S-i,...-. Ai l JL jLJL -B I Lcuis Tracy, s PILLAR of-jr C - ' Morning" 3 H tJ M H I Copyritfht. 1904. by I I JLJjLMiJZM. JL JL . I Edward J. Clode t signed to any fwist'or turn cTr iateV. hand seemed 3 come otfftt 1 Here was a broken woman indeed, and tore. Alexander was delighted with the spectacle was torturing. He had ;the portrait, had it placed in the tem never understood her as a bright young - pie of Piana, at Ephesus, and forbade hride of nineteen. He did any one put peues uieureiuiia iu 'AauetxeV'Hie saia, witn utmost gen-1 irnury tender was steaming out man tleaots, "Co not bo distressed. Indeed tne carbor. It struck him as an ex tl.ere is no reason why our meeting i traordinary fact -that this was the day of his relief had he served nis full two mouths on the rock. Today by his own design the second era of his checkered career would have i r!ill hp nainful. It is better tliat we bIjouhI have a quiet talk than that we shoti!d part again a anger and bitter ness." She caught his hand in both of hers. Still she said noUiiag. Her large eyes gazed up at him as if she sought to read in his face 'the thoughts he might, not utter, the memories he might not recall. Her lips distended. He saw her mouth twitching at the corners. "Nanette," he said again, though his voice was not well under control and Bomeihing lose in his throat and stifled him. "I appeal to you not to give way to to emotion. You may become ill arain and I would never forgive my self." Still clinging to his hand, she sank on her knees by his side. But there was no vriU burst of tears. Her .sorrow was tdb doi for siu-h Uiucly aid. 'Stephen." she whimpered faintly, "I cannot a-tyou to forget, but you have spoken 'of forgiveness. Can you for give V" . lie bent over awl would have raised her. She clung to him with such en ergy that ho desisted. 'My poor wife," he murmured, "who am 1 that I hoai.l d.-ny i'utt which I Iiojk to o'.talu fro:. i my Creator?" "But," s'.'e panted in that unnerving whisper, "I t "cited you so vilely. I left you to join the man you had fo,:,:l!t to :-:!ve" i.ie. I deserted ray hus band and my fluid for the sake of the iro:iev he 1ou':i1u-;1 to nic. In the lust f v.ealih I strove to crush you out of my heart. And now. that God has humbled me 1 must humble my- . . . . j. - T . Keu. tsiepnon, i am uuijuur a obtained a divorce "Nanette," ho cried. "I cannot bear to see you kneeling at my feet. I ask no revelations. I forgive you any wrong you may have done me fully and freely, as I hope to be forgiven." She yielded to his pleading and al lowed him to raise her. For au iustant she was clasped to his breast. "It would be happiness to die in your arma, Stephen," she said wildly. "I dc not deserve it, I know, but heaven i merciful." The dreadful idea possessed him thai in her weak state this passionate wish might be granted. "Nanette," he cried, "you must con trol yourself. If you will not promise to sit down aud talk quietly I will leave you." -, , She obeyed him instantly. "I don't care how much you scold me," she said, "but you must not go , 1 . .. C T 1 away. 1 meant to see you ueiore i ku Penzance. I came here that night. I looked through the window. I saw my daughter and her adopted sister listen ing to you and weeping because of a mother's shame. Then I must have lost my senses. I ran away. I remember nothing else until I woke up to find Constance caring for me in your house." He tried to break in upon the trend of her thought. This was by no means the line he had Intended to pursue. His hope was to soothe and calm her, to part from her in amity and without giving her cause to deplore a loss of dignity. "x am only too pleased that when ill ness overtook you you were committed to my care and to Constance. Poor girl: She thought you were dead." "Did you tell her that?" "No, but I allowed it to be assumed, which is the same thiug." "When did she know the truth?" "In the hotel after you left the ' room. I had to say something. It was belter for you that I should say you were my wife." "So even in that trying moment you ' strove to shield me from uujust suspi cions Stephen, how could I have acted toward you as I did?" Again he endeavored to lead her to talk of the future rather than the past. "There is