Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 04, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Harry' Fryer of the clae'a " of, '05
OAC, has arrived for a . visit ' witn
old friends. ; j .'
. Mrs. H. W. Kaupisch waa the
gUTBt of Albany friends the last of
the week.
!Dr;GiIl of Scio spent Thanks
giving with his sister who is a
student at OAC, '
CufFord Benson of OAC epent
Thanksgiving with hi9 parents in
Miss Ena Parker of Independ
ence epent Thanksgiving : with
friends in this ciLy.
Oeorge Cathey was on the streets
Friday, for the tirst time' since his
operation for appendicitis.
Mis3 Olsa Flickenger has been in
Suver the past few das, visitirjg
her aunt, Mrs. Flickenger
Mr. end Mrs. Eidrige Kirzenpa
of Portland spent Thanksgiving
with Einery Aliep and family.
There was a big ovster supper at
Bellefountairi Friday night which
wjlh tijoyed by a large crowd of
Mr. and Mrs. Ciaud Galch an j
daughter of Saletn'have ben guests
of President and Mrs. Gatch the
past few days.
Misses Erma and Eura Grier
retun.eil from Bellefountiin yes
terday where th-y had been visiting
relatives for a few days.
Mies Dolly . Guthrie arrived
Friday from Dallas for a . visit
with her sister, Mrs. Clarence
Wh iteeide, in this city.
Lee Kennedy came up frcm
Portland the last of the week for a
visit with o'd friends. He formerly
resided in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Garrow of
Portland are the proud parents of
another son. The parents are
former Corvallis people.
Prof. A. B. Cordley of OAC left
Saturday for Hanford, Cslif , where
he will attend a meeting of the
Pacific Coast Nurserymen.
Miss Elva Taylor has returned to
her home in Independence, after a
visit of several weeks with her
sister, Mrs. W. W. Ireland in this
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Simpson and
Mrs. Cecil Catbey returned home
from Alhanv Friday night, where
they Had been on abrief .isit to
Rv. C. L. McCsul'nd has a.--jied
home from Southern Oregon,
where he has been conducting
quartrlv conferences for the South
ern Methodist denomination.
Mr. and Mrs.
Bellefouotain were
Clv Starr of
in CovaUis the
la't of th wek. pnrruf. thpir
hon from a Thanksgiving visit
nt the homs of M-. and Mrs.
William Schmidt, at Granger.
Gravel hauling is still in pro
gress from across the river to the
new college building. Several
tea are tbu3 rngignd and it is
said the hauling is cutting the roads
up terribly, beyond the river.
Mr. acd Mr?, L. A. Barker pleas
an'Iv entertained fir Thanksgiving
dinner at the latter' parents, Mr.
Mrs. D. D. Hutington. The day
was most enjoyablely spent by all.
The ladies of the M. E. church
rnl;zd about $25 from their
Thanksgiving market which was
held at the O. J. Blackledzn furni
ture store, Wednesday. Thii? will
be a great help to the Aid society
in their part of the church work.
The foo'ball boys of OAC are to
be guet f honor at a big social
affair which is scheduled to take
pUf i h prni'ry Dec.,8tb. Toe
hostfs nod h'te9Fes will be the
Phi!ndiphiao, Ferosran, Z-tagaih-ean
and Utopian literary societies,
and a splendid literary program
will be one of the features.
Rev. and Mrs. T. S. Handsaker
arrived home Saturday from Eu
gene, where they had been to spend
Thanksgiving. Perhaps a greater
surprise was never experienced by
Mrs. Handsaker than that which
awaited her when she entered her
home Saturday, as a handsome new
piano, a present from ber husband,
had been placed in the parlor dur
ing her absence. It was indeed a
happy surprise.
The town football team played a
game at Irdependence Thanks
giving dar, the score being 5 to 6
in f'vor of Independence. At
The Dilles theeecoud team of OAC
was defeated bv The Dalles team,
in a score of 27 to 0 At Salem the
OAC first team was also defeated
4 to 0, which made up a day of
dismal failure for the local aggrega
tions. However, it wa3 Thanks
giving day and Corvallis is not in
clined to grumble at results, as it
wasan" "off day" "for "everybody.
