Leading Corvallis . Newspaper. Best Advertising Medium. V '0 Vol. XLffl. Corvaijjs, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, December 11. 1906. GREAT GATHERING THERE. All of One Mind at Eugene Mass Meeting. Remedies suggested for the car shortage situation at the Eujeue meeting of shippers Wednesday were: Reciprocal demurrage. Railroad commission. Purchase by the state of rail road lauds. Ascertain the actual value of railroads within the state and cost of operating. Railroad legislation is demand ed, not requested, from the ap proachine legislature by the Shippers' Congress held Wed nesdav afternoon and evening Every speaker assisted in laying bare the car shortage situation from all points, except that of the railroad, and after dilating on specific and general cases, show ing the injury worked by the car famine, the delegates cried loud ly tor remedial legislation. Mem bers of the legislature present promised to render whatever as sistance is within their power. Electrifying puouc opinion was the object of the gathering, and in this it was a success. This is the first important stand the people ot uregon nave ever taken against the railroads of the state, and it is intended that the Engene meeting will be the pio neer movement ot many subse quent gatherings of sep irate com mercial clubs in every town of the Beaver State. It was a gath ering devoid of personalities or debate. Every man present with the exception of two rail load representatives, who neither spoke nor were invited to, was of the same mind be wanted some thing done to forever prevent another car shortage. In many respects the meeting was unique. Held under the joint auspices of the Cottage Grove and Eugene Commercial Clubs, there were shippers from every Willamette Valley town. There were no regular delegates and no credentials were asked. No roll call was taken, and there was never a dispute. A more democratic affair, wherein there was neither slate nor pre pared resolutions, could not be imagined. The only program was a list of speakers. It was, in fact, a mass meeting of shippers and merchants who have felt keenly the loss of cars, and who see each day their business going from bad to worse, with bank ruptcy in sight for many ot them. Choose All Northwest Team. The Herald is authority for the statement that coaches Nor cross of OAC, Bender of Pull man, Baird of Whitman, Bezdek of Oregon and Place of Washing ton, have given out the follow ing selections as their choices for all northwest teams: First Tram-M2handler ot U. of W., left end; Larseu, U. of I. (capt.in) left tackle; Moullen of U. 01 O , Mr. guard; Tegmier, U. of W., center; Halam, Pull man, right guard; Dimmick of Whitman, right tackle; Moores, U. of O., right end; Owens, Wil lamette, quarter; Bagshaw of U. ot W., right half; Rader, Wil lamette, left half; McKinney, U. of O. lullback. Second Team: Spagle, Whit man, (captain), left end; jarvale, U. of W.. left tackle; Knight, Willamette, left guard; Hug, U. of Oocenter, Thayer. Pullman, right guard; Arnspiger, U. of O., right tackle; Boggs, U. of W., iiflf Pnrl- T ifnnroffa TT r( O right quarter; Zacharius, O., left half; Nissen, man, right half; Willis, W., fullback. U. of of Salem Suffers. A dispatch from the capital city the last of the week tells of conditions there. It says: Slowly but surely the sh of cars which has existed ious form for the past two moat hs or more, is sapping the vitality of all the industries of the Will mette Valley. Hopgrowers' market has been brought to prac tically a complete standstill, it being impossible to secure ship ment of a single bale out of the city. The Salem Mills Company has 8ooo sacks of flour stacked up waiting shipment to the Orient but missed the last Ofiential steamer because it was impossible to secure Northern Pacific cars for shipment to the seaport. The mill was shut down Thursday evening and the entire force is thrown out of em ployment. Serious congestion also ex ists in the yards of the Spaulding Lumber Company and the man agement feels it will be obliged to quit operations in the near future if some relief is not pro vided. New Creamery There. K. C. Eldridge, the well known creamery nan, is prepar ing to start a large creamery at Aibany and the citizens of that place are naturally well pleased over the prospect. Creameries are certainly doing, a rushing business in the Willamette Valley now, as is daily demonstrated by the two Corvallis plants which are working almost day and night. Mr. Eldridge has plants in sev eral of the neighboring! towns and it is stated that the Eldridge plants last year used the product of 7,000 cows and tamed out nearly a million pounds of bat ter. The Independence brand in particular has beome noted and is shipped regularly into Idaho and Colorado. The business of the company runs from 15,000 to $20,000 per month. Where Things Are Doing. S. N. Wilkins arrived home Fridav from a week's business trip to Vancouver, Washington, where he recently purchased an undertaking establishment which he placed in the care of W. J. Knapp. According to Mr. Wilkins things are on the boom in this lively little city, which now has a population of about 7000. Two months ago, two certain blocks, on which stood a good dwelling, were so'd for 1850, and on his visit last week Mr. Wilkins purchased an adjoining lot for which he had to nav $1500 and before the deal was closed he refused an offer of $1750 for the same lot. City election was held while Mr. Wilkius was th re, and the. town