Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 23, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    tzl ' H CO.WLLIS GAZEITt
'ublished Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
s - subscription price of the Gazette
fsr ' ira.1 years has been, and remains
f " i annum, or 25 per cent- discount if
pii.'l ia advance. This paper will be
c v iied until all arrearages are paii.
In matters of morality, in all
which tends to honesty and sin
cerity, in the many qualities
which affect the nobility of man,
the church should stand as a
recognized champion. Often she
does. Sometimes she does not.
Of all bodies or organizations
the church on account of her own
professions should first and last
keep herself above suspicion, as
Caesar's wife.
When the church lends her
self to any man or body of men
within her fold for the further
ance of every petty intrigue she
not only lowers herself in the
estimation of those of purer
thought, purpose and ideals
witain her organization, but does
h'-rsalf and the principles which
slii1 sspouses irreparable harm
A churchman, according to his
own doctrine, certainly cannot
expect to fool himself forever,
much less his God, for an in
What must be the opinion of
an honest man without the
cnurch when he is a witness of
the palpable weakness of him
who occupies the position of a
leader of the flock? When the
man who occupies an exalted
position within the church lends
himself to the assistance, even
tacitly, of a scheme to which a
good-principled man without the
cii-rch would scorn to be an
abettor the church and her prin
ciples are placed in a pitiable
lUht. And yet this is not un
co nimon.
We are taught by the church
to beware of evil doers and to
s urn evil associates as we would
th.2 plague. We are to shun
even the appearance of evil. Yet
how often men are taken' into a
church when in reality inferno
is too cool for them. Church
people, quite often knowingly
become the companions of such
characters, and thereby receive
and merit the contempt of a bet
ter class of men and women,
who might, if the church stood
States have , for so long been ac
customed to the privilege of vot
mg tnat tney loolc upon it as a
right. It is nothing but a privi
lege granted by this government
one not granted by certain oth
er governments.
Whether Gov. Vardaman's idea
will ever attract any' particular
attention or whether he will se
cure any considerable following
remains to be seen. It is proba
ble that relations would become
more strained and serious lfe
tween the white and black races
thon they are now in the - event
of disfranchisement. ' And from
all accounts affairs between the
races in the South are bad enough
now. Sooner or later it will be
necessary for the federal govern
ment to make some radical move.
One of our exchanges declares
that the freedom of the slave
was the sole fruit of four years of
bitter war and to disfranchise
him is a step backward, not for
ward. The writer of this idea
should bear In mind that at the
outset of the civil war no one
had any conception that the re-1
suit was to be the enfranchise
ment of the negro that he was
to be created a political equal.
There is a difference between the
abolishment of slavery and the
bestowal of political and social
acres Kiajjs
Ewing;... 30
ley; $100.
Harlev Hall and wife to T S
True, lots 7 and 8, block 1
Chases Add Cofvallis; $ijjo,
A Birthday Surprise.
Un tne Zlst a surprise party was given
Mrs. John W. Haves at her beautiful
home on 6th and Adama St., it being the
annive-sary of her birth. Several of her
many friends at about 7:30.. p. m. took
possession of her spacious parlor much
to the surprise of the hostess. She being
equal to the occasion, however, soon had
things comfortably arranged and each
guest was made to enjoy himself in
way that will long be remembered.
' After a couple of hours of sociability,
thesa intruders were invited -into the
dining room where a bountiful lunch was
spread which the visitors had brought for
the occassion. And the- way some o
them ate left the impression that they
had been saving tbemselvesor the event
for a week. - At 10:30 this jolly crowd
took its departure after wishing the
hostess a hundred more similar occasions.
Some of those present were Mrs. Jas.
Hayes, Mrs. Ann Smith, Mrs. John
Smith, Mrs. Jas. Tavlor, Mr. and Mrs. S.
B. Bane, Mr. and Mrs. Enimett Tavlor,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bell, Mr. and Mrs
CIvue Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. John VV
Hayes, Roy Bail, Edna Spicer, Alex
Hayes and Esther Hayes.
