Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 03, 1907, Image 2

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1 ublished Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing-Company.
f tie Subscription price of the Gazetti
for several year has been, and remains
$L annum, or 25 per cent, discount if
' pi.j'i in advance. This paper will be
cc ctinued until all arrearages are pail.
There is an old adage that
". '.oney makes the mare go."
This is taken to mean that any
conceivable enterprise can be
n ade a success provided there is
1 T 1 ?1
eruugii money DacKing n.
ftioney is a power. Many most
djsirable enterprises could never
be carried to ultimate success
without the aid of money and
Oi'tentimes the expanditure of
large sums of it. Large num-
Dtrs oi men, inaeea, seem to De
lieve that nothing worth while
may be accomplished by any
other means than the application
of money and plenty of it. Such
men have lost sight of the fact
I -IT j 1
there is something more poten
tial than money; something, too,
which never fails to accomplish
whatever it undertakes. It has
the happy faculty of making
''the mare go" to good purpose
even though large sums of money-
are not available.
This power is known as public
spirit, or the manifestation of
life, activity and energy making
for common use and public bene
fit. Like charity, this spirit
may begin its activity at home.
A man having it will have his
huildings, his farm, his fences,
and everything pertaining to his
domicil neat, clean and attract
ive. This done he sees some
thing he can easily do not only
for his own benefit but for that
of the public at large. It may
be only mending a near by piece
of bad road. Whatever it is he
goes at it heartily and cheerily,
and does it. There is nothing
that can be done for the common
good which he does not stand
ready to help along.
This public spirit resembles
the smallpox in that it is exceed
ingly contagious. Who has not
seen whole neighborhoods, trans
formed because the spirit had
seized upon one man and set
him to work?
for it invariably accomplishes
, more, in shorter time and with
less expenditure of money than
can be compassed without it- For
tunate is tha community which
has one or two public spirited citi
zens dwelling in it. Most fortu
nate that community in which all
its members are public spirited
Corvallis is waking up and
moving forward, but her citizens
some of them at least should
exhibit yet more of that admira-
v i 1 . i c i ;l l
Die quaiuty oi goou cuzensmp
known among men as public
Secretary Taft in a recent
speech to a southern audience
reminded republicans that al
though their state always went
democratic, by decisive major
ities, at presidential elections,
they had as great strength, or as
many votes in the National Re
publican Convention as those
states which gave equally as de
cisive republcan majorites.
This has been the case for
many years. It is not just to
the republicans of those states
who make the election of a re
publ'can president possible that
other states which contribute
nothing to party success have
as much to say concerning the
selection of candidates and the
promulgation of party purposes.
It has been suggested that the
delegates to the National conven
tion from each state should be in
the ratio that its vote bears to
the republican vote of all the
states. Nothing has been done,
and as it is merly a party ques
tion it is of comparatively little
I A far more important .matter
is that of excessive representa
tion in congress and hence in the
electoral college of those states
which have disfranchised the
negro yet count him present
when if comes to fixing their rep
resentation in congress. Here
are several wrongs of National
importance. A plain provision
of the federal constitution is
practically annulled. This gives
one section of the country a
greater representation in the
national congress than it is law
fully entitled to, and it inures to
the advantage of one political
party .
Nothing has been done to
remedy these wrongs. It '"s not
probable anything will be done.
But unless the South shows a
decided purpose to divide on
national issues between the sever
al parties, as in the North the
time will come when something
must be done to extirpate these
Senator Fulton's speech Fri
day, at the court house was in
his best vein. He said nothing
Showing himself to be out of har
mony with the administration or
with the purpose of the party.
Upon several questions which
have not yet come up for party
acton he gave such expression of
personal opinion as entitles him
to a place with the most advanc
ed thinkers on these subjects,
Governor Chamberlain's Address
Governor Geo. Chamberlain's
speech at the court house grounds
Thuisday afternoon at the big
All-Benton fait was of a practical
nature and apporopriates to the
occasion. It was the nrt time
that many of those in the la-gd
audience had ever seen or heard
the governor and the occasion
was one long to be remembered
by them.
