Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 30, 1906, Image 1

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    . Leading
Corvaijjs. Benton County, Oregon, Fri day, November 3o umx?.
Vou XLffl.
r NT W
Big Meeting Results in New Ar
rangement The Plan.
Thre was a rousing meeting
of citizens at Bellefountain Tues
day: evening held for the purpose
of considering the advisability of
combining the Green Peak "and
the Bellefountain telephone com
panies. A unanimous decision
in favor ot consolidating was the
result of the meeting, which was
entirely harmonious and satisfac
tory to all concerned. It was
agreed that the trial already giv
en "the two separate lines had
beeii verv successful and that the
central office at Bellefonntain had
also be-n very satisfactory. This
has been in charge of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Porter, who were
highly commended for their ser
vices. About two years ago a corn
party was organized with 21
members and a trunk line con
structed from Corvallis. to a few
miles beyond Bellefonntain with
central office at Bellefountain.
Last fall another company was
orpnnized utder the name of the
"Green Peak" company, and
lines were built in various direc
tions out of Bellefountain, al
though both companies used the
same central office and also the
main trunk line to Corvallis.
After i thorough trial of both,
it was decided that a consolida
tion ot the two companies would
be. beneficial to all concerned,
and the meeting Tuesday night
was called..
A general committee was ap
pointed consisting of the Green
Peak uirectors, John Perin, H.
T. Bristow.J. P. Gregg and H.
L. Mack, and of the Bellefoun
tain telephone company's direc
tors, Ed Williams, M. M. Waltz
and Robert Kyle. This commit--tee
will draft a constitution and
by-laws for the consolidated com
pany, which will probably adopt
the name of the Bellefountain
The Green Peak promoters
have levied an assessment .suffi
cient to buy their proportionate
share in the new organization.
Another meeting will be held
tomorrow evening, at which time
all.questions will be and
everything placed in smooth run
ning order. .. The two lines will
remain in operation until Dec
ember 23d, when the change
will occur. As at present organ
ized there are over 8) telephones
in the new company, with more
to come in.
Convention Closed.
The 24th annual County Sun
day School convention has just
been held at Philomath and Rev.
Chas. A. Phipp, field worker
for the State of Oregou, took a
leadiug part, and was most enter
taining, instructive and worship
inspiring in his addresses on
leading Sunday school themes.
Revs. Gibbs and Moses were ac
tive throughout the session and
contribhted very materially to
the interest ot the convention.
A new constitution for the coun
ty was adopted.
The election of officers of the
association tor the ensuing year
resulted as follows: President,
Judge Virgil E.-Watters; vice-
president, Walter Wiles; Record
ing and Corresponding secretary,
Ethel White; Statistical Sec. and
Treas., Rev. G. H. Gibbs; Supt.
1 raining Dept., Prof. Henry
bheak; bupt. Primary Dept.,
Mrs. Sarah' Cauthoru; Supt.
Ho'.r.e Dept., Mrs. M. A.
Resolutions adopted: Inas
much as we have for our field of
labor a strong temperence coun
ty, and as a result of which we
are the recipients of raanv bless
ings. .
lhe.efore be it Resolved.
Anat as a unaay school conven
tion, expr es&ed appreciation of
tne International S S. Board for
the highly Instructive and help
ful temperance lessons they have
-o carefully prepared;
Resolutions of thanks were ex
tended to the State S, S. officer
for sending into the S. S. field
such an able worker as Rev.
Charles A. Phipps, to the citi
zen! of Philomath for cordially
receiving and royally entertain
ing the delegates from abroad, to 1
Prof. Sheak for faithful: and. effi
cient services as president of the
association and chairman of the
.- Singing
Music Phonograph
AttiiuJe of Parents Toward the School Mr. J. A, Coldren
The Big Schcol Fair Next Year.. Sup'tDenman
Music - Phonograh
Basket Dinner
Singing ------
What Should a Teacher do Besides Teach. Mr. R. R. Miller
Singing '
Address -T. T. Vincent
Literary Program and Music
The Summit and the Nashville school have been invited to
furnish the literary numbers on the:. program. From past
experience, this part of the meeting will be well looked
after. There may be music other than that announced.
Basket Dinner
" As has been the custom, during the noon hour, a general
basket dinner will be served. Everyone is requested to
bring their dinner and help do their part. In -the past some
complaint has been made that only a few brought the neces
sary things for the dinner.' We suggest that all coming keep
in mind to do their duty with this part of the meeting.
It is unnecessary to urge our parents, and every rper,s6n
interested in schools to be there. We all have learned to j
know the great benefit to be derived from these meetings.