Fears Political Efflbt.
Among the interesting things related
in Sunday's Journal is a dispatch from
Seattle which savs:
Fearing the political effect of a con-
demnatioa by the supreme court of his
action in ordering Esther Mitchell and
Maud Creffield, the murderers of George
Mitchell, deportid to Orgeon, Superior
Judge Frater aaa employed George H.
Walker, a local attorney, to repressnt
him in the supreme court next Fridav
when the matter comes up for hearing
The attorneys for the two women will al
so appear ia an effort to have the court's
action upheld.
The action of Judge Frater establishes
a precedent in this state. This is firbt
time a judge has taken suffiuent person
al interest in one of his decisions to em
ploy counsel to have it upheld. The prac
tice is for the attorneys of the parties in
terested to make the fight for the up
holding of the court's order.
Mrs. Horner as Hostess
nrm at all times for what she
teaches, join the flock themsel
ves. For the lack of moral
stamina to be apparent in a
churchman is not good for the
principles of Christianity, but
when what looks like dup
licity comes to the surface the
case becomes a sorry one, in
deed. Let the church go on and on,
and ever strive for a contin
uance and perpetuation of the
principles established by Jesus
Christ. There is need of
churches, an honest need, and
this need must be met in an
honest way. The churchman
cannot dodge the issue and must
meet it fearlessly in a reasonable
way and never'for one instance
waver or show a lack of moral
Mrs. Collins Flint of Roseburg was the
guest of honor yesterday at a delightful
"afternoon" eiven for her by Mrs. J. B.
Horner at Alpha Hall. About sixty
ladies enjoyed the event which wai in
every way enjoyable.
rrL ..2 j. .
xue Buacious amine room was wrr
prettily decorated iu white and ;
green. Mrs. M. S. Bush presided, I
her assistants being Misses Lulu Spang-j
ler, Carrie Danneman, Belle Bonney and
Mabel Withycombe. The other rooms !
were artistically decorated with rosea, j
ferns and palms. Mrs. Horner, who is
always a perfect hostess, was ably assist- '
el by Mrs5. Knisley aad Mrs. faillanderJ
.Light refreshments were served during
the receiving hours.
Mrs. Flint, in whose honar tb.9 vary
pleasant affair was given, is a charm
ing lady of Southern Oregon, ' now
en route as a delegate from the Roseburg
"Mental Culture Club" to attend a con
vention of women's clubs in Portland.
While in Corvallis she is the guest of
Mrs. B. A. Cathey, the ladies being old
A Square Dal
Is assured yon when you buy Dr. Pierce's
famrly medicines for all the Ingredi
ents entering into them are printed on
the bottle-wrappers and their formulas
are attested under oath as being complete
and correct. You know just what you are
paying for and that the ingredients are
feathered f rom Nature's laboratory, being
selected from the most valuable native
medicinal roots found growing in our
American foresfS"asdjvhile potent to cure
are perfectly harmUssseiVanto the most
delicate woimafrJilcTrtrrr Not a drop
f'f 1 lrPVl g'? ters , into , their com, uosltf ?n.
A muchhc-ier agent is used boUiTorex-
anj treservjngtne medirinsl
esnsea in thpmlviz.--nurelrij.iie-
This agent possesses
Intrinsic nv-iicinai properties of its own.
being a most, valuable antiseptic and anti
ferment, nutritive and soothing demul
cent. Glycerine plays an important part in
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in
the cure of indigestion, dyspepsia and
weak stomach, attended by sour risins3,
heart-burn, foul breath, coated tongue,
poor appetite, gnawing feeling in stom
ach, biliousness and Kindred derange
ments of the stomach, liver and bowels.
