Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 25, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Saturday waa the shortest, day
Georg9 Moore is ieported as very
ill at iua boLue ju Jobs auUuiu-.
Warren Bariiell ofCf--iC left FriT
day for Porttaud to spewi tna holi
days with bis people.
Mr. and Mis. S. C. Starr left Sat
urday foe Graa a tsa oa a visit to
E. R. Bryson and lamily are
ependiug Christmas with Eugeue
Miss Vera Allen left Saturday
for her home at Hood River to
Bgend vacation.
Glen Gardner left SatuHar for
Portland to spend the Christmas
vacation with relatives.
Student Cherry went to bis home
at Astoria, Friday, to spend the
vacation that is now on at O AC.
Miss Inez, of Bellefountaih were
business visitors in Corvallis the
last of the week-
, Fred Kerr went to Salem Sat
tnrday to visit his sister, Mrs.
Frank Bowersox, until after the
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Bradley left
Friday f jr Eugene on a brief visit.
From t'lera they go o Portland for
a visit and t'neucj to Washington.
Mr. and Mr?. El Fendall ar
rived Siturday from the Fve Rivers
country, to be at the bedside of their
dau?htr. Mis Tn "PVndall. whrwp
illness was mentioned in the last
Gazstte. She is improving.
Student Hinsen departed for
Portland, Siturday, to visit until
after' the holidays .with relative?.
A poultry show is scheduled for
Ala -a on January 5th. The.ewi.i
be no admission fe at the do ir and
birds f jr exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Norton of
Hood River arrive.1 last of the wek
for a visit w'nh tbe former's parents,
Mr. and Mm. Toil Norton. Dolph
19 an old time Corvallis boy and
many friends are glid to see hiuii.
Henry Olin and E l Dyer of
Lion couiity were in Corvailis Sat
urday, buying a bi supply of
candy and nut? for th Christmas
tree at the Western Star grange
hall, last night.
Christmas exercises were held in
the various rooms of the public
school Friday afternoon, and now
the youngsters are enjoying their
playtime which lifrts until the
Monday fter New Your.
Miss lhella Ktckaid entertained
a number of youug lady fritnds 6
few evenings a:?o, in honor of her
guest, Miss Mickelson of Portland.
A dinner wa served acd a very
happy time is reported.
F. O Gray hta accepted a posi
tion in Sin Francisai with the
Western Union telesfraph ojmpany,
and if he is s itisSed with th-i new
place the family will join him after
echoal chses in the spring.
Mrs. Charles Young and children
moved Siturday ino the Porter
house on 8 uth College etmat,
vacated by H. L. 1111 and family
who now occupy their own rest
dance oa Main street.
A, the Grange hall in lsna this
evening oaours a masquerade bill
that will ca.tainly be a drawing
card in th t loaalihv. Prizes of
$1.0 J are to ba awarded to the best
sustained character, lady and
gentleman, and there will prob
ably be reuch rivalry among the
Mrs. E. A. Hawley went to
Salem the last of the week for a
two weeks' visit with her son,
Hon. W. C. Hawley, who leaves
immediately after the holidays
for Washington. D. C. He will
be ; accompanied by his family.
A soft answer turneth awav
wrath. "Sir' wrote an angry aub
Fsribar ti a provincial journal, "I
don't want your piper ay longer."
To which the editor replied. "I
would n make it anv longer if you
it id. "-Ex.
The Christmas exercises at the
Evangelical church Friday eveninz
were attended by such a large
crowd that every inch of standing
roam was tken and many who
cimcou'dnot ent?r the building.
Tneproram was excellent and there
were new and c'enghtful features.
Tue ojcisioi wis vary susesful
and happy for all.
Tb.9 pisi few days -hiv? been
very dull in new3 way. Every
thing has baen hurry and rush and
all that has been talked is Christ
mas. With the streets fall of busy
shoppers and the merchants on the
move from dawn until dark, it has
been enough to put the reporter out
of business, and anything the
Gjtz9tte locks this issue in a news
way must be excused on the plea of I
Christmas 'Vpirits.
