Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 25, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette I'LEtrsaixti Compaxv.
The Knock-cat Blow. "
The tltvr which knocked out Corbett
was a rsveWtion to the prize fighters.
From the earliest days of the ring- the
knock-out blow was aimed for the jaw,
: ; the temple or the jugular vein. Stomach
- J punches were thrown in to worry and
The subscription price of the Gazette j weary the fighter, but ff a scientific man
irr several veam lias been, and remains i had to!d one of the old fighters that the
i per annum, or .a percent discount if the stomlch heM have laughed at him
pain in a'ivd')-e. him paner win oe
continued uuiii all arrearages are pa:
At a meeting of the Interstate
Commerce Commission conduct
ed in Chicago a few davs ago, at
which was discussed the ruin
which is certain to result from
the car shortage, railroad men of
more than national reputation de
clared themselves UDable to sug
gest an adtqaate remedy.
Commissioner Harlan declared
it almost seemtd that the coun
try is "aouiing from indigestion
caused by too great prosperity, "
as it was shown that the great
riil way s stems ol t -e country
which have been rebuilt in the fi.-. years at unheard of cost
hive ordered equipment aud
po.ver with a kvishness almost
passing belief, and yet are unable
to meet lhs- phenominal traffic
conditions and profit by the
wealth ot revenue that is being
offered them.
In the nie-.Vii:imi the small
shipper is facing ruin, the Li
shipper is being terribly crippled,
the laboring raaa is thrown
out of employment, and the gen
erA inquiry is, "When and bow
for an ignoramus. Dr. Pierce is bringing
hone to the public a parallel fact: that
thq stomackis the most vulnerable organ
out ofhe prfcM ring as well as In it. We
protect purhta&s, throats, feet and lungs,
but theWfcferiJsttVH-e are utterly indiffer
ent to, until diseSvfinds the solar plexus
and knocks us out. Make your stomach
gonid and, strong by the use ojpoctbr
Pierce's Go'Aen, fijjenicai JDiscoverv",, an?
vou tjroiecTurselfrrf vour most v'nlnor-
Wll! It e:.C
Tiie r ill y
by th 'Interstate
remedies suggested
r m
able spot. "Golden Medical Discovery
cures Kwea.iC stomach," indigestion, or
dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad, thin and im
pure blood and other diseases of he or
gans of digestion and nutrition.
The "Golden Medical Discovery " has a
specific curative effect upon all mucous
surfaces and hence cures catarrh, no
matter where located or what stage it
may have reached. In Nasal Catarrh it
is well to cleanse the passages with Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy Cuid while using
the "Discovery "as a constitutional rem
edy. Why the "Golden Medical Discov
ery" cures catarrhal diseases, as of the
stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic
organs will be plain to you if you wiil
read a booklet of extracts from the writ
ings of eminent medical authorities, en
dorsing it." ingredients and explaining
their curative properties. . It is mailed
free on request. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. V. This booklet gives all the
ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce's
medicines from which it will be seen thai;
they contain not a drop of alcohol, pure,
triple-refined glycerine being used instead.
Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page illus
trated Common Sense Medical Adviser,
will be sent free.' paper-bound, for 21 one
cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps.
Address Dr. Pierce as above.
Lazzie King Injured.
C jur.nissicn
Universal pooling or :nter ksnge cf
frtiih'. cars ! !! r.,iir .i5s niiti the aid
of a Nauouul clearing houte. ,
A r.,"dproi:til demurrage bill penalizing
a railroad either fur not funi-ining cais
or for delayed deli wry, or both, as weil
as a penalty on' the shipper for improper
detention of cars.
A (liscoutinmnci iof ear-detention
privileges granted the shippers aud
existing for years whereby oar movement
has ueea materially retarded.
ji)ereas ia the penalty or per diani for
detention or the diversion of freight cais.
