Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 06, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Mr; and Mr4: B. F. Irvine wr?
Salem. visitors Friday-
T n. namnbell has been in Pur-
land tbe past few days on abusi
oepB trip.
Mrs. Jamee Osbnrn returned Fri
day from an extended vibit to var
ious points in the Eaet.
Mrs. McCullurn of Newport has
been the gueat of her daughter,
Mrs. George Lilly, the past few
Mark McCallieter, the penial
-graduate athletic manager at OAC,
rode a business trip to Albany,
Friday. r-
J&aeph Edwards and L H. Haw-
ley, prominent citizens 01 Bouineru
Benton, were Corvallis business
visitors the last of tbe week.
Clyde Lawhead of Salem has
been the gueBt for several days of
hia cousins, the Misses Elgin, in
"this city.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barden re
tnvnorl fpstftidav fiom an over
Sunday visit with old friends in Mc-
Minnville, their former borne.
Miss Leooa Marvin has arrived
Dakota to ioin her
pirent?, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Marvin
who now operate the Commercial
restaurant in this city.
Th fnwn football eleven played
a game with the Albany Athletic
C;Ub team at Albany, Saturday
aft'.rnobn. The score was b to C in
favor of Corvallis
...Mies Madge Baldwin has resign-
prl hr nosition as stenoarapner tor
8. L. Kline and left Sunday far
Carlton to accept a similar positi'-n
with the Carlton lumoer company
In the hallowe'en frolics of last
lost a derbv hat on
the streets of Corvallis. By calling
at police headquarters, proving
property and paying for this notice
Mr. and Mrs. Fret Inile left ye't-day Amy Hinton of yroe ar- -a w.wIbnrn after a v5sit
fha narnnr ma V have his "lid.
Prl Thnmas. formerly ot Cor
vallis in ft letter to a friend here
nrritoo he has been in the St.
Joseph hospital in Sioux Ci y
Iowa, where he underwent anj
operation for appendicitis. ti
states, however, that ne is now m
good health.
The anti-swear crusade which
was commenced in town some
months ago and then abandoned for
lack of material to work on, iB to
be pressed. But after all it's not
the profanity one utters so much as
what we cauBe, of which we should
be chided. McMinnville Register.
v Willie, the ten-year old son o
Mr. and Mrs. William Gellatly,
residing west of Corvallis, was the
victim of a painful accident Thurs
day. While using a pitch fork in
the stable the fork tines was kicked
by one of the cows, the fork handle
striking the boy a violent blow
above the right eye. A jagged gash
one and a half inches long was in
flicted, and a Corvallis physician
had to be summoned to dress the
rived the xl of the week to pnd
the winter in c-orvp.i i.
1 Mr. Hid M3. Chauncy Barclay
.f B!?-f 'U't'jin were victors " in'
Corval is, Saturday. -Y-
Miss' Tni JYihnson r- turned
... r
hone t i i -y fv - g irom a
week's visit in Albany with rela
tives. ,
Mrs. H. Sn-k and children
came up from Si'em, Fridy, for a
visit with Mr. Snoofc, wno is en
gaged as contractor on the new
F'ornan'd building at OAC.
A. G. Allen and fmily whohav
occupiel ihe Horton house, movs-d
Saturday to the Tucser nouse on
Third street, where they will reside
with Mrs. Tucker and Wlliam Mc
Lagan. A crowd of young pple enjoyed
a very plpaeant dancing party at
Fisher's haH Friday night. The
miiaio w.aa furnished by Overlan-
der's orchestra and a good time wts
nad by all present. -
The Village Improvement As
sociation is to hold an important
meetinar at the county court nous
this, Tuedy evening at 7:30
o'clock. The subieot to be discun-
s?d i the kind of trees that shall
be planted on tne new public school
grounds. The public is cordially
invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. C.yds Hayes went
to Portland Friday morning to at
tend thefimnral of the latter s sis
ter-in-law, Mrs. Fred Waiden, whi
died in that city Thursday night,
of consumption. Deceased was a
voang woman and had been mar
rid only ttiree years.
Perhaps 1090 people turned out
Tiiursiiny evening to join in the
football rally that wa3 held on the
OAC field for the purpose of arous
ing enthuaiasm in the OAC-P. U.
game which took place Saturday.
