Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 18, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Pablished Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
i ie subscription price of the Gazettb
fr- - veral years has beeu. au i remains
$: j i annum,or -5 per cent. dicount if
r ' in advance. This pa er v. ill be
v iitinue until ail arrearages are vail.
Professor Tyler, of Amherst,
daring the course of a lecture
delivered recently in the Uni
versity of Chicago, voiced the
sentiment that an ultimate weak
ness of the stomachs of the
American people would be the
cause of the downfall of the na
tion. In proof of his contention
the learned professor pointed to
the fact that Americans of 100
years ago dieted largely upon
pork, doughnuts and mince pie,
while today we are a sort of '"tea
and crackers" brigade.
Just so,- rjerr Professor. Your
previous environment has had
much to do with your idea of the
American stomach and its de
generation. A glance through a
colonial cook book would have
convinced you that pork, dough
nuts and mince pie were not the
only articles known to our fore
fathers. They enjoyed fried
chicken and cider just as we do
today and there are many Yan
kees abroad in this land of the
free who would enjoy pork,
doughnuts and mince pie as did
their forefathers. The gentle
man must look for some other
cause of national calamity than
our stomachs.
When- Macauley's Jast man
from New Zealand shall have
seated himself on the only re
maining span of . London bridge
to p aze upon the debris of Eng
land, and that mysterious rever
beration of the ''crack of doom"
blasted from Gabriel's trumpet
shall be echoing in waves around
old earth, it will be seen that the
constitution of the United States
still exists and is in effect, while
th S tars and Stripes will wave
proudly over untold millions of
American stomachs. You will
see, Herr Professor.
Perhaps nothing has gone
ahead more rapidly during the
last few centuries than medi
cine. Learned men have devot
ed themselves to this branch of
usefulness in the world with a
z?al that was almost a fervor.
The result of all these years of
investigation, experiment and
research has been the advance
ment of medical science to the
first rank. All the functions of
every organ of the human body
are known and the well-versed
physician of today understands
compounding a medicine that
will act on a certain organ with
out the-least effect on another.
To the ability and patient
study of men of note in the med
ical world all humanity of today
is indebted. Medicine of today
is a well established science, but
in order to show what it was at
one time in the world's history
we will go back a few hundred
ye:r. s and attempt to shed a little
li.cvnt on the practices of former
I.'ci it", understood that in the
early centuries superstition
figured largely in nearly every
thing, but perhaps in nothing
m--rethanin meditine. It was
c. av.nonly believed forages that
when a person was afflicted by
any disease they weie possessed
by some fiendish spirit and the
"doses" concocted were not so
much for the purpose of curing
the patients as to exorcise the
evil spirit. Reasoning on this
basis . the doctors of ancient
times resorted to every possible
scheme to compound a dose
which would t-ioye Loo much for
the fiend and cauu him to go
Those of us of today who hate
to take medicine like sin and
who choke and gag like fury
when our time comes can thank
our stars that medicine and its
practice has been raised beyond
therstandardjof the ancients. It
use'd to be considered an unfail
ing remedy for almost every ill
to make use of powdered spiders.
If a person was bleeding to ex
cess there .was a scurrying every
where for a live toad which" on
being captured was tied behind
the ear of the - patient. . If one
was afflicted by some sort of
skin trouble three drops of Wood
from a black cat's tail was con
sidered the surest cure.
An ancient and favorite hair
tonic consisted of "dog's teeth,
overripe datps and asses' hoofs
carefully cooked in " oil and then
grated." At one time the heads
of venomous serpents made into
a broth occupied an important
place among ' medicines- Even
today in the New England States
certain old "grannies" recom
mend a cobweb pill as a "sure
cure" for ague, while in the
South a certain knuckle-bone in
a pig's foot is considered a cure
for rheumatism it carried in the
pocket or suspended from a
string around the neck.