Julius Kruttschnitt, director of niaic
tenaoea and operation for the Union
Pacific and other Harrimaa Hues, said:
"The sudden destruction of terminal
and warehouse facilities at San Fracc-fcco
caused a blockade that tied up-tCDO car
a greater part, of the summer. We arc
just recovering from the effect ot , thi.5'
He said that thu special committee ap
pointed by the American Kail way Asoc
ia ion to take up the cur shortage ques
tion had bjen unable to deciJj on a sat
isfactory plan.
C rning of "Richord the Third."
Lovers of tna' highest ideals in
dramatic art are continually find
ing fault with the too frequent
appearance not only here, but in
all the cities, of silly farcical
plays, cheap sensationalism, and
other immaterial fe-.tures of cur
rent theatrical productions, and
are always clamoring over the
works of Shakespeare and the
other great works of literature.
It is a pleasure to announce in
this connection the early appear
ance here' of the eminent trage
dian John Griaith and his splenr
did company of legitimate artists
Ja Shaliespcaio' immortal trage
dy, "Richard the Third" with
brilliant fire proofed scenic
equipment, electrical effects,
chemical illusions and ail the de
' tails necessay to insure an abso
lutely perfect performance of
this, the greatest 'of the great
Master's plays. Everywhere that
Mr. Griuith has appeared, the
local press has teemed with praise
of his magnificent performance
and it will be a real pleasure to
welcome him to this city. The
engagement is announced for
January 1, 1907 and promises to
be the one great big event of
the season-
It is advisable to secure tick
ets early, they will go on sale
next Friday morning. The prices
are 35, 50, 75c and $1.00.
Mrs. Lillie King left the last of
the week for Portland, to be at
bedside cf her son, Lazzie, who
was ir.jtiTed in a street car acci
dent Wednesday evening. The
storv of the accident was related
in Thursday's Oiegon as follows:
L. V. Kino;, a railv ay postal
clerk, residsiding, at 1224 East
Morrison street, was run down
and severely ioju.ed by a west
bouud Mount Tabor car at Frcmt
and Morrison streets about 6,
o'clock last evening, and is oc
cupying a cot at Good Samaritan
Hospital, where he was leported
as resting easv.
Kint? attemDed to cross the
track in fiont of the inbound car
while enyaced in the effort to
catch an eastbound car. His
glasses fell eff and he stopped
directly in front of the westbound
car. Motormau Lynn used every
effort to bring his car to a stop,
but was unable to prevent it froin
hitting the man.
Kiu- was knocked down and
dragged a few feet and sustained
painful but not serious injuries
City Health Officers Wheeler ano
Dr. Panton, of the railway com
pany, were called and dressed his
bruises and cuts. Dr. Pantcn
ordered him conveyed to. the
Good Samaritan Hospital. -He
will be incapacitated for several
Lot No. 7. 2-86ths of total cost sewar.
Lot No. , ,2-S6tiis of total cost sewer.
liOt No. 9, '2-6ths of total cost sewer.
. Lot No 10, 2-86ths cf total cost sewer.
Lot No. 11. 2-86ths cf total cost sewer.
Lot No. 12. i-SCths of total cost sewer.
Within tea days from the find puolicatioa
of this ; notice the owner of any property
ascertained and determined to be benefitted
by such sewer may file objections to the
cadmgs and determinations of said viewers,
and the same wiil be considered at the
next regular meeting of the Council fol
lowing the expiration . of said - period- for
mine objections.
The -date of nnal publication: of this notice
win De January lit a, 1907. ,
Dated Decemoer 21st, 1906.
