Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 12, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    - ;
Tr .'ml Mrf. Geortre Reed and I
family, left Tuesday for Browns
ville to .reside.
Mrs. T. H. Crawford left the
first of this week for a visit with
Portland friends. '
Plenty of good clean comedy is
to be found in the successful play,
' Uncle Josh Perkins."
Prof. E. R. Lake has gone to
Washington to look after matters
pertaining to OAC. He will be ab
sent three weeks.
Walter Winniford of Kings Val
ley who has been ill with typhoid
feyer, was in Corvallis, Tuesday.
He is a former OAC student.
Charles Hufft, who was a popu
lar OAC student last year; is just
recovering from a six-weeks' illness
with typhoid fever in a Portland
. hospital.
'- Dr. E. J. Thompson of Albany,
the venerable divine, visited Cor
vallis friends this week and attend
ed the meeting of the Willamette
A. L. Headrick of Salem, a broth
er of Grover Headrick of this city,
has been awarded the contract for
the brick work on the Corvallis
postoffice that is to be built by A.
J. Johnson.
The Eglin livery bard" and the
lOlo OH WUIUU tue uuuuiug oraur
were sold this week by James Flett
to Charles Hout for $3,800. Mr.
Flett will engage in goat raising on
his Five Rivers ranch.
Misses Kate Moore and Claire
Holgate are said to be the only
members of last year's basketball
team wh? are to play at OAC this
year. Miss Rila Peters is in col-
T i t - 1 1 i r t : :
,iege, out win uui p'y
in progress daily, but the team is
not yet selected.,'
Rev. L. F. Belknap was in Cor
vallis, Tuesday, en route to Belle
fountain to enjoy his annual China
pheasant hunt and visit relatives.
Rev. Belknap has been located at
Forest Grove, but the last confer
nce transferred him to Hillboro.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. ..Starr return
ed Tuesday from a visit in Marion
county with relatives. Accompani
ed by Mr. and Mrs. John Starr,
who bad been to Poria, they left at
ones for their home in Monroe.
Wedueedav John' Starr h:-1 family
left for Pendleton to reside.
Among those in attendance at the,
... r . I 1
meeting oi tne ioui in anuuai wu
ference of the Presbyterian Sabbath j
School Missionary Synod of Oregon,
in this city Wednesday and yester
day, were: J. Voorhees, Woodburn;
Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Robinson, of
Salem; Dr. E. J. Thompson, of Al
banv: Rev. and Mrs. H. T. Bab-
cock, of Salem ; Dr. Altman, of Sa
lem, and Rev. I. G. KnottB, of Al
bany. L. L. Brooks ships three carloads
of vetch this week, one from Suver,
one from Wells, and one from
Plain view. His last vetch "ship
ment went to Virginia. He says
it keeps him jumping to get around
in so many places loading cars. He
wanted this money to come to Cor
vallip, but'bia bids were accepted
in other towns. An order for 2,500
pounds of vetch seed reached Mr.
Brooks Tuesday from Washington.
In Salem, Wednesday, at 10:30
a. m., Miss Anna Louise Heckei- of
Northern Benton county was united
in marriage to Leo Penners, a Port
land painter. The young couple
will reside in Sclera. The bride ia
the vouneest daughter of Mr. and
Mrel Joseph Hecker of near Wells,
nnd a sister of Mrs. Arnold King vf
this city. She is an esteemed
voime lady and has many friends
white the groom comes of a well-to-
do Portland family.
A dispatch from St. Louis m the
Oreconian tells ot the marriage of
Ivan McLennan, a well-known
Corvallis citizen now in theE s?t.
It says: Dispatches today from
Elsad, II!., announces the wedding
at nOQn yesterdsv of Professor Ivan
McLennan, of Corvallis, Or., aiH
Miss Helen Iviehl &j tbe home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Rsihl, at Evergreen Heights,
near Elsad. lhe ceremony was
performel by Rev. William Reihl,
of Michigan, an uncle of the bride.
Professor and Mrs. McLennan .will
reside in Oregor.