one great surprise in store for you." he said. "But it is a pleasant one In every way. Enid is Mr. Traill's daughter." "I am glad." she said simply. "I do not understand, but you must tell me another time. Just now I can think only of you and of myself. You must listen, .Stephen. I will do all that you demand, hide myself anywhere, but you must knoy everything. When we parted, when I deserted you to nurse a dying man, I was foolish and willful, but not wholly abandoned. Nor have I ever boon. I was rich enough to grat ify my whims, and for a time I lived In Parts, ou the Hiviera, in Florence and in Biarritz. But I was always meeting people who knew you, and, although my wealth and perhaps my good looks kept me in a certain set, I felt that our friends invariably took your side and despised me. That im bittered me the more. At last your fa ther died, and I saw some vague refer ence to your disappearance from soci ety. I employed agents to trace you. They failed. Then I went to America and lived on a ranch in Nebraska, where I obtained a divorce from you on the ground of desertion. Desertion, Stephen! That was the plea I raised." . She gave a mocking little laugh. Brand, thinking it beet to fall In with her mood, sat In silence on a chair .which he had drawn close to the wln j dow. . From" his' house he could see 1 the .wide sweep of Mount's bay. The come to a peaceiui eios. iuim a little while he would have taken Con stance and Enid, if unmarried, on that long contemplated continental tour. But the hurricane came when "the blast of the terrible one3 is as a storm," and the pillar, the refuge of his distress, became the center of influ ences destined to mold his life afresh. 'What 'did it all mean? He bowed his face into his hands. He heard his wife's low, sweet voice continue:. - "I lived there nearly six years. Then my manager died. He was an English man named Vansittart. Within a month his wife died. There was some fever about the place, and I became frightened. A longing for the old life seized me, and I went east, but not as Mrs. Brand, the name which I always bore in Nebraska. I had done with it and with you, as I thought Constance never entered my mind save as a fee ble memory so I became Mrs. Etta Vansittart.". Brand raised bis head and looked at her again. She was speaking now In a curiously subdued tone. She was giving evidence against herself and ( giving it truly. "In Newport, Saratoga anu tne aoi rondacks in summer, in New York during the winter, I lived in a drowsy " content. People who take drugs must reach'that state, but their condition is nitiable whea"they are aroused. Many men asked me to marry them. I laugh ed atthe idea. At last I met Mr. Traill. We were friendly for quite five years. I came to Europe, to the Engadine, where I found that Mrs. Stephen Brand's troubled life was forgotten, but Mrs. Vansittart, the rich widow, was popular. There I saw Mr. Traill again. He offei-ed me marriage, and I fancied it would be well to ally my self with a man so distinguished and widely known on both sides of the At lantic. I di not love him. I respected and admired him that was all. I ac cepted him, but stipulated that I should go back to the States and wind up my affairs there, returning to Paris for the wedding. That was necessary If I would maintain my deception. So, Stephen, after a lifetime of vagary and wandering this is the result. I am be spattered by the mud of my own acts. I see my forgotten daughter grown to beautiful womanhood. I meet my hus band, whom I might nave lovea ana honored, patiently following the path Into which my neurotic impulses drove him. Stephen, do you think my punish ment is complete?". The .bitter self condemnation in her voice was not defiant, but subdued She had traveled far in spirit through the vale of tears since the Gulf Rock barred her onward progress. Though she asked a question she seemed to expect no answer. Brand, thinking to render her task less trying, was still looking through the window and watching the steady churning of the tender toward Cam du and thence to the lighthouse. At last he spoke. "When I entered this room," he said, "I meant to avoid a scene which must have been as exhausting to you as it is painful to me. Yet as it happens it is well for both of us that you have lifted the veil from what has gone before. Nov.