Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 16, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Zohh Starna Hiid wife of Albany
-viitffl Corvallis relatives the las
of the week.
Ren Woldt left Friday for his
inmein Portlad, after a busine
' visit to C.rvaUia.
Pern Starr of Beilefoun tain paid
on of bis semi-annual vmta to Cor
valli. friends, Fiiday,
Charles Hansen, of Grants Pass,
has arrived and occupies theMun
dy house near the C. & E. depot.
Suit for divorce has been filed at
the clerk's office by R. L. Taylor
yerus Abbie Taylor on the grounds
of desertion.
Mrs. W., U. Corbett and eon
Phillip, visited in Salem the last o
the r-eek with the former's sister
Mrs. W. W. Hall.
Mr. and Mr. Graves Robinson
left Sundav lor their home in Ce.n
tralia, Washington, after a week
visit with Corvallis relatives.
Rev. P. A. Moees has sold a cot
tage belonging to him an Ninth
street to M. Burnap. The building
is next door to Asa Alexander's
Mrs. Leslie - Lilly and littl
daughter. Marie, left Friday for
Pullman, Washington, after a vipi
with S. N. Lilley and family in thie
Mr. and Mrs. William Bogue
have returned from a four-months
stay on their ranch and are again
comfortably eettled in their town
A. R. Locke, one of Benton'
substantial citizens of near Moun
lain View, went to Portland, Friday,
for a ten-days', visit with his Bn
Horace, and family.
HenderBon Murphy, who has
been ill with stomach trouble for
six weeks at his home in South
Corvallis. left Friday for Portland
to enter a hospital for treatment.
Flovd Bogue, one of Corvallis'
promising young men, left Saturday
for Idaho, where he is to hav em
ploy ment on the electric road that i?
building from Lewipton to (jranirp
ville. His fritnds wish him succep.
The W. IT. f. S, of the First
Methodifct church will be enter
tained at the A. W. Herbert home
on College street tomorrow after
noon. The subject for discussion is
The City of' Roseburg has just
1 A 1 TT11 - T T 11
gramea to me vvuiameiie vauey
Company, through its president, A.
Welch, a 50-year light and water
franchise. Many efforts were made
to defeat the measure, but it passed
TT. C Rnrnell fame nnfrom Port
land.' Fridav. on a ten davs' busi
ness trip. He is looking after
property interests. Mr. Barnell
eays Corvallis is the cleanest town
between this place and Portland, a
1 compliment in which every Corval
lisite should feel a personal pride.
C. C. Lett?, of Sheridan, left the
last of the week after a few days'
visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wil
kins. Mr. Letts is in Sheridan as
a represe: tative of an eastern lum
ber company that is already owner
of 14 mi'es of timberland in the vi
cinity of Sh--ridan. This company
is to establish a mill, the flume
alone for which is to cost $12,000.
Miss Louise Meeker, the well
known in this city where for quite
awhile she was steuourapher -for E.
R. Bryson, was married in Spokane
last evening to Charles Snyder, an
errtployp of a Portland lumber com
pany. The young people will reside
in Portland. Mirs Mneker has been
employed in a Spokane abstract of
fice. Corvallis friends extend good
A geoilfiii;i!i in Corvalii?, Stui
day, who had ben over in L'nn
county rec ntly, stated that in a
raw mill in that county is a-young
woman who bav.dles heavy lumber
with all the ea?e imaginable, run? a
cut-off saw, a-d can give pointers
to the average mm about woik in a
mill. The young lady is said to
be of average height, weighing 150
pounds, and is comely and attract
ive. A fight to make the unitlated
shudder has been Bethera Rnd
Kerr at work, high in midair, paint
ing the dome of the court house the
past week. Whsn it is rmember
ed that the face of the clock in that
tower is six feetin diameter and that
the hands are three feet long, and
that thev look small from the earth.
a slight idea of the task of standing
on a narrow board at that height
from the ground and wielding a
naiot brush can be obtained. Not
one man in one hundred, it 13 safe
,to say; could retain hi, equilibrium
and work at such a distance from
Mother Earth, and as passersby
have "rubbered" at Bethera and
Kerr perched up on their- slender j
scaffold, many, a ooe ' has' . declared
that he has no desire to "ascend" in
that fashion ." ' , - '
Mi?s Ella Johnson went to New
port, Samrday, on a business visit
MisB Libbie Rice is quite ill with
neuralgia in her face, at the family
home west of Corvallis.
