Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 16, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
"i s subscription pnee of the Gazette
10 .' j voral years has Deea. and remains
fl i rnnum, or 5 per cent discount if
p ;. aJvauce. Toid will be
C. "tii ued nntil all arrearages are paiJ.
The Southern Pacific rail road
company over twenty years ago
acquired the right of way to ex
tend the road south from Cor-
vallis to Junction City. During
all that time not a single rail road
bridge has washed out or been
damaged by floods so as to in any
way interfere with the daily
trains running from Portland to
Corvallis and return. Every
winter when sudden heavy rains
descend, one or more bridges on
the Eastside rail road are swept
away, delaying the trains, besides
causing much expense tor re
pairs. If the Westside road should
be completed to Junction City
the bridges and road bed
would not be disturbed by rains
or iloods so as to interfere wich
It is said the reason the com
pany does not extend the road
frum Corvallis to Junction City,
making on this side a through
line as formelv intended, is be
cause of the steep grade out of
Portland cn fourth street, al
ways requiring two larges en
gines to force the heavy trains
out of Portland. It is thought
that when the steep grades men
tioned can be avoided the com
pany will extend the line from
Corvallis south.
It is further claimed that the
company has repeatedly endea
vored to provide some better and
more economical way to get out
of Portland than over the
Fourth street grade.
The general empression for
years has been that the Morrill
tariff law was a war measure.
This view is not altogether cor
rect. The Morrill bill was introduced
early in 1860, some time prior
not only to the presidential elec
tion of that year, but even to the
nominating convention. It was
framed and passed the house of
representatives by republican
votes, because the country needed
such a measure to check impor
tation of commodities and the ex
portation of gold; to restore
confidence to the financial in
terests of the country; to build up
our manufactories, and restore
prosperity to the agricultural in
terests of the country.
The republican plurality in
Congress framed this law and
passed It through the house of
representatives, at a time prior
to the presidential election, also
at the time when the slavery
questions, the John Brown raid,
and the heated controversey
caused by the operation under
the fugitive slave law, over
shadowed everything in the pub
lic mind at that time.
The constant attention of
Justin S Morrill, a representa
tive from Vermont and after
wards an able member of the
senate, had the
Guy Knon and familv moved
a j I
to Albany Saturday where theyf
will remain lor the winter. .
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson have
moved onto their 20,-acre farm
near Palestine. They aim to
dlear tue land as soon as possible
and set the greatest portion to
fruit and berries. , V
' J. W. , Williamson who has
been fanning near Woodburn.
Marion countv, for the past two
years, moved up Weonesday and
will occupy the old homestead
with his mother. ..
Do not try to handle bees with
out a good smoker and veil., "It
poor economy. Avert .Vander
pool tiitd that tojhis heart,s sor
row. W. D. Pretty-man arrived
home the latter part of the - week
after spending several days visit
ing his daughter, Mrs. L,ena
Kroschel, of East Albany.
Joseph Wood, who has been
1 .
sick lor tne past two years, is
gradually growing weaker.
The larmer who has his hoy
house full of porkers is not
worrying much over packing
house scandals.
This is lalways a
to the man who is
work .
There 'are two kinds of farm
ers in every neighborhood, one
farms and the other lives on the
Calvin Staurd who has been
spending several months with
his son in Northern California.
returned home Wednesday.
The Oak Grove, school under
the management of. Miss Tilda
Workinger is progressing: very
Charles Voss spent Sunday
with his parehts. Mr. and Mrs.
C. Voss of East Albany.
The smiling countenance of
George Anthony of Riverside
was very noticeable here Sundav.
George doesn't come over very
often but when he does he always
brings an abundance of smiles
and some think it would be pro
per to change his appellation and
call him "Smiley" for short.
good world
doing good
raw. rmm
To Educate Yours&Bf: oh Gioihin
m . m
Regardless of where you have been
in the habit of buy ing" your Clothing you
owe it to yourself as anjeducational .duty
to inspect the showing we make of
. -
OirB& is sBtdl
No skimping in the making, lining
and designing. Broad .variety of all
good styles. Prices
Ederheirner Stein & Co. j
to: $25
fof i WJT
Mm K7
fh A & hv
The Douglas and Fforsl
- - . v .
