Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 13, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The late f.ill js a good time for calves
to drop if vv o are prepared to give them
good shelter during winter, and after : crate-that Is, the body alone Is cased. wMch remedial properties were at
nueh experimentin:? I have come to , with older and larger animals I use a tributed should be collected and
the conclusion that a shed with a saw large strong : and heavier .crate, fqjj m some 'place' conveniently
tooth or sectional roof with a row of. length of animal, with the animals . , j;i 51;vi j ,
windows la each section is the ideal j neck placed in a sort of stancLIon ilS
r.! for vonn stock in winter sars a made of two hardwood sticks that run manded. The last step did not un
plaf f0,r T , r!, ;( , flr to top and are secured at-mediately follow,- however, since
writer In Breeders Gazette, Chicago. , . . . Mri . " nmnno- the conditio whiA wptp
rniis shed shoald be connected with Uiejbefore the and water will be
cow barn, ana tne uarn
warm enough to prevent the chilling of
a young calf which may be born during
a very cold night. There must be hay-1
racks and little feed bunks in the shed.
also water tank and a gtilranizeil or
cement troui in which to feed fres'j
skimmed, warm separator milk, but
care should be taken that nothing may
hinder driving in and turning insice
with the manure spreader. This makes
It easily kept clean, and if there is no
manure spreader at present there sooa
will be. TL barn must be provided
with several box stalls for the purpose
of keeping by themselves for a few
days the nurse cow and her calf and
the calf she is expected to raise until
the calves are strong enough to be
turned out into the shed.
Clover bay fed in connection with the
frrains named and mill feeds should in
jure a fairly good flo-.v of milk, but if
the corn crop be put in the silo and fed
to the cows also it would increase the
milk supply -very much, and if a little
silage be fed to the calves it would
make tuoni very sappy and thrifty.
"With all this ready before the calves
are bora they should be welcome at
any time, ami such cows as give the
richest milk and are easily milked
should be milked by hand, and thus-.;
with faulty udders, short teats and
hard milkers, or with any bad hubits,
are belter u.sed for nurse cows, whether
they are heifers or mature cows.
A newborn calf should draw its first
drink from its own mother, and it ;s.;
better to keep it with her a few days-,
then put it in a sack, hind end first,
and let its head stick out and tie the
sack ?o as to give the calf no chance
to get out; take it to the cow which is
to nurse it and lay it on the floor bs
fore her. Of course It will struggle
and thus excite the cow, but that is
what is desired, for call it mother's
Instinct, pity or what not the fact U
Bhe will soon start to lick the calf's
head, and you may withdraw your
sack, and the battle Is more than half
won, as most cows do not object to
nursing It at once, but If she should
kick at it a rope may' be tied around
her just in front of the udder for n
few times to prevent kicking.
It is well to have calves of nearly the
sanie age on the same cow, but a differ
ence of two or three weeks does not
hurt. As soon as calves are strong
enough she should he turned In tl:.
shed after nursing, where she may bv
fed a little fine clover hay and a littic
cornmeal, and, as they grow, a little
ground oats, or speltz with the hulls
sifted out, may be added. They should
learn also to drink the fresh milk,
warm from the separator, and if the"
at first refuse It a little may be poured
over the grain. Care must be taken to
clean the trough after each meal. If
only one calf begins to drink they will
soon all do it. A little dried blood mea!
may be kept on hand to be used in
case of scours, and hay, grain, feed auc1.
separator milk should be fed in greater
C"''r.t"!" r."- th? calves grow, and r
little silage may be added if available,
but ground speltz, barley and oat5
need not be sifted any longer.
The pure bred calves may be raised
this way as well as the grades and all
should be vaccinated against black leg.
They should be ready to be weaned
when grass comes. If the grades are
for sale they should bring strong prices.
The shed should be covered with any
of the better kinds of ready-roofing-,
which will make good material for gut
ters and alleys also. It will cost a lit
tle more to raise calves during winter,
but if they are handled as described
they may be taken away from the
cows at five months old and fed sepa
rator milk and grain, and If some good
calves can be bought the same cows
may raise another crop of them on
Preventives of Galls.
