Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 14, 1906, Image 1

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Cokvaltjs. Benton County, Oregon, Friday, DeceSiber 14. 1006.
No. 102
Summit Has Great Time Ladies
are Fine Cooks.
A big educational feast was
enjoyed by a packed house of
parents and friends of the public
school at Summit last Saturday,
where Sup't Denman had arran
ged to hold one ot his successful
meetings ot parents and school
patrons. The roomy school
was filled until a large number
had to remain standing during
the entire day.
The Summit and Nashville
schools furnished an excellent
literary program. There was
phonographic music and select
ions by an orchestra. The band
came to the frout with a number
of fine pieces. Daring the noon
hour the ladies served one of
their delicious dinners. All had
brought their dinners with them,
and to say a fine time was had
and that the dinner was very
tempting, goes without saying.
Everything disappeared from the
table in a comparatively short
time, that is to say, most every
one present could not get away
with all they wanted to. It was
a splendid eff jrt on the part of
the ladies ot this section ot the
The regular program consisted
of discussions of questions which
concerned the school directly.
M:. J. A. Coldren, an ex-teacher
ot ten years' experience, gave
some excellent suggestions which
were practical and helpful to the
parents on "The parents' atti
tude toward the school." He
handled his snbject without
gloves, and told the parents things
they netded to be told.
Sup't Denman discussed the
plans and conmplated arrange
ments for the All Benton School
Fair next year. This subject has
arouse intense interest all over
the county. The parents and
pupils of Summit and neighbor
ing vicinity are going to getjn
and be in the front ranks when
the time comes for awarding
prizes. Mr. R. R. Miller,
teacher of Summit, read an ex
cellent paper on "What should
a teacher do besides teach." It
contained excellent suggest
ions for every teacher. Teach
ers not present lost a
good thing by not being able to
hear it. T. T. Vincent gave a
talk on "What is a complete edu
cation." He discussed his sub
ject thoroughly, and in his pleas
ant way held the attention of all
present. During the day vocal
mnsic was rendered by Miss
Hymes and Horace and-Manlv
Should Vote Tax.
A prominent rancher of South
ern Benton, in Corvallis, Tues
day, talked of roads above this
citv. Beginning at a point four
miles south of Corvallis and ex
tending to the Buttes is a stretch
of road that is knee deep with
mud just now and over which no
one would attempt to haul much
of a load.
"The farmers on either side ot
this stretch of road are well-to-do,
in fact, rich," declared the
rancher who discussed the mat
ter Tuesday, "and they could very
easily vote a tax to have the road
improved. Monroe has repeated
ly voted such a tax until almost
all roads in that district are gra
veled, and in district No. 16,
known as the Barclay district,
they have done the same."
The section first mentioned is
declared to be the only real bad
road between Corvallis and Eu
gene, and by adopting the same
methods by which other districts
have graded and graveled their
highwajs this stretch could be
placed in good condition also,
and tne farmers residing along
either side would thus rid them
selves of the censure to which
they are now subjected, and gain
immeasurably besides in having
a good, hard road over which to
drive in wintertime.
It is m to iheni, and if they
possess thi pruuer spirit there
will s -n be a c ange in the
highway mentioned.
Oregon Prunes.
Would Make Line Across United
States Build Long Wall.
If pb.ced in a straight line
the prunes which have been
shipped irom Albany this season
would reach all the way across
the Uaxted States, and lrom Port
land to San Francisco besides.
Or they would built a wall three
feet high from Albany to Port
land. Ninety-four car loads
have been sent out thus far this
season, and the total shipment
will be brought up to at least
100. This is the greatest amount
-of prunes ever shipped from an
Oregon city in one season.
Each carload of this shipment
contained 40,000 pounds. The
prunes ran from 40 to' 50 to the
pound. Taking 45 as an aver
age, the total shipment would
contain 180,000,000 prunes.
When dried and prepared for
shipment the prunes ' are about
1 finches in width. Thus, if
placed in a straight line they
would reach 3550 miles declares
the Portland Telegram.
The prune crop of all the sur
rounding country was shipped
from Albany this year. The
shipment was made by Lasselle
Brothers, and their prune-pack
inghous- in this city has been
running day and night tor weeks.
Cars have been sent at the rate
of one car per day. One carload
was billed straight through to
Liverpool, and shipments were
made to New York, Kansas
Citv, St. Louis, Cincinnati,
Cleveland, Chicago and Winni
Two vears ago Laselle Broth
ers began shipping prunes from
Albany on a large scale and have
made that city the prune center
of Oregon. Though their ship
ment last year was a record
breaker, they have exceeded it
this year by several cars.
Jerry From Kerry.
Terry from Kerry,, a funny
musical farce comedy, in which
that cheerful comic character is
the central figure, will be the
attraction at the opera house to
morrow night. The interest in
the laughable, diverting and
humorous incidents, events and
happenings of this comedy never
ceases or fags, and its success has
been little short of amazing. The
profuse comedy it contains has
had much to do with its securing
popular favor, and the scenes
hustling in animated action, per
meated with unadulterated mirth
and startling novelties, quiint
originality in catchy music and
elaborate costuming, and pre
sented by a caste of the best ar:
ists possible to secure, have all
contributed to its success.