The "Hawes" and SVIaJlopy
Ederheimer Stein & CU
Big Values in Underwear and Overs hirts
- Fifteen words or lees, 25 cts fur three
successive insertions, or 50 ,ta ' per
month: for all no to .aad im-hidinsr ten ."
additional wor la. cent a nvorr? for each
Insertion. '- . :, ; ; -y 4
For all advertisements over 25 words, .
1 ct per word for the fiist insertion, and
V$ :t per. word for each additional inser
tion. Kothiax inserted for lees than 25
cents. . ' V - v .-
Lodge, eocief f and " chnrth notices,
therthan strictly newB .matter, will be
snarged tor. -'- ; ' ' " . V.
Oregon, 011 instalment plan and as
sist porchasers to build on them
if desired. Address First National
Bank, Corvallis, Or.,
or., tor spot casn, oaiance instal
ments, and help parties to build homes ,
thereon,, il desired. Address Al. S.
Woodcock, Corvajlis, Or.
Veterinary ;Surqeon
surgeon aud dentist. liesideace 120
Fourth etreet. . Phone 389. Orhce
1011 Main BUeet, phoue 204. Give
him a vail.
and Surgeon. Kooms 14, Bank Build
ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. in , 2 to
i p. m . Residence : cor. oth and Ad
ams Sss. Telephone at office and res-'
idence. Corvallis, Oregon.
House Decorating.
W. E. Paul, Ind. 488 ltf
High grade goods a specialty.
Real Estate Transfers.
Foreign and Domestic Groceries.
H E Hodes and wife to A L,
Johnson, agreement deed.
A F Peterson and wife to M
Burnap. lots 3 and 4, block 29,
County add to Corvallis; $850.
Joseph A Park and wife to
Florence Conner, deed to lots 9,
10, 11, block 17. obs add to
Corvallis; $150.
Oregon Sav Bank et al to John
D Wilcox, .s 74 .5 2 acres west ot
Pnilomath; $2,000.
4. vu accu UUb DUUd . IIUUI
John D. Wilcox to E W Lang- anv sort your horses need not
don, 480 acres west of Philomath; ft'af Sf'8 j!mW
Confectionery, cigars, tobacco, woodware,
willowware, stoneware, cutlery, notions,
fishing tackle, ground bone, oil cake meal
grass seed, bee supplies. J- jt
' WANTED 500 live geee before
the first of November. Call or ad-
drees Smith & Bou'dm, Corvallie,
uregon. 84t
Always Wes Sick.
Mailorders promptly filled.
Be Charitable.
When a man says he alwavs was si k
troubled with a cough that lasted all
winter what wouU? you think if he
should eay he never was sick since
using jbai lard's Horehound Syrup. Such
a man exists :
Mr: J. C. Clark of Denver, Colorado,
whiten: ror some years L was trouble
with a severe cough that would last all
winter, lrus cough left me in a miser
able condition. I tried Ballard's Hore
nouni byrup anti have not had a tick
aay since. '1 hat's what it did forme
Soid by Graham & VVortham.
United State
most to do with that law from
thi time of its introduction
the liual passage.
Tnera was no .thought what
ever of providing for war in the
Morrill tariff. There was no
thought of doing anything except
to correct the existing tariff, and
credit must be given to the re
publican party, then having only
a plurality in one one branch
of congress, for framing and pre
senting a law that was a purely
protective measure.
H'. Oai Grove Nctes
lien McElhiney who has been
Working near Falls City, Polk
county, will ietum home the
Women Who Wear Well.
