f JP Published Tuesdays and Frid ys by ;GAZjnnrB Publishing Comfwv. 2,'The iiibscriptlon price of the Gazettb for - -vi-rnl years has been, and remains l wr annum, or 25 per cent discount if paid in advtii-e. This paer will be runtimied nntil all arrearages ore pail. TRADE NOT AFFECTED. tit- The action of trie mill-work rs ha not greatly affected trade on the coast so far. The lum bering interests are among the largest of the great West and are of particular importance in Oregon- For the mills of this state to close would be almost a alamity. Thousands upon thousands of men follow logging and mill' working in Oregon for a liveli hood and times and conditions of recent years have been very fav orable for these men. But it would almost seem that the mass es of men eaniot stand prosper ity, and with a little money ahead they become so independ ent of present c mditions and fu ture possibilities of a "rainy day" that they get mutinous. Nor is this all there is, it seems, a leader in every labor organization and in . order for him to impress his importance upon those whom he is supposed to guide, in other words, to "earn his money," it is thought necessary at stated intervals that a strike be ordered. So Mr. Boss of the crew orders a strike no matter wnat his men are re ceiving for their services. Then comes trouble for everybody possibly hard times. The recent stand of the" mill workers in Portland, and along the Columbia river has not re sulted disastrously nor so far in any unfavorable fftcted the lumber tradei and it is a wonder. The prospects for log- ginsr and sawmilling for the sum mar were never in the past any brighter than now. Aside from our local demand, which is greater than ever be f ore, we have a larger export trad 3. Then, too, the San Fran cisco disaster of a year ago creat ed a great demand for lumber The cities of Southern California are also making greater and greater demands upon the for ests of Oregon and Washington. There is a splendid future for the loggers and mill-workers of the Pacific Northwest if they do not allow some addte-pated, flannel mouthed reprobate to lead them into action to their own sorrow and the regret of others. WiUiam H. Sherwood. Corvallis music lovers wer looking forward to the treat of a life-time last night after th? Ga- z t'e press honr, in the Tecital to be given by William H Sher wood, the world-famous piani t. Tne program rendered by Mr. Sherwood was exactly the same as that given by him in Portland, as follows: Saun a "Appa eionata, op 57 (allegro assui, andante con moto, allegro ma noo tropp-i) - - BeethoveD F'e'ude in B-Flat. Minor - - Bach ( Well-teraperel Glaviohord, Book 1, No. 22) "Soirett de Vienne," So. 6 - - Schubert-Liszt "Tranmerei" (Dreams) - Schunian "c.u Route'' ... Godurd Barcarolle, op 60 - - Chopin Preludes, op 2S, Nos. 16-23 25 Chopin Dialogue - - Tichaikoki "March" op 91, No. 4 - - Raff "Witches' Dance" - - Mac Doweil Melody Herman P. Cheliui Exhilaration,'' op 14, No 3 - William Sherwood "Isolden's Lie'ies-Tod" (from Tristan and Isolde) - Wagner-Liszt 'Faust Waltz" - - Gounod-Lzt Concerning this great artist the Oregonian has the following to say : "What a virtuoso he is." 'Second to none." What be wildering technique and tone coloring." Few words, ht they express the heartfelt praise j that has been voiced by thous-! ands of music-lovers as they re )u tantly awoke from the beau tiful dream in which they had been enthralled by the brilliant j icudition of immortal gems of IMfg Ilk , M ill ' M I f pfit f 1 kvhVJmfti & SS . 4' h ;if' Jf If li' v 1 1! '.A1 'rmxl i 'l Win ij j kV IvB.t- 1 k I - I IV-V' COATS j'. j II! I I. ,i i I iifil ililim : suits ii : It urn i if mm " i . I . skirts l:M Wtm gEjwMwiX DRESSED WOMEMUljyy An unusual opportunity to see the latest creations Dame Fashion has produced ---An oppor tunity which will be taken advantage of by every well dressed woman. Upon visiting our Cloak department you will find the most select and complete line of gar ments we have ever shown, including a complete assortment of the famous "WOOLTEX'' styles in Coats, Skirts and Suits. the greatest composers by the faultless touch of William H. Sherwood . Vast audiences of musicians and music-lovers in the metro politan ci tie s of Europe, Canada and the East have been electri fied by the brilliancy of the per formances thev witnessed by this great master who has such pro digious command of the piano forte. The event last night occurred in the Armory. The doors were to open at 7:30 and the program was to begin at 8:30 sharp. Mrs. Chauncey Barclay of Irish Bend is the guast this week of relatives in this city. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may con cern that the nnderstaied has been dulv appointed administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Isaac Porter, deceased, by the County Court of Ben ten County, Oregon . All persons having claims against the estate of Isaac Porter, deceased, are hereby required to present same, with proper vouchers therefor, auly verified as by law required, within six months from the date hereof, to the un dersigned at his residence in Benton County, Ore gon, or at the office of McFadden & Brvson, attor neys, Corvallis, Orefiron. Dated March 15th, U07. JOHN F.PORTER, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Isaac Porter, deceased. 24-32 Administrator's Sale. I will sell at public auction at the resi dence of Isaac Porter, deceased, 00 Greasy Creeks five miles southwest. ' Philomath, Saturday March 30, '07, at 10 o'clock a. m., for cash in hand the follow ing described property, towit: One piano, 1 binder, 1 harrow, 1 disc cutter, 1 farm wagon. 1 buzgv, 1 set sin gle buggy harness, 1 set hack harness, 4 horse collars, 2 sets of team harness, 2 dozn chickens, 1 milch cow, II head ol sheep, 1 hoK, 1 roan filly 3 vears old, 1 dapple gray stallion 4 years old, 1 year ling colt, 1 light gray mare about 12 yeare old, 1 black mare with white face about 6 years old, 2 bedsteads and bedding, 4 chairs, 1 rocking chair, 1 cookstove and 1 dining table. J. F. PORTER, Administrator, A. L. Stevenson, Auctioneer. 24-8 Subscribe for the Gazette. Notice to Creditors. WoUcft is herebv ariven to all whom it may con cern that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed by the County Court of Benton County, Ore gon. auminiStraLur ui mi: uiw ui njuouuci eu- nett, deceased. ' All persons having claims against the estate of said Alexander Bennett, deceased, are herebv required to present the same, with proper vouchers therefor, dulv verified as by law equired, -rrithin six months trom the date hereof, to the undersigned at his residence at Monroe, Oregon, or at 'he office of McFadden & Bryson, at torneys. Corvallia, Oregon Dated March 8th, 1907. E. BENNETT, Administrator of the estate of Alexander Bennett, deceased. Alice Roosevelt's Wedding. Ws something to be recorded in the anDals of history. Herbine has been ack nowledged the greatest of liver tecula tors. A positive cure for Billious head aches. Constipation, Chills and fever, and all liver complaints, J. C Smith, Little Rock, Ark., writes: "Herbine is the greatest liver medicine known. Have used it for years. It does the work." Sold by Graham & Wortbam. Why Not Use Electric Lights? Stop scratching matches on 3 our wall. Those streaky match scratches look mighty bad on any wall. Bnt as long m you continue to use gas or oil you've got to use matches. The "matchless light" is the electric light, a simple twist of the wrist does it. We are improving and perfecting our lighting service in this city and can givs better service for less money than ever in the history of the city. The cost of wiring has been reduced until it is within reach of all. If you w ould like to know more about it, call on us in our new office opposite the O. J. Blackledge furniture store or phone us, Ind. Phone 4f 9. Willamette Vahey Co. G. A. Claik, Mgr. 74-