Leading Corvallis Newspaper. 4 5 Advert ism Vol. XLXII. Corvallis. Bexton Coiwrv, Okegon, Friday, December 51. lOOG. v. i mi BuM Largs -KHZ. Yaquina the Location What the ' Proposition Is. T. R. Stoics, head of the Eastern and Western Lumber Co., P. H. Johnson a Sm Fran cisco capitalist. Captain C. H. Williams, a Palo Alto timber man and W. J. Girdan, a San Francisco capitalist passed through Corvallis Monday en route to Yaquirja, and the story of why they went is given in Tuesday's Herald as follows: Yaquina is to be the sice for the establishment of a large saw mill capable of cutting at least ioo.ooo feet of lumber per dy. The men who have the project in charge were in Albany Sunday and left here Monday for Yaqaiua to make preparatious tor tbe pro posed mill, and to look into the mat er of choosing a suitable site. Though the rneu were ex tremely reticent concerning their plans, it is learned that they mean business and it is understood that they have secured large tim ber holdings in this county with in the past few months. They expect to commence the work of building their mill as soon as possible. Timber in L'ncoln county will be utilized by the propot,ed mill when streams in the vicinity will afford ample transportation facilities lor the timber, which can be brought to the mill for sawing in a comparatively easy manner. The location of the mill at this point is ideal in many respects. The C. & E. road will make easy transportation inland and to eastern points. It is presumed, however, that the greater portion of the lumber from this section will be sent to San Francisco and Southern California points by the water route. Yaquina Bay has a sufficiently deep harbor lor the largest sized lumber schooners to enter with ease and safety, and the building of the mill so near to the sea undoubt edly means that the company will send its products south by water. Amusements. v Few plays seen on the stage to- day are of such sufficient impor v tance that one will miss much by going late or leaving early. Of course, there are exceptions, like "Raffles," "In the Bishop's Car riage," "Arizona," etc., but as a rule the plays of the day are built for today. It is different with Shakespeare. Some of his plays, like good wine, improve with age. The bard immortal has had immortal interpreters, some of whom have assumed many parts, but few have been great in all. Of the later day actors. Edwin Booth was the ideal Hamlet, and Daniel E Bandmann the ideal Shylock These two characters were in the hands of these two men, so pre eminent that none but the unwise question the judgment of men who pronounce them best There are many good and more fair Shakespearean actors who essav all tbe roles that the Keans and Booths have taken the Bar retts, McCulloughs, Forrests, James. Wardes, Griffiths and others. John Griffith is appearing this season in Richard in. It is an ambitious effort on Mr. Griffith's part, and he is equal to it. Rich ard need 5 a man with brain and brawn and lungs. Griffith has them. He is a better Richard than Fred Warde, but as Ham let he would fall tar below him. .Though all who" have not read Sheakespeare can follow the story intelligently through the acting version of the play, it is to the Shakspearean student that the play most appeals. He wants to know how the actor is going to repeat weli-known lines, and when he has repeated them he knows whether the impersonator has read between them or not. Griffith and his company pre sent Richard the Third under s'an Singly. John Griffith is a good actor and he has good sup port, as will be seen by looking over the cast of characters. Duke of Gloster and Richird the Third, John Griffith; King Henry VI., Charles Sutton; Earl of Richmond and Duke of Buck ingham, William Loyd; Tres sell, Claude Soares; L, rd Stan ley, Leo Kennedy; Sir William Catesby, Joseph Punkett; Sir Richard Ratchlle, William A, Eiwards; Duke ot Norfork, Tames B. Linehart; lieutenant of the tower, George Welch; lord mayor of Loudon, Benedict Browne, James Tyrrel; Edwin Allen; ofiicer, Fletcher Stan hope ; Ed ward, Prince of Wales Ethel Clifton; Duke of York' Emily Clifton; Lady Anno Mabel Standish; Queen Eliza beih, Ruth Gad.by To Move Soon. Everything is hurry and rush at the Corvallis post office these days, and the employes have scarctly time to eat or sleep, not to mention the subject of doing Xrnas shopping or indulging in other pleasures such as befall the ordinary mortal at this season. The occasion of the rush is due not only to the holiday rush, which is bad enough, but to the fact that the post office will move during the next two weeks. This is an immense task, and coming as it does at Christmas time is naturally dreaded by Postmaster Johnson and all the assistants in the office. Work is about com pleted on the new post office building and in a few days the task of placing the new boxes will begin. During tbe week all persons who have boxes in the present office have received printed noti ces requesting them to have their mail sent hereafter to their new box number, which is given on the notices, in order to facilitate the handling ot the mail after the change in location occurs. Many persons will have different numbers than those of the 'boxes they now occupy, and this means unlimited work for the post office employes, who must learn the new boxe ; as quickly as possible. Fisher Has not Returned. Mr?. N. A. Fisher left Corval lis the first of this week presum ably