Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 02, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    j 3H E 1 LouiSBTracy, j
pass our declining years to- Material to be Used Other Speci- to other vent pipes ; do trap shall ba
She is a veryTeautiful and- flctinnc j P18 t the foot af a ver'ical soil or
as you "inow: . it seemed to Da a per
fectly natural outcome of our mutual
liking for each other that ire should
agree to
gether. She
accomplished woman, but she makes
no secret of her . age, and the match
was a suitable one in every respect,"
"You can see as far through a stone
wall as most people. ;
Pyne knew that his uncle's sharp
eyes were regarding him steadily, but
be continued to gaze into tie street.
There was a moment's hesitation be
fore Mr. Traill iXQwIedi
or.Di:ur:cE c:ll no. 217.
or near as practicable, and extend above
j the fixtures they serve before connecting
The millionaire himself was too flus
tered to draw nice distinctions between
the few words she spoke and what he
"Don't be afraid."
expected her to say. When she quit
ted him he. walked toward the group
of young people. They were laughing
ly exchanging news and banter as if
all that had gone before were the
events of a lively picnic. At last he
met Enid.
i-yne introduced his uncle, and it
was a trying experience for him to
stand face to face with his daughter.
in each quick flash of her delighted
eyes. In every tone of her sweet voice.
In every winsome smile and graceful
gesture, he caught and vivified long
dormant memories of his greatly loved
wife of nineteen years ago.
Somehow he was glad Mrs. Vansit
tart had not lingered by his side. The
discovery of Enid's identity Involved
considerations so complex and utterly
unforeseen that he needed time and
anxious thought to arrange his plans
for the future.
The animated bustle on Geek' pre
vented anything in the nature of sus
tained conversation. Luckily Mr.
Traill himself, whose open handed
generosity had made matters easy for
the reception cpmmittee, was in con
stant demand. -
" . Mrs. Sheppard had sent a portman
teau for Constance and Enid, so they,
too, soon scurried below with the oth
ers. -
. .The lifeboat returned to the rock.
where the four lighthouse men sent to
relieve Brand were now, helping the
sailors to carry the Injured men down
stairs and assisting the sick to reach
the entrance.
As soon as this n second batch was
transferred to the tug the vessel start
ed for Penzance. The Trinity tender
Would land the others.
There was a scene of intense enthu
siasm when the steamer reached the
dock. The vociferous cheering of the
townspeople smothered the deep agony
of some who waited there, knowing all
too well they would search in vain for
their loved ones among these whom
death had spared.
The two girls modestly escaped at
the earliest moment from the shed
used as a reception room. All the in
habitants knew them personally or by
sight. They attracted such attention
that they gladly relinquished to other
hands r.ny further charge of the ship
wrecked people. So after a few words
of farewell for the hour Stanhope pi
loted them to a waiting carriage and
drove away with them.
Mrs. Vansittart did not emerge from
her cabin until the deck was deserted.
She found Mr. Traill looking for her.
In a neat black dress and feather hat
she was rehabilitated.
"Why didn't you show up earlier?"
he asked i:i good humored surprise.
"The breeze on deck was first rate. It
brought the color into many a pale
cheek. And the way in which the
crowd let Itself go was splendid. Look
at these waiting thousands, quivering
yet wun excitement!"
"I am worn out." she said quietly.
"Take me to your hotel. You have en
gaged rooms there, I suppose?"
"Of course."
"When do you purpose leaving Pen
ance?" "Well er that is part of the expla
nation I promised you."
"We can talk matters over in the ho
tel. here is your nephew?"
For the first time he marked her air
of constraint.
"relieve me, Etta," he said hurried
ly "that what I have to tell you will
come as a great surprise, but it should
be a very pleasant one."
"Anything that gratifies you will be
welcomed by me," she said simply.
f You have not said, wherct Charlie is."
"nidlns in that shed. e refpsed
Mr. Stanhope's offer of a rigour pn
board. In his present disguise Jje
passes as a stoker, and everybody
wants to see the man who saved all of
Have you a closed carriage here?"
- ;
, "Let os go. Charlie can come with
ua," . . '
Again ae was conscious of a barrier
between them, but be attributed her
MHto the etraJnhe had otxWyoo.
xn tne sued they round Pyne, With
him were the orphaned children; there
was none to meet them. Kind offers
were made to care for them until their
relatives should be forthcoming, but
the man to whom they clung would
not listen to any such proposal.
