Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 18, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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"Mr. and Mr 8. G. F. Rice attend
ed the fair at Salem Friday.
Clerk T. T. Vincent was a visitor
at the fair, Friday.
. Chief of Police Lane was a visitor
at the fair Friday.
E.R.Lake is having bis resi
dence repainted this week.
Jesse Moees of Philomath was a
business visitor in Coryallis Friday.
Sheriff Burnett and Judge E.
Woodward were fair visitors the
last of the week.
Mrs. Thorp of lower Aleea, was
in Corvallis, Friday, en route home
from a'week'a visit in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Black moved
Saturday onta the Stone prune
ranch in Linn county.
Archie Burns returned Friday
from a few days' business trip to
Roes Cady, son of J. J. Cady,
left Friday for Dayton, Wash., to
-accept e mployment.
Mrs. Devine goes to Ashland,
Friday, for a two months' visit with
her brother;
Oliver Johnson arrived Friday
from John Day to re-enter OAC.
His sister, Miss Floy, will not re
turn to college this year.
Mrs. Jacob Hurlburt leaves Sat
urday for McCloud, Calif., for a two
raontha' visit with her sisters Mrs.
J. Dennis.
Mrs. Nellie Clem of Bellefountain
was a Corvallis visitor the last of
the week. She conducts a store at
that place.
Mrs. D. G. Busby, of Portland,
was the guest for Beveral days the
latter part of the week of her sis
ter, Mrs. Henrv Stone.
Charles Cropp is one of the old
students who has returned to c 1
lege. He arrived the last of the
week from Eastern Oregon.
Miss Melissa Whitney of Chit
wood left Friday for Pullman,
Wash., where she is to teach the
coming year.
Mies Elta Raber, of Granger, is
one of the new students at OAC
this year. She ai rived the last of
the week and will room at Alpha
Mrs. L. L. Fortei 1 f Sundnv
for her home at Oregon City,
a two weeks' visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, John Spangler, in this
A three-horse power electric mo
tor arrived at the Willamette Val
leys' Co.'s office Thursday. It is
for the new newspaper office that
is to be established.
D. O. Quick ot Halsey was a
Corvallis visitor the last of the
week, and Fred Quick of Portland
also paid a visit to Corvallis friends
the same day.
Ira Whitney, formerly of OAC,
and familiariy known as "General
Shatter," is now a professor in the
'State Agricultural College at Pull
man, Wash.
Huuters' licenses- were issued
Friday to the following: F. H.
Hughson, J. Archibald, Jr., Robert
Wilson, I. V. Lake, P. C. Winkle,
H. M. Browser and I. N. Wiukle.
Fri:ik Iliward and family arri
ved 'he of the wek from Bri
bd Veil, to locate. There an- four
boys in the'fauiily who will enter
A new body ironer arrived Fri
day and was at ones installed at
the steam laundry. It is consider
ed a great labor-saving device a 'id
is a valuable addition to the equip
ment of the establishment.
W. A. Winniford, a student last at OAC, is suffering with ty
ph ;1 frer at th family home in
Kias Va'ly. The mother and
other young people were to have
moved to Corvallis this week, but
thoir coming will necessarily be de
layed. A slight "mix-up" in names ap
peared in an item inthe last issu
of the Gazaite. Th intention was
to state that Will Wicks, ot OAC
had been promoted to assistant hor
ticulturist under Professor Lewi?,
and that Arthur Bouquet takes the
position vacated by Mr. Wicks as
assistant to Professor Coote. The
liaises became transpose J in the
former item.
Never has there been such a
shortage of cars as now, owing to
the great demand for lumber
is on, and local shippers experience
great difficuty in securing trans
portation for their products. The
Strong saw mill is one enterprise
that is hindered greatly by the car
shortage, as the demand for lumber
js twice as great as cau be met,
owing to the difficulty mentioned.
A. A. Morse o! the O. R. & N. com
pany, Portland, was in Corvallis
Friday, looking after the matter,'
and .it is hoped that something may
be speedily done to relieve the sit
uation. ' . .
Grant Elin and fioiiiy attended
the f lir in Salem, Saturday
Misses Bertha and Belle Edwards
arrived Saturday from iBellfoun
tain to attend college.
Frank Francisco is clerking 'at
S. L. Kline's during the absence in
Seattle of O. V. Hurt.
Arthur Belknap returned Satur
day evening from a few days' busi
ness trip to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Strong went
to Portland, Friday, for a few daye'
Mrs. Ed Stone, of Albany, has
been a guest at the Jacobs home
the past few days.
W. S. Linville is able to resume
his position at Kline's store, after
being confined at home a week with
a severe attack of rheumatism.
Among the ' old students who
have returned to OAC are Ralph
Worstei, Will Kitchen and the Por
ter boys, all of Eastern Oregon.
Miss Beseie Herbert was given a
birthday party at her home Fiiday
evening. Fifteen guests enjoyed
the event. Games and refresh
ments were features of entertain
ment. Bib Vidito and family who went
to Tidewater on a visit a week ago,
were water bound and unable to re
turn last week, until the creek went
Miss Mabel Kinnison arrived the
last of the week to re-enter OAC.
She brought with her two young
lady friends who wili also become
Mrs. Minnie Lee left Friday for
Vancouver, B. C, for a month's
visit with Prof, and Mrs. E. C.
Hay ward. From there she goes to
Bluffton, Indiana, to spend the win
ter with her mother.
Dr. Newth, of Philomath, is hav
ing a handsome new office building
erected in that town. It is 20x26
and will be divided into four rooms.
The doctor is also to put in some
new apparatus and instruments.
Fred Knaus of Portland will not
return to OAC this fall. In a letter
to a Corvallis friend he states that
he has gone to. Myrtle Creek to ac
cept employment. He formerly
worked for the S. P. company at
Markus Cavps did Thursday at
the home of nie mother at Hos
kins, after a liugnring illness
with heart disease. Mr. Caves was
about 32 years of age and leaves a
wife and one child. No particulars
of the funeral were obtained.'
Physical Director W. O. Trine of
OAC. arrived home Thursday night
from Portland where he was the
subject of another Burgical opera
tion la3t week. Asid from his
face being quite sore he is feeling
well, and expects to Boon be in good.
health. Hi9 many friends hope
that such may be the case.
Dan J. Kelly is to re-enter theU.
of O. this month, in spite of reports
to the contrary, says a dispatch to
the Oresonian from the lad's home
at Baker City. Other well-known
athletes from that city who are al
so to enter U. of O. are Ralph Dod
son, champion middle distance run
ner of Eastern Oregon and Henry
McKinley, who participates in the
weight everts.
In Portland the last of the week,
S. N. Wilkins of this city was
elected president of the Funeral
Directors' Association. Thursday
nigbt, according to thu Oregonian,
he gave a banquet at Hotel Oregon
to the officers of the association.
Mr. Wilkins was also appointed :i
delegate to the national convention
of undertakers to ba held at Rich
mond, Va., next September.
Ed Looney is to begin clerking in
the J. H. Harris dry goods store
O.::ober 1st, B. W. L i y having r
sigr.ed. Mr. Lacy has been a Cor
vallis citizen for 14 vers. gradua
ting from OAC in 1S93 It
been over ten years since bo began
clerking in the J. H. Harris estab
lishment, and he has been a faith
ful, obliging and popular clerk every
dMV :f that period. He goes to
Portland from, this city, but his fu
ture plans are not yet matured. Mr.
Lacy will be missed by a large cir
cle of sincere friends hereabouts.
One of the beneficial results of
thw prohibition era in Lane and
Linn counties is seen in the fact
that since they went ''dry" their
residents have, had little trouble
with hoboes. The thirsty travelers
have a horror of dry towns, and
loiter in them no longer than neces
sary. Hobos haye denominated the
country from the north line of Linn
county, to the south boundary of
Lane "the desert," and they pass
through as quickly as possible. Lo
cal police officers say they have
heard hobos discuss the matter and
say that they would never stop
again in a Linn or Lane county
town if they could help it, rio mat
ter how hungry they are. Eugene
Guard. - .
Carl and Roy Clarke, of Port
land, are among the old students
who have returned to enter OAC.
Mr. and Mrs.' R. H. Huston re
turned home Friday evening from
five days' visit to Salem.
Cyril Brownell, of Umatilla, ar
rived yesterday to become a student
again at OAC. v
Furnished rooms to let to stu
dents. Mrs. Caroline Maxfield. 77
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Bane moved
Saturday from their farm residence
back to their dwelling in this city.
Mr. and Mrs.. Tom Riley spent
Friday and Saturday in Salem,
seeing the sights at the fair. V
Eastern and Olympia oysters for
Bale at Jesse Wiley's. Olympia
oysters 40 cents a pint. 76-7
The Misses Watkins, of Monroe,
have arrived to enter OAC, and have
taken rooms above the O. J. Biack
ledge furniture store. '
Mrs. James Zurcher was to leave
yesterday for her home in Roseburg
after a lew days' visit with Corval
lis relatives.
Adolph Schmidt and Henry Zim"
merman arrived Saturday from The
DalleB to re-enter OAC. Warren
Forsythe came Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Looney are to
occupy the Wilson house on 4th
street, formerly occupied by Ed
Andrews and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cummings are
to arrive "this week from Seattle to
look after tneir property here and
to visit relatives. They may spend
the winter in Corvallis.
New fall goods just arrived at
Mrs. Maxfield's. Prices reasonable.
Call. 77
Student Cherry arrived Saturday
from Astoria to attend college. He
is the well-known foot ball player
and hia coming is a signal for re
joicing among local lovers of the
Mrs. Caroline Maxfield and Mies
Minnie Maxfield returned the last
of the week from Portland, where
they had been to purch .se goods
for their grocery and millinery
Fruit Jars--Yes, we have ibem.
Th itcher & Johnson. 76-80
The survey for the extension cf
the Corvaliis & Eastern from Ya
quina to Newport began today. En
gineer Haversham of Portland, who
will have charge of the survey,
went through t& Yaquina Wednes
day evening. Harry Fant and Ade
Crosno have been engaged to assist
in the work and went to the termi
nus yesterday evening. Friday's
Lincoln Leader.
Fred J. Oberer, general manager
of the O&erer-Meyer Lumber Co
passed through Dallas this week
on his way to Portland on a busi
ness trip. He snys the new saw
mill is ready for operation and that
shipments of lumber over the Dal
las and Falls City railroad will be
commenced in the near future. ,The
mill is located in a fine body of
timber, and a market is awaiting
all the lumber that can be pro
duced. Polk County Observer. '
Choice Grass Seeds Alsike, Red
and White clover, Orchard Grass,
Blue Grass, Rye Grass and Timothy.
Thatcher & Johnson. 76-80
Dave Rosebrook, well-known in
this city, arrived Thursday in To
ledo from Santa Catalina Island,
where he has been filling his old
place as coronet soloist during the
summer season at that famous re
sort. He will -emove with his fam
ily in a few days to Los Angeles.
S. N. Wilkina left yesterday for
Walla Walla, Wash., to attend the
Washington Association of Funeral
Directors. . Since his election to the
office of president of the Oregon
Association Mr. Wilkins states that
be has been obliged to enlarge his
hat several inches to allow for the
expansion due to the honor he has
For sale or rent, preferably for
sale, residence and 2 acres of land
on college hill. 'Address M. Robin
son, Corvallis, Ore. 73-tf
The facts and figures givan here
with are sent out from Albany and
make interesting reading at the pre
sent time of excitement,over timber
claims: The timber excitement-is
at its height. Many parties in Al
bany have recently sold to eastern
capitalists for sums ranging from
$1,500 to $1,600, the former price
being about the average. Now
comes another eastern firm and of
fers $2,400 per claim, provided that
20 claims can be secured that will
cruise 2,000,000 feet per claim.
This will be extremely difficult to
do, as a very small per cent of the
claimB will -reach that figure, the
general average per claim being a
bout 1,750,000.
See Zierolf for all kinds of grass
seed, orchard, timothy and clover
seed. -74tf
Come, and Bring a Friend to
ing Display
Copyright 1906 by
Hart Schaffher & Marx
Stiff and Soft Hats in the new
Autumn shapes at $1.50 to $3.60.
Autumn Cravats, Shirts, Gloves,
Hosiery, etc., from the leading
makers of the country shovn here,
deserve your inspection.
The People's Store
Somewhere near Corvallis to as
sist us in showing and selling prop
erty. No experience necessary, if
willing to let ns teach yoa the real
estate business. Salary $60 a month
to honest man willing to devote a
part of his time to this business.
Co-Operative Laud Co.,
Andrus Bids., Minneapolis, Minn.
ij Msske it Your
To See Our
New Line of
Just in from the Factory
II Tf.. JL 'VM-S
fall and winter styies
We have also a complete line of
Shoes, Ready-Made Clothing and
all Men's Furnishings.
Mm Km RiiSB
Opposite the Postoffice
Ind. Phone No. 481.
An Ounce ot Prevention.
Is worth a pound of cure. There are
many poor suHerers. Consumptives
wh are hopeful of getting well, who, if
they had taken care of themselves,
would now be well. A Cough is the
foundation of Consumption. Ballard's
Horehound Syrnp will cure that cough.
Mrs. S Great Falls, Montana, writes :
"I have used Ballard's Horehound Syrup
in my family for yars.-my children
never suffer withlcoughsv" Sold by Gra
ham & Worth am.. ' '
of Men's Fall Clothing .
Tomorrow and every day this week we will have
"open house" to show you the largest and most mag
nificent collection of high-class apparel ever assembled
here. If you wish to be "posted" regarding the cor
rect styles and fabrics and what constitutes GOOD
Clothing, then you shouldn't miss this showing of
widely known . -
Hart Schaffner & Marx
and MichaelsXStern
; Fine Clothing
which we have in a wonderful variety of conservative
and extreme models in all the fashionable fabrics of the
best American and European mills.
Men's and Young Men's
Fall Sack Suits
cut and finished in high-class custom-tailor style are
here at prices ranging from $10 to $30, with an excep
tionally large " assortment of swell single and double
breasted Sack Suits splendid $18 value at
Men's and Young Men's
Fall Overcoats
in all the new styles and light weight overcoatings of
fashionable weaves, ranging in price from $12 to $35,
and better value you never saw than offered in the new
shaped-to-waist Chesterfields of medium and dark gray
cheviots at
ILa Ei
For Women, Misses and Children
1 906 Fall and Winter 1 907
The Fall Season is right at hand, and if you have been weigh
ing the merits of different lines, the time of decision is now.
We will show you in the "PALMER GARMENT" line the
most stylish garments you can find.
We Are Mot only showing the best styles, but in addition, the
workmanship and quality of the "PALMER GARMENT" are
We Ask You to call on us whether you buy or not, It will give
us pleasure to show
Oiir Open-
Gorw&IHs, Or
BEGINS its 25th year September 26, I9O6. Three full
courses of study. Higher course recognized in Wash
ington and other states. The best and shortest way to a
state and life paper.
Additional work in both general and special methods ;
also school managementr.for graded and ungraded echoola
will be given this coming year,
' . Longer terms, higher wages and befc
ter opportunities are open to Normal
Graduates. School directors appreciate
the 'superior ability of Monmouth grad
uates, and the demand far exceeds the
supplv. Catalogue containing full in
formation will be sent on application.
Correspondence in viieSir ' AddreSp,'
J.B. V. BUTLER, Registrar