THE CORMLIS GAZETTE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS' Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Company. The subscription price of the Gazette for sev eral years has been, and remaic i ner annum, or 25 per cent, discount oaid in advance. This paper will be continued until all arrearages are paid 'FASHIONABLE" FALSEHOODS There was a time not so many dozen years ago when falsehood and deceit were condemned and c;jor a cprirms defects of (.UUO 1.VA.S. . v character, today lying is a fine art and deception an accomplish ment, if one may be permitted to iadi?e troai observation. Do you doubt it? Then put in a few hours in sell examination, and in general observation of other peo ple. Just recall how often you have uttered "polite" falsehoods dur ing the past month, and you will be amazed at the number that confronts you. Perhaps you have been drilled into thinking these little "society fibs" are permissi ble if not absolutely necessary? If this be true, give yourself a moral shaking up and be convin ced that lie is a lie, no matter when, where nor why it is utter- o, and that no one whose opin ion is really worth having will respect you as much after learn ing that you are adept in the art of "polite" lying. . Deception, too, as encouraged in society today through amis taken idea entertaiued by so many that it is "tact" or "pol ish," is a -grave menace to the morals of the rising generation. If we teach by precept and ex ample the false doctrine of being "tactful" and "polished" regard less of veracity and plain, straight forward manliness and womanli ness, where will we look, in the coining years, for the absolutely truthful and frank young man and young woman in whose hands we can safely entrust out business affairs? It is well to teach children to be mannerly and respectful, but the deceptions and insincerities so commoa todav in so-called j i "best" society are but a gaudy veneer that no sensible young person will seek to acquire. CORVALLIS OUTDONE. The agitation in Southern 1?entonof the subject of establish ing a cannery for fruits and vege tables should cause Corvallis to Tab her eyes, sit up and take notice. This is a subject to which allusion has repeatedly been made in the Gazette and by various business men of the city, but the agitation has so far bee.; ineffectual. Are the farmers in the immed iate vicinity of Corvallis willing to be outdone and out-generaled by their brothers in the section mentioned? Is Corvallis willing to fold her hands listlessly and see a neighboring community put in the identical sort of plant that would mean increased pros perity and growth to this section if established in Corvallis? It 3s certain that nothing is so much needed in this city as busi ness establishments with generous payrolls, that would provide em ployment for men looking for work, and in this case put to practicil and profitable use the products of the orchards and ga. -dens of the farmers hereabouts. The progressive farmers of Southern Benton recognize the possibilities of a cannery and are determined to make an effort to secure one. Poor old Corvallis has so far failed to "get next" A very general and hearty in terest is being taken throughout the county in the proposed school Ycu will find everything suitable for Holiday giving. We have secured a selection of high class and desirable gifts and you can safely depend on the quality. You need never feel ashamed of any thing you give that you buy here. From now on are holiday buying days, but you are welcome to look, as well as to buy. Make your selections now, we will store them for you and deliver when you say desirable. Suit able, sensible presents for men, women and children. No toys. Nothing to olan childrens' Agricultuial Fair for next year. Generous contribu tions have been received from the business men, and there are good words irom everyone who would naturally take an interest in the matter, which .means every resi dent in the county. It is first, ast and all the time an affair of the pesple, by the people and for the people of Benton county. For this reason, there has been considerable criticism of the re cent action of the county court in refusing the use of the county court room during the coming fair, and also for donating only fioo towards the fund, instead of the $20C that was requested by the committee. As the county court represents the people of the county and is not represent ing any individual interests, it is not quite apparent why the court refused to aid fully a project that is approved by the majority and is certain to result in benefit and financial gain to Benton county. All kinds of grass seed for salr at Zierolf's Timothy, clover and orchard grass seed. 74tf The best baker ever in Corvallis ia Voeeburg, at Small'd Bakery. 