In his reference to the public
schools the governor won hearty
applause for insiting that they be
not employed entirely to fit boys
and girls for the so-caller
higher educition, but more for
practical affairs of lite, sued as
agriculture, horticulture, domes
tic science, etc. If more boys
learned grafting trees there
would be less grafting of fees.
It more girls learned to cook
there would be fewei divoice
'uiis filed.
Additional Local.
Prof and Mrs. Will Wicks leave tt
morrow for New York City. After a
two weeks visit there with relatives Prof.
Wicks enters Cornell for a course.
AU winners of prizes in the Benton
school fair can obtain their certificates of
award at the store of A. K. R las. They
will then bs ab'e to secure their prizes.
AU are requested to call and secure these
certificates uhk-li are now ready.
Riv Yates left Saturday afternoon ac
;oinpained. by Mrs. Yates for Roseburg
where be has accepted a position as
stenographer in tte office of the dispatch'
er f ir the Southern Pacific. Mr. Yates
has beeu in Albany for th past few
months in the employ of the Linn conn-
ty Al stract Ccn.pany. His many friends
here wish hiai success in his new loca'
lion. Herald.
Evt'ry boy, no matter how rich or how
;o r his ancestry, should 'earn thorough
ly some good tiede, so that if his circum
stances become reversed at anv time he
could immediately do service at his trade
and start again on n sncceesfnl rjad to
prosperity. The printing trade is not
only artistic when oomp'etely learned
hut it is also highly educatioral in every
particular, and one of the best trades that
anrre can learn, as opportunity for
labor is ever ready each working day in
the year.
There is one of the best opportunities
in al the land for a young man cf steady
hshits, go id principhs, well educated
havina a will to work and excel, to learn
the printing trade in the Gazette office.
Proper explanation wili be given on ap
plication. 67tf
The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Corvallis postoifice, for the
week ending Sept. 2 ltJvi":
Miss LUlie Ciein.jns. W T Kitts S ins
CM Pierson, Mrs Liur Thompson.
Karl Wo d, Caanes W Welker,
B. W. Jonssos, P M
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Mala and Female Guineas.
Authorities on guinea raising claim
that It Is always best, no matter how
small a flock you may have to have
two or more males running with the
hens. As a rule one cock guinea is
enough for every four hens, but some
times the birds will pair. Some breed
ers claim that it is best to breed them
In pairs. There Is only one absolutely
certain way of telling the male from
the female and that Is by the call or
cry. The female has a peculiar call
which is never uttered by the male and
resembles "Buckwheat" or "Come
Back." The call of the male is a shrill,
rasping scream.
When You Visit
Tiie Sctiooi fair
Don't fail to call on us and
see our line of
Ladies' and Misses'
The garments are well made
and the styles and patterns
are the season's choicest. Our
Fall Stock of
Suitings, Walstlngs and
Dress Goods
haye arrived, so don't fail to
see them.
lienkle & Davis
All Ounce of Preveatloa
Is worth a pound of cure. There are
many sufferers, Consumptives who are
hopeless of getting wll who, if tbey
had taken care of there salves, would now
be well, A cough is the foundation of
Consumption. Ballard's Horehound
Syrup will cure that cough. Mrs S ,
Great Falls, Montana, writes: "I bsve
used Ballard's Horehound Syrup in my
family for years. My children never
suffer with coughs." Sold by Graham &
Will Sell Its
for Information
- OF THE : '
County cf Benton, State cf Oregon, ..
Showing the amount standing to the credit of every depositor July 1, 1907
who has not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of his deposit,
principal or interest, for a period of more than seven (7) years immediately
prior to said date, with the name, last known place of residence or postoffice
address of such depositor, and the tact of his death, if known,
Bankets' Mutual Keliel . .