But, thank fortune! owing to
the excellence of our practition
ers of today superstition in med
icine is rapidly dying out. The
great masses accept the science
as a true one, and as it deals
with the life or death of the peo
ple, it is of too sacred a charac
ter to be treated lightly. A well
read physician occupies a unique
position in his community. He
is doctor, friend, confidant all in
one and in addition thereto he is
a banker jn health in a large
Football season will soon be
upon "us again and the same old
rooting, hooting and tooting will
again be in order that we may
demonstrate how far we have
risen from barbarism. How
many who are devoted to the
game have any knowledge of
its origin? The statement is
made that football was introduc
ed into England by the Romans.
It seems that the game in some
form is known the world over.
It is known to the Filipinos and
through the Polynesian Islands.
The Eskimos knew it, as did the
Maoris of New Zealand. And it
still holds the boards.
Needed Institution.
The State of Oregon is taking
steps 10 establish an institute for
feeble minded persons, a mover,
that has been made in most of
the states in the Union. There
aTe now 32 institutions for the
feehle-iiiiuded and epileptics sup
poited by the states, not to men
tion almost as many mo.e pri
vate schools and asylums.
Oregon has so fir niaie no
provision lor this class, but quite
a number of them are now caied
for in the asylum. This in not'
a desirable place for the feeble
minded, in fact, it is the very
worst "place imaginable for an
undeveloped child to go if im
provement is desired. The feeble-minded
child is not sick he
is undeveloped. What he needs
is school and training and it is
unjust to bring him in contact
with raving maniacs suffering
from brain die?se.
The feeble-minded arc especi-''-Iv
adapted to laim work and
many of them become Sv it-sustaining.
. The state is advertising
for bids for the sa!e of tracts of
land containing from-800 to icoo
acres for the location cf the in
stitution. The location must be
witnin ten raiies or nem on a
railroad or trolly line The last
Legislature appropriated $10,000
for the purchase of land for this
purpose but when the authorities
investigated the piattei the sum
was found inadequate. The
state will probably Durcha-e part
of the land and take option on
the remainder.
The feeble-minded are hated
and despised by all" and their
rights are disregarded Lv people
quite generally. -The institution
will aSord a --me for life for sqch
persons and l be a pTO'ection
to society as well, as it will stop
to a larse extent, the multiplica
tion of the class. "
Economy Fruit Jara at 'Zierolf s.
Plenty of Booze There.-
"Loggers and Indians added to
the gaiety of the situation in In
dependence Sunday. The b'g
Spaulding log diive was passing
Independence and the loggers
spent Snnday in town. Indians
from the camp at the Hmcbberg,
Groves and Rose yards came into
town and with access to booze,
logger and Indian society predom
inated. 'Mayer Paddock had ruled
that the law should be suspended
and intoxicating liquors dealt out
on Sunday.
"At one time during the after
noon the hilarity Was carried to
such an extreme, and conduct of
the Sunday visitors became so re
pugnant to people passing along
the street, especially to, ladies,
that members of the city council
took alarm and called in a body
on the mayor suggesting that he
execute the Sunday closing law.
The mayor, so the council re
ports, answered that he would
rather resign than have the law
entorced requiring the saloons to
"Marshall Taylor and Deputy
Tupper were, kept busy keeping
the city jail filled most of the day.
At one time they had nine con
fined in-the' narrow quarters of
the city jail." Westside Enter
prise. Woman's Trials.
The bitter trail in a woman's life Is to
be childless. Who can tell how hard the
struggle may have been ere she learnt to
resign herself to her lonely lot? The ab
sence of this link to bind marital life
together, the absence of this one pledge
to mutual affection is a common disap
pointment, lany unfortunate couples
become estranged thereby. Even if they
do not drift apart, one may read the whole
extent of their disappointment in the eyes
of such a childless couple when they rest
on the children of others. To them the
largest family doesnot seem too numerous.
