TIE COBVALLIS GAZETTE Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Pltbi.ishino Company. The subscription price of the Gazette for eevera! years lias beea, and remains J per annum, or 25 per cent- discount if paid in advance. This paoer will be continued until all arrearages are pail. Ni) MORE SYNDIC A TES. One of the latest financial sehernes, it is said will be pro posed to the general government at Washington, to turn the oper ating of the Postal Department ovar to a syndicate of capitalists, on condition that the Govern ment shall go out of the postal business. One cf the conditions of the plan will require the Government to pay for carrying its own mail matter which now is carried under the franking privilege. It is claimed that under the new plan the annual deficit re ported in the postal service each year will be saved to the Govern ment. It is also said that the syndi cate will also propose to pay rental to the Government, for the use of her postal buildings, and wi.i ulso reduce one-half the postage on first and second class matter, other than weekly pa pers. It is claimed that the syndi cate, under a purely business management, can make a profit, where the government has made a loss each year. The assumption, however; that the Government has made a loss each year, as reported from year to year, is not strictly true. If the same charge were made and given credit to the Government, for carrying the matcer through the mails belonging to the Gov ernment business, including the "franking" privilege according to officers ot the Government, it would change the financial calcu lation, so that the result would show a profit. In other words, if postage were paid into the treasury for the matter, which under the pos tal regulations is carried free, a profit would be shown in favor of th? Government postal service, instead of a loss, according to the present method of writing the accounts. Under the present service, a great many abuses have grown up, from the fact of the postal laws not being sufficient to pro tect the Government from im position, or else the administra tion Jof the service, under the law, is not sufficiently guarded to prevent the Government being imposed upon. The waste basket in every bus iness olnca in the land is contin ually being filled with matter sent through the mails at a lower rate of postage than it costs the Government to carry it. The postal service which per mits goods, wares and merchan dise to be shipped by mail at a nominal figure, and for less than the same commodity can be car ried for by any other method, is a gross abuse fo the postal ser vice, and in no way a benefit to the country, but simply pleases the grasping desire of houses, situated in the large centers of the East, with monopolistic tend encies. There is a special pressure brought to bear, by the large dealers in the large cities, on the pcstal service of the coun try, to require the merchan dise to be carried by the Govern ment mails at a loss, in order that they may do the business of the country, to the detriment of the! smaller dealers, in more remote and sparsely settled districts. It would be well for the Govern ment to thoroughly investigate the motive underlying the pro posed financial schemea. The people now have control of the postal service, and the Gov ernment can readily reduce pos tage on first and second-class matter one half, and make mon ey out of the postal service, if abuses were corrected, so as to require waste matter,, merchan dise and other similar things go ing through the -mails, to pay proper increased rates. " X The Government should go out of the merchandise business and eliminate it from the mail There is no reason why letter mail, .the most important of all mitter, should pay 32 cents per pound, while merchandise is re quired to pay only lb cents per pound. '.J', r Under the present system merchandise, advertising and like matter is being carried through the mails at the expense of every person in the country, so long as a deficit exists. ' The letter mail being the mostj important and of a class that every person is equally interest-j ed in more than in any other matter admitted to the mails,: would it not seem that favor should be made in regard to re-; duced rates on letters, and pos-? tage raised on less important matter, which burden ; the mail service, and tend to create the so-called deficiency? It must be considered that the Government carries the mail toj remote pioneer districts at a