Terfect fitting, hard collars kept
clean and the shoulders properly
cleansed when the work is done at
night form the best preventives of
galls. A very successful worker c-f
horses who seldom If ever had a horse
with a sore shoulder made a practice of
bathing the parts with a strong decoc
tion of white oak bark for a couple of
weeks prior to the opening of spring's
work and then keeping it up until the
shoulders hni become thoroughly hard
ened. Of course he saw to it that the
collars were of correct size and shape.
Scratches may be in large measure pre
vented If the legs and heels are wei.
cleaned and dried before the animals
are put to bed. The mud should be
wiped off the extremities b soon as
the horses come In at night and the
dirt and dust thoroughly brushed out
A stitch in time will save the prover
jbial amount of trouble and money la
these aev
iilin'i iiiiiiil fir
Some Fotnta on Cretins and Stalling;
by Ezpreu and Freisjbt.
Express is always preferable to
freight where the expense is not too
great. Express companies require the
animals to be crated, and generally I
use a short, light slat crate for little
calves, -with head protruding from the
given dv tne express company's neoDie.
In shipping by freight It is generally
1-1 t V H : .L l. 1 1
necessary for some man to accompany
the stock as. an attendant, and then
! feed, bedding, etc., are supplied for the
trip and the attendant is expected to
care for, feed and water . the stock.
The animals can be placed in stalls
that are made in the car or in stan
chions which run the length of the car.
These are made by taking two four or
five inch pieces at top and two more
at bottom and ' at regular intervals
place an upright which is securely fas
tened to these pieces and also to the
floor and the roof of the car, then in
between these pieces or uprights place
a piece that reaches from floor just to
the top of the frame, being pinned at
the base so that it will move enough
at the top to allow the animal's head
to enter the space, then close the space
and put in another pin at the' top-to
hold it there firmly.
The animals, of course," stand side
ways in the car and unless exception
ally large will have ample room in the
ordinary eight foot wide car and leave
a space in front of the stanchion for
feeding. Hay in small bales can be
carried over the animals by building a
sort of floor over them. Water can-
be carried in barrels near the door
ways to be used in case of necessity or
haste. Where only one or two ani
mals are to be shipped by freight they
can be tied in the end of the, car or a
cheap stall made. Almost all railways
require the presence of an attendant
and generally give free fare at least
one way and sometimes both ways.
Wing R. Smith in Rural Xew Yorker.
Henry Exall, the leading breeder of
trotters in Texas, issues a warning to
horse breeders iu which he says: The
rapid increase in the value of all
good, useful horses will very material
ly stimulate the breeding business.
Hundreds of people will start in an en
terprise that promises such great re
turns, and the tendency will be to
breed almost every animal that will
reproduce itself regardless of quality,
soundness and general desirability.
Breed Them Riffht.
As a consequence a great many
horses of nondescript character will be
raised at a loss alike to those who
breed them and to the state, while, oil'
the other hand those who choose wise
ly and breed and raise only the best,
using stallions and 'mares that are
deeply bred in the best blood lines of
the breeds that they Intend to raise
and who by proper care and attention
raise really serviceable horses, useful
for the purpose for which they are In
tended, sound, kind and beautiful, will
not only make a great deal of money
for themselves, but will greatly benefit
the section of country in which they
live. There Is practically no- limit to
the demand, at rich figures (which will
grow larger each season for the next
eight or ten years), for the horse that
Is bred right, raised right and trained
to be good In his class, whether It Is
as a trotting race horse, a fast speed
way horse, a park -horse, a reliable,
well mannered, sound, handsome fam
ily 'carriage horse or a sturdy draft
horse. Breed them right, raise them
right," educate them properly, nd the
product of a small band of well bred
mares, with the right kind of stallion
at their head, will make their owner
rich in the next ten years. '
Notes For Breeders.
