Vol.. XLIII. Corvalus. Benton Coum-, Oregon, Friday, November 9, 1906. NO.''92 SPLENDID MEETING. Q. T. H- S." Members Have Social Time. Tb M n's Club of the M. E church of this city held its first meeting for the year in the base ment of tbe church Monday evening. 1 his association is known as the G.v T. H. , S. ; as manv know, this signifies "Get The Habit Society.' Many of the leading: physicians, lawyers, professional and business men of the city are active members. Rev. Feese opened the pro gram with a brief talk on the ob ject of the club, Collie Cathev gave a vocal solo, with accom paniment by Miss Marie Cathev, which was encored, af ter which Prof. Horner gave a lecture oa "Jerusalem." The speaker in referring to the society, said, "When I visited Philosophy Hall at Cambridge, and found that the entire edifice would not accommodate those present this evening, and when made aware of the fact than Em erson aud many of the greatest speakers in Europe and America had lectuied from that platform, I was reminded of the fact that in higher life and in higher thought there are but few. So in any great undertaking in a community a few who are striv ing upward are tho leaders and it appears to me that the Men's Club represents this class of en deavor. "Wandering about the Craige house which was Longfellow's home, I learned that he bad formed a small coterie of friends such as Lowell, Holmes, Haw thorne and Dana, who were striving tor excellence; and all of these men became excellent in their various pursuits. I am therefore reminded that the Men's Club in their pursuits is a very fitting thing to be encouraged in a city which is rapidly coming to be known as the Hub of Oregon. For as everybody knows, the Oregon Agricultural College is the greatest institution in this state, as Harvard University is the greatest institution in the East, and the greatest institu tions locate the Hubs. Let our doctors be the best doctors; let our lawyers be the best lawyers; our business men the best busi ness men; and everybody will recognize Corvallis as the Hub. "Searching about for some new things to think about last summer, I determined to visit the various places which were made sacred by Bible charac ters. At Memertine prison we visited the cell where : Peter and Paul were imprisoned. Here Peter was, so legends assure us, tied to a stone post that still re mains; and when the Apostles de sired to baptize the jailor who had been converted by their teachings, a fountain broice through the stone for that purr pose and legends say that the fountain that is there is the iden- j tical fountain that was produced by Divine power. "A half hour's drive . and we are at the little church Quo Vad is, famous in legend. Here Peter after making his escape, met the Savior and said to him, 'Quo Vadis?" (Where goeth thou?) The Savior, realizing that Peter had denied him again, answered, "I am going to Rome to be crucified." Here we are shown the stone on which , the Savior sat when he made this remark and the imprint of his feet is in evidence. The origi nal stone is at St. Sebastine. Peter feeling the force of the re proof administered by the Sav ior, returned to Rome and sur rendered himself to the author ities, and was condemned to crucifixion. Bat realizing his unworthiness to die as did his Savior, his request to be crucified head downward was graciously granted,. "At St, Peter's we were show in an apartment 20 feet or more under gronnd, a stone sepulcher in whictt. we were assured were the remains of the disciple of that name. However, there is con siderable comment at the present time upon the matter aud it is the belief that the present Pope will require the sarcophagus to be opened so as to satisfy the people that this is the body of the beloved apostle." A journey in imagination, with Prof. Horner as the leader, was taken through Joppa, then up to Jerusalem and throughout the Holy City for half, an hour or more. Alter tins delicious refreshments were served by the committe, and toasts responded to by Dr. Cathey, Prof. Holmes, Minor Swick, Rev. Feese. Jos. Underwood and Joseph Yates. UP TO THEM. Will Business Men Grasp the Op portunity? What It Is. Whether or not Corvallis will have a three "qr four days' Chil dren's Agricultural Fair next September, remains with the business men of our city and county. Our energetic business men will be given an opportuni ty to answer the above query this week. County School Superintendent Denman is behind the movement. It is the plan to hold the fair in Corvallis the ' week previeus to hop-picking. The exhibitors will be the school children of the county. The exhibits will con sist of farm and garden products, preserved fruits, jellies, sewing, bread, pie and cake making, writing, drawing, . essays, con tests. In addition to this there will be a non-competitive . exhibit of anything in the county by any citizen, and Supt. Denman sug gests that a horse show and a goat show be listed on one of the days. The plan is to distribute seeds of , cereals, garden vegetables, etc., free to the children . All work must be done, by the