Every person having a child to educate or who has a friend
who have children to educate, should feel the great respon
sibility resting upon him. The parent because his child is
direetly benefitted rand every loyal citizen of this govern
ment, indirectly because he knows that the future of this
Republic, and the happiness and prosperity of every home
depends on the public school to educate the masses- So come
out if you only listen and help with the dinner. If you have
a question to ask under the discussions of any of the above
subjects on the program or on ome other subject, be free to
ask it. So come with your family and your dinner; bring a
pleasant smile, a cheering word or a glad handshake. It
will help some one, too, in the great work of life.
Very truly,
Geo. W. Denman,
County School Sup't. BentonCounty, Oregon.
Jack Rabbit Visited Corvallis.
A few days ago a life-ized
Jack rabbit paid a friendlv visit
to Corvallis. He proceeded to
the lawn of the Fred Clark home,
coming apparently from Main
street, and after a short stay,
disappeared, only to return later
in the day. The visit was un
expected but Mr. Jack was not
molested in his inspection of the
lawn at Mr. Clark's.
A queer story of a deer comes
trom Albany. The Herald tells
of it as follows:
A full-grown deer walked in
among tne cows on tne iarm 01
Lewis Cox, within eight miles ol
this city, last week. It had fol
lowed the Santiam river down
trom the mountains and wis far
below all the foothills. This is
the first deer seen this far down
on the Linn county prairies with
in 20 years. . . .
Cox was ia' Albauv yesterday
and told how the deer walked
right up to his cows ia the hart;
y&id Women m the. house ob
served it. The cows were ap
parently at a loss to know how to
receive the visitor and seemed
frightened, so it soon left. When
tne men returned to the house it
was not in sight, and as the hunt
ing season for deer is now over,
no attempt was made to pursue
it. -
Deer, like bear and other wild
animals, came down much far
ther into the foothills this Fall
than for many years past, and
killed durinsr the
ooen season verv close to the city
f Rrnamwille. The Dresence of
deer so far down in the valley is
taken bv manv as an omen of a
severe winter. . ,
A Word for Her.
Mand Hnrt-Creffield was from
childhood intensely . religious
PfrrnriVtirns uceie strone. and
o ice convinced that she was riyt t
nothing could turn her from her
purpose. Her likes and dislikes
were pronounced, and hard to
When about eight years of age
Maud Hurt was an energetic
worker in revival meetings, go
ing among the congregation and
pleading with friends and ac
quaintances to seek the salvation
so ireeiy onerea. tne was in
fact considered a child wonder in
religious work. Her earlv life
was spent tor others and her
chief aim was to become as near
ly perfect as a christian could be.
Often has she gone to the home
ot someone who was ill and with
true unselfishness has cared for
the children, done the washing
and other work .reely and with
out price. Many a time h i.s she
spent her last penny for some gift
tor a little child.
ah ner me Maud nurt was
kindly and generous, with an
even temper and a good disposi
11011, ana not until an evil in
fluence led her into a by-path
did she cause her parents sorrow.
She was 26 years of age Seot-
tember 2Qtu, '06, havinsr beer
born and reared in Benton coun
ly- -
May charity, like a mantle, fall
gently over her memory, aVi-:
only her kind acts be remember
ed by those who knew her as a
happy, innocent child.
A Friend.
Peculiar Case in Benton Circuit
; Court. -!
A case that has" been much
discussed and in which more than
ordinary interest; Irks heen taker
was decided by the- circuit court
in favor of the, defendant.- ....
It was the case. of J. T, Bridges
ys Mahnda E. Starr as executrix
of the estate of Mary A. Garling-
house, deceased. :
The .complaint sets forth . that
Mary Garlinghouse on Aug. 9
'03 ,kfor a valuable consider
atidnr' executed in favor .of plain
tiff a promissory note for $1000,
payable in one year, that the said
Mary Garlinghouse died Septw 3
'05, leaving a win wmcn was
admitted to probate Sept. 22,
',05, and on the latter date , Mai
inda Starr was-appointed execu
mx ot tne estate. The com
plaint, further states that in Feb
't 6 plainuft executed a claim' for
the amount due, which claim was
rejected- by the executrix on
April 14, 'cb, and as no part of
the amount has been paid plaintiff-
demands judgment in the
amount of $icoo with interest at
three per cent from August 103.
i he answer filed denies gener
ally and specifically each and
every allegation' made in the
complaint, and for a further, sep
arate and second defense makes
the following statement:
Ihat in 1931 or early in 1902
said Mary A.- Garlinghouse pur
chased from C. E. Thomason cer
tain mining stock for $4000'; that
in December 1902, plaintiff-by
misrepresentations made Mary
A. and William , Garlinghouse,
her husband, believe that Mrs.