Oats are a natural and nutritious
horse feed.
The stall ought to be nine feet Ions
and five feet wide, says Kimball's
Dairy Farmer. " .
Scrub horses are neither profitable
nor satisfactory. v
In training young colts drive them
with a fast walker.
Do not whip a frightened horse. It
only adds to his fright.
Some people curry 'their horses dur
ing the shedding season only.
A horse naturally feeds from the
ground. Avoid high mangers.
The mare that is suckling a colt I?
doing double duty and should not bt
required to perform . as much hard
labor as the other horses. V
All trouble in kicking, rearingvand
stubbornness generally arises from im
proper handling or not sufficient nan
dling to adapt horses to usage.
Ton can better afford to starve your
horses any other time than during the
first year of their existence. A stunt
ed colt seldom makes a well developed
Treatment that may entirely break
one horse of a bad habit may entirely
fail on another. It Is hard to lay dowr.
rules that will work well In all cases.
Horses are classed in " the Chicago
market as . drafters loggers and . feed
ers, " chunks," expresses, - farm mares,
light drivers, actors and ' coachers.
The last' class brings-' the besV,ino$
if'j' ? Light Jdrivers'r conienextry Bit
of an the Masses the drafters' i're.tbe
mostp'rofitable because they can be
put on the market cheaper. ' It's bis
proposition to fit up a team of light
drivers or coachers that win MO for a
They Were Cultivated In Garden In
the Eider Pliny's Time. . -
After the discovery of the med
ical properties of plants it must
have followed in course of time that
representatives of - the species to
earlier . supposed to . influence the
Wotiot f Tnariimnai imrk-
1 V . .
cality in which grown and the mys
teries attending". : their collection
were of the ' greatest importance.
The first authentic record of the in
troduction of medicinal plants into
cultivated plots of ground dates no
farther back than the , time of the
elder Pliny, 23-79 A. D., who writes
of the garden of Antonius Castor,
at Borne, in which' were grown i a
large number of medicinal plants.
This step may have been taken
much earlier - by the Greeks, Chi
nese or Mexicans, however. : :
Later the Benedictine monks of
northern Italy paid, great attention
to the growing of remedial herbs
and devoted an important propor
tion of the monastery gardens to
this purpose. This practically was
also carried beyond the Alps, and
in 1020 a garden was in existence at
the monastery of St. Gall, in Swit
zerland, a few kilometers distant
from Lake Constance, which con
tained sixteen plots occupied by
medicinal plants. A garden of this
character was founded in 1309 at
Salerno and another in Venice in
1330. In 1309 the . Benedictine
monks founded an academy called
"Ci vitas Hippocratiea" ... at -r Monte
Cassino, in Campania,: which ap
pears to the writer to be among the
earliest schools, if 'not the first
school, of medicine and established
in connection with it a "physics
Coinmaking. ' ";
Coin of all descriptions is manu
factured, by dies which cut from a
metal rod the exact diameter of the
coin disks of suitable size; which are
called blanks. These are afterward
passed on to a machine which
6tamps them with the devices em
ployed on obverse and reverse and
mills the edges. The milling , ma
chine is considered to be the greats
est improvement in the manufac
ture of coin, since, by its uae, coins
cannot be chipped as they were be
fore it was employed. Such wonder
ful accuracy is shown by the stamp
ing machines that for a coin to vary
in. weight even a single grain is very
rare. Every coin is weighed in balr
ances so delicate that they detect
the slightest variation and are so
adjusted that if a coin is too light it
is thrown to one side, if too heavy,
to the other, and if exactly right it
passes, on to the receptacle provided
for the perfect coins.. '- - : I
Wasting Time.
' They were' dining - off fowl in a
restaurant. --v.-.-. a --.-:';.
4You see," he explained, as he
Lshowed her the wishbone, "you take
hold there and 1 11 take hold here.
Then we must both make a wiSh
and pull and when it breaks the one
who has the bigger : part -of it will
have his or her wish gratified." - !