went "open." There are already 35 saloons in ihz place. The great amount of money in! circulation in Vancouver just now is due to the transient business thit drifts in from tUe big North Bink road that is building along the Columbia. Mr. Wilkins reports that At torney W. E. Yates, formerly of this city, is rushed with business in his line and is doing well. Real Estate Transfers. J G Wuestefeldt and Jwife to D F Young and wife, 8c acres near Summit; $300. D D Berman and wife to Dollie D Gray, 5 acres near Corvallis; $iooo, A B Westbrook and husband to Mary Harder, 10 acres near Albany; $500. J J Cale and wife to Mary H. Whitby, lot 4 and South V2 of block 3, Dixons add; $300. M S Darby to W P Darby and wiie, interest in 75 acres near Inavale; $1. William R Fawver and wife to H W Schenck, 5 acres east of Monroe. . Almarion Bailey and wife to T W Walters, 1 acre near Belle fountain; $20. A DAY IN ROME. Described by Prof. J. B. Horner of OAC. The Gazette takes pleasure in present ing to its readers the first of a series of letters from the pen of Prof. Horner, whose ability as a writer is too well known throughout the state to need com ment here and now. These articles will ap ear in the next tew issues ot tne gaz ette and will, we feel certain, meet with populii'iavor. The entire series forms a ecturejust prepared by Prof. Horner, and printed in pamphlet form. The writer tells of h is trip to the Orient as follows: Upon visiting the Louvre my enjoy ment of the masterpieces was somewhat short of satisfactory. Many of the moBt meritorious paintings failed to appeal to me. This is a serious admission. But realizing my want of preparation to un derstand the talent in evidence, my spiritual nature began to chide my judg ment for permiting my intellectuality to presume upon so difficult a task as the subtle analysis of emotion masterfully wreughy upon canvas. I'was but a child in the presence of masters. So I turn my back upon the Louvre with the determination of first making a more caretul stud? of the pyramids, the sphinx, massive walls and temples and other grosser works, and, at the end of one year, return again with better prepi raMon for the study of the finer arts. Thus my spiritual nature was pushing up my intellectuality ali the while, some what like a dragoman with open hands pushes the traveler over the marble blocks up a pyramid. It may not be very elegant, but the traveler gets there just the same. Sq we went to Egypt to see the oldest and roughest ruins along the Mediter ranean. There was the Sphinx with fifty or sixty pyramids as many centuries old : and all had to be seen in one hot day. A pyramid with one thousand miles of desert on one side and two thousand miles of burning sands on the other is a lonely spectacle. Abraham used to come down here to admire these old pyramids, and about rive thousand Americans come lor the same purpose every year. Reckoning the long space of time between these two dates which the silent pyramids have witnessed, one is led to re ma re there is nothing old in Oregon. At the acropolis, where ruin marks the location of the finest art studies in the world, our camera takes a view. Then to Olympia, where the greatest games of the earth took place ; but only ruins now remain. Tnen to Pompeii, a city so larga that one can now lose himself ia the ruins. Here are 1,400 Italians in the employ of the government excavating the old city. Pompeii resembles San Franciso as is appeared last spring after the earthquake and fire. Old Rome. Then to old Rome. The Palatine was the Roman acropolis; for the Romans Quadrata or first Rome was the Corona of this hill. When the city of Rome grew to be more than walls of defease with barracks and homes, it followed the example ot Athens in pushing off the acropolis down oq t-'e plain bslo'. But this plain located between the Palatine a'ad.Capitoline Hill was very marshy. Consequently, the elder Tarquin found it necessary to drain the valley. Accord ingly he constructed a drain to convey the water into the Tibr near by. Be cause the purpose of the v'raiu vas to purify the vicinity it was called Cloaca5 from the word cluere, to cleanse; and because the draia was so large that a cart drawn by males might be driven through the whole length of the sewer, it was called Mixitna Cloaca. O-ie of the worst punishments ever inflicted up on man, was visited upon, a certain class of criminals who were thrown into the Maxima Cloaca and permitted to float with the filth of the great fewer into the historic Tibor. The Maxima Cloaca is 600 years older than Christianity and it is in such per fect preserva' ion that one upon viewing it can hardly realize it was built more than a decade ago. The Maxima Cloaca is the biggest and the best old sewer in the world. Tim Fobcm. As Rome grew, she gradually spread oyer the seven hills. Eventually she had a half dozen or more business places or forums, but the greatest of them all was the Rome Forum, which : occupied a small space is the little vallev between the Palatine and the Capitoline. The campus, including the Forum, the sacred way and the coliseum, does not extend more than a half a mile in length nor is it more than one fourth that dis tance is width ; vet ruin has replaced ruin, and stone has been built upon stone so that every inch of the Forum is histor ic. - Uaadually this little market place or forum increased in importance until the business interests and destinies of the world were discussed and determined nere. bo historic is. this