Police Judge City of Corvallis. -
Viewers SDnointed by ordinance No. 213 ot
the r;tv of Corvallis to view the sewr or
cercd to bo constructed from a pcint iu the
center of the alley m blocK , Avery s
Addition to the City of CorvaIli3 in Bentoi
County, Oregon, seventy-five feet sou:h of
the property line on the south side of '"A"
street in said City, northerly through Ibe
center of the alley of said block "F" anl the
centers cf the aiieys of blocks No. 7, S and
9, in the original town of Marysville, now
City cf Corvallis, and across the intervening
streets, to connect with the sewer cn ihe
ouih side of Jefferson street in the .-aid
City and the property along the liae of
said sewer wuich will be directly boncnttod
thereby, to ascertain aud determine what
property will bo directly benefitted by such
sewer "and to estimate the proportionate
share of the cost thereof to be assessed to
the several ownor3 . of such property, have
filed their report vith the Felice Ju3se cf
said City of Corvallis. and that the propriy
ascertained and determined by said Viewers
to be directly benefitted by said sewer and
the oxlent and proportion of such benefit is
,3i follows :
la block'"F," Avery's Addition to said
City ci Corvallis.
Lot Xo. 5, ;2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
Lot No. ti, 2-Stitas of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 7, 2-86ths of total cost sewer.
Let No. S, 2-86ths of total cost sewer.
in block 7. original town of MarysvUJc,
now City cf CcfVallis. -
Lot No. 1, 2-SSths of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 2. 2-8ths cf total cost sewer. ;
Lot No. 3, 2-SCths of total cost sewer.
Let No. 4, 2-S6ths of total cost sewer.-
Lot No. 5, 2-SGths of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 6. 2-Stiths of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 7, 2-S6ths of total cost .sewer.
Lot No. o, 2-86ths of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 9. 2-S6ths cf total cost sewer.' .
Lot No. 10, 2-S6th3 of total cost sewer. i
Lot No. 11. 2-S6ths cf total cost sewer. j
Lot No. 12, a-86ths of total cost sewer. - j
In block 8, original town of Marysville, j
new City of Corvallis. I
Lot No. 1, 2-86ths of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 3, 2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
Let No. , 2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 5, (south 1-2), 1-S6th of. total
cost sewer. - -
Lot No. 5, (north 1-2), l-86th of total
ict .o. t, z-seths of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 7, 2-86ths of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 8, 2-86ths of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 9. 2-S6ths of total cost sewer.
Lot No 10. -S6ths of total cost sewer. .
Lot No. 11, 2-S6ths of total cost sewer. '
Lot No. 12. 2-86ths of total cost sewer.
In block 9, original town of Marysvile",
now City of Corvallis.
Lot No. 1, 3-86ths of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 2, (north 1-i.j, 3-172ths of total
cost sewer.
Lot No. 2, (south 1-2), 3-172ths of tctal
cost sewer.
Lot No. 3, (south 1-2), 3-172ths of total
cost sewer.
Lot No. 3, (north 1-2), 3-172ths of total
j cost sewer.
Lot No. 4. (south 1-2). 3-172ths of total
Viewers appointed by ordinance No. 212 of
tne jity or (jorvallis to vtew;the sewer or
dered to be constructed from a point in Polk
street on the center line of the alley through
Block No. 'I in Dixon's Second Addition to
the City of Corvallis, Oregon, if extended,
and 12.4 feet distant from., the North proper
ty line of said block,- and running thence
southerly rough the center - of the alleys
of block No. 7 in Dixon's 2nd Addition to the
City of Corvallis and -Blocks No. 6 and 5 in
Dixon's Addition to the City of Corvallis
to connect -with the Van Buren street sewer
in said City and the property along 'the "line
or said sewer which will be directly bene
fitted thereoy, to ascertain and determine
what property will be directly benefitted by
such sewer and to estimate the proportionate
share of cost thereof to be assessed to the
several owner3 of such property, have filed
their report with the Police Judee of" said
city or corvallis, and that the property as
certained and determined by said Viewers to
be directly benefitted by said sewer and the
extent ana proportion of such benefit is a3
follows :
In block 5, Dixon's Addition to the Citv
oi corvallis.
Lot No. 1, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 55. l-3Sth of total cost sewsr.
