Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 28, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Moot Common Anions "Vocngr Clilete-
u-Effective Treatment.
By C A. CART, veterinarian, Alabama
experiment' station.
Chicken pox sore Lead, or contagious
epithelioma. In poultry is a common
disease. It i3 more prevalent amonj
young chickens, from broilers to ma
turity, yet younger and older chickens
This was a bad case of sore head. The
bare places on the skin around the eye
give some idea of the extent of the
crust. This case was treated with
creolla and vaseline.
may have this disease. There are no
positive differences between the vari
ous forms of diphtherial, roup and
chicken pox, or "sore head," other than
the location In which the lesions occur.
I have found nothing better or more
effective then iodoform by itself, or
iodoform one part and tannic acid one
part, or Iodoform one part, boric acid
one part and tannic acid one part. It
Is best to wash the head, wipe out the
mouth and throat with a weak solution
f creolia (one or two to 100), using a
boiled cotton or medicated absorbent
cotton swab. Next remove the crust
oa the t;kin, comb, wattles and eye
lids and the exudate from the eyes,
the mouth and"' throat. Then, with
sterilized cr boiled or absorbent cotton,
wipe away the blood on the raw sur
faces until they cease to bleed, then
with cotton swab cover the raw places
with iodoform or either of the iodoform
powders above mentioned. Do not be
afraid to put iodoform into the eye or
the conjunctival sack. The next day
cr the same day a few hours later apply
freely vaseline or fresh lard all over
these places. In some cases it may be
necessary to apply the iodoform or iodo-
(Showing cruets on comb, eyelids and
form powders once a day for two or
three days, and thereafter apply freely
only lard or vaseline every day. In other
cases one application of the iodoform
and daily applications of lard and
vaseline are all that is required. In
tad cases, especially where they do not
improve as rapidly as they should, give
internally as much as a teaspoonful of
vaseline containing a few drops of
creosote or ten to thirty grains of, ep
som salts In a tablespoonful of water.
This may be given once per day or
once every other day. It usually pre
vents intestinal infection or complica
tions. In cases where roup predominates or
where the suborbital sinus becomes
filled with pus and the eye Is greatly
distended there are several lines of
treatment that may be followed. In
the early stages apply sweet oil or
olive oil to the nostrils and if possible
inject some of this oil into the nasal
passages by using a small nozzle and
syringe. After Injecting or applying
the oil apply pressure over the distend
ed parts, and thus expel as much of
the pus as possible. This may be re
peated twice per day.
Hard Mouthed Hortci.
Here Is something of practical value
to any one driving a horse that pulls
on the bit: Fasten a small ring to each
side of the bridle and as near the
brow band as possible. Pass the lines
through the bit rings and snap them
Into the rings at the brow band. This,
with a common jointed bit, will enable
a child to hold a puller or bard mouth
ed horse with ease under almost all
circumstances. It can be used on a
fast horse in double team or on both,
as desired. It is cheap and easily ap
plied, and It won't make the mouth
sore. It is better than any patent bit.
Farm Press.
Vitality of Alfalfa Seed.
Tests made at the Colorado station
seem to Indicate that "good, plump,
mature, clean alfalfa seed does not lose
its vitality rapidly when kept with or
dinary precaution to prevent injury
from moisture." The oldest sample
bad a germinating power of 93 per
cent wb. t six years old, of 72 when
ten years old and of 63 when sixteen
years old. Professor W. P. Headden
believes that the limit for the vitality
of good, mature alfalfa seed exceeds
six fee- years.
A Stsdy -of Important Poiata Im ffc
Jndsing of Corn.
There appear to be some vital points
both us to desirable qualities and de
fects In picking out a good ear of corn.
Professor V; M. Shoesmith of the state
college has prepared for the Kansas
boys who engage in corn contests a lit
tl' study of corn which furnishes an
elementary guide In corn judging and
Includes among its twenty-seven prac
tical questions and answers the ones
here reproduced:
First. Why should, corn be studied
as to trueness to type or breed?
So that a better idea may be had as
to the certainty with which the char
acters will be transmitted. Corn pos
sessed of desirable characters, but
little breed type, is of little value,
since these characters may be substi
tuted the following season by latent
or hidden characters of little value.
