Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 12, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Polished Tuesdays, and Fridays by
Gazette PcbijHing Company.
j.j sn'-scrirt'oa price cf the Gazette
erl vea-3 has been, aad re:iiiifia
annum, or 5 per cent. discount if
i in a'lvance. This pa er will be
il-nied until all arrearages are paii-
The world is a stage and many
freaks hold the boards. Freaks,
human and otherwise, are be
coming everlastingly common and
have to be considerably out of
the ordinary to attract even pass
ing notice. During the past few
days the most notable freak in
the human line to receive atten
tion is Miss Elizabeth Magie, a
stenographer of Chicago- She
offers herself for sale.
In quite a notable invoice of
her charms and "good qualities
this young woman offers herself
for sale to the highest bidder, as
a "white slave." She does not
state whether any and ail bids
may beN rejected, but the pre
sumption is that she makes a
mental reservation of that right.
From the statement of this wo
man it is evident she possesses
silk underwear tastes and a pock
et book that will permit gauze.
Some way this whole scheme
does not look nice and there is
something of the gentlewoman
lacking or Miss Magie could nev
er make such a proposition pub
lic. The only conclusion is that
she is gone, lost, or is going or
''losing" rapidly.
1 o
Nearly a year ago the Forest
Grove bank was robbed. Short
ly thereafter Cary D. Snyder, of
Hillsboro, was missing. His wife
at that time seemed loath to give
a very full and free account of
the affair so far as related to the
disappearance of her husband.
She maintained, however, the
declaration that she believed he
had been murdered. Just exact
ly why she should believe this
she never made clear." Recently
Snyder's body was discovered in
the woods near HillsborQ, and, as
his revolver was found nearby,
the first theory was that he had
committed suicide. Later the
idea that he had been murdered
gained the ascendancy. So far
as any definite action for the ap
prehension of those who might
have committed the deed is con
cerned there seems to be nothing
doing. At present the widow is
charging the authorities with in
competency and so the case rests.
William Randolph Hearst as
pires to the governorship of New
York. From what can be learned
of Willie he takes rank with the
greatest montebanks the United
States ever produced. He has
given sufficient evidence that if
he had the brains and the vocab
ulary he would say mean things
of all who stand between him
and the gratification of his am
bitions. Arthur Brisbane, Mr.
Hearst's hired brains, is doing
good work for his employer, but
all realize the difficulty under
which he labors.
Co-dducation is to be abolished
at the University of Chicago,
according to the latest decree. As
this institution
supposed to be
of learning is
a hotbed for
'freak" profes.-ors the thought
presents itself that possibly
thiy is some of their doings.
Sj. far as a reason for the
abolishment of co-education is
concerned silence is maintained.
It seems a pity that the boys are
to be denied the '-refining in
fluence" of the girls. We expect
bitter procests from the students.
Oak Grove.
S. P. Lsui. n.on i row .1 lesi-
dent cf Albar- . H- -i:,ved Wed
Alfred William and wife who
. reside at Tbe Dalles have beeii
spending fev davs with rela
tives at Wells.
XTJac f;i-i t. '.
Aiis 1 orkmgsr . .-as -
been employed to teach the Oak
Grove school" and began her la
bois Monday, October 8th. '
Jnlius Miller moved this week
to Linn cdnnty wheTe he - will
hereafter make his home. Mr.
Miller has been running the
Pageat farm for the last few
years but has concluded to
change counties.
Will Tomlisou, who has spent
his entire life as a resident of
Benton county, has moved to
Linn to reside. He moved onto
the Flinn farm and will still con
tinue to be a tiller of the soil.
D. N. Wil iamson and tamily
of Oak Creek, Linn county, were
visiting relatives at Oak Grove,
Sunday. '
Charles Baundy who has been
a resident of this county tor the
past ten years, took his depart
ure Monday, bound for the state
of Washington where he goes to
become a permanent resident of
that state. We wish him success
in his new field of labor. ,
The new school house that is
being built is fast nearing com
pletion and will probably' be
ready to begin school about the
first of November. The struc
ture is a good one and will add
much to tbe general appearance
of the neighborhood.