Besides curing all the above distressing
ailments, the "Golden Medical Discovery "
is a specific for all diseases of the mucous
membranes, as catarrh, whether of the
nasal passages or of the stomach, bowels
or pelvic organs. Even in its ulcerative
stages it will yield to this sovereign rem
edy if its uso be persevered in. In Chronic
Catarrh of the Nasal passages, it is wcli,
while taking the "Golden Medical Dis
covery for the necessary constitutional
treatment, to cleanse the passages freely
two or three times a day with Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy. This thorough course
of treatment generally cures the worst
cases. r
In cousrhs and hoarseness caused by bron
chial, throat and Iu'js affections. exceDt con
sumption in its advanced stages, the "Golden.
Medical Discovery" Is a most efficient rem
edy, cspeci&ily in those obstinate, hang-on
cousrhs causH.1 by Irritation and congestion of
tne Droncnial mucous membranes. The " Dis"
covery " is not so good for acute coughs aris
ing from sudden colds, noi must it be ex
pected to euro, consumption in its advanced
stages no medicine will do that but for all
the obstinate, chronic coughs, which, if neg
lected, or ba'.:!v treated, lead un to (onsnmr-
tipritisthe rwst medicine. that can .hnjtaVi.
In Tastafu! and Distinctive Designs
There is a splendid style exhibit which awaits you at this store.
WV have just received a full line of WOOLTEX Suits-
embodying all the proper modes for Fall and Winter service. These
garments portray some radical style changes.
Some in neat plaids and checks, with skirt pleated, back, front
and sides. A new feature is the close-fitting, hip-length coat,
conforming to the figure perfectly.
Also a new Norfolk style with patch pockets, and straps ar
ranged to give long lines. A model that will surely meet your
ideas for street wear.
We haven't mentioned prices, but you can find no fault with
Lunches of every description hot and cold. Fine bill
of fare always served. Everything neat and up-to-date.
Try our lunches and be convinced. CASCADIA WATER.
Soft Dfihks, Cigars
ami Tobaccos
S. P.
O. A. C.
Cleaning and
Pressing Parlors
Three doors north of Hotel Cor
vallis. " Give me a call.
P. H.SWABB, Prop.
Notice to Creditors.
Real Estate Transfers.
V. RDA MA A" 5 ID EA .
Governor Vardaman, of Mis-s's-ippi,
is an advocate of the
disfranchisement of the negro.
At some future day ha desires to
W sent to congress by the people
of Mississippi in order that he
may work for this purpose. The
matter of the disfranchisement
of a peopl1 is a serious one. Of
this there is no doubt. The great
mistake was made when the gov
ernment granted them full poli
cal privileges.
But should a mistake never be
corrected? 'c o far as the ballot
is concerned it is a privilege, not
a right, as some people seem to
think. There are many 'whites
not capable of voting intelligent
ly, but who would kick up "high
jinks" if they were denied that
privilege. Citizens of the United
A J Price and wife to Thomas
Leese, 280 acres in Kings Valley;
$1. .
Chas E Pardoe to F C Walters,
undivided 4 interest in 160 acres
Southwest of Monroe;
J -U iiarroa and husband to F
Notice is hereby given hat the undersigned
has been duly appointed administrator of the
esiaie 01 ADram unaerhill. d ceased, by the
County Court of Benton t'ounty, Oregon.
All psrsous having claims against saii estate
are hereby required to present the same, duly
verified as by law required; to the undersigned
at bummit, Benton County, Oregon, or at the
omce 01 j. . Yates at Corvallis.-Benton Countv,
Oregon, within six months from the date of this
Dated October 19. 1906.
Administrator of the estate of Abram Uuderhill,
ceceasecl. sS-g8
C Walters, undivided l
in i6j acres Sjut'xnvest of
roe; $rooo.
Geo L, ilorrisou and rAtc to F
C Waiters. 160 acres "' Sou! h west
of Monroe; $2 000.
F C Walters and wi-e to Tht
Monroe Mill Co 320 A sw of
Monroe; $51200. .