Garlinghousd had been defrauded
out of the $4,000: that Diaintiff
falsely represented himself to be a
skilled detective and a secret
service man of ' large experience
and agreed for the; sum of $1000.
to secure the return of the
money. -
With this understanding it is
alleged plaintiff persuaded the
couple to enter into . a contract
in. Dec. 1902 whereby ' he agreed
to proenre and produce evidence
in. an action- or suit that would
result in the. recovery ot the
$4000. . In -return for this he was
to receive $1000, out only in tht
event of the recovery of the
moriey.' .
The declaration is that plain
tiff never fulfilled his part, of the
coptract, although he repieseut
ed to have secured such evidence,
which representatio cs aie d
clared to hive been ''wholly
lalse." He aft r ris t e :.r
ed to collect the $1000 jf Mar
A. Garlinghouse, taking advan
taye of ber age and weakness,
and this was the only consider
ation for making the promissory
note for $1000 if such a note was
ever made, and the defense de
clares that the consideration was
"illegal and void."
Such is the case, bri- fly stat
eu, ana atter Deing out 22 min
utes the jury returned a verdict
in favor of the defendant. Mrs.
Malinda Starr, executrix.
The Harrington Agitator.
Just completed, a compressed
Air Washer. There is nothing
to get out of order. I will v r
rant it to last fifteen years it i
ed for. It will wash all classet- o
goods. The " price is $2.50, it
weight is three pounds.
A Liberal Offer.
I wil give fifty dollars to tl
person ..who can find any tr-
ani or lever ' washers in th
U-ii:ed States that can do tb
v rk ot one of the Harringtoi
V'tators in all kinds of wash-
'. both heavv and light.
Now come and see me. You
iave nothing to loose. All I
, -rn is ae :sing. Always at
ioaie. Y'M:r for all there is in
J.. R. S Harrington,
Corvallis, Oregon
Leave orders at T. R. Smith'
but balf expresses it. We have some
things recently opened up you'll go' ii
ecstaciea over. For an out and out m
peril r line of
Newest Style Jewelry
yon-can find it here. We invito- yon to
.:flil and see some choice jiiet re
tfived. Prices are not high. Small
margins of profit content no.
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Bn'lriiip, ... Cinn
m ua
ilAGKLEDGE'S- Fymitiere Stsrc
Corvallis - - - Oregon
And see our large new line of pocket knives,
razors, scissors, etc.
large line of footballs and all kinds of sport
ing goods always on hand. -
Umbrellas covered and repaired. '
. . . . G JJ IV H O 13 E S
The Delineator - - $1.00
McClure's Magazine $1.00
World's Work - $3.00
C. A. Gerhard Mg!iStoig
Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con
vinced that it. is the best and most complete line ever brought
to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors,
Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale.
Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles
P'"is and Bicycles For Rent First-class Repair Shop.
Ind. Phone 126 Residence 324
- Look in Our Window -
For the correct thing in the jewelry line. We have a fine
of jewelry and silverware that is astonishing in its grace and
beauty and magnificent in its size and completeness.
" Engravihg nicely done in the latest ribbon script styles.
Repairing that is guaranteed and prices that are in keeping
with the class of work done.
W. Sr PRATT, Jeweler and Optician
There is .119. Beasoii.
""Why your .baby should be thin, and
i-Biful daring the niht. 'Vorme are the
ense"of thin: sickly babies. It is natural
that a healtl v baJby should be fat and
sleep well. : your baby does not retain
its food, don'i experiment with colic
cares and other medicine, bat try a bot
tle of White's Cieam Vermifuge, and
Ton will toon e yonr baby have color
and laugh as it afraald. Sold by Graham
Hair Invsgoraf or
And Dandruff Ersrifcaicr
3 5
w O
i i'Ji
Price, - fifty cents
. "KarmfacJurn! ty
The Vegetatre CcmFcrd Ccrcpsry
CervaHis, Orccn i't
e o
All kiDds of griBB seed for Bad
at Zierolf's Timothy, clover an
orchard grass seed. 74tf
The best baker ever in Corvallia
ia Vossburg, at Small's Bakery.
Ecancmy Fruit- Jars at Zierolfg. :
. 74ti
See Zierolf for all kinds of grass
eeed, orchard, timothy aad clover
Jrdware. 97-