Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 27, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
The subscription price of the Gazette
for several years baa been, and remains
$2 per annum, or 5 per cent discount if
paid in advance. This paper will be
continued until all arrearages are paid.
The last chapter in the un
seemly controversy which has
been waored for the last three
years between the Portland Ore-
eonian and the Journal, has
found expression in the report
of the late grand jury of Mult
nomah county. So distasteful
has the controversy been to the
readers of both papers that
many of the patrons thereof no
doubt at times felt inclined to
cease taking either paper, but
with the averge person the Press
dispatches have become a necessity.
These two great "papers should
read time and again the report
of the trrand j - ry, to guide them
in-thc-ir future duties to the pub
lic. After studying carefully
that boJy's report the managers
of those two papers should be
' able to "see then sel ves as others
see them."
For the manager of a news
paper to decide always what is
interesting news, proper to be
published for the information
of his readers, is not an
easy matter. But that which
is purely and simply a personal
quarrel between two rival man
agers of two lines of business,
should certainly be kept forever
from public sight.
The grand jury substantially
states in raport that they
found th alleged libelous matter
aroe out of a newspaper contro
versy, but instead of indicting
the participants the jury proposes
to leave the matter to that great
est of juries, "public opinion"
before whom both- contestants
have already been indicted on
the charge of "abusing the lib
erty of the press." The mission
of a newspaper is noble and
grand, and they should be con
ducted by men of that turn of
mind. When they descend,
however, from the idea of edu
cating the neonle to truth and
right to the dissemination of
patty, selfish strife and the
abuse each of the other, they
descend from the high ideal of a
public newspaper and receive the
contempt of the majority of the
reading public being as the grand
jury properly said, indicted by
public opinion on the charge of
abusing the liberty 01 the press
The Journal entered the Port
land field of journalism only a
few years ago and began its
fierce attacks upon the Oregon
ian much as a saucy boy on the
street would issue insulting slang
j a neighbor passing by old
enough to be his grandfather.
Tna Oregonian for a time with
stood the saucy impudence of its
youthful rival until at last it lost
its temper and began to retaliate
in the same fashion of the attacks
upon it.
Every banker in a community
worthy of any distinction what
ever ia the business, helps every
worthy business with financial
aid, and because Wra M. Ladd,
of Portland, saw proper to ren
der financial assistance to the
Jour nil the Oregonian has pur-
'suii fierce attacks upon Mr.
Lad 1 and ocher .interests in and
abo it Portland with which Mr.
Laid was presumed to have held
stock or had something to do,
showing the ability of the Ore
" gonian to color its ideas and the
calibre of the Attacks with near
lv ns much iuvenile judgment as
was the begining of the contro
versy waged by the Journal.
While it may lw uup'easant to
Mr. Ladd in a way because of
the personal attacks he has re
. ceived, yet ina business way no
doubt the insult has resulted in
gain and substantial growth .to
his business, because of the wide
; range of advertising "which their
attacks have given him.
If the reading public which
takes their journals could have a
long continued resting spell, and
have what they subscribe to and
Day for. to-wit: substantial,
truthful views not discolored by
any reflection of imaginary pend
ing foes, the people would gladly
pray to an alUwise providence to
forever relieve them of being the
readers again of such uncalled
for controversies, especially when
they proceed from motives not
public in any sense whatever,
but purely selfish to the two combatants.
For Opening Week of Farmers'
Short Course at OAC.
Benton Apples There. -
(Continued from first page) -that
this can be done, and there
will be a notable advance in the
appearance of apples offered for
sale in Dallas, and otner rout
countv markets as one of
the results of the Dillas show.
If the oeoo'e of Dallas and Polk
county will keep right on with
this show year after year it will
not be many years until it will be
one ot the events of the year in
Western Oregon, and will im
mensely stimmlate the apple
growing lHdustfy 6t that countv.
When Dick is No More.
Rufus Harrington, the well
known inventor and peddler of
the Harrington washing machine,
is something of a poet, anci ...
Goat Time ; is Here
the Coats
Many cood things are in sight
for the tinner wiio avails himself
this season of the short courses
in agriculture .nd dairying at
OAC. The program has just
been issued for the opening
week's exercises, together with
an instructive pamphlet contain
ina nraetical information for any
and all who desire to take ad
vantage of this excellent oppbr
rnnitv for sell-improvement.
