Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 30, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Fred TomtioBon "of Albany wa
business visit ji in Corvallis, Tu--day.
itoy itaoer ana lamuy aun
Tuesday into the Fisher hous
Ninth street.
Key', and Mrs. Handeaker
speuding tn fnaofctyiug v5
tion with rela tires at Eugeue.
MUs Xida Jones left AVeduend-
for her nome at croots alter a i.
weeks' visit with CarvaliU frieu-1-,
Workmen are engaged in i:
a basement under the Ubrist;tt
cLurcn. The cement wort is now
in progress. ; "
Glenn Patterson of OAC left
Tuesday for his home at The Dailen
where h . wilt spend tne mant
giving vacation." '""
8am Dixon" believes there
money in .hogs,
recently,, to Hout
brought' him $36.
lie sold one
& Jones that
F. O. Gray has sold his interest
' in this Wellsher and Gray grocery
to u. U. carman ana invoicing b
ceen in progress cnis weer.
The Catholic ladiea' fair and sup
perhas bean postponed from Dec
ember 5th to December J 2th, when
it will occuf fn the opera Louse
Miss Arua..Anqeraoa oi opoKao,
Waeh. arrived, Wednesday for a
Tnabkeeivins visit with her unofe
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Kyle of Belief ountain.1 ;r
-ma' T a i ft
mignt dozen loiaine ; coairs mi-
riY u l ueaday for use, in the Chris
tiaa church. They were sold by
O. J. B.nonledge and are to be put
in Immediately J ! '
Mr. :-I. Tharp , of iSlls'irorth
Belief Carps, . bas been absent the
past week inspecting the corps . in
Pol Kni Vi a oiil .counties in the
absence of the Department inspector
who was -oalfAl East. L '
The,, big g a ye of football between
OACnd Willamette Uniyereity was
being, played at Silem yesterday
afteruu.n at tre Gazette press
hour, and the result Was awaited
with keen interest. v "
Adanu .tVilbelm, Sr. of Monroe
was in CorvaUia. Tuesday,. enroute
to bis home from .Portland where
he haa Umacu avisiitohb .wife who
isjust 'recovering from a surgical
operation which she underwent in
St Vincent's hospital i: 1
Mrs. Mary 0. Hildreth. 61 Gran U
Paea, department pteaideat,in8peci
ed .the Relief Corps Friday . and
reported it one of : the beet jn tb
tale with a membership of 65
New Vnecafcers are being 'constantly
Added." !,.,
Mrs. A. X K Gator' aniert
wish to p;ublip,Ijf wtpifess.j theft
thau$?''tft all friends fprkihnea y
and s joopajtbT ahow' Itheni iiuriog
theUlneeaof the Uusbandand father,
A. J. L. Cator. These acta will
never be forgotten. .
Julian Abbott was Btruck in the
ye by a hot cinder; one day this
week, . while passing the Morris
blacksmith shop. Fortunately . the
flying cinder stiuck only the lid,
or the lad wr uld most likely have
lost his sight.
Robert Vidito and family moved
Wednesday into the Ed. Greffoz,
house which they recently purch
ased of '.he city of Corvallis for
91000. The house vacated by them
is to be occupied immediately by
ran uoie ana lamuy.
Jack Dawson makes his last trip
today as carrier on R. F. D. 2.
For the time Ralph Metcalf will be
on the route. On December 8th
the examination will be held and a
successor to Mr. Dawson will be
appointed. Theie are. numerous
applicants for the position.
Al Thurston who resides nea
. weue, in iNortLern Benton, has
made money this year from a 30
acre field of clover. He cut 60 tons
of bay from the firet crop and
from the second1 crop sold $360
worth of seecL Ibis sbows. whu
can be dane oa Willamette Valley
larms u a man goea about his busi
r.e8a in the right way. Mr. Thura
ton served on the jury
O. tV. Iurt. received a few days
ago a copy of the "Seattle Star,"
wnico- oontainea quite and exhaus
tive article on live , story of Mrs.