94f Do Yea TEtank Fop Yourself ? Or. do. you open your mouth like a rounff snilp down whatever food or mecli- . be offered you ? f' - m Intelligent thinking woman. In need oftelf f ;om weakness, nervousness, pain and suXpVne. then it means much to you that .theriS ov. tr'e pid rne hone-- flMlTfi Pg KTiqv: fftMPOSITTPN, Bold by druggists for the cure of woman's ills. fr The makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, for the cure of weak, nervous, run down, over-worked, debilitated, pain-racked women, knowing this medicine to be made up of ingredients, every one of which has the strongest possible indorsement of the leading and standard authorities of the several schools of practice, are perfectly willing, and in fact, are only too glad to print, as they do, the formula, or list of ingredients, of which It is composed, in plain English, on every bottle-wrapper. '4? tJt Jt Jt The formula of Dr. Pierce's Favorito Pre scription will bear the most critical examina tion of medical experts, for it contains no alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or habit-forming drugs, and no agent enters into it that is not highly recommended by the most advanced and leading medical teachers and author ities of their several schools of practice. These authorities recommend the ingredients o?D?TierceFavorne' Prescription for tha cure of exactly the same ailments for wh-' this world-famed medicine is advised. , lp fi iff fjf if No other medicine for woman's Uls has any ! such profession al endorsement as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has received, in the un qualified recommendation of each of its several ingredients by scores of leading medi cal men of all the schools of practice. Is such an endorsement not worthy of your consideration 7 4 A booklet of ingredients. wih numerous authorative profesional endorsements by the leading medical authorities of this country, will be mailed free to any one sending name and address with request for same. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. bird ahd !na mow oat. Everything to wear. & Son. STOMACH'S IMPORTANCE. How to Strengthen It so ThatIt Will Act as it Should. To enjoy both health and happiness, it ia absolutely necessary that the stomach and digestive organs should be strong enough to properly digest the food. It they are weak and inactive, the body will soon he in a state of semis tar vation. Nothing equals Mi-o-na stomach tab lets ia biving strength and tone to the whole digestive system. Use this rem edy for a few days, and you ill find the appetite keen, the digestion good, no nausea or distress after eating, no sleep lessness, no nervousness and the back aches a-id headache that are the direct results of a weakened stomach, will soon be overcome. Ask Graham Wells to show you the guarantee which they give with every 5O cent box of Mi-o-na. Itia the one remedy they have enough faith in to guarantee. That's It Cough yourself into a fit of spasms ard then wonder why you don't get well. II you will only try a bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup your cough wil 1 be a thine of the past. It is a positive cure for Couerhs, Influenza, Bronchitis and al) Fulmonar diseases. One bottle will convince you at vour druggist, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold Dy Graham & Woriham. Simple Way to Overcome the Dan gers of this Dlsagreebie Diseae. Stomach dosing in the hope of curing cattarrh of the head and throat is useless and often leads to serious stomach trouble. ' Hyomei, breathed through a special in haler that 'omes with every ouctit, brings a medicated healing air to every part of the nose and throat, killing all catarrhal germs and soothing and eas ing any irritation in the mucus mem brane. A complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1, extra bottles of H;omei, if needed, 51) cents, and Graham & Wells give us personal guarantee with every : pack a ire that monev will be refunded uole?s the treatment cures. The anuual election of officers of Cor vallis lodge No. 14 A. F. & A. M. occurs Dec. 19th. Installation will be held Dec. 27th. 1023 For Sale. 30,000 acres of land in Lirictln ai,d Benton Counties. Oregon, hlong the G. & E. R. R.. known as Road Lands, now ownea by an Eastern Company. For prices ami terms, call or address, L H. Fish, West,-.:; Agent, Albany Oregon. 