Miss Elsie Davi3 of Eugene -has
been a guest for a week at the Dr.
-tarr nome in inia cuy.
A coat, advertised in the last Ga
zette has been restored to the own
er, C. A. Todd. Advertising in the
Gazette pays. .
Miss Aiona inompson uas ar
rived from Seattle for a visit with
her grandmother, Mrs. Agnes
Inompson. ,.
Attorney James Gibson, a for
mer Corvallis boy, is now located at
McMinnviIle for the practice of his
George Cross of Newberg return
ed the last of the week to re-enter
OAC. He was a popular student
last year.
Miss Iva Barclay went to Port
land yesterday to purchase goods
for the Barclay & Barclay millinery
Mrs. Daiy Stevens was in Cor
vallif. Saturday, leaving on the
evening train for Sacramento, Cali
fornia, to remain. . - '
Mrs. Will Horning of Philomath:
accompanied by her mother, Mrs.
Logan of Kings v alley, visited in
Corvallie, Saturday. (
Miss Lulu Young began yester
day a four months' term of school
in the Bryant district, where she
has been employed for several
terms in the past.
Frank Fowells left yesterday for
Wilsonville,' near Portland, where!
he is employed, after a visit at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Johnny Fowells.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riley arrived
home Saturday from a visit with
biugene relatives and Mr. -Riley re
sumed his position that evening as
conductor on the C. & E.
And alcohol is to
supplant gasoline in the running
of automobiles, as if they do not run
wud enough when they ar on a
gasoline toot w thout getting more
y n uic -thol. Ex.
Mr. and Mrs. Seih Huiburt left
Saturday for Wyoming - en route to
S.tlt Liiz City where the 'are to
lte. Thv have been visiting
Hve vour --yei- tilted by one who
knows how-Ma'i thews, the optician.
' , 84tf
WANTED 500 live geese beforel
the tirstof November. Call or ad
dress Smith & Boulden, Corvallis,
Oregon. " 84tf
Thr-1 ' houand cords of wood to be
cut, let oat in number of cords to
suit choppers. Parties wanting a
job come at once. Don't write.
Phone P. A. Kline, Kline's - line.
- ; " . .-v-r, 84tf
For Sale. Two lots with seve"n
room house and ham; desirable lo
cation. -Call on or address Mrs. M.
McKinney, Corvallis". s 83 tf
Prof,, and C. M. "McKellips mov
ed Saturday into the Dr. Pernot
cottage on Fifth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Ninez Francisco
are expected v home this evening
from a brief visit in Portland.
George Carl and family have ar
rived home . from Carlton . where
they spent the summer, Mr. Car-
having been employed at carpenter
work. "-
Ray Walker left for Eugene
Wednesday where he contemplates
entering the. U. of O. West Side
Enterprise. Mr. Walker is a for
mer O. A. C. football man.
Kenneth Cooper and wife lef'
Tuesday afternoon for Portland.
from whence they go to Southern
California, where' Kenneth is em
ployed bv the Southern Pacific.
The Dailes Optimist.
Before You Buy a Fall Suit Some arid
... See What I7e Can Give You . . .
rv;;i is ana lisnton coutitv re'a-
ttves for several weeke.
Mies Rose Chipman has returned
to The Dalles and is employed in
this office. She ws formerally em
ployed at Hawley Bros., and her
many Dalles friends will be glad to
welcome her back again. The
Dalles Optimist.