Creffieid having died from stych
niiiv pouDhinf . This paper declares
tbat the jail attendants scout the
idem ofauidae and state that if was
impossib'a for her to.ltaeome to
a letter to his father.' Frank FTnrt
also dacjarea) ..taat.cuminratwaT-K.
few paopla iai Seattte. BeEeVv tbi
Bhwym euiciaa. xna fenaral up
poemo4 . that- death came from
neoralgia-of the- heart. To tfjiald
agaftw any- further possible troubl
jampr auwneu naa oeen clothed
tnrottgnout ., , nlK. . newly boutth!
clothaa. She, tecy asserts that Mrs.
oremeid could not and did aoi
lrs Gay Ultr
ill this week.
Dr. H. ri. Pcjrnot ba-j iieen
Portland ma week ou oasiuasd
A room? alJuum
oa tue aaied Ftett
ta nortii Bide.
i Oi a j pat
residence, on
W. W. 1 rtio returuej to his
louae in Euo.ia Tuesday after a
vidit in tnii city.
Mr. and Mr. H. N. Fidner are
expected to return tomorrow froui
a tew days' trip to Portland.
Mrs. Horace Lock of Albany wae
tne guest tbid we--fc of Corvallis
relatives and frieads.
Mrs Clara' Fischer-Rand arrived
Tuesday from Oregou City aud will
dpena eometiiue visiting relatives.
. Sam Wniteside has - accepted
position on the snag-boat Matnloma
ana is now uiumg on goverment,
, Rev. CT- S. 5Handsaker will
preach at Mountain .Vie sohuii
nouse next Sunday afternoon at
3 o clock.
Virgil Johnsqn returned to, his
home at Airlie, Tuesday, after a
visit with bia " brother, A. J. Johi.-
son and family.
Ellif' Hammer Was fn fom Beje-
fountain Wednesday, to se? about
Helling his hops. He decided to
hold for a higher 'price.
The Benton county circuit court
aJjourned for the Novemoer term
at 11: a. m. Wednesday, having
disposed . of the list ot ci39a in
short order. "
Ernest Wilson and family ar
rived Wednesday from Orezon Citv
to remain. Mr, Wilson wiu resume
bia old position in the laundry. He
moved into his own residence in
Job's addition.
Rev. Donald Cameron will con
duct the services in the Congrega
tional church morning a jd evening.
n the evening bis subject is "bteps
to Freedom" tracing the historical
growth of American Constitutional
iberty. -li !,.
Victor Spencer .came up from
Ranier to spend, the, Thanksgiving
vacation with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Spencer., , Victor is en
gaged in the drug, business and aa-
gieta a physician in a irgioal work.
He leaves today for
Mrand Mrs.. AmoldiKingiMf.
Mrs. John iKigerr and Mr. and Mrs.
S. Tomlinson, the, latter beine
residents of Albany, left Wednea-
lay to spend Thanksgiving at the
oaeph Meeker houe near Wells,
and attended the ball at Walls last
The funeial of tfce late A. J. L.
Cator occurred Tuesday afternoon
trom Ply mouth chapel and was at
tended by a large company, of
neighbors and . frianda. The
services, were v conducted .. by Key .
Feese, and the remains were in
terred in Newton cemetery.
Ambrose Cain was taken totheRi-
form school by Deputy Wtil,'Wed
nesdity morning. He is the 16-year-
old who stole $25 from the Bird
Rickard home, near Monroe, and
was later captured by the officers at
Salem and brought back by the
Benton county officers to appear
before the circuit court.
There was a quiet wedding at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Abel on
Third street at 3: p. m. Tuesday.
The bride was Miss Nela Abel and
the groom Louie Hanson, whoaa
home U in Alberta, B. C. R5v. C. T.