"But I don't know, what to wish
for she protested. '
"Oh, you can think of some
thing," he added. . " -:
"No, I can't," she replied. ' "I
can't think of -anything I want very
much." ' "
"Well, I'll wish for you," he ex
claimed, v '
"Will you really she asked. .
; "Yes." --. ; . - - ;
"Well, then, there's no use fool
ing with the old wishbone," she in
terrupted with a glad smile. "You
can have me."
. Tennis.
Tennis was first ; played, in the
pft-rlv -nft-rh of t.hft sixteenth reirfrnTV
in England and trance. Matches
for considerable wagers were fre
quently held, and rather than give
up the game many men played for
parts of their wearing apparel after
their money was gone. In England
toward the last of the century cov
ered tennis courts were erected, and
nearly all the nobility played," in
cluding the women. -Henry VII.
was a devoted follower of tennis,
and Henry VIII. was also fascinated
by the sport. The first royal tennis
match was played between this mon
arch, with the Emperor Maximilian
for a partner, against the Prince of
Orange and the Marquis- de Bran
denborow.. Charles II. was the first
person to adopt a tennis costume. ,
rt-'i hf:'. - i,JUibbli;lt:I.Bk;i5-j?t
f t'.f 5Whyt ithafc .ampiVso raging
-ifHe picked up & lost package and
when he opened it found nothing
but bottles of patent medicine 'fox
that full felinmr." Harper.
Weekly..- -
A De a.dbe aLt
' . OriginaLl - ' "
One summer night, or rather morn
ing, & cabman nodding on his box drove
slowly up Broadway, New York. Pass
ing old Trinity church the chimes In
the tower above rang out, followed by
the stroke of 2.
V: "Hello!" cried a voice. T :
The cabman, ever mindful of a fare,
roused tknself ': and, turning, saw , a
man standing in the iron gateway be
fore the church.. There was little of his
face or figure "visible, for the former
was shaded by the brim of a singular
three cornered hat, the latter wrapped
in a long cloak. The cabman drew up
at the curb. The stranger opened the
cab door and stepped hastily in, giving
a hurried order to drive northward
along the river bank. On reaching
a point opposite ; Weehawken the
stranger called upon the cabman to
stop, alighted and walked toward the
river. . . " . , ;.. .
f It was now early dawn. On com
ing to tHe water's- edge he looked
about him as, though expecting some
one, ;: then up and down the river,
glancing . impatiently ut. ' his watch.
The cabman continued to eye him
wonderingly,t though: h was tired and
sleepy. Was it drowsiness that, made
the queer figure seem, to flutter in the
wind? . A boat fouched the shore pulled
by two men in .the me garb as the
stranger. : He stepped in and was
rowed away straight across the river.
Then It seemed to the cabman that he
had lost consciousness for a second and
the men pulling away in a boat had
been a dream. , He looked about for
the stranger, but he had indeed disap
peared.. ..