pupil, except preparing the land. Prizes will be graded as fol lows: all pupils 12 years old and over, and and all pupils 12 years and under. If sufficient prizes can be obtained, first and second prizes will be given each exhibit; it not, a prize to each of the two classes mentioned. The prizes are to be furnished by our enterprising business men, something out of their place of business. They will will be re warded for their generosity by the advertisement given them.. Three ortour thousand pamphlets are to be printed, and distributed in every family" in the county. The pamphlet will give complete description of prizes with the per son give same, and classified. In addition to the personal prize to each successful pupil ex hibiting, it is contemplated to give away four or five grand prizes, which will bean organ to each collective exhibit from the first four districts having best ex hibit. In Polk and Yamhill counties last year, pianos were given as grand prizes, but Supt. Dsncfran thought four organs' would ' be more practicable as every district can use an organ, but could not take proper care of a piano. Such able speakers as Gover nor Chamberlain, and Senator Fulton are to attend the fair. Corvallis and Benton 'county never had such an opportunity before presented to show what their advantages were. This fair will bring to Corvallis large num bers of our citizens, and lasting three to four days the fair insures a rousing time. It is to be hoped that cir bus mess men will do their duty in this matter. Being the first fair ever held it ought to be an eye opener. HAPPENS TONIGHT. In College Chapel Musical Event Will Attract Large Crowd. In the college chapel tonight an event of more than passing in tetest is tooccur, and a large aud ience of Corvallis people will cer tainly be in attendance. The, affair is a recital by the pupils of the school of music of OAC and a program up to the usual high standard of these events will be rendered. The college recitals have be come very popular with Corvallis people, and the entertainment this evening will be fully as eu4 joyabJe as those given in the past, The program in full is as follows: "On the Meadow" ..Lichner Blanche Hammer ,fHungarian" Engelmann Edith Sproat "I Know a Lovely Garden"...D'Hardelot Gertrude McBee Allegro in f... P. E. Bach y Alma Watson "Une petite fletir''.... Voss Clara BaKer "Serenade" .....Miller James Chambers "Spring's Awakening" ,..Hawley Edna Allen "Little Wanderer" Lange Vena Kickard "Spring Song" .Merkel Donald Colvig Etude Op. 10-5 Chopin lreae bproat "The Separation" .Rossini ; Lulu Slangier "Flying Leaves" .Koelline Marion Chappell Valse chromatique Leschetisky " Adah McDanald Recitative and Aria .G. Thomas Mane Felland "Twilight".. . . .'. Merkel Maud .Draper Doors will be kept closed dur ing performance, . The. pupil's standing is not indicated vhv. -the order in which' thev appear on the program. Expect Hard Game. Multnomath will not play a game of football next Saturday, but will rest up for the game with Willamettee University the following Saturday, says the Ore gonian. The game with .Wil lamette promises to be a hard one, ana, since Willamette's showing against Oregon, the lo cal clubmen realize they have ; a hard contest ahead of them. Last yea the team from the cap- itol city plastered the 23 signs on Multnomath, and it is desired bv the clubmen to wipe out that defeat by a decisive victory this season. - No practice will be done this week, but next week good, hard work will be the rule. So far this season the team work of Multnomah has been ragged, and most of the time will be pent between now and the game in getting the players to work together. New Firm Established. Corvallis has a new business firm in an entirely new line of business. The persons interest ed are Cathey and v Haynes, the latter a newcomer in the city but a man of experience and ability. The business of the young men is sign painting, but on a larger and more attractive plan than has ever before been undertaken in Corvallis. As an example of what is to be done: work is now in progress on a 12-section sign which, when put up, will be 120 feet in length. The 12 sections are ten feet wide and nine feet high, each artistically lettered with the advertisement of some local firm. On the first of these immense bill boards, now being painted, the following well known busi ness firms, occupy the twelve sections: ; Ambler & Watters, O.; J. Blackledge, Corvallis Flouring Mills, ZierolPs grocervr Elgin's harness shop. Veal & Cathey, Morris' blacksmith shop. Long's bicycle shop, E. W. S Pratt, Graham . & Wortham, S. Jb. Kline, Allen's drug, store, Kaupisch creamery and Henry Mangas. ' : , Five of the boards are. to be placed is and about Corvallis and it is safe to say a better ad vertising scheme . has. never be fore been launched hereabouts. The artistic skill of Cecil Cathev is recognized ' by all, and Mr. Haynes is also a thorough artist. . ' It is the purpose of the firm to make their headquarters in Cor vallis, where work will be done lor outside Jowns, the signs to be shipped from