- it should be dropped forever." "Tell me what you wish to do. I ; will obey." "Don't you think it will be better if we defer a final settlement? You have alreadr taxed vour frail powers be yond their limit." "No, Stephen. Speak now. I will not faint nor yield to weakness. I will live. Have no fear. Death does not come as a skillful healer of the wound ed conscience. It may be sought, and I nave thought of that. But Constance would suffer, and if it will spare her pain I will endure to the end. Surely owe her that reparation. I committed moral suicide once in my life. Let it suffice!" The fixed plan of the study, with its carefully arranged phrases, was not so readily acceptable to the man now. What would become of his wife if he drove her forth this time of his own accord to live in mournful solitude, brooding over a wasted life and look ing forward only to an occasional visit from her daughter? A host of impossible ideas jostled in his brain. He strove desperately to find some easy way of suggesting the settlement which appealed to him as the fitting one, but his soul revolted from the notion of formulating a de cree of banishment against this ethe real, ghostlike creature who had been thrust back into his very keeping from out the heart of the storm. He stood up and faced her, careless whether or not the stress of .Inward conflict la his eyes belied the calm gravity of his words. 'Terhaps you are stronger than I," he said. "We must meet again, to morrow or next day. Some, of tha young people will be returning soon. H you wish It I will not tell them I have seen yon." v" It Is t or yoo to decide, Stephen" ; She seemed, to be xraite honalw. J- elrl and a not understand her now. A man of his oaklike qualities could not grasp the nature of a woman who bent as a reed before each puff of wind It was hard to utter even a common-" place farewell. SSe held him by her very helplessness. But the rapid trot of a horse caught his ears, and while f he stood irresolute he saw Constance alighting from the dogcart. His wife looked out too. They heard their daugh ter laughingly regret that she could not ask Mr. Pyne to luncheon meals were irregular events just then. Brand felt a timid hand grasping his, and a choking sob proclaimed that Con stance's mother was crying. . tia stooned with a motion that was almost a4 caress. "Don't cry," he said. "I cannot beai it" : . . . . "I can bear anything, Stephen," she sobbed, "if only you will let me stay with you forever." "Do you mean that,' Nanette?" he gasped incredulously. "I have prayed, yes, dared to pray, that' it might be so ever since I saw my child. She has brought us togeth er again. Let us not part, for her sake and for mine, late." So Constance, fastening up the gar den path, could not believe her eyes when she saw her father lift her moth er Into his arms and kiss her. Mary, the maid, never ceased won dering why every other member of her sex In Laburnum cottage should be tearful yet ridiculously happy that aft ernoon. Mrs. Vansittart wept and Miss Constance wept, and. Miss Enid wept when she came In, while Mrs. Sheppard was weeping at intervals all day, draw his likeness. ' Apelles attempted another portrait, which at first sight did not please his royal patron, but while it was being Inspected, says the veracious Pliny, a horse passing by neighed at the horse represented in the piece, supposing it to be alive, upon which the painter re marked that the horse was a better judge, of painting than the king. . Oak Grove Notes. Miss Ella Howard ot Albany was calling: on friends at Oak Grove last week soliciting for the Pacinc riomesteaa. Jaiues Helmick and family of Parker were Albanv visitors Saturday, W. A. Williamson has finally eot his hay crop baled ana put under shelter. He has about 130 ons baled, - Oak Grove school is now run- . stenhen. if it -is not too nine in full blast. The daily at r 1 T 1 1 : tendance is large, iucic udviug been as high as eight scholars. The potato digging season is now on and the farmers are all mad; their potatoes won't turn out. thev have got to dig ttrem out, and the trouble is, they can't find them Miss Mable Williamson and