Harlan Talor arrived Saturday
from Ranier for a few days' visit
with tela ives.
Levi Wowter, son and daughter
are visitius Portland friends. They
left Sundiy. ; ;
Miss Bessie Yates" of Vancover is
the guest over Christmas of Cor
VallU relative?.
.: Miss Anna Mx5eid left Satur
day far Kings Valley to spend the
holidays with relatives.
Prof, and V,rs. S. I. Pratt of New
port are spending Christmas in
this city with Prof. G. A. Covell'e.
, Mi?8 Lau'a Persinger arrived
from Portland Saturday for a few
days' visit with relatives at Belle
fountain. The Independent telephone com
any is having the poles cleaned
up p.epartory to having them
Mrs. Charles Bardwell went to
Portland, Sunday, to spend a few
days with friends.
Homer Grier came in from
Box, L.ncoln county, Friday, to
spend Christmas with his parents
in this city.
Miss Stella Oleson went to
Bellefountain, Friday, to spend
Christinas at the Ed Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall of
Polk county are the guests over
Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. Har
ley Had.
Robert Francis arrived" home
Friday from Portland vvh;e he has
been in the employ of the electric
street railway company.
A license to wed has been is
sued to Rodney I,eBold of Mc
Minnville and Miss Pearl Coop
er of Fairmount, Benton coun
Mrs. Jennie Grier leaves today
for Portland where she will visit
Mrs. EHea Mtindy, formerly of
this citv, and from there she joes
to Ranier lor a visit with her
Ric jard Turner, a former Corval
lis merchant, now a resident of
Portland, was in Corvallis Satur
day. He is visiting his ' sister in
Linn county and returns to Port
land next week. His daughter,
Miss Lula, is attending the Behnke-
Walker business college in Port
land. "
Miss Emma Yol9r, the popular
pri icipalof the Corvallis business
cojlsie. w-nt, to- Albany Saturday
tosp9nd Christmas with her relatives.
Befre the ciose of school Friday
the pupils of the business college
presented Miss Yo Jer with , beauti-
lul gold witch chain, as a taken of
their esteem.
Tne turkey shoot at Bellefoun
tain was a success, Will Bain and
Frank Potter carrying: off the
prizes. Th" girls of Bellefoun
tain neighborhood are to hold a
shoot on Thursday of this week,
and there is much soeculation as
to the result.
Siturday and yesterday were
busy days for Cjr valiip. Allday oog
the streets were nlieu with busy
shoppers and many a shining dollar
pissed over the c ;unter,in all loctl
establishments. It has been a good
year in Christmas trade, if one
miy judge from appearances, as
shipping has been lively for several
weeks and' continued up to the clos
ing hours of Christmas eve.
There will be a special prayer
meeting at the United Evangeli
cal church Friday evening in pre
paration for the revival meetings
which begiu next Sunday. The
regular prayer meeting occurs
Wednesday evening. After the
revival has been fairlv started,
Rev. A, A. Winter of Portland is
to come and assist for two weeks.
The newly-elected officers of the
Corvallis lode A. F. & A. M. are
as fo'low;: Master, Prof. Cordley;
Sr. wardsn, Prof. Fulton; Jr.
warden, S. L. Kline; seo'y Prof.
Skeltoa; treasure, Zab Dvis. Great
preparations are being made by
the lodg9 to celehrato it3 50th an
niversary on January 1st. A
spaaker from abroad witl be present,
a banquet will be enjoyed and local
talent will, furnish entertainment
in various forms.
D. M. Saunders of Monroe is in
the toils of the law. The charge
against him ia larceny from a
dwelling tnd the complaint was
sworn out hv Bert Lemasters.
Deputy Sheriff J. D. Wells brought
the man down Friday and after
patting up cast: bail in the 6um of
$300 Sanders was released. It is
itated the money was taken from
the residence of Lew Martin at Mon
roe, and rumor is that the amount
was $17. Sanders is about 35 years
old and is a grass widower. He is
to be tried tomorrow afternoon at
two o'clock be-fore Judge Holga e.
