Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 30, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    CDRIMUiS M.u
Pi hshed Tuesdays and Fridays by
.azette Publishing Company.
T - i Ascription price of the Gazette
for - '-rnl veara has been, and .remains
2 nnnum, or 25 per centjdiscount if
paT'l advance. This paoerwill be
conl.' -"M until all arrearages are paii.
The statement made by ; the
"Eugene Guard" of the 26th
ins-., accusing the'QAC football
players, in the game of last Sat
urday, of having flooded the
ground the night before to make
the field muddy, is without just
cause. It is true that the ground
was muddy . and . was of that
character which . follows frost at
night, and Rawing .during the
following i fotenoon , and so was
all the ground1 fflitside the lines
and all about; town.
The; Gazette- is pleased to
acknowledge that telegraphic
communication has been received
from the i University , team, an
nouncing their -disavowal of the
expressions along the lines found
in the "Guard."
We acknowledge that the
OAC people are ingenious and
cacable, yet they have not dis
covered by what means they can
temper the weather so as to pre
vent these results.
"The : "Guard" assumes to
gather up outside expressions of
persons whpse identity it does
not vouch for, but presumes to
hold the OAC student body re
sponsible for these utterances.
The fact is, that the Eugene
team with their friends came
down expecting that the defeat
of the Corvallis team was a fore
going conclusion and easily ac
complished, but once on the
ground they found strong, able
opposition. Their contention
seems to be that the condition of
the field prevented them from
It is quite possible that the
same cause is what prevented
the Corvallis team from scoring.
Or did the Eugene team have
anything to do with resisting
the progress of the Corvallis
team preventing the latter from
scoring and winning the game?
On the other hand if the OAC
team had been off the field would
the condition of the ground have
irevented!the Eugune team from
winning the game?r Or. was it
. the stubborn, able resistance of
the OAC team which :- prevented
their opponents from scoring?
It is quite possible that if the
contest had been played upon a
field comparatively dry the
OAC players: would have won
out, because they have been well
trained, and are an able body of
Vhat the Cups and Promised
Awards Will Be.
Through the generosity of the
patrons of the society, we are
able to announce that the follow
ing prizes will be offered for
fruit exhibits at the annual meet
ing in Portland, Jan. 8-9-10,
Competition open to ail grow
ers in Oregon and in special
cases, Washington. Entrance
fee is paid by the society for all
members; non-members pay; two
dollars. ' . j ,..
Exhibits must be in 'place by
12 m. ; Jan; 8.; - Request for" space
should be filed;-with the secretary
not later than Jan.' 1st or J. H.
Reid, MA waukiev- " v : c -V
Cups. Yellow ' Newtown,
Grime's Golden, Spitzenburg,
Northern;SfH. 8a JJoiHk
thaxw YUtt Jsap Wagener,lady,
HydesKmg, Arkansas . Black.
Best general display of . walnuts
covering all varieties of Persian
Royal Type; Italian prunes; first
and second for general display of
standard varieties, apples; the
most promising -new variety of
apple; the best winter pear, any
Awards;. Rome Beauty,
Gravenstein, Orteey, King, Red j
Cheek, Ben Davis, Italian prune,
Petite prune, any variety winter
Special awards for. walnuts are
offered by the Oregon Nursery
Co. Nut exhibits as well as
others must be made by the
grower or growers. And in this
instance as for the walnut cup
the exhibit may be either Wash
ington or Oregon grown. These
awards consist of. ten. - pounds of
puts, named variety 1st; and five
pounds 2nd. . , -..
For second best display of all
varieties:.-?' f-:-:.''-') display
First .and '.-second display of
second generation-Franquette..
First and . second display of
second generation. Mayette, '
First and . second ? display of
named varieties, second gener
ation. First and second for best pound
of any named variety.
This score governs this nut ex
hibit. Form, size, flavor, color
of pelicle, thickness of shell,
weight of meat to shell.
First and second for collection
of Chsberte, Parisienne, Proe
parturien. First and second for collection
of soft shell other than French
types. , .. "
Variety. Cups: . Apples and
pears, are for not less than one
box, commercial pack. -v.
