Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 07, 1906, Image 1

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Corvalus. Benton Couivty, Oregon, Friday, December T. 1906.
VVV y In k m
And Took Decided Action Citi
zens' League Busy.
There was an enthusiastic
eeting of the Citizens' League
Tuesdav eveniner. at which time
matters of more than passing im
portance were discussed and ac
tion taken thereon.
B. W. Johnson reported for
the executive committee, stating
that in the matter of free locks
and an open river, he had taken
the subject up with every com
mercial body in the state, had
mailed a copy of the resolutions
recently adopted by the Benton
County Citizens' League to every
club and had urged the news
papers to agitate the matter. The
idea of this is to get each com
mercial club to adopt similiar
resolutions, the whole to be
rouped and sent to our repre
sentatives in congress, by wnicn
means it is hoped to secure sub-
tantial aid in relieving the pre
sent situation in the Willamette
A committee consisting of
Mayor A. J. Johnson, B. F. Ir
vine and August Fischer was ap
pointed to attend the meeting of
committees, clubs and shippers
in Eugene, and others were in
vited to go if possible.
A vote of thanks was tendered
bv the League to David B. Og
den, U. S. Asst. Eng. for keep
ing the snagboat Mathloma at
work tor six weeks on the river
above and below Corvallis.
The League had previously
asked that this work might be
done on the upper river, the re
quest being granted by Mr. Og
den. The committee on the
"Comnieiciai Club" proposition
eported that 100 names had been
secured, on a basis of $25 per
member. The League then ad
journed to take up the matter of
a commercial club.
B. W. Johhsou was elected
temporary chairman and John F.
Allen temporary secretary. The
matter of organization was taken
up. A motion was made that a
committee of five be appointed
on permanent organization, and
constitution and by-laws. The
members of committee are Dr. J.
A. Harper, chairman; R. H.
Hnston, Henry Ambler, E. R.
Bryson and Prof. McKellips. '
In order to get an appropriate
name for the new club it was
thought best to appoint a com
mittee to decide the matter, and
S. L. Kline, Brady Burnett and
J. M. Nolan were named.
A committee on permanent
'quarters and to consider proposi
tions for quarters, is composed of
Brady Burnett, E. E. Wilson.
August Fischer, H. W. Kiupisch
and O. J. Blackledge.
Another on the equipment of
quarters is A.J. Johnsou, Tho
mas Callahan, A. L. Stevenson,
Travis McDevitt and E. H
Horning. A motion was made that B.
W. Johnson act as ex-officio mem
ber of all committees.
The Lsague then adjourned to
meet in two weeks for permanent
organization and to listen to the
report of the various committees.
The Corvallis club will ' start
with a larger membership and
with a firmer financial foundation
than has any similar organization
in this section, as it starts entirely
free from debt.
There is a strong sentiment in
favor of building and owning its
own quarters and this will ulti
mately be done, in all probabil
ity. There will be a membership at
the begiuning ot 125 members,
aud when organized the club will
be the most perfect of th" kind
in the state.
Dramatic Art.
We get all sorts of theatrical
performances, but the plays of
Shakespeare are rare, and Shake
speare was the greatest of all
dramatic wnters. The intelli
gence of the worli has for over
300 years bowed to his genius-
but the recent demand for trifling
farce, unreal melo-dramas and
musical plays, has induced the
managers to give that sort of
mental pabulum to their audien
ces and the work of the divine
Bard has been neglected, much to
the regret of the better class of
So the announcement of the
coming of the eminent tragedian,
John Griffith in Shakespeare's
tragedy, "King Richard the
Third" may be regarded in the
light of a welcome novelty.
Of Interest in Corvallis What
Is It.
Corvallis is directly concerned
in a bi "merger" that is, ac
cording to press dispatches this
week, being planned. The facts
are thus set forth :
The consolidation of more
than a dozen electiij light, trac
tion and power plants in cities
ot the Pacific Northwest by
Philadelphia capital is announ
ced. The properties merged
under one management have a
valuation of 56, 000,000. Rhodes,
Sinkler & Butcher, a banking
firm of Philadelphia are behind
the project. Associated with
this firm are other Philadelphia
capitalists. A. L. Weiea of
Portland is to be manager of the
consolid.ut-d properties.
The scheme of consolidation
contemplates an extensive devel
opment of the Willamette Val
ley that is bound to prove a
strong factor in its upbuilding.
Trolley lines are projected to
cover much of the rich valley
now with. mt modern transporta
tion facilities. Electric power,
generated either by mountain
streams or by steam plants, will
furnish hght and propulsive
energy to many communities,
adding vastly to their prosperity.
Many of thesa power plants
are already arranged for. Desir
able sites and water rights on
suitable streams have already
been securer in many places,
while steam plants are now in
the process of erection in differ
ent cities it the state. Fuel
contracts have been entered into
for a term of years in some in
stances, iui. eating the plan of
the Philadelphia capitalists tor
the development of the state
along substantial lines.