The late rains did much good
in starting the pastures and clear
ing away the smoke, but the
farmers who have ploughing to
do would have been pleased with
a little more tor the ground is
not wet sufficient for good farm
work. There are some farmers
at work sowing their summ;r
The last man to get his thresh
ing done in this part of the coun
try was W. D. Prettyman who
completed his on October 7th.
Mr. and Mrs. Mayberry at
tended church at the .chafel car
at Wells Sunday '
Hay hauling is still in pro
gress. There were about 300
tons here to be hauled and if the
weather continues good the com
ing week the work of pressing
hay will be completed.
Prune picking is at an end and
the most of the driers that have
been operated here will finish by
the last of the week , and 'close
down for the year 1906.
Had a Jollification.
A real live bunch of good fel
lows got together at the home of
C. V. Johnson at Airlie Saturday
evening last,' and engaged in one
of their semi-occasional whist
tournaments. The party con
sisted of Postmaster B. W. John
son, Deputy Dist. Attorney E.
R. Bryson of Corvallis and State
Senator A. J. Johnson, all ot
Bentcn county, tue former home
of C. V. Johnson. The bos are
old time triends and it is their
custom to gtt together two or
three times a year sud engage in
the pleasant pasUuie that was in
dulged in on Saturday evening.
The West Side Enterprise failed
to learn of the results of the
evening's doings or it would be
pleased to give them. However,
the evening was doubtless a verv
pleasant one for the participants
as their previous meetings haw
always been. West Side Eate:-
Real Estate Transfers.
C J Harrison to L S Rtioy,
pm or' lot 87, biuck. 19. Phil
omath; $150.
E S Murray to A Hohustrem,
lots 3 and 6, block 15, Jobs add
to Corvallis; $450.
S Jensen and wife to J Hees
zel and wife, lots 4. 5, 6. 10, 11,
12, Avery & Wells addition to
Corvallis; $1,000,
M E Nichols to R H Hewitt,
200 acres southwest ot Monroe;
M H Msngas and husband lo E
Crisinger, lot 3, block G, Avery
& Wells addition to Corvallis;
t j iu roner ana wite to f A
j Sinitn et a, J6o acres north of
jCorvallis; $7,000.
j W Foster lu wife to S WRay.
20 acres ssuth cf Corvailis ;: $200.
E Crisinger to T D Campbell,
lots 7, 8 and q, block 14, County
(addition to. Corvallis;" $1,030. -'
t- t j -r T c--
- - K Kropp and wife to E Simp-
son. 10 and 26-160 acres. . near 1
Albany; $550.,
S A' Miles and wife to W A
Laidlaw, lot 7' and north "of
lot 8, block 5, Corvalhs; $1.
S S Ball and husband to A
Smith and wife, 929 64 acres
near Wells; $1.
Opera House Billings.
The present season will bring
to our city an unusual number
of first-class attractions. -
ine toiiowing eastern com
panies are already booked to ap
pear in the order named. Oct
17,;. "Uncle Josh Perkins," s
rural comeayi -JNOvemDer 1,
"The Hoi v City," the beautiful
religious drama; November 8,
Beach & Bowers Minstrels; Nov.
17, f,4A Royal Slave," which is
dramatized from "The Fair God"
by Lew Wallace; December 15
"Jerry trom Kerry," a musical
comedy; January 1, John Grif
fith in "King Richard the
Third ;" January 8, that gorgeous
musical comedy, "The Belle of
Tapani" Tanuary ii,. Stetsen's
Uncle Tom's Cabin; February
12, "The Cow Boy Girl;" Feb
ruary 28, "Nettie The News
Wedded and Gone.
Another couple of Benton
county young people have joined
tortunes for life. The event
happened Wednesday noon at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reu
benTaylor, and the bride was
theii charming daughter, Miss
Tanetta Taylor, while the happv
man was Chester Edwards, son of
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Edwards of
Southern Benton. The cere
mony was performed by Rev.
Gardner of Peoria in the presence
of 30 guests.
The bride looked very attrac
tive in white silk, and carried a
beautiful bouquet of roses. The
parlor was protusely decorated
with choice roses and ; ferns.