An autumn excursion was run
from Albany to Newport and re
turn, Sunday, to give those desiring
to attend the Presbyterian synod,
or to go fishing, an opportunity to
o so. 1 he tickets sold in Corval-
is numbered 15
An. Albany dispatch to the Tele-
ram eayt A settlement which
as grown up at a crossroads in
Benton county about half a mile
from this cit y has adopted the name
of North Albany. A Splendid new
choolhouse has just been complet
ed there, and in naming the , school
he name for the settlement has
been chosen.
. Reason Maxfiield and Miss Eva
Papke were married at S:30 Satur
day morning at the residence of
Rev. and Mre. C. T. Hurd in this
city, Rev. Hurd performing the cere
mony in the preeeoce of only a fw
immediate friends. Both are estim
able young people of Big Elk, but
'h-y wiL i?ike their home in Fal!s
The only woman timber cruiser
we ever heard of i operating1 in
Crook county, up Ochooo. She is
Mrs. 'Mary Vanderpool of this, cit v
and can luc;ile a sectiou con er vrith
umrring precision Mrs. Vander
pool is working in cor j auction with
"Ucc'fc" Jimmy Eliiott, and is in
valuable when the prospective
claimant is of her own stx. Prine
ville Review.
At a meeting h"eld Thursday eve
ning at the M. E-'church a men's
club was planned, and another
meeting was to be held last night to
perfect organization. Men of te
congregation will be eligible as
u'embers. J. L. Underwood was
elected president and W. C. Swann
secretary. A committee on per
manent organization was named,
consisting of Virgil Watters, George
Lilly and G. F. Rice, and another
committee was appointed to arrange
a piogram for the first regular
meeting of the club, the committee
men beinjW. C. Swanu, Dr. Catb
ey and C. L.Beach. Such a' club
for men of the church will be cer
tain to create a warmer bond of
fellowship between the members and
result in more United and harmoni
OU3 work in the various branches of
the church.
". Organs and pianos for sale or rent,
R. N. White. Phone 405. . 82-tf
All kinds of grass seed for sale
at Zierolf's Timothy, clover- and
orchard grass seed. 74tf
Mrs. O. L. Willis of Roseburg is visit
ing at Alpha Hall.
Dr. B. A. Catbey, was a business visit
or in Portland Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Albin, of Phil
omath, are guests at the Burnap home.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Clark spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole, at
Granger. '
See Zierolf for all kinds of grass
seed, orchard, timothy and clover
seed. . v 74tf
Miss Lncy Vining, of Alsea, has been
visiting at the Fiett home for several
das. She ie going to Portland for an
extended stay with relatives. ;
Samuel Jackson and daughter, Miss
Leon a, and Mre. J. L. Jones, attended
tie funeral of the late James. "With'row.
at Wells, Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keeney have mov
ed from Halsey to this city and occupy
the Gellatly house in the northern part
of town. " , - 1 . v
Save money by buying jour
watches and jeweliy of Matthews,
the optician and ieweler. 84tf
C. C. . Berger resigned Saturday as
driver of the Wells Fargo express wagon
and Miles Starr, Jr. is holding down the
, Prof Clyde Pnillips and a friend went
fishing Sunday in a stream near Corval
lis, Prof, Philjips catching 26 and bis
friend 28 fine. black bass. '
Drv Manion, supreme medical director
of the United Artisans, is to pay a fra
ternal visit to the local lodge tomorrow
evening. All members are urgently re
quested to be present and make the
Doctor's visit pleasant to him and profit
able to the lodge.