It is astonishing how great a change a
few years of married life often make in
ine appearance and disposition of many
women. The freshness, the charm, tho
brilliance vanish like the bloom from a
peacn wnicu Is rudely handled. Tho
matron is only a dim shadow, a faint echo
of the charming maiden. There are two
reasons lor this change, ignorance and
neglect. Few young women appreciate
the shock to the system through the
change which comes with marriage and
momernoou. Many neglect to deal with
the unpleasant rjelvic. d
nesses which too often como with mar
riage and motherhood, not understanding
uias mis secret drain is robbing the check
01 us iresianess and the form of
As surely as the general health suffers
"uc" s ueicrement or tho fcealtl
3i ineaejicate womaTsisorgans, so sure!y
wu Tsese organs aretablished
ceainn me rce :m4iilvat Osce witne
lu in rwsrea comenrte Xearjv
amniton women have found health
happiness in the use of Dr. Piftr'g
vorite Prescription. It makes weak worn
en strong and sick women well. Ingred
enuj on 1a Dei contains no alcohol
tiarmfui habit - forming drugs. Mada
wholly of those native, American, medic
inal roots most highly recommended by
leading medi-al authorities of all the sev
eral school of practice for the cure of
- - "iui.m io.ui iui inu oroKen
m he.a :;h by too frequent bearing.of
children, al;j for the expectant mothers.
yiepare rne system lor the coming of
baby and rcakmsr its mimmf oo
almost pam.ass, there is no medicine quite
so good as "Favorite Prescription." It
i-u uu iiu uarm in any condition of the
svstem. it n. mrict rA i 1
nlc.nd strenthening nervinl nicely
adapted to woman's . , i
physician 01 large experience in the treat
ment of woman's peculiar ailments.
'ferma7 by letter
Tnvnl HaioI o..:; . i' r 'rce,
RnffTln BiU xnsutute,
To TOUr horse as well R to' tn vnnr.
self. You seed not suffer from rjains of
your horses need not suffer.
Bakerefield. Mn.. wn'tsu' 'T Iiqttq ,icnA
j 1 ia&vwu uuvw UCVU
your Liniment for ten years and find it
. I A. 1 1 T I .
iu ue tue oesii nave ever used tor man
or beast." Soid by Graham & Worth
See Zierolf for Economy Jarp.74t
Htinva the cough aoa Z&a3s lt2.y
A Wise I
lercfaant I
O. A. C.
Gleaning and
Pressing Parlors
Three doors north of Hotel Cor
vallis. Give me a call.
P. H.SWABB, Pros.
S- P. and 0. 3. a
Notice for Publication.
The Gazette
Is the only office in ..
Cor vallis that can
deliver the goods ,.
We Can Show Yon
Chicago isJ7 Hours Nearer bv
This Popular Columbia Rf8r Route
Frankliu was right when he said.
"Lost timejs never found again." Thp
0. R. & N. in additioa to ' Erivinr
yon 200 miles along the matchless Col.
umbia River, saves you J7 hours to Chi
cago. It is the
Short Line to Lewirton.
Short lAne to Palouse country.
ShortiLine to Spokane.
Short Line to the Couer d'Alene cone
Short Line to Salt Lake City.
Short Line to Denver.
Short Line to Kansas City.
Short Liae to Omaha.
Short Line toChicago.
Short Line to all points East.
Three trams east daily, 9:15 a. m., Si
lo p. m. and 8:15 p. m. , The "Chicago-
Jfortland Special" is as fine as the finest.
Every comfort of heme.
For particular ask any agent of the
Southern Pacific Company or write
General Passeier Agent, Portland, O-.
rjepartment of the Interior,
I,and Office at Roseburg-, Oregon,
Sept 6th, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that William E. Earn
est. Of FisIipi- nrrrnti t,,.. C1J x- J-. -
-. v . J. uuiice 01 nis in
tention to .make fiaal five-year proof in support
mad e Sent ic moi w tin. ci? t c m, '
and N lA NKt nnH CW1 TVTt f o '
, . An ""J J, ace I J, l Own-
Ship is S, Range 10 Wf and that said proof will
" . vounty cierK ot Benton
County at his office at Corvallis. Oreeon. on
November 19th, 1906. '
He names the followinar witnesses to nnw i
continuous resideuce upon, and cultivation of
; aara A. belts, irank M. Seits,
Har- E. Earnest, and Martin X,. Earnest, all of
. .