. The following; score -will gov
ern for apples and. pears: Form
5, size 20, quality 10, free from
blemishes 20, uniformity 15,
pack 10; color 20. ? i .
The sweepstakes cups will be
given for: the first and second
best display standard varieties,
commercial pack; not less than
three varieties, not more than
five, and v not to exceed three
boxes of any one variety.
Officer's cup for t:e best plate
display of commercial . varieties;
not less than three plates of each
variety, and four specimens to
each plate.
This cup is to be won three
times by the same person, firm
or association before it becomes
his or their permanent property.
- Prunes shall - be' commercial
pack, 10 pound box, 5 pound box,
or cartons. -
r- For further particulars address
the secretary, E. R. Lake, Cor
vallis. Beaver Creek Chips.
Henry Starr and John Daniel
were Philomath visitors last Mon
day. .-... -. , y
Mr. Deeley transacted business
in Corvallis last week.
Markus Henderson visited
friends in Beaver Creek last Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Gove and son
were visitors in Philomath this
week. - . . . j ... ,,. '-. .
We would like to say to the
good teamsters of Beaver Creek
that Mr. Winters has several tele
phone holes dug along the road
side so 'look out."
Bennie Ireland arrived home
Saturday from Kent, Wash., for
a visit with his parents and
Wm Park was a Corvallis vis
itor last Saturday.
The school ' house organ was
taken to1 '' Corvallis wheie Mr.
White will give; ifc histinspection.
We hope to have some good mu
sic whenjijretums,. rv y.-
There was a party given at Mr
Gove's last Friday, evening in
awnoirof Mr, G.' Wi&v&stJotty
third birthday - A large number
were present and a good timeils
reported, by -all "... ' ."
, lister:. Mercer, has' come, to
spend the winter ' with hs par
ents. . ,r
Mr. Starr- has been,- busy ajl
week- uproQting stumps Wfcite
Mr. Stevens, hs . been , ' bailing
new ienc&aloiibroad.,i u..
Mrs. Daniels is reported to be
much better. 5' She bad an attack
of blood poisoning. .
There will be a basket social
given by the school at -Beaver
Creek Friday evening December
iijihu All are very cordially in
vited. ,r. - ; . . ;
We must arouse our honorable
road supervisor that we must
have better roads on Beaver
Creek as there was a young-man
started to take his friend home
and the horses balked: - After
some whipping and excitement,
the young couple decided the
longer way would be - safest so
they drove several miles out of
their way to get home.
- Thai oar American torests abotu la
plants which possess the.ropst.Talnahlc
madfeins.1 virtues Is abundantly attested
by scores c-f-the most eminent medic! n
writers ana teacners. iiveu uio. twiit-
. i . : -j i i , j.v - :
lore Anaians naa ajscoyorea u .use; i . -y.
ness of many native plants before "the
advent of Ihe white race, This infqnn'ir
Won; impartej'rreely to' the whites, W't
ue laiter 10 conunne iqtbsubbuoos udui
to-day we have a rich assortment of most
valuable American medicinal roots.
t. Werce believes that our American tor
esUatibwid In ot valuaWe medicinal ot
properly invesurate (mb t-:
111 W5kWWWSi.. as
Offn pffrftfdjhy
eorerr. which ii'''"""" 4wit . in. l
nis. i . u
4! II
tiir. tirt baffle tnd wfrt I fgr. 'and blv
sla.' r ladisstionT iorpTd Urer. rttncUon!
arid even vivular and other affections t
the heart yil to Its curative action. : The
ceatoa why !& cures these and! nV other
affections, is clearly shown te a Mttfe book
of extracts (mm the standard snedlcaFvorks,
wbleb isatafld rc to snyaddrets by Dr. K.
V. Pierce, of Buffalo. K. Y to aU sending
TCQuest for the same.