The properties so far secured
or now held under option by the
Eastern bankers, through the ef
forts of Mr. Welch and his as
sistants, are the light and power
plants at Eugene, Springfield,
Albany. Cottage Grove, Corval
lis, Seaside, Roseburg. Baker
City, Walla Walla, Wash., and
Pendleton. Electric plants at
Dallas and Albany are owned by
the promoters of the consolida
tion, as are also gas plants at
North Yakima, Wash., and
Lewiston, Idaho.
Eugene Shippers' Meeting.
"We have had land theives,
and sneak thieves but ot all the
theiving scoundrels that have
come to use the Southern Pacific
now proves to be the worst by
attempting to strangle the heart's
blood out of oar industrial enter
prises when in their very bud
and bloom."
This was the pith of the ad
dress made by C. J. Howard of
Cottage Grove at the meeting of
shippers in Eugene Wednesday
to discuss a remedy for car the
shortage, and it expressed the
sentiments of the majority of the
manufactures, merchants, lum
bermen and farmers in attend
ance. All present at the meeting
favored compulsory legislation to
relieve the situation. It was a
great meeting, largely attended,
and it is certain that it will yield
good returns.
So thick the People of Railroad
Company's Move.
The hop industry of Salem and
vicinity was represented at the
Eugene meeting this week by
Russell Catlin, ot the firm of
Catlin & Linn, and Louis Lach
mund, of Louis Lachmund &
Co. Tne move of the railroad
company in raising he embargo,
the announcement that an extra
boat will be put on the Salem
Portiand run and the furnishing
of cars at the eleventh hour are
looked on bv shippers and grow
ers as a "grandstand play" to
mollify them and forestall, if pos
sible, enactment ot legislation,
looking to regulation of railroads.
Several representative dealers
and growers say they will be sat
isfied with nothing short of a
railroad commission with power
to compel the transportation
companies' to prepare themselves
to handle traffic in their respect
ive territories.
There are said to be no less
than 20,000 bales of hops wait
ing shipment. Figuring storage,
insurance and interest, the loss
will not fall short of two cents
per pound tor every bail tied up,
or an aggregate of over $40,000
to the dealers- alone. This'says
nothing of the loss to the grower.
Dealers have paid growers as
high as $40 for delivery of hops
to the nearest point of shipment
on the river when it was impossi
ble to secure cars at the nearest
railroad point, irom only one .0
theee miles distant. Two firms
of dealers alone have an ag
gregate of 13,000 bales awaiting
"immediate shipment," and
have been waiting for the past
month or more, and three other
dealers have an aggregate of
nearly 2ooj bales tied up in the
same predicament.
The worst blow to the dealer is
his inability to secure credit upon
the purchases, as all his credits
in the bank are made subject to
'documents attached," and he
can neither pay the growers for
what he has already purchased
and received nor can he receive
any further credit on future pur- j
chases until he has assurance
that he can obtain the necessary
bill of lading from the transporta
tion companies. On the other
hand, many eastern factories
have ceased ordering Pacific hops
because the dealersBcan't guaran
tee or even "half way promise"
immediate or prompt shipment.
The opening of the river to
traffic will offer some relief to the
dealer in enabling him to pro
cure a shipment receipt and thus
restore his credit and relieve him
of the responsibility he is charged
with both to the grower and the
Eastern buyer. Further than
this, they do not look upon the
movement as materially effecting
the situation, since, unless they
are able to ship ia quantities of
20.000 pounds or more, they will
be required to pay the local ship
ping rate of about 22 cents per
hundred, in addition to the
through rate of $1.50 per hun
dred across the continent in car
load lots.
Tom Will Recover.
Tom, the chinaman who was
stamped and beaten almost to
death by Charley Cams a week
ago 'last Wednesday night, is
able to be up and around his
house. Oue eye is still ia bad
condition and it is not yet known
whether the sight has been des
troyed or not.
Tom is able no to lals of the
affair in which he played the in
nocent vcitim role, and he de
clares that on the night in ques
tion when he entered his dwell
ing Carns and another party
were already inside the building
and without cause or provocation
Carns knocked the old chinaman
down and began stamping him in
the face. Here Tom lapsed into
unconsciousness und the rest o
the story is told by others who
arrived on the scene in time to
save the aged celestial from a
speedy trip to the real "Flowery
Kingdom." . -
Carns has so far been unable
to raise the necessary $1000 bonds
and is spending his time in the
county jail. If the chinaman
had died within ten days it
would undoubtedly have been a
serious matter for Carns; but
now that time limit has passed
it is posssble that the bonds will
be lowered, in which event rela
tives of Carns will probably be
able to put . up the necessary
Delivered Before Congress Tues
day Press Comments.