78- Tafcen op by underbigued at my place 5 -niles southwest ; of Philomath on the Wagoner place on October 29, '00 one Holstein cow brand O. on left hip blind in right eye, J. H. Owens, Corvallis Or- 97tf Market Report. Eggs per dozen Butter, creamery per roll 44 country per lb. potatoes, per bushel Spring chickens, live - 35c 60c. . 25c 50c. - 9c. " 7c. 7c. - 08c 30-32C. Hogs, dressed Veal, 44 Wheat - -Oats - - - - In addition to a large and complete stock of Drugs and Medicines we have a fine assortment of holiday goods, such as Choice Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Fine Stationery, Books, Musical Instru ments and Pyrograph Outfits. We also have the famous Edison Phonograph, the wonder of the age, with complete line of records, nothing better for a holiday gift. A call at our store will afford you pleasure and profit. Prompt attention to mail orders. jj High grade goods a specialty. -. j A. HOPE;S y. Foreign and 'Domestic Groceries. 1 Confectionery, cigars, tobacco, wood ware, 8 willowware, stoneware, cutlery, notions, fishing tackle, ground bone, oil cake meal grass seed, bee supplies, J- 4 " CORVALLIS, OREGON B Mail orders promptly filled. jj What's Worth doing is worth doing well. If you wish to be cured of Rheumatism use Ballard's Snow Liniment and you will be "well cured." A positive cure for Sprains, Neuralgia, Bruises, Contracted Muscles and all the ills that riesh is heir o. A. G. M. Williams, Navasota, Texas, writes: "1 have used Snow'Linimeoi for sprain ed ankle and it gave the best of satisfac- ion. I always keep it in the house. Sold by Graham & Wortham. Children's Favorite tonic is White's Cream Ver mifuge, the cure for worms and all chil dren's diseases. It not only kills the worms, but removes tbe slime and mucus in wbich tbey build their nests. Its ac tion on the child is mild and leaves biro in a healthy condition Joe Daniel. Sur tnae, Tenn., shvs that be gave one of his children White's Cream Vermifuge when the doctor thought it had colic and from the first dose the child passed 73 worms. Sold by Graham & Wortham. O. A. C. Cleaning and Pressing Parlors Three doors north of Hotel Cor vallis. Give me a call. P. II. SWABB, Prop. S. P. and 0. R. & THE TIME SAVED Chicago is 17 Hours Nearer b) This Popular Columbia River Route Franklin was right when he said, "Lost time'ia never found again." The O. R. & N. in addition to giving yon 200 milesfalong the matrhlet-s Ool. umhia River, saves von i7 hours to Chi cago. It is the Short Line 10 LewUton. Snort Line to Palouse country. ShorrLine to Spokane. Short Line to the Coner d'Alene cun tr. Snort.Line o Suit Lake City. - Snort Line to, Denver. Short Line to Kansas City. Short Line to Omaha. Short Line toJChicago. Short Line to all points East. Three trains east daily, 9 :30 a. m., 6 : 15 p. m. and 8.I5 p. m. The "Chicago Portland Special" is as fine as the. finest. Every comfort of home. For particulars ask any agent of the Southern Pacific Company or write Wm. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Why Not Use Electric Lights? Stop scratching matches on jour walL Tnose streaky match scratches look mighty bad on anywall. But as long as you continue to use gas or oil you'ye got to oBe matches. The "matchless light" is the electric light, a simple twist of the wrist does it.' We are improving and perfecting our lighting service in this city and can give better service for less money than ever in the history of the city. The cost of wiring has been reduced until it is within reach of all. If you would like to know more about it, call on us in our new office opposite the O. J. Blackledge furniture store or phone as, Ind. Phone 499. Willamette Valley Co. G. A. Clark-, Mgr. 74-tf Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Portland, Oreeron, Nov ember 28th, 1906 . Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of June 3, lb78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territeiy," as extended to all thefpublic land states by act of August 4, 1892 Fred Fortmiller of Albany, Countv of Linn, State of Oregon, has this dav filed in this office his sworn statement No. 7139 for the purchase ot tne sw J of section No. 3o in Township No. 10, south range No. 6, west atd will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be fore Countv Clerk of Benton Countv at his office at Corvallis, Oregon, on Saturday the 16th day of Feb ruary l9o7. He names as witnesses: ROBERT L. GLASS of Corvallis, Oregon; JOHN JOHNSON, of Wren Oregon ;M. J CAMERON, of Albany, Oregon; WIL- ..... inn r . I v-. " ijiaoi itju, ui wreiiu, isregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the .above described lands are requested to hie their