Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 02, 1907, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fr - by
The Subscription price of the. r- itn
f or several years bag been, an-1 ri-n ainB
$2 per annum, or 25 per cent, nsw onnt if
paid in advance. This paper will be
continued until all arrearages pt i.aiJ.
So long as men differ 'concern
ing the principles wnieh are
,most vital to the conduct and
perpetuity of their i-oiitical
governments parties will exist.
In fact men may not differ as to
principles but simply as to pol
icies, yet they will divide into
parties, his is perfectly natur
al and Tight and necessary.
Through the instrumentality of
party organization and party
machinery we seek to conduct
government according to those
principles and policies which- we
believe are best fitted to promote
our prosperity and happiness as a
people and to perpetuate our
government. Thus far parties are
not only necessary but beneficial,
and for so long have men recog
nized this necessity and acknowl
edged those benefits, and been
accustomed to the instrument
ality of party they will continue
-to act with one party or another.
It is wise and rieht they should
for under our form of govern
ment the best results are reached
through the agency of parties.
This being true iu Jo ic-ws that
anything which would obliterate
all parties or hamper men in the
use of such agencies should be
avoided. Factionalism, crude
and unwise legislation, whatever
tends to impair or destroy party
organization is fraught with ill to
representative republican gov
ernment. Factionalism has well nigh
destroyed the republican party
n several states Here in Ore
gon what factional strife has net
destroyed a mischievous primary
law bids fair to do. But recent
ly the republican party was the
dominant party in this state, and
it is doubtless true that the major -
. ity of voters believe in the princi
pies and policies of the republican
party, yet they see the party al
most destroyed because of the
selfish purposes and ambitions
of i its most active members. It
is time personal jealousies were
laid aside and the reasons for the
existence of the party were
brought to the front. In the
presence of the principles and
policies of the party the personal
ambitions or jealousies of any
man or set of men in the party
are of no moment whatever and
must be put aside.
No man, ' no coterie should
longer be permitted to obstruct
and defeat the unity of purpose
which should bind and which
certainly will again unite the
members of the party to carry to
the front those principles and
policies which as republicans,
they honestly and earnestly be
lieve should be observed in con
ducting the government of both
.state and nation.
Real Estate Transfers.
C FT Crabtrce to RE Eakin
and wife, south ) t of fsrm lot io,
Biowu's acditiju to Philomath;
H BiTt'.ctt to A M and R O
Wallace, 2 50 acres near Monroe;
O & C R R Co. to U S Glea
?on 40 acres south of Philomath;
U S Gieasou toG' W Gove. 40
.acrts south ot Philomath; $250.
Henry B Nichols to R J Nich
61s, tract of land near Bellefoun
tain;$i. O&CRR Co. to O B Reed,
121.57 acres in Alssa; $364.71.
, Ella McElroy et al to Octav
Voget, N 1-2 of farm lot to
Brown's add Philomath, 450.
; Martha E Elgin to CM Pinker
ton lots 6 and 7 and Nj 1-2 of
lots 5 and 8 bl 1 Rayburn's add
-Corvallis, $10.00. !
' MC Miller to H J Stimpson
Corvallis, $100.
- Julia Cline to M Butler lots
10 11 and 12 bl 19 Dixon's 2nd
add Corvallis, $10.
J B Irvine to WD Kramer lots
11 and 12 bl 2 Avery & Well's add
Corvallis, $250. .
W D Kramer to B R Hower et
al lot 11 bl 2 Avery & Well's add
Corvallis $150. ; '
Additional Local.
Misses Myrtle Harrington and Gertie
MuBee returned Tuesday from a delight,
ful week at tbe seaside. ; ;
. J. Harriogt n and family are to
move the first of the week into tueir
handsome new' residence on Seventh
street. Tliev are desirable citizens and
Corvallis 'welcomes them. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ben vJartin are moving
tinto their handsome residence on Seven. h
street, recently purchased of J. H. Moore
R. D. Hurd, brother of Rev. C. T. Hard
of this citv, is rapidly recovering from
the sngiral operation be bad to undergo
recently in Portland, and Kill soon be
able to leave the hospital.