Miss Mary Sdtherlaod, the popala
OA.CKirlU spending Christmas at her
bouie near Sheilds. r
Oacar DeHavea of Dillas, a former
Corvailisit, was a visitor in this city
yesterday. ' :
Misa Eva Starr and Bert Peters are
are guests today of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Starr, at Bellefountain. .
Mill and timber, for Sale. . Saw Mill
and $ I acres - line timber' for sale. Easy
terms. Inquire, B. F. T-rtten K. 2 Cor
vallis Ore. . - 7 ' .1051 mo
A very pleasing feature of the services
Sunday evening at tne Evangelical
churcb was a vocal oast by Mis Mabel
Keady and Prof Shaw. Special music
always add3 much to anyreftiious service
and tne number mentioned was much
Tbe town was literally "painted red''
with Christmai -'booze Sunday night.
Drunks were i evidence in unuaaal
numbers aid they were both noisy and
troublesome. When the extra supply
came from no one save those -who are
"next" are abla to state bat it is suppos
ed to have been brought in for the for
the purpose of celebrating Christmas in
the proper style. A half ooz9n com
plaints were to have been tiled late jes-
erdiy afternoon.
Mrs. S. A. Kisor, well known in this
City and the mother of Mrs. J; Mason,
satfered a stroke of paralysis Thursday
atteraooa, at the home of her daughter
at iSiialz. The riht side is paralized
and the brgaus of epeaoh are involved.
Mrs. A. 11. Jampbell. auothur daaghter,
left Saturday to ba at the bedside. -Mrs.
Kisor is 77 years of old. v
Alter an, illness of several months
with turberculosis J lm Fisher died at
the.home of his sister, Mra. Roy Raber,
in this city at live o'clock Saturday
afternoon. lis was born in Benton coun
ty and was. aged 33 years, fight months
and eighteen days. His entire Ufa was
spent ia Bentou county where he was
we'd and favorably known. The uieral
was held yesterday afternoon from the
Raber home, at two o'clock, the services
conducted by Rev. M. S. Bnsh. Manv
friends were present' to p"y their last
respects to the departed. Interment
was ia Crystal Lake cemetry.
Joaquin Miller's Prophesy.
"Preserve us in this danger
ous day of unexampled prosper
ity, We, Lord God, have borne
adversity; give us grace to. end
ure prosperity,"
So prayed Edward Everett
Hale, the venerable chaplain of
the Senate at the recent opening
of Congress, and Joaquin Miller,
poet of the Sierras today at his
Hillside home back of Piedmont
"There never was breathed a
prayer more fervent. And tears
rolled down the cheeks of more
than one Senator-
"The East is dangerously pro
sperous. Money is poured out in
rivers and every phase of activity
is being pushad to the utmost.
The country is humming 1 ke . a
hive with industry and all over
the land I saw the people well
dressed and well fed.
"In Washington new buildings,
the like of which Rome in her
glory never dreamed, are being
erected. Yet it is my prophesy
Washington will be sacked and
burned again. So drunk are the
people with the good things of
life that with the blight of the
frost of adversity a hundred Cox
ey armies will pour from the cit
ies ready to burn and slaughter.
The President is right when he
asks for a powerful Army and
Navy but they are needed against
no outside foes- When this
tide of prosperity turns, both will
be needed to save the country
from itself."
T?i9 following letters remain uncalled
tor in the Corvallis postoffice, for the
week ending Dec. 15, 1936:.
Mrs Wm Black, Sidney Buswell, Bert
Jacobs, Mrs C J Johnstone, J H Shel-
ton, Mis3 Jessie Smallman, Mrs Lucy E
V.B. VV. Jaivsox.PM.
How to Strengthen It so That It
Will Act as it Should.
To enjoy both health and happiness,
t is absolutely necessary that the
stomach sad digestive organs should be
strong enoogb to properly rtigest the food.
If they are weak and inactive, the body
will soon be in a state of semistarvation.