'In many cases of barrenness or child
lessness the obstacle to child-bearing is
easily removed by the cure of weakness on
the part of the woman. Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription has been the means of
restoring health and f ruitf ulness to many
a barren woman, to the great joy of the
household. In other, but rare cases, the
obstruction to the bearing of children has
been found to- be of a surgical character,
but easily removable by painless operative
treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Sur
gical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., over which
Dr. Pierce of the "Favorite Prescription"
fame presides. In all cases where chil
dren are desired and are' absent, an effort
should be made to find out the real cause,
since it is generally so easily removed by
proper treatment.
In all the various weaknesses, displace
ments, prolapsus, inflammation and do-.
bilitating, catarrhal drains and in, all
cases of nervousness and debility, Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the most
efficient remedy that can possibly be used:
It has to its credit hundreds of thousands
of cures more in fact than any other,;
remedy put up for sale through druggists,'
especially for woman's use. The irigrodi-
ents of which the " Favorite Prescription 1
is composed have- received the mostS
positive endorsement from the leading
medical writers on -Matcrui Medica of all
the several schools of practice. .All the
ingredients are printed in plain English
on the wrapper enclosing the bottle, so,
that any woman making use of this
famous medicine may know exactly fvhat
she is taking. Dr Pierce takes his pa.
tients into his full confidence, which he
can afford to do as the formula after
which the "Favorite Prescription" ia
made will bear the most careful exam
ination. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are tLe
best and safest laxative for women.
O. A. C. - '
Cleaning and
Pressing Parlor.
Three 'oors north of Hotel Cor
valli?. Givn.ine a call.
P. H. SWABB, Prep.
Notics for PuDlisatiot?.
Department of the Interior,
Land vffieeat Roseburg Oregon,
Sept. 6th. I90f.
Notice is hereby given that William E. ttarc
est. of Fisher, Oregon, has filed notice of his in
tention to make final five-year proof in support
ei his claim, viz: Homestead Entry So. 13067
mad e sept. 15, 1903, tor tne sh yA 01 Sec 2,
and N 'A NK1 and SWiNE i. Sec 11. Town
ship is S, liange to V, and that said proof will
be made before thi County Clerk of Benton
County at his office at Corvallis.- .Oregon, on
November iQth, looo.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resideuce upon, and cultivation of
theland. viz: Sam A. fteits. frank M. Seits
Hax ry E. Earnest, and Martin I,. Earnest, all of
enrou, Oregon.
75 BENJAMIX L. E;SDY, Register.
Notice far Publication.
Department of tiie Interior;
Land Office at Koseburg Oregon,
Sept. 6th, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that Clinton B. Fleese,
of Vernon. Oregon, has filed notice of fiis inten
tion to make final five-year 'proof in support ot
nis ciaim. viz: aomesieaa tmry io. 9559 made
Sept 14. 1S99, far the NEJ, Section 19, Township
14 5-, Kange 9 w, ana ijiat saia proot will be
made before the County Clerk of Benton Coun
ty, Oregon at his office at Corva'.lis. Orjgoa, oh
;uv. JV"i, jyoo.
He names the following to prove his contin
uous residence upon, and cultivation of ihe
land, viz: Ezra Hammersle of Alsea. Oregon,
and Fritz Denzer ana Edward Ernest, of Ver.
tion. Oregon, and Elmer Taylor of Box, Oregiau.
T5 BEXjaiirN L. EDDY, Register.
She Found Relief.
If yon are troubled with liver' coni
pinint and hav ih received help read
tliis. Mrs. Mary E Hammond, Mood,
Texas. "I was in poor health with
liver trouble for over a year. . Doctors
did me no :ood and I trieo Herbine. a ..i
three bctties cored me. I can't say too
much for Herbine, as it is a wonderful
liver medicine. I always have it in the
ho'ice. . Publish where yoa wish." Sold
by Graham & WorthaaK .
. iderheimer Stein & Co.
Lynches of every description hot and cold. Fine bill
of fare always served. Everything neat and up-to-date.