-i.r.i v.
Eric Butler was. on duty at the
Wee tern Union office1 -last week J
Brcck' of OAfX wento
Portland, Saturday, for a few days;
8taT- , ; , -.Y
. Mrs C.; H.Lee has been "'visiting
relatives inthe - vicinity cf Inavale
the past week; a ,::-:.
Mr, and , Mrs. Cecil Butler " of
Ke'so, Wash;, are on a visit to ret a-
atives in tbis city., , . ' 1
The infant son of Mr. aud Mrs;
Arthur Snow has been:very ill,, but
s reported as improving.; a i:a ?.:oi
Mr. and Mr? Clark Rice are the
parents of a baby hoy. il The fam
ily formerly ; resided in thir1' city
but iB now id Iowa. ' ' ' " 1 ' ': ; ;'-
, Mr. Donnelly of the Prineyiile
country has been ,in this city the;
past few davs, on a visit to his sons,
Ward and Keith, who are students
at OAC. ,;- ; : f -, ; f '
Miss AgnPSjVpri derHel.ien camq
out ? from jYaquina,!: wbere , 8he,r i8
teaching, and spent Thanksgiving
at tne U. C iJUutt- borne . , west: :ot
town' She returned' to -the coast
Sunday.' J ' X-'f :"' ; !..:
i Work is ; beipit ;; rushed j with:; a
wilL on the u'Az, J. .Johnson i brick
and '. that ';' cftrner" . is 1 he: .; busiest
place in1' Corvallig.2! The - new post-
office building is 'rapidly ! peating
completion. ' '' "': ,- , ; .''''
i:. ... ; . i i. :,.-. vii; "::f i-.-i
Dick Kiger r9de. a trio to the
ranch at Bel fefduri tarn, Friday,'rahd
tound that coyotes baa been 'doing
considerable iniscbeif amoag '. the
heep . 'Two were mipsihg.'.-and the
ranchers ara on the look-out con-.
Btantly for the maraudere.; , cvt
; Miss Grace 6ath,, ' who' is 'attend
ing the Oregon ''AgricuUd .al college,
at , Corvallis is home for the 'f hanks-'
giving yacition,' and her. share of
the Thanksgiving turkey iter: father,
was fortunate enough to gather in
the day beforf. Hulsboro Inde:;
pendent. -: ' ?'"'"
; Mr. and "Mrs.- i Harold, Strong
shipped .their : household effects to
Portland yesterday, and; will. make
that city their, home. Mr Strong
will enter into the practice of his
profession Mr. Strong hold the
saw mill which he owned at Dal
las. ,'"
Jasper Hamer of Summit while
working in a logging camp at
Frank Price's, five miles . up the
Luckiamute from Summit,, met
with a severe accident the middle
of the week. It seems that while
hauling logs the cable slipped, ett ik
ing Mr. Hamer and ctusing a
fiacture of the right arm juet below
the elbow. A Corvallis physician
was summoned and the injury is
reported to be severe. .
The F. L. Miller 30-acre chicken
ranch west of Corvallis has recently
Deen improved by having connec
tions made with the mountain
water system. Clear, fresh water
is now pifel all over the farm and
thrt thoroughbred fowls are certain.
ly favored beyond their kind. "D:.
Bowen Lester spends a portion of
hL time at tie Miller ranch, and,
may ultimately become the man
ager. '
: ' The American-Hindu Association
held its regular meeting at the col
lege last night. The program was
as follows : Music, Prof. Tillandjr; :
Women's Organizations ir. - the
United States.". Miss Laura Pratt;
'Hiniu soog; Nishi KantaB inerzee;'
l;The Life ot Kri3tna," K.K. Bacer
?e; Hindu refreshments; Dal Gosht
chai. Tbeinvitations to the s mem
bers of the association were issued
by Polo Singh5. ' secretary.1 . The
Gaz9tte acknowledge's with thanks
an invitation to this meeting."
i '. . ' . " ' .