Association Portland, Oregon $ 19 m
Alpheus W.Scott Oregun"" t"IUal1"' Sot known
t u t r Several Tears ago at Col- . .
John La Lane ... " , ot known 141 16
vallis; now not known "
A. G. Mulkev, Deceased fi widow. luieuceiiul- -
- . -vt . . ky, aqiux., now liveo at 20
Est te Sot Closed P..ri.ui, inegou
several years agu at. Cor
Jacob V. Hower . vaius, ore.; not known Not known 64 50
H. K. Ciark, Trustee H. R. Clark died at Cor- Cautnoin Uail is a !.
Cauthorn Hall - vallis, Oregon wrlToolle ABru:ul"
, . . one time at. Corvallis,
Florence Jennings Oregon; now not knowi, Sot known
One time at CorvalLs, at Maddux terwara moved to Arizona Sot kuown
B. W. Wilson, County B. W. Wilson died at Cor- I'hesomulaeceased thing.
t ... aCouiuyClerk'scueckw'as 0 "
-lenI vaius arawniortnisaui'u,uis'dg
J. K. Bryson, Assignee J. R. Bryson died some years ago. At tiio uuie ne
of Hamilton, Job & Co. settled His asigneesuip in the circuit Court held at 19 50
.. " Benton County ore.; we understand the Court or
dered saii deposit placed uere to paj certain sev
eral checks ol suia Assignee, which checks are in
the possession oi this bank lor the payees ineieoi to
call aua get them . (Suia checks are as follows: Tu
MiddlebrooktUtnumuker.flo.04; Corvallis .Nursery
Co., 69c; Elias Wiser, 7. 62.)
County of Benton, J
I, George E. Lilly, being first duly sworn, depose and say upon
oath, that I am the Cashier of The First National Bank of Corvallis, County of
Benton, State of Oregon; that the foregoing statement is a full, true, correct and
complete statement, showing the name, last known residence or postoffice ad
dress, fact of death, if known, and the amount to the credit of each depositor as re
quiredjby the provisions of Chapter 148, of the General Laws of Oregqn of 1907.
Gso. E. Lilly.
, - , Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of July, A. D. 1907.
Seal J M. S. Woodcock,
1 Notary Public for Oregon.
' . : :
Bring your Job Work-to the
Town Lots Near the State
College to Home-Seekers or
and Sell Them on the
CskH on
Corvallis, Oregon
' Summons. ;
- . .
In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon for '
Benton County:
W. U. bavaict., plaintiff
N. A. Fisher, Itefendaut,
lo 4. A. rubber, tout aDove named defendant.'""'
lu the ia:ne ol ui aiaie ol Oregon, ou are
hereby summoned aud loquired w apar au4
answer the complaint oi tue ptaiutitf in uie auov
entitled snit uvw uu die with Uic cterk ol Uiu alKvt
eutitiea uourt on or b"iore Uie isi oay oi uc tune
pruttcribod in ttiti uiutr fur publication ol Uiu bUu
uioua bereiuaiwir reitjirtu vo, to w it: On or betoitt
October 4. ii7, and uu are Hereby notched tuat U
you lall to lo appear uid answer tlte aaiu complaint
aa liereiu required, lor aaiit Ulcrtol Uic piiutlif
will appiy to the above entitled court lor tue relict
ueiutuiucd in ins eaiu uouipiaiut to-wit; Fur decree
that piuiutuf nave juuy luc ut aaixiat delendaut up
on tbe prouiiasory uou,- ueecrioed in said complaint
tor tou wit.11 imereat ibereou at the rate ot 10 pef
eeut per uiuum iroiu .November 27tn, iuuo; au at
torut-v'ts lees and iy paiu lor carm ior tue folio -iug
purboual property, via: one black niar aoout H
yews old, oue iup single buifgy auu one set ut har
utrso beioitKiii to ueluadaiit but now in pobsea&ion
ot plainun, atid direcuukf tnat paunuil'a lien upon
sid property by way ot a pledge be lorecioMM ai.U
Uie above uttcTibeu personal properly soiu ju tiie
maimer provided by law tortile aaieoi person'
property uuuer exeeuuou in acuonu at law, auu tta
pioceeun appned, by tne party maKlu uuh g-ue,
to tlie buusitcuon 01 such juuu-.eut and Uie oal-
auce to the deieudant.