Try our lunches and be convinced. CASCADIA WATER.
Soft Brinks, Cigars
and Tobaccos
We pay 4 on lime deposits, current
rates on savings accounts, receive deposits
subject to check, and do a general bank
ing business..
You can have tb advantages of a
strong bank at your very door by using
the mails.
Send us your deposits. Acknowledg
ment will be sent you by return mail.
Savings accounts received from one
dollar up.
Open an account wiu? us and note
how rapidly it will grow.
Rl L. DURHAM. Vice Preadenl
W. H. FEAR. Secretary
S C CATCH1NGS. Ami Seoeto,
Crust (fotnpmuj j
I 247WshLST. Portland. Ore..
Srurvlag t Death.
B? an-- lit-r riMiuach was so weakened
by iifl'-SM 1 ii ijj i n fcj thnt. she could not
eat, Mrs. Mary tl. alu rs of St. Clir
t?t., Col'.ml-ns. Ubio , nH literally
starving to t;ith. She wMtea: 'Mr
ttonm-'ii wsts oo .:k twli- drug
that i i-ould mi: ;ir, ht ruy ptvps to
vieckpl thi t 1 nni.i rot fcln-p ; and not
bef-;r" L u as tiv-i 1 to die wan 1 in
duced Jo iry ive t ii- !ii'ri8; with the
wnndrfnl r-s.ilr. tK-r. iuiprovcoent be
gan at onre, n-' n f . lete cure follow
ed.'' Best, tialfb rr-i.ic on earth. 50c.
Guaranteed bv Ai.t-n Woodward, drug
gists. 85S4f. SO YEARS
Copyrights &c
Anyone dendin;? a pketfh p.nd description na;
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether en
invention is probably p.iieotabie. Communica
tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest nttency for securing patents.
Patents taken through "Nunn & Co. receive
tpecioi notice, wtUiout charge, in the
- Scientific Jftnericatu
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Iareest cir
culation of any reiert-Go journal. Terms. t3 a
year: four raontus. Sold bjall newsdealers.
Hew York
The Gazette
for Job Work
"HE reason for trie
tremendous popu
larity of our new 1906
clothing foryoung men
lies in the perfect all
around satisfaction
which it gives. In try
ing it on you will notice
the splendid fit about
t h e shoulders, the
graceful - hang of the,
garment, the soft yet
firm materials special-,
ly selected for style and
service. You'll be en
thusiastic about the
price, to'o, which is
positively a full third
under the best you can
do in merchant tailor
ed clothing; long dou
ble and single breast
ed styles, excellent
$15 to $25
A Wise
I The Gazette
is tSis only office in
v CawaWs 3aat can'
dsisver the g&o&s.
f We Can Show You
If It's a Reputation.
You ara at'rer. While's Cream Vprmi
ftie bus a world wid reputariou aw the
bfr. of all worm destroyers, and for its
toni.f influence on weak and unthrifty
L?1J T ... . .
ennaren n improves their digestion,
aids aesimilarion of their food, strength
ens their ntrvous system and restores
them to health and vigor Natural to a
child. If you want a healthy, happy
child get a bottle of White's Cream Ver
mifuge. Sold by Graham & Wortham.
"To Cure a Felon."
Kan.. '
Arm. a"
Sam Kendall, of Phillipburs!,
ju-t cover it over with Bi-.i kl j s
tnuc iu,d li e halve win d the
Quick tt-i cui lor Burns, Boils,
SorrP, Scalds
Uouudd, Piles, Eczema,
a!t Kliuum,
napped Hands, Sore Feet
ami Sore Eyes, uhly
Woodward, druggists.
2ac at Allen &
General Robert E. Lee.
Was the greatest General the world
has ever known. Ballaid's Snow Lini
ment is the KieateBt Liniment. Quickly
cures all pains. It is within the reach of
all. T. H. Poikier, Hempstead, Texas,
writes: This is to certify that Bal
lard's Snow Liniment has been used in
my household lor years and has been
f-miid to tie an excellent Liniment for
Rheumatic pains. 1 am never without
u." Sold by Graham & Worthana.