Hurd performed the ceremony in
the presence of . the immediate
family, and at 4:30 a, sumptuous
wedding supper was, served. For
the present the young couple will
reside in Corvallis, but later tbey
go to Alberta where the groom has
Burglars were abroad in Cor
vallis Wednesday night. Miss
Mary Sutherland and a ladv
friend went to the armory as
spectators at the cadet ball which
was in progress. On leaving
home Miss Sutherland turned
out the lights, and secured the
doors as usual. On arri vinr
home at one o'clock the lights
were turned on. and in the din
ing room . the sideboard drawers
were topsy turvy, showing that
some some one had marfo a
thorough search of the premises.
A trip tq the bedrooms resulted
in ayery . of dresser drawers
pulled ont? and ransaeked, buVa'
search tailed to reveal the al
aroc.:;pf : anj... valruhles. Miss
SuthcrlaAaand:her fnVnrT hi
&pXM$& woooijoW; for fuel
maa two men were seen crouch
ing bv the wall of the new post
omce bmldinar.- Too MhtnA
o think of capture, ?;tfie: young
women, ''skidooed7': to thehonW
wkefOiey .sat. np- until otbe
members otr the SutherlariJ
household returned from the, ball
at two o'clock.
3 4 , M i Ji C. W. xi.
vi. ' y O.iuro r Can"- ui-oi Uc?r socitfcy will
Ui-.-. cuiu5 it n r viced. In
lu-! u cij oxaioc win dpodik
.. "vVj u.i's to Cnristiaa-
1 1 . " In tiie evening a program
oa 6'Ve.i uy luo womeu con
- j i -pocii. .uuic aud several
b rt addrr8d-8 on different phas a
Theie was luitiation of candidates,
... . c.tctiuu of offictsrs at tne
E.- f.. 6.r lodge Tuesday
u.ui, aua reiieonujenta ana a
cocci time were . enjoyed. The
eiectiou reoutted as . ioltows:
W. 1 i.vlfd..jlrta4 Walton; vVi P,
u. il. dauer: A. Mrs. Ua An-
arwwd: bec'y, Eana Groves: Tread.
ilrs. Eliii,ra Carter: Conductress.
.lira. Jtlry Alleu: aso., Con.. Mrs.
M. H Bauer.
Tnre waa a Die dinner at Belle.
touuiam yeoterday. The families
ot tue neighborhooa joiuea in a
union f naatcdmag "spread" and
tuoauod .things displayed were a
credit totne f a Jioua cooks of that
section. . A program and: general
good time were features of tbe day
nd evevyon4 had a day of pleasu.
that will long De a bright spot in
the memory of all who were present.
In regaid to tbe football game
that was in progress yesterday
afternoon in Salem, at the Gazette
press, bo ar, Wednesday's Sta teamen
said: Siuce tbe Farmers?, scoreless
game with the University of Qregon
eleven' the loaal meu . realize that
tney bave a nard propoaition, before
tbem it theyj hope .to conquer the
Corvaliis aggregation., Ooacti Nor-
croa,4jf Jdicbigan fame one of .the
greatest quarterbacks in the coun
try, has whipped ..the . team ,. into
shaper and they can be depended
upon to giys Willamette, a battle
royal for the honors. . Although tbe j
CaryaUia team . ia made up of. new
players and at the beginning of the
season theJaijmeas were not reckon
ed, in. championship figures( they
have tied for first position in the
nouhweBt with Oregon.
Tbe revival meetings at the M. E.
churcb are still m progress and are well
attended.' Rev. Smith is a . farceiol
and impresdive spaak;er aad there is
much interest in tbe services. . Meetings
are held every afternoon at2:3Q. .. " ;
Mrs. Luc S. Rydbr died at the home
of her daughter Mrs O. W Beckwith : m'
this city a 6:20 a. m, Wednesday mora
iofi aged 82 years, 6 mdatbe and f days'
having been ill over ayear. Her maiden
name, was Lacy . 8. Gramley, . Shewa
born at WiUfloet, .ttw., May, ; 20,
She was married in 184j at Sag !tlarbor,;
Long Island,, aad; capie to Oregont -
1877. . Eight years the. family raided in
Alseia and ia 1887 eanie W ; dorvallis.