; ; . o '-' :. " '
Not less marrelous. 1n the unparalleled
cures- It Is constantly maklnr o(. woman's
many peculiar, affections, weaknesses' and
dtsuesslnc debasements. Js Pr. Pierce's
FsTOritiNPrescriptTShfcM is. amply attested'
by tbbusadds ofjiufbliofeeXtesUmonlals con
tributed byWlrul patlpMk who have been
cured by it " rf l"'1 'Tlf! afalns. palntUT
periods Irregoltritii
sea Ibr wesknea
in.m.t T.iKfa-hY weakness, ulcers
ifter mnr iUher-adverUsd medicines, and.
pbyslclsns had failed.
Both the above mentioned medicWesM
Wholly made up from the glyceric extracts of
Zitlrl Medicinal roots." The processes em
ployed In their manufacture were original
With Dr. Pierce, and they are Carried on by
skilled chemists and pharmacists with the
aid of apparatus and appliances specially
designed and built for toispun' Both
medicines are entirely free from alcohol and
all other harmful; habit-formlne dross. A
full list of their ingredients is printed on
each bottle-wrapper. , .
ttrn nf iiinu iMi kindred sffertiona Often
Market Report.
Eggs per dozen - 35c.
Butter, creamery per roll 66c.
. country per lb. - 25c.
potatoes, per bushel - 50c.
Spring chickens, live - - 9c.
Hogs, dressed - - - - 7ic;
Veal, ,l - - - - 7c.
Wheat - - - - - - 58c.
Oats, -. ..- - - 30-32c
itfcw If Trr-rtTTtiil
High grade goods a specialty.
Foreign and Domestic Qrceries.
' Confectionery, cigars, tobacco, woOdvp'are, 1
i willow ware, stoneware, cutteryr tiobnb.
fishing tackle. OTmndbc."'ofl-cake heal M
.gwseedjrbee .suppliet''
Mail orders promptly filled.
Notice to Bidders,
mittee on Streets and Fubllc Buildings of the
Common Council of the cit? of Corvallis will
receive bids until six o'clock p. m. of Monday,
the 10th. day of December 1906 for the ImDrov-
ments of each of the following streets or por-
tiuus wivam sua iiiy 01 irorvaius, lo-wii:
Fourteenth Street from the center of South
Street to a point opposite the Nortwest corner
of Lot 10 in Block thirteen in John addition' to
Center Street from the center of Eleventh
Street to center of fourteenth Street.
D pot Street from the Center of Oak Street to
the center of Maple Street.
Oak Street from the North Side of the County
roaa leaamg to rnuomatn JNortneriy to tne
Corvallis and Eastern Railroad company's
Oak Street from the Corrallis and Eastern
Railroad company's track Northerly to the cen
ter of Adams Street.
Adams Street from the center of Ninth Street
Westerly to the center of Oak Street.
Tenth Street from the North side of Washing
ton sireet 10 me center oi jenerson. :
Van Buren Street from center of Fifteenth St
to the center of Eighteenth Street, extended.
Each, of such improvements to be made in
the manner specified, aud to be commenced
and completed w.thin the time limited by the
ordinance of said city providing for such im
provement, passed the Common Council on the
26th. day of October 1906, reference to which is
hereby made. -
No bids will be received except separUe and
distinct bids for t e making of each of the
aforesaid improvements, anu ettch bid must be
accompanied by a certified check upon some
responsible bank in a sum equal to one half '' of
the amount el such bid; and payable to the or
der of the Police Judge of said City of Corvallis
property owners affected thereby from loss or
damage on-account of the failure of such bidder
te enter into contrao; with the city and give
ootid as reo hired bv the 'ordinances aforesaid.
wnicn snau oe neia wpnneei tne city oi tne
Bids for tne making of any oi the forgoing
uuuiviriuaaw-iu7 w .ens. tuo uiwx ui uie
Police Judge of said - eity within the. time
aforesaid.- All bids reiived will be reported to
the Common Council of said City at a regular
meeting to oe new uecemDer win. hub, at i jsu
O'clock p. ik . i.-A o."
The nght ts jerved to reject any and all
Dial aeemea unreasonnDie.