to join her people at Drain. She is the one-year bride of N. A. Fisher, the man who operat ed for a time the Corvallis music store, and whose sudden disap pearance has created so much discussion hereabouts. , The local establishment is closed and the former employes have gone, while the young bride has done as many a deserted bride has been forced to do returned to the 'old folks" by whom she is not likely to be turned adrift. Many stories are afloat concern ing Fisher, but as usual in such cases most of these are taken as "hot air," and the first theory, that ot an enemy who sought to do him injury, is, now regard d by the officers as a mere halluci nation on the part of Fisher him self, and the "strange man" mentioned, as a myth. The fact that no s. ranger was ever seen by anyone, save a Eugene attorney who visited the music store, and left his card for Mr. Fisher, givis color to the belief that Fisher's imagination was wholly responsible, lor the first story, and that this story was given out by Mrs. Fisher as 44 a blind." Fisher 'apparently paid up all or nearly all his bills about town, as so far only one creditor has been reported as mourning the departure of the music dealer, and this is for only a small sum. It is declared Fisher earned tnree revolvers on his person when he drove to Saver to catch a night train oat of this section. A Day In Horn. Concluding Article in The Coliseum. Series An exciteaient ahead. It was arnn aav. A team was carrying a vehicle 'nil of people inilijrioiinately past the ar..h of Constaiiune and other historic places about the Coliseum. An alarm was sounded in good Western English, line j'ist before the earriijre crashed against the n.ar-sire building a etronj; itsiim from the crowd 1-aped npon the runaway team aud tackled the near ani mal like an OAC ioolball man, Vard and strong. Soon both man and beast were dow2 on the earth with the Italian up- permost And I said that fellow ought to belong to the OAC football team, but for his Eaglish, which was ungrammnti eal and somewhat intemperate. After the excitement 1 stopped to reflect that the OAC football teams which have been most victorious Lave also been good psychology etadents. But dea h and funerals await no man. While all ww pell mell about the wreck ed carriage, a funeral procession, slowly passed through tha aich of Oonstantine. Here, as elsewhere, women shine, for wo men are the best mourneia at a funeral. They are piid for mourning. We are told they would rather weep fo small wages than wash dishes at home for bet ter wages; for in that hot climate it is easier to weep than to follow any other vocation. The coliseum, w hich is 100 feet high, 612 feet !ocg and 5 -5 feet wide , is the largest old theatre in the world. It has accomodated a hundred thousand people at a time, 20,000 of them standing. The Cjliseuai was projected by Vespraian and completed by Titus, A. D 80. which was ten years after Titus destroyed Jer usalem. Some say that it cost Jerusa lem to complete the Coliseum.. The entire stadium Eurrounds the arena, which is probably thirty feet be low tbe lowest row of seats. The arena, which was walled in with dressed marble is approached by numerous caverns or rooms in the earth adjacent this massive edifice, for the earth has been honey combed to make dens for man and beast that had to suffer here. Prior to this time most theatres were semi-circular; but in order that the peeple might wit ness all phases of the terrible tragedies which should take place between gladia tors and the unequal contest between beast and Christian a fighting animal and a praying creature this arena was made in the form of an ellipse. The place below where they fought was called the arena from tbe sand that was placed upon the ground to absorb the blood. Some of the emperors showed their pro digality by substituting precious powder and even gold dust for this sand. Concluded in next issue Help "Boost" Benton. In the past the Gazette has made the request that readers of the piper and anyone else who wishes, hand in or telephone items that are of interest in order that the editor may as nearly as possible pick up all the news that is happening about town. These items will help the paper, will assist the reporter and editor, will help build up your community by bringing the affairs before the public eye, and will stimulate an interest in things generally among those who thus see their names ana anairs mentioned m .mm Items that interest you will inter est others, be sure ot that, and the paper will be benefitted be cause its field of usefulness will be enlarged by thus reaching out to localities where at present no news service is available. Do not be reticent about vonr own affairs, but write or tele phone what yoa are doing. If you have company, give a party, go visiting or do anythiug out of the ordinary let it be mentioned as news; and don't forget to tell about what your neighbors are doinjr. A good, live, wide-awake cor respondent from each ot the u ral districts would be acceptable to the paper and there is no bet ter way to advertise the commun ity in which you live. Get in and help "boost," not only in the way of personal items, but write us about your locality, what property is worth, what im provements are being made, who is selling out or buying in, and all othM- matter that will in est the outs'de world and be o" benefit to yourself. Who will fall in line and send us in a good "batch" of reliable