Mattie Carter of Wells attended Nevertheless they were all delighted church at Oak Grove Sunday. in their woe, uuu i.u.a.s. oucijpaiu, visitors hope that the Oregon climate mayprove beneficial to the son's health, as he is afflicted with rheumatism. - Mrs." Clarence ' A. Reams of Jacksonville ariivtd . Saturday for-a visit with Corvallis rela tives. : " -' '. . . License to wtd was issued yes terday afternoon to William H. Hamm. asd Gertrude Davidsorr. The !ae Reno Hutchinson was laid to rest in Riverviev cemetery at Portland, Friday afternoon. There is nothing de finite as to who the murderer is, although eeveral theories are advanced by the police and one clue is being close ly followed. - Sundav was an ideal dav at the seaside I and the fishing excrrsion that weut from J Albany was liberally patronized, the c,iache8 being crowded going over. The fishing was not quite uf to the standard but those who went for fish ' bought sal mon ?t 4 cent per pound in the New port market aud brought it hone. The day was a very enjoyable one for all who went, as the wpather was perfect. One hundred and thirtv-three tickets were sold in Corvallis for the trip. Seventeen to nothing in favor of the OAC first team was the score in Satur day's annual alumni game. Of the alum ni men only Nash, Emily, Hanley and Tharp came, and of the local old-time players only Major Edwards participated in the game. A small crowd witnessed the contest. A scon less came between a downtown team and the OAC second team was played before the alumni event took place. The OAC flret team goes to Seattle about ThuiSiiay to meet the Uni versity of Washington eleven on-Satur- though.she cooked a tremendous am ner. never scolded her once. It was also a remarkable thing that the invalid lady should insist that she was strong enough to come downstairs tha-t evening. She did not eat a great John Johnston of the capital ritv rame iid 1 uesdav. ne is j j- -j negotiating a deal for some real estate and if the deal is made, he will become t a permanent resi- deal poer thing, but she looked ever so dent ot this part ot the county mnr-h better anu seemeu, 10 mm. su ajcj. . r - r pleasure in gazing alternately at the The heavy rains of the last few innster and Miss Constance and in lis- days have wet the ground sutn- tening to every word they said. cient for ploughing and farmers In the garuen next uiSut, are gettjn. things in shape to being now very brilliant indeed, Pyne & ?u -r- tittl . ,s.. oa ,ot th Rtpn-nunt begin field work. .But little i(lM lmvin" fizzled out. he guessed that farming has been done so tar out the lady wha figured in that unclassl- ,f goo(i weather continues there lied degree of relationship would pose w - be many acres seeded in the ill 11 h niiiinLai.Lui.iM next few weeks. Several of our young people gan 10 vw wuu.eu, uul -rr f(. KH t- the Artisan to those wno nsien, anu am-uuu vv. hall at Wells, Saturday evening Miss Pauline Karstens left where she He said other things that have been said in many languages sincp men be- but the phrases are hackneyed save need not be repeated here, But why two marriages should take 1 oftor oYtrnrvrrtmanlv snort en- y.vw . r All .rap-pinents no one In all renzance ounuay xur ixiuauy D0 . - knew save Lady Margaret btannope, goes t,Q spend about tnree montns and she, mirabiie aicra eing a . a seamstres-;. mnnv fcfnt her counsel. It created no end of a sensation when Constance m Mr.- and IVirS. IrUy Jsnapp aic was described In the London newspa- rirebaring to move to Albany to pers as omjr uausu enpnd the winter. Rrand Bart, of Lesser xiamDieaon, r i hor.cor itself ns both weddinsa dent )f Benton county intends took place in London, the only avail- I moving to Linn county to reside able items being the magnificence of w . th t h has boueht a VV V -H- J the diamonds given to Enid and Con stance by Mr. Traill and the fact that In Constance's case "the bride's moth- . . 