Lot No. 3, l-3th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 4.' i-SGch of tctal -cost sewer.
Lot No. 5. j.-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. , l-3Rth- of total cost sewer.
Let No. 7, l-36th cf total cost sewer.
Lot No. 8, l-3flth of total cost sewan.
Let No. 9. lT36ih of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 10, l-3ith of total cost sewer.
Let No. 11. l-36th cf total cost sewor.
Let No. 12. l-36th of total cost sewer.
In BlocJt Dixon's Addition to the Citv
ot ucrvams.
Lot No. 1. l-3Gth of total cot sewet.
Lot No. 2, l-3Gth of total cost sswo?
Lot No. 3, (South 1-2). l-72ad of total
cost scwar. . ... ,
Lot No. 3, (North 1-2), l-72nd cf total
cost sewer.
Lot No. 4, cf total cot sewer.
Lot No. 5, l-3fith of total cost sewer.'
Lot No. 6, l-36th cf total cost sewer.
Lot No. 7.. l-36th of ttal cost sewer.
Lot No. 8, 1-S6th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 9. l-36th cf total cost sewer.
Let No. 10, l-36th of totrl cost sewer.
Lot No. 11, l-36th cf total cost sewer.
Let No. l-36th of total cost sewer.
in D.'oce 7. Di:oa s Second Addition to the
City of Corvallis.
Lot No. J, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 2, l-36th of tctal coct sewer.
Lot No. 3, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 4, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Let No. 5, 1-36M1 of total cost sewer
Lot No. fi l-?,6th of total cost sewer.
Trfit No. 7. l-36th of t"tal cot sewer.
Lot No. 8, (South 1-2), l-72nd of total
cost sewer.
Lot No. 8, (North 1-2). l-72nd of total
cost sewer.
Lot No. 9, l-36th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 10, i-3Gth of total cost sewer.
Lot No. 11, l-35th of total cost sewer.
Lot No. la. l-36th of total cost sever.
Within ten days frcm the final cubi'.cation
oi mis notice the owner cf any property as.
eertsiaed and dstsrminsd to be beneSited
by such sewer may fila objections to the
anemgs and determinations cf said Viewers,
and the same will be considered at the next
regular meeting cf the Council following the
.- I VUJCl.'
The date of final publication of thi3 notice
win oe jpuuary 11th, 1907.
Dated January 21st, 19f6.
Police Judge of City cf Corvallis.
Tlie stcx -x-iit-jcey.
The buff turkey is of American ori
gin, having heen brought out but a few
rears ago. Plumage color, pure buff.
the wings being a very light shade of
buff. Standard weight: Cock, 27
pounds ; cockereL 1$ p rands : hen. 18
pounds; pullet, 12 pounds. Disqualify
ing weights: Cock, less than IS pounds;
hen, less than 12 pounds. '
Promptness In Treating; Disease.
If you hope to euro ailments in poul
try, you must commence to treat them
with the appearance of the first symp
toms. Do not delay, or you may never
sore them.
TllBt'S It
Cough yourself into a fit, of srasrrs ard
thin wonder why you ton't jint well. If
you wiil only try a hotfle of Ballard's
Horehound Syrnp yonr : cough will lis a
'hip' of the rf'. It" a joitive i-nre
for Coughs, Influenza, Bronchitis ard all
fuliuomry diseases. One bottle will
convince yon at vour dtnujist. 25c, "50c,
fi.00. ' bold by Graham & Woriham.
Simple Kay to Qvercotoo the Dan
gers of this Disagreebie Disease.
' Stomach losing in th hope of curing
cattarrh of the heaii and throat is useless
and often leads to serious" stomach
' Hyomfi, breathed through a special in
haler that ,.oroea with every outfit,
brings a medicated healing air to Jeve:y
part of the hofb and throar, killing all
catarrhal gprm and . soothing and eas
ing any irritation in the mucus mem
brane. " ' r :
A complete TTvomei outfit costs but
$1, extra bottles of Honv'!. if needed,
5O cents, and. Graham & Wells give us
weteonsl gnarim'e with evpry ptukasre
that money will be refunded uole?s the
treatment cures.