After cougratulatidns the party
enjoyed one ot the tempting din
ners for the cooking of which
Benton county women are tamed
Mr. and Mrs. Edwards were to
go to Portland yesterday on their
wedding trip, after which . they
will take up their residence latt
the home of the groom's parents
near liugene. -
The sincere good wishes of
many friends follow them. ,
The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Corvallis postoffice, for the
week ending Oct. 6, 1906:
Mrs Edith Adams, George P Alexan
der, W E Clarke, B P- Cramer, William
Hyde, Mrs J W LaBara, T W Scott, Mrs
Josephine Wheeler.
B. W. Johnsox, P. M.
Ii&b!-forming Medicines.
Whatever raay be the fact as to many
of the so-cailed patent medicines con
taining injurious ingredients as broadly
published in some journals of more or
less influence, this publicity has certainly
been of great bcueiit in arousing needed
attention to this subject, It has, in a
considerable measure, resulted in the
iiost intelligent people avoiding such
foods and medicines as may be fairly sus
pected of containing the injurious incre
ments complained of. Eoeognhfng this
fact some time ago. Br. Pierce, of Buffalo,
N. Y., "took time by the forelock," as it
were, and published troadcast all the
ingredients cf which his popular medi
cines are cosnrosod. Thus 4ie has com
pletely forsvsi-iiUd ;;il harplnjr critics and
All opposition that m'rht otherwise be
.urged iigaiiXit his uicclici.ies, because they
rs now oy jojott: composition. Fur
thermore, fiom the formula printed on
ev-.iry bottle wrapper, ii will be soon that
taesu medicines contain no alcohol or
ether habit-forming- drugs.-. Neither do
they ccntain-any narcotics of injurious
tgsnts, tnoir ingredients being purely
vegetable, extracted from the roots of
noJicical plants found t'r'.ing in the
depths of c:;r American forests and ot
well recognized curative virtues. ,
Instaad of alcohol, which even la small
portions ling continued. a- in obstinate,
cases of diseases, becomes highly objec
tionablo from its tendency to produce a
craving for stimulants. Dr. Pierce em
ploys chemically- pure! triple -refined
glycerine, which of itself is a valuable
remedy in many cases of chronic diseases,
being a superior demulcent, antiseptic,
antii'errnont and' supporting nutritive.
It enhances the curative action of the
Golden Seal root. Stone root, Black"
Chcrrybark and Bloodroot, contained In
"Golden Medical Discovery," in all bron
chial, throat and lung affections attended
with severe coughs. As will be seen from
the writ;nss of the eminent Drs. Grovor
Coe, of Now York; IJartholow, of Jeffer
son Medical College, Phiia.; Scudder, of
Cincinnati ; Ellingwood, of Chicago :
Ilale, of Chicago, and others, who stand
as leaders in their several schools of
practice, the foregoing agents are the
vaif best ingredients that Dr. Pierce
csuli have chosen to make up his fa
mous "Discovery" for the core of not
only bronchial, throat and lung affec
tions, but aiso of chronic catarrh in all
its various forms wherever located.
Julius Caesar.
"Was a man full of nerve but eickuess
left its mark and be became aged before
his time. Sickness is often ranged by a
torpid liver.- Herbine will regnlave
your liver and "give you health." Mrs.
Carrie Austin,-Hollon,- Kansas, writes:
"I consider Herbine the best medicine
1 ever neara ct. 1 am never witoout it.f7
g0d by Graham and Worlham.
Don't buy your Fall headwear until you have, examined
our new line of Mallory Cravenette Hats.
Cravenette is the name of a process, not a material. A Mallory Cravenette
Hat simply means a hat or the finest felt, worked into refined and up-to-date
styles and becoming shapes the best hat qualities that you can buy any
where, plus the added value that comes from the Priestley Cravenetting
process wnicn. as tar as nats are
. i
BIVC Willi
Come in to
nothing else than to learn what
are the latest and most fashion
able Metropolitan hat styles.
' iJNOH room:1
Lunches of every description hot and cold. Fine bill
of fare always served. Everything neat and up-to-date.
Try our lunches and be convinced. CASCADIA WATER.
Soft Drinks, Cigars
and Tobaccos
O. A. C.
Cloaning and
Pressing Parlors
Three doors north of Hotel Cor
vallis. Give me a call.
Pm iim SWABS, Pre ei.