Nothing equals Mi-o-na stomach tab
lets ia pi ving strength and tone to the
whole digestive system. Use this rem
edy for a few davs, and von will find tbe
appetite keen, the digestion good, no
nausea or distress after eating, no sleep
lessness, no nervousness and tbe back
aches aud headache that are the direct
results of a weakened stomach, will soon
be overcome.. I
Ask Graham t Wells to show von the
guarantee which they give with everv s0
cent box of Mi-o-na. It is the one remedy
.Hey Dave enough laith in to guarantee
See Zierol tor all kinds of grass
seed, orcha, timothy and clover
eeed. . ..'; 74tf
Pianos .and Organs New and
second hand tor sale and v rent.
R. N. White. Phone, 405. , 105-6-7
John Periri of Bellefountain was
in Corvallis Siturday. He ilook
ing at certain Corvallis business
property with "a view of purchasing.
Have your eyes fitted by one' who
knows how Matthews, the optician
One of the men in the Indepen
dent telephone employ came near
being severely injured Saturday. As
the men attempted to drop one of
thr poles mto the earth the huge
timber (lipped, striking Duncan
Pittman on the head. Fortunately
the injury- was only a heavv jar
but it w&w a close call.
Starr's Bakery has secured the
serviced - of D ck Llewellyn; the
wonderiul bread maker. , 89tf
114 . d Lino vtii Tainri ur J Vliucu
Souvenir letters at Gerhard's & M.
T 1 ,1J.
. JLiOng 8 XU'ill
u. r$. wiCKersnam yesteraav
?i J ; . i .1 . 1
niea nonce wuu lueuouniy leuururr
of his intention to appropriate
120,000 miners inches if water
irom the JNorth iorKor th'. nantiam
river between Linn and Marion
counties. The purpose of the ap
propriation as sta'ed in the papers
on file, ia to develop electric power
for the operation of different in
dustries Albany Herald.
Frank A. White will make
special prices on piano tuning feed
teaching between January 1st and
.May 1st. Phone 405. 30tf
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Blake of
Wells are spending Christmas at
the A. W. Herbert home in this
Buy yonr Holiday goods at
Nolan's. L-on. range for selec
tion. A local dealer calls attention to
the fact that a much better grade
of candy has been in demand
this year for the Chiistmas trade
than ever before, and even for
the Christmas tree supplies a
high grade articie has replaced
the usual cheap variety. Whe
ther tbe change is due to better
financial conditions or to the rea
sou that people are awakening to
the knowledge that the best is
always the cheapest, is not
known. .. .
Ribbons, Ribbons, io,oco
yards new ribbons just received at
Nolan's.. . . ',
Edwin Rose arrived np fiom Portland
Sunday forn visit with friends and rela
tives. He is employed by the Oregon
box factory, of which F. P. Sheasgreen
is the manager. ,
Clay Starr of Bellefountain transacted
business in Corvallis yesterday.
If there's anything in a name,
the new postmaster at Mekena,
on tbe Hawaian island of Maul,
should be insured of a life j jb. H
ia David Kapohakimohewa, and be
he the distinction of bearing the
longest name of any official in
Uncle Sim's postal service. Burd
ened with euch a name, humani
tarians will be glad to know that
Mr. K.'a duties are Iiaht, for the
postoffice .is one through which
little mail passes in the course of a
year. Ex.
In a recent divorce case, one ofN th
questions put to the husband was this
"Did you ever make Christmas or birth
day presents to your wife?" The hus
band replied that he had Hot and was
6orry for his neglect ; that he had given
her authority to draw on his bank ac
count and that now when it was too late,
he had learned th it it was not enough.
A. permission to use monev at will ex
presses confidence, but it lscks the
essential element of love personal at
tention, the study of likes and dislikes,
the selection of a gift and the sweetness
of its presentation The lover during
his conrtship days knows the difference.
Why should not the hnsband? .