75 BENJAMIN L,. E:mY, Register.
Executor's Sale of Real Property.
In the Matter of the Estate of Huldah A
Brown, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that under and pur
suant to an order of pale made by the Countv
Court of the Stite of Oregon for the County of
Benton on the 15th day ot September 1906 ia the
above entitled matter, the undersigned ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of Huldah
A. Brown, deceased, will from and after
r- " ; ' " ........ . - IV t.ut XllUCSl OIU-
apr for fan in nnurl cnl,af tia c
1 . . " v. wUillUlilU9n
oi said court, all the following described real
iiuptnv, lu-wil; uui uumuerea iaree (3; m
block numbered seventeen (17) In Jobs Addition
to the City of Corvarll s, Benton County, Oreeon-
Efa:l n I... J I 4t.A . Li- J
ments; curbing made to order ; cleaa
ing and reparing done neatly : save
agent's commission. Shop North
Main St., Frank Vanhoosen, Prop, o2ti
Office up stafrs in Zierolf Building,
Only eet of abstracts m Benton County
Office in Post Office Building, "Corval
iis, Oregon.
10 rent a dwelling adoining Corvallis
who is ' a kind good workman with a
team of horses. 81-tf.
Gazette and Weekly Oregcnian at
$2.55 per year.
WANTED Sixty tons of clean
vetch eeed, and oats in car Joip,
ioad cars at nearest railroad station.
Wanted clean Italian and TCno-liKh
Rye grass seedLcan furnish eapo-
line engine wit cleaner and grind'
er to cieau for farmers. For sale
young cow, will be fresh soon. $25:
6-year-old horse for sale or trade. L.
u. xsrooks. JTnone loo Mountain
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business. L ans
money on approved security. Dratts
bought and sold and money iransferred
to the principal cities of the United
States, Europe and foreign countries.
There's no Vs 3.
Subscribe for the Gazette.
said sale to be made for the ournosp nf nmriti
i - . . ., .. - a; f f -7"s
Dated this October 16th. 1006.
Executor of the last will and testament of
uuiaan a, Brown, doceasea. 85-97
Xotice to Creditors.
has been dulv anminted adTninictrat-
ptat rtf ihrsm T Tn pt-Vi ill rl arrA 1 t
County Court of Eenton County, Oregon.
A 1 ...'lr"viTii" rl.imo " " ' . . n 3 i j
. . . . t . . ...... .....ij titiiMni. esiaLc
are hereby required to present the same, duly
verified as by law required, to the undersigned
at Summit, Benton County, Oregon, or at the
omce ot J. . ates at Corvallis, Benton County,
Oregon, within six months from the date of this
notice. .
Dated October 19. 100S.
Administrator of the e,tntft rf A Smtn rj-nnunt
deceased. S8-0S
Talking, vou rnn't hent TTprhino fi
theLivei. The greatest regulator ever
offered to suffering humanity. If 3 0u
suffer from liver complaint, if you are
bilious and frettul, it is your liver, and
Heroine will put it in its proper condi
tion. A DOSivive Cure for rinneliT.otmn
Biliousness, Dyspepsia and all ilia due to
a torpid liver. Try a bottle and you
will never us anvtliino- PiBo . Knit v,
Graham & Wortham.
The Gazette
Notice to Cdtorg.
j wu vr TixiyjuA i u may vuu-
cem that the undersigned has Oeen duly a pointed
Executrix of the Jast will
P. McBee, deceased, by the County Court of Ben
ton County, Oregon. All persons havinjf claims
against the estate of said James P. McBee, deceas-
pH Hrfl il Vl V T-.'fi n i rmi , ... . I . . .
j - -'l w pncui i.ii (. cailJC, W1U
proper vouchers therefor, duly verified as by law re
quired, within six months from the date hereof,
to the undersigned at her residence in Corvallis,
Oregon, or at the office of McFadden and Bryson:
attornevs, m the Pofctoffice Buildinir. Corvallis. Ore
Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this 2Jst day of
September, 19C6.
Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Jam'eg
P. McBee. deceased. . ti
lob Work
tor chHM-Kizi Sat