Lest We
Forget Bby is restless, can't sleep at
night, won't eiit, cries spasmodically.
A bottle of White's Cream Vermifn
never fails to cure. livery mother
should give her baby White's Cream
Vermifuge. o many times when tin--baby
is pale and f-etful, the mother dofc
not know what to do. A bottle ot this
medicine would bring color to l is cheekt
and laughter to his eyes. Givelt a irial,
Sold by Graham & Wortham. .
Blood. Poisoning.
Kesuits from chronic oonBlipition,
which is quickly enreii by. Dr. Kings
New Life Pihs-. They remove all poison
ohs germs from the system and infuse
new life and vigor; cures sour stomach,
nausea, headache, dizziness and colic,
without, griping or discomfort. 25c.
Guaranteed by Allen & Woodward, drug
A Most Worthy Article.
When an article has been on the mar
ket for vudrs and gains frienes every
year, u is saie to can line meaicine a
worthy odk bueh is Ballard's Hore-
hound Svrup It positively cures cousha
an' all Pulmooary dispase. Ona of the
hest known merchants in Mobile, Ala.,
savs: ror nv years mv (amilv has
not been trouii'ed with the winter coujhs
and we owe this to Ballard's Horehound
Syrup. I know it has pavtd m chil
dren many sick speils." Sold by Gra
ham & Wortham .
A Young Mother at 70.
"My mother baa suddenly been made
young at 0. lwenty vears o intense
suffering Jroni dyspepsia had entirely
disabled her, until six mouths ago, when
she began tnking Electric Bitters, which
havo completely cured her "and restored
th strength aid activity she had in the
pr'ineofirp, "writes Mrs. W. L. G 1-
paiiii-k. of Danforth, Me. ireatest re
storative ir edicine on iho globe. Sets
Stomach, Liver and Kidnevs right, puri
fies the blood, and cures Malaria, Bili
ousness and Weakneeees. Wonderful
nerve tonic. Price 50c. Guaranteed by
Alien & Woodward's drug store.
Napoleon Bonaparte.
Showed at the battle of Austerlitz, he
was the greatest Leader in the world.
Ballard's Snow Liniment has shown the
public it is the best liniment in the
world. A quick cure for Rheumatism,
Sprains, Burns. Cuts,' etc. A. C. Pitts,
Rodessa, La., .says: "I . use Ballard's
Snow Liniment in my family afld find
it unexcelled for sore chest', headache,
corn p, in fact for anything: . that can be
reached by a liniment.'' Sold by Gra
ham & Worlham.
concerned, is exciu-
sal. .1 1 f
see them if for
Let Us Send You A-
We send them free, postpaid, to
each depositor. The most novel
home bank ever originated. Put
in your spare dimes ; when full,
mail to us ; we' 11 open and place
contents to your credit. We pay
liberal interest, you'll enjoy
absolute security, and. the little
home bank will help you save
with surprising ease and rapidity.
A single dollar will start your
account. Write about it today.
R. L. DURHAM . .
W. H. FEAR . . .
. . President
. Vice-President
. . Secretary
, Asst. Secretary
Canital. .RiKo. nnn nn
r , , .
Notice or PuDJicaliou.
Department of the Interior,
Ia:id office at Koseburg, Oregon,
Sept. 6th, 1906.
Notice is her;bv sriven that William E. Earn
est. of Fisher, Oregon, has tiled notice of his in-
teution to make final hve-year proot in suppoit
ei !:ic!cim. viz: Homestead Entry o. 13067
mad e Sept. 15, 1903, lor the SK SEK of Sec 2,
and N i XKi ard 6W - XE J, Sec ,11, Town
ship is S, Kansre 10 W, and that said proof will
be made heiore th; Omnty Cleik of Benton
County at his ofiice at orvallis. Oresou, on
November Vth. 1906.
He names the toilowinsr witnesses to prove his
continuous resideuce upon, and cultivation of
theland. viz: Sara A. feeits, I'rank M. Seits.
Har ry K. Earnest, and Martin L,. Earnest, all of
Vei.rou, Oregon.
75 BENJAMIN' I,. E;5DY, Register.
Notice for -Publication.
Department of the Interior;
Land Office at Rcseburg, Oregon,
f Sept. 6th, 1906.