locality that fountains hare been called lakes; chap els, temples ; and men. gods. Learn to Think Right. What a bore is that rattle brain ed woman who can never tell a story straight, remarks an ex cnange. She undertakes to tell you of something she has seen or heard. The result is simply a confused jumble of "what's his name and thingumbobs and so and so's and something or others and all that sort of thing and over there somewhere." This woman's brains are not compact. They practically rattle around in her skull. She is never accurate either in her thought habit or in her work. Don't let the rat- tie Drain naoic taice noia on you. When you pretend to listen to anything, listen carefully, con centrating your mind on the story. Note in your memory the main points. Get the mental habit of exactness and accuracy. The writer of this item is right, as many a reporter can testify. Of all aggravating things about the worst is to have someone start in to relate a first-class item, only to wind up without facts, names and dates Jto aid the listener in securing a clear and connected story of what has happened. Learn to think straight then talk straight, out of mercy to your listener. MustHelp Themselves. A writer in an exchange de clares that Willamette Valley oebDle must help themselves if thev ever expect to be helped at all, in the matter of an open river. Same of the things this individ ual says are worthy of attention, as they are certainly truth. "You must learn now that if you get anything you will have to depend upon yourselves to get it, and not depend on others, j Work for free locks on the river, and for the opening of the Yaqu ma Bay harbor. Succeed in get ting these two and you will get! great relief. You have been im posed on long enough in paying extra toll in getting your produce to market, and shipping your supplies back again. You can't depend very much for help from committees who are talking greater Oregon, but giving all their time and influence for the Columbia River, , and no 'voice for improvement this side of Port land. It looks as though Greater Oregon was centered in Port land. You hear verv little about buying the Locks or opening the Willamette river, compared with what you hear about the improve ments on the Columbia river, and nothing at all about the opening of Yaquina Bay ' harbor which would be of the greatest beaefit to the people in this part ot Oregon . Ot cjurse, we favor the im provements on" the Columbia river, because that is one of our natural outlets, but we, in this valley, and western Oregon, have another natural outlet that we desire to have opened and im proved, and should this be ac complished we feel sure that it would be of much benefit to "Great r Oregon." LETTER LIST. The following letters remain uncalled tor in the Corvallis postoffice, for the week ending Dec. 8, 1906: Mrs T N A.rmstronsr, C J Brown, Miss F C Thompson, L J Watteon. B. W. Johnson, PM. "What are yon laughing at?'' we said to a fellow this morning, with a broad grin on hig face, so broad that it made the top of his head look like an island surrounded by mouth. "What in the world are yon laughing at?" I am j ist thinking of that show I saw at the opera house last night, Jerry from Kerry The Christmas Supplies that's wanted at Xmas time is almost endlpss. Handsome gifts have to be carefully selected. For instance. Cut Class Christmas Presents are not only highly prized on account of their beauty, but on account of their intrinsic value as well. We have a splendid display of cut glass ware and you'll do well to inspect and bay from it. Albert J. Metzger WATCHMAKER Occidental Building, - ' . - Corvallis Have your watch cleaned for $1 mainspring for $1; all work guar anteed at Matthews', optician and jeweler. 84tf Seethe Roosevelt Bears. 0. J. BLACKLEDGE'S Furniture Store Corvallis - - - Oregon COME IN..... And see our large new line of pocket knives, razors, scissors, etc. A. large line of footballs and all kinds of sport ing goods always on hand. Umbrellas covered and repaired. Y. . . . G UN II O 13 E S The Delineator - - $1-00 McClure's Magazine $1.00 World's Work - - $3.00 G. A. Gerhard Bo5re SEEING IS BELIEVING Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought to your city, consisting ot Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors, Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale. Agent for the Olds Gasoline P'lns and Bicycles For Rent. M. M. Ind. Phone 126 CORVALLIS, Looh in Our Window - ;For the correct thing in the jewelry line. We have a fine 'of jewelry and silverware that is astonishing in its grace and : beauty and magnificent in its size and completeness. Engraving nicely done in the latest ribbon script styles. Repairing that is guaranteed and prices that are in keeping with the class of work done- E. W. S. PRATT, Jewels and Optician SPENCER'S Hair Invigorator And Dandruff Eradlcator 3 3 St l iT fW'-rfcrafYr- -1 s Price, - Fifty Centt Manufactured by The Vegetable Compound Company Corvallis, Oregon . 9tf Early to Bed And early to rise, makes one healthy happv and wise-especially if vou take Herbine before retiring. A positive cure, for Constipation, Dyspepsia and all liver complaints. Mrs 8 . Columbia, Tenn. writes : I always keep a supply of your Herbine on band. Am so pleased : with the relief it giyes in constipation and all liver complaints, that words can't ex press my appreciation. Sold by G-aham & "Wortham. engines ana Muiomoones First-class Repair Shop. LONG, Rssidanca 324 - OREGON. Mm