There was a huge bonfire, music
by the band, speechs by Coach
Norcross, Miss Belle Bonney and
others, and enough noise to satisfy
Thh i" the season of the year when
n t.iwn looks its worst, for with
vfis faliinff everywhere and the
trers stripped of their beauty there
is a forlorn, desolate appearance in
the town that reminds one or win
ter. L)t everyone aid in keeping
lh streets c;ean by sweeping up
the leaves aud this will hlp to pre
. i . i
vent newcomers trom garnering tne
imnrfission tnat Uorvallis is slow
and old-fashioned.
-Ingle in
with Mr. and Mrs. J,
Mrs. Warrn Hartley of Cottage
Gr ve left vsterdy for home, after
- ... . ...
a ft-w day'; vieit witn uorvams
relatives. . - ,
Mis A.lec Fischer celebrated
ber tenth birthday by giving a
party Saturday afi-rnoon to about
sixteen urle friendi. Ihe Hours
were from three to five, and there
were games and refreshments which
were enjoyed to the '..limit by Uw
merry company..
Nws has be -n received in Cor
vlhs of tn ma-riage in Chebalis,
WBh , of Perl Rose to Mums Fior
encH S'Chi-r. To groom is a vet
eran fot ha 1 player of OAC, and
tne brid formerly resided in this
city. Tby are to make their home
in Seattle.
A j llv crowd of young girls took
in th xcursiin to the bay Sunday.
Thn party consisted of. ihe Mi see
Iva and B-rthile Buclay, Grace
m.d Edna Watkms, Eunice Taylor,
Nelle and Lona Marvin and Helen
Yockey, with Mrs. J. B. Marvin as
chaperoue. A fine time is reported.
Frank Tjann. who hs been in
Corvallis a part of the time for the
oast year, left Friday for his home
in Pittsburg. Fa. " Joe Patterson,
who was with Mr. Lane on the
western trip, left for Pittsburg sev
eral days before Mr. Lanes depart
ure. having gone to Monmouth on
a visit and suddenly ; decided to
proceed on East.
Two Corvallis girls are looking
forward to December 31st with an
interest so keen thnt it is almost a
fever. On that day they will close
their task oi soliciting subscnp
tions to the Pacific Northwest in
which race the winner secures a
free trip to the Jsmistown Exposi
tion next May." The Cor?aliis girls
are Misses A!da Metcalf and Anna
French, and their friends are also (jeweler
with much interest.
Mrs. George Nichols and daughter of
Albany have-been visiting Misses Ella and
Johnson the past few days.
Lost Fridav. on the streets of
Corvallis, a gold Eastern Star pit-.
it inaer piease leave at uazette oi
fice. r : ' -;" 90-J
Born, Sunday, . to Mr. and Mrs. A.
lu Stevenson a son. v V
LOST Gold horseshoe pin, Fri
day morning. $1.00 reward if re
turned to thin rffice. v -
The revival at the Christian church
wil I contioue - throughout the week.
Rev. Handsaker announces a special
service for Tuesday evening, subject,
Do you want to buy ; a farm?
Do you want to buy city real es
tate? Do you want to buy a busi
ness? D j you want to . make ex
changes? If you do, write or call
on Spa rkman & Uo. ;.;
TheFeronian eoaietv entertained the
Jeffereona-.s and the football squad Satur
day rtveniog -at the callage.- A very
pleasant time is reported.
Have your eyes fitted by one who
knows how Matthews, tne optician.
- v ..... 84it
Mrs. L. E. Marrs, of Salem, mother of
William Currin ofthia city, and Mrs.
L,oa Hill of Cumasville. nis sister, left
yesterday for their homes, after a few
days' visit in Corvallis. '."'
Starrs Bakery has secured, the
ser?ice? ; of D ck Llewellyn, the
wonderful bread maker. 89tf
J. H. Bohnet will preach at the Church
of God north of the Mechanical Hall on
Thursday evening November 8. Subject
"The Parable of the Ten Virgins."
See Zierolf tor all kinds of grass
sfifid. orchard, timothy and clover
Rfted- 74tf
Henry Stone left yesterday for a three
months' visit at his old hom9 in Ohio.