loss,! where it would be difficult to! cause a syndicate to convey the; postal service until they could ob- tain a revenue from the new ter-' ritory sufficient to yield a profit.;: The people are not especially compla'ning of the so-called de ficit and why should the syndi cate of capitalists fret about it? Give us a rest from needless syndicates. EUGENE MASS MEETING. And Soma of ths Things to be Discussed. Bankruptcy confronts dozens ot mill men unless the car short age be relieved within thirty days. Conditions in the Willamette valley are rapidly approaching a serious comrreicial climax and the crisis is not far distant. At least six mills.have already shut down and all the other lum ber plants of the valley are work ing on half time. Hundreds of men are out of employment, and their number will be increased to several thousand by the first of January -unless the Southern Pa cific comes to the rescue oi which there is now no immediate prospect. By Jan. ist, 1907, unless the cars arrive as needed, the Wil lamette Valley and the State of Oregon, as a whole, will have suffered more than $100,000 dam age fiom the car shortage. In every town and way station on the line of the Southern Pa cific, car shortage is the sol e topic of conversation. Merchants areas deeply concerned as the shippers. , Even the barbers dis. A Bold Step. To overcome the well-grounded and reasonable objections of the more intel ligent to the use of secret, medicinal com pounds, Dr. E. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. V., some time ago, decided to make a bold departure from the usual course pursued by the makers of put-up medicines for do mestic use, and, so has published broad cast and oBSTy to the whole world, a full and compete list of all tho ingredients entering inthe composition of his widely celebrated fcpdicfies. Thus he has taken his numerous Outrons and patients jnto his full (onfience. 1 Thus too he has re movedyhiafcedicines from among secret nostrmof doubtful merits, and made thevaLiicmedlcs of Known Composition, I?v this bolustD Dr. Pierce has shown that pis formulas ;ir"p of such pvrpllence is not ntraifi to suhitv t them to afraid Jlfi ftot onlv docs the wrantwr of evprv hnttla Of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovers", the famous medicine for weak stomach, torpid liver or biliousness and all catarrhal diseases wherever located, have printed upon it. in plain English, a full and complete l'st cf all the ingrrediects composine it. but a small book has boon compiled from numerous standard medical works, of all the different schools of practice, containing very numer ous extracts from the writings of leading practitioners of medicine, endorsing in tl-.e slnmget powtftie terms, each and every ingre dient contaipt-d in Dr. Pierce's medicines. One of these little books will be mailed free to any one sending address on postal card or by letter, to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. and request in the same. From this little book it will be learned that Dr. Pierce's med icines contain no alcohol, narcotics, mineral aeents or other poisonous or injurious agents and that they are made from native, medici nal roots of great value: also that some of the most valuable ingredients contained ia Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrescripUon for weak, nervous, over-worked, "run-down." nervous and debilitated women, were employed, long years ago. by the Indians for similar ailments affecting. their squaws. In fact, one of the most valuable nedicinal plants entering into the composition ot Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription was known to the Indians as "Jquaw-Weed." Our knowledge of the uses of not a few of our most valuable native, me dicinal plants was gained from the Indians. As made up by improved and exact pro cesses, the " h avoriw PrescripUon is a most efficient remedy for regulating all the wom anly functions, correcting displacements, as prolapsus, aitieversion and retorversion. overcoming painful periods, toning up the nerves and bringing about a perfect state of beoJtli. bold by all dealers in :rdlcines. - tMU ttifOa est, f-z e barbers are ; really the first to "' suffer; With mills closing, the workmen must economize, and? when Sat urday night comes they do not crowd the shops to be- shaved. Perhaps the most vitally in terested of any county is' "that of Lane. . The leading industry - of L,ane is its lumber. Tne pay rolls of .' the combined mills amounts to