Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 18, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Coup any.
The subscription price of the Gazette
for several years has been, and remains
$2 per annum, or 25 per cent, discount if
paid in a ivance. Thia pantr will be
continued until all arrearages are pa: I.
The production and imports of
wool duiing recent years as
shown by our sbeep census, and
the various prices of wool, will
"show more clearly than any ex
planation can convey, the bene
fits of protection.
Free wool has been made the
special issue by free traders for
many years. After various at
tempts were made we were given
a tariff in 1894 that carried i its
schedules free wool to our man
ufacturers. The result was that
the sheep were killed, farmers
could not get profitable prices
for their wool; and during the
operation of that tariff we im
ported fro:n abroad over 800,-
000,000 pounds of wool. - displac
ing:, to that extent the American
Our manufacturers had free
material, and yet many of these
mills were closed or running on
half time, thei: hands were idle
and dividends were not declared.
We are now recovering from the
disastrous effect which followed
to both manufacturer and sheep
raiser by the free tariff on wool
which was in operation from
1894 to 1897.
Since the effect of a protective
tariff has again become thor
oughly distributed, production
Las been unequalled; its value
has reached the highest figure
yet attained; the value of the
Farmers' National surplus still
maintains the magnitude that has
built ud the balance of trade by
successive additions for many
years to change the nation from
a borrower into a lender.
The unprecedented savings
have -embarrassed farmers and
others to find investments until
the savings banks of the East
have become over supplied with
increased holdings of the people's
savings. The farms of the
country have increased in value
to a fabulous extent. Farm crops
have never before been harvested
at such high geneial production
and value. The partial failure
of two or three second class crops
makes no apparent impression
upon the great aggregate of all
crops. The increased surplus
which has steadily been accumu
lating for the last several years
and the investment of the same
is primarily the reason for the in
creased improvement and devel
opment of the country every
where. A change in the existing
policy cf the Government to a
law providing "tariff for rev
enue,'1 "free wool" and other
changes along these lines would
transform as it by magic the ex
isting development and prosper
ity to ' aoup houses," closed fac
tories, unemployed millions and
general stagnation and inactivity,
suffering, loss of millions, acd a
bickward tendency of the condi
tions of this country as instanced
b lormer unprosperous condi
tions, suffering, and the unem
ployed. Popular Couple Wedded.
At the home of Dr. and Mrs.
M. M. Davis at 11 o'clock Sat
urday was celebrated the mar
riage of Dow V. Walker of Port
land and Miss Mabel Davis, a
well known and popular young
lady of this city.
The ceremony was performed
by Rev. E. J. Thompson of In
dependence in the presence of
m&gl&fM' fife
EA.-i lit.
Qifts For Woman
Cloaks and Furs
Fine Shoes and Slippers
Silk Petticoats
Silk Umbrellas
. Linen Damask Sets
Silk Shirt Waists
Eiderdown wrappers
Dress Patterns, Silk and Wool
Fine White Blankets
Napkins and Towels
Leather Pillows
Indian Robes
Hand Bags
Hand Drawn Work
Initial Hindkerchiefs
Semi-Finished Corset Covers
Tailor Made Suits
Royal Worchester Corsets
Dress and Walking Skirts.
Lace Waists
Long Kid and Silk Gloves
Neck Ruffs
See ossr Holiday Sifts and wratoh our Hundred
f Dollar Day after Christmas 2
only a small party of relatives
and intimate friends. The
bridesmaids were Miss Pauline
Davis and Miss Edna Groves, and
the groomsmen T. B. Davis and
Earl Walker. Miss Mamie Cau
thorn played the march.
The bride was very pretty in a
dainty dress of white alecia over
white silk, with princess lace
bertha, and she carried a shower
bouquet of white carnations.
The bridesmaids were charming
ingiy gowned in pink and carried
white carnations.
The decorations in the dining
room were red and green, and in
the other rooms Elkhorn moss,
suiilax, mistletoe and carnations
were artistically rused, rendering
the scene one of beauty as well as
ot mirth and gaiety. At the
sumptuous wedding breakfast
which followed the ceremony
Miss Edna Groves caught the
bride's bouquet.
Mr. and Mrs. Walker left on
the 1:20 train for Portland, where
they will reside. They are both
highly esteemed in this city,
where they attended college and
where the bride grew to woman
hood, and a host of friends join
in good wishes for their happi
ness and prosperity.
The morning of the wedding
hand bills were distributed about
town .by friends of the young
couple, on which the following
appeared in large letters:
"Married today. Broad com
plexioned groom with black
hair, center rush on OAC foot
ball team last year. Lovely
bride in gray. Will leave for
Portland on the 1:20 train today,
Saturday. Everybody come to
the depot and give them a good
send off. See the groom make
his winning run for a touch down.