Notice is herebv sriven that Clinton B. Fleese.
of Vernon, Oregon, has filed notice of his inten
tion to make nnai nve year prooi in support of
hi.-i claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 9559 made
Sept 14, 1899, for ..the NEi, Section iS, Township
14 S, Range 9 W, and that said proof will be
made before the County Clerk of Benton Coun
ty, Oregon at his office at Corvallis, Oregoa, on
I.ov. 19th, 1906. - '
He names the following to prove his continr
uous residence . upon, and cultivation of the
land', viz: Ezra Hammersler. of . Alsea, Oregon,
a; -t Fritz Denzer' and Edward Ernest, of Ver
t:i . Oregon, and Klrrpr Taylor of Box, Oregsn. 1
75 ' iaAiii:: t,. EDIY, Register. I
CLASSIFlKli advertisements:
Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three
successive insertions, or 50 eta per
month; for all op to and including ten
additional words, i cent a word for each
For all advertisements over 25 words,
t ct per word for the first insertion, and
ct per word for each' additional inser
tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25
Ltodge, society and church notices,
jther thai strictly news matter, will be
Jbarged for. : ' 7 : ; "
both sexes for sale. . J . H. Ed
wards, Monroe, Or. " 77-85
Oregon, on instalment plan and as
sist purchasers to build homes on them
if desired. Address First National
Bank, Corvallis, Or.
. Or., for spot ca6h, balance instal
ments, and help parties to build homes
' thereon, i: desired. Address M. S.
Woodcock, Corvailis, Or.
north of Corvallis. Invuire of J. M.
Porter or Ambler & Waiters. 83if
Veterinary Surgeon
surgeon, aud dentist. Residence 1220
Fourth street. Phone 389. Office
1011 Main stieet, puoue 204. Give
him a call. . 1
and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
ip.a. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad
ams Sts. Telephone at office and res
idence. Corvallis, Oregon.
House Decorating.
W. E. Paul, Ind. 488. ltf
ments ; curbing made to order ; clean
ing and reparing done neatly: save
agent's commission. Shop North
Main St.Frank Vanhoosen, Prop, o2tt
Office np stafrs in Zierolf Building,
Only et of abtuacts in Bentoii County
vlLte in Post Otfcie Building, Corval
iio, Oregon.
to leut a dwelling adjoining Corvailis
who is a kind good wot ktnan with a
team of hurses. 81-tf.
Gazh'jte and Weekly Oiejonian at
$2.55 jer year.
tit in uood condition. "State size, price,
Hiid particulars. Wiiliam R. Wakefield,
Waldport, Oregon. 77tf
W ANTED Sixty tone of clean
vetch eeed, aod oats in car lots,
load cars at nearest railroad station.
Wanted clean Italian and Ergiish
Rye grata eeed, can furnish gaso
line Fngine with cleaner and grind
er to ciean tor tarmere. L. L.
Brooks. Phone 155 Mountain
Corvailis, Oregon, transacts a general
conEervative t ankicK bueinfse. Leans
money on approved security. Drafts
bought; and told and money Jransierred
to the principal cities of the United
Statee, Europe and foreign countries.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given to all whom it nisy con
cern that the undersigned has been duly a) pointed
Executrix of the last will and testament of James
P. Mc Bee, deceased, by the County Court ot Ben
ton County, Oregon. All persons having claims
against the estate of said James P. MeBee, deceas
ed, are hereby required to present the came, with
proper vouchers therefor, duly verified as by law re
quired, within six months from tbe date hereof,
to the undersigned at her residence in Corvallis,
Oregon, or at the office of McFadden and Bryson,
attornes, in the Postoffice Building, Corvallis, Ore
Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, tins 21st day of
Septemter, 1S06.
Executrix of the Last VV ill and Testament of James
P. McBee, deceased. 78tf
A Badly Burned Girl.
Or bey, man or woman, is quicklv
out of pain if Bucklen's Arnica Salve iff
appiiPd promptly, Or. A. W elch of Tekon-
sha, Mich., says : "I use it in my fam
ily for cuts, sores and all skin io'iuries.
and find it perfect." Quickest Pile enre
known. .' Best hsaling salve made. 55c
at Allen and Woodward's drug stere.-