Weil Worth Trying.
W. H. Brown, the popular pension
'.ttorney, of Puttiield, Vt., says: "Next
a pension .the best thinn to get is Dr,
Kings New Life Pills.' He writes,
"i hey keep my family in splendid
I ealth.' Quick cure lor Headache,
Constipation and Biliousness. 25c.
Guaranteed at Alien A Woodward's drug
:ops ttko congl and beals lungs
;- v . :...''
Fifteen words or lees, 25 cts for three
successive .insertions, or 50 cts per
month; for all tip to and including ten
additional words, centra word for each
insertion. ,
For all advertisements over 25 words,
I ct per word for the first insertion, and
ct per Word for each additional inser
tion. Nothins; inserted for less than 25
cena. "'
Lodge, society and church notices,
other than strictly news matter, will be
charged for.
quire of George Campbell, Corvallie.
Phone 466.
both sexes for sale. J. H. Ed
wards, Monroe, Or. 77-85
Oregon, on instalment plan and as
sist purchasers to build hoiiies on them
if desired. Address First National
Bank, Corvallis, Or.
Or., for spot cash, balance instal
ments, and help parties to build homes
thereon, it desired. Address M. S.
Woodcock, Corvadis, Or.
Veterinary Surgeon
8argeon and dentist. Residence 1220
Fourth street. Phone 389. Otlice
1011 Main stieet, phone 204. Give
him a call.
and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
i p. m . Residence : cor. 5th and Ad
ams Sta. Telephone at office and res
idence. Corvallis, Oregon.
House Decorating.
W. E. Paul, Ind. 488. Utf
meats; curbing made to order; clean
ing and reparing done neatly : save
agent's commission. Shop North
Main St., Frank Vanhoosen, Prop, o2tt 1
OtHce np stairs in Zierolf Building,
Only Bet of abstracts in Benton County
Vitice in Post Office Building, Coryal
.ih, Oregon.
GazuttE and Weekly Oregonian at
$2.55per year.
fit in good condition. State size, price,
and particulars. Wiiliam R. Wakefield,
Waldport, Oregon. 77tf
oats and wheat; will ship trom nearest
R. R. elation. Sacks furnished; those
not used returned free. I handle
every kind of larm seed that will
grow. Gt others' prices, then
mine. Yours icr business, L.
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business. Loans
money on ar proved security. Drafts
boughc and told and money tianMerred
to the principal cities ot the United
States, Europe and foreign countries.
Reduced Rates.
. Offered for the East by the S. P.
Company. Corvallis to Chicago and re
turn, $73.95; St. Louie, $09.95 ; Milwau
kee, $72.15; St, Paul and Minneapolis,
$62.45; Sioux .City, Council Bluffs,
Omaha, St, Joseph, Atchixson, Leaven
worth and Kansas City, $62.45.
Sale dates: June 4, G, 7, 23 and 25;
July 2 and 3; August 7, 8 and 9; Sep
tember 8 and 10.
Limit' going, lo days; return limit,
9o days, but not after October 31. 42tf
The Breath of Liie.
Its a sienficant fact that the
animal of its Bize, the gorilla,
also has
the largest lungs. Powerful lungs meanffy
powerful creatures. How to keep the
breathing organs right should be man's
chiefest study. Like thousands of others
Mrs. O. A. Stephens, of Port Williams,
Ohio, hfls learnpd hnw. In Hr thin Rhu
uritra- "TViroo Mflfla rt TV Finoo
New Discovery stopped my cough of two-
years and cured, me of what my friends
thought was consumption. O, it's errand
for throat and lung troubles." Guatr
anteed by Allen & vVoodwsrd drnertriae.a
Price 50c and $1.00. ' Trial bottle tie.