THE GORVALLIS GAZETTE - Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Puei,ishing Company. The Subscription price of the Gazetts for several years has been, and remains $2 per annum, or 25 per cent, disco out if paid in advance. 'This paper will be continued until all arrearages are paid. NOT BACKSLID. WEN. Dr. Emil G. Hirsh, a Jewish rabbi of Chicago, in a sermon to his congregation last Sunday, declared the world, including this nation, has lapsed or deter iorated in morals. The ultimate result of thi3 would be bloody .revolution and a worse condition for America than prevails in Rus sia. , We carelittleaboutDr. Hirsh's conclusions, but his premise is rather startling. Confining our inquiry to this Nation, is it true that we, as a people, have had a moral back-sliding? To acept this as true it must appear that a greater ratio than ever before of our people are actuated by im moral incentives to thought, pur pose and actions. That crime is on the increase in some localities may be admit ted, but that an increasing per centage of our people are crimi inals or in danger of becoming such is not true, inere is - no real evidence it is true. Those who think it true are simply mis led by the quick and wide pub licity now given to the commis sion of any sort of crime. The telegraph, the telephone, the press transmit and record the commission of crime occurring in the remotest section of the counFry and the aggregate de ceives us into believing crime is on the increase. For the same reasons we are prone to conclude that civic crimes, corruption, bribery, im- bezzlement of public moneys and official mal-feasance are on the increase. This is not true. We are simply dragging a greater number of such criminals and crimes into the light and expos ing them to public view. The accumulation of immense wealth by immoral methods is confined to the few. Their methods are now made known and meet with public condem nation while those who practice such methods are held up to. general execration. Ill-gotte wealth never had. so 'little real influence for good or evil as is now fallen to its lot. Extravagance, private and public, largely disappears when we compare our present ability tdmake large' expenditures with former inability to do so. The immorality of extravagance is in living beyond one's ability. Liv ing up to one's income is usually unnecessary and very foolish but can scarcely be stigmatized as immoral. Complete analysis of the whole subject constrains us to believe that never before have the masses of the' American people been actuated by so' high mora1 purposes. Never before have they been so earnest and unani mous in their determination that all immorality shall be destroyed, The growth of the temperance reform is alone irrefutable evi dence that we are not moral back-sliders. Clergymen, school-men and all whose occupation and habits keep from association with the masses are easily deceived by the flotsam and ietsam of the!con- flict. To know how the battle is going we need to know the strength and earnest courage of the firing line. We are not slipping backward. Like an army, which has long lain quietly in one position, moves forward and onward to conflict and victorysoourpeople are marching forward to the con quest of all forms of immorality. There will be no turning back, no compromise, no truce, because never heretofore have so ... many of our people accepted as eter nally true that ' 'Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a re proach to any people." MOST ACCEPTABLE. A banquet of commercial or ganizations was recently held in Vbicago. A number ot promi nent railroad presidents and general managers discussed the question of legislation for the '; regulation and control of rail roads. The presidents of the Rock Island, the Santa Fe, the Illinois Central, the Chicago and Alton and of the Monon railways expressed their view3 clearly and forcibly. They were agreed on every essential point. It was freely admitted that the people are determined to effect the control of the roads, and that such control would be benefical to all concerned. They agreed that federal con trol is greatly more efficient and desirable than state control . be cause federal makes the roads responsible to but one controll ing power and gives them unity of law and regulation in all the states. Mr. Ripley, president of the Santa Fe road said his road ran through fourteen states and ter ritories all having different rules and regulations. What was law ful in one state was illegal in an other. All this forced his road to operate under tremendous difficulties. The president of the Illinois Central road said he did not know of any concerted movement on part of the railway companies looking to the federal control, but that the present conditions, growing out of attempted state control, are almost intolerable he was well aware, and central, or federal control seemed to offer the only solution to the untoward conditions now prevailing. r . There is little question that for the greater part attempted rail way regulation by the state has worked little if any good for the people and none whatever for the roads. It has done little more than saddle the roads with onerous and vexatious conditions under which they must operate . The Federal government can, as between the people , and the railroads, administer equity and compel equity more certainly than any other instrumentality can. For this reason federal control ; should commend itself to all the people. Let us not became too greatly impatient. The attempt to con trol these corporations is of com paratively recent date. Our leg islation has been largely tenta tive, experimental and neces sarily so, but we are rapidly ap proaching the positive and staple forms of legislation on this vex atious subject. BANKING. THE FIRST. NATIONAL BANK OF Corrallis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative banking business. Loan money on approved security. Drafts bought and sold and money transferred to the principal cities of the United States, Europe and foreign countries. A Qond Trade. Every boy, no matter how rich or how poor his ancestry, should learn thorough ly some good trade, so that if his circum stances become reversed at any time he conld immediately do service at his trade and start again on a successful road to prosperity. Tba printing trade is not only artistic when , completely learned, but it is also highly educational in every particular, and one of the best trades that anyone can learn, as opportunity for labor is ever ready each working day in the year. - There is one of ihe best opportunities in a'l the land for a young man of steady habits, good principles, well educated' having a will to work and excel, to learn thb printing trade in the Gazette office. Proper explanation will be given on ap plication. 6Ttf House Decorating. FOR PAINTING AND PAPERING 8EB W. E. Paul, Ind. 488, 4lti We Invite Your inspection of our Stock of Ladies' and Misses' Coats Wool Dress Goods, Cotton Wash Dress Fabrics Our Stock is Cem plete In Every Detail at Right prices. lienklc & Davis iiooa the cough ud lie Ala lung CLASS1HE0 ADVERTISEMENTS CLAS8IHKU advkbtiszmxiitb: Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three successive insertions, or 60 cts par month; for all np to and including ten a41ifwnal WAnla 1 Mn - 1 f 1. ; insertion. . For all advertisements over 25 word 1 ct per word for the first insertion, and H ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25 cents. Lodge, society and church notices, ither than strictly news matter, will ba 'barged for. PHYSICIANS B. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN ,uiu Lurxeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build iiss. Office Honrs: 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad mits Sis. Telephone at Office and res ilience. Oorvallis. Oregon. ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W. Office up stairs in Zierolf Building, Only set of abstracts in Benton County E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LaW. Office in Post Office Building, Coi val ue, Oregon. WANTED WANTED 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazktts ana Weekly Oregonian at 12.50 per year. HOMES FOR SALE W1XL SELL LOTS IN OORVALLIS, Oregon, on instalment plan and as sist purchasers to build homes on them it desired. Address First National Bank, Oorvallis, Or. WILL SELL MY LOTS IN NEWPORT, Or., for spot cash, balance instal ments, and help parties to build homes thereon, if desired. Address M. 8. ' V'rd ock. Co-vailiP, Or. U UUUUUMEB UliSUMSM" If you want to sell your timber lands send Frsmk Am Row description ana aata to HE BIS Buchanan Building Portland, Oregon WILL SELL IT :' VERYBODY knows that the finish is largely governed by the start. If you, start right you stand a good chance to finish right. Copyright 190 by Hart-Schaffner 6? Marx This applies to buying clothes as well as to riding to hounds; if you start your clothes-buying by a determination to get the best possible for your money, you'll get it. That means that you will start at our store, and you'll finish in one of our Hart Schaliher & Marx suits or overcoats. , That will be the right finish for your clothes buying because these clothes are right in every way, from start to finish; all-wool, tailored right, correct in style, perfect fitting. EXCLUSIVE AGENT S. L. KLINE Established 186 f The People's Store Corvallis, Or.