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Garrow will not
move to Portland the first of January as
they had planned. Their new residence
in the metropolis will not be completed
until the first of February, at which
time they will leave this city. Their go
ing will be regretted by many friends,
"The Belie of Jipan" which opened a
weeks engagement in Portland Sunday
Night, will ba seen here on January Sth,
and will no doubt be greeted by a packed
house. I05
Sealed bids for funishine the Ore
gon Agricultural College with wood
for the school vear beginning Sep
tember. 1907 will be received at the
office of T. H. Crawford, Purchas
ing Agent of the College, up to Sat
urday December 29, '06. For speci
fication's call on the Clark and. Pur
chasing Agent. 103-3t
1 sssaigarim-. w -iaTrn"T,T,Tyzare
D..C. H lest and.
P ny'll nail
PatronizcZN&mB EnsSszstry,
utslda Orders Solicited.
. A II Work Guaranteed.
The Gazette
is the otsSy offica in
OoirvaUls that can
sSbIivgi tho gootSsm
We Can Show1 You
P. and 0: K it 14.
togo is 17 Hours Hearer bj
This Popular Columbia River Route
Franklin was right when he said,
"Lost time is never fonnd again." The
O. R & N. in addition to giving
yon 200 miles.along the matchless Col
umbia River, saves you 37 hours to Chi
cago. It is the
Short Line to LewLston.
Short L"'n8 to Palouse country.
ShortgLine to Spokane.
Short Line to the Co ier d'AIene coun
SnortLine to Salt Lake City.
Snojt Line to. Denver.
Snort Line to Kansas City.
Short Lice to Omaha.
Short Line toChicago.
Short Line to all points East.
. Three trains east daily, 9 :30 a. m., 6 :
15 p. ni. and 8:15 p. m. The "Chicago
Portland Special" is as fine as the finest.
Every comfort of heme.
For particnlaM ask any agent of the
Southern Pacific Company or write
General Pflssentrer Agent. Portland. O-.
Market Report.
Eggs per dozen - " 35c.
Butter, creamery per roll 60c.
" country per lb. . - 25c.
potatoes, per bushel - 50c.
Spring chickens, live - - 9c.
Hogs, dressed - - - 754 c.
Veal, " ...... 7c.
Wheat; - - - - - - 58c.
Oats ------ 30-32C.
A Wise i i wiAS 1
.Merchant 1 1 presents
. n A nice Christmas present for I
5 ' I it
Fancy Goods, Novelties
rv Ctonlft Tlv7-" nrinrlc
assortment, Ladies 5
i), iicuiu uaKo. uciib
and handkerchiefs. New
cushion top and cords.
New linen scarfs, and
squares and drawnwork
New table linens, nap
kins and covers.
Ymss Bc!3 Rations
Etc, Etc.
Reduced prices on wool
dress goods in black
and ih colors.
Chas. Blakoslao. t
A nice Christmas present for
a Gentleman is a good hat.
We sell the John P. St6tson hat
which reccommends itself.
Also. a complete line of Men's
& Boys furnishings.
Give us a call.
Q&jsossS th3 PastksffscG
Ind. Phone No. 481.
THAT 10 M'fl W STUl-'ii1 j
P2ep!3 ml RssISy Si:k ars GfSsnlssS
In Kezd cf Care .
The people who are mostly in need of
sympathy and medical care are not those
who are reaily sick, 1 a, the ones who
are drg-ing themselves around, jaei
"out of sorts."
In nine cases out of ten this condition
is the direct result of a weakened stom
ach, and when the digestive organs are
strengthened wiu Mi-o-na there will be
no distress, dizziness, nausea, headache,
Gtc, and the old time energy, force,
strength and happy spirits will soon le
turn. Mi-o-na is not a- mere digestive. It
absolutely strengthens all tbe organs of
digestion, restores good appetite, strong
nerves and the pover to digest auy food
yon eat.
- A large box of Mi o-na stomach tablets
is sold for 50 cents by Graham & Wells
with an absolute guarantee that the
money Jwill be refunded unless the re
medy cures. You run no risk in buying