The annual message of Presi
dent Roosevelt was delivered be
fore Congress Tuesday. In full,
the message occupies 6 columns
of space in the Oregonian. A
brief editorial mention in that
paper says:
"The President's message is
very long. It touches upon many
subjects and deals with most of
them in a spirit of enlightened
wisdom. Of old-fashioned poli
ticts it contains no trace. From
party feelings it is free. The
discussions are based upon the
broad principles of justice and
the conclusions in the main are
such as all right-thinking men
have accepted already or are pre
pared to acceptwithout much de
bate." On the same subject the Eu
gene Register says editorially:
"As the guardian of national
interest and the exponent of the
highest type of citizenship and
character, Roosevelt stands out,
pre-eminently, the strongest and
most commanding figure in
American history. He is a man
of fine qualities, of most keen
preception and never hesitates
to divide the right from wrong
in everything. His strong sense
of justice and equity makes him
a safe man as chief executive.
His position on all questions of
national policy are right because
as a man of judgment his dis
cernment is unerring. More
over, he is an honest man, a con
scientious man, who, by training
and education hates sham, and
admires the real. His message
to the present congress is one of
the ablest and most comprehen
sive state papers ever presented
the national legislature by a chief
wninf ItTA "
People not Really Sick are Often Most
In Need of Care
Th? psople who are mostly in need of
sympathy aud medical care are not those
who are really sick, but the ones who
are dragging themselves around, just
"out of aorta."
In nine cases out of ten thia condition
i? tbi direct result of a weakened atom
ach, and when' the digestive organs are
strengthened with Mi-o-na there will be
no distress, dizziness, nausea, headache,
etc., and the old time energy, force,
strength and happy spirits will soon re
turn. Mi-o-na is not a mere digestive. It
absolutely strengthens all the organs of
digestion, restores good appetite, strong
nerves and the power to digest any food
yon ea'.
A !-ie x of Mi o-na stomach tablets
is M, .1 f .r 50 runts uy Graham & Wells
wi an absolute guarantee that the
money .will be refunded unless the re
medy cures. You run no risk in buying
B. F. Ireland of Sherman
county and Lucy J. Woodruff of
Philomath were married at the
briders home yesterday by Judg
Woodward cf Corvallis.
John McCoy, aged about 35
and married, met with a bad ac
cident just before noon yesterday.
While at work at Strong's saw
mill, dragging logs out of the
river, something gave way and a
terriffic blow from some of the
ngging broke Mr. McCoy's leg.
The fracture was reduced by Dr.
To be Given December 15th at
the Opera House.
Jerry from Kerry is a hurrah
farcer comedy, up-vo-date and
clean. Clever specialities are
the features. The company con
sists of b ight. livelv fun makers.
Good, earnest work and an evi
dent desire to please makes for
this company a favorable im
pression. .
There is a continual round of
merriment throughout the per
formance. New songs, pretty
music, charming girls, funny
comedians and all the pleasing
features one expects to see in a
show of this kjud. The company
includes many well-known and
clever artists. 100
Early to Bed
And earlv to rif)a malrna nna konitk.
happy and wise-especially if vou take
"ciuiuo ueiure retiring, a positive cure,
for Constipation, Dyspepsia and all liver
complaints. Mrs S , Columbia, Tenn.
writes: I always keep a suddIv of vnur
Herbine OQ hand. Am sn nlauaorl with
the relief it giyes in constipation and all
nver compiainis, mat words can't ex
press my appreciation. Sold by Graham
& Wortham.
Have your watch cleaned for $1.
mainspring for $1; all work guar
anteed at Matthews', optician aod
jeweler. 84
See flie
Roosevelt Bears.
at, x
0. J. BLACKLEDGE'S Fniturere
Corvallis - - - Oregon
And see our large new line of pocket knives,
razors, scissors, etc.
A. large line of footballs and all kinds of sport
ing goods always on hand.
Umbrellas covered and repaired.
The Delineator - - $1.00
McClure's Magazine $1.00
World's Work - - $3.00
C. A. Gerhard Book store
Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con
vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought
to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors,
Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale.
Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles'
"!s and Bicycles For Rent. First-class Repair Shop.
Ind. Phono 126 Residence 324
- Look in Que9 Wmdfomr
For the correct thing in the jewelry line. We have a fine
of jewelry and silverware that is astonishing in its grace and
beauty and magnificent in its size and completeness.
Engraving nicely done in the latest ribbon script styles.
Repairing that is guaranteed and prices that are in keeping
with the class of work done.
E. 7. S. PRATT, Jewols and Optician
"V ... - . jgarvArT
The Christmas Supplies
that's wanted at Xmas time is almost
Handsome gifts have to be carefully
selected. For instance.
Cut Class Christmas
are not only highly prized on account;
of their beauty, but on account of their
intrinsic value as well. We rave a
splendid display of cut glass ware and
you'll do well to inspect and buy from
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Building,
'Paul's Third Heaven" with
blackboard illustrations will be
the subject for consideration at
the Church of God, 3rd block
north of Mechanical hall next
gunday evening. A general in
tation is extended to all.