Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 16, 1906, Image 1

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    Voi XIJH.
Corvallis. Benton Coun-h, urwoix, . ijjjwuay. vcjrumsi. 10. xuo.
If Lads Have Ambition A Story
by Prol. Horner. "
In his usual entertaining man
ner Prof.' Horner, in one of his
series of letters now running in
the "Oregon Sunday Journal"
at Portland tells a story that
should touch and thrill the heart
tff every young man and boy
who reads it. j
It tells the story of an upright
and esteemed professor at OAC, j
a Scotch ladjwbo landed at As
toria, worked for wages in Ben
ton county and through perse
verance and will-power attained
a position tor himself in the
world that might b'e envied by
the average mani This lad grad
uated from OAC where he is now
a professor, and Prof. Horner
tells the story in his own. way, as
On approaching the Rosetta
branch of the Nile we are con
fronted by the city of Alexandria.
To our right is Pompey's Pillar,
more than a hundred feet high;
to the left are the ruins of Pha
ros, the old light house which
was listed as a . wonder of the
world. Further down the coast,
fourteen miles or more, is the bay
of Aboutir, where was fought
the Battle of the Nile. Here
stood Admiral Nelson and here
stood Casabianca. Victory was
too tame a word, so Nelson call
ed the battle a "conquest." But
which fun the" greater victory
and which will be longer
by muse England's greatest "ad
miral or the bov who "stood on
the burning deck, when all but
he had fled?" . .... . . , 1
.While we were talking . of the
little Tlalian bov I thought of a
sturdy Scotch lad who had been
pushed out of his home and
enticed aboard a ship as a sailor.
He passed Aboukir bay for Port
Said manv vears; after the battle
of the Nile. His ship plowed,
three oceans and finally he found
himself on the coast of Oregon.
Driven by despair to greater and
higher activities, he went inland
in quest of labor that he might
obtain an education. He excell
ed on the farm as a laborer and
in college as a student. Labor
on a farm and midnight oil in
the sindent'S ; cloister yield a
bounti'iut harvest toan honest
boy After graduation he was
employed as protessor in his alrrffc
mater. Finally he became one
of the most useful men in his
state. This is the story of the
boy irnbred with as much spirit
as ever was the hero of the Nile.
He sought such opportunities to
unfold his powers ot usefulness as
Ameiica can afford. Who is the
greatest of these the noted ad
miral, the little son of Casabianca
or the Scotch lad who is a worthy
example to other bovs "striving
up the heights?"
- . In memory of his conquest the
statue of Nelson stands at the
head of a tall column in Trafal
gar Square overlooking the city
of London: the heroic deed of
the lad often at Aboukir bay has
chroniciled by historians and
muse: and the Caledonian waif
who rose from obscurity through
the pulsating power of American
life until his example has inspir-
other boys- to nobler deeds
throughout the Northwest has
won recognition which tipie will
eventually accord.
First Game Played.
On a good field, under a clear
sky, and with a large crowd ol
rooters in Attendance, 'the OAC
football team defeated the Albany
Athletic Club men in a game on
OAC field Saturday afternoon.
The score was 22 to o.
The local eleven was made up
entirely of new men ' excepting
Chertyy who "played left guard.
They were a mneh heavier ag
cremation thaa tae Albany ' team,-
but the latter fell short ' on team
work.- , -: - ; - ;
AlM&Vs stxossnold was in
punting. Their best ground
gainers were Ward and Coates,
while Wolfe and Darby did good
work for OAC.
The halves were only fifteen"
minutes, which was scarcely
time enoughto show the strength
of either team. Coach Norcross
acted as coach and umpire and
filled the positions with entire
satisfaction. After the game be
took his men out for practice.
showing them 'what mistakes
they had made during the game.
The line-up of. the
teams was
1 Gibbons
Bennett C
Pendergrass R G
Barber RT
Shannon RE
Dobbins L E
Cherry I G
Finn ' L.T
Looney R H
Darby (capt) L H
Gagnon Q
Schultz (capt)
Bundy, tmi-
Wolt F
Emery, linesman;
pire. '
Petition for Sidewalk.
The following is a copy ot a
petition now in circulation in the
western part of town :
To the Mayor, and Common
Council ot the City of Corvallis.