Have, your watch cleaned for $1;
mainsnrinsr for $1: all work guar
anteed at Matthews', optician and
From North Dakota.
Thfi OAC e-irls' basket ball team
is hard at practice and will be in
crnnd trim for the games tnat are to
hfi nlaved. While all the details
, -
of the schedule are not settled,
there will almost certainly be games
. . . Alt 1 1
with Monmouth, Aioany nign
snhnnl. Willamette University,
Roseburg hieh school and probably
with Kingler'a ot fortiana.
In a very interesting way Miss
Mable Robinson, lormerly a pop
ular Corvallis girl and a teacher
of Benton county, writes a friend
in this city regarding certain peo
ple and conditions in JNortn Jja
kota. Miss Robinson and her
parents left Corvallis several
months ago, and are now at Lis
bon. Henry Price and family
left a few weeks later' for the same
state. The writer says:
"We are liviner in my brother's
house, onlv two blocks from Main
street and one block from the M.
E. church, so we are not likely
to freeze going that distance, "even
in cold weather. I am teaching
two and a half miles from town,
and have ridden my wheel every
; The disappearance of C. F.
"Tharp, of Oakville, has brought
out the fact that he is debtor to
many persons, which was probably
one of the motives that led to his
sudden leave-taking. Yesterday
onnihAr of bis numerous creditors
filed complaint in the circuit court
to recover money alleged to be due.
Cat ter & Robinson of this city have
begun proceedings to recover $114-
70, which they allege is aue ior
goods purchased by Thar from
them. -The missing man has pro
perty, and this will be attached.
A' beautiful and impressive play
produced by actors and actresses
who omprehend and enter into the
very spirit of their parts is "The
Holy City," given at the Corvallis
opera house before a large audience
Thursday night. The production
is of a much higher order than is
usually seen outside the larger
cities, and the Corvallis opera house
manager, Frank Groves, certainly
proved hi9 good judgment in se
curing it for this city. Rich and
natW ciatiimpn. beautiful stage set
tings, and decidedly clever acting
made "The Holy LUty " an enter
tmnmAnt. tbatia'beinff hisrhly prais
ed by all who attended' Thursday
They are telling a joke on a cer
tain prominent young lady who is
omn'.nvpd in a Main street establish-
ment, this city. It appears that ;
the young lady Las an admirer
who is as constant as a nine-day
clock and this fact is generally
known, even in the rural districts
adjacent Corvallis. The nighUof
the football rally people were
awakened by the racket, three
miles out in the country, and a tele
phone message came in to the
young woman's home, "Is that
noise in Corvallis a chari vari party
at your noueer ' aue it was not,
on this occasion, there is no assur
ance that there may not be euch a
party 4,in the sweet bye and bye."
til the past week. I have
ineursi uasnei. uau gamo ui kuc i j - i .
. . . I V.n1 rt t t nn rl I c all nf
season was played at tne armory a uuc atuuui ,
Friday night between the girls' them "angelic," ana 1 earn my
team of OAC and a down town $45 per month as easily as 1 ever
team. The score was 10 to A in expect to earn money anywhere.
favor of OAC. The line-up was: 'Mv sister. Mrs. Henry Price,
town team, Misses Harrington and 1 ' Rav are witb us but
Lgan, forwards; Linville, center; p-oino-to Fanro soon, where
G:llattyand lo , Henry has a good job with a
Misses rioigato u --1 . . trnUhncr comnanv.
.Jn. 1 .ontor' Ho anrl n nn U'K " 1 J
" ' Me has been unable to secure
ocroesine, euarua. , ,. , .
' I i.1 ftioro frv lufp in hilt
T.oaf rifrht. flftor thrt Gazette uuuse . -
press hour, the Men's Club of the bas one now. Fargo is 50 miles
JLLj. UU UI UU n AO i-w uuiu io 1 - -
big meeting. AU men who are 'The crops here this year were nf the church were to be snlndid. Some men have made
t Wp. and each was to brine a fVip?r fortunes. One man has
each was
friend. An address entitled "Jer
usalem" was to be delivered by
Pmf. .T. Ti. Horner, this being1 the
nrinrinal feature of the evening
"Original" refreshments were to be
A letter from Mrs. E. B. Horn-
incr of this citv who is now with rs
latives at Hco i Kiver, states tnat sne
. . vi 1 1 - .
ia dinins on corvallis creamery
butter. Mr. Kaupisch visited
HTrwul Rivfir dnrin? the bie fruit
sold sS?oo worth of flax this fall
and he hasn't a verv large larm
MUW " j
'The onlv times I have been
really homesick for Corvallis were
the first few times 1 attended
church and League and did not
see the laces 01 my 01a incuus.
