ; $2500. M. L. Buckingham to A. M. Taylr, 120 acres near Bellfoun tain; $3000. J. H. Merryman to Mary E. Wright, lots 166, blk 43 Brqvn's Add Philomath; 150.