Gentlemen Greetings:
: We. the undersigned, residents
of Wilkins addition to the City
of Corvallis, respectfully beg to
call your atteHtion to the follow
ing facts: -
ist That there is no sidewalk
along the north side of block
NJ. 4,. nor ' along the east side
of said block, except across the
east end of lot 4, now owned by
Mr. Lewis in said addition. .
4 2nd? That it is not pleasant to
cross1 muddy streets and along
sides, of vacant . lots and blocks,
daily, in -going to and returning
from work, nor for our' children
going and returning-from scfiool.
r-3rd That often duties call us
away from home in the evenings
and on returning we are obliged
to stumble over uneven-ground
endangering life and limb, be
cause somebody does not build
the necessary sidewalks.
4th It is almost impossible
for our women Folks to get out of
. - . , ?
a iSundav to attend cnurcu. 11
they so desire, on . account ot
muddy street? and ' vacant strips
across which the absence of side
walks are the most conspicuous
feature. , : ., ,
5th We believe we are en
titled tchave walks constructed
across all vacant lots in the entire
district as many of us have built
homes in said Addition, which
has enhanced the value of pro
perty in. the entire Addition
Therefore we respectfully ask for
an order to have walks construct
ed, without unnecessary delay,
along the north and east side of
said block No. 4, Wilkins "addi
tion, except across east end of
lot 4, and that said walk be ex
pended along the West side of
Fifteenth street to the Kings Val
ley road, and all . connecting
cross walks be put in by the City
so as to enable us to go to and
from our homes without wading
in mud, or our children having
wet feet in going to school.
Gtt vour Season Tickets for the
Corvallis Lyceum Course now and
thus be Bure of a reserved seat.
Tickets oil sale at Graham &- Wor-
thant's. .85
Clinton Brown was brought to
Corvallis, Saturday, from Wft-nn to
receive medic! attention.- About
the 20th of September this . tn,te-
uian rode into a creeK in the viyui-
iiy ofWrenn to wat r his horpp, ard
the animal fell, breaking the rider s
leg. Mr. Brown haa since bt-en at
Wrenn, but to be nearer medical
aid be . was brousrnt to town as
Wanted Oak logs, 17 to 26 in
ches in dfameter.-- Inquire Centra
Plahinc Mill. Corvallie. 8l-tf
license to wed was imaed -Friday- to
Reason M.3axfield 'and Misa Eva ; O.
Fftpkev (bbth it hTZmi u Taitey Tb
lather'a written consent abpean on rec
ord, the bride being under age.
Willamette Valley Waking to a
Realization of Her Possibilities.
Things in .the Willamette Val
ley are changing rapidly and new
ideas andcew methods are, tak
ing the lead in a thousand ways.
Chief among these improvements
is the calling into use of the var
ious streams for power purposes,
and along this line some informa.
tion as to projects now under
way is given as follows from the
Albany Herald of the last of the
week:. - ". - '
- The initial steps of. what may
mean theestablishment ot elec
tric lines throughout this section
ot the Willamette' valley in the
near future were taken Thursday
when Walter Mackay filed with
the county, recorder two notices
ot location for reservoir sites and
water rights.
The project contemplated - by
Mackay is the development ot
electric power for transmission to
any part ot the Willamette val
ley for industrial -and municipal
purposes. This much is stated
in the papers Sled. . Continuing,
Mr. Mackay gives notice that he
will use Marion lake, which is
about 400 acres in extent," tor the.
development of the necessary
energy. It is the intention also
to appropriate 5,000 cubic incnes
(miners' measurement) under a
six-inch pressure, ot - tae waters
of the Marion fork of the north
fork of the Santiam: river. A
12-foot dam will be constructed
with penstocks on the' Marion
fork of the . north fork of the
Santiam river just below the out
let of the lake, and a ' further
distance down streams the targe
power house will 'be -built, whi:h
1 i'
is: expected to oeveiop z,5jj
horse jJoweT-.';.-;-.-V
On the north fork of the ,ban-
tiam river another dim will be
built and 200,000 cubic inches of
waterfminers? measurement) at a
six-inch pressure ' willbe appro
priated. The two projects; will
develop it in the neighborhood of
42,000 horse power
"Uncle Josh Perkins." J
When 'Uncle -Josh Perkins'.'
comes to town everyone says'vIt
i? that old Rube play," and turns
up his nose aud then 'goes- to
the theatre box office and gets a
couple of tickets. That is what
happened yesterday, ' evidently,
because the Empire theatre "was
well filled both afternoon
- This vear Uncle Tosh" has
lost none cf its attractiveness.