Wm Galloway to Morris Wip
rut, receivers receipt, .131 and
r.5-100 acres ssv of Philomath;
W M Gilloway to Minnie A
rarner, receivers receipt. 160
acres sw of Philomath; $400.
Minnie A Parker to H Hirsch
berg,. 160 acres Southwest of
Philomath; $1.
J H Booth to Mrs M C Clark,
receivers receipt, 120 acies in Ai
sea; $300. v . . . :
- - 4- ; -' " ' - '"
estate land Board to S S'
Ex editor's Sale of Real Property.
in inc nianeroi ine ustate or Hn dab a
uiii;'- is aercDV pirn innr nn tinri -m,
court ot tne Stite ol Oregon for the County of
Benton on tne 15m day ot September 1906 in the
nuuve cuuiicu matter, tne nnaersiennd ex
ecutor of the Inst will and testament of Huldah Portland Special" is as fine as the finft
A. JjrOWH. QeCeflSfrl. Will trrm Mni -1 tt..r 1 ' "
yrwrcQ 10 sen mi private pale to tne hinest hi.l-I tj 1 ,
der f..r cash iu halt. in th ,7.3 For particular ask any agent of the
1 01 sad court, all the t,l!..wi ,.g- described real Southern Pacific rnmnvnr -rito
,1 .
Chicago is 17 Hours Nearer by
I This Popular Columbia RiVer Route
Franklin was right when he said,
Lost time is never found again." The
ks. rv. oe i. in aauition to giving
yon 200 miles along the matchless Col
umbia Kiver,' saves you i7 hours to Chi
cago. It is the
Short Line to Lewidton.
Short Line to Palouse country.
Short Line to Spokane.
Short Line to the Couer d'Alene coun
try. Short Line to Salt Lake City.
Short Line to Denver.
Short Line to Kansas City.
Sho-t Line to Omaha.
Short Line to Chicago.
Short Line to all points East.
Three trams east daily, 9 :15a. m., Gi
lo p. m. and 8. -15 p. m. The "Chicsgo-
Lesf We
Forget Baby is restless, can't sleep at
night, won't eat, cries spasmodically.
A bottle of White's Cream Vermifuge
never fails to cure. Every mother
shonlrt ive her baby White's Cream
ermituge. bo many times when the
baby 13 pale and fretful, the mother does
not know what to do. A tottle ot this
medicine would bring color to his cheeks
ami laughter to his eyes. Give it a trial,
soiu Dy ijranam at Wortham.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
Land office at Roseburg, Oregon,
Sept 6th, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that Willinm tr -b-,.
est, of Fisher, Oregon, has filed notice of his in-
icuiiuu to uiHKe nuai nve-year proot in support
01 msuaim, vjz: Homestead Entry No. H067
HI9H O iiTt re mn-. 1 r- H , .V-.. , J '
- w-, o, iyvj, iui inc oxv y. i!,i4 ot SeC 2
andN J NKi and SWJNE $ Sec 11, Towi
ship 15 s, Kange mW, and that said proof will
be made beiore the County Clerk of Benton
County at his office at Corvallis. Oregon, on
November 19th, 1906.
He names the Ibllowing witnesses to Drove his
continuous resideuce upon, and cultivation of
theland, viz: Sam A. geits, Frank M. Seits,
Har ry i. Earnest, and Martin I,. Earnest, all of
75 ' BENJAMIN L. E:5DY, Register.
Blood. Poisoning.
prouertv. to-wit: . iininlipn-d tfci-F
diock numnerea se' entcen (it) in Jobs Addition
to the City of iloi v.'d! s. Keuioii Countv. 1 regan
said sale to :e mrirtc lor the purpo e "cf paying
.iaiiu7. .aciuai. eam v iL(r anu cnarsfcs and eX'
peuses of administrr.lio-i remnitiiug'unpa-r
Dated this October 16th, roofi
.xeciitorot the last will and testament of
tiUiaan A, iirown, Coceased. 80-97
General Passenfr Aeent, Portland, Or.