This evening Rev. C. C. Poling wilj
preach at the United Evangelical church
in this city. He is a splendid speaker
and will no doubt be greeted by a , large
audience. "
H. E. Felton and family arrived Mon
day from Burns, Eastern Oregon, for a
visit with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Felt on, and other relatives in
Corvallis. ft is 13 years since Hank left
Corvallis, bis boyhood home, and he no
tices many changes. He was 12 days
making the trip by team.
The forty-sixth annual catalogue of the
Oregon State Fair io just out. It col
tains much valuable information con-
cerniDg tbe fair and is a beautiful piece
of work in the way of priLting, iilustra
tions, ere. Judging from the premium
list, the fair this year will be on a larger
and grander scale than ever before and
there will no doubt be 'ftn immense at
Ivan McLennan and .31. Barden re
turned VV'ednesoav from a week's hunt
;ug trip at Falls City. That they were
successful in hunting deer is vouched for
by friends who were recipients of some
deKuious, juicy venison.
Miss Esther Herker of Albany returned
home last night after a week's visit with
her aunt, Mrs. Arnold King.. in this city.
Rav. Father Springer has been visiting
in Albany the past two" days.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold King return this
evening fro-u a brief visit with relatives
in A lbany.
Dr. J. A., Harper returned Wednesday
evening from Cascadia.
Robert Barclay of lower Alsea was a
Corvallis business visitor yesterday . --
N.. B. Avery departed Wednesday for
his claim in the Salmon River country,
accompained by his brother, George.
Tbe two will b'ast a trail through the a cabin and do other
stunts in the way of "pioneer7' life.
George Dm man, not having made his
. o d good in sending his Corval is friends
venison within three days from his de
parture for the deer pasture, the latter
fearing that be would suffer for fresh
meat, sent him a pound of beef steak a
couple of days ago. George is still in
the Alsea valley.
Mrs. Chester Avery and eon return to
morrow to their home at Klamath Falls,
having spent tbe summer in Corvallis
with relatives. Miss Ruth, the daughter,
remains for a longer visit.
Miss Ella Foster has returned from a
two weeks' vacation at Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Locke arrived home
yeeterday from an enjoyable week at
Bids Wanted.
On or before tha 10th of August, bids
will be received by the undersigned for
the erection of a three-room school bouse
according to plans and specifications in
hands of the clerk, the school board re
serving the right to reject ail bids. By
order of school board.
64-65 J. H. Edwards,
Clerk of Dist. 23, Monroe, Oregon.
Why Fret and Worry"
When your child, has a severe cold ?
You need not fear pnenmonia or other
pulmonary disease?. Keep supplied with
Ballard's Horehound Syrup a positive
cure for Colds, Coughs, Whooping Cough
and Bronchitis.
Mrs. Hall of Sioux Falls, S. D.. writes:
"I have used yocr" wonderful Ballard's
Horehound Syrup on my children for five
years. Its results have been wonderful.''
Sold by Graham & Wortbam.
A Distinction With a Difference.
Aman may rant and a man may ran
whoa a honk-honk honks at htm;
A man may pant and a man may wall
Aa the honk-honk-honk grows dim;
But the same man smirks and the sanw
man smiles
And to honk-honk-honk Is pron
the same man's qulrka and tb same
man's wiles
TOms ha (eta a honk-bonk of his
lots 9 and ... 10 bl
A Woman's Back
Has many aches and pains caused by
weaknesses and falling, or other display"
ment, of the pelvic organs. Other symr
toms of female weakness are frequent
headache, dizziness, Imaginary specks "
dark snot.q flnatincr before the eyes, imaw-
I ing sensation in stomach, dragging or
I DeanngaownmloweraDaominaiorpeivic
region, disaerrceable drains from pelvic
organs,faint spells with general weakness.
If tm viTiQiV.erhle number of the abo
symptoms are present there is no remedy
that wtH.giv"e quicker relief or a more pe
maient cbc? than Dr. Pierce's FavorHs
years of cur
Et has a record of over forty
Tt is the, most pot-r-.t
yjpe known to rqed ical science. It is
of the glyceric extracTSTof native medlt.!
nal roots, found In our" forests and cer
tains not a drop of alcohol or harmful, or
habit-forming drugs. Its ingredients are
ail printed on the bottlevrapper and at
tested under oath as correct.
Every ingredient entering into "Fa
vorite Prescription " has the written en
dorsement of the most eminent medical
writers of all the several schools ot prac
ticemore valuable than any amount f
non-professional testimonialsthough tbs
latter are not lacking, having been con
tributed voluntarily by grateful patients
In numbers to exceed the endorsements
given to any other medicine extant for
the cure of woman's ills.
You cannot afford to accept any medic'-'
of unknown composition as a substitv... '
for this well proven remedy or Know;
composition, even though the dealer may
make a little more profit thereby. Your
Interest in regaining health is paramount
to any selfish interest of his and it is n
insult to your intelligence for him to try
to palm off upon you a substitute. Yoc
know what you want and it is his busi
ness to supply the article called for.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the
original "Little Liver Pills" first put up
by old Dr. Pierce over forty years ago,
much imitated but never equaled. Little
sugar-coated granules easy to take w
candy. m
Notice for Publication.
United statea Mnd Office,
' Boseburg, Oregon, July 15, 1907,
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with, the provision of the act ot Congress of
Jane 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tim
ber lands in Tne stales 01 Lamonim, wnjgw.,
Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the public ina states ny act 01 August 4,
189a, Guy Davis, of Eupene, County of lane,
State of Oregon, olefin this office on January 17,
ioo7, Ms sworn statement No. 8.289 for the pur
chase of the Southwest 1-4 01 ; ction No. .36 in
Township No. is South, Rare No. 9, West W.
M.. and will offer nroofto show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than fo- agricultural purposes, and to establish
hiii claim to aaid land before W. W. Calkins, U. S.
Commissioner, at his office in Eugene, Oregon,
on Wednesday, the 9th day of October, 1907.
He names as witnesses: Hal E. Wood, Marvin
L. Hammitt and Austin E. Wood, all of Eugene,
Oregon, and William I, Crysler, of Springfield,
Oregon. ,
inu nnrl nil nmnns clnimiuir adversely tne
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or belore said 9th day of
October, 1007.
Will Sell Its Town Lots Near the State
For Information
County cf Benton, State of Oregon,
Showing the amount standing to the credit of every depositor July 1, 1907
who has not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of his deposit,
principal or interest, for a period, of more than seven (7) years immediately
prior to said date, with the name, last known place of residence or postoffice
address, of such depositor, and the tact of his death, if known. - -
Bankers' Mutual Kelief ,. -
Association : : Portland, Oregon , , . 19 60
AlpheusW. Scott, oregT"1'WrU'Uld' otknown. u
T v " ' ' Several years ago at Cor- . i.
John La Lane . , Not known ' 141 je -
vallis; now not known ..
A. G. Mulkey, Deceased His widow, Florence Mul- ' ' '
V, . . rT key, Amu., now Uve at s . . 20
Estate Not Closed Poriluuit, Oregon ; '
' " ' ' .' : . ;' several years ago at Cor- ' ' ' . "
Jacob V. Hower . vallis, Ore.; Hoi mown Not known 650
now '
H. K. C.ark, Trustee H. R. Clark died at' Cor Cauthorn Hall is a de-
CanthornHall- . vallis, Oregon teau1tueBA8rl!Ul- 966
' ' '' , One time at Corvallis. .
Florence Jennings . . . Not known 40
Oregon; now not known -
. . i One time at Corvallis, af- , v cn
George Maddux ; tecward moyed to Arizona Not known , -SO.
B. W.-Wilson, County B. W. Wilson died at Cor- 32$gS 5 62
. Clerk vallis drawuiortliisaia'iouu'd'g
J. K. Bry8on, Assignee J. R. Brysou died some years ago. At the time he
of Hamilton, Job & Co. settled tiU asigueeship iu the Circuit Court held at aa w
Btutoa County. Ore. ; we understand the Court or
dered said deposit placed Here to pay certain sev
- . eral checks of said Assignee, which checks are in
the possession of this bank for the payeea thereof to
call and get them. Said checks are as follows: To
Middlebmok fc fchumaker, 10.W; Corvallis Nursery
Co., 69c; Julias iser, 7.62.