Suddenly the stillness was broken by
a distant crack, or, rather, it was two
cracks so near together as to be scarce
ly distinguished. . Just then the leaves
of the trees were stirred by a light
breeze", and it seemed to the cabman
that something uncanny was in the
wind. Indeed, though it was a warm
July morning, he shivered as if he had
been struck by a cold" draft from a
tomb. . ' v
The next ' thing . the vcabman knew
the two men who had taken the stran
ger away, were pulling rapidly down
the river. The stranger himself 'was
nowhere to be seen, but the men seem
ed to be regarding anxiously something
in the bottom of the boat invisible from
the shore. ; The cabman, bent on hold
ing to those mysteriously linked with
the man who owed him a fare, whipped
up" his horse and followed them down
along the shore. It . was a hard chase,
but he managed to keep them in sight,
and. finally they turned toward the
shore. " When they landed, cabby was
there to meet them. The stranger , was
stretched in the bottom of the boat,"
Taking him upy his companions carried
him ashore and placed him inside the"
cab. The cabman, all in a flutter,,
mounted Jthe box and was about to
drive awaywhen he remembered that
In 'his excitement he had hot , asked
for Instructions. Looking back to do
so, not a ghost of. a man who had been
there was to' be seen. ' As soon as he
could sufllcUsntly ? recover from his as
tonishment he bent over to ask the
question of , the man inside. The face
was ashen and had taken on a ghastly
glare.:";" v). J. ;K r ';' ' . ' ' ' .-'.' ." r
"Drive,'' moaned the sufferer' . r;
"Where?" :vv'.'' :
xTo the churchyard." : -
The cabmfln lashed his horse, his cab
swaying from curb to curb, its driver
swaying as well, oh the box, the people
rushing to get out of the way. Now
and again a policeman dashed into the
street. ta stop him, but he was driving
too fast for them and left them all be
hind;'; . '
"Fajster!" called the passenger in a
dyinz voice. "I'll, be caught in the
maelstrom." '
The cab at last drew up at the gate
way of 6'd Trinity. The cabman was
about tp get down and help the man
out when he saw him flit rather than
walk or run In through the gateway,
pass right through an iron fence and
Into - the churchyard. v ; Down jumped
the cabman and dashed after him, call
Ing for nls fare. Passing around an
end of the fence, making his way
through the headstones, he managed to
keep the man, or, rather, ghost for by
this time it resembled a dissolving buff
cloud in sight. "
There is a monument on the southern
side of the churchyard partaking nei
ther of the style othe seventeenth nor
of the nineteenth century,' but, a pe
riod betwixt ; the two. To this monu
ment "the fading object floated, and
thither the cabman staggered. But on
reaching it not a sign cf a living being
was to be seen. Dazed, he tried to
steady himself against the tomb, but
the-gravestones, the high buildings
surrounding the churchyard., the spire,
all'begap to rock as if they ; were tow
ers on 3Jie gigantic vessel, and well,
that's all the cabman knew. Indeed,
he, sank down on the graVe with his
head resting against the monument.
There he was seen by a policeman
standing on the narrow street border
ing, the churchyard. v
The next sign of consciousness that
came to the cabman was feeling a grip
nn his arm. Opening his eyes, he saw
the poUceman bending over him. .
"My fare," gasped the cabman.
"Your fare I Do you expect to get
fares out o tombstones?"
The cabman rolled his eyes about to
assure himself where he was, and they
finally rested on an . Inscription cut on
a slab-in tbe-monument beside him, It
read:--!; is.l-:-- .? ?; i-. : xs. T.ubi'i
"Winter Quarters ot Fowls Should Be
Prepared For Occnpaaey. " '
It is not too soon to begin prepara
tions for next winter, says Farm Jour
nal... Too soon to do the work Is not
to be considered unless' there is nothing
to do. It is surprising how much one
will have to do when winter comes on
and he is unprepared. . '
The poultry house may require over
hauling in -various ways or a new one
may be built. It will be found that a
new house will be less damp if built
soon enough to allow the wood to sea'
son before winter. Earth floors that
have been saturated with the drop:
pings of the fowls should be removed
to the depth of six inches and fresh
material used, and the roof should be
carefully examined while made tight
on the bid house.
Another point is that it is only after
one has built a poultry house and used
it a year that he knows what he wants.
No man ever built a poultry house that
he could not see something to improve
about it, and it is this experience that
is assisting to get more eggs in winter.
Then there are the roosts and nests.
Those who have spent hours per
forming the work of cleaning out the
poultry houses will appreciate any' la
bor saving contrivances, and the time
to adopt them is before the winter be
gins. .-. ; .- - -, -. ., v'
, It is suggested that the house have
plenty of windows, so as to secure
sunlight and warmth.' 'Nothing is so
repugnant to fowls as darkness during
the day, and they will frequently re
main in a storm , outside rather than
keep within the walls of a dark house.
Begin the fall right and prepare for
the winter early so as to have the hens
and pullets laying before the cold
weather sets in.