A Young Mother at 70.
"My mother has suddenly been made
young at 70. Twenty years cf intense
suffering from dvsDensia had pntirplv
HiBahlai liar m f!l c-iir . . i U 1
There s great dacger from the plague she began taking Electric Bitters, which
Results from chronic oonstirxit.irm
which ia quickly cured by Dr. King's
rew Lite I'll ip. ihey remove all poisoo
oiw germs irjin the system and infuse
new ine aad vigor; cures sour stomach,
nausea, headache, dizziness and colic,
without gripintr or discomfort. 25c.
guaranteed bv A;leuo4 Woodward, drug
Fifteen words or less, 25 eta for three
successive insertions, or 50 tts per
month; for all op to. and including ten
additional words, cent a word for each
insertion. '
For all advertisements over 25 words,
t ct per word for the first insertion, and
,ct pr word for each additional inser
tion. Nothing inserted for lees than 25
Lodge, society and church notices, than strictly news matter, will be
charged for.
Arrants, ii. F. D. 2, Corvallis, Or. ,
Ind Phone 3, Beaver Creek. 83-9
Oregon, on instalment plan and as
sist purchasers to build homes on them
if desired. Addnrss First National
Bank, Corvallis, Or.
Or., for spot cash, balance instal
ments, and help part'es to build homes
thereon, it desired. Address AI. S.
Woodcock, Corvailis, Or.
north of Corvallis. Invuire of J. M.
Porter or Ambler & Watters. 83tf
Veterinary :Surq eon ,
surgeon and denlint. Residence 1:220
Fourth street. Phone 389. Office
1011 Main stieet, phone 204. Give
him a call.
and Surgeon. Kooms 14, Bank Build
ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
1p.m. Residence : cor. 5th and Ad
ams tits. Telephone at office and res
idence. CorvaJlis, Oregon.
House Decorating.
W. E. Paul, Ind. 488. Utf
ments; curbing made to order; clean
ing and reparing done neatly : save
agent's commission. Shop North
Main St.,Frank Vanhoosen, Prop, 2tt
Office up stafrs in Zierolf Building,
Only set of abstracts in Benton County
vmce in Post Office Building, Corval
lis, Oregon.
watch for 25 cents. Free
write. Address, J. C.
Portland, Oregon.
BUY $1.25
o the first to
H., Box 341,
Wanted a man, without stock
to rent a dwell. ug adjoining Corvallis
who is a kind good workman with a
team of horses. 8 1 -tf .
Gazette and Weekly Oregocian at
$2.55 per year.
WANTED Sixty tons of clean
vetcb eced. aud . oats in ' nar Inta
oad cars at nearest railroad station.
Wanted clean Italian and Erfflish
Rye graes seed, can furnish gaso-
me engine with cleaner and griDd-
to clean lor farmers. L. L.
one 155 Mountain
A Most Worthy Article.
Danger From the Plague.
have completely cured her and restored
the strength and activity she had in the
prime of lite," writes Mrs. W. L. Gil-
pat.-i'-fc, ' Dan forth. Me. Greatest re
storative i.-ediciiie on Uie globe. Sets
Stomach, L.v-r and Kilne rieht. oiiri-
ries the blood, -re.s Malaria, Bili
ousness and Xw'afcm-btfs. WoniWfnl i
inrye tone Pri- 5u,:. Guaranteed bv
Allen & Woodward's drug store.
of Coughs and Colds that are so preva
lent, unless von take Dr. king's New
Discovery fc Consumption, Coughs nd
Coids. Mr. Geo. Wall, of Forest City,
Me., wriies: "It's a Godsend to r.fonl
living in Himates where mimhs and
colds prevail, I find it r(nick!y ends
them. It prevents Pnetimouia", cures
LaGrippe. trives wondri'ful relief in
Asthma and Hay Feyer, and makes weak
lunus strong enough to -vard off Con
sumption, doughs and Coids." 50c and
$1.00 Guaranteed by Allen & Wood
ward's drug store. Trial bottle free.