Have your watch cleaned for $1;
mainspring for $1; all work guar
anteed at Matthews', optician and
jeweler. 84tf
Corvallis was in total darkness for
about ten minutes Sunday evening about
eight o'clock. Church services were
about to begin and lamps had to be hast
ily secured irom nearby residences, and
even then some members of the congre
gations left. This is the third time the
lights have "flunked" within the past
few weeks. '
Campbell's Bakery has secured
the services of Dick Llewellyn, the
wonderful bread maker. - 85
Linn county evidently had better suc
cess in getting her prune crop cured
this season than did Benton county. ,A
dispatch sent oat from there Saturday
eays: That there is a fair prune crop in
Oregon this vear if evident by the heavy
shipments that are being poade by the
Lasalle Bros. .Packing Company at Al
bany. Already 12 carloads of this year's
prjnes have been carefully packed and
shipped to Eastern markets, several cars
going across the ocean to England. Each
of these cars carried 40,000 pounds of
prunes. The company has contracts for
the season that will make the total ship
ment of this fruit reach 100 cars. . '
You will pay almost the price of
a season ticket, which is good for
all five entertainments, to hear the
best two numbers on the Corvallis
Lyceum Course. Season tickets
now on sale at Graham & Wor
tham's. 85
A twelve pound boy was born a few
days ago to the wife of Stoney Wells.
The family reside up on "the front" on
the C. & E., and the father is a brother-in-law.
of Thomas Whitehorn of this
city. The latest addition to Stoney 's
family ia the fifth child and the only boy
eo the father is to be pardoned for boast
ful letter penned to relatives in this city.
' R
Miimi THt
MicHctt. srcan Co.
You will see that our new model Suits are costly
in appearance, but moderate in price. You will see
that the style and hang of every garment is distinct
ly smart and correct. ; .' You will see that the Suits of
your size will fit like, one made-to-measure. Never
have we had so large a showing of the famous -
Hart Schaffner & Marx
and MichaelsStern
as displayed here this season. The style and fabric
assortment is complete and you'll be able to satisfy
your taste at every price. : ;
Fall Sack Suits for
Men and Young Men
in a wide range of worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres
in handsome stripes, plaids and checks, cut in the
smartest single and double-breasted styles and hand
tailored at every point, inside . and out a - first-class
custom-tailor couldn't make you better suits for dou
ble the money at
$12 to $30
Smartly Tailored Schsoi Suits
For Boys 1
: made of sturdy f ab ics in beautiful
patterns nobby single and double
breasted Sack and Norfolk Jacket
Suits, at...... . . . . . .-S2.50 to SlO
-Foil Overcoats fbr
Men and Young Men
all the new models in extreme and conservative
cut, in the fashionable medium and dark gray over
coatings in wide wale and herringbone weaves, at
$12 to $35
Established 1864
The People's Store Corvaili, Or.
Why Not Use Electric Lights?
Stop scratching matches on our wall.
Tnose streaky match scratches look
mighty bad on any wall. But as long as
you continue to use gas or oil you've got
to use matches.
The "matchless light" is the electric
light.a simple twist of the wrist does it.
We are improving and perfecting our
lighting service in this city, and can give
better service for less money than ever
in the history of the city.
The cost of wiring has been reduced
until it is within reach of all.
If you would like to know more about
it, call on us in our new office opposite
the O. J. Blackledge furniture store or
phone us, Ind. Phone 4S9.
Willamette Valley Co.
- G A. Clark, Mgr.
' 74-tf
You Mre How
Fop Youf
For Fall and Vinter
We can supply you at prices that
will please you. The latest in
Hats, Caps, Shoes, Clothing and
All Men's Furnishings
I M0MW-Kiini.M ,VHL4!iLp
it When You See it In
r -i' "v. &mm : r a .run
li i & .. : . ' i k
1 coPYRiorr 1 90s by ,
if You Want
To Knovir
What Smartly Dressed
Men Will Wear This Sea
son .... CALL ON US
Conforming to Fashion's
Latest. Decrees . . De
signed by Artist Tailors
. . . Fashionedby Master
Workmen . . Are Some of
the Reasons Why
Sale Agent
Corvallis . . Oregon
Opposite iha'piostafficp
iiid, hbneJTo."48'.
- Look in Our WimdsBw -
For the correct thing in the jewelry line. - We have a fine
of jewelry and silverware that is astonishing in its grace and
beauty and magnificent in its size and completeness.
Engraving nicely done in the latest ribbon script styles.
Repairing that is guaranteed and prices that are in keeping
with the class of work done- " V : ; , . : :
E IV; S- PR ATTj Jeweler and Optician