Each vear these short courses
grow in favor with the busy
tarmcf and others who cannot
take time for a full four years'
course in college and the benefit
to be derived lrom such attend
ance is 1 ncalculable. The pro
for the week is as follows:
Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1907, begin
ning at 9:00 a. m. Plants, their
Tmnnrtance OQ the Farm, Prof.
E R. Lake; Insect? and Fungi,
Whf,t are They? Prot. A. H
Cordley: Orchard Locations,
Prof. Lewis: Forage Plants. Dr
Withycombe; Bacterial Diseases
of Domestic Animals, Prot. .b. t.
Pernot; Chemical Elements, Prot,
A. L. Kniselv.
Wednesday, Jan. 9 Plants:,
their Structure and Work, Prot.
Lake; The Relation of Insects to
nnr Welfare. Prof. Cordley; L.U1
rivarinn tor Orchards. Prof.
is- Forage Plants. Dr.
Withycombe; Bacterial Diseases
of Domestic Animals, Prof. Per
not; Properties of Chemical Ele
ments: Prof. Knisely.
Thursday. Tannary 10 The
Work ot Plants, Prof. Lake;
i hp CodHno- Moth. Prof. Cord
lev: Propaeation ot Small Fruit,
Prof. George Coote; Rotation of
Crops, Dr. Withycombe, .ureter
al Diseases of Poultry, trot.
Pernor, Properties of Chemical
Elements: Prof. Knisely.
Fridav. Tan. II The Fight
against Weeds, Prof. Lake; Apple
Srahand Apple Tree Anthrac
nose, Pi of. Cordley; Cultivation
nf Smill F.uits. Prot. Uoote;
Ceieai Crops, Dr. Withycombe;
nterij in their Relation to
Dairying Prof. Pernot; Elements
of Plaut Food. Prot. Knisely
...... " ' r .
this tact is known to many 01 nis 1
friends he has numerous calls i n j
proof of his ability. His lais..
inr '
stunt in the poetic line is writing:
epitaphs by request, and a-
thoup-h the parties reterred to are
still alive it is probable(?)that in
years to come -some or inese
verses may be called into service.
Dick Smith, the popular clerk at
J.R.Smith's hardware, has r?-!!
auested Mr. Harnn.ton tolurn-i!
ish a suitable epitaph tor him,
and the following is the result,
handed the Gazette by the com
Where's Richard Smith, yea may in-
. .... . . 1 L : i (
He has lett his seat ior on m1" uigi r;
He left this world oldie c.u strife,
Before he succeeded ia getting a wife.
Though many a damsel, young ana
Loved tne wink ol his eve aud the curl
of his hair.
A rank old democrat he has been,
Forgive him, Lord, 'twas his only sin,
And give him a harp with a thousand
A golden crown and a pair of wings.
His f iends are many, his
And now, oh Dickie, adieu, adieu !
classified advertisements:
Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for thre
successive insertions, or 50 . ta per
month; for all np to and including tn
additional wor Is. t cent a word for -h h
For all advertisements over 25 worde.
I ct per word for the first insertion, and
ct per word for each additional n(r
tion. Nothing inserted for lei- u i z5
LrtKitft, society and church uoui-ed,
ti.tji Uian eirictly news matter, iii be
firj(.ei tor.'
Oregon, on instalment plan and as
e'st purchasers to build homes on them
if desired. Address First National
Bank. Corvallis, Or.
.r., for spot cash, balance instal
ments, and help parties to build homes
iheieou, i: detired. Address M. S. o k. C-va,liP, C .
The following letters remain uncalled
ior in the Corvallis postoffice, for the
week ending Nov. 24, 1906:
Mrs S F Abercathy, Prot S P K aboins,
N StOnge. Professor Thornbor.
B. W. Johnson-. PJV1.
Never Before Has There Been Se
Grezi sa Variety in Oo&f Styles
'Jtt,f. b. .J AC - , V . - 11. t A i
.' irtOQ t n't tlei.ii 5e-...i ?n t
K-tilth ti i. Pm-e .y. V
You may choose a loose coat or a tight coat and be sure
either is equally good style. But, remember, every separate
coat this season is long-(save the fur jackets) .
d.-i. A fV,Q nnofo tnlrl tVipir nwn storv. Hall tneir
good points set down in tytfe would seem exaggeration bvery
fe,Q wnrvr.TtfY miahtv brand the word
that's synonym of highest style, fabric and workmanship.
j. . yein. Kooais 14, Bank Build
L ce Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 22 to
1 p. a . Eesideuce : cor. 5th and Ad
ams 6i Telephone at office and res
idence. CorvaJlis. Oregon.