Julius Caesar.
Was a man fn'l of nerve hut ai.lrr.o I
ue Became aged before world. A quick cure for Rheumatism.
IllS TinW Slfbru.00 ie Alton ,r...,J I I ry " .
1:.;. n ! u '"u y a pprains, curns. uitf, etc. A. C. Pitts.
jici. xieruine wit reon 1 ioo T o.o. r rn
, ' j v. k- -a-j . . , save. A UBC JUOilUm S
your aver and give you health. .M. Snow Lioiment in mvamiiv .nrt dnrf
?rHe -58l,2f ll0Dv sas, writes: lit unexcelled for sore chest, headache,
'I consider He-bine tins best- mi;..;n. I r t .1 Ju- r '
ever heard cf. I am never withowt it." reai.hl hv li.-imont." v.
When an article has been on the mar-
J ...
net, lur yeard ana sains inenes everv
year, it is Bafe to call this medicine a
worthy one. Such is Ballard's Hore-
nound. byrnp. It positively cures coughs
and all Pulmonary disease?. Ona of the
best known merchants in Mobile, Ala.,
says: "For five years my family has
not been troubled with the winter coughs
and we owe ibis to Baiiard's Horehound
Syrup. I know is has eavd m chil
dren many sick spells." Sold by Gra
h tm & Wortham .
Notice for Publication.
Corvallie, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business. Leans
money cn approved security. Drafts
bought and f oid and money transferred
to the principal cities of the United
. ctates, Europe and foreign countries.
Napoleon B"aaparte.
Showed at th- battle of AusterJitz. he
was the greatest Leadi-r in the world.
BalWd'a Snow Li umeot, hua shown the
public it is the best liniment in the
Sold by Graham and Wortham.
bam & Wortham.
Department of the Interior;
I,aud office at Rcseburg. Oregon.
Sept. 6th, 1906.
Notice is hereby Riven that ainton B. Fleese
of Vernon. Oregon, has filed notice nf hie
ti ;n to make final five. year proof in support ol
his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. gtu made
Sept. 14, 1899, fer the. STEi, Section i9, Tnshi
14 S. Range 9 W, arid that said proof will be
iui uciuic uic touoiy ueri ot Benton Coun-
iv. uicgoinmauuireai torvaais, Oreeom on
l.ov. 19th, 1906. - s '
He names the following- to prove his contin
uous residence upon, and cultivation, of the
land, viz: Ezra Hammersler, of Alsea, Orejron
a, .1 Fritz Denzer and Edward Ernest of vr-'
. O ?on. nrf Elm-i- Taylor of Box7oreeoD
, . BB-VJAiilX U. DDY, Register. "
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby eiven to all him it
ceru that the undersigned has been duly a. pointed
i ; , " ana testament of James
1". Mc Bee. deceased, bv t.h rnnnt. . D
ton County, Orecou. All nersnns hiviiu, ,.i;
against the estate of said James P. McBee, deceas
ed, are hereby required to present the same, with
.vuiueja uiereior, auiy veritied as by law re
quired, within six months frnm tho rt i,
to the undersigned at her resirlenrit in
Oregon, or at" the office of McFadden a.nH
attornejs, in the Pottoftice Buildinif. Corvallis nr!
Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this 21st day of
September, 106. '
TV A UivAitlcw
Executrix of the Last W Ul and Testament of Jamrg
P. McBee, deceased. jgy
A Badly Burned Girl.
Or boy, man or woman, is quickly
out of pain if Bucklen's Arnica Salve is
applied promptly. G. A. Welch of TVir,s.,
sha, Mich., says : "I use it in mv fam
ily for cnts, sores and all skin injuries
and find it perfect." Quickest Pile cure
known. Best healing salve made. 25c
at Alien and Woodward's drug store.
for Khlt&ront sat surm , tate (