I guess they re happy With me," he
said. "I will see them through their
present trouble."
v-micuine, tney naa eyes ana ears
only for the prevalent excitement.
. (To be Continued)
Sunday Wedding.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Graham was tie scene of a
pretty wedding Sunday after
noon, when John M. Graham
and Harriet L. Price were united
for better, for worse. ; Both par-
At ties are trom Kings Valley.
last jwsie asked him: At two o'clock the bride ac
wa sick BurtT ' S?P"- y h bridesmaid,
ried her off the ship, an' she wasn't In Mls Nellie Wltham, entered the
the boat" I parlor from a side door, jnst as
"Don't you worry, Elsie,"xhe said, the groom and his best
i m going to tane you to a big house
where you will find everything fixed
Tom Graham, entered "hom
another door, and . the party was pipes, shall be made with
met under a ' large floral ' bell bv
Rev. C. T. Hurd, who perform
ed the impressive ring ceremony.
A ft . . -
Alter congratulations, ice cream
and cake were served to the 25
he said. "I can't let them leave me in CUestS Dresent.
that haphazard way." The rooms were brettifv dernr.
i,ei me neip you. it is a woman's attA ; ,,. a
She stooped toward the tiny mites. 01 crePe paper.
"xou aear uttie oabes," she said toe newly married pair
soiuy. 1 can tase motners place tor drove away in their own convev-
They knew her quite well, of course, u t - V f J ouu dings of two stories or
and she seemed to be so much kinder -uuiucu. mc rear 01 weight mav be used. And
just right."
us uncie ana jurs. v ansittart ap
proached. The lady's face was no
longer hidden.
.."What are you going to do with those
children?" she inquired.
"There s none here to claim them,"
and nicer now in her smart clothes
than she was in the crowded disorder
of the bedroom.
Mamie looked at Elsie, and the self
reliant Elsie said valiantly:
"Mamie an' me'll be glad if 'Mr. Pyne
comes too."
Mr. Traill, who had never before
seen tears in Mrs. Vansittart's eyes,
found a ready excuse for her womanly
"It seems to me," he said genially.
j me iouowing are the lmportans sec-
tiops of the new ordinance that has jost
j passed the Corvallia City Council
j fcection 2. All material must be of
j good quality and free from defects, and
uo ow muse do executed in a thorough
and workmanlike manner,
Sec 3. The arrangement of soil, waste
or vent pipes must be a direct as posai
aec. 4. Dram, watte and soil pipes,
through which water and sewage is
used and cariied, shall be of cast iron or
lead when within a building. Thev
shall be sound, .free from holes or other
defects ; they shall be securely ironed 10
wall, laid in trenches of uniform grade,
or suspended to floor timbers by stronsr
iron hangers; they shall have a proper
fall of not less than one-quarter inch per
foot towards the.drain or sewer; vertical
soil pipes shall be carried out through
the , opening and undiminished in size
au Bou pipes enaii ce vented by a pipe
running not less than one foot above the
highest part of the roof ; changes indi
rection shall be with regular fittings and
connected with horizontal sou or waste
Y" branches
or sanitary tees, or one-eighth or one-
sixth bends.
Sec. 5. All joints or vitrified terra cotta
pipe shall be made with equal parts of
pest Portland cement and clean sharp
sand, and as each joint is laid it shall be
carefully cleaned on the inside. Th ce
ment must be well pressed into the hub,
and the bevel outsidevthe socket made
smooth and solid.
Sec. 6. All cast iron pipes must be
sound and free from defects : but in
less standard
in buildings
"we are all of one mind. Come this ed young people and many friends
wji iiuu uxi.jj.11. juu suwil viuot;
us, Charlie, or the hall porter will
.1 1
tuC uuggy, Deanng me mscrip- of more than two stories hot more than
the two upper etories-may be of standard
Sec. 7. Every house or building here-
r. -
auer connected with : the . sewers must
have the house drain constructed of "caet
iron, and it must extend three feet out
side of property building line, arid must
have a fall ef at least one-fourth inch to
the foot. It shall run around the cellar
Wall where practicable, or if laid under
non: "We're Married. Off to
Kings Valley or Bust." Old
suoes were aiso tied to various
parts of the outfit, unknown to
the newly married pair.