Basket bailsmen are hard at it
these days practicing for the pur
pose of securing positions on the
team that will represent OAC this
vpar. Of the old men Swann, the
star playervia captain, besides whom
Roouer and Read are here, and
FoBter of Prineville takes the place
formerly held by Grover Cate, who
does not return to school, having
graduated last June. . A new man
of much promise is Russell Jeffreys
who played last year on the Nome,
Alaska, hieb. school team. Wnile
- the schedule of games has not been
arranged, it is probable that a tour
will be made by tha OAC men
through Washington and Idaho.
Mrs. J.Nfl Kojaoy has
Po.'ilaud visi'or this wetjk.
been a
XT. Burnap ia building
a new
Flovd Rowland, a well known
studeut, has returned to finish his
senior year at OAC.
The marriage ot Miss Edith
Berthold and Claude Buchanan is
announced for the 17th. .
Jesse Moses, . the hustling mer
chant from Philomath, transacted
business in Corvallis, Tuesday.
- John Lenger was able to resume
his duties as driver of "Number 9,"
Tuesday, after being at home for
several days because of -illness. -',
A.,P. Johnson and, family are to
move in a few days to the elegant
new residence on Ninth street
which i-t now about completed.
'' Mrs. W. Merriatt and 'little son
left Tuesday for their home in Port
land, after a visit with Mr. Mer
riatt who is employed in this city.
M. P. Fruit, the genial ferryman,
his son Victor Fruit, David Me
haffey and Mr. Feck left Tuesday
for Alea bay on 'a ten days' fishing
Rev. W. T. Bentley, missionary
from China, will speakr at the
Christian ChurcKThursday evening
at 7:30. , He is a very able speaker,
and the public isv invited to hear
Mrs. E. W, Strong and little
son, Chester, were in Portland the
first of this week wbere they con
sulted an occulist in regard to the
latter's eyes.
Miss Pearl Jones leaves today or
tomorrow ' for Centralia, Wash , to
visit her sister, and should suitable
employment be secured she will
spend the winter there.
Clay Shepard, the once active Y
M. C. A. leader at OAC, is reported
as very low with tuberculosis at his
home near Salem. This' will be
sad news to his hosts of friends in
this city.
The Wells Fargo Express office
is to change locations. As ?oon as
the bu ld'iPfr la completpd th head
quarters of the company will He in
the room adjoining the new lurni
ture ttore on north Main street.
A party composed of Ed Starr,
John Beach and Warren Hinton
d-parted Tuesday 'morning for
Tidewater, on t ie lower Alsei. for
a en days' hunting trip. If the
weather holds good they will un
doubtedly have a fine time.
Marriage licenses were issued
Tuesday to Merle "H. Stains of
Columbia county and Iva E. Mason
of Philomath. Cheater W. Edwards
and Janetta Taylor, both of South
ern Benton, and Lee Penners of
Portland and Anna Louise Hecker
of Wells.
Rev. F. L. Moore, formerly pas
tor of the Corvallis Methodist
Episcopal church but for the past
two years a pastor in Chicago, has
been transfered by ; the conference
to a charge at Puget Sound,, Wash.,
and it is understood the family
will visit Corvallis friends en route
to the r.ew field.
At the last meeting of the city
council a petition was presented
asking the removal of the , large
maple trees on Main street in front
of the Johnson millinery, Starr
confectionery and Robinson &
Stevenson office. The petition was
passed and a motion was made that
the. pelce judge request the proper
ty owners to remove the trees. .
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Rob-
insou were given a reception ai
their home on college hill Tuesday
evening, by about 25 of thir
friends, and a very pleasant time
was had. Mr and Mrs. Kobmsorv
are planning to go East as soon as
they can dispose of thir property.
as the latter is in very poor
ad it i9 hoped a change will prove
beneficial. -
A postal card was received from
Lieutenant Floyd Williams by . a
friend in this city Monday. Jt hore
on one corner the picture cf a Fili
pino girl, and the message stated
that the writer was getting along
splendidly, but that as the football
season drew near he was getting
the fever, and intends to organize
a football squad in hi3 company.
Lieut. Williams ia now located at
Noizagaray, P. I.