claims in thf office on or before said 16th day of February ALGERNON DRESON, Register... OUT OF SORTS. People not Really Sick are OftenJVIost In Need of Care The people who are mostlv in need of sympathy and medical care "are not those who are really sick, but the ODes who are dragging themselves around iuet "out of sorts." In nine cases out of ten thie condition is tbe direct result of a weakened stom ach, and when the digestive organs are strengthened witu Mi-o-na there will be no distress, dizziness, nausea, headache, etc., and (he old time energy, force strength and happy spirits will soon re turn. Mi-o na is not a mere digestive. It alwoiutely strengthens all the organs of digesiion restores good appetite, strong nerves and the power to digest any food yon eat. J A rtge x of Mi "na stomach tablets is sold for 50 cents by Graham & Wells with an aboelnfA tmannt.. .u .i. Baiim tUU lilt? money Jwill be refunded unless tbe re medy cures. You run no risk in buvine Mi-ona. Save watches and lewAirv nf rVfa4VAme 9 m j - Aunvvuuno the optician and jeweler. 84tf Subscribe for the Gazette. CLA6SIFIEU ADVERTISEMENTS: Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three successive insertions, or 50 cts per month; for all op to and including ten idditional words, i cent a word for each insertion. For all advertisements over 25 words,. 1 ct per word for the first insertion, and M ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothiag inserted for less than 25 ients. Lodge, society and church notices, ather than Btrictly news matter, will be Jbarged for. HOMES FOR SALE. WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIS, Oregon, on instalment plan and as e"st purchasers to build homes on them if desired. Address First National Bank, Corvallis, Or. WILL SELL MY LOTS IN NEWPORT. Or., for spot cash, balance instal ments, and help parties to build homes thereon, if desired. Address M. S. Wccdrovk, Ccrvailie, Or. Vetersnas Smrqeor DR. i. E. JACIIoGjtf, V ETiL Ri A ii i nt denti3t. Resicea. i 12X Frurth itit. Phsae 3f9. 0e 1C1L Maia sue 1, phone 204. C-v-iim ! cal'. PHYSICIANS H'. a J'iTEEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN suaj.eon. Rooms 14, Bank Build- r lag.ySce Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to 1 ams Sts.' j idence. Telephone at effifte utd ree Corvaffis, Osregon. HpMiSe Decorating. FOR PAINTING AND PAPERING SEE W. E. Paul, Ind. 488 Utf r MARBLE SHOP. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONTT. ; ment8 ; curbing made to order ; clean ing and reparingdone neatly: save ? agent's commission. Shop North ?Main St.,Frank Vanhoosen, Prop. a2tt ATTORNEYS Jl F. YATKS. ATTORNRV.iT.T.AW j? i Office np etafrs in Zierolf Building. j eei, ui aueiraciB in xenioii county K. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' i Qihce in Post Office Building, Corval i - de, Oregon. WANTED . WANTED 500 live eese before tfye -first of November. Call or ad dieistj Smith & Bouldeu, Corvallie, Oregon. 84tf WANTED A MAN, WITHOUT STOCK to rent a dwelling adjoining Corvallis who is a kind good workman with a lea m of horses. 81-tf. WANTED 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at '? 2,55 per year. WANTED Sixty tons of clean vetch seed, and oats in car lots load care at nearest railroad station. Wanted clean Italian and English Rye grass seed, can furnish gaso line engine with cleaner and grind er to clean for farmers. For sale young cow, will be fresh soon, $25; 6-year-old horse for sale or trade. L. Brooks.' Phone 155 Mountain View, BANKING. THE FIRM NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, oregon, transacts a general conservative banking business. Loans money on approved security. Drafts bought and Eold and money transferred to tbe principal cities of the United States, Europe and foreign countries. Notice to Creditors. j p. - v.. nuvsui 1 1 uiav uuii ceru that the undersigned haa been duly appointed w. uwihv win aim bcauimeiii oi jsmes - VJ vv vwuui; VUUlb Jl .IKIl tOn County, Oregon. All persons having claims against the estate of said James P. McBee, deceas- tv, ait ui-'iuj i ci(un cu tu present, me same, with r-t - r , : vjiuu s uy iaw re quired, within six months from the date hereof to the undent! ff-npfl m.t hm- rMidano i 1 1 ' o- - . u VttlllS, Oregon, or at the office of Mc Fad den and Bryson attorneys, in tbe Pott office Buildinir. Corvallis. Or! gon, Dated at Con His, Oregon, this 21st day of September, 1906. J IVA MAY MCBEE. KxftoiltnY of t.ri T n af Will or. A T., ' " wuicuii ui jaiuef P. McBee, deceased. ?gtf The for Job Work Poley's Kidney Cure a" kJdne? mi iistUer rltlu.