Tue immediate smrvivora are. ,Eo!. and
Will feyder, Mrs.' (Cw. Jkwitb j.and
Mrs. Adelia Newton, all of Corvallis, and'
Simeon F. ttyder, another aoa, j( phafrl
am, Mass. ' Tne funeral occurred at.. :.
p. 4n. yesterday from , the Beckwith
hemeK and Intenneii ,aa in ;Crystal
Lake .cemeterr. ; . x ..;
Mud Mauler ou luauasKt viug day
Mingled in the pigakia fray
!!1 ???-.., ... tH ???
Of all Bad things yon ever saw
Tbe saddest was this his .' football Jaw,
Almost A Murder.
Corvallis was thrown into state
of intense excitement at 5:30
Wednesday night when the re
port was passed from lip to lip
that '0d Tom'yCa well known
chinaman on Main street had
been almost murdered. A crowd
gathered, rapidly .at the china
house jopppsitefrbm Horning'
Store; where the aged , chinaman
lay in a pool of h blood, groaning
and writhing, his face frasherl in
many places, his nose broken
and his- body.- otherwise bruised
and disfigured. , "
The dastardly deed was done
by Charles Cams,, who. is said to
have knocked . the chinaman
down, and stamped on him. - and
out tor tne luterterence ot G. A.
Robinson; would tradoubtlv Have
iciuea tne harmless oM' ttian
Cams Went to a 'neafbv harrier
suqp ana toia wnat hejiad done.
but his sSfory , was; considered a
jokc ana ne naa departed before
anyone realized the trath. The
officers have been in . search ot
Carnievw, sincer and: it isi ceti
taini intrte tirnnidn of Qie of
Itatf: uncein::wfefhr 1vtB'
wiltllve.Sigr8 proba-
Die tnat ne. wia'- weaver unless
there is lnternar ininrV
: : OldrTAiio ha always been a
luiet, harmless oletto$J
tronoie, aitnougn; the supposition
iiy auout iaunajy,.j; ..
. aahjk.: varns was ca
fAlsea-. ytsterdaih forenoon
was Drought back to Corvallis in
the afternoon where he will be
Oak Grove Notes.
Rev. Jamesoa tilled the palpi t
at Oak Grove Sunday.
The infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Holman has
been dangerously ill with an at
tack of pneumonia.
Henry Johnson who has been
confined to his home for some
time on account of sickness is
again able to be aronnd.
Paul Johnson left early Satur
day morning for Corvallis laden
with .many bushels of big ' red
apples which he disposed of ia
that city. He says prices an
better there than 'at Albany!
. A back load of Qak Grovel
boys left early Saturday mornibg
for Corvallis to witness the foot
ball game between the U. of OJ
and OAC boys. . -
Ora Crabtree was transacting
business in Albany Saturday.
W. ' I.' Canthorn of Wslls is
practicing high diving stunts in
his new bath tub which he had
installed daring the week. . .
Mrs. Itnapp who '. makes her
home with' her .daughter. Mrs.
Missal! is spending a , fev days
visiting at the home of her son.
Guy Knapp, of West Albany ,
Mrs. Iizzie Parker of Cottage
Grove eaine down Wednesday
and will spend a few. weeks visitr
tng with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. W. D. Prettymau.
Mrs.! Riddeirs has returned ' to
her Albany after spend
ing a few days on her farm at
Soap Creek. -;
Farmers are busy trying to fin
ish their belated fall seeding
There is less acreage to sow this
fall than for , many years and, if
the weather should ikeep '- u a fav
orable for a few weeks laager the
fall crop Will be short indeed. V
Mr. and Mrs. Emniit Wil
liamson of Portland came up
Sunday to spend the holidays
with relatives and to look after
his. farm here. . He . is uqw em-
plqyed as engineer wito, the Mt.
Hood Brewing company of Sell-
wood. ?-1 :-: r ':"
In: thr divorce . case ; of.. Mrs;
Viol Woods vs. jbseph Woods.
11Q2 that JVlr -Wpods
was, to? have, the, three minor
(Childxeaaad that-, be was topay
doilars; net month tor
schoQltng said' chifdtren , The
:rm ; ;, .a jjjy ateryiiif, sw.asning-
ton,. is ta be; owned jotntjy by
Mr. and Mrs. Woods, share and
The vbiggest. fish story of tbe
season was told the other day by
a man , whom .we : ,wtri-. give . the
name ot Gene, the taithtnl. , .He
said during theV summer he, was
cing an outing on the western
slope of the Coast Range moun -
cams ana one uay wnue . trying
their liick at angling ; his hook
was taken by one oi the finny
tribe and after trying to land the
monster by himself, found out
that he was not able to do so and
called to his assistance six other
men who came to his rescue.
After , pulling . and tugging . for
some. time they, managed to land
the giant. He was a skate and
covered two acres.
Want to Find Their Boys.
Two fathers and. two mothers
away, back in Ohio .. mourn the
loss of two bright eyed boys; and
in a pathetic appeal r to the chief
of police, they ask that the press
aid them, javthej,r search fox the
lads who are missing, .- t -
Chief of -Police- Iane has one
ot these appeals: , m which the
pictures of the boys are ffivem
ana-tne, cucuiar letter aays: ;v
Un I uly 13, i8qq. two : little
boys, William :Missig, and Joseph
Wirtb. , aged i respectively eleven
andteatyears either 'straved" from
taeipnoraes- or ; were - kidnapped;
The afmM4 Wl
maae.trom. photographs: of: the
boys wntca, were' Uken . about 3
years; Must -:. Z -V... '4
mjafion i iwiTlIassisirtel
recovery, of :the? missing boys;
Kindly have Vour iHts& Tjubilth
have jwgrbejen--searching tfor;in-
formation concerning...their miss-
be severfteeiradOTteens
s . Address b11; communfionst to
tue Chief of Police, Sandusky,
A replenishing stock of the most popular late fall
styu jast received some rather startling in their siiddea
diparcure from the old line?.
T Theres a coat for everybody in the choice we offer
from tha short jacket to the elaborate Empire wrap for
evening. ,
Each is sold on the
La Vogue
'label which answers all your
style. Today ia the day for,
77fc Popple's Storo
1 1
ir If You Want
1 What SrViartly Dressed :
i; ' rNiifc W2$t Men Will Wear This Sea-.
H Rn ' ' ' : CALL -us I
-ift Conforming o: Fashion's
m. Latest Decrees) . ; U. Oe- ,
41 'Wmm W? ibyrtlat Tailors.. ?
. WM - Fashioned iy Master
. xj- Workmen . ; Are Some of
r- ' I I ithe fleasohaWh " -J 1
I Wh I Kupienhelrner : .
if Clothing . , . Jl
: fic house of tm&v-l :r.;fJ '
D.ZO.'UihmfmtMl, : W . ' 'dhmm. Btmkmmlmm.
Patf onlziotHomo Industry,
QmtaMm prdmrBl ftotloHmd.
AH WorkZauarmntmad. -
A Wise
3ri, J
. -- j
Im tho only offhso In
i Sae Zlerol i fjrfiodoomr Jatst74(
top Uxo ootx2
"questions as to fit, quality and
first choice. Are you coming?
Corvallio, Or.
E INVif E ybu to call
and examine our fall
and winter samples
URE clothing.
a-- . Guaranteed
, , If tney dqn f- fit you
do : riot have to
. take them..
9 ' f
.-"i t ' vTT
. . . ....... r--. y-
For Sale. aO.OOa.aeres of land '
iiif Lincoln-. ad i BpntotOpun ties;
u. t Ti .t. . ... ..... . ;
vj au juHBiorn. vompsny. ; - j or 1
prices aud terms, call or address,
Ii. H. Fish, Western Agent, Albany
Oregon. .78-
k... n T?i r . .. .. . ....