Hardiness, productiveness and other
invisible characters may be as distinc
tive breed characteristics as the color,
sliape of ears, etc., and these must be
judged by the type as seen in the vis
ible characters.
. Second. How may the trueness" to
type best be judged?
By studying the uniformity of the
ears in shape, size, straightness of the
rows, color, etc., and also by study
ing the uniformity of the kernels in
size, shape, color and indentation. The
uniformity of ears is studied by com
paring with the "standard of perfec
tion," but as it is difficult to sufficient
ly define the standard of perfection for
the kernels a heading "Uniformity of
Kernels" Is placed on the score card.
Third. Why should an ear of corn
be cylindrical or nearly so?
Because this is the only shape which
wiil permit of the same number of
rows throughout the length of the ear
and also the same size and shape of
kernels in all parts of the ear. In a
tapering ear there must be some short
rows or the kernels must be larger or
have more space between them at butt
than at tip of ear. Jn such an ear or
one of irregular shape some of the
kernels must be of irregular size or
shape, which will not permit of an
even distribution by the planter.
Fourth. What is the proper ratio be
tween the length and the circumfer
ence cf an ear of corn?
Although there is not much experi
mental data to show that an ear of
corn should te of exact proportions,
most corn breeders agree that the ratio
between length and circumference
should be" about as 10 is to 7. It
appears that ears which are long and
slender are often associated with plants
which are not possessed of the great
est vigor and hardiness, and also such
ears have a relatively small percentage
of grain, while ears which are large in
circumference and short are usually
late in maturing and also often have a
small per cent of grain because of an
extremely large cob. .
The Irish Cobbler.
While not a recent introduction, hav
ing been grown for many years In Con
necticut and Long Island, tne Irish
Cobbler potato has only lately attract
ed the general attention of eastern
growers as a profitable early market
variety. It Is not of first quality Infe
rior even to Early Ohio but is such a
fine grower and reliable cropper under
ordinary trucking conditions that it has
literally forced itself on the attention
of market gardeners. Its origin ap
pears to be something of a mystery.
Seedsmen and dealers disclaim knowl
edge as to when or where it first got
Into cultivation, but have generally
been compelled to catalogue it. Seed
stock has not always been easy to ob
tain, but will be freely offered the com
ing year. The plant is strong and up
right in growth, with thick and healthy
dark green foliage. The potatoes in
good Boil run from medium to large,
oblong In shape, with thin white skin
and rather prominent eyes. They grow
rapidly and usually reach marketable
size within a week of Early Ohio plant
ed at the same time, but far outyield
that formerly popular kind. The table
quality of the young tubers is very tol
erable, but falls off as maturity is
reached. Notwithstanding its rather
unsatisfactory cooking quality Irish
Cobbler has turned out so. profitable
that it is displacing other early kinds
in many localities. Rural New Yorker.
Pare "Water In the Dairy.
A good illustration of the need pf
pure water in the dairy Is afforded by
experiments at the Iowa station on the
quality of butter washed with pasteur
ized and unpasteurized water. In every
case the butter washed with the sterile
water kept better than the other.
Adjustable Scaffold.
The drawing Illustrates a good ad
justable scaffold for painting and is
described by. a contributor in New Eng
land Homestead. It consists of two
brackets of 2 by 4 scantling support
ed by long 2 by 0 props, the brackets
In turn bearing
the scaffold board.
The construction
is simple. Let the I
lower arm of the'1
brackets be Ion- J
ger than the hori-,
rontal one. There . j
is one brace on 1 1
each side of the' I
bracket, and the. I
long 2 by 6 prop
goes between
them. The upper
end of the prop is rsK scaffold.
round, and the lower is cut at an acute
The scaffold may be raised or lower
ed by pushing In or drawing out the
feet of the props. As the props are not
fastened to the brackets, several pairs
of different lengths may be used for
high or 16w painting. Those la tot
drawing are father abort
i n i : : : : : milium m-
f A Successful Rival
T. , .,.-?-, r i .-- ihTii ; : i h1-
It i3 not unusual for either, a man or
a woman to come between an engaged
couple, but It is unusual for the course
of true love to be turned awry by a
horse. The story begins back in the
days when the Indians In the west
were constantly breaking away from
their reservations and slaughtering all
palefaces who came in their way. It
was then that Florence Brooks was
visiting an older sister at Fort R., the
wife of an officer in the United States
army. And then it was that, the gar
rison having marched away, leaving .