here. This means that, many thousand feet of lum ber will be in demand for the work, and- the project will also add to the business life of the city. It is hoped the young men may prosper. ONE ROAD TO SUCCESS. Must Be Competent in Some One Line to Succeed. It ever there was ,a time in the history of the world when in competent men aud women were a drug in the market, that time is now, and the individual who fails to learn some one. thing so thoroughly that he excels in it is missing the golden key that unlocks most certainly the door to success. Education is a necessity if one! would strive for any great prize in the race of life, but in other avenues of industry the man or woman who, by reason of cir cumstances or condition?, has has been unable to secure a first- class education , may become so competent in his or her line of work that he or she need never lack for employment at better wages than are paid the medi ocre. If a man decides to be a car penter, let him be a good car penter; let him study all the parts of his trade until he can do the best work possible; if he de cides to be a painter, let him be an artist at the business; let him learn to mix his paints until the. most exacting patrom can be suited with the dantiest tint de manded, and such' a workman will never lack tor work. Perhaps a boy may find him self in the position of a boot black, but even so, let, him fail to the work with a will and put on a "shine" that willbrand his labor as the best in town and bring back a satisfied patron and others besides. If a girl is oblig ed to wash dishes, do the family Daking ana scruD floors lor a livelihood instead of going to college and. playing basket ball, let her ; resolve to make dish - washing: an art, let her devote time and patience to acquiring skill as a cook, and let her floors be as immaculate as hot suds and a good.brobm can make them. and that girl will neither lack for work nor be looked down Upon by people of good judgment. Do ing one. thing well is the force that has.made the old world what it is today and the same force that will continue to bring en lightenment and progress to all the countries of the world. The man who is satisfied with small results, the man who can do a little of this, that and the other in a half-hearted way, but is not competent in any one li;t-, is the maq who shambles ab''i; the streets, perhaps walloping'' a quid of tobacco around in H mouth, growling " about h times and cursing fate generals' Unfortunately, specimens of th class are to be seen in every con muoity, but with the passing time their numbers are certain V decrease,' fjr the demand is no . growing, and will continue- t be insistent for' competent work men in whatsoever branch of labor they, engage. . WANTED 50U live jrae befort tha first of November." . Call or ad- dresi Smith & Boulden, Corvallie, Orezon. 84U "ADMIRE" but balf expresses it. We have some things recently opened up you'll go in ecetacies over. For an out and out su perior line of Newest Stylo Jewelry you can find it here. ' We invite you to call and see some choice things just re ceived. "Prices are not high. Small margins of profit content no. Albert J. Metzger WATCHMAKER , Occidental Building, Corvallis New Oak Rockers 0- J- BLACKLEDGE Corvallis - 5ig G QM E IN And see our large new ' line of pocket knives, . razors, scissors, etc. A large line of footballs and all kinds of sport ing goods always on hand. Umbrellas covered and repaired. ... ..GUN HO D E S The Delineator - - $1.00 Hectare's Magazine $1.00 World's Work - - $3.00 G. A. Gerhard Book store SEEING IS BELIEVING Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con- vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors, - Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale. Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles Guns and Bicycles For Rent Ffrst-class Repair , Shop. M. M. LONG; Ind. Phone 126 Rasitience 324 CORVALLIS, - OREGON. - Look in Our Window - For the, correct thing in the jewelry line. We have a fine of jewelry and silverware that is astonishing in its grace and beauty arid magnificent in its size and completeness. Engraving nicely done in the latest ribbon script styles. Repairing that is guaranteed and prices that are in keeping with the class of work done. E. VV. S- PRATT, jeweler and Optician There is ho Beasou. Why your baby should be thin, and Ttfal during the night. . Worms are the rtiise of thin, sickly babies. It is natural hat s healthy baby should be fat and leep well. If yonr.baby does not retain its food, don't' experiment with colic cares and other medicine, bat try a bot tle of White's Cieam ; Vermifuge, and roa will soon e your baby have color nd langh m it should. Sold by Graham & Wortham. SFEKCER'S Hair Invlgoraier And Dandruff Eradfcatcr .f E o m 0 13 is S' 2 L V--'-'Afc Price, - Fifty Cents Manufactured by The Vegetable Compound Ccrr.psny , Corvallis, Cregcn 9t JS Furniture Store - - Oregon All kiod3 of grass seed for sale at Zierolfs Timothy, clover and orchard grass seed. 74tf CASTOR I A, Tor Infants and Children. Tfas Kind You Have Always Bought