Ncticef jr Pabllcatian.
A H a pp; 1 w : Yearl
it lias been our
good fortune
to annually express our
appreciation for increased patronage
from our friends. This year has been
no exception and we want to thank
you for the biggest trade in our his
tory. It has been a banner year with
us, breaking all records. We hope to
continue to enjoy your confidence and
' - : ' - "... '' k
to merit, you custom to such an ex- f
tent that this year's business will be g
" ' V ' .
surpassed during the year ot 1907. g
In addition to a large and complete
stock of Drugs and Medicines we have a
fine-assortment ot holiday goods, such as
C&oics Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Fine
Stationery, Books, Musical Instru
ments and Pyrograpli Outfits.
We also have the famous Edison
Phonograph, the wonder of the age,
with complete line of records, nothing
better for a holiday gift.' ' --
A call at our store will afford you
pleasure and profit.
Prompt attention to mail orders.
Fifteen words or less, 25 cts lor three
successive - insertions, or 50 fts per
month; for all np to and including ten
additional worJs, Ji cent a word for eacb
insertion. V '
Fdr all advertisements over 25 words,
I Ct Dfr word for the fitftt innertinn. and
ct per word for each additional inser
Mon. Nothiag inserted for lesa than 25
Lodge, society and church notices,
her than strictly news matter, will be
narged tor. " v V
Oregon, on instalment plttu - and as
e st parchaaers to build nu them
ii desired. Address Fir-t National
Bank, Corvallis, Or.
r., for spot catli, baatice iustal
viieat, and help part'es to build homes
Ihereou, it desired. Address M. 8.
w cd o k. C- -vaiHp,(' - ;
. t. !i. JAC-oO ; Vi; E.r Ait.
fur" in,iii der.tio- Kesirea zJ
Fruith -..ti t. Ph-)cie 10. C-e
IT II Mail t.o v," f t.6ne ! L01 .-v V
;n x cai'.
iur: t-i.'ieon. Kooius 14, Bank Build
iss. o-jce' Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
1p.m. Residence : cor. 5th and Ad
ama Sts. Telephone at and res-
tdence. Gorvailia, Oregou.
House Decorating.
VV. E. Paul, lud. AS6 Utf
meuts; ccrhiug made to order; cieau
ing and repariug done neatly: tave
agent's coumiidsion. Sliop North
Main St .Krauk Vaunooseu, Prop, o.'tf
Oriice np stafrs in Zierolf Building,
Only set of abstracts in Ben tot. County
Vflice in Post Omce Building, Coival
as, Oregon.
to rent a dwelling adjoining Corvallis
who is a kind good workman with a
team of horses. 81-tl.
High grade goods a specially.
Gazette ana Weekly Oregonian at
$2.55per year. -
WANTED Sixty tons of clean
vetch 8eed, and oats in car lota
load care at nearest raiiroad station.
Wanted clean Italian aud English
Rye graes eeed, can furnish gaso
line engine with cleaner and grind
er to ciean for farmers. For sale
young cow, will be fresh soon, $25;
6-year-old horse for Faleor trade. L.
L. Ekooks. Phone 155 Mountain
Foreign and Domestic Groceries.
Confectionery, cigars, tobacco, wood ware,
willowware, stoneware, cutlery, notions,
fishing tackle, ground bone, oil cake meal
grass seed; bee supplies,
Corvallis, yjron, transacts a general
conservative banking business. Loans
money on approed security. Dralts
bought and sold and money transferred
to the principal cities oi the United
States, Europe and foreign countriee.