" The bride is the estimable
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I G
Price, and the groom is a son of
J.D.Graham: Both are r,espect
In Penitentiary With Convicts
Governor Chamberlain Did.
- Governor Geo. E. Chamber
lain, last week " baid a vic'f
waste pipe Vent pipes may beot lead,
cast or wrought irob only. The "top fix
tures ef any. vertical line of soil r waste
pipe may be bv.k vented, ' provided said
u&iuim iihvh nor mrtM than i rnc crot. r-I - -
v B iromi oiaiv a j 1 u ui ior me insane
ft, eicept water -iosets ano alter a close
wun irapaoove floor, wtich must con the
nert at least two feet above or run inde
pendently through 1 oof. - ? :
Sec. 12. All water closets, sinks and
slop hoppers must be supplied with wa
ter. Water closets must neyer be placed
in an un ventilated room or com part men t
Kn every case the compartment must be
open to the outer air, or be ventilated bv
means of a shaft or air-duct at leapt six
inches in diameter or equal area, and as
near ceilim as possible.
Doctors, lawyers, laborers, barbers.
bootblacks and ailors, butchers, mer
chants, clerks, deliverymeu and tel
graph operators, small boys, frcklsd
boys and bad boys all were afield at
daylight yesterday morning, armed with
all sorts of shooting irons, after the help
less china pheasants which are now un
protected by law. The open season be
gan yesterday morning. -
The ladies of the Coffee Club gave the
first party ' of the season in their :hall
Saturday night.- - Music was furnished
by Prof. Raymond's orchestra and Mrs.
N. Wilkins and Mrs. J. R. Smith n re
sided ' at the sherbert table. The, ball
was crowded and every one had th Yim
of their life.
Danger From the Plague.
unite in good wishes. They go hum in imn Eo,0i
throw you out if you attempt to enter to Portland in a few days, tp spend the floor joints. It shall be laid in as
lucviimci, - . I BtraiKDt a line as nmifrihlA. All thnM
the hotel in that costume."
He rattled on cheerfully, telling them
how clothiers and milliners and all the
storekeepers in the town, If they were
needed, would wait on. them at the
hotel. .
"In a couple of hours," be said, "you
both can obtain sufficient things to
renaer you presentable ior a day or
two. Don't forget we dine at 8. We
ought to be a jolly party. ; I have asked
Stanhope and his mother and those
two girls to Join us." -
"Oh!" cried Mrs. Vansittart faintly.
You must excuse me. I"
"Now, Etta, my dear, you will not
desert us tonight. Why, It seemed to
me to be the only way In which we
could all come together at once. I am
only too sorry that Mr. Brand cannot
be present Surely he might have been
spared from further duty at the light
house after what he has endured."
"They offered to relieve him at once,
but he declined," said Pyne.
He looked out of the window of the
carriage In which they were driving to
the hotel. Constance had told him of
the dinner arrangement, but he wished
to ascertain if the definite absence of
the lighthouse keeper would tend to
reassure Mrs. Vansittart.
te was not mistaken. She did not
reply at once. When she spoke, it-was
with a sigh of relief.
"I will not be very entertaining,
fear, but the young people will have
plenty to tell you."
"For goodness sake, Etta, don't
cried Mr. Traill. "Loo": at Hie fifty
five and lively as a grasshopper."
i'leae. ;s Mamie an' me 'vited.
too? whispered Elsie to Tyne.
iiu iwo caicics wui oe curled up
among the fo.ithors at S o'clock," he
told her. "Don't you go and worry
'bout any dinner parties. The sooner
you go to s;!oep t.:e quicker you'll wake
u: i:i tlie uicruiutr. and then we're cs-
Additional Local.
in direction must be made in curved
pipf, and all connections with "Y"
orancnea and one eighth bends, where
five Or more clnseta r fnnnitl tn siv
James Flett and wile came . out from inches in diumfitpr. taniiaA in, moir,
the Five Rivers country the latter part sewer nndi miniflhfri in qi'va All Aham.
of the week, where they have spent the es must be made with Y" branches or
summer. Ln.oirik ,i .t..
