an I 1 1776 is vj vH UU 1A JJLi EBBS SMC I . U.V.SA TP A 0 r7rmr7 u IS TO BE APPROPRIATELY PA Sj Vocal Vusic, all Kinds Jfl JHt. of Fourth of July Music g K grmf Lots of Oratory, a ME o Lots of Good Firecrackers, , $0a .ffibs Lots of Racing,' Field Sports, oh o rap I Mm as SB?- S f 1 - 5 . rm.n-n fr rm n,rn u- r-x "v .z&& : ...... - A large fund is at the disposal of the Committees, and it is their pur pose to make this one of the most attractive celebrations in the county's history.