Dated November 13th., 1906. -
' ' O. A. COVSU. -
Committee on Streets and Public Bandings
aforesaid. ' 96-100
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been -duly appointed administrator of the
estate of Abram underbill, deceased, by the
County Court of Benton County, Oregon:
All persons having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present the same, duly
verified as by law required, to the undersigned
at Summit, Benton County, Oregon,' or at the
office of J. F. Yates at Corvallis, Benton County,
Oregon, within six months from the date of this
Dated October to. 190&
Administrator of the estate of Abram Underbill.
Coat Time is
the Goats
Hover Bcforo Hao Thcro Been So
Great a Y
You may choose a loose coat or a tight coat and be sure
either is equally good style. But, remember, every separate
Coat this season is long (save the fur jackets).
1 But we'd rather the coafci told their own story. Half their
good points set down in type would seem exaggeration- Every
one of our Goats bear the WOQLTEX quality brand the word
that's synonym of highest style, fabric and workmanship.
O. A. C.
Gleaning and
Pressing Parlors
Three doors north of Hotel Cor
vallis., Give me a calL
P. H. SWABB, Prop.
S. P. and 0. R. S N.
Chicago is 17 Hours Nearer by
This Papular Columbia River Route
Franklin was right when he said,
"Lost never found again." The
u. k. dc in. in aaamon to giving
yon 200 miles along the matchless Ool.
umbia River, saves you 17 hours to Chi
cago. It is the
Short Line to Lewidton. :
'short Line to country.
hortLine to Spokane. ' " :
.'Short Line to the. Couer d'Alene coun
try. ; ' - "; J ''
ShorLine to Salt LaM City
Short Line to Denveiv
Short 3n to Kansas City
Short Lins to Omaha, -,
Short Line todhicag6. "
Short Line to all pdinta East, ,
- ' Three trains east daily,' 9 .30 a.' m.',6
If p. xd. and 8 :l5 p. m. - Tbi "Cbicao
Pprtland Special" is as fine as the finest.
Every comfort of home: v:;
: For particulars .ask - any agent of the
Southern Pacific Company or write
General PsssenFer Agent, Portland, 0
Here and I
w I'
WANTED 500 live geee before
the hrst of JNovemfaer. : ;CU1 or ad
d reus Smith & Boulden, CoryaUis.
Oregon. ; ; i c :m , 84tf
Always Was Sick.
a man says be always wag sick
TtropWed ih a-coh rtba Iflsted.aJI
Bbould ay he never was ;ick litice
: Mr. J. C. Clark of Denver, fjQlojrado,
wjtites : ."tfpr aomeiyeATSJL. was.trqtuet
with a severe coneb . tbat- woold last-all
winter. This Coob left me in k mter-
bleepnditiotBj.v,lr tr1ed,BallaTd'a Hore.
honnd Syrup and have not had a sick
day since. That's what it did for me."
Sold by Graham & Wortbam.
Be CHantable.
: 10 yonr rorse as well as to to your-
sen. xouneea not saner from pains of
any sort yonr Dorses need not suffer.
Try a bottle of Ballard' Snow Liniment.
It ctfes all pains. J. M. Roberts,
uakereoeid, Mo., writes : "I bave need
your Liniment for tea years and find it
to be the best I bave ever used for man
or beast." SoJd by Graham & Worth
Why Not Use Electric Lights?
Stop scratching matches on ) our wall
Those streaky match scratches look
mighty bad on anyjwall. But as long as
yon continue to use gas or oil you've got
to use . matches.
The "matchless light" is the electric
light, a simple twist of the wrist does it.
We are improving and perfecting our
lighting service in this city and can give
better service for less money than ever
in the history of the city.
The cost of wiring has been reduced
until it is within reach of all.
If you would like to know more about
it, call on us in our new office opposite
tbe U. J. Blackledge furniture store or
phone us, Ind. Phone 499.! ,
Willamette Valley. Co, ,
G. A. Clark, Mgr.
lor Job Watffi
Tor Infants and Children.