Beach & Bowers' Minstrels.
Hood V The date is changed to vvea
A.0.11. I ww -
Rivprites shouted the praiees 01 nosdav Nov. V. iieacn ox iovvt;i&
apples and other fruit the Corvallis Farnous Minstrels will be seen at
man shouted "outter, cutter un- , houge on" Nov. 7th.
til he cangnt tne attention 01 iui m, - ii.fM n-
who heard, and the Corvallis pro- 1 ney axe an -
duct now graces the table of people derous aggregation 01 iimisuie
in that place, where it is found talent, and give a better snow
minstrel company
IFsiffl &
A replenishing stock of the most popular late f a
styles just received some rather startling in their sudden -departure
from the old lines. .' -
There's a coat for everybody in the choice we offer
from the short jacket to the elaborate Em lire wrap for:
evening. -
Each is sold on the
label which answers all your questions as to fit, quality and
style. Today is the day for first choice. Are you coming?
Established 1364
People's Store
When You See it in Qua Asi
tn hp nil that. Mr. Kaunisch claim
ed. Advertising is the hobby of
than any
Minstrelsv will never die, but
old minstrel ideas have been dead
.for some time; in fact ever since
Vi Sr. "Rowers- launched a
u&avu "
new and un-to-the-minute nov-
Beach &
us whole-
all progressive business men.
Take it month in and month out,
th Year 'round, the Corvallis post
nfiins is about the busiest place in
town. An outsider can form no
accurate idea of the volume of busi
aesstobe transacted- m sucn an ,. . ,frplsv
1 . 1 n(.nlll TT I Cll Y . 1" lll.uw.. J -
olhce, and tnis ousinas ia bicuuhj . T
j . Tha fitr. Rowers always give
ana rapiui v luuioaoiug. o i - .
ures representing the total postal SOme fun, and their appearance
rPf!P nts for October lauo at tne oor- j,, hpra ded witn pleasure. me
vallis office were IS61.33; the same -.g: of the show is said
.figures for the month of OctoDer particularly good. They
19J6 e Wt l ' n, a erand street parade
zz per ceni. iub uusmow y -1 . , n
nstnffl.n in oflnerallv considered a and concert at 4 p. m. Wednes-
f p - y, - i , .
TMiattTT fair iniioT t.n tne Drossuerivv i rintr oti-omoATi. iteserveu SttL
of a town, in which caee no one, j opens this morning. Prices
judging bom the above .figures, .will , Kftnd 75 cents.
doubt that Uorvama is growing. -
i TUniel Juhnsoa left vesterday lor his
home in Kausas Oity, after spending a
year in Corvalha witn relatives.
Rmyistered Shorthorn Bulls and
registered Poland China Brood sows
frr salB. Call on or addres?, J. C.
McElrov, Monroe, Oregon. 87-94
Claude Murphy went to Portland yes-
teidav to see bis father who is in a hos
pital for treatment. The elder gentle
man is somewhat improved.
Save money by buying your
watches and jewelry of Matthews,
the optician and jeweler. 84if
The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E.
church wishes to publically thank O. J.
Blackledge and wife for the "ladies' day"
iriven them Saturday at the Blackledge
lurniture Bcore, and the other privileges
and kindnesses bestowed . A neat sum
was made by the L. A. S. on this occas-
ioD, whicn is nearuiy apprtuiatou uj
Richardson's Grand Prize Wash
Silks at the Bazaar. 91
Our neighboring city Toledo, the coun
ty seat of Lincoln county, has fallen in
line with prograssive ideas and has just
organized a deyelopmeat. league. The
officers are, C. H. Gardner, president;
George Bethers, 1st viee; C. L. Fox, 2nd
vice; O. O. Krogstad, sec'y ; A. T. Pet
erson, treasurer. The board ot directors
are William Scarth, C. E. Hawkins and
F. Stewart.
Outinz flannel eowns and short
underskirts at the Bazaar. 91
p-rf "Rnthvn Tarnev. formerly head
of the violin department at OA.C then of
the same department in the Western
Academy of Music, Portland, but for tbe
past year and a half the efficient and
faithful editor and manager ot tne gaz
ette, departed Saturday morning for L.os
Angejes, Calif., for a few weeks' visit
with hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jb rancia
Tarney, old-time residents of tbis city.