Miss Nettie Taylor who was mar
ried Wednesday at Bruce, was
given a happy Burprise Saturday
nfternoon by a 'number of "girl
friends. The affajr .was a china
shower planned by Mise Gertrude
Barclav. and each guest brought a
daintv china plate for the bride-
elect. A very erjoyab'e afternoon
was spent by tha following guests:
Misses Gertrude Barclay, Florence
and Ida Zierolf, Margaret Herron,
Allie Reader, Eva Baker, Neoma
Meeks, Ada.Finley, Stella Myers,
Amy Hinton, Edna and Grace
Watkins. and Mrs. Arthur Buch-
anan. ' - - "
- Jo.eph Hacker of Wells was a
Corvaljis visitor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mr3. Off Wilson have
been Portland visitors the past few
days: . -
Wanted- Plain sewing' to do. In
quire at Mrs. Maxfield's store,
Main street. , 4
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Orandall and
Rev. I. M.'Boyles of Labanon have
beeu in Corvallis this week attend
ing the meeting of the Willamette
Presbytery.. ' -
Have your eyes fitted by one who
knows how Matthews, the optician,
i-'.. 84tf
Miss Margaret Heiron, a popular
ytang lady ' of Southern . Benton,
left Wednesday for Seattle to spend
the winter with her sister. She will
be accompanied by Mrs. Clayton
Herron of Irish Bend, who will vis
it a month or six weeke. ;
Season t'ckets for the Corvallis
Lyceum Course are now on sale at
Graham & Wortham's. 84
Miss DeEtta Jones came up from
Salem the first of this week to nurse
Miss Lela Pittman, who is in a very
critical condition, with typhoid
fever . Miss Pittman is about J4
years old and the case is one of tbe
worst that has been in Corvallis in
a long time. - ll:
.WANTED 500 live geese before
the first of November. Call or ad
dress Smith & Boulden, "Corvallis,
Oregon. . 84if
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riley have
been visiting Mrs. James Stewait
at Springfield, Lane county, this
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Flint are ex
pected Tuesday from their home at
Roseburg for a visit with Dr. and
Mrs. Cathey.
FOUND Between Tom Cooper
place and Corvallis, a coat. Owner
call at Gazette office, prove property
and pay for this notice. . 84
- . i
James and Claude Lee of Junc-
tion City were in Uorvains, Wednes
day, en route home from Oregon
City. . ' -A .. J.
Hugh Herron of Irish Bend was
a Corvallis "business visitor Wed
nesday. " .
Three thousand cords-of wood to ne.
cut, let nit in number of cords to
suit choppers'. Parties wanting a
inb come at once. "Don t write,
Phone P. A. Kline, Kline's
Onlv holders of season tickets-are
sure of reserved semts for the enter
tainments of the Corvallis Lyceum
Course. Season tickets are now on
sale at Graham & Worthams. 84
The Taylor brick is rapidly tear
ing completion and will soon be
ready for occupancy by the Cen
tennial meat market. The front is
nof screened and the windows are
being put in.
For Sale. Two lots with seven
room house and barn: desirable lo
cation. Call on or address Mrs. M. j
McKinney, Coryallis. -83 if
.Mr. and Mrs. Graves Eobinson arrived
Wednesday from .Dayton, Wash., for a
visit with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Robinson. Many old
friends are glad to see the visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ireland hav e
just returned from a several days' visit
with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
S. Cooper in Independence.
For Sale. 30,000 acres of land
in Lincoln and Benton Counties,
Oregon, along the C. & E. R. R.,
known as Road Lands, now owned
by an Eastern Company. For
prices and v terms, call or address,
L: B. Fish, Western Agent, Albany
Oregon. 1 - 1 o-
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Moses were visit
ors in Portland, Wednesday.
John Chambers, of Hoskins, was in
Corvallis, yesterday. His son, James,
who is a promising pianist, is now quar
ters in this city for the winter.
Wanted Oak logs,- 17 to 26 in
ches in diameter. Inquire Central
Planinir Mills. Corvallis. 81-tf
Wm Bryan8, formerly a well-known
farmer of Benton, but now of Lebanon,
was in Corvallis a couple of days .ago.