at least 7 $300, 000 per month and nearly every dollar ot this sum is spent in the countv. With the men being laid off, it is readily seen how the merchants in all branches ot business are be ing aftected. This condition is paralied in other counties in the valley. . In Marion county, for instance, be sides the mills, there . are the hor men to be considered. '. The hop men have there stock tied up in ware houses, being unable to move them. In. the meantime,, the price has 'dropped. At the big meeting to be held I in Eugene Dec. 5th; the railroad situation win be thoroughly 1 threshed out. Facls and figures j will be presented, and reports from each section of the state will be received.' In this man ner a general idea ot tne railroad phase will be presented. Iyeuislation controlling ' the railroads will be the .slogan in Eugene mass meeting. . Legisla tion is wanted as follows: ist, A reciprocal demurrage law, somewhat similar to that of Texas. ; . : . ,'. 2nd, , A maximum rate law jrd, A .new tax law to cover the timber of the .state held by the syndicates. 4th, A railroad commission law. On all of these points there is a diversity of opinion as to - the details, but in the main, the Willamette Valley is a unit in demacdingjthem. It is not the intention of the meeting to recommend any es pecial bill or set ;of bills, but. to digest the material' available, and stow the Legislature the senti ment of the public, says Friday's Telegram. cuss the situation, for, High grade goods a specialty. A.. H O D E S' Foreign and Domestic Groceries. Confectionery, cigars, tobacco, wood ware, willow ware, stoneware, cutlery, notions, fishing tackle, ground bone, oil cake meal grass seed, bee supplies. J- J- C01WAX.I4S, OREGON Mail orders promptly filled. SPENCER'S air Invigorator And Dandruff Eradlcator 3 5 S or o Price, - Fifty Cents Manufactured by The Vegetable Compound Company CcrvaiUs, Oregon 9t For Sale. 30,000 cra uf lti d in Lmco'n aud Beutrnt 0untip, Oregon, Vnncr the C. & E R R., known ae R m. Linda, .iow owttd by an Eastern Company. For prices and trcu-, oali -r addri8, L H. Fish, West-; a Agent, Aloany Oregon. 78- Save money' by buying .jour watches and jewelry of : Matthews' the optician and jeweler. 84 tf i Taken np by nnderbicned at my place 5 t. ilea southwest cf Philomath on the Wagoner place on October 29, '06 one Holsteia cow brand O.'.'on left tip blind in right eye j. H. Owen, Corvalhs Or- 97tf J, t Uue ot tne most important is-r ues of the Eugene meeting will be the probable organization: of a 'People's Lobby,' at Salem dur-i irjg the session of the Legislature.? This idea ot conserving the in terests of the people of ' Oregon and watching the railroads, ap peals for particular strength, and there is" little doiibt but what the lobby" w ill ; be : among -'. the first subjects ta ken up ior discussion. The shippers leilizs that mtney is required to support a "People's Lobby,", ana they are willing to back it. Study of the Wild. . , There is no more . healthful aid instructive recreation for. the intel ligent boy (or man, either, for that matter) than that which' is " easily obtainable by studying the ways of the "wild things that ; inhabit the swamps, woods and forests ; in the vicinity of the' town in which he lives. ; It i9 good for brain, nerves, eyes and muscles. It is good for the disposition, . too, for the more you know cf any living creatures (except beasts of prey, rattlesnakes and such) the less inclined to do them an injury. " Ignorance is the parent of ' cruelty."- One need not seek the great forests of the north and west t,o study wild things and their ways. The habits of many in teresting birds and smaller wild ani mals may be studied at the expense of a' not ; very long walk by "the dwellers . in Most country towns ali over tl rBiut?d States and Canada. Field and Stream. ; " Market Report. Eggs per dozen ! - ' - 35c. Batter, creamery per roll 60c, country per lb. - : 25c. potatoes, per bushel - 50c. Spring chickens, live - - 9c. Hogs, dressed - . - - 74' Veal, " - - 7c Wheat . - -rLr - - - 58c. Oats - - - - - - 30-320'. 