Prof.'Turnay has tak9n no vacation m
several years, and his many friends in
rwxroiiia hnnp that hia visit may be
J c y (iiuu vr- -
both enjoyable and beneficial to him
Beach & Bowers' famous miustrel
hanrl wiil jrive a grand street par
ade and concert at 4 p. m. Wednes-1
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Taylor left Fri
day for their home at Bellefountain, after
being in Corvallis several days to have
their, son recieve medical attention. .
-, Have you heard Beach & Bowers'
minstrfll band? It is a wonder.
"Mrs. Hirriman has arrived from Sil-
vertonfor a visit with her daug&ter,
Mrs. Charles Bard well.
WANTED Dry ash wood, sev
eral cords. Address or call at Gaz
ette office. t91"2
The date for the,. cantata, "Fairy
Queen," has been changed to riKay
evening, November 23d.
0 You
a . sag?
What Smartly Dressed
Men Will Wear This Sea
son ... . CALL ON US
Conforming to Fashion's
gned by Artist Tailors
. . . Fashioned by Master
Workmen . . Are Some of
the Reasons Why
Kuppsnheimer .
Solo Agent
Corvallis . . Oregon
D.ZC.IH lest and. Chas.W'akcslee.
; patronize Jtomo Industry
Outlde OrdersS Solicited. T3
Xll Work '.Guaranteed. TZ'"
. . j
Why Not Use Electric Lights?
Stop scratching matches on jour wall.
Those streaky match scratches look
mighty bad on anySwall. But as long as
you continue to use gas or oil you ye got
to use matches.
Tha "matchless light" is the electric
light, a simple twist of the wrist does it.
We are improving and perfecting our
lighting service in this city and can give
better service for less money than ever
in the history of the city.
The cost of wiring has been reduced
until it is within reach of all.
If you would like to know more about
it, call on us in oi; e v cthce opposite
the O. J. Blackleda-i furniture store or
phone us, Ind. Pho f 4f 9.
Willa'i.ette Valley Co.
G. A. ClaiK, Mgr.
You Are How
Fob Yaiif
Market Report.
Ees per dozen - . 3oc
Batter, creamery per roll 65c.
14 country per ID. - Z5C
potatoes, per bushel - .Soc
UpnQ tier lb. - - Q5-IOC.
Wncrc dressed - - - - 8c,
Veal. . 7C
Tm.ot - - - 58c
j Oats - - - - - - " 30C
For Fat! ansf Winter
We can supply yon at -prices that
will please you. The latest in:
Hats, Caps, Shoes, Clothing and
Notice for Publicatlan.
Dep?'tment ol tke Intenor;
Land Cifice at Roseburg-. Oregon,
Sept. 6th, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that Clinton B. Fleese,
of Vernon, Oregon, has filed notice ot his inten
tion to make final five-year proof in support ot
Tiis claim, viz: nuiuraiu j y.:.,-t
iept 14, 1899, for the NE1, Section i9, Township
. . ' ru a-nA tint caiH TtTflflf wi 1 1 he
made before the County Clerk of Benton Coun
ty, Oregon at his office at Corva'.lis, Oregou on
He names me iuuuwui w tnu1.i
nous residence upon, and cultivation ot the
land viz: Ezra Hammersler, of Alsea, Oregon,
and. Fritz Denzer and Edward Ernest, of Ver.
non. Oreeon, and Elmer Taylor of Box, Oregan.
76 . BEKJAMIWJ.. X.UUX, register.
Poley's Kidney Cure
nakest kidaers vt ksfiier right
Caaosite the Postoflice
Ind. Phone No. 481.
. Notice.
The Corvallis Brick and Tile Worka
will not receive orders for brick until or
ders already in are filled.
OO.Q1 . w. U. UOBBFTT.