Coatributions of rice and old
shoes earnestly solicited. Com
mittee." Notice for Publication.
United States Land 03ne, Portland, Oregon, Njv
ember 2Sth, lrtOO
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,
178, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in
the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territoi v," as extended to all thejpublic land
states bv act of August 4, 1832 Fred Fortmilier o
Albany, Oountv of Linn. State of Oregon, has this
dav filed in this office his sworn statement So. 7130
for the purchase of the sw of section No. 3o in
Township No. 10, south range No. 5, west and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its Umber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be
fore County Clerk of Benton Countv at his offlee at
Corvallis, Ores'", n Saturday the 16th day of Feb
ruary rBor.
He names as witnesses: ROBERT L- GLASS of
Corvallis. Oregon; JOHN JOHNSON, of Wren.
Oregon; M. J CAMERON, of Albany, Oregon; WIL
LIAM IGO, of Wreun, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 16th" day of February
1997' ALGERNON DRESON, Register.
Save money by buying your
watches and jewelry of Matthews'
the optician and jeweler. 84 If
Subscribe for the Gazette..
How to Strengthen It so That It
Will Act as it Should.
To enjoy both health and happiness,
it ia absolutely necessary that the
stomach snd digestive organs should be
strong enough to properly oigest the food.
It they are weak and inactive, the body
will soon be in a state of semistarvation.
Nothing equals Mi-o-na stomach tab
lets ia wiving strength and tone to the
whole digestive system. Use this rem
edy for a few days, and you will find the
appetite keen, the digestion good, no
nausea or distress after eating, no sleep
lessness, no nervousness and the hack
aches aid headache that are the direct
results of a weakened stomach, will soon
be overcome.
Ask Graham & Wells to show yon the
gnaranee which they give with every 5O
cent box of Mi-o-na. It ia the one remedy
they have enough faith in to guarantee.
That's It
Cough yourself into a fit of spasms ard
theu wonder why you don't get well. If
you will only try a bottle of Ballard's
Horehound Syrup your cough will be a
thioir of the past. It is a positive cure
for Coughs, Influenza, Bronchitis and all
PulmoDer diseases. One bottle will
convince you at vour druggist, 25c, 50c,
$1.00. Sold oy Graham & Wortham.
Simple Way to Overcome the Dan
gers of this Disagreeble Disease.
Stomach dosing in the hope of curing
cattarrh of the bead and throat is useless
and often leads to serious stomach
Hyooofeij breathed through a special in
haler that "omes with every outfit,
brings a medicated healing air to every
part of the nose and throat, killing all
catarrhal germs and soothing and eas
ing any irritation in the mucus mem
brane. '
A complete Hyoroei outfit co3ts but
$1, extra bottles of Homei, if needed,
5O cents, and Graham & Wells give us
oersonal guarantee with every package
that money will be refunded unless the
treatment cures.
The annual election of ofBcers"of Cor
vallis lodge No. 14 A. F. A M. occurs
Dec 19th. Installation will be held Dec.
27th. 1023
For Sale. 30,000 acres of land
in Linccln ar.d Benton Counties,
Oregon, nlong the C. & E. R. R.,
known as Road Lands, now owned
by an Eastern Company. For
prices and terms, call or address,
L. H. Fish, Western Agent, Albany
Oregon. - 78-
Tafeen np by undersigned at my place
5 miles southwest 'of Philomath on the
Wagoner place on October 29, '06 one
Hobteia cow brand O. on left hip blind
in right eye. J. H. Owens, Corvallis Or-
Market Report.
Eggs per dozen - 35c.
Butter, creamery per roll 60c.
country per lb. - 25c.
potatoes, per bushel - 50c.
Spring chickens, live - - 9c.
Hogs, dressed - - - - 74c.
Veal, " - - 7c.
Wheat - -.- - 58c.
Oats - - - - - 30-32C
Gifts For TJUen
Fall Dress Suits
Tuxedo Suits
Business Suits
Rain Coats
Cwer Coats
House Coats
Lounging Robes
Fancy Vests
Suit Cases
Fancy Suspenders
Dress Gloves
Silk Handkerchiefs
Fine Underwear.
Fancy Socks
Silk Umbrellas
Cuff Buttons
Monarch Shirts
House Shoes and Slippers
In addition to a large and complete
stock of Drugs and Medicines we have a
fine assortment of holiday goods, such as
Choice Perfumes, Toilet Articles Fine
Stationery, Books, Musical Instru
ments and Pyrograph Outfits.