'trade mark jVERSTICI MI U& Ho HOt IV! 1903 O. A. C. . Cleaning and Pressing Parlors m Three doors north of Hotel Cor vallis. Give me a call. P. H.SWABB, Prop. S. P. and 0. R. & Ni. THE TIME PAVED Chicago is 17 Hours Nearer b This Popular Columbia RivBr Route Franklin aa right when -he said, "Lost time is never found again." The O. R ' & N. in addition to giving yon 200 miles along the matchless Col. umbia. River, saves yon 17 hours to Chi cago." It is the ' Short Line 10 Lewijton. Short Line m Palouee country. Khort'Line i ,S(kane. Short Line to the Coner-d'Alene coun try. . : ; -- ShortLine to Salt Lake City . Short Line to Denver. Short Line to Kansas City, i Short Ltae to Huaha.' Short Line to Chicago. Short Line ta all points East, r ; Three trains east daily, 9 :30 a. nr., Gi lo p.; m. and 8:15 p. m. The "Chicago Portland Special;-' is as fine as the finest. Every comfort of home. . . For particular ask any agent of the Southern Pacific Company or write . . v :. . .... XVjI jicMURRA Y, ; General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Subscribe for the Gazette. Oak and Mistleto. ' . A reviewer in; the Outlook rebukes ati American -.writer f or' wiondeuig whether there lis any f 'natural con nection" between thej bakjand'th mistletoe," seeing hows constantly they are associated. "In Great Britain," says the reviewer, "the oak is one of the trees on which .the mistletoe notoriously does - not grow." And it is true that the Eng lish child learns in an early lesson of the honor in which the Druids held a mistletoe that by rare chance did grow on an oak. But the re viewed book, being American, is amply justified. The hills that sur round the Lick observatory in Cali fornia and that bear its domes on their highest summit are entirely covered with oaks, and it is not too much to say that every oak carrie" a bunch or bunches of mistletoe. London Chronicle. LETTER U ST. The following letters remain uncalled lor in the Coi vallis postoffice, for the week ending Dec. 1, 1906: Alexaner Co. Cbaa E E.tandbury, G W JBrown, John Brown, John G Edelman, Cephas Hornbuckle. D G K Osborne. B. W. Johnson, PM. ' "ADMIR" but half expresses it. We have some things recently opened up you'll go in ecstaciea over. For an out and out su perior line of 'Newest Style Jewelry you can find it here. We invite you to call and Bee some choice things just re coived. Prices are not high. Small margins ot profit content uo. Albert J. Metzoer WATCHMAKER Occidental Building, - Corvall Why Not Use Electric Lights? Stop scratching matches on jour wall. Tnose streaky match scratches look mighty bad on anygwall. But as long as yon continn9 to use. gas or oil you'ye got to use matches. The '.'matchless light" is the electric light, a simple twist of the wrist does it. We are improving and perfecting our lighting service in this city and can give better service for less money than ever in the history of the city. : The cost of wiring has been reduced until it is within reach of all. If you would like to know more about it, call on as in our new office opposite the O. J. Blackledge furniture store or phone us, Ind. Phone 499, Willamette Valley Co. G. A. Clark, Mgr. 74-tf Notice to Bidders, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Com mittee on Streets and Public Buildings of the Common Council of the city of Corvallis will receive bids until six o'clock p. m. ot Monday, the 10th, day of December 1906 for the improv ments of each of the following streets or por tions within Baid City of Corvallis, to-wit: Fourteenth Street irom the center ofSiulh Street to a point opposite the Nortwest corner of hot 10 in Block thirteen in Jobs addition to S9id City. Center Street from the center of Eleventh Street to center of Fourteenth Street. D.pot Street from the Center of Oafc Streat to the center of Maple Street. Oak Street from the North Side of the County road leading to Philomath Northerly to the Corvallis and Eastern Railroad company's traek. Oak Street from the Corvallis and Eastern Railroad company's track Northerly to the cen ter, of Adams Street. Adams Street from the center of Ninth Street Westerly to the center of Oak Street. Tenth Street from the North side of Washing ton Street to the center of Jefferson. Van Buren Street from center of Fifteenth St. to the center of K-ghteenth Street, extended. Euchofemth improvements to be made in the manner speeilied, and t- be commenced and completed w.ilan the time limited by the ordinance of said city providing for such im provement, passed ihe Common Council on the 26th. day of Octobsr 1906, reference to which is hireby ruaoe. No bids will be received except separtte and distinct bids for te making of each of the aforesaia improvements, ano each bid must bu accompanied by a certified check upon some responsible bank in a sum equal to one half of the amount of such bid, and payable to the or der