Rye For Pasture and Soiling.
Rye is not half appreciated by the
American farmer. It is very hardy!
will grow oh the poorest land, makes
good winter and spring pasture and
if sown early enough makes good falJ
pasture.' It is a good early , spring sail
ing crop. It makes a fair quality oi
hay if cut in bloom or before, .and n
always sells at good prices and makt.:
the best of bedding for cattle ano'
horses. It is also an' excellent greeu
manure crop for turning under in earlj
spring. While it does not add nitrogen,
as the clovers do, it makes a greaf
deal of humus, .and thus improves the
texture of .wornout stila. It will
grow in any section that -can grow
any of the small grains. Where corn
or potatoes or cowpeas are grown af tar
corn, rye may be sown in the corn at
the time, of , "laying by" or may be
sown on the stubble after the corn is
cut and be plowed under in the spring
for any of the crops mentioned. W. J.
Spillman. . '
, Melon In tbe Corn Shock.
If when cutting corn you will place
In. one of your largest shocks about a
dozen of your choicest watermelons, at
Christmas, when the snow Is on the
ground and the 'frost is on the pane
you can sit by, the roaring fire and eat
one of your melons, which has kept all
that time in the shock of m corn. Farm
Sheep Notes. ''; " :
Sheep require a clean place to eat
and must have it or else their health
will be impaired and food wasted. ' '
Regularity is perhaps more important'
ia- feeding sheep than Is the case with
other animals, for sheep are naturally
regular In their habits.
While a small bunch of sheep can 'be
kept on any farm to good advantage,
they serve a double purpose, as they
enrich the farm and bring a cash to'
come at the same time.
The Kind You Have Always "Bought, and whieli has been.
. in use for oyerv30 yearsj nas borne the signature of
and fcas been made under bis per
; jC4&7fyzj? supervision since its infancy.
&uzzsM 4cL&i6 Allow no one to deceive you in this."
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR! A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
gori Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Uarcotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and FlatnTcncy. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
.Stomach ivAd Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The C en;ii Fanacear-The Tdother's Friend, v
Bears the
m Mm
M ...... . . BBBaaBHBnaaa'
In Use For Over 30 Years.
To te Given in the Corvallis Ly
i ' ceum Course.'
Lulu Tvter G'U Co., opera
I house Tuesday Nov. 13, iqo6.
: Box office opened 'or benefit of
j season ticket holder-, Saturday, 8
a. m. No person is allowed to re
serve more than five seats at one
time. Season tickets on ' sale at
Graham & Wort ham's. ' 92-3
Econrrny Ftiit Ja
t Zierolfs.
( lioolc Oat For the Mitea Now.
By cleaning the fowl house and
painting the roost with some good
liquid lice killer at least once a week,
being careful to reach all nooks, cran
nies and corners or roosts and nest
boxes, one may prevent mites. As in
every other evij. the thing to do is to
prevent. Let mites once get a foothold
in your house and you have trouble
without end getting rid of them.
"Sporta" Anions; Pnre Breda. '
The Silver Laced Wyandottes, like
any other standard variety of fowls,
are liable to throw "sports," but do one
can tell what the percentage would be
to 100 chicks. In fact, therei might not
be one to 1,000, and there might be sev
eral to a hundred. All varieties of
poultry are more or less difficult to
breed to standard requirements.
Dry Bran For Young Fowla.
One poultryman scattered dry bran
about where the chicks could pick at it
and found that it worked wonders in
Checking bowel trouble in chicks. Dry
bran is most excellent fpr both young
and eld fowls and" acts as a sort of
stimulant to egg production. Give It a
trial if you have not done so already. -
Know What Yonr Hens Are Doing.
A careful account of income and ex
penditures is one of the first steps tc
successful poultry culturel To know
what one's fowls are doing is of vital
Importance. ' ' .
A Wise
The Gazette
Is the only of f ice In
G or vail is that can
deliver , the goods.
We Can Show You
Signature of - ;