County of Bento
sn, )
I, George E. Lilly, being first duly sworn, depose and say upon
oath, that I am the Cashier of The First National Bank of Corvallis, County of
Benton, State of Oregon; that the foregoing statement is a full, true, correct and
complete statement, showing the name, last known residence or postoffice ad
dress, fact of death, if known, and the amount to the credit of each depositor as re
quired by the provisions of Chapter 14S, of the. General Laws of Oregon of 1907
Gtto. K. IIIAY.
. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of July, A. D. 1907.
I Seal L M. S. Woodcock,
Notary Public for Oregon.
Bring your Job Work to the
Gazette Office.
College to Home-Seekers or
and Sell Them on the
Gail on
Corvallis, Oregon
What You See.
Is Worth Twice
What You Read
As you are now coming to
market with tbe opportunity
of comparing values, we ask '
' you to see our lines.
We have a broken line of
Ladies' and Children's shoes
which we are closing ont, at
' remarkably low prices. Come
before your size is gone.
Also some remnants in
Dress Goods, Wash Ooods,
etc., at bottom prices.
. Oar new Spring and Sum
mer stock is arriving and is
reaay for y our inspection.
Make money by buying our
lines, and save money by
getting our prices.
Itenkle & Davis
CLASSiFUsu advertisements;
Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three
successive insertions, or 60 cts per
month; for all tip to and including ten
additional words, yi cent a word for each,
tot all advertisements over 25 words,
1 ct per word for the first insertion, and
j ct per word for each additional inser
tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25
cents. , '
Lodge, society and church notices,
other than strictly news matter, will ba
charged tor. '
For Sa'.e: Registered, unregistered
and grade Cots wold bucks, of serviceab
age. Inquire of T. A. Logsdon, Phone
2005,' Granger Line, Corvallis, Ore. ' : t3tf
Oregon, on instalment plan and as
sist purchasers to build homes on them
li desired. Address First National
Bank; Corvallis, Or.
Or., for spot cash, balance instal
ments, and help parties 10 build homes
thereon, ii desired. Address M. B.
Woodcock. Cc-vailie, O.-.
Veterinary Surgeon
surgeon and dentist. RtBidenue Tbiid
Street, between Madison an,d Monroe,
Corvallis. .Phone 681, or call Snow
& Wiley's livery stable.
fresh garden seeds in bulk, just receiv
ed. All kinds of larm and garden
seeds, seed wheat, oats, barley, pota
toes, artichokes, feed oats, ' chicken
feed, Land Plaster. Five kinds of
clover and vetch. I can furnish clover
by the carload. . Second door north cf
express L. L Brooks. Phone
aiiui-urgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
ing. Omce Hours : 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to
4 p. m. Residence: cor. 6th and Ad
, ains bts. Telephone at office and res
idence. Corvallis, Oregon.
Onice up stairs in Zierolf Building.
Only set of abstracts in Benton County
Vmce in Post Office Building, Corval
lis, Oregon.
ber land. Must be cheap. Address
P. O. 223, Corvallis, Ore. 20tf
Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at
$2.55per year.
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business. Loans
money on approved security. Drafts
bought and sold ani money transferred
to the principal cities of the United
StateB, Europe and foreign countries.
House Decorating.
W. E. Paul, Ind. 488 l4tf
Don't Grumble
When your joints ache and you suffer
Rheumatism. Buy a bottle of Ballard's
Snow Liniment and get instant relief. A
positive cure for Rheumatism, Boras,'
Oats, Contracted Muscles, Sore Chest,
. Mr. L T. Bogy, a prominent mer
chant at Willow Point, Texas, says that
he finds Ballard's Snow Liniment the
best all round liniment be ever used.
Sold by Graham 8c Wortbam.