of the Police Judge of said City of Corvallis which hall be held to protect the city of . the property owners affected thereby from loss or damatre on account of the failure of such bidder to enter into conr.rac with the city and give bond as required ly the ordinance aforesaid. Biis for the making of any ol the forgoing improvi meius may be left at the oflice of the Police Judge of said city within the time aforesaid. All bids received will be reported to the Common Council of said City at a regular meeting to be held December loth. 1906, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. . The right is reserved to reject " an aad all bids deemed unreasonable. . - Dated November 13th"iq06." J B..IBVISK. " U. A. COVSI.L, Fbank Francisco, Committee on Streets and Publi" Emldinps aforesaid. , ... 95-100 CASTOR ! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Beard the Signature of uunvuiiikU nuiLII IIULIIILil U i' p : n r-. J S - CLAS81FIK1J ADVERTISEMENTS : r. ; . , . - i ;,.,,.; 4Vvi Fifteen worda or less, 25 cts for three saccessive insertions,' ; or " ott rts ; per month; for all np to and including ten additional words. cent a word for each insertion. . For all advertisements over 25 words, 1 ct per word for the first insertion and K ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25 uents. Lodge, society and church notices, other than strictly news matter, will be charged for. ; HOMES FOR SALE. WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALUS, Oregon, on instalment plan and as e:st purchasers to build homes on them Bank, Corvallis, Or. WILL SELL MY LOTS IN NEWPORT, Or., for spot cash, balance instal ments, and help parties to build homes ; thereon, if desired. Address M. S. Wcod-'tx-k, Corvailis, Or. : : , Vetier'narv Suraeor filirivon i li't dentist - Poir-t.r-t . i-jor Fourth ;tti.2irt. ; Phaae 39. -Office If 11, Main site , phone . 204. . :(.. :tan i cai. : ; ... . i YSICIANS , ' i . '. : 1 ; --4 i i i . . - t,. : VATHEY; M. D., PHYSICIAN and t J.-geon. , Rooms 14, Bank Build- i p. m. ' Residence: cor. 5th and Ad-; ' hub Sts. . Telephone at office and res idence. ..... OorvalJis. Oregon. House Decorating. FOR PAINTING AND PAPERING SEE W. E. Paul, Ind, 488. l4tf MARBLE SHOP. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONU- ments; curbing made to order; clean ing and reparingdone neatly: save agent's commission. Shop North Main St., Frank Vanhoosen, Prop, gitt ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW. Office up stafrs in Zierolf Building. Only set of abstracts in Benton County l. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in PoBt Office Building, Coival iis, Oregon. WANTED WANTED 500 live geese before the first of November. Call or ad dress Smith & Bouideo, Corvallis, Oregon. 84 tf WANTED A MAN, WITHOUT STOCK to rent a dwelling adjoining Corvallis who is a kind good workman with a A. 1 ... teaiu oi uorset;. . ol-ll. WANTED 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at $2.55per year. WANTED Sixty tons of clean vetch seed, and oats . in' car lots load cars at nearest railroad station. Wanted clean Italian and English Rye grass seed, can furnish gaso line engine with cleaner and grind er to clean for farmers. For gale young cow, will be fresh soon, $25; 6-year-old horse for sale or trade. L. L. Brooks. Phone 155 -Mountain View. BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF . Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative banking business. Loans money on approved security. Drafts bought and told and money transferred to the principal cities of the United c, a . - . r ? Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby (riven to all whom it may con cern that the undersigned has been duly appointed Kxwutrix of the last will and testament of James P. Mt-Bee, deceased, by the County Court of Ben ton County, Oregon. All persons having; claims against the estate of said James I'. McBee, deceas ed, are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers therefor, duly verified as by law re uired, within six months from the date hereof, to the undersigned at her residence in Corvallis, Oregon, or at tie office of McFadden and Bryson, attorn ejs, in the l'oetoffice Builoinir, Corvallis, Ore yon, . . , Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this ;21st, day of September, 1906. - IVA MAY MCBRE, Executrix of the I-asst Will and Testament of James P. McBee, deceased. . . . 78tf The for Job Work? Kidney Cure : - tr-tJ fisfJe tight. r.- -cat