All kinds of grass seed for sale
at Zierolf's Timothy, clover and
orchard crass seed. 74 tf
United Evangelical church, C. T
Hurd, paster. " Subjects, a. m. "The
Gift of the Holy Spirit." p. m., "Does
It Matter What We Believe"?
Rev. Andrew Currick, at one time the
popular pastor of the Corvallis Presby
terian' church,, is moving from Browns
ville to the state ot "Washyigton. , .
See Zierolf for all kinds of grass
seed, orchard, timothy and clover
seed. ; -'" ." . v , 74t
The subject at the First Methodist
church Sunday . morning is, W bo is
"Your Friend? The Value of True
Friendship." . Everybody invited,
Have your watch cleaned for $1;
mn-nsnrinc for $1: all work enar
anteed at Matthews', optician and-
ieweler. - ' ' 84tf
Before You
Smartly Tailored School Suits
For Boys
made of sturdy fabrics in beautiful
patterns nobby single and double
breasted Sack and Norfolk Jacket
Suits, at ........... - . $2.50 to $10
" ' : .: ;. ' Established! 1864 - V
The People's Store ' ; Cdrw&Slis, Qb
Why Not Use Electric Lights?
Stop scratching matches on jour wall.
Tnose streaky match scratcnes iook
mighty bad on any wall. But as long as
you continue to use gas or oil you've got
to use matches.
The "matchless light" is the electric
light, a Bimple twist of the wrist does it.
We are improving and perfecting our
lighting service in this city and can give
better service for less money man ever
in'the hietory of the city. -
The cost of wiring has been reduced
until it is within reach of all.
If you would like to know more about
it, call on us in our new omceopposue
thn O .T. Rlckiedife furniture store or
phone us, Ind. Phone 4P9. -
Willamette Valley vo.
G. A. ClaiK, Mgr.
" . ' . 74-tf
For Fall and Winter
We can supply you at prices that
will please you. ' The latest in
Hats, Caps, Shoes, Clothing and
All Men's Furnishings
O":-' it':'-' 'Z' f '''-''
Opposite the Ptofiqo
. S - " IlMiW . the Reasons Why .J
. You Are Flow f ' -' " "
: r. 1 It IS THE BEST
S i ; : , v : : : F-,L- MILLER f
' Fop Your . 18 M 1 ,
-" U -r ' Sole Agent f
FiMmishhmB I J. ; ' . CorvaHls .. . Oregon
Buy a Fail Suit
. See What We Can Give
TTr.You will see that our new model Suits are costly
in appearance, but moderate in price. You will see
,that the style and hang of every garment is distinct
ly smart and correct. You will see that the Suits of
your size will fit like one made-to-measure. Never
. have we had so large a showing of the famous
and MichaelsStem
Fine Clothing
as displayed here this season. The style and fabric
assortment is complete and you'll be able to satisfy'
'. your taste at every price.
Fall Sack Suits for
Men and Young Men
in a wide range of worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres
in handsome stripes, ; plaids and checks, cut in the
smartest single and double-breasted styles and hand-
tailored at every point, inside and ou a first-class
custom-tailor couldn't make you better suits for dou
. ble the money at
Full Overcoats for
Men and Young Men
all the new models i extreme and conservative
cut, in the fashionable- medium and dark gray over
coatings in wide wale and herringbone weaves, at .
When You See
In time-pieces is a necessity with
keens Tjerfect time is a boon to anyone
'vSjfc if You Want 1
To' JOiowf -$
JJb3 $lk What Smartly Dressed g .
FMIg!l ffyh Men Will Wear This Sea- f
'tMif& Conforming to Fashion's f ..
Latest Decrees . . Da- A
:;' ' - ' signed by Artist Tailors
M " fefeSV . .Fashioned by Master . S
' aPTi ' Workmen . . Are Some of M
hauled atJeast once every 18 months, and by skilled workmen only,
your watch needs repairing or regulating take it to
Estimates on Work? CheertHlly.
SI f&ai22SJ
3 and 3
to $30
it In Oiss Msl
the average person. A watch that
and should ba repaired and over
Given, and Satisfactiorh Guaranteed.