The Epworth League of the M. E. I practicable, and must be approved bv
cnuren is to noia a reception to students me Uhiet of Police. AH soil, vent and
ia the church basement Friday evening, I waste pipes Tiust be securely fastened to
to which all young people are cordially wallb and joints with strone iron hantr-
in vited. A large attendance of stndenta I ers in a izood and workmnni;t munnr
There's great daneer from the nlTnA
of Coughs and Colds" that nre so preva
lent, unless you take Dr. King's New
Discovery for Cer.sumrjtiorr. Conyha'jiiifl
Colds. Mrs. Geo. Wall, of Eorest CAt.v.
Me., writes: "It's a Godtend to people
living in climates where couylis and
eolds prevail, I find it quickly ends
them. It prev-nts Pneumonia cures
LaGrippe. gives . wonderful relief in
Asthma and Hay Feyer, and makes weak
lungs strong enough to ward off Con
sumption, Houghs and Colds." 50c and
$1.00 Guaranteed by Allen & Wood
ward's drug store. Trial bottle free.
mspectitn of
same she rerjorts fin,i;
everything in good condition;
says the Statesman. One thous
and, foiir hnnrlrrl oA .
fcur patients are under care there
cow. c 1 his is within one of the
lecord sumber which was attain
ed last, weekviwhen 1425 were
registered. '
The governor said several in
mates are now being cared for
iiat properly belong to other
tates, when referirg to the
Mitchell-Creffield episode at Seat
'.ie where Judge Frater endeavor
ed to send ibem here,' 'and while
we are willing to care for onr un
tortunates there is no reason why
we should be burdened with
bose from elsewhere.
The governor also inspected
the penitentiary, and found con
ditions generally satisfactory.
He partook of the prisoner' din
ner and says it was good in qual
ity and quantity. ' .,
The attendance . at this institu-
'on :s at low ebb, the number
1-st week was 341, the lowest
101 many y ears. This is just the
reverse of the condition at the
asylum. Fruit is an important
feature of the prisoners' diet as it
conduces to their good health.
It is likewiae one of the cheapest
commodities used by them as a
large proportion is picked on the
shares, by convicts and thus
costs the state nothing. Several
wagon loads have been obtained
in this way.
ft 1 n i urn mi 1 t,l 1 !hf i n ti mu m mi 1 win 1 m 1111m fmm n 1 :i 1 1 1" i"mnti7
is requested.
bcottKing came up from Portland.
Saturday,' and spent Sunday with bis j
family m this city.-
Joseph May berry secured a hunter's
license at the office of Clerk Vincent.
Saturday, and lost the same on . the
to the satisfaction of the Chief of Police.
Sec. 8. 'No brick, Bheet, mental or
earthernware flua shall be used as a sew
er ventilator, or to ventilate any trap,
drain, soil or y aste pipe; nor shall any
chimney flue be used for that purpose,
and the terminus of all vents must be at
to hunt f or what do you
"Candies." said Mamie.
"Toys," cried Elsie, going one better.
"We're just going to find two of the
loveliest end frilliest and pinkiest
cheeked dolls you ever saw. They'll
have blue eyes as big as yours, Elsie,
and their lips will be as red and round
as yours, Mamie. They'll talk and say
-and say all sorts of things when you
pinch their little waists. So yu two
"hurry up after you've had your supper,
say your prayers and close your eyes,
and when you open them you'll be able
to yell for me to find tlmt n.n stnro
mighty sharp."
"Say, Charlie," cried his uncle, "I
ueer neara you reel off a screw like
that before.- Now, if I didn't know
you were a confirmed young bachelor
i would begin to have suspicions. Any
how here's the hoteL"
j.wo cours later, when uncle and
nephew met In the private sittine room.
where busy waiters were mating prep
arations ior dinner, Traill drew the
younger man to the privacy of a win
dow recess.
"Charlie," he confided, "affairs are la
a tangle. Do you realize-that mymar-'
riage was fixed for today? '
TTatf8 &, was the laconic answer,
0 eocrse the wedding traa poet
yiexiuea, . men u snf arrrvTt.1 4m
lrMWu MrL itfissi4a4
1 -jt-- '
Btreets during the afternoon. - Anyone Ieast five feet rom the aea, water tanks
finding the license will please leavs it at I or air 8liafta and i no case shall they
the county clerk's office. ' terminate at a lower distance than five
Mrs. Margaret Alford died at the Jam- feet bve the gutters, windows or other
ily home a mile from Philomath, Satur- openings.
day morning, after ailing about a year, f Sec. 9. Every vertical line of Boil pipe
Thedesease was diabetes. The funeral I must be of cast iron; waste pipes must
occurred from the residence at one be of cast iron or lead, and where it re
o'clock Sunday, the services being con-1 ceives the diecharon
. . I O - w V ui
auciea DV Kev .T. S. Mandeaker. Tn. mnuflnnn.