Don't miss the band concert!
at 2:30 Saturday. Reserve serifs
now selling.
The goods are packed and the
doors of the N. A. Fisher music!
store are practically closed to the:
public- The proprietor suddenly
took himself out of Corvallis
on last Friday night, and
the mystery of his whereabouts
is closely guarded by the young'
wife who is supposed to know i
whither he has gone, It is da- j
clared the motive for his sudden i
flitting is not due to financial
difficulties, but to personal mo
tives which are only guessed at
by those who are most closely
concerned. While it has all
along been given out by Mr.
Fisher that he represented a Eu
gene piano house, "it is asserted
now that he was operating the
local establishment for the Eilers'
firm of Portland, who will take
possession of the stock. Mrs.
Fsyher is to go to her people at
Drain. She is an estimable lady
and has made many friends dur
ing her brief residence here.
Story of Curtain Lake Descrip
tion of the Pantheon.
In the region .of Aetna, Stroniboli and
Vesuvius, earthquakes arc naturally
lrequent, and Rome has not been im
mune. One day after an eaithqnake a
c hasm was found in the forum so deep
that the college of Angus said it , would
not bectosed till the most precious pos
session of the Rome people was thown
into it. What is the most precious
possession of the Roman people? What
is the most precious possession .of the
American people? College people ssy it
is chaetity. What was the moat precious
possession of the Grecians? It was the
art of the Acropolis. What thea was
the most precious possession of the
Romans? A young officer, Marcus
Curtius by name, declared that soldier's
valor was the most precious possesion of
the Romans and so saying, he spurred
his horse and leaped into the gulf. A
grateful people filled the lake with offer
ings and called this Lacus Sacer, or the
hoiy lake. The second tragedy said to
have taken place here was the murdsr of
Emperor Galba by his soldier.s
The Pantheon.
Bathing has always been a luxury and
a necessity Hence where there were
more towns than rivers, ample bathing
facilities have usually been provided by
In her day, Rome was a western city,
hence she was enterprising an up-to
date metropolis a Chicago or Portland,
so to speak. Consequently she was
noted for her baths, commonly called
The tmst uoced of these tbermas was
the Caiidarium, the bath of Agrippa,
adjacent to the emperor's palace in Cam
pus Marti us.
S.ibsiquently the pilaf.iat bjth bs
carae noted in history as a pagan temple
dedicated to Jupiter the Avenger. In
this shrine, any and all gods might be
worshipoed. For this reasDn it was call
ed the Pantheons, from "paa," all, and
"theos," god.
Waen the crois arose anl shone in
the heavens, and the Roman as well as
Constantino saw they could aud would
conquer by this sign, thePantheon be
came a Christian church. When the
barbarians the destroying angels of the
North passed throngh . the city, they
spared the Caiidarium on account of its
peculiar form and beauty. Afterwards
the immortal Raphael, Cardinal Bembo
and many other saints, were laid to rest
here, and the shrine came to be gener
ally known as the Westminister Abbey
ofRom. Therefore it is easy to under
stand how a palatial bath came to be the
Pantheon which thousands visit annu
ally. To say that the Pantheons is finished
in marble is not implying much in
Rome, where sheep, goats, urchins and
lareer cattle commonly walk on fine
marble and baa-itifal pavamant preva
lent ia that country. The architecture
of the building is different from the arch
itecture of all other buildings except
the copy of the Pantheon in Naples.
Ths form of Pantheon is that of the
ordinarv glass fruit jar, with with this
exception the bronze doors of the
Putheon are approached by a quadrang.
vlar portico of sixteen colutus coaveni
ently divided into three aisles.
Tm common impression is that the
top cf this mammoth frnit jar was left
open anciently. However, at the
present time, the top is canopied with
luas, as my cainsra testifies; and
earners are always truth'ul. The heisht
of the Pantheon from the flxr is 142
feet; and the interior diameter of the
edifice is the same. At the base, tie
wall ia twenty feet in thickness. The
Pantheon, like the Bank of England,
has no windows. It receives its light
f'ora nbova. In the wall are sevn deep
-.M-ei?es ornamented with c.lumns and
Cjiiuthaiu captials. The rich maible
moulding upon the wall is surmounted
with decorations that are gradually lost
in their approach to those above. For
they g-ow dim as they near the opening
dome that let in a subdud and solemn
lulit in perfect keeping with the simple
regularity aud complete hormony of the
builiiing itself.
Couspicuous on the walls of the
Louvre are eome empty picture frames.
Tae keeper, if ask, tells voi that when
the Frisian soldiers enterel Paris dur
ing the Fi a a co-Prussian War, they
went to the Loavre and took the paint
ings which they said Napoleon Bone
parre had taken from their ancestors,
but the soldiers left the frames because
they did not belong to the Prussians.
"Those empty frames which seem worth
less where they are," said the keeper,
Vwiil remain a the walls of the Louvre
autil France will retake the pointings
that belong in them."