J At their last meeting the Ww O. j
T . elfCied officers . fir the . ensuing i
year, as tollows:' J. L ; L, U. Yt-t-
er; A. L., A. K. Russ; banker, GJ
W. Ful er; clerk, W. A. Buahanan;
physicians, Drs. Cathy and Farra;
escort, W. ) . Moore; watchman,
A. E L-wis; sentry, Gorge Lilly;
mauler, A. J. Johnson. After
election, th9 gentleman of the lodge
went " to Wilev's lunch" counter,
where they enjoyed a banquet. The
W. O. W. has a membership of 14? '
is in a flurishirg condition and is a
popular lodge made up of "good
V ...... ..-..:!
For an hour and a half Saturday j
night an audience that filled the
entire opera house- listened to and
watched Reno - B. Welbourn, the
'Wizard of Electricity," in his
enter tinment "In the year 2000."
It was the second in the Lyceum
course series and was both instruc
tive and entertaining. In many
experments Air. .Welboarn demon
straUd and explained the power of
eWctricitr and the use to which it
has been and will ia future be put.
He explained the method em pic yed
in wireleaa . telegraphy abd in a
thousand and one ways did wenier
futl and turorissing . things 'with
this ' great, - silent - piwen It ;ia
certain that those .-who 8awth',sLea-.
iertainment were satisfied and
pleased. '
W. O. Heckart, the cdhtfactor, epent
Misa Ethel Higdon of Corvallis and
Mrai Batulirl ot Idaho,' nieces of Mrs. .W.
O. Heckart, are visiting her for1 a ' few
dars. Eugene Register. u. E tuii ru
'"Uncle Billy was' in evidence in', tor
vatlis yesterday, and many a housewife
laid in a supply of hia appetizing horse
radian. ; . :.
. WHbir Starrr of Bsllfountaia and
James Herron of Irisa Bend were among
yesterday 'a visitors in Corvallis.' ,' ,
Mrs. Sally Ann Bailey is reported aa
yerv ili at the home in Jobs addition;.
J. M. Roth of Salem transacted busi
neesin this city yesterday.
Mrs. Sarah A. Mechlin died at her
horns hi this' ciiy at 6:10 Sunday . even-
lot, alter au Hiueis that began July 4tb
The funeral will occur at 10 :o clock to
day from the residence of her brother,
James Lewis, and interment .will proba
bly be in Crystal Lake cemetery.' De
ceased was : aged G'J years, two months
and j2tUajs.' ; The only iinniediate
survivor, is one Bon, Haiper JVlecklio,
who; resided with his mother. t,,1,,, ,, j;
Mrs. W. H. McBee and daughter Mis's
Gertrude, arrived home yesterday -from a
visit iti Salem;' ' ' ' :- : ' ; '!
.(;.v U-a " - illi- it,:;; y ; '
l Miss, Ethel LmyUle returned yeaterdav
from a two weeks' visit with her sister
Mrs.,A. Dv'Morriaon"iri ;'Carltbni'!
f The assessed .Valuation, this year ". of
school disirict No.. 9 is 962,590,".. , ; ,
V Superintendent Hayes of the .Albany
public ,-tchoola, . was' a Oorvallia visitor
Saturday.- i ' i .' :: ?'';:'ir f;
f'Mrsl :M- S.'.'oddcpck' visited' friends
in Albany,' Saturday. . , , . ! , -; . ;
Thomas Callahan was in Albany, on a
business visit Saturday. Wu. ,,- ; . .
.' There will lie services at the Good
Samaritan church (Episopal) On Sunday
the 9thr;cbndticted' by tne Rev. .'C H,
Powell Of. Cal iusaj Cat , ' Also - there' ,' will
be seryices on Monday evening conductT
ed by ? Bishop $cadding, ; newly elected
Bishop 91 Oregon, at. 7 ;00 p. m. Every
one is cordially invited toeach of these
services. ' :-' il ..,..;;.'!
D. O.'Quick, a former resident of Ben
ton county, is reported as very ill at his
home at Halsey. .
Charles Cams is still confined: in the
county jail, having been unable thus far
to seeure bonds . for . $1,000. He is the
party that Kicked and stamped "Old
Tom," the aged chinaman, into insensiJ
bility last week. Tom: is still in a bad
condition but will, probably ' recover.
Cams was lodged in jail . last Friday,
having be3n captured in Alsea valley by
Constable Kycraft. - : i.
Students Eisman and Gangnon
went to Eugene Sunday, returning
down the river yesterday in a -tow
boat. Thsy were joined at Salem
by Clifford Benron who had been
spending Thanksgiving at 1 ie home.
iThe star , from Eugene was to be
made at 6: o'clock yesterday uioru-
Mr?. Andrew Hart and daughter,
M'ns Alicand Mr. and Mrs. J. 'A .
:Vhitsitt left yesterday ,for: Kansas
jwhere they : wiil- heie:fter reside.
Tbe remains of the late Andrew
Hart, who died several months ago,
I were exhumed and shipped ! to the
East on the same train that, carried
the family. ' ' ":,
Real Estate Transfers.
Mary . i? Graham et al to Litxi
.Orert, q c d, 9 80 acres near Cor-
;vallis; f 1. - -
, . Levi Oren . and wife to. R , X
Murphy, 9.80 acres near CotVaU
lis; $4006. ' ; ' '
A Hugaier to : W iW Strick
land; 160 acres in Alsea; ''$4630.'
U iS ta : Frederick Butscheki
patent, .163 acres south idf Phil-
b:nath. ' , ;' ''J.''.UA1 ;i;V' '
; ;. L P Vtinon: .and ' husband to
iW P Taylor, acre in Alsea;
$ 175. , ', : ' -; " ; V ! ,' " ". I
,',,. ' '.V : r -f-"-i " j"-'r ' '"r !
" , T -r i "yxV,,!!! pass, and the gurgle of water
ion Crau and wife, lot I02t block 'I vja ,a fli,i: is o r
28, Pnilomathj 1. . ' .' . '' ".
Jessie S Flint and husband to
A B Cordley, lots 1-2-3-10-11-12,
block 1, Raburns Add Corvallis;
$1400. ::: .: - : .
J W Walters and wife to Mon
roe mill Co, ,563 .acres, west o(
Monroe; $1700. . - -
EE Wilson to Peter" Begin,'
parcel of land . near Corva is;
$600. . - - . ':' 1:
: US to Frank Bennett, patent,
160 acres southwest of Philomath.
. Sarah A . Bennett et . al to
Frank Bennett, q c d, .160 acres
s w. of Philomath; $1. ; ,- , . : .-. ,.
4- W T Heany to Frank Bennett,
166 acres s w of Philomath; $1.
J M Porter and wife to A J
Johnson, lots 1 and 2, block 5,
CoryaHis;1 $ 1; . : V ,.
v. E "E Wilsoh to -M : W Milihol-
len parcel of land near Corvallis;
jftQC ii'.m.i J
1 .vtJ .ii'uivi tiUiivAt i
. Syup, of ; WKfePine . andTar.
the most. helilibg pVepartion to cure
y our Cough? and Colds, at Graham
The latest Missoellaneoua fcooks;
holiday ;gift;bookfl, ' and : fine 1 'goods
for Christmas present at Graham :&
Wells. ! i i . 1
. i.; ,': , '. ;
r A fine talking machine at.N:. A..
Fifcher's that otuer . dealers sell for
$3C, foT sale at $14.85. . . 99
A fine talking machine, at N.' A.
Fisher's that otiier dealers (sell fox
$30, for sale at: $14.85. .', 99
Ed Sullivan, at one ' time assis t
ant agent at the C. and E. in this
city, came .up from Portland' and
spent Sunday with old friends. ,
' A :' bargin in violins at N. A.
Fisher's. ' ' 99
.. A bargain in mandolins, at N. A
Fisher."- r. : j..:,;; -;. .! 99
We have what you " want N. A.
Fisher's Music Store.; ; , i , ...
; . Zpnophohes, Victors,' Colurobia
and Edison; ' Just received , a big
shipment, all nev,. ..' ..' . -:; . . T
Holly boxes, the most beautiful of
Christmas stationery, at Graham &
Weils. -.. . ' ; V;'.
Military and other! brushes and
the finest 1 of toilet - articles at
Graham & Wells : -'Vi -
uFiye hundred Edison Gold Mou ld
ed Phonogrph: records for the most
enjoyable) bf ; all' holiday 'amuse
mentSi at Graham & Wellsi1 ' ''
;'! .-( 1: f i. ' . C'i
ia co. fir: !ll fc 1 1 r f- gr aas
839d, orcha. ' tim othy-- and clovw
saed. -:lif't '74W
s -j .All. hats.. at cost.from this date
it Mrs., ;C.: . Maxfield'Sj ,. . ,, 96-91
j,Have your eyes fitted by one wbj
knows how Matthews, the optician.
v,-'!:-.-' .-uSM
- Starr's Bakery has Secured ' the
services '- of lrck; Lile welly n.1 the
wonderful bread maker. ' ;i 89tf
Have your watch - cleaned for $1
mainspring for!$l; ;all work- guar
anteed at Matthews', optician and
jeweler. . .' : ' . . . ' 84tf
' All, kinds of grass.' seed for ealr
at Zierolf's Timothy, 'clover1 and
orchard grass seed 74tf
The best baker ever in ' Corvallis
ifa Vossburg, at Small's Bakery. '
Economy Fruit- Jars at Zierolf's
r: ,:: : M - .,;' 74M
Blind Take .More' Pleasure
Travel Than Many Suppose.! i ' !
A bliid mail was making a tour
of the, Kew England coast oh his va
cation. In JIaitie,' in the. pretty vil
lage of Castine, a. lady . said ; as . she
.waited with him at the pier: ' ,j: ,
"What pleasure is. there in travel
i for a blind man Tx- - ' ' ' '. ;
; "More pleasure than you think,"
I he ' replied. ; "I enjoy this. ;fme,! in
; "rigorating ; wind ;.from ' the sea ' as
; well as. you do.; -'The. ' noise , of th
vater is as pledsahtrto me as to you,
end the warmth of the sunshine s is
as . agreeable, i - and ( when; . ye . get
: aboard:-the 'boat -' do . you think I
j shan't appreciate the swift sail sea
ward? - '; ! : ' ' .': !i '
j ;: 'The blind are not so blind as the
i world imagiries. ; When I walk' the
; streets I know the shops I am pass-;
: ing by their odors..' Meat, perfumes,
, tobaccoy leather , and flowers tell me
j as ?svell' as eyes, would. ;that a butch-:
Jer's, a tobacconist's, - a shoemaker's
j or a. florist's is near. u r;.-
j .t; "So-it-is in the icouhtry; 1 A spicy
i smell tells me! T am in a' grove of
ipines The: sweet breath of new
j tnown- hay1 floats jfrom the meadows,
j and ' in fancy : I see', the haymakers,
j The.'- ;wid'.' "blackberries have .'. their
j pungent odor, and it is easy to know
j the ipresenoe of the; wild honeyt
euckle. - The lowing cows,' the neigh
of '-a horsej' the' bleating of i sheep
-e'l rt'e the ' occtrbants of the 'field
I sures. me that in that field is a ru'n-
' ning' brook. " l, . , . ' 4 ".' . ' . , '
', . Do you wonder, how a blind man
; makes his way in a, crowded street?
j I will tell you. He walks fearlessly
11VU1 O , UUtiUlll.)
when : the 1 : sound of approaching
; footsteps reaches him he turns a
j little to the Tight1 and passes by
j without delay and without collision!
j Farther on he meets children. ' Chil
dren are easy to recognize by their
nbisy prattle and their light, quick,
irregular steps. . Ana tne onna man,
knowing that it is difficult to count
with' any degree, of certainty -upon
the actions t of ; these little people,
goes: very1 prudently creeping along
at a snail's pace" 'until the children
are passed: ' '' ' ' ' i; '" n
r "He ! knows a .street crossing, hy
the increased ".violence of. the wind,
the louder 'noises and the gradual
descent of the , pavement for! some
forty or fifty feet. ,. He knows when
he draws near a wall or-big station
ary! object; by ..the. different: sound
his. stepsria-ve-and -by .the .different
feel .to his fiesh of-the' air,' "which is
muclLjnore compressed.
oil ;
u an.un-i
; equalled it assortment
-for your, choosing:, all
f THISiSEASON'S lat-r-.
est styles and fabrics'i":
No old stock.' Gall and':
,;'fis t
e;-.; ? r;f i al rcr-i anon o rd -
f.i i .-((1
i Hi if
.f-i'iuvT y.;"Y ULiUn ;i n. i.i'i lit
hr ?i .!!:! ;.!!(. i Hsi') "i-mh.-.i ..t r ' l- ' " ' t ' 1
ci With every twelve s ' ' , JsTj v "
; boy's 'i suits - sold; be ' ' ' tip V-PY
r tween fihe ages of 3 ta ; ' Cl ' '
- .-.6,)7-.tSdi.l8andi4.tof-20 f k ' s&" ' "
i nyrs,:we i will give ones ...--va ! ' Vk ' , '
. - suit: Free, f-.ii? ; .-.s ,-r;,vft '
f f r '
i: '':r"f !.,!: 4'? v;,':':;i .!,,!i'lfr,"TO OiW'V '" '
!: : '"'We' havG" an un'"" 'f YW lll? Vh .
i; . eguauea u assortments -,t iUi-ay3Va., . u !.-.,.,...,,'., f),
f (THISiSEASON'S laWu Mm4 LJjl v ,,.
est -styles andrfabricsii3rWrTfl i:frrhov -mm
fcfi!feliilffl'lV i What Smartly D.ressed J
- P&Mmmiii Men Will Wear This Sea'N If
conTormin3 to Fashion's ft
jm .' -. ?wf2"B'''N''' Latest Decrees . . . De- j
yif- ..:-. signed by Artist Tailors
r.,.' ; . . tj,; ' ;-:'')SyW '' '''''' I ! Fashioned, by. Master',, u
W i '' f ''''1f''-'''-i:'"i ''' i Workmen.. Are Some of J
' t ' r'B4 ;,i ';'"' the Reasons Why , U
i"" ' 'ym ' ' ' ; K"PPC"elniei' ji
S-ftJ., 3! i , WE : HOUSE QFiKUPPENHEinEIt1, c . , ,W" '
I ' D.lC.lHIoMtahdj: '.'' i
. I'! (;( i.) i'niii.-icE rill' .i:v;i:
''- PatronizeZHOtno industry . ,.! ) ;r
Outndo Ordsrsl Solicited.
All WorhZGuaranteed.
f 0
m "So erilrt'.Hj'Ctir rfnvf-rf; beet
.rr:i-.!j vrtorf of'? "to ynllr.-jil tvl
' . ; r ; ; I , . ) . -if ) . . . 1 . . .'. i ', ' i i. , 1 , i . !
1. 1 i ..'( 'to ):
i fAtitu :;:w" n-ittTi 1 i i i i i
.r, y,t , ; i , oi ,-. ,5',
( -, v-rfl dirt-,
Chmm. Bfahoalea. ,. 1 ir
CORVALLIS; ,., , ...
, : :
and examine our fall1
and winter' Sfn't3les'
URE clothing.' ; ,
If they don't fit you
;:i , do not have to
:; take them. - f
Opposite the PostoffSce
-tn'tTIiode 'o. 48t'':-1 .rr
I.' .if iirtfi ( i iir!;;r:r-:i!) Vno 1rj
n -?r.-f ri if:';: ; i oii l i! fl:
See Zierc.jf ir Econojoy J ars.74
f ,!;!!
;.;.r : .:-.: : --v. . !: s
3 A 7EIALi-i-nr -