Agetahle Preparationfor As -
slniilating ttteFoodandBeguIa
ting the S toinactts andBowels of
terment was in Newton cemetery, De
ceased was aged about 43 years and was
a suter of Mrs. "William Porter of Corval
lis. A husband, one daughter and a son
look, and don't forget October 10,
T! . t m . . .
jluhl ia me evening 01 tne musical pro
gram given by the Maccabees in their
new hall at 8:30 p. m. You are cordial
ly invited to be present as there will be
plenty to eat and games galore.
Jasper Bickard, aa old-time Corvallis
ite, arrived Sunday from PulIman.WaBh.,
ta visit relatives for some weeks.
At the clerk's office Saturday, 49 hunt
ers' licenses were issued, due to the fact
that the "open season'' for pheasants be
gan Monday morning.
E. F. Snyder arrived Sunday, from
Brooklyn, Iowa, for a visit at the J. W.
Ingle home. He will also enjoy the
hunting season in Benton .
J. D. Graham of Kings Valley, was in
Corvallis over Sunday, and left yester
day for Portland to enter a hospital for a
surgical operation. It is feared his ail
ment is cancer.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Julius Caesar.
Was a man full of nerve bnt aictrnun
left its mark and he became aged before
uio uuie. oicuew is aiien caused by a
torpid liver. Herbins will . mmin.
yoururer and give you health. Mrs.
Carrie Austin, Hollon, Kamuu, writea:
"I consider Her bine the ht maAfein
I ever heard of. I am never without it.
Sold by Graham and Wortham.
it must extend at least one
loot above the highest part of the roof or
coping or light shaft louvers of undimin
ished size.
Sec. 10. All connections of lead with
iron pipes must be made with a brass
comb, brass ferule of the same size as
the lead pipe, and caulked or screwed in
to the iron pipe and connected with the
lead pipe by a wiped joint, or a Eaymond
ferule may be used on buildings of ;not
more than two stories, and in buildings
of more than two stories the brass shall
be used by means of a wiped joint: the
last two Btories a Raymond ferule mav
be used.
Sec. 11. Every sink, bath tnh. hasin.
water closet, urinal set of wash trays,
and every fixture having a waste pipe
shall be separate! v and
trapped with a water sealing trap placed
as near the . fixtures as practicable. In
no case shall the waste from a bath tub
or other fixture be connected with a wat
er closet tray ; traps must be protected
from syphonage, and the waste pipe lead
ing from them ventilated by a special air
pipe the size of the trap or pipes for wat
er closet traps, and one and one half in-
cnes ior otaer traps, except in private
dwellings. The vertical air pipes for
traps of water closets in buildings more
than four stories in height must be at
least three inches in diameter with two
inch branch to each trap, and four traps
of other fixtures not less than two inches
m diameter, with branches same size aa
T 11 ... .
uapB. ui bu cases vertical air-pipes
must be of cast , or wrought iron. Air
pipes may be combined by branching to
gether those which serve several traps,
in which case they must be increased
one size where they pass through the
roof. These air-pipes must always have
a continuous fall to avoid collecting water
by condensation. No air-pipe shall be
used aa a waste or soil pipe. Vent eon
aectiaaa shall be made on crown trans
Promotes Digest!on.Cheerful
ness and Rest. Contains neither
Opium.Morphiiie nor Mineral.
Kox Kahc otic .
nope ofOUJ-&iKUELPnX2iSit
nuikmrem. Harsr,
Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions ,Fevensh
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
e Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
.1 t&8tf&&?j&&ii:
m. is 1
if W
ft:: T
or Over
hirty Years
6& kirn KS
fa U Via' UUUU U
gsmi isr
1 r m b
-7-.- 7 '"",", ''"MIL'LYt'l
And ship in plain packages
or 00 'ft fXvocs
10 x reyrn oz.
. .
nFFICff A ivm cr-ii 1 rtrt i . KM
mil tin nu rt
DIRECTIONS ttcarpanieifyW
omi ClT; EQRTI&1D ORE: