Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 28, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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PaWis-bed Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Pujemshixo Com?.n'v.
The subscription prion of the Gazettb
Icr several years has been, and remains
$2 per annum, or 15 per cent, discount if
pai;i in advance. This parer will be
continued until all arrearages are pa: J.
Benjamin Franklin was
most profound teacher ani
mot notable editor that
world has ever kaown.
teachings promulgated through
his newspaper the "Philadel-
pnia Gazette" and his almanac
full of truthful economic sayings
for twenty-five years had more to
do with moulding the conditions
and forming the opinions of tbe
people in those early days in this
country, than any other influ
ence. liis honesty of purpose and ut
most endeavor to impress the
most truth and
upon 'the people
never been questioned
Ha scorned the
or dissembling
f.lwavs o
ea;"ily be
o ie,
gui ihrough
"That it
the best ideas
of his lime has
by any
His utterances
a positive nature
in simple language which could
understood by every
He started out alone at the
a:e ot 17 years as a journsymaa
pri i'er and in a few years became
not only the leading aud most
able editor of his time but he
commanded the admiration and
praise -of the most able men in
foreign countries.
Daring hi voyage across the
ocean returning from England to
America he wrote and committed
to pmer the following plan which
he afterwards followed as his
would be necessary
f r nun to be extremtly frugal
for some time, till he paid what
'TV fnr1avrr rn srjlr the
truth in every instance; to give
nobody expectations that are not
likely to be answered, but aim at
sincerity in every word and act
ion the most amiable excellence
in a rational being."
'To apply himself industrious
ly to whatever business taken in
hand, and not divert his mind
lrom his business by any foolish
'pioject of growing suddenly rich;
for iudustry and patience are the
surest means of plentv."
"To speak ill of no man what
ever; not even in a matter of
truth; but rather by some means
excuse tbe faults heard charged
upon others, aud upon proper
occasions speak all the good he
knew of everybody."
LiJer on he conceived the idea
that lie would li'ce to live with
out committing any fault at any
tin:- nud sj as fo arrive -as near
ly as possible to ''moral perfec
tion." Iu order to aid him and
ssrvs as a guide iu this work he
adopted thirteen names of virtues
wkli their ptt-cepts as follows:
I. Temperance: tat not to
dullness; diii.k not to elevation.
II. Silence: Speak not but
what may benefit others or
yourself; avoid trilling conversa
tions. III. Order: Let all your
thiugs have their places; let each
part of your business have its
IV. Resolution: Resolve to
perform what you ought; per
form what von resolve.
V. Frugality: Make no ex
pe::?e but to do good to others
or yourself; i. e. waste nothing.
VI. Iudustry: Lose no time;
be always employed in some
thing useful; cut off all unneces
sary actions.
VII. Sincerity: Use no
hurtful deceit; think innocently
IX. Moderation: Avoid ut
terances; forbear resenting injur
ies so much as yoa think they de
serve. .. ,
Cleanliness: Tolerate no un
cleanliness in body, clothes, or
XI. Frugality: Be not dis
turbed at trifles, nor at accidents
common or unavoidable:
XII. Chasity.
XIII. Humility: Imitate
Many more interesting practi
ces pursued by this most emi
nent and wise of men could bt
repeated but space will not p r
mit at this time. The details
adopted by this eminent man to
aid him in carrying these virtues
into effect are most interesting
and instructive.
The new year is approaching
and there are a great number of
young men ani women, also
also others who are not so young.
who would like to do well lor
their future, who would do well
to consider and practice the de
tails planned and followed by
this eminent statesman to enable
him to arrive at the distinction
which followed his painstaking
effjits. Great good can only be
aecompJisneu by industry, con
stant study, honesty of purpose,
unceasilig energy and firm pur-
cost sewer. "
Lot No. (north 1-2), 2-172ths of total
Lcc No. 5. of total coat sewer.
Let No.. . o-sBcas of tsUil cast sewer.
. Lot No. 7. 2-86ths of total cost Ew-jr.
Lot No. t. 2-86ths of total cost e-awer.
Lot No. 9, 2-&6t!is cf total cost sewer.
Lot No 10, 2-&6Lhs cf total cost sewer.
Lot No.-11. 2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
Lot No. lz. i-S6th3 of total cost sewer.
Within tea days from the final publication
of this notice the owner of any property
ascertained and determined to be benefitted
by such sewer may file objections to the
findings and determinations of said Viewers,
and the same will be considered at the
next regular meeting of the Council fol
lowing the expiration of said period for
filing objections.
The date of nnal publicaUon of this notice
will be January 11th, 1907.
Dated December 21st, 1906.
Police Judge City of Corvallis.
to do oniv what is right.
Tko llclssty of Women
Naturally rc.ikcs them shrink from the
Indelicate njiestipns, the obnoxious ex
aminations, and unpleasant local treat
ments, which some physicians consider
essential in the treatment of diseases of
women. Yet. if help can bo had, it is
better to submit to this crdeal than let
the d isease frow and spread. The trouble
is that so often tho woman undergoes all
the anneyariGO and shame for nothing
ThoTrsandsNjf women who have b"."i
cured 6v Di Pierce's Favorite Prescr
Viewers appointed by ordinance No. 212 of
the City of Corvallis to view" the sewer or
dered to be constructed from a point in Polk
street on the center line of the alley through
Blocs No. 7 in JJixon s second Addition to
the City of Corvallis, Oregon, If extended,
and 12.4 feet distant from the North proper
ty line of said block, and running thence
southerly rough the center of the alleys
of block No. 7 in Dixon s 2nd Addition to the
City of Corvallis and -Blocks No. 6 and 5 in
Dixon's Addition to the City of Corvallis
to connect with the Van Buren street sewer
in said City and the property along the line
of said sewer which will be directly bene
fitted thereoy, to ascertain and determine
what property wiil be directly benefitted by
such sewer and to estimate the proportionate
share of cost thereof to be assessed to the
several owners of such property, have filed
their report with the Police Judge of said
City of Corvallis, and that the property as
certained and determined by said Viewers to
be directly benefitted by said sewer and the
extent and proportion of such beneut is 3
fellows :
In block 5, Dixon's Addition to the City
of Corvallis.
Let No. 1, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 2. 1-3 6 ta of total cost sew jr.
Lot No. 3, l-36th cf total cost sewer. .
Lot No. 4. l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 5.. x-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 6, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 7, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. S, l-36th of total cost sewor.
Lot No. 9. l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 10, l-Sfith of total cost sews?.
Lot No. 11, l-3lith cf total cost sewcr.
Lot No. 12. l-36th of total cost sewer.
In Block t, Dixon's Addition to the City
cf Corvallis.
-Lot No. 1. l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 2. l-36th of total cost sewc
Lot No. 3, (South 1-2), l-72nd of total
cost sewer.
Lot No. 3, (North 1-2), l-72nd of total
cost sewer.
Lot No. 4, l-36ih of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 5, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 6, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 7, l-36th cf total cost sewer.
Lot No. 8, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 9, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Let No. 10, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 11, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. j.2. l-36th of total cost seWer.
In Block 7, Dixon's Second Addition to the
City of Corvalli3.
Lot No. 1, l-36th of total cost sewer.
1-Jbth of total cost sewcr.
1-36 th of total cost sewer.
l-36th of total cost sewer.
l-36th of total cost sower
l-Soth cf total cost sewer.
l-3Sth of tutal cost sewer.
(South 1-2), l-72nd of total
liG. IT
which disparts vQh the examinat".
and local frratmontSThrr'i is no otv-"
mediciic. so s::r" pnrl ;-?fe for Hir.arf.
women as "Favorite Prescription." , -cures
debi'iuiung draias. irregularity cr.d
female weakness. It always helps. It
almost always cures. It is strictly non
alcoholic, non - secret, all its ingredients
being printed on its bottle-wrapper; con
tains no deleterious or habit-form
t'.rug3, and. every native medicinal roo
entering into Its composition has the fall
endorsement of those most eminent in the
several schools of medical practice. Sone
cf these numerous and strongest of pro
fessional endorsements of its ingredients,
will be found in a pamphlet wrapped
around the bottle, also in a booklet mailed
free on request, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, ot
Buffalo, N. Y. These professional en
dorsements should havo far more weight
than any amount of tho ordinary lay, or
non-professional testimonials.
The most intelligent women now-a-days
insist on knowing what they take as mi
icine instead of opening their mouths like
a lot of young birds and gulping down
whatever is offered them. "Favorite Pre
scription" is of KXOWS composition. It
makes weak women strong and sick
women well.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sentcc
on receipt of stamps to pay expense f
mailing on7;. Bend to Dr. R. V. Pierc.
Buffalo, N. Y., 21 one-cent stamps for i-per-covered,
or 31 stamps for cloth-bound.
If sick consult the Doctor, free of cha'jre
by letter. All such communications are
held sacredly confidential.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate
and regulato stomach, liver and bowels.
Viowrr. anno inted bv ordinance No. 213 of
t.f r"itv rf (lorvallis to view the sew-ir or
de-rod to be constructed from a point la tho
center of the alley in block F, Avery s
A.i:iirinn tn the Citv of Corvallis in Benton
cv-nintv Omsron. seventv-fivc feet sou-.h cf
ti'e property line on the south side of "A"
street in said City, northerly through Ibe
etntor cf the alley of said block "F" ani the
centers of tho alleys of blocks No. 7. S and
9, in the original town of Marysville, now
Citv of Corvallis, and across the intervening
streets, to connect witn tho on ino
south side of Jefferson street in tho .-.Bid
CUy ar.d tho property along the linii of
said rewer which will be directly bcnoflttiNl
tb-rby. to ascertain and determine what
nrcper'ty will be directly benefitted by -uch
tower and to estimate tho proportionate
shore cf tho cost thereof to be assessed to
the several owners of such property, have
&id their report with the Police Judge of
said City of Corvallis, and that the prtporty
ascertained and determined by said Viewers
to be directly benefitted by said sewer and
the extent and proportion of such benefit is
a. fallows:
In blook "P.- Avery's Addition to said
Citv of Corvallis.
Let No. 5, 2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
Let No. 6, 2-Sliths of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 7, 2-86ths cf total cost sewer.
Let No. S. 2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
Ia block 7. original town of Marysville,
new Uity or uorvains.
1, 2-S6ths of tctal cost sewcr.
2, 2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
3, 2-S!ths of total cost sewer.
4, 2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
5, 2-SGths of total cost sewer.
6, 2-SCths of total cost sewer.
7, 2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
o, 2-86ths of total cost sewer.
9. 2-S6ths cf total cost sewcr.
10. 2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
11. 2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
12. 2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
In block S, original town of Marysville,
icw City cf Corvauis.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Let No
Lot No.
Lot No. 3,
Lot No. .
Let No. 5
cc ;t sawer.
Lot No. 5,
Lot No. 6,
Lot No. 7,
Lot No. S,
Lot No. 9.
Lot No 10.
Lot No. 11,
Lot No. 12,
In block 9
S6ths of total cost sewer.
2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
2-S6ihs of total cost sewer,
(south 1-2), 1-S6th of total
(north 1-2), 1-SGth of total
2-S6th3 of total cost sewer.
2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
2-b6ths of total cost sewer.
-S6ths of total cost sewer.
2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
original town of Marysvile,
Lot No. 2,
Let No. 3,
Let No. 4,
Lot No. 5,
Let No. 6
Let No. 7,
Lot No. 8,
cost sewer.
Lot No. S,
cost sewer.
Lot No. 9,
Lot No. 10
Lot No. 11,
Lot No. 1
(North 1-2), l-72nd cf total
l-36th of total cost sswer.
1-S6th of total cost sewer.
1-3 6th of total cost sewer.
l-36th of total cost sewer.
Within ten day3 from tbe final publication
of this notice the owner of any property as
certained and determined to be benefitted
by such sewer may file objections to th
findings and determinations of said Viewers
and the same will be considered at the ne:
regular meeting of the Council following the
expiration of said period lor filing objec
The date of final publication of this notice
will be January 11th, 1907.
Dated January 21st, 1906.
Police Judge of City of Corvallis.
Viewers appointed by ordinance No. .211 of
the City cf Corvallis to view the sewer order
ed to be constructed from a point m "C
street In said City on the center line of the
alley through block "H" in Avery's Addi
tion to said City, if extended, and 12 feet
eight inches distant from the property line
of said block, thence northerly through the
center of the alleys of blocks "H" and "G'
in Avery's Addition to said City and block
13 in the original town of Marysville, new
said City of Corvallis, to the north side of
Washington street, and to connect with the
south terminus of the lateral sewer now
constructed through blocks 14 and 15 in said
priginal town of Marysville, now Citv cf
Corvallis, and the property along tho line
of said sewer which wiil be directly bene
utteil thereby, to asL-enaiu and cetermine
what property will be directly benefitted by
such sewer and to estimate the proportion
ate share of the cost thereof to be assssseJ
fitted thereby, to ascertain and determine
to the several owners of such property, have
filed their report with the Police J udge cf
said City of Corvallis, and that the property
ascertained and determined by said Viewers
to be directly benefitted by said sewer and
the extent and proportion of such Dcneflt is
as follows :
In block "H" in Avery's Addition to s:
City of Corvallis.
Lot No. 1, l-iiGth of total cost sewer.
l-36th of total cost sewer.
l-36th cf total cost sewer
l-36th of total cost sewer
l-36th of total cost sower.
l-36th of total cost sewer.
l-38th of total cost sewer.
l-36th of total cost sewer.
l-36th of total cost sewer.
10, l-33th of total cost sewer.
11, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No. 12, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Ia block "U in Avery's Addition to said
City cf Corvallis.
Let No. 1. l-36th of total cost sewer.
l-36th of total cost sewer.
1-36 th of total cost sewer.
l-3Gth of total cost sower.
l-36th of total cost sewer.
l-36th of total cost sewer.
l-36th of total cost sewer.
l-36th of total cost sewer.
l-36th 01" total cost -e.v;r.
Let No. 10, l-36;h of total cost sewor.
Let No. 11, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 12, j.-3Gth of total cost sewer. .
In block No. 13, original town cf Marys
ville, now City of Corvallis.
Lot No. 1, l-36th of total cost sewor.
Lot No. 2, l-3Gth of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 3. l-36th cf total cost sewei.
Lot No. 4, l-36th of total cost sewer
Lot No. 5, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 6, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 7, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 8, l-SGrh of total cost sewor.
Lot No. 9, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 10, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 11, l-3Gth of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 12, l-3Gth of total cost sewer.
Within ten days from the final publication
of this notice the owner of any property as
certained and determined to be benefitted by
such sewcr may file objections to the findings
and determinations of said Viewers, and
the same will be considered at tho next regu
lar meeting of the Council following the
expiration of said period for filing objections.
Tho date of the final publication of tMs
notice will be January 11th, 1907.
Dated December 21st, 1906.
Police Judge of City of Corvallis.
That's It
sad justly; and if you fpeak,
speak accordingly
VIII. Justice:
by Jaing injuries, or omitting
the benefits that are your duty.
Wrong none
Coit2b yourself into a fit of spasms and
i!;mi wonder why yoa don't pet well. If
you will only try a bottle of BaWard's
Horehound Syrup vonr congh wi'l be a
thine of tbe pat. It is a positive cure
ior Coughs, Influenza, Bronchitis and all
Pulmonary diseases. One bottle will
eonviuce von at vour druggist, 25c, 50c,
1-2). 3-l72ths of total I?1-0- bY Graham & Wortham.
In Uteirw HMstmas I
For many years it has been
if good fortune to annually express our
appreciation for increased patronage
from our friends. This year has been
no exception and we want" to. thank
you for the biggest trade in our his
tory. It has been a banner year wi th
us, breaking all records. We hope to
continue to enjoy your confidence and
to merit, you custom to such an ex
tent that this year's business will be
surpassed during the year of 1907.
" .xV ACT A
'Wo & is t&s-v&szs 3 Si
Fifteen worda or less, 25 eta for three
anccessive insertions, or 50 :ts per
month; for all np to and including ten
additional cor Js. cent a word for each
For all advertisements over 25 words,
I ct per word for the first insertion, and
M ct per word for each additional inser
tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25
isents. '
Lodge, society and church notices,
other than strictly news matter, will be
.'barged for.
In addition to a large and complete
stock of Drugs and Medicines we have a
fine assortment of holiday goods, such as
Choice Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Fine
Stationery, Books, Musical Instru
ments and Pyrosraph Outfits.
We also: have the famous Edison
Phonograph, the wonder of the age,
with complete . line of records, nothing
better for a holiday gift.
A call at our store
pleasure and profit.
will afford you
Prompt attention to mail orders.
High grade goods a specialry.
Foreign and Domestic Groceries.
Confectionery, cigars, tobacco, woodware,
willow ware, stoneware, cutlery, notions,
fishing tackle, ground bone, oil cake meal
grass seed, bee supplies. d J- &
Oregon, on instalment plan and as
s st purchasers to build hou.eB on iheni
if uesired. Address First National '
Bank, CorvalliB, Or.