the women and children to the protec
tion of half a company under the com-
mand of a lieutenant, another tribe .
consisting of several hundred warriors
came down to take possession of the
fort. ,
When a friendly redskin rode into
the inclosure and announced the com
ing of his fellows, every man being
needed for defense., Florence Brooks
volunteered to ride, to the nearest post,
fifty miles distant, for succor.. Lieu- '
tenant Howard Whiting, In command
placed her on his .own Kentucky bred
horse, Comanche, and sent her flying i
out "of the fort, shouting after her, 1
I "Their lives depend upon you!" How
the horse enabled her to cross the.
jpath.of the coming-Indians an hour"
before they reached the point of Inter- j
section, how ten miles farther on she ;.
met a squadron of cavalry, how when
the Indians reached the fort they
found a force ample to protect it, need
only be referred to here. From that
day Comanche was beloved by the
whole garrison, and especially by Miss
Brooks. As for Miss Brooks, she was
beloved by the whole garrison, especial
ly Lieutenant Whiting.
And now the view of alkali plains
surrounding Fort R. has changed to
vacant lots on the outskirts of a city.
Miss Brooks rides in a trolley car in
stead of on horseback, and Lieutenant
Whiting spends the greater part of the
day in a recruiting office in one of the
dingiest streets of the city. But early
in the afternoon he leaves his sergeant
In charge and, mounted on Comanche,
rides past Miss Brooks' abode. Sha is
watching for him from an upper win
dow. He raises his hat, and from be
hind the curtain she throws him a kiss.
But for one thing the lover would be
supremely happy. He i3 jealous of
"Why," he asked on joining his
fiancee after one of his. rides, "do you
always feast your eyes on-my horse
and pay no attention to me? This aft
ernoon when I rode by you didn't even
see when I raised my hat. You waved
your hand long after I had done so." -.
"I love Comanche," she replied.
Miss Brooks left the city for a month,
and when, she returned her lover ln
. formed her that he had sold Comanche.
The reason he gave for doing so was
! that he had been ordered to rejoin his
regiment in the west, and, Comanche
having become old, besides gone lame,
the lieutenant would not feel warrant
ed in transporting him so far, especial
ly as he would need a serviceable ani
mal. Miss Brooks looked astonished
when- the news was imparted to her
and argued long and well against the
necessity for the sale. But Whiting
had nothing but his pay, which was
not sufficient to keep so expensive a
I pet, and she was obliged to admit,
I which she did reluctantly, that he
, could hardly have done otherwise.
1 They parted with an embrace, warm
j enough on the part of the man, but not
the girL
However, It gradually came over
Miss Brooks planning as she was for
the coming wedding that Comanche
could not have been included in the
calculations. Indeed, It was very dif
ficult for her to figure out the problem
of living on Whiting's pay, even with
out what Comanche would have cost.
She had an income of $800, which she
must relinquish upon her marriage.
This left only a second lieutenant's
pay, with commutation for fuel and
quarters, on which the couple must
live. After all, Whiting was right.
There is no doubt that all would have
gone well had It not been for certain
Inopportune meeting. One morning
while Miss Brooks was out buying her
trousseau she saw a man driving a cart
with an enormous load on it. ; The
horse was unable to get It up an in
cline, and the driver was belaboring
him unmercifully. . Miss Brooks,, natu
rally fond of horses, approached .to pro
test The horse turned his head, look
ed at her out of a pair of melancholy
eyes and whinnied. He was Comanche.
Miss Brooks embraced him and wept
The next mail carried to Lieutenant
Whiting a breaking of the engagement
from Miss Brooks. No satisfactory
reason was given. The real reason was
that she loved Comanche better than
Whiting. On her income, which, if not
married, she would retain till death,
the could live and take care of Co
manche. She bought him for $50 and
kept him in royal equine style.
Comanche lived five years after be
ing rescued from the melancholy posi
tion into which his master had sold
him. Then Miss Brooks, after a de
cent period of widowhood, began to
think of her lover of other days. He,
hearing that his rival was dead, sought
her. They were married and went to
live at the post where he ws stationed.
"Whiting,' said his colonel banter
Ingly one day, "I hear your wife kept
you waiting five years while she lavish
ed her affections on a horse. I didn't
know I had an officer under my com
mand with so little capacity for pleas
ing the fair sex.