1 SCI . Anwm er was aescrioea as looiiing vu-iux Ing in a silver gray costume trimmed with point d'alencon lace." Even when confronted with this mo mentous statement by Mrs. uayior- Smlth, Lady Margaret only shrugged her shoulders and purred: farm near Riverside where he in tends making his future home. Dr. Bailey has gone to Tilla mook to spend the winter. He will make his home with his son, David Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yates A romance, my dear a romance of and daughter, Goldie, of Albany, were quests of Mr. and Mrs. T 7 B. Williamson of Oak Grove, Sundav. Oregon is a wonderful coun- try. Strawberries trom the 25tn day of May until the 15th dajj of October with plenty ot green berries and vines still in bloom is the record of Mr. Wentz' straw- real life.' On the day following the departure of two happy couples for the continent Mr. and Mrs. Pyne to Italy, Lieuten ant and Mrs. Stanhope to the Riviera, with intent to meet in Rome at Easter a uuieter and more sedate couple took train at Waterloo for Southamp ton, bound for the far west. Although a Nebraska decree of dl vorce does not coio. goou iu nugusu i t nii. -Ri-oiiH wisliprl tn he married - 1, . , T, , , nahi in the state which sanctionea merry paten. rae nas uccu scu- her early folly. Her husband agreed ;np. berries gathered from his readily. Everybody, including M- Lch during all this time in the ."r" nrTrnnrr local market and will still con eu 10 iui.ii "i 1 . . , .., T, T mansion in May. Provided there were tinue to dO SO until jacis. xrxu&i. no hurricanes. Sir Stephen thought his savs cton. He sent in a crate wife's health would benefit by the dou- Saturday to Shaw & Beam of Al Die sea vujasc, uuu. us " " r- 1 delishted to see the new world for the oany. first time in her company. . The little town that IS SDring Their steamer sailed from Southamp- . - Bridge has n at 11 a. m. After dinner that night S UP the laJM Una e nas tho rinif Ttnpk. 1 cnosen me name ux xnuim .i day. ' The Coffee Club dance Saturday even ing was a vtry enjoyable affair. The music was good and the : attendance large. v : ' S. N. Wiikins returned Friday from a trip to Portland. While absent Mr. Wii kins purchased an undertaking estab lishment in Vancouver, placing Mr Knapp in charge of the place. Mr, Knann wb, in Corvallis recently on a r f- visit. He is an undertaker of experience, The Centennial meat market is now at home in the handsome new brick just completed for it, adjoining the F. L. Mil ler store. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Cameron re turned yesterday to their home in Port land after a week's visit with Corvallis relatives. The Epworth League of the M. church is to give a hallow'een Bocial Fri day night to which all young people are cordially invited. . Attorney W. E. Yates returned to his home in Vancouver, Wash., Sunday, having passed a couple of days in this city attending 9ome legal business While here Mr. Yates complimented our citizens on the appearance of the town; its cleanliness and the general air of progress which seemed to be in evidence on all sides. George Houck of Eugene is a Corvallis visitor this week. J. J. Cale of Oakville is hauling his prunes to Corvallis this week and load ing them on cars for shipmeutto Salem. He has between 2s and 3) tons f the dried f-uit. Negotiations are in progress for the sale of the T. D. Ca-npbell bakery to Claude Stair. The deal was not closed future are not made known. - Those in charge of the Corvallis Lyce um course fer the coming season are saa gaineMts the outlook-for .a, very buc-,, cessful series of entertainments. Tickets are selling readily, as these are the high est class entertainments that have ever been given in Corvallis, nd aV , who at- V tended the last winter course are eager to attend again this season. Saturday night, October J4. there were more salmon caught from Alsea tiver than ever before in one night 18,000. Albert Barclay and Andrew Kent were high boat for two men, with 1200; Smith Brothers, with four men, 1500; Dick Evens, with three men, 1185. The can nery is, of course, blockaded. Lincoln Leader, ' - James Baldwin, of Eugene, has been in this citv v'sitine his mother, Mrs. Sarah Baldwin, the past few days. Mayor A. J. Johnson and daughter, Miss Zeeta, left Friday for a ten days' business trip to points in Washington. C. M. Hollingsmith, government lighthouse inspector, was in Corval lis last week, leaving Friday noon for Portland. With him the gen tleman had a Spanish lapdog which he 6tated was born in Peru, the mother and father having