We also have the-famous Edison
Phonograph, the wonder of the age,
with complete line of records, nothing
better for a holiday gift.
A call at our store will afford you
pleasure and profit.
Prompt attention to mail orders.
High grade goods a specialty.
Foreign and Domestic Groceries. .
Confectionery, cigars, tobacco, woodware,
willowware, stoneware, cutlery, notions,
fishing tackle, ground bone, oil cake meal
grass seed, bee supplies. 'J . Jk jt
Mail orders promptly filled. "
to hat's
Worth doing is worth doing well. If
yon wish to be "cured of Rheumatism. use
Ballard's Snow Liniment and you will be
"well cured." A positive care for
Sprains, Neuralgia, Bruise, Contracted
Muscles and all the ills that ttesh is heir
o. A. G. M. Williams, Navasota, Texas,
"I have used Snow Liniment for sprain
ed ankle and it gave the best of satisfao
ion. I always keep it in the house.''
Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Favorite tonic is -White's Cream Ver
mifuge, the core for worms and all chil
dren's diseases. It not only kills to
worms, but removes the slime and muena
in which they bniid their neata. Its ac
tion on the child is mild and leaves bim
in a healthy condition. Joe Daniel. Sar
mae; Tenn., says that he gave one of his
children White's Cream Vermifuge when
the doctor thought it had colic, and from
the first dosethe child passed 73 worms.
Sold by Graham & Wortham. . -
, . ii . n
Cents on
Why Not Use Electric Lights?
Stop scratching matches on jour wall.
Those streaky match scratches look
mighty bad on any wall. But as long as
yon continue to use gas or oil you've got
to use matches.
The "matchless light" is the electric
light, a simple twist of the wrist does it.
We are improving and perfecting oar
lighting service in this city and can give
better service for less money than ever
in the history of the city.
The cost of wiring has been reduced
atil it is within reach of all.
If you would like to know more about
it, call on ns in oar new office opposite
the O. J. Blackledge furniture store or
phone ns, lnd. Phone 49.
. ; Willamette Valley Co.,;
G. A.Clark, Mgr. .
' .' ' . - ' . 74-tf
Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three
successive insertions, or 50 :ts per
month; for all up to and including ten
additional words. cent a word for each
For all advertisements over 25 words,
I ct per word for the first insertion, and
H t per word for each additional inser
tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25
Lodge, society and church notices,
other than strictly news matter, will be
charged for.
Oregon, -on instalment plan and as
eist purchasers to build homes on them
if desired Address First National
Bank, Corvallis, Or.
Or., for pot cash, balance instal
ments, and help parties to build homes
thereon, if desired. Address M. S.
Vccdttxk, Corvadie, Or.
Veterinary Suraeor
DR. F. E.JACjLoOiS, VUliiRlfsArt
eorg;-OQ UH dentist. Resir'eacE iiiC
Frurth tift. Phone Si 9. 0e
iril Main sue t, pnone .-'.
him a cat'.
anct Sargeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
iag. Oace Hours : 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to
i p. m. Residence: cor. 6th and Ad
ams Sts. Telephone at office and res
idence. Gorvallia, Oregon.
House Decorating.
w. Ji. aul, lnd. 488 ltf
ments; curbing made to order; clean
ing and reparingdone neatly: save
agent's commission. Shop North
Main St.,Frank Vanhoosen, Prop, o.2tt
umce np stairs in Zierolf Building.
Only set of abstracts in Benton County
vmce in rost umce Building, Corval
Us, Oregon.
to rent a dwelling adjoining Corvallis
who is a kind good workman with a
team of horses. 81-tf.
Gazeitb and Weekly Oregonian at
$2.65per year.
WANTED Sixty tons of clean
vetch seed, and oats in car Jots
load care at nearest railroad ftatioD.
Wa,nted clean Italian and Englien
Rye grass seed, can furnish ijrpo-
line engine with cleaner and grind
er to clean lor tanners, jb'or sale
young cow, will be fresh soon. $25:
6-year-old horse for sale or trade. L.
r w rvi
L. brooks, rnone loo Mountain
Corvallis, dragon, transacts a general
conservative banking business. Loans
money on approved security. Drafts
bought and eoid ani money transferred
to the principal cities of the United
States, Europe and foreign countries.
O. A. C.
Cleaning and
Pressing Parlors
Three doors north of Hotel Cor
vallis. Give me a call.
P. II. SWABS, Pros-
The Gazette
for Job Work
Foley's Kidney 'Cure
nm" rn5 art btder right.
. All kinds of grass seed for ealr
at Zierolf's Timothy, clover and
orchard grass seed. 74 sf
The beet baker ever in Corvallis
3 Vossburg, at Smail'd Bakery.