The same old plot and the same
old characters are forthcoming
jut as surely as the play exists.
The company producing uUncle
Jpsh" this year is excellent. In
the title role Bert Hodgkms gives
an interpretation of the part that
is good and also satisfying. . J
. Stetson makes good m nuge
uantitieas Caleb Slick, the de
signing lawyer. Bertha Honora
does the woman lead in tne ap
proved fashion. The scenic part
of the present production has not
been neglected ana is in Keeping
1 1 r
with the general merit otv tue
show. "Uncle Josh Perkins"
may be said to be the best show
that has been housed in the Em
pire theatre so far this season. It
will be there this week with Sat
urday matinee. It's woith a
visit. Portland Journal. At
the opera house on Wednesday
night, October 17th.
Where are They - Now?
What has become of the labor
ius men of Corvallis and Benton
county This is tne question
that is puzzling more neads than
one these days, and it, is a query
that seems .unanswerable.
Where formerly there . were
more men than iobs and labor
ers were 'in 'search pt empo
Inient every day of anv sort thit
ofTe'red livine wages, today there
are ten iobs for ever? man and
even then people cannot secure
help.- College ; boys who are
working . their . . way .- through
school have .no difficulty now in
securing employment,- for offers
of work are handed them trom all
directions. .- The "small job"
man is in especial demand, for
there is wood to be " put in sheds
before the rains come, carpets to
be beaten, spading to be done in
yards, shrubbery to be trimmed
and attended, and- a thousand
and one other .things ' to be done
and there is no one to do the
work.- .: ..-
The question is , then, where
are. . the laboring men who
formerly hunted in vain - for jobs
and whom jobs now hunt in
vain? True, the wages are bet
ter this year than last, but from
whence has come the unusual
demand for, workmen?
No factories have come to Cor
vallis to employ more men, the
mills have practically the"same
number on their pay rolls, the
merchants have the same retinue
of-fcleiks, and the t farmers are
hiring about the same amount of
help. Where then are the help
er gone? . -' , .
litis said many men are seek
ing the logging camps in various
sections and that j others have!
sought localities " where 'railroad
work is in progress, X and these
statements , are doubtless true,
but at any rate the Corvallis em
ployer 'Searches in vain for r, the
"man with the hoe" of olden
times and frequently has to do
his own job work at odd mo
ments. .' . '.
He Apologized.
1 An apology haVbeen made by
Xjadet IVpaelirAV McCully aod
has been 'accepted bv officials , pt
the War departWeh"t Jso Khat as
4iAajas rtei pxesVtroWeilin
Cuba subsides sufficiently to per
mit, -a i-etilar f atmy office): Will
be assibned.l to . iher posftioh; of
Coiiima ndaih t at the Oregon Agri
cbljural Co'll
tenant & I'P, 'u Quinlap, ; rece'ntlj
witharawn becahse o bfeach bf
d)isdplihby:.MCly . ; . . ' . I
" 1 Official : announcement . of the
adiiistaient ot the difficulty be-
tWeen the fcblje)gb and tie War
Depa r t men t was tnade. heVe yes-
terqay by J. K. vyeatnertorf ,
president of "the Board of Re
gents, who ; was in this city, to at -tend
a session" calle.-l . especially
to order bfdi lpr5theA; erection of
a new aormuory iur iuc luamu
tion at Corvallis"; ' : " - , ',
' i O winar to the notoriety caused
by an assault hiade Upon Lieate
nant Quiulan, Commandant at
the Agricultural Colleee -at: the
time, by Cadet McCully, and the
subseaueht uubleasahtness 2tis
in? from the aftair. ' Sectetary of
WaW William H. Taft. has
promised personally to pick an
officer trom the army, to be sent
to , Corvallis as ! Commandant
just as soon as the Cuban trouble
subsides and OHe can be spared
Oregonian. '
AVill Reside Here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McLennan
have arrived to take up their re
sidence in Corvallis. Regard-
ng thir marriage the Alton
(Illinois) Telegram says:
At the home ot Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Rich!, Evergreen tieiguts,
the marriage , ot their eldest
daughter, . HelenJ to Mr. Iv.i
McLennan, was celebrated Wfi-
nesday at noon.-" The house v
beautvtullv decorated for the c
casiod. , The bridal couple, at
tended by the bride's bistti
Julia, and brdiher, Edwin, a
hridesmaul-aid btst man. stoi-
ande.r a canopy of asparaguv
ferns and Sh -sta daisies.. Tb
inrriajje tcVemony perform-
td by an uuCle of the bride, Rev.