Tuia summune is published in the (SorralUs Oa;-
ette newspaper oucea week, ior eix eouseeutive sua
ttucetuive weeks, begiimiujf wan the la&ueoi Ab
Ku&t ztf, liw7, and enuitijf with tne issue oi October
4, lyUi, under and in purouauce ol tne directions
uoutameu man order ntade by the hvn. k Vvood
wan, Juuge oi tue County Court ol lientou County,
btate ot Oi eiron, dated August 15, luo7.
iaie 01 ur&t puuiicauou nereoi is August 23, Ivoi,
tL fc. UlLbUN.
70-82 Attorney for PlaiatifL
mmn AUVtKitSLMbNis
Fifteen words or less, 25 eta for three
successive insertions, or 60 eta pel
month; lor all dp to and including ten
additional woras, 4 cent a word for eaih
ior ail advertisements over 25 words.
1 ct per word for the first insertion, and
j ct per word for each additional inser
tion. Nothiag inserted for less than 26
Lodge, society and church notices.
other than strictly news matter, will be
charged for.
For Sale: Nine acres good' and, all ra
cultivation , six room houte, two lots and
barn, fl.zou, cash. .Located hue farm id
section, within stone's throw grajic!
school, churches, store, postoffice. Good
reasons for se.ang. call or address,
Gazette Olface. 63ii
For Sa'.e: Registered, unregistered
and grade Cotswold bucks, of serviceable
age. Inquire of 1. A. Logsdon, iiniue
2iX5, Granger Line, Corvallis, Ore. 03tf
Oregon, on instalment plan and as
sist porchasers to build hou.eB on them
it ueeired. Address First Naiiouai
Bank, Corvallis, Or.
or., lor spot cash, balance instai
.nents, and help parties to build homes
thereon, ii desired. Address M. 8.
Woodcock, Co-vailis, Or.
Veterinary Suraeon
surgeon and dentist. KtSideiice iliiid
bcieet, between Madison and Monroe,
Corvadis. Fhone obi, or call Snow
st Wilej 's livery stable.
lrebh garden seeds in bulk, just receiv
ed. All kinds of larm and garden
seeds, seed wheat, oats, barley, pota
toes, artichokes, feed oats, chicken
leed, Land Plaster. Five kinds of
clover and veich. I can luruuh clover
by the carload. Second door north ef
express office. L. L Brooks. Phone
auiu surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
lag. Omce Hours : 10 to 12 a. m.t 2 to
4 p. in . Residence : cor. 6th and Ad
ams ets. Telephone at office and res
idence. Corvallis, Oregon.
Orhce up etafrs in Zierolf Building,
Only set of abstracts in Benton County
Office in Post Omce Building, Coivai
io, Oregon.
Jersey or hit;h tirade. Mua t give 85 or
40 lbs. of wiilk i er (lav. Phone 422 or
call on Henry Cyrus, corner Third and
Wafchingtou streets. 72 79
choice lurnished rooms. Good beds
and stoves. Iuquire or phone 422,
Mary C. Cyrus, corner of Tnird and
Washington streets. 72-79
Gazette ana Weekly Oregonian at
$2.55per year.
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business. Loans
money on approved security. Diafta
bought and cold and money transferred
to the principal cities of the United
States, Europe and foreign countries. ,
House Decorating.
W. E. Paul, Ind. 488 Ucl
Foley's Kidney Cure
doej s hA Vender CiaAU