House Decorating.
W. E. Paul, Ind. 48i ltf
ments; curbing made to order ; clean
ing and repariog done neatly : save
ageul's commission. Shop North
Main St.Frank Vannoosen, Prop. o2tf
High grade goods a special ry.
WANTED 500 live gsese betore
the first of Noverober. Call or ad
drees Smith & Bjuldtn, Corvallis,
Oiegon. ' ; 84if
Always Was Sick.
. Foreign and Domestic Groceries.
Confectionery, cigars, tobacco, wood ware,
willowware, stoneware, cutlery, -notions,
fishing tackle, ground bone, oil cake meal
hpft suDDlies. 5 ?
C,J.tU .w., 1
When a man says he always was tick
troubled with a cough that lasted all
winter what wouL you think if he
nh nn lrl sav he never was sick since
using Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Such
n man v 1 e t a
Mr. J. C. Clark of Denver, Colorado,
writes : "For some years 1 was trouDie"
with a severe cough that would last all
winter. This cough left me in a miser munition. I tried Ballard's Hore
hnnnrt Svruo and have not had a eick
dav since. Thai's what it did forme.'
Sold bv Graham & Wortham.
Mail orders promptly filled
What Do They CnreT
A nxs a w r o vj uv
cerning Dr. Pierce's two leading mBdi;
cines, "Golden Medical Discovery" ana
"Favorite Prescription." ,
T"U o ncurn. la that. Tlfilnpn
1 11 ... ' "
Discovery " is a most potent alterative or
DlOOQ-puriuer. anu WJUIC or mviguiawi
tive way upon all the mucous lining sur-
laces. as 01 tne nasai passages, imuiii,
hnmphi.1.1 tnhes. stomach, bowels and
bladdeocuring a large percent, of catar
rhal cafes whether e disease affects the
nasal passages, the tlrsnat, larynx, bron
chia, stomacuNfas catarrhal dyspepsia),
bowels -(as muoiisaUK,!vi. bladdeif.
uterus or other pelvic organs Even ,a
tfl" rh'-""'? fir "'""at.vo stPFfS nl
affections, it, isnfrpn ;iicce?isf ul in affect-
in t:un'j.
The" favorite Prescription " is advjsoj
fori i'l .cihime, chiss of d is;ases thog
r'culi ir weajyiejSPATiira"gt'"'ets Hjiij
IrreffiTrafitMs itienl tawomeiToHTy. il
is a powerful yetgeauy aotliig invigorat-
out, over-worked women no matter wn at
has caused the - break-down, "Favorite
Prescription "will be found mof.t effective
111 UUIIUIU l - V- .Wi. "- ;o
the womanly functions, subduing pam
and bringing about a healthy, vigorous
condition 01 tne wnoie sysium.
A book of particulars wraps each dou'j
; til.v f lith m.i iinps aria
Quotinsr what scores of eminenf mea-
ical authors, whoso works are consulted
by physicians of all the schools of practice
as guides in prescribing, say of each in-
Uiuvo i ncvi"o i - -
;r4-;nf intA f!OCA TtlPfl 111 TtPS.
The words of praise bestowed on the
several ingredients entering into Doctor
fierce s meaicines ny sucu wriwrs suuun
Viovru mrkfA Tvnio'iit. thsin Anv amount of
non - professional testimonials, becaus
such men are writing for the guidance o.
their medical brethren and know whereof
they speak.
Both medicines are non-alcoholic, non-
t. o nA (viTit,in nn VlftrTTlflll Vl R til r
CUJCW, OltVA vwnvun
forming drugs, being .composed of glyceric
r.Vll CO VI uw. "
medicinal forest plants They are both
sold by deaVrs in medicine. You can t
afford to accept as a substitute for one oi
these medicines of known composition,
anv secret nostrum.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated,
easv to iaKe as canay, reguiaw auu ur
- - . . 1; 1 v 1
Tigoraie sramacu, uvef auu uuc.
Notice to Bidders,
mittee on Streets aud Public Buildings of the
Common uouucu 01 cne uiiy ui nui
receive bids until six o'clock p. ,m. of Monday,
the 10th, day of December 1906 for the lmprov
ments of each of the following streets or pr-r
tlOIlb WltDlO SBia Ol ixinmna, .v.-mv.
Fourteenth Street from the center of South
Street to a point opposite the Nortwest corner
of Lot 10 in Block thirteen in Jobs addition to
said City. . V
Center street irom ie tcura m
Street to center of Fourteenth Street.
1 pot Street from the Center of Oak fetreet t'j
the center of Maple street.
road leading to Philomath Northerly to the
Ct.rvaliis and Eastern Kailroad compauy s
track. - .. .
0k Street from the corT:iiiis sua Jiiw'.eru
RHilrrm.1 eomuanv's track Northerly to the cen
ter of Adams Street. -
tan.o titra.i ivnm th punter of Ninth btreet
Westerly to the center of Oak "Street.
Teutn s-treet irom uic n m bjuc
ton Stre t to the center of Jenerson.
VauBuren Street trom cenieroi riiieeum u
to the center of E'ghteenth street, extended.
F.schofsuch improvements to be made in
the manner specified, and f be commenced
and completed w.thin the time limited by the
ordinance of said city providing for such 1 m
prnveioeut, pas-ed the Common. Council on the
V,ih Anv of October li06. reference to wuioh is
hereby ma'-e. .
Nnbid will be received except se;iarie and
-a- v. ; 1 . l. ni.ibiir lit M(rh of the
tilMlIHIL UlU IV' 1 . c
aforesaid improveme: ts, an et-ch bul must be
accompanied by a eertinea cn K upon some
p.n.HG-h 0 rltlIT 111 H UUI III II1XC UHU
. ..... ,xi hit ftixt t.h v.til to i he or
der of the Police Judge ot said City ot Corvallis
VDU H IlHit DC Iltui w "ic nij vi
.. .i AT. utii iitral-v f lnss nr
viaiiiae on aceouut of the Jailure ot such bidder
t enter into contrac- whq me cny anu. gnc
a ru.iiifa.i Uxr the nrditidni-es alores-aid.
nil., far thp mfltitin nf anv of the foreoine
improvtmenis may be left at thft otlice of the
Ml t...3. -tf 4 1 1 oit"tr witVlill tnp ffmP
aiorebaid. Ail bids received will be reported to
. . . . . . t .. . . ; .1 1 ' i t .r .. .fll,
tne i.'ommon tituuuu ui smu v... .6u..
mpiin? to t e held December luth. 1906, at.7:30
o'clock p. m. a t : .
the ricnt is reserveu n rvjcn n uuv. u..
bids deemed unreasonable.
Dated November 13m., imuo.
j JJ. 1KV1,
g. a. covell,
Frank Francisco.
Committee on Streets and Public Buildinss
aforesaid. SoluO
O. A. C.
Gleaning anil
Pressing Parlors.
Three doors north of Hotel Cor
vallis. Give me a call.
Pm H- SWABB, Prop-
Be Charitable.
Tn rnnr ""nrsfi as well as to to VOUr
self. You seed not suffer from pains of
any sort your horses need not suner
TW a hnttlfl nf FSallard's Snow Liniment
Tt. rn-ps all Dains. J. M. Roberts
Bakerpfield, Mo., writes: "I have used
your Liniment for ten years and find it
tn he the best I have ever used for man
or beast." Sold bv Graham & Worth-
Why Not Use Electric Lights?
S. P. and 0. R. S
Notice tu Creditors.
Foley's Kidney Cure
pvtts kidneys nag Voider r&hU
Zi o--n that the litidersicf-ned
has been duly app nnted administrator of the
estate oi ad ram tuuuiuu,
County Court of Benton C ounty, Oregon.
a Li v.rino- rlnim ntminst K&i.i estate
A o - , " -
are hereby required to piesent the same, dulv
venut-U uy vaa w --
at SUni mil, DCHlua vwumji
a: - t r vnte at rnrvnllK. Kpntnn Cmitltv.
Oregon, within six months from the date of this
Dated October 19. 1906-
Administrator of the efitwW of Abram Underfill
deceased. S8
ChicBEO is 17 Hours Hearer b)
This Popular Columbia River Route
Franklin was right, when he said,
'Lost timejs never found again." The
O. R- & N. in addition to giving
yon 200 miles along the matchless Col
umbia.Biver, saves you 37 hours to Chi
cago. It is the
Short Line to Lewuton.
Short Line to Palouse country.
Short Line to Spokane.
Sliorl Line to the Coner d'Alene coun
try. Short Line to Salt Lake City.
Short Line to Denver.
Short. Line to Kansas City.
Short Line to Omaha.
Short Line toChicago.
Short Line to all points East.
Three trams east daily, 9 :30 a. m., 6:
15 p. m. and 8:15 P- m- The "Chicago
Portland Special" is as fine as the finest.
Every comfort of heme. ,
For particulars ask any agent of the
Southern Pacific Company or write
General Passenger Agent, Portland, O-.
StoD scratching matches on jour wall.
Tnose streaky match scratches look
mighty bad on any.wall. But as long as
you continue to use gas or oil you'ye got
to use matches.
The "matchless light!' is the electric
liuht. a simple twist of the wrist does it,
We are improving and perfecting our
lishtint' service in this city and can give
better service for less money than ever
in the history of the city.
The cost of wiring has been reduced
until it is within reach of all.
If von would lice to know more about
it, call on us in our new office opposite
r .T. Rlnckledtre furniture store or
phone us, Ind. Phone 469.
Willamette Valley Co.
G. A. Clarfc, Mgr
Subscribe for the Gazette.
Office up stafrs in Zierolf Building.
Only set of abstracts in Bentoii County
Ufhce in Post Office Building, Coival
is, Oregon,
to rent a dwelling adjoining (Jorvaias
who is a kind good workman with a.
team of horses. 81-tf.
Gazkttb and Weekly uregonian at
$2. 55 per ear.
WANTED Sixty, tons of clean
vetch eeed, and bats in car lots'
io id cars at nearest railroad station.
Wanted clean Italian and English
Rye grass seed, can furnish gaso-
... 1 - T
line engine with cleaner ana grina-
er to ciean ior larmers. ror saie
young cow, will be fresh soon, $25;
6-year-old horse fur saleor trade. L.
L. Brooks, Jfhone loo mountain
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business. Loans
money on approved security. Drafts
bought and told and money transferred
to the principal cities of the United
Mates, Europe and foreign countries.
There's no Use.
Talking, you can't beat Herbine for
theLivet. The greatest regulator ever
offered to suffering humanity. If you
suffer from liver complaint, if you are
bilious and fretful, His your liver, and
Herbine will put it in its proper condi
tion. A positive cure for'Constipation,
Biliousness, Dspepsia and all ilia due to
a torpid liver. Try a bottle and you
will never hb anything else. Sold by
Graham & Wortham.
Executor's Sale of Real Property.
t. -rattor of the Estate of Huldah A
Notica is hereby given that under and pur
. . i..AfG3la TmH hv tne flnnntv
Sliaul to au uiuti u -j -- j
court of the Stite of Oregon for the County of
Beuton on the 15th day ol September 190& m tne
above entitled matter the undersigned -
,., r the last will and testament of Huldah
A Brown, deceased, will from and after
oroceed to sell at private sale to the highest bid
der lor cash in hand, subject to the confirmatien
01 said court, all the following described real
orooerty to wit: Lot numbered tkree (3) m
block numbered seventeen (17) In Jobs Addition
totheCityofCorvall s, Benton County, Oregon;
said sale to be made for the purpose of paying
claims against said esate and charges and ex
penses of administration remaining unpaiO.
Dated this October 16th, 06.
Executor of the last will and testament of
Huldah A. Brown, doceased. 85-97
Notice to Creditors.
- , - 1 i . r . ,.11 nrlmm 1 rt1 XT DAT!
mocice is ii ui ui; v ricu i." x. . ' j
c(!ru that the undersigned has been duly appointed
. - . . a . v. .. !..- will anil tout. in. nf TflmM
iXecuin& ui fcuc i.o ... " . j
P. McBee, deceased, by the County Court of Ben-
. . 11........ All nuMnns T 1' 1 rl K ('1 111 Til it
lOU VUUHLJ, uicgn". 1 " ri
asainst the estate of said James P. McBee, deceas-
ed, are nereuy requireu w jrecui. wn. uic, n..
proper voucnera mereior, umy ram uj
quired, within six months from the date hereof,
to the undersigned at ber reMdencfe in CorvalUs.
Oregon or at the office ot McFadden and Bryson,
attornejs, in the Postoffice Building, Corvallis, Ore-
8r'ated at Corvallis. Oregon, this 21st day ol
September, 1906. Ai?
Executrix of the Last W ill and Testament of James
P. McBee, deceased. '8tI
for Job Work