"Colonel," replied Whiting, "I would
much rather have been kept waiting
for the woman I love by a horse thaa
by some men I have known."
A writer in Farm and Fireside says
the cow stanchion shown in the illus
tration has been used in his stables
with much satisfaction. We have
used both chains and the old station
ary stanchions and have seen some of
the modern patented cattle ties, but
consider this stanchion superior to any
of them, he says. With this stanchion
the cows are given sufficient freedom
without undue liberty. They can turn
around to lick themselves, yet cannot
get back on the walk or ahead in the
Fig. 1 shows the stanchion closed.
Fig. .2 shows it open. The two sides
are made of hard wood, four feet long,
one and one-fourth inches thick and
two and one-half inches wide. , The
end pieces are also of hard wood and
are one foot long by three and one
half inches square and are mortised
'to. receive the sides, as shown in Fig.
3. The sides arc fastened to the ends
with bolti, one side on bolt at X and
being hell when closed by clevis, C.
Eyebolts -arp aSred at each, end, to
.which short chains are fastened and
Jty which the. stanchion is suspended.
.; The whole stanchion, including bolts,
labor, etc., should not cost more than
j60 or 75 cents and may be made for
even , less than that amount. ,
,.. .. Parentage Valuable.
t, Cows, like men, are good or bad
ofttimes because of their environment.
bringing up and education. We look
fpr nd expect men to be good if
rought up in good, religious families
and communities. I have often heard
it said, "Give me the first six years
of a child's life, and I will tell you
with a great deal of certainty what
the future of that child's life will be.
So I believe that the conditions under
which an animal is reared determine in
a large measure her future usefulness
or uselessness, says a writer in Kim
ball's Dairy Farmer. As with men,
the parentage Is of great value, and
we look for and have good reason to
expect cows to be better cows from a
long line of productive ancestry. This,
then, is the . stepping stone in the de
veloping of a dairy cow.
The Good Bull.
; Authorities say that "slaughters take
after their fathers and sons after their
mothers" in predominant character
istics. This is true of all animal life.
If a bull's lineage can be traced
through a line of remarkable milkers
his value will be enhanced. He will
transmit the qualities of his dam to his
offspring. It often happens that the
farmer who buys cows with the idea
of raising heifers is disappointed. He
Is Impatient He cannot wait for the
second generation. He thinks his cows
are: unprofitable because their heifers
are hot as good as he had hoped they
would be. It usually takes at least
two generations to get a herd into good
working condition. You an't do it in
a" minute. Don't get hasty, but keep
the facts in mind and work toward a
definite purpose. Above all, use a good
sire. ; You need good cows. That is
plain. And you need a good sire to get
good cows. That isn't as plain as It
ought to be. By a good bull we mean
one whose maternal, blood stands for
milking qualities and performance.
, f T Care f the Dairy Calf. .
The young calf should be taken away
from -the mother after it Is three or
four days- old. It should be fed pure
milk for a time, the temperature being
about 98 degrees F. Care should be
taken not to feed the calf too heavily,
or it may get the scours. The cab!
should be taught to drink from a pail
at the outset- This can be done by
putting the. finger in its mouth and
gradually lowering the hand until it is
beneath the warm milk in the pail. In
a short time it will drink by itself.
After being fed on the pure milk for a
week or so the calf may be fed on skim
med milk. If the calf does not run on
pasture, it will be profitable to put a lit
tle meal or shipstuff in the skimmed
milk. After a month o two it should
be . fed some good timothy or clover
hay. , . - .
Vmc the Tester.
A good cow is known by her per
formances at the milk pail. If she
doesn't do her duty by that she Is
not a good cow and should be convert
ed into beef. Use a pair of scales and
a tester and know what your cows are
' .v. ft Tig. 3 X
It Slay Be Ddne on.O Farn at Lit-
.' tie ExieiiBt. -'
Nearly all factory cheese is how par
affined, and the advantages I obtained -by
covering the cheese with a thin lay
er of paraffin are: . '
The loss In weight during curing is
much less than without the paraffin,
and the cheese will stand a higher tem
perature in the curing room without ;
damage. " j
Mold is, entirely prevented or at least ?
greatly checked. I
Flies cannot deposit their egg3
through the paraffin, and that prevents
The paraffining of factory cheese is ;
done by dipping it in melted paraffin,
so that a thin layer adheres to the
cheese, but of course it takes quite a
large kettle full to dip even a ten
pound cheese, and this method would
on that account be somewhat expen
sive for , cheesemakers on the farm.