.fti Kind Yon Han Alwajs Bssgfat
SittiifttlU'tf of
?o!e?s Kidney Cure
Fifteen words or less. 25 cts hr
sacceeaive insertions, or 5D ae . r
month; fo all op to and includiuK h a
additidoal wor Js. txni a word .r b
inaerfifui. - .; s.
For all advertisements over 25 aiw.,
1 ct per word for the first insertion, aiad
i'ct per word for each additional inser
tion. Nothing inserted for' less than 25
cents. '"' k '
Lodge society d cbprck notices,
Jbej;thn rtncJLls, mattfr,
jnaritedlor. r -
1 VMegon., on aailmen: plan , aiiss
fist:pnrchasera.toboUd hemes on them
U desired. Address First National
Bank. Oorvenis,Or :'i ;iv.. iv.-. i.
ir., r iui ipomcasn, -aiance nnetaK.
ToenUi, and be4p partle? to build homea
thereon,, if desired., A4drats M. 8u
D Jt E. J ACioON, -,j ST hllLRits A n.
1 eurgt 00 tf ud dentist, Resitfen: e iJ0
Fc urth 1 tr set, Ph,oue 389. C' e,
,JLCUMaiu jsue, 1,., phone.. 2&L ,ir,i
" ' ..:n -jtcaL'.' ; ".
iend Ui.eon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
iag. oJnce Hu: Id to 12 a. ni.,
4p. m. Resident: cpr.s 5th and A'd
avuBta. Telephone at bffice and rK
idence. - " Obrvaliia, Oregon.
Hpuse Deco rati n g.
rr. r. jraui, ina. 4SS itr
inents; urhinxmade to,-order ; leaa
. log, and reparing. done neatly : save
agent's commission ..... .Shop ,, North
Main St.,Frank Vanhoosen, Prop, 9tl
. . Office up stafrs in Zierolf . Building
Only Wt. of, abstracts, in Benton County
sto reht a dwelling adjoining Corvaliia
who is a kind good: workman with a
team of horses. 81-tf.
Gazittr ana Weekly Oregonian at
,2.56per year.
; WANTED- Siity tons of clean
vetch seed, and oats in car lots
load cars at nearest railroad station.
Wanted clean Italian and English
Rye grass seed, can famish gaso
line engine with cleaner and grind
er to clean for farmers. For sale
young cow, will be fresh soon, $25;
6-year-old horse, for sale or trade. L.
L. Brooks. Phone 155 Mountain
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general
' conservative banking business. Loans
money on approved security. Drafts
bought and eold and money transferred
to the principal cities of the United
States, Europe and foreign countries.
There's no Use.
Talking, you can't beat Herbine for
theLivei . The greatest regulator ever
offered to suffering humanity. If yon
suffer from liver complaint, if yon are
bilious and f retJul, it is your liver, and
Herbine will put it,in ita proper; condi
tion. A positive cure for Constipation,
Biliousness Dvspensia and all ills due to
a torpid , liver.; . Try a Tjottle and yon
will never nee aaytmng eiae. Sold bv
Graham & Wortbam.
notice ttt Creditors.; ..7
la hereby ffireiT to all Whom it nur n.
corn tbat tbe nnderilSiiea baa been itiy appoihtei
JSxecutnxoi ineia iu,.ai lesuuneQi 01 jamas
P. McBee, deceaed,Tythe Couoty Court 61 Ben
ton County, Oregon... All persons bavlnsr claima -
ed, are hereby required to present the same, wlth;
proper Touchers therefor, duly verified as by law re
quired, within six months .from .the date hereof,
to the undersigned at her residence in Corvallis,
Oregon, or at the office of BtcFaddeo and Bryeon,
attorneys, in the Postofflce Build in, Corvallis, Qrs
gon, ' ,
. Dated at Cprvllia,. Oregon, this 21st day, af.
Sebteniber,l806. "
Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of James
P. , McBee, deceased. 78tf
against tne estate of sua james r. McBee. decease .
deceased.: ; 88-98
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