coma. from the royal kennels in Spain. The little creature mentioned is white, with hair six or seven inches long, and very wavy, resembling Angora goat wool. When the little deg walks it is like a ball of cotton rolling along, as no feet can be seen, n si Skvsn 4 li r: -rr r a r 1-t i si a t imilaV ctUU r veil ii rr muiiuu uiiuox the neecy fascinator" ot hair. Mr. Hollingsmith declared that the dog had traveled with him all over the United States and that it is the only, animal of the sort in the et-iteB. With the white, wooly creature in his arms, the gentleman attracted the attention of everyone on the streets of Corvallis while here. The snagboat, Mathloma ar rived Saturday and has a lew days work in the vicinity of Cor vallis. New Town in Polk. ton thev were abreast of and Brand pointed out to his wife its occulting gleam from afar, "It makes me feel very humble," she Raid after they had watched its radi ance darting out over the tumbling seas for a long time In silence. "Why, sweetheart?" he asked. "It is so solemn, so intense in its en ergy, so splendidly devoted to its sin gle purpose." ' "Now, it is an odd thing," he replied, as watchful to check her occasional minims of retrospect as he had been during many a long night to keep that same light at its normal state of clear eyed brilliance, "but it does not ap peal to me in that way. It is winking portentously, as much as to say, Ton old humbug, there you are, leaving me after all these years and running away with your own wife.' " THE EOT. Every appearance of a new town is in evidence a few miles above Falls City, says the Inde pendence Enterprise. "Black Rock" is the name already given to the prospective town. In the vicinity of Black Rock there are several logging camps, promi nent among which are the big Fred Oberer and McCready & Cooper are among others operat ing saw mills in this district. A number of individuals and families have been going all sum mer and fall to Black Rock, the terminus of the Fall City R. R. line. During the warmer weath er canvas afforded shelter for the inhabitants, but now since the fall rains have come, shacks are being built to take the place of the tents. The people of this place have asked for a postoffice and school. They are entitled to the same as is evident by the numuer or uiiiauuams anu wic number of children drawing t 1 1 1 .A LA. scnooi money, me laitcr iiumuci m trv tha ao7ot(a i.rpHQ hntir VPflterdflV afternoon. Mr. Campbell's plans for the being about torty. I W i I II : I H I II Wonderful Painting;. It may not be generally known, per haps, that the highest price paid for a picture has not been In modern times, but was at. so remote a period as that of Alexander the Great, who gave Apelles a. Bum equal to $211,000 for pntnHhg Jus portrait' The klhff was represented holdla thuadac, which, PUny. tank jfMA.Jf-tti-ttP bany and it is about the bnlv town in Oregon which has a novel way of raising revenne for cur rent expenses. The city dads saw fit to turn the public square into a hog ranch and have a Mongolian to tend to gathering swill from the senior town to fat ten said hogs. When ready for market they are sold by the city poundmaster and the proceeds turned into the city's exchequer which has been sufficient so far to meet the current expenses but they think of enlarging their business so as to be able to put in tbtir own water system and electric light plant Additional Local. Brace Burnett came ep from Portland Saturday to visit relatives over Sunday and to play in the alumni football game. T.' GF. Brown and eon arrived Saturday from Hot Springs, South Dakota, for an extended visit with the former's sister in-law, Mrs. F. O. Gray and family. The Actable Frcparatidnfor As- siniilaartg thcFoodandneguIa Un the Stomaclis andBowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerfur- nessandKest.Contains neimer Opium,Morphine norMineraL lOT SJlB. C OTIC . flsmpkat Sew" llx-Smita Stmxe ,feetl BiCari'JnaieJiSes Hlxm-Seeil- dmifiid&ignr Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea and Loss of Sleep. ' Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought I Bears the i Signature M - fi W WW N 1 If B lU For i m LXACTCCPYOF WRABBER. ; J lJI I V II LL . In Use Over Thirty Years ' -