items? Don't forget to sign your name for the editor's private use. He may wish to communicate with von. Change of Route. The Drain-Coo Bav extension of the Southern Pacific .now be ing built by the C. S: E. Los Company is being surveyed for a final location to Marshfield and N rth Bend peninsula, and pass ing down the water front, the line will go on the other side ol the bay, past Glasgow and across Coos river and Isthmus slough to a connection below Marshfield with the coal road recently pur chased, says a Portland dispatch. The original intention of cross ing the neck of the bay and run ning the main line down the North Bend waterfront was aban doned because of objection made by shipping interests at Marsh field, it is said, where it was pointed out that the high pre vailing windson the lowerreaches of the bay would make naviga tion through a draw bridge dan gerous for ocean going vessels. Large development enterprises are forming along the line below Marshfield, where extensive coal deposits are known to exist. A Portland syndicate, headed by Edwin P. Whitney, has acquired a block, of coal land fronting oa Isthmus slough and will open coal mines and build a town. The coal can be conveyed by tram car directly from the mine to bunkers on deep water. Ocean vessels can enter the slough and coal. Mills and factories, a ship building plant aud other indus tries are considering propositions to locate below Marshfield. Prof. Lewis There. Apples, big red Willamette valley apples, which the f r iam ed Hood River product could not surpass in color, size or flavor, were on exhibition Saturday afternoon in Clevenger's hall in this city says the Albany Herald. Such an array of beautiful, lusci ous, tempting fruit, all raised in Linn county, has seldom been seen in Albany and the display attracted a great deal of atten tion. The occasion of the apple ex hibit was the meeting of the Linn county Horticultural Association. A large number of farmers and agriculturists from all parts ot the county were present, and listened to adresses by those ex perienced in horticultural work. A resolution was passed by the association to the effect that the fruit inspector see that the fruit laws are rigidly enforced. The support of tbe association in the work of inspecting it is believed will be a great help in the in spector's work. With the mem bers of the association back of him, the inspector can go ahead without fear of hindrance. Professor C. .1 Lewis of the Oregon Agricultural college, ad dressed the association on the sub ject of "Organization." He ad vocated thefor mine of associations throughout the Willamette valley among the fruit growers, saying that by combining tbe farmers could obtain better results, both as to prices tor their, fruit and in the quality. ,44By forming associa tions," he said, "the farmer will be compelled to raise better fruit, so that tbe association will accept it. A higher standard will be required, and every orcbardist have to meet this standard in dis posing of his fruit." CASTORS A For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Bears th . yf3rT" SjTuiimLMi i 1 .' The Ghpsstsass Csrpslies that's wauted at Xmas tune is almost endlpss. Handsome eifts have to be carefully selected For instancy. Gist C'sss &l2iisfsssas ' Presents are not only highly prised on account of their beauty, but on account of their intrinsic value as well. We "avj a splendid display of cut glass ware and you'll do well to inspect and buy from it. Albert J. Metzger WATCHMAKER Occidental Building, - - Corvallis Have your watch clesnpd for $ 1 mainspring for $1 ; all work guar anteed at Matthews', optician and jeweler. 84 f Couches boug'th at a bargain. Will be sold at 20 per cent discount. . J. SLICLEDGE' FumViure Store Corvallis - IN SELECTING . . . Your Chriitmas gifts come in and see what we have to off er, you. Presents suitable for Papa, Mama and the rest of the family. Yours for a merry Christmas, GTJTS IXODES The Delineator - - $1. McClure's Magazine $1. World's Work - - C. A. Gerhard ggokstorg SEEING IS BELIEVING Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con vinced that it is the be'st and most complete line ever brought to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors, Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale. Agent for th Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles P!s and Bicycles For Rent First-class Repair Shop. M. M. LONG, Ind. Phono 126 Residancs 324 CORVALLIS, - LqbIz in Oui Wmdom For the correct thing in the jewelry line. We have a fine of jewelry and silverware that is astonishing in its grace and beauty and magnificent in its size and completeness. Engraving nicely done in the latest ribbon script styles. Repairing that is guaranteed and prices that are in keeping with the class of work done. E. 17. S. PRATT, Jewob and Optisfcn O i L lit Via ii O Hair Inwiiorafos' And Bsntircf? Eredfcstcr a rr ca o 4 f NU J. t 5 2 a ' ' . ? . At r .Jt ' J J3 to Li Fifty. Cents . CsrvslISs, Grogan 9tf Early t- Bed And earlv to rise, m?!" oris !ie:iithv hapnv and wise-esppcial'v if vnn take Ilerbine before retiring. A poMtiv cure, for Constipation. Dv'speisin ad a:! Her ;omplainis Mrs S , (Jolnmb'a, Tenn. writes: I always ker-p a supply of vonr Her bine on hand. An so pleased with the rciiii-f it friyea i:j c '!3t.ipHtion and all liver complaints, !hat woids tan't ex Pfea my mioreciation. Sold by G-ahatn fc Worth Mil. - - Oregon OREGON. 00 oo i i-OO 00