Rome, however, cannot hope to over.
tike the pious thief who has robbed the
Pantheon of bronze and silver and paint
ed canvas which the designer found ne
essary to ths complete, harmony of the
shrine. So she must do a greater deed.
She must content to wait till the Italians
become Romans again ; and artists will
be found w,ho can reproduce the Panth
eon s exquisite in all its parts and as was 'designed.
Married Wednesday.
At high noon Wednesday a t
the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. kElla Tavlor, on Third
street, was celebrated the mar
riage of Harold C. Woodcock to
Miss Eunice Taylor, both of this
city. The impressive ring cer
emony was performed by Rev.
M. b. Bush in the presence of
only the immediate relatives,
the young people standing in a
bower ot smuax and white carna
tions while they listened to the
solemn words that made them
man and wife.
The bride was simply gown d
in a gray cloth traveling suit,
with hat and gloves to match.
After the usual congratulations,
a tempting luncheon was served,
and at 1.20 Mr. and Mrs. Wood
cock left for Portland on their
bridal trip. They were shower
ed with rice and old shoes as
they departed for the . depot, and
old shoes ornamented their trunk
and suit cases.
The bride' is a well known and
chaitning young lady, while the
groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
M. S. Woodcock, and holds a
position in the First National
Bank in this city, where he
highly respected.
Another Shippers' Congress.
To hold another congress of
Willamette Valley shippers just
before the legislature meets, to
show the Oregon law-ankers that
the sentiments recently expressed
at Eugene about the car shortage
situation have not cooled, is now
the expressed purpose of a num
ber of heavy exporters in this
part ot the state, says a dispatch
from Albany, in the Portland
Telegram this week. Albany
will probably be chosen as the
place for this second car-shortage
conference. Shippers who be
lieve another conference advis
able to consnmmate the objects
set forth at Engene have practi
cally decided on a conference
earlv in January.
; The principal purpose is to put
the demands for legislation on
the car snortage evil in more de
finite form. The embryonic
measures advocated at Eugene
are now being generally discus
sed, and it is believed opinion
will be crystalized before the
date ot the proposed Albany con
gress. I he shippers will then be
able to tormnlate their demands
in defiinte and exact resolutions
to the Oregon Legislature. It is
expected that a call for the con
gress will soon go forth.
Real Estate Transfers.
A M Bailey and wife to T W
Walters, i acre near Bellefoun-
tain; $i.
Louise Hart to Mattie A How
ard, lot 7, S ind 9, block 9, Wil
kusudu -o Cjrvallis; $iroo.
3 li Horton and wife to Jas W
Walters, 160 acres near Belle
fountain; $1200.
Wm A Gellatly and wife t.
Isabella Gellatly, 299 acres near
Blodgett; $6,000.
Wm A Gellatlv and wife to
First National Bank, Albany, 1
946 acres in Blodgett Valley 5
Bentlev Realty Co et al to
John D Wilcox, 413 acres in
Blodgett; 1200.
John D Wilcox to First Nat
ioual Bank, Albany, 93 acres in
Blodgett Valley; $roo.
John D Wilcox to E T Merrill,
350 acres near Blodgett j $100.
The Christmas Supplies
that's wanted at Xmas time is almost
Handsome gifts have to be carefully
selected. For instance.
Cut Class Christmas
are not only highly prized on account
of their beauty, but on account of their
intrinsic value as well. We have a
splendid display of cut glass ware and
you'll do well to inspect and buy ;from
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Building, - - - Corvallis
Have vour watch cleaned far $1
mainsnrinsr for $1 : all work smar
anteed at Matthews', optician and
jeweler. 84f
Roosevelt Bears.
0. J. BLACKLEDGE'S Furniture Store
Your Chriitmas gifts come in and see what we have to
offer, you.
Presents suitable for Papa, Mama and the rest of the
family. Yours for a merry Christmas,
The Delineator - - $1.00
McClure's Magazine $1.00
World's Work - - $3.00
C. Al Gerhard gggHiSgig
Tihen come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con
vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought
to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
Base-ball Goods, Bicycles anil Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors,
Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale.
Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles
'"is and Bicycles For Rent First-class Repair Shop.
' Ind. Phone 126 Residence 324
For the correct thing in the jewelry line. We have "a fine
of jewelry and silverware that is astonishing in its grace and
beauty and magnificent in its size and completeness.
Engraving nicely done in the latest ribbon script styles.
Repairing that, is guaranteed and prices that are in keeping
with the class of work done-
E. W-"S: PRATTT Jewels gpd
Hair Invigorator
And Dandruff Eradlcator
3 -it
i 5
Price, - Fifty Cents
Manufactured by,
The Vegetable Compound Company
Corvallis, Oregon 9tf
Early to Bed
And early to rise, makes one healthy
happv and wise-especially if vou take
Herbine before retiring. A positive enre,
for Constipation, Dyspepsia and all liver
complaints. Mrs S , Columbia, Tenn.
writes : I always keep a, supply of your
Herbine on hand. Am so pleased with
the relief it gives in constipation.aod all.
liver complaints, that words can't ex
press my appreciation. Sold by G'aham
& Wortham.
- - - Oregon