Daniel - C. Rich!, ' of; Cedar
Springs, Mich. was ; simple - and
rt-rv imoressive. '? A- tn ruber i;bt
t:iett t 1 itivesYArd L irleids X werfe
present' Those jftorfi iV distance
were: i: Mrs Cfias. Huni'phrey;
Adrian, Mich. ; Daniel C Richl,
but half expretsf a it. We bave eome
things recently opened op you'll go in
testacies over. For an out and out su.
peril r line ot
Newest Style Jewelry
you can find it here. We invite ycu to
caH and eee Eofne choice thingp jiiBt re
ceived Prices are . not .high. s Small
margins of prfit ron(et -ue.
Albert J. Metzoer
Occidental BnJldine, .- -
11 1
All Wool and Granite Art Squares
0. J. BLACKLEQQE'S Furniture Stare
Corvallis -
, A On Sportmg- Gobds we Kaye replenished our stock
with .a, large, and. complete Line of. guns and rifles.
' ;t Also a lajge. supply of shells and cartridges . . . ... -
Juat Received a Fine Line?
Razors ud Razor, 3trp, Pockot
Knives and Hunting Knives ..
CoWe in and bpe' dnr' tifw 1 itne tf Foothalla.
the beliheator - - $t.u6
McClurc's Magazine $1.00
G. A; Gerhard
Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con
' vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever -brought
to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,
Base-ball Goods, ; Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors, , ,
. Sewing Machine Supplies, etc .Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale.
Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines Zand: Automobiles
Guns and Bicycles For Rent First-class Repair Shop.
, ' M.-'M.- LONG,
Ind. Phone 126 Residence 324
O.C.HI ft and. Ohmm. Blakemlet,.
Patronize Home Industry,
' Outmldm Ordora Solicited.
All Work'.CKirnteod.
f Cedar Springs, Mich. ; Roder
ck Murchison, wife and daueh--r.
.Kewanee. . 111. : Mrs. Wm
j Ioesch and Miss Marie Stein,,
liss . Sadie Xowrie and Miss
fi-rtha Roech of St. Louis. The
hi idal party left on the evening
ir,. in for their future home at
Corvallis, Oregon. ( .
VrT C f U nrruvl . no n A a.
Hveti at enltiBne.' - Uall Y. A.
KSiiie'a I10K Phon No. 1. 84tf
' ficonczny Fruit Jars at Zierolf a
r - ' ' ,.74tf
Hair Invigorate;
And Dandruff Eratifcatcr
1 fi, "
- c
Trade Eirt regis era . - ,
Price, - Fifty Cents '
- Manufactured by .
The Vegetable Compound Ccmpen
Corvallis, Oregon 9
-.- Oregon
Salmon Hoeks, and Bass Hooks.
. .. ...
All Kinds of Lines
- $3.
The following letters remain uncalled
for, in the Corvallis postofBce, for- the
week ending Oct. 13, 1906:
Miss Maiy Armstrong, Mre. M. J.
Frederick, W. P. Heacock & Son, M.
McLaughlin. H. E. Morne.
B. W. Johnson, P. Mv-
For Sale. 30,000 acres of land"
in Liincoin &ua tsenion counties,
Oregdn, along the C. & E.. R. R.
known as Road Lands, '.now owned
hy an - Eastern ; 00007. .' Por
prices and terms, call or address
Fish, Western Agent, Albany
Oregon. , 78-t&