The paraffining can, however, be done
at practically no expense and with
very little work by the following meth
od: Melt a pound or two of paraffin (cost
ing about 15 cents per pound) in a ket
tle until it is quite hot and begins to
smoke and then cover the surface of
the cheese, using a fairly stiff brush,
say about an inch In diameter, and rub
It in good. Be sure to keep the paraf
fin hot and dip the brush frequently.
Do not try to cover too much surface
with one dipping of the brush. The
coating should be about half the thick
ness of a dime and adhere well to the
cheese. It takes less than 1 cent's
worth of paraffin for a ten pound
The cheese should preferably be
from three to ten days old when par
affined, and the surface must be wiped
dry. It is best to leave the cheese in
a warm room for some hours before
paraffining; otherwise it is difficult to
got a coating that will stick. As the
farmer generally has no regular curing
room, says a writer in Hoard's Dairy
man, it will pay him well to take the
little extra trouble in paraffining all
his cheese.
Iloniemrtslo Ijntier Worlcer.
A very effective butter worker, which
will save a great deal cf labor, can be
made- by any man at all handy with
tools out of some strips cf hard wood,
mar.Ie preferred. Fashion the pieces
into a wide, shallow trough, taieriug at
one end toa'uout four inches. Set this
trough on throe less, two under the
wide end and one under the narrow
end, strengthened by an extra piece un
derneath to fit them into. .
Make a roller out of a piece of the
wood four inches square and one foot
longer than the trough or body of workr
er. A very good length for a medium
sized dairy would be thirty inches for
the body part and four inches for the
roller. -Cut with a line tooth saw one
inch deep on each side of the stick
at a point twelve inches from one end.
This extra twelve inches is for a han
dle and should be dressed down round
and smooth to about two inches, so
that It is easy to grasp by the operator.
The remaining three feet must be made
tapering, the small end (that opposite
the handle) being not more than an
Inch in diameter. Dress the wood
square, then cut off the four corners to
make it octagon In shape.
In the narrow end of the trough
drive an ordinary iron staple and in
the small end of the roller a short,
heavy cut Iron nail not a wire nail,
which would be likely to bend. The
nail should project about an inch. This
fits into the staple, holding the roller
in place, and completes about as effec
tive a butter worker as any one need
ask for.
Dairy TaJk of Today
The best cows do not always have the
largest udders. Often udders are de
ceptive. Scales and the Babcock test
is the surest way to determine your
most profitable cows.
Test Associations.
It is important to know the yearly
yield of every cow in the herd and
whether she is paying or not if the
best results are wished for. To this
end test associations are being formed
In some parts of the country to work
out the problem of herd improvement
Just Before Milkinsr.
There are two very practical meth
ods of reducing the amount of hair,
dust and filth that ordinarily falls Into
the milk. By giving the flanks of the
animal and the udder a good washing
and then wiping dry just before milk
ing; the other, and probably the most
satisfactory method, Is to wipe the ud
der and adjacent parts with a damp
Stable Bacteria.
At Cornell Agricultural college some
of the trained scientific men engaged
there undertook the study of stable
: bacteria and how fast they will multi
ply. A hair from a cow's flank was
put Into 500 cubic centimeters of steril
ized milk. After shaking it for a
minute there were fifty-two bacteria
per cubic centimeter; after twenty-four
hours it contained 55,000 per cubic
centimeter. A cubic centimeter of milk
is a very small quantity, only a few
drops, and is expressed In abreviation
by the letters C. C. Another experi
ment was made in which a piece of
hay taken from the stable floor about
two Inches long was placed in 500 cubic
centimeters of sterilized milk. The milk
was shaken one minute and then con
tained 3,025; after twenty-four hours it
contained 3.412,000 bacteria per cubic
centimeter. Now, it Is these bacteria
of the destructive kind, says Hoard's
Dairyman, that destroy the quality In
milk, cream, batter and cheese
Additional Local.