TaSen up by uudeiiijiied at my place
5 .-wiles southwest tof Philomath oa the
Wagoner place on October 29, 'CO' one I
TTrlateir, , ntv l)rgnd Ci nn lft hin KUnrl COSt sewer.
. . " . " " " Lot Xo. . (north 1-2), 3-172tis of total
111 nht eye. J. H. Oweni, Corvallis Or- cost sewer. - . .
T . x- e o.i . . a . . .
. qi. u. u, o-ooius 01 cosi sewer.
United States Land Offi'e, Portlaart, Orcgan, Nov '
ember 2Sth, 1900 ,
t -Notice is hsrabv give a t'vit in compliance with
he provisions of the act o: C n2res of Jane S.
lt"!8, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in
the Statpsof California. Oregon. Nevada, and Wash
ineton Territoi v." as extended to all the-public land
siaresbyaet o August 4, Fred Foitmillero
Albany, Oountv of Liun. State of Oregon, .ha3 this
dw filed in thisoffics his sworn statement No-. 7130
for the purchase of the stt J of section No. 3o in
Township No. 10, south range No. 5, west aud will
offer proof to show that the land nought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be
fore County Clerk of Beuton Countv at his oSGee at
CorvalUa, Cregn, on Saturdvr the 16th day of Feb
ruary i9o".
He names as witnesses: ROBERT T4. GLASS of
Corvallis. Ores-on; JOHN JOHNSON, of Wren,
Oregon; M. J CAMERON, of Albany, Oregon; WIL 1GO, of Wreun, Oretron.
Anv and all nersons claiminsr adversely the above
decribed linds ar "wiuested to fie their Saims
in this oMce on or bexore said 16th day of Febru
ary 1907. I
Mail orders promptly filled.
Worth doing is worth doing well. If
yon wiRh to he cured of Rheumatism use
Ballard's Snow Liniment and yon will be
"well enred." A positive enre for
Sprains, Neuralgia, Bruises, Contracted
Muscles and 1 the ilis that ilesh is heir
o. a. ir. m. y liaarua, javasota, xexas,
"I have nsed Snow Liniment for sprain
ed ankle and it gave the best of Balisfao
io n. I always keep it in the hojse."
Sold by Graham & Wortham .
Why Kot Use Electric Lights?
have money .by buying your
watches and "jewel ry of Matthews1
the optician and jeweler. . j: 'S4tf
Lot No. , 3-86ths of total cost sewer. ' ' Subscribe tOT it Gazette.
Favorite tonic fa White's Cream Ver
mifuge, the cure for worms and all chil
dren's diseases. It ' not only - kills the
worms, but removes the slime and mucus
in which they bni'd their nests. Its ac
tion on the child is mild and leaves him
in a healthy condition. Joe Daniel. Sur
mac, Tenn., says that he gave one of his
children White's Cream Vermifuge when
the Hoctor thought it had colic- and from
- thefmt dose the child passed. 73 worms.
S.'Id hy Graham A Wortbam. .
Stop scratching matches on our wall.
Those streaky match scratches look
mighty bad on any wall. But as long as
yon continue to use gas or oil you'ye got
to ns8 matches.
Tha "matchless light" is the electric
light, a simple twist of the wrist does it.
We are improving and perfecting our
lighting service in this city and can give
better service for less money than ever
in the history of the city.
The cost of wiring has been reduced
until it is within reach of all.
If you would like to know more about
it, call on us in our new office opposite
the O. J. Blackledge furniture store or
phone as, Ind. Phone 4S9.
Willamette Valley Co.
G. A. Clark, Mgr.
. Glaastieig s.zns3 ,
Three doors uorth of Hotel Cor
vallis. Give me a call.
Pm Hm SWAESZf, Prop.
The Gazette
for Job Work
Foley's Kidney Cure
All kinda of grass seed for ealr
at ZieroU's Timothy, clover and
orchard grass seed. ' 74t
The best ker ever in Corval lis
e Voesburg, at Small's B t iny.
. 94