Gr., for spot cash, balance iuataU
vTients", and help parties to build homes
theteou, i: desired. Address M. i.
Wcd o.k. O. -vadie, O;.
eurg ia i iH dentin. Kesireurt ."iiC
Frurth -ti -M. rintie &".. C"'e
iril Mail ptione iO-1.
iii'tiEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN
liiia 'C a.veon. Kooms 14, Bank Build
i z. jv.e Hoars : 10 to 12 a. m , a to
i p. m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad
tima bta. Telephone at office and res
idence. Corvallis, Oregon.
House Decorating.
VV. E. Paul, lud. 488 l-tf
iUents; curbing made to order ; clean
ing and repnriug done neatly : save
agent's commission. Shop North
Main St., Frank Vaunooseu, Prop, g'Jtf
Oitice up stairs in Zierolf Building,
Only set of abstracts in Benton County
Utnce in Post Office Building, Coival
us, Oregon.
to rent a dwelling adjoinicg Corvallis
who is a kliid good workman with a
team of horses. 81-tf.
Gazettjs and Weekly OregoniEn at
$2.55 per year.
WANTED Sixty tons of clean
vetch eeed, and oats in car lots
load cars ai nearest, railroad ttatiou.
Wanted clean Italian and English
Rye grass eeed, can furnish gaso
line engine with cleaner and grind
er to clean for farmers. For sale
young cow, will be fros?i poon, $25;
6-year-o!d horne for sale or trade. L.
L. Brooks. Phone 155 Mountain
Corvallis, vr?on, transacts a gmeral
conservative banking business. Loans
monfy on approved security. Drafts
bought and told an i money transferred
to tbe principal cities of the United
States, Europe and foreign countries.
Mail orders promptly filled
i i r Jr fill i'aa iTti'--- c-Ki ti-.'Jy
"Worth doing is worth doing well. If
von wish to he cured of Rheumatism use
BVilard's Snow Liniment and yon will be
"well cured." A positive cure for
Sprains, Neuralgia, Bruises, Contracted
Muacles and all the ills tint iksh is heir
o. a. Or. mi. vuuiams, iavasota, lexes,
'I have used Snow Liniment for sprain
ed ankle and it cave the beet of satisfac
ion. I always keep it in the house."
Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Why Kot Use Electric Lights?
O. A. C.
Three doors north of Hotel Cor
vallis. Give me a call.
PB Mm SWAEB; Psra&.
, 3-86ths of total cost sewer.
(north 3-172ths of total
now City of
Lot No. 1.
Lot No. 2.
cost sewer.
Lot No. 2,
cost sewer.
Lot No. 3,
cost sewer.
Lot No. 3.
COSt sewer. onA i'iaialrv nt
iAJt No. 4, (SOUtn 1-2 , 3-17ZU1S Of tOUll " j ...... j -
cost sewer. M . , , jhe optician and jeweler.
(souta 1-2), 3-172ths of total
(north 1-2), 3-172th3of total
Save money by
buying yoar
Child rea's
Favorite tonic is White's Cream Ver
mifuge, the cure for worms and all thil-
I drea s diseases, it not oniy kius tne
, worms, but removes the slime and raucus
in which they bund their nest&. its ac
tion on the child is mild and leaves him
in a healthy condition. Joe Daniel. Sar
mac, Tenn., save that he gave one of his
children White's Cream Vermifuge when
the doctor thonght it had colic, and from
II rst dose the child passed 1 6 worm?.
gf db y Graham & "Wortham.
Stop scratching matches on jour wall.
Tnose streaky match scratches look
mighty bad on any.wall. But as long as
yon continne to use gas or oil you'ye got
to nse matches.
The "matchless light" is the electric
light, a Bimple twist of the wrist does it. (
We are improving and perfecting our
lighting service in this city and can give
better service for less money than ever
in the history of the city.
The cost of wiring has been reduced
until it is within reach of all.
If you would like to know more abont
it, call on us in our new office opposite
the O. J. Blackledge furniture store or
phone as, Tnd. Phone 49.
Willamette Valley Co.
G. A. Clark, Mgr. ,
The Gazette
for Job Work
oev's Kidney Cure
All kind3 of grass seed for satr
at Zierolfa Timothy, clover and
orchard graes seed. 74tf
Tbe best ker ever in CorvaJji
a .Vossburg, at Small's BakeTy. a