Lost, between Lohgter Brd.In-
r, lIgf Holstwn JTK.y co-c, on
j ii jured. Reu'v n Norwood. 2
Tl:e room adjoining the Moeea store
on tli north is being thoroughly over
hauled and improved, and when com
i-ieted it ia lo be occupied by the Bell
t elf jjhote company. . '
JJa?ter Darrell While of Tortlsnd is
speeding the holidays Uh his grand
parents Mr.and Mrs. S. N. Wilkins in
tiis city.
The Presby teriftns ' held their Christ
mas -exercises Monday n fcht. There
hs tree, a program - which ws in the
nxtureof a cantata, and a good time for
all present. .;'
Mr. and Mrs. Meers of Portland have
been guests this week of the latter'd
parents Mr and Mrs. R. N. White, in
tins city.
Frank White has returned from a
biief trip through Eastern Oregon.
Prof, and Mrs. George Paul arrived
from Portland Monday for av'eitwith
relatives. Prof. Paul ii et.ll witli the
Western Academy of Music aB head of
the department ol dramatic and is doing
well.. He returned to 'Portland yester
day but Mrs. Paul will remain for two
eeks. .
The Foreign Missionary Society of the
M. K. church ia to hold its annual tea in
the church basement New Year's eve. A
very interesting program will be jjiven
and refreshments will be served ; for a
trilling sum. The public is invited.
Tha performance of "King Richard the
Third'' at the opera bouse New Year's
ninht will begin promptly at 8: o'clock,
and closes at 10; 30. This will give
those who wish to go ample time to at
tend the Masonic banquet, aher the
theatre. . .
John H. Stowe and Miss Carrie E.
May, both pf Alsea, were married at the
home of Rev. and Mrs. O. T. Uurd at
nine o'clock Christmas morning. Only
the necessary witLeeses were preseut.
After the ceremony the young people
WiHt to Albany on a biief visit.
1 hey will icside in Alsea, where they
a e both well and favorably kuown.
Harold Wilkins left yesterday
for a holiday visit in Portland
and Oregon City.
United Evangelical church.
Regular services Sunday. Morn
ing subject, "The Golden
Wedge;" evening subject, 'A
Good Guide."
Mr. and Mrs. Bradv Burnett arrived
Wedenesday evening from Canyonviile
whera they were married Christmas day.
TU I . .. I J - - - C 1 ... C TT
iub unuc waa iurmeny jjiisb OUaie nop
Kius. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett will reside
with the groom's mother iw this city.
Brady is too well known in Corvallia to
tie-d praise from the Gazette, and con
gratula ions are extended by a wide
circle of friends.
A special series of evangelistic
meetings will be held at the Uni
ted Evangelical church begin
ning Monday eve, Dec. 31st.
Rev. A. A. Winter, of Portland,
will be here on Jan. 8tb to assist.
The Christmas exercises at the
First Methodist church Monday
night were well attended, the
basement being crowded with
friends, parents and children, all
eager to see and hear. Sonjs.
recitations and exercises by the
children made up a very interest
ing program, and two attractive
trees delighted the little iolks.
The room was prettily decorated
with cedar and the occasion was
very pleasaut lor all.
The Old Year.
Slowly tha Old Year dies
tiara nrensprl.
Time was when it was yourg
17..11 f .1 o r - r
j. uj ngur uib opnng 01 me
Bounding to meet the summer.
But now, old, forsaken 1
Summer and autumn vanished,
Lo-ked in storms and daeknees
The.Old Year dies.
Pity those who live by years
They die daily.
Rejoice in life I
Eternity is not measured by time,
But since thou must measure thy ex
' pression,
Be wise and do cot bury thyself in it
Express the Life.
"Scaly iicgr- u uosiagicu.
Scaly leg is a form of scabies or
mange, caused by the mite known as
the Sarcoptes mutans. It Is a con
tagious disease, but does not spread
very rapidly, and there may be only
a few affected birds in a flock at one
time. When the disease is first ob
served prompt and energetic measures
should be adopted to eradicate it The
affected birds should be isolated to
prevent the spread of the contagion.
Begin treatment by soakinsr the leers in
warm water to which soaD has been
added until the scales have become
thoroughly softened, and the loose
scales can be removed without causing
